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11x02 - In the Name of the Father

Posted: 12/12/20 10:22
by bunniefuu
Come on.

You know that's cheating.

Excuse me.

That's how you play the game.

Technically, but the point of the game is to come up with challenging words.

No, the point of the game is to win, and I did.


Okay, rematch.

That was your rematch.

- Best of five?


You're a sore loser.

- No, you're a chicken.

- What?

Not happy to see me?

I'm always happy to see you.

He hates why we're seeing you.

Patrol sergeant on the scene is always bad news.

Well, welcome to - .

What do we got?

Victim's name is Reggie Williams.

Shot right in the head.

Execution style?


He was scheduled to testify against John Marconi this week, drug lord who rules these parts.

That's about the sixth witness who's been m*rder*d this year alone.

I don't know what these politicians were thinking when they changed the law.

Anybody with half a brain knows you never let the bad guy know who's testifying against them.

Well, technically, the prosecutors are required to inform the defense attorneys, not the bad guys.

Yeah, well, unfortunately, defense attorneys don't always keep privileged information privileged.

And this time he paid the price.


No, he has to come today.

- Mommy.


- Sorry.

Just checking.

- One second.


- Mommy.

Sorry, you said you wanted

- the egg salad?

- Baby, wait, okay?

- You wanted the egg salad sandwich?

- Mommy.

- No, no, no, the turkey club, please.

- Mommy.

- The turkey club.

Got it.

- Mommy.

- No, tomorrow will not work.

- Mommy.

Baby, wait five minutes, okay?

And you want ketchup, and mayo on there?

Is that okay?

- WOMAN: No.

No ketchup, no mayo.

- No ketchup, no mayo.

- WOMAN: No ketchup, no mayo.

- And you wanted the...

WOMAN: No, tomorrow is not gonna work!


I'm sorry.

Hold on.


You wanted the large side of fries, correct?

WOMAN: No, small, please.

Small fries.

- CLERK: Sorry.

- It's okay.

- And do you want mayo instead?

- No, no may...

- No, no mayo.

- No ketchup, no mayo.

Got it.

Okay, well, he has to come.

Please don't put me on hold.



Is there anything else I can get for you?


Um, uh...

CLERK: Pack of gum?

Apple juice?

No, lemonade, please.



Now, is there anything else I can get for you?

- Jenny, where are you?







What are you doing?

Don't pause it now.

He's an off-duty cop.

Now watch this.

You recognize him, boss?

I'm not sure.

He's that kid from Firearms that you had me look into.

Oh, yeah.

(LAUGHING): You sure can pick 'em.

I mean, what are the odds?

What's his name?

I'm not sure.

Detective Joe Hill.

No, his name is Hero Cop Joe Hill.

He's gonna be the new poster boy for the NYPD.

A hero will rise.

Couldn't come at a better time.

I'm gonna roll this out like a big new action movie starring Tom Cruise, and he's our Tom Cruise.

I'm not so sure about that.

Then it's a good thing it's me and not you who's the deputy commissioner of public information.

His record is squeaky clean, he checks all the boxes.

There's literally zero downside to making this kid the face of the NYPD.

Unless you count the black eye and the missing teeth that end up being drawn on every poster in every precinct.

Small price to pay for the best PR this department's had in a long time.

Depends on the one who's paying it.

Need to prep him for his : .

We can pick this up later.


I'll think about it.

I think you need to talk to your grandson.

I know that.

Because if what they want to make happen happens, the whole world is gonna know it.

I know that, too.

Where is she?

- I said, where is she?

- Oh, um, I...


She's busy.

Not for me, she's not.

Stay the hell out of this, Abetmarcus.

- It's "Abetemarco." - Whatever.

It's okay, Anthony.

You wanted to see me?

How could you?

Well, you'd be surprised on how easy it was, actually.

You know when you prosecute a case but you walk away with mixed feelings?

- Mm.

- Yeah, none of that.

Not even a little.

You betrayed this office and everyone in it.

All lies.

Another overreaching prosecutor.

All true.

Another corrupt politician.

Oh, you miscalculated.

You showed your hand way too early.

This isn't even halftime.

Actually, it's game over.


Sir, you're under arrest.

Put your hands behind your back.

You think this is over?

This is not over.

You think this is over?!

WOMAN: I begged him not to testify. I told him how dangerous Marconi was.

We know how hard this is for you.

How did they find out my Reggie was gonna take a stand against Marconi?

- There's a new law.

- A stupid new law.

BAEZ: It says the prosecution has to tell the defense the names of those testifying against.

We think Marconi's lawyer gave your husband's name up.

(VOICE BREAKING): We had a fight last night.

And this morning, I could feel him standing behind me while I was at the sink.

He was trying to say goodbye.


Trying to make up.

I pretended I didn't even know he was there.

Listen to me.

Where he is now, he knows exactly how much you love him.

I can be so small sometimes, so petty, but not Reggie.


He was so much bigger than me in every way.

Stand in the face of danger and still do the right thing...

That's more than big.

That's huge.

Your dad was a hero, you know.

Then why is he dead?

Because God needed Daddy's help up in heaven.

But I need him here.

I know you do.

I do, too.

Then make him come back.


Um, you know...

I think your daddy is here with all of us right now.

In fact, I think I can see him.

You know where?

Right there inside your heart.

Can you feel him?

I want you to tell your dad something for us, okay?

Would you do that?

I want you to tell your dad that we're gonna find the people who did this, and they're gonna pay.

And that's a promise.

- Okay?

- Okay.

This isn't even halftime.

- Actually, it's game over.

- Actually, it's game over.

Oh, will you knock it off?


Oh, please.

You love it.

Probably practiced that line in front of the mirror for a week.

- Actually...

- Uh.

Where'd you get that, anyway?

Horowitz in Sex Crimes, uh, filmed the whole thing on his phone.

He texted it to me.

I forwarded to you.

Uh, no, that's okay.

Yeah, right.

Like you're not gonna watch it on a loop all night.

- Uh, no, I won't.

- Yeah, well, one day, you can play it for your grandkids and show them what a tough broad you were back in the day.

Well, hopefully "tough broad" will be stricken from the lexicon by then.

And if it's not, you can make it so.

As the new Manhattan district attorney.

I am not the new district attorney.

- Yet.

- No.




What, jinx it?

Come on, Erin.

You're a slam dunk.

Excuse me.

Please stop!

Ex-Excuse me!

We just need to speak to him for a second.

Afternoon, Counselor.


Raby, I tried to stop them.

- Them who?

- Detective Reagan and Baez.


Not a pleasure.

Please go.

No can do.

You got a court order, or is this just straight-up harassment?

No, actually.

We just have a problem.

Don't we all?

Get security.

There is no need for any of that.

We just have a few questions.

Starting with this one.

Is that your family there in that picture, Mr. Rabys?

'Cause, see, that's the crux of our problem.

You get to go home to your children tonight, but Reggie Williams doesn't get to go home to his daughter.

Last warning.

You need to leave now.

Your client, John Marconi, shot a man dead.

Execution style.

- I don't know anything about that.

- Yeah, you do.

You gave the name of a witness testifying against Marconi, and now that witness is dead, and his daughter no longer has a father.

What the hell is going on here?

Please get them out of here, Mr.


Nice and easy there, Goggins.

We're all good.

I'm retired NYPD.

Then what the hell you doing working for this clown?

I'm head of security for Barnes, Raby, Associates, yes.

And this is their private property, so, how about we call it a day, Detective?

Look, I learned a long time ago never make a promise to a victim's family 'cause you never know if you can keep it.

And I maybe shouldn't have promised anything to this little girl, but you can be damn sure I'm gonna keep my word to her.

He's here.


Let's have him.

Now, you don't have to do any of that stuff.

Just take a load off.




How you doing, Joe?

Just another day at the office.

Some people go to the gym, and complain about being sore all day.

Others go to get sore.

I'm not a masochist if that's what you're saying.

You're uncommon.

That's all I'm saying.

Anyone would have done what I did.

You know a lot of guys who'd jump in front of a speeding van, do you?

Believe me, if I'd had a half second to think about it, I probably would have chickened out.

You know, there is absolutely nothing in your file that would support that claim.

It happened.

I reacted.

Nothing more than that.


Is that what young people call humblebragging?

I know my truth, sir.



To business.

Some people in my office want you to become the poster boy for the NYPD.

Which would come with what?

Well, think of, uh, Tom Cruise the month before one of his big movies comes out.

His face is everywhere.

He has to tell the same story over and over again and make it sound like it's the first time he ever said it.

- Hmm.

- Stuff like that.

But he gets to be Tom Cruise.

So you're interested.


The NYPD's Top g*n?



Something else it might come with...

The truth may come out.

That you're my grandfather.

That I'm your grandfather.

And you're related by blood to generations of NYPD.

In those blockbuster franchises,

- they call that your origin story.

- Hmm.

What it is in your past that determines your destiny.


Not something you can take back.

Why would I want to?


- She in there?

- Uh, I'm sorry.


No, she's not in there?

Well, she is, but she's busy.

Well, I'm her brother, and I'm sure she's gonna want to see me.

I'm so sorry, but she told me absolutely nobody.

Well, I'm not nobody, so...

Look, you're right.

And honestly, you're totally scary, so I want to do what you say, but she's totally scary, too.

And maybe it's a family thing.

I don't know.

I'm not judging.

Uh, all I know is, right now I literally have no idea what to do, so...


You lost weight.

And you grew some hair.


I, uh, came for a warrant.

She's busy.

Now I don't feel so bad.

I got the Heisman myself earlier today.

Guess we're gonna have to get used to her being the top dog, huh?

No more rubber stamp for the great Detective Danny Reagan.

Well, technically, I do have an in with my baby sis.

Family Sunday dinner.

Every week.


So you can wait five days.


Cowboys, Giants?


I got a guy if you're interested.

Why don't we bring you upstairs, see if we can't cut through some of that red tape for you.

Yeah, there you go.

Hell, this could even be the start of a beautiful new friendship.

Nah, I don't think so.


The mother.

Uh, Detective Reagan and Baez.

Is this the residence of John Marconi?

- I got it, Ma.

- Well...

Take your tea.

Help you?


You can take a few steps out of our way.

Search warrant.


All right, let's go.

We're looking in, under and behind everything.

Move out.


Why don't you check Ma's room.

You're wasting your time.

Keep your mouth shut and watch the game.


Think you're cute?

That piece of paper don't make this your house, Detective.

I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do in my home.

That is, unless I think you're interfering with a police investigation.

Are you about finished?

I got my masseuse coming in ten.

We'll see how funny it is when I slap years on you.

Nobody's got the stones to testify against me.

You know it and I know it.

We'll see.

All right.

All right.

We're done.

Let's move.

You hear that?

Hear what?

Fat lady singing.

BAEZ: He's right, you know.

There's no way anyone's gonna say one word against him.


He's got this whole place on lockdown.

Got about a dozen kids up there horsing around at this time of night.

That's what happens around here.

Hard to enforce bedtime when the parents are out partying.

It's like a random Tuesday night, and they're in there having a block party.

What's with Little Lord Fauntleroy?

JAMIE: That's Marconi's kid.

Honor roll at Parker Mac Prep.

- Is he part of the family business?

- No.

He's supposed to take the whole thing legit one day.

What's his name?


The future.

Well, maybe the future holds the key to our salvation, then.

What do you got in mind?

When's the last time your cops made some good overtime?



Close the door.

I'm hiding.


The Think Police.

- It's Thought Police.

- What?

Orwell's . It's Thought Police, not Think Police.

Okay, well, the governor's people are in my office, giving my entire life a colonoscopy, and I need a break.

It's a waste of time.

It's not like they're not gonna pick you.

Apparently, there's someone else in the mix.

Get out of here.


You don't know anything about him?

Just that whoever it is, a little birdie told me that they came out squeaky-clean.

Eh, probably just a formality to demonstrate they considered other candidates.

Doesn't feel like a formality.

You got nothing to worry about.

Even if this guy is Mr.

Clean, you're still Miss Goody Two-shoes.

- I am not.

- Oh, that's right.

There was that time you went jaywalking.

In my day, I was the wild one.

A rebel, even.


I am not Miss Goody Two-shoes.

No, but you're Miss Future Acting District Attorney, so they have to vet you.

It's no biggie.

Okay, you're not listening, so could you just leave?

Yeah, well, there's one problem.

This is my office.



Sorry to interrupt, but you have a visitor.


What, we taking walk-ins now?

I got a call from downstairs.

You need to take this meeting.

I do?

It's Paula Hill.




I'm sorry for showing up like this.

I'm sure I'm breaking all sorts of protocols.

You're family.

Family gets a pass on protocol.

Yeah, I'm not family.

(CHUCKLES): Well, you're the mother of my grandson.

They may not have a section for that in the greeting card aisle, but...

We're not your family.


Yes, my son may be related to you by blood, but I'm...

Okay, I stand corrected.

I'm sorry.

It's why I'm here.

To correct me?

I want him to stay Joe Hill.

- He is Joe Hill.

- Not if it gets out who his father is.

Who his real family is.

You are his real family.

Yeah, I always thought so.

But things have changed.

He's a hero cop being paraded around.

As Detective Joe Hill.

Look, I-I...

I don't understand what you're getting at here.

Are you gonna claim him as one of yours?

Oh, Paula.

That's just not who we are.

Well, he's all I have.

And he's a Hill of the Warwick, Rhode Island Hills, and that is important to us.

Well, of course it is.

I would never.

We would never.

And this is a conversation between you and your son, not you and me.

Yeah, it is.

If you tell him to keep it a secret, he will.

But it's all up to him.

Please don't deny me again.

I can't deny you something that was never in my power to withhold in the first place.

You could talk to him.


And say what?

Uh, "forget you ever met us"?

Whatever it takes.


Okay, I'll talk to him.

On one condition.

That it's after dinner at our place this Sunday...

and you are there.

♪ Hey.

Reagan here.

How you doing, Jamie?

It's Baez.

I'm doing well, Detective.

How about yourself?

Oh, you know, another day, another collar.

Copy that.

You heard from your brother today?

No, I thought he was with you.

DANNY: Relax.

I'm here.

BAEZ: About time.

DANNY: You want to trade places with me?

BAEZ: Uh, absolutely not.

DANNY: Then quit your carping.

JANKO: Hey, guys.

How you all doing?

My hamstrings are k*lling me.

My back's k*lling me.

Well, I have to go to the bathroom.

Well, Jamko and I are super ready, and super psyched to go.

Well, goody.

Is anyone else super-duper ready to go?

- Copy.

- How about you, baby brother?





Go, go, go, go.

(WHISPERS): Let's go.

- DANNY: Police!

Drop your weapons!

- JANKO: Police!


BAEZ: Police!


MAN: Hey, man, get off me.

You got nothing on me, okay?


I didn't do nothing.

Somebody call my lawyer.

Hey, keep your hands off me.


Can you believe this?

It was good work.

You're really enjoying this, aren't you?

Aren't you?

I mean, look around, there's, like, every single one of Marconi's soldiers in here.

- We did shut him down.

- I'm telling you, this is a crazy cool plan your partner cooked up.

Yeah, well, whatever you do, do not tell him that.

Where's Danny, anyway?

Well, he's-he's your partner.

He's your brother.

♪ I come bearing gifts.

Coffee and doughnuts.

I'm gonna call you right back.

And you better have the answer I want to hear.

Tough day at the office there, John?

Just say what you're gonna say and then step off.

Well, I... think you got a lot more time on your hands than you think.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means they're not coming back.

Your little foot soldiers, they're in jail.

You think your trumped-up bullcrap charges are gonna stick?

- Please.

- Hmm, they'll stick for a few days.

And then I'll just trump up some more.

And you don't think I can get more soldiers?

You don't think I can get more cops?

I can do this every day if I have to.

I'm not sure you could say the same.


Big ears.

Get going to school.

Yes, sir.



I don't get that out of my kids.

Have a good day.

I love you.

He seems like a good kid.

Fine young man.

His ears really aren't that big, though.

You got cuffs for me, or what?

Not yet.

Then get the hell out.


Enjoy your doughnuts.

She's still busy.

This is the third time today you stopped me.

Are they still grilling her in there?

All I know is, she's busy.

And I know she needs a break.


Uh, I'm sorry, I thought you were still in here with the governor's people.

They left.

My bad.

I should've listened to the kid.


Maybe next time you'll at least knock before barging in.

I'm kidding.

Oh, my God, you should have seen the two of you.


Sorry, guys, I have a twisted sense of humor.

Anthony, I'd like you to meet Kimberly Crawford.

Um, a college friend of mine from Atlanta.

Well, nice to meet you.

Well, not really.


Uh, I'm gonna get out of your hair.

I... just wanted to see how that thing went.

All good.

Talk later.

Hey, what's up?

I got your text.

- You mind closing the door?

- Oh.

Nothing but ears and eyeballs out there.

Did we get a big case or something?

No, it's personal.

It's about your friend.

Your college friend?



What, um...

what about her?

She single?

You're kidding me, right?


I like a woman who busts chops.

Besides, she's great looking.

Yeah, and, uh, smart as a whip.

She's the whole package.

So, what, I'm not good enough for her?

Is that it?

- No, that's not...

- Then what, she's married?


I mean, maybe.

I-I don't...

I don't know.

You don't know?

I mean, you've been pals since college?

I don't know, uh...

It's, uh...


she was valedictorian of her class at Howard.

You know, all this time I didn't know you went to a historically Black university.

You do remember that I am a detective, right?


She's not my friend from college.

No, she's the acting D.A. in Atlanta.

And as far as I can tell, we don't have any extradition cases with the great state of Georgia.

Which begs the question, what the hell is she doing up here?

She is the other candidate that the governor is considering.

I figured as much.

But what I can't figure out is why you are breaking bread with the competition.

It wasn't my idea.

She just showed up unannounced.

Thought it was a good idea that we got to know each other.

You know, in that "may the best woman win" sort of way.



What was your takeaway?

I hate her.

Incompetent empty suit?

Brilliant force to be reckoned with.


- Oh.

Oh, you see that?

I did.

Looked like a failure to signal a lane change.

Yep, that's a two-point violation.

- Like me to do the honors, boss?

- Please.



License and registration, please.

MAN: Yes.

Sorry, Officer.

Uh, did I do something wrong?

I don't think I did anything.


The hell kind of name is that?

- I don't know.

- You don't know?

- Who would know?

- My dad.


I guess.

- I guess he would.

- Yeah.

Can I just get my ticket and go?

Oh, I thought you didn't do anything wrong.

Well, I-I didn't.

- You just asked for a ticket.

- No, I didn't ask for a ticket.

No, you asked for a ticket.

I-I didn't mean it like that.

I-I guess I, um...

Sorry, that was a weird thing to say.


You okay there, Futuro?

You seem a little nervous.

- You're getting squirrelly.

- No, I'm not...

I'm not nervous, I just...

You're that cop who was in my living room.



I smell something.

Do you smell something?


What smell?

I don't smell nothing.

- You don't smell nothing?

- Mm-mm.

You go to Parker Mac Prep, correct?

So you should know it's, "I don't smell anything." That's a, uh...

- Double negative.

- Double negative, right?


I don't smell anything.

Thank you.

Well, I do.

So if you don't mind, my partner's gonna take a look inside the car, okay?


Thank you.

Well, yes, thank you.

Probable cause.

DANNY: And I'll see your registration now, please.

You know, the God's honest truth is, I kind of feel badly for you.

You spend all those years keeping your son away from your illegal drug business, and the one time he has to help out in an emergency, the cops just happen to be there to scoop him up.

I mean, what are the odds, huh?

The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.

It's an ' s song.


You don't like the ' s?

- What do you want?

- What do I want?

Well, I want you to confess to the m*rder of Reggie Williams.

That's what I want.



Well, then, I guess we're gonna find out exactly how well you raised your son over there.

I mean, I'm sure you raised him to be hard enough for Parker Mac Academy.

But did you raise him hard enough, for Rikers Island, I wonder?

All right, I do this and you cut him loose?

Do this and I'll make sure he's tucked in tonight myself.


What's that?



You hear that, kid?

We got a deal.

You get him home now.

He needs his sleep.

Hey, whatever you say.

- Yo, what the hell...

- Hey, hey!

Ooh, sit down.

What's your problem?

That's my mother you got in cuffs right there.

Tha-That's your mom?



Looks like we're having a family reunion here.

What do you know?

What the hell are you trying to pull here, Detective?


I'm not the one that put your mom on the Amtrak, fully loaded with product.

You did that.

Just like you did with Futuro.

Uh, she's got to be in this deal, too, all right?

I cop to whacking that dude, then Mom and Futuro walk.

No, no, no, no.

The deal was for him, not for her.

You want a deal for your mom, you're gonna have to give me something else.

But I don't got nothing else.

Well, then it's gonna be a hell of a long ride down to Rikers for you and Mommy.

All set, sir.


As you were.

I always use this place when, uh...

there's a need for privacy.

Sit down.


What's the problem?

Well, it started with my C.O.

giving me the two days off to do the interviews and take photos, and he started calling it "Kardashian duty." - (CHUCKLES)

- Going around, not really doing anything, just...

being famous.

Your C.O.

always a ballbuster?

He's right, though.

That's all I'm doing, just basking in the spotlight.

And that's not you?


Never was.

Even birthday parties...

I don't like 'em.

Feels like all the attention is on me just for being me.


that attention came to you for a very good reason.

A selfless action.

It's not selfless when you're retelling the story for the th time.

Then it's just bragging.

And it's not even humblebragging, no matter how hard you spin it.

My DCPI thinks it's very good for the department.

He's right.



respectfully, can I go back to the work you're paying me for?


What's the other reason?

What other reason?

Well, one more day of stroking can't be all that painful.

I heard you still had chops.

I do.

Couple reporters started digging around in my background...


asking questions like they were, you know...

Being real reporters.

Family background, any relatives NYPD.

And you want to keep that to yourself.

Yes, sir.

I understand.

Please don't take this the wrong way.

I couldn't possibly.

Your dad, when he was going into the academy, wanted to go in as Joe Conor.

Conor was his middle name, on his mother's side.


His dad was the PC.

His grandad had been the PC.

I think he felt, as a cop, that...

he would either be standing in our shadows or in the spotlight.

But he was Detective Joe Reagan.


He, uh...

finally came around to deciding he'd rather face the music.

- (BEEP)

- Baker?

That's what your dad decided.

You do not have to make the same decision.


Get back out on the street, Detective Hill.

Yes, sir.

Thank you.


♪ ♪ MARCONI: Look, I'm in a bad way, and I need your help.

All right?

They got me jammed up good.

I ain't going down on my own.

I'm telling you that.

Are you threatening me?


I'm just being straight with you.

We both got a lot of dirt on us.

Hang on a second.

Goggins, search him for a wire.

Oh, come on.

You can't be serious.

He's clean.

All right, now, you listen to me good.

You tell them whatever you want about what we did together, 'cause I will deny every last thing.

And who do you think they're gonna believe, drug kingpin or respected lawyer?

I paid you for those witness lists.

You gave me every one of those names, addresses.

You're in this as much as me.


You paid me.

In cash, moron.

Why do you think that is?

So there is absolutely no trace of it.

So while you're counting away the years in prison, I will be counting my money.

That used to be your money.

Now who's the gangster?

The hell you smiling about?


Get him the hell out of here.

I can't do that, sir.

And why the hell not?

Because Goggins is the one wearing the wire.


Once a cop, always a cop.

Stand up.

You're under arrest.

I'll see you at Rikers...



Told you I'd keep my promise.

You have the right to remain silent.


What, are you moving in here?

Yes, Anthony.

I thought it was time we take our relationship to a new level.

You look like hell.

And you're sweeping me off my feet again.

Is there a reason you're hiding out in here?

I'm a good person, right, Anthony?

For the most part.

I mean, I...

try to do the right thing.

I treat people with respect.

I'm fair.



When am I not fair?

When you cheat at, uh, cards, chess, Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders,

- Jenga...

- Okay, just because I win doesn't mean I cheat.

Okay, fine.

For the record, you're a wonderful human being.

Thank you.

Then how come I can't find it in my heart to be happy for her, when I know I should?

Oh, no.

The governor called.

He will be announcing Kimberly Crawford as the next D.A. Monday morning.

Oh, Erin, I'm so sorry.

♪ Every Sunday?

Come hell or high water.

Like, literally every single Sunday?

Every single solitary Sunday.

Of our entire lives.

You guys have never canceled family dinner?


Not once.

Never will.

Not gonna happen.

What if one of you gets sick?

If it's just a cold, you wash your hands and take a seat.

How do you know this?

You think I didn't ask all these same questions

- my first time here?


JANKO: Something else you should know...

Attendance is mandatory.

Yeah, unless you're bleeding, your butt better be in that seat.


Busted-up nose.

-degree fever.

DANNY: Which you like to pretend to have every now and again so he doesn't have to go to school.


Unless it's more serious, like when Grandpa had a heart attack.

JAMIE: In that case, family dinner comes to you.

You all just crowded into his hospital room?

No, we commandeered the commissary.

We had a big bird and all the fixings.

It was great.

I wheeled up.


- ERIN: Yeah.

And no matter what day of the week your birthday falls on, your birthday dinner is...

- here on Sunday.

- Mm-hmm.


My wedding reception.

Our rehearsal dinner.

All right.

Anything else I should know?

No phones at the table.


No texts, no calls.


That's a rule.

Except when it's not.

Excuse me.

PAULA: Wow, no phones.

That's so...

last century.

Well, we also churn our own butter,

- which is, what, two centuries?


I don't know what's what with you people.

That's kind of the point.

It keeps you on your toes.

(CHUCKLES): Seems exhausting.

No, it's-it's invigorating, actually.

Keeps me young.

Keeps them on...

the straight and narrow.

And him, too.


Everything okay?

Apparently, someone got to someone in the Suffolk County offices about a certain birth certificate.

It'll be on the websites tonight.

They know who you are.

The secret is out.