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05x01 - Resort + Desi + Riley + Window Cleaner + Witness

Posted: 12/06/20 10:33
by bunniefuu
- This is Codex.

- Previously on MacGyver...

A millenarianist doomsday international t*rror1st organization...

This threat is real.

What do you say?

Breakfast with your dear old aunt?

DESI: Why do you refuse to see what is happening?

You're compromised.

You are off this mission!

Dad, you used to always say that the only real failure is never having tried at all.

I'm gonna try something.

But it means risking everything.

Everyone I love.

(alarm blaring)

♪ ♪ I'm sorry.

Angus MacGyver is now officially an enemy of the state.

- Riles?

- Get in!

- You know you don't have to do this, right?

- What?

And miss all the fun?

Well, well, well.

The fam's all here.

Codex has a nuke!

TAYLOR: Welcome back to the Phoenix.

RILEY: (chuckles)


(Moroccan music playing)

♪ ♪ (exhales)


I'm sorry, mate.

Come on, man, watch it, boomer.

What did you say?

Save it.

It shouldn't have worked that fast.

Yes, well, I may have given him something as a precaution.

- Oh, are you...?

Russ, I had it.

- Better safe than sorry.

Just help me with his legs.

Wouldn't have to help you if you'd just let me handle it.

(man speaking foreign language nearby)

Get behind this thing.

I'm gonna figure something out.

MacGYVER: Pressure is defined as force exerted per unit area.

And much like the pressure someone might feel from, say, an egotistical British boss, steam creates pressure when trapped inside a glass bottle.

Given enough heat and time, the internal pressure created by the steam becomes stronger than the strength of the glass and it explodes.

(cries out)

Roll him over.

I think our first mission back's going rather well, don't you?

Agree to disagree.

♪ ♪


TAYLOR: Finally.

He's up.

Well, would have been up hours ago if someone hadn't double-dosed him.


No fighting in front of the hostage.

Where am I?

Who are you?

MacGYVER: It doesn't matter who we are.

We just need you to make a phone call.

We need you to check us into the Zurich Grand.

We hear it's a good place to lay low for a while, get fixed up.

The cops won't touch it.

TAYLOR: The problem is, they only take guests by referral.


And I'm thinking, a personal recommendation from a grade A screwup like yourself would be just the ticket, hmm?

You obviously don't know who my father is, or else you would not be talking to me like that.

We know who your father is.

We also know that you've been keeping secrets from him.

I think Vincent Senior will be very interested to hear that his son had been using the Grand to embezzle money from him.

Ten million dollars, to be exact.

All right, what names are we using?

Well, actually, we aren't the guests.



Oh, come on.

Good God.

Your phone's broken.

(horns honking)

(tires squealing)


Get the door!

(bell dinging)

(Riley groaning loudly)

Checking in, I presume?

Reservation for Diaz and Henderson.

(Riley groaning)

(Riley panting)

Vincent Brulé made it for us.

Ah, Vincent.

Yes, of course.

Friends of Vincent's are friends of the Zurich Grand.

VINCENT: The Zurich Grand isn't easy to penetrate.

First you'll meet my friend Egor at the front desk.

He's the gatekeeper.

He's chill.

If you play by the rules.

And there you are.

Would you like us to send up dinner to your room?

VINCENT: The hotel's ancient.

Goes back about a hundred years or so, so everything has a code.

"Dinner" means first aid.

We'll take dinner in our room.


Should there be anything further, the spa is open hours.

"Spa" is a hospital.

Now, for a little housekeeping.

VINCENT: "Housekeeping" is code for security.

No g*ns, no cell phones, tablets or electronics of any kind.

See, the Zurich Grand has a long-standing tradition of being a peaceful establishment.

Welcome to the Zurich Grand.

(elevator bell dings)

Good workout?




How's the new place?

Oh, it's good.


I'm all settled.

(indistinct chatter)

Oh, great, you're here.

I made you two a reservation.

DESI: Uh, a reservation?

Didn't turn out so well last time we had dinner together.

I got stuffed in a trunk.

- Your apartment got destroyed.

- Oh, and then

- I got dumped.

Remember that?

- It's not dinner.

It's a weekend at the Zurich Grand Resort and Spa.

RILEY: You're sending us on a spa retreat?


You don't like spas?

R & R was never my thing.

MATTY: It's not a vacation.

The Zurich Grand is where the criminal underworld of Europe hide out.

You two will be going undercover to extract Paula Matos.

Paula's a money manager for arms dealer Gustavo Salazar.

The Butcher of Brazil?

Unfortunately, a well-earned nickname, given the trail of bodies left in Salazar's wake.

- And what about this Paula Matos?

- MATTY: Paula Is a money manager for one of Salazar's legitimate businesses.

Last year, he pulled her over to the criminal side of his empire, and threatened to k*ll her son if she talked.

A few weeks ago, Paula sent her son into hiding, and she went off the grid.

Our sources tracked her to the Zurich Grand.

Why would Paula run to a gangster hideout if she's fleeing one?

Because all guests of the Zurich Grand are guaranteed safety and anonymity while they get a whole new identity, bank accounts, a fresh start.

And those new I.D.s are impossible to track because of the resort's rock-solid cybersecurity.

And thanks to Mac and Taylor's new friend Vincent, you two will be checking in to the Zurich Grand as a criminal team specializing in high-risk tech heists.

I'm counting on you two to get in and get Paula out of there before she disappears forever.

Just us?

Just you.

I need a technician and an exfil specialist.

Small team, low profile, undercover.

- Just us.

- Just us.

We got this.

We got this.

Good luck.


BOZER: Y'all got this.

Okay, now.

Uh, is something going on with those two?

When Mac went after Codex, Riley and Desi were on opposite sides of that op.

Mac and Taylor were, too.

I mean, you saw it play out between them.

A trust was broken.

And then we got shut down by the pandemic.

They need to get their mojo back.

That's why you paired 'em up.

No, they are the right skill set for this op, but as an added bonus, it will force Riley and Desi and Mac and Taylor into some one-on-one time.

Hash out what's left unsaid.

That's pretty brilliant.

Or pretty stupid.

We'll see.

(groaning loudly)

We do hope the room is entirely to your satisfaction, ladies.

Good luck with dinner.

DESI: Thank you.

But this isn't the first time I've had to cook for us.

Patching into their system now.

The resort confiscates your electronics to cut off all contact with the outside world.

And your rooms have low-tech tablets that could never hack anything, but...

they won't think to check your g*ns.

I modified Desi's magazine case to transmit a signal connecting you to the Phoenix, so...

you can set up comms and use the muscle of our servers to crack their system.

RILEY: We're in.

All right.

Double-O-Boze has done it again.

Three weeks ago, Paula checked into the hotel.

Three days later... had a facial at the spa.

But then, nothing.

I'm gonna run her photo through facial recognition, see if these cameras in here did their job.

That's weird.

After her facial, it's like she disappeared.

(door opens)

Chez Gustav's?

- Five stars.

- MacGYVER: Salmon trout and pink gamba.


With a side...

of Iranian beluga caviar.


So, what can you tell us about "facials"?


Facials are gonna cost you.

I figured.

I have ten million reasons why you're gonna tell us.

What is your dad's problem?



I'm not his dad, all right?

Now talk.

All right.

The Grand employs the best plastic surgeons in Europe.

Patients get a new face and a new identity to go right along with it.

They only keep paper records.

That way, there's no digital trail.

You know, ensure complete secrecy.

So they can't connect the old identity with the new one.

Yeah, exactly.

So, Paula doesn't look like Paula.


If you can find out what work Paula had done, I can input it into a prosthetics software program.

It can construct an image of what Paula looks like now.

Unfortunately, I can't hack paper records.

Which means we're gonna have to steal them.

Okay, get the hospital specs so I can find a way to sneak in without anybody notic...

Yes, hi.

Um, when's your next available appointment?


You can take me now.

That's great.

Got us in at the spa.

- What?

- Your b*llet wound is fake.

Yeah, I know.

Okay, relax.

I got this.

Trust me.

(elevator bell dings)

Hello, my dears.

I am Susie.

Welcome to the spa.

Please, right this way.

Thank you.

If I could just see

- what's bothering you.

- Yeah, sure.


DESI: Bozer's pneumatic tube lipstick thingamajiggy was supposed to be a last resort.

Lighten up, Dez.

Toys... are meant to be played with.


Looks like a b*llet bounced off a rib.



It's subcutaneous.

Ah, close range, gunpowder residue.

You're very lucky.

I'll page the doctor, and she will get that removed and stitched up right away.


Thank you.

Thank you.


Canceling the doctor's page.

Calling the nurse to an emergency on the th floor.

Should buy us enough time to find Paula's records.


Let's go.



MATTY: Hey, you need to compare patient records with medical prescriptions.

There's blood thinners used both pre and post facial surgery that will link Paula's two identities.

We're looking for files dated three weeks ago.



So, are we good?



'Cause you've been extra monosyllabic, even for you.


See what I'm talking about?


Patient .

That's got to be Paula.

Uploading this to Bozer now.

(knock on door)

(handle jiggles)

(knocking continues)

(handle jiggles)

They definitely don't look like resort security.

We need to hide.

I have an idea.

Follow my lead.


Can I help you?


What are you doing?

Saving our asses.




They were buying it!

No, they weren't.



(gasps, screams)



Dez, you-you all right?

Peachy keen, Riley-bean.






Did you just s*ab me, too?


You're gonna thank me in three, two, one.






All right.

Uploading this to Bozer...


They're two of Salazar's men.

Clearly trying to find Paula.

DESI: And these won't be the last people that Salazar sends after her

- once these two don't report back.

- MATTY: Mac, Taylor, you got to get in there and watch their backs.

MacGYVER: Okay.

Vincent, how would you like your freedom, your money, and your dad to be none the wiser?

And what about my caviar?

Oh, I'll throw in the caviar, for sure.


Well, now you're talking.

What do you need?

We need you to check us into the Zurich Grand as your new business partners.

Once you're in, you withdraw your cash, you split it with us, and then we let you go.

- Mac.

- All of this goes away.

I don't trust this guy.

Just trust me.

(chuckles softly)

- What?

- I have reason, given your track record of becoming overly involved with previous Phoenix targets.

The Merchant.

Your aunt.

And you have a track record of becoming overly involved due to your personal vendettas.

Leland k*lling your Spearhead team.

For all I know, Salazar

- k*lled your mom.

- Come on.


This is totally different.

- Vincent is totally different.

- You bought him Caviar.

Really, Mr.


Let me educate you for a second.

Establishing trust with a hostage is far better than threats of v*olence.

Oh, yes, because that worked a treat when your Auntie Gwen used it on you.

And she helped us beat Codex.

So I say we use this guy right here to get Salazar, unless you would rather drop a b*mb on the Zurich Grand

- and call it a day.

- MATTY: Stop it.

The both of you.

Now, Taylor, I'm with Mac on this one.

Oh, surprise, surprise.

Take precautions, but get in there.



If you try anything and we don't check in regularly, our associate will transmit all the info she has on your misdeeds to Daddy.

- Got it?

- Mmm.

That could be bad.


Do we have a deal?

Let's get this bread.

One problem, though.

Uh, nobody is gonna believe that you're my guys dressed like that.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪



I love the suit.

Egor, my man, you're looking as fly as always.

Well, delighted to have you back.

Tell me, uh, how is your father these days?

Sadly, he's feeling a bit under the weather.

- Under the weather.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

- Yes.

I'll make sure to send a card.

Please, thank you.

Now, let's get you and your friends checked in, shall we?

VINCENT: Please.


That hurts.

- Oh!

- Should have thought about that Before you gave yourself a real fake wound.

If you didn't like my plan, you should have said something.

Well, you didn't even let me get my plan out before you called down and gave yourself a b*llet-otomy.

Oh, kind of like you didn't even let me talk to those thugs before you started throwing punches?




Seriously, Dez, what is up?

We need to get rid of them.

Come on.

Help me lift them.

Nobody will find Tweedledee and Tweedledum until the morning, and by then, we'll have Paula and be long gone.

- The sooner the better.

- Agreed.

Come on, let's get them strapped down.

It's always such a pleasure to have you with us, as you know.

VINCENT: Thank you.

EGOR: I trust you'll have a safe journey.

VINCENT (fading)

: Of course.

Don't I always?

♪ ♪

Salazar has just checked into the hotel.

BOZER: Hold on.

The Butcher of Brazil is there now?

MacGYVER: Yeah.

From the medical records, I've been able to reconstruct an image of what Paula may look like now.

Running facial rec on all guests.

We just got a hit on a guest on the th floor.

Salazar just entered the spa.

We can't let him search back here.

We need to get to Paula before Salazar finds her.

TAYLOR: Stay put.

We'll deal with Salazar.

- You, act injured.

- But I'm not.

There are bones in the foot to break.

Pick five you don't need, or act.


(low grunting)

♪ ♪

SALAZAR: Buenas noches.

I am worried.

I was supposed to meet my friends here, and I can't seem to find them.

Sorry, toots.

You know, not allowed to discuss anything about the other guests.

You know how they are about the rules.

Ah, Vincent.

Take a seat, you handsome devil.

I'll be right with you.

VINCENT: Take your time, my love, take your time.

I suppose it's okay if I take a look for myself?

Oh, no, it would not be, cupcake.

MacGYVER: Diluted in small doses, tea tree oil has healing properties.

But in high quantities, heat will bind it to the ammonia in the window cleaner, and you have yourself an effective deterrent.


: Wait for my signal.

- RILEY: Copy that.

- I'd cover your noses if I were you.

(all coughing)

SALAZAR: What the hell is that?

Dez, Riles, go.

We're gonna follow Salazar.

Please follow me.

Headed to Paula's room.

- (coughing)

- There they are.

Let's go.

Ever at your service, Vincent.


Now, who are these two?

I honestly have no idea.

But granddad over here is very rude.

Vincent, what the hell?

My dad's perfectly fine, guys.

"Under the weather" is hotel code for being with undesirables.

You are making such a big mistake.

Am I?

When our associates don't hear from us, they will call your daddy.

By the time they realize, I'll be long gone.

Egor has everything that I need here at the Grand for me to get my paper and disappear.

Hey, I'm really sorry to have to do you like this, though, man.


(British accent)

: Room service.

- Get back!

- Whoa.



- Hands up.

Hands up!

- Hey.

Who the hell are you?

Is that ceramic?

How'd you get that past security?


Don't want to know.

I'm not going to ask you again.

- Who are you?

- Long story short, Salazar's checked in, he wants to k*ll you, and we're here to make sure that doesn't happen.

Lots of people want to k*ll me.

How do I know you aren't one of them?

'Cause we're the good guys?

Speak for yourself.

I'm here because death is far too good for a bastard like Salazar.

I need to see him rotting in a cell, like a caged rat.

Abandoned by his family, forgotten by the world.

Go on.

I trusted Salazar.

Opened up.

Thought I'd found my family.

But I was a fool to trust anyone.

He double-crossed me.

Left me for dead.

I'm here because I need you to testify.

Put him away.

For me, for your son.

For the countless other lives he's ruined.

Make him pay, Paula.

I can't testify.

But I have something better.

All the evidence on a hard drive.

The books.

Where the bodies are buried.

I checked it in with Egor for safekeeping.

It's in a vault in the basement.

If you get me out of here alive, it's yours.

All right, you got yourself a deal.

But you need to leave that g*n here.

There might be metal detectors on the way.

Resort rules.

Okay... now she wants to follow the rules.

Welcome to our RHT rooms.

Radiant heat temperature?

Ransom, hostage and troublemakers.

The Grand must accommodate the unique needs of all our guests.

Please, make yourselves at home.

Matty, do you copy?


They only left one guard.

'Cause the room's really secure.

Reinforced walls, I'm guessing, to keep our comms from getting through.

Bars on the windows, and I don't see any vents big enough to crawl through.

Well, you could just call your friend Vincent.

Offer him some ice cream if he lets us out.

You know, I told you he couldn't be trusted.

I never claimed that we could trust him.

The real question is, do you trust me enough to get us out of here?

I guess I could really leave you cuffed.



I trust you to get us out of here.

Honestly, how hard was that?

All right, so here's the deal.

Walls in bathrooms are plumbed next to each other,

- so there's a chance...

- Don't hurt me.

Yeah, we're not here to hurt you.

No, we got into a bit of a pickle at the resort, and we're locked up, too.

They didn't lock me up.

Well, then, why are you here?

My boss tracked me here.

I figured an RHT room would be the last place he'd look.

You're Paula.

Paula Matos.

So much for the Grand's famed anonymity!

New face, new life.

Don't ask any questions.

(mutters in Portuguese)

Lying sons of b*tches!

MacGYVER: Look, you're the reason we're here.

- We're trying to get you out.

- If you're Paula...

...then who the dickens are Desi and Riley with?


Good job back there...

getting her to come with us.

But that speech about opening up... and family?

Come on, Dez, talk to me.

When Mac gassed me and Taylor, and went to join Codex, you charged after him... why?

Because I trust Mac.

The question is, why didn't you?

Maybe I would have if you'd asked me.

- Ah.

- But you didn't let me in on the plan,

- and you just bailed.

- Maybe because you were too busy Planning to drop a b*mb on Mac's head...

That wasn't my plan.

And I stopped the b*mb.

We stopped Codex.

Let's get Paula the hell out of here.

Why don't you hold on to this for safekeeping.

Now she trusts me.

I'll take that hard drive now.


I swear I saw you leave that.

Got lots of tricks up my sleeve.

It's amazing what a little hair dye and makeup will do.

- Who the hell are you?

- Call me Jane.

See, when Salazar put out a hit on Paula Matos, I blew it off.

But then he added a bonus for some hard drive of evidence that she had.

And I figured while all the no-necks are going after the blood price, I'll grab his financials and sell them to the highest bidder.

So what'd you do with the real Paula?

She's around here somewhere.

I tracked her here, same as you.

Hung out at the spa until I saw one face stop coming, and another face start.

That was in case somebody caught you searching her room.

The hard drive, now, or your friend dies.

I'm supposed to believe you two are super spies who are gonna save me from the most m*rder-y gangster in the western hemisphere?


Look, I promise...

PAULA: These rooms are built for hostages and kidnap victims.

- We're not getting out.

- My colleague has a talent for looking at anything...

Problems, objects, people...

and seeing what others don't.

His methods are unorthodox.

He doesn't always do what I think he should do, but his gift is what makes him the best.

Despite my colleague's dubious past, and tendency to withhold personal vendettas, in the end, he always does the right thing.

Am I supposed to say something?



MacGYVER: Okay, here's how to get out of a locked room.

The magnetic field of the motor's induction coil moves the critical components within the lock's chamber, allowing a dead bolt to be withdrawn, transforming a common household item into a powerful lockpick.

The hard drive.

Just give her the hard drive, Dez.

If I give it to her, she's just gonna sh**t you anyway.



I got this.



Out of everyone here, you need to relax the most.

- Oh, that's rich.

I need to relax?

- Yes.

Look at you.

You're all high-strung, walking around here

- with an attitude all the time.

- Attitude?

I don't know why you're upset.

You're blowing the mission!

- I...

- Shut up, both of you!

And give me the damn drive.


Like we said, just relax!






There they are!

Down, down, down!

It's locked.

Buy me two minutes?

You got it.




Two minutes may have been optimistic.








We're in.

Let's go.

Headed south on the second floor.

Salazar is in pursuit.

All right.

We're headed your way with the real Paula.

Unfortunately, the concierge's guards aren't far behind.

- Hey.

- Any idea on how to get out of here?

You're the idea guy.

I know a way out.

Follow me.

How do we know you're not leading us into a trap?

'Cause I want to get out of this damn hotel more than you do.

All right, let's follow her.

Come on.

The resort converted the old servants' hallways into secret passages so that the resort staff and security can get around.

Just like Disneyland.


Once Riley hacks the elevator, we'll be able to escape from the lobby.

I'm locked out.

EGOR: Ladies and gentlemen, we have discovered unwanted guests in the hotel.

We kindly request that you remain in your room, under lockdown, until the matter is resolved.

And once again, have a pleasant stay at the Zurich Grand Resort and Spa.

I knew I should have stayed in the bathroom.

We will get you out of here.

I can get us out of here if I build us a pulley.

I just need an initial burst of lift.

You thinking what I'm thinking?


Mac, follow us to the surgical suite.

Can you barricade the door?

(phone vibrates)

Our friends are in the spa.

Tell all housekeeping personnel to meet me in the spa.

With the g*ns.

All the g*ns.

Dez, can you wrap the surgical tubing around the support beams?

And can you help me get these?


Use your feet.

(banging on door)

(men grunting)

Okay, everybody grab one of these, loop 'em around your wrist.


On the count of three, you two smash the valves.

It'll boost 'em across the floor, pulling us up.

PAULA: Wait.

You trust that this thing will hold us?

(banging on door)

ALL: Yes.


Use your weapons!

MacGYVER: One.



(all yelling)

(glass shatters)

MacGYVER: Pressure is often only seen as something negative, but all it takes is a small change in direction...

In this case, surgical tubing looped over a beam and the team's renewed commitment to trust...

To change pressure from something that shatters to something that uplifts.

PAULA: I-I still can't believe the whole flying t*nk things actually worked.

He pulls it off, every time.

Well, it's really all in the physics, 'cause if you change the direction of an applied motion, you can lift anything, including this airplane.

I'm sorry to interrupt this science lesson.

That was Matilda.

Everything's been arranged for you to testify in exchange for your immunity.

RILEY: And...

I have a little something to ensure Salazar never sees the light of day again.

Am I supposed to know what that is?

That is all the data from the hard drive.

You checked in with the concierge.

PAULA: How'd you get it?

Thank you.

I backed everything up just in case Salazar went after my son.

Speaking of your son Luis, we sent a team to pick him up, so he should be waiting for you when you arrive.

Thank you.

All of you.

Thank you so much.

You're all...

unorthodox, aren't you?

TAYLOR: That is an understatement.

(clears throat)

Let me ask you something.


If you had the data, why did you give me the hard drive to carry?

It was a misdirect.

I knew something was off about our Paula.

That why you didn't let me in on the plan... again?


Ever since Codex, there's been this...

wall up between us.


Well, that's my fault.

I'm still angry at you for going after Mac.

I did it to protect him.

I know.

But you're right.


I didn't let you in on the plan, and I'm sorry.

Truth is...

I was angry at myself for believing you'd both gone over to Codex.

I regret not trusting you.

I was hoping you could forgive me.

- We're cool, Riles.

- Good.

'Cause I have a confession to make.

I hate my new place.

My next-door neighbor... he blasts Macklemore / .

I also have a confession to make.

I've never been to a spa.



How do you relax?

I hit things.

That explains so much about you.

(both laugh)

LUIS: Mama!


Um, for what it's worth, I think we all assumed that everything would go back to normal after Codex.

Well, it did... mostly.

I became so focused on your past mistakes that I...

I was blind to my own.

And I'm sorry.

Fresh start?

To making new mistakes.

To think that he, uh...


He thought I was your father?

- Yeah, ridiculous, isn't it?

- Yeah.

Dashing older brother, perhaps, but...

BOZER: Congrats, guys.

After reviewing Paula's hard drive and with the promise of her testimony, Swiss authorities were able to issue a warrant for Salazar's arrest.

MATTY: And the Zurich Grand was all too happy to turn him over, given he was persona non grata after he broke every house rule.

TAYLOR: Yeah, I'm a bit curious as to what happened to our-our friend Vincent.

MATTY: After you escaped, Egor turned on Vincent.

He was furious with Vincent for bringing the Phoenix into the hotel and refused to help him disappear.

MacGYVER: How do we know all that?

Because Vincent left and ran straight to the authorities.

- (laughs)

- MATTY: I guess jail time was a better prospect than facing Vincent Senior's wrath.


So where are Riley and Desi?


I've given them the Phoenix jet for a special assignment.

Hang on.

(laughs softly)


I own that jet.



Yes, Matilda, you don't seem to understand.

Listen, I don't know how many times I have to say this.

I literally own the...

this op...


I literally own

- this operation!

- (laughs)

♪ Pour me another one ♪

♪ Make it a strong one ♪

♪ We're gonna have some fun tonight ♪

♪ ♪

- Thank you very much.

- You're welcome.

Here's to relaxing on your very first spa getaway.

You know what?

To our first getaway.

- To the first of many.

- (laughs softly)

♪ Wasting away down by the coast ♪

♪ Pacifico and chasing lime ♪

♪ Easy living down in paradise... ♪

You hate the mud, don't you?


It's mud.

- (laughs)

- I don't know what to do with it.

Well, you gave it a fair shot.

I'm here for the company, Riley.

You can get out, Dez.

It's fine.

- I just...

- I can't.

I think I lost my bikini bottom.

- What?

- Don't you dare laugh.

- (laughs)

- Don't laugh.


: Don't.

(both laughing)

♪ Make it a strong one, we're gonna have some fun...