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01x11 - The Adventurers Feast

Posted: 12/02/20 19:25
by bunniefuu
[birds chirping]

-[soup boiling]

-[COWGIRL humming cheerily]
[sips] Oh.


Good morning!

It'll be just a minute.

Breakfast is almost ready.




You're kidding.

You are, right?

Come on.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] There were tracks.

♪ Goblins.

All right, so you'll just fight them off, then.

-Won't you?



[GOBLIN SLAYER] In a cave, I would win against them, even if their numbers were a hundred strong.

No matter what, I'd be victorious.

But... there were at least ten sets of scout footprints, which means this horde definitely has a leader.

Not a hob or a shaman, no.

Judging from their numbers, it must be... something much stronger.

A Goblin Lord.

[soup boiling, sizzling]

[GOBLIN SLAYER] The attack will come tonight or tomorrow.

We don't have time to ask the military for help.

Based on the tracks, it's a horde of more than a hundred goblins.

[COWGIRL] So many.

That's terrifying.

But why here?

Why the farm?

What do they want with it?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Most likely they'd use it as a stronghold to launch an attack on the town.

I'm not a platinum-ranked adventurer.

I'm not a hero.

I don't see how we can possibly muster enough people to face more than a hundred monsters in an open field.

I'm not strong enough.

I can't do it.

[gasps] That's why you want me to go.


-I'll live, if I run now?



-[GOBLIN SLAYER] You've decided?

-[COWGIRL] Yeah.

[sighs] I'm sorry, but I'm not going to run away, because you're going to stay behind.


You always do that, go silent when you're at a loss.

It's cute.


[GOBLIN SLAYER] They won't just k*ll you.


I know that.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I've seen it, what they do.


[GOBLIN SLAYER] Don't think that you'll survive.

Yes, you might live, but you'll be dead inside.

♪ So you need to run!

[COWGIRL] I told you, I'm staying!

I can't...

I can't go through that again!

I won't just run away knowing you're going to lose your home a second time.

And, besides, maybe we'd escape, but the farm, it'd be completely destroyed.

Even if we came back, well, there would be nothing.

You know?



I really am sorry.

I know I'm being stubborn, not to mention foolish.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Don't look at me like that.

[whimpering] [GOBLIN SLAYER] I'll do everything I can.




[GOBLIN SLAYER] "You have to protect those who are smaller than you."

[UNCLE] Hey.

You ought to at least say goodbye when you're leaving.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] You're right.

I'm sorry.

[UNCLE] She's a good girl, you know?

Despite everything, she's grown up so well.

Keep her safe.

You got it?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I'll try my best, sir.

[UNCLE] Sometimes I wish you would just lie.

[doors creak]

-[VILLAGERS chattering]

-[GUILD GIRL gasps] Uh...

Well, look who it is.

Figured you'd crawled off and died somewhere.

You just gonna stand there or what?


[GOBLIN SLAYER] I apologize, but hear me out.

I have a request.

The Goblin Slayer has a request?

Isn't he a solo adventurer, though?


I hear he's been going out on quests -with a party lately.

-Really, him?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] A horde of goblins has been scouting a farm on the outskirts of town.

I don't know how many there are, but they'll probably attack tonight.

Something about goblins.

Big surprise, huh?

[ADVENTURER] What's the big deal about a horde of goblins?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Judging by the footprints the scouts left, they're led by a Goblin Lord, which means there's at least a hundred of them.

-[SPEARMAN gasping]

-[GUILDSMAN A] A hundred?

-That many?

-He's gotta be kidding.

-[GUILDSMAN B] There's no way.

-[GUILDSMAN C] It's impossible.

[GUILDSMAN D] What's going on?

-You lost, too?


[GOBLIN SLAYER] Lords are a mutated class of goblins that excel in leadership.

-Think of them as the top rank.

-That sounds bad.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] And the horde that it's leading will be here soon.

There's no time.

I could handle them in a cave, but I can't k*ll them out in the open, alone.

Please, I'm asking for your help.

[VILLAGERS murmuring] -What should we do?

-Don't know.

-What do you think?

-Some goblins need k*lling.

That's his thing, so he should do it.

[GUILDSMAN] You can count me out.

[GUILDSWOMAN] I'm not going near those disgusting creatures.

[grunts, growls]



I don't think you understand how this works.

This guild hall is for adventurers, and everyone here falls under that banner.

Which means we don't do anything as a favor.

So put up a quest and offer up a reward.

-That right?



[GUILDSMAN B] We're adventurers!

[gasps] What the hell is wrong with these people?

[SHAMAN] Simmer down, Long-ears.

No need to stir the pot and complicate things.

I understand this boils your blood, -but don't act rashly.

-Let me go!


[GOBLIN SLAYER] Yes, you're right.

So, what are you offering?

What's the elimination of 100 goblins worth to you?

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] Everything.


[GOBLIN SLAYER] I'll offer everything I have as a reward.

[SPEARMAN] And what does that entail?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] All of my belongings, and everything within my discretion.

My equipment, my assets, my knowledge, my time, and-- Even your life?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Yes, if that's what's necessary.

And would you take your life if I asked that of you?


I can't do that.


[GOBLIN SLAYER] Because if I did, it would hurt someone important.

I was told I can't let that happen.

So I suppose, my life isn't within my discretion.

[groans, sighs]

[SPEARMAN] I really have no clue what's going on under that beat-up old helmet of yours, but it's fairly obvious you're serious about this.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Yes, extremely serious.

Well, damn it all to hell.

[chuckles] I wouldn't ask you to off yourself anyway, you dimwit.

A strong drink will suffice!

Come on, that's an amazing deal.

A man of my prestige agreed to slay no small number of goblins for you!

Where's your gratitude?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Of course.

Forgive me.

-Thank you.


All right, that's enough.

Just thank me after we've tallied up our kills.

-[ARCHER] I'm in!

-[CROWD gasping] I'll slay some goblins with you, gladly!

But I'm asking for something in return from you as well.

Once all this is over, promise that you'll come with us on a real adventure!

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I swear it.

[SHAMAN] My price is a bit steeper than just one drink, Beard-cutter.

I'm going to need a whole barrel!

[GOBLIN SLAYER] All right.

Then you'll have it.

I'd also like to join our elven friend on this grand adventure, if you'll have me.

I wouldn't dream of going without my party.

By that logic, I can assume I shall also be included in your numbers.

Though I don't mind helping out a comrade in need, if I were to ask for some small token of reward...


That, and one more item would be appropriate.

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] Ice cream?


That's perfect.

A reward even the gods would envy.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] They don't belong to me, but they are made at the farm.

If wiping out the subterranean scourge would also protect that exquisite ambrosia, count me in.

Well now, that makes five--

[WITCH] There were five.

I'll be six.

Brilliant Inflammarae.

Seems your flame has drawn more moths to it, but will they burn their wings?

[GUILD GIRL panting] Listen up, everyone!

I have an announcement!

The guild's offering a quest as well!

There is now a reward of one gold coin for every goblin slain!

-How's that for incentive?

-[GUILDSMAN A] Seriously?

[GUILDSMAN B] A gold coin for every goblin?

That's great!

[MANAGER] You're sure we can do this?

[CHIEF] Well, it is based on intel from a silver rank, so it's not a problem.

And besides, with that kind of passion, how could we say no?

Just keep an accurate count.

[sighs] Suppose I've got no choice.

You're going too?

It's not like I'm doing a favor for Goblin Slayer, mind you, but denying the reward would be foolish.


There's no need to lie about it.

I know the reason.

You're doing this because he was the one who slayed the goblins that att*cked your hometown.

[groans] Damn it!

That's not so.

I'm doing this strictly to gain some gold coins and nothing more!

It furthers my goal of becoming a Paladin.

I can't refuse anyone in need of help.

You hear that?

If they're going to join the fight, -then I guess I am as well.

-And I'm going too.

Looks like we're all in this together, then.

-So, uh...

-What's wrong?

Just that I haven't ever slain any goblins before.

Well, it is pretty dangerous.

But I'm thinking that now would be the perfect time to start.

You're right.

We do owe him after all.


We became adventurers at the same time, so it seems fate has decided for me.

[GUILDSMAN] To be honest, I think I'd actually miss all his talk about goblins around here.

[GUILDSMAN B] Yeah, the truth is, he's really pretty popular in the ol' guild hall.

[GUILDSMAN B] The one thing worse than having him around would be if he wasn't here to drive us crazy.

I gotta say, a quest this bizarre is way too interesting for me to resist.

That's great!

Even though we're not in your party or close friends, we're all adventurers.

It's what we live for!

[ALL] The adventurers will handle it!

[cheering] You don't need to fill out any paperwork right now, just give us the tally when you return.

[giggles] -Wonderful, isn't it?


You realize, I'll be coming with you too, right?

[GOBLIN SLAYER chuckles] Yeah.

[crickets chirring]

[growling, grunting]

-[chattering excitedly]

-[low growling]

[GOBLINS growling]

[growling, roaring]

[GOBLIN LORD bellows]

[GOBLINS cheering]



[canary twittering]

[DRUID] Everything will be fine.

I needed to hear that.

-[squawking] -Huh?

Over there!

-[birds fluttering, squawking]

-[animals screeching]

[ADVENTURERS growling]

-[plants rustling]

-[GOBLINS muttering] I hope you're ready for this.

[gasps, grunts]

[GOBLINS cackling]


[growling, cackling]




[bodies thudding]


-Fall into Stupor.

-Go to sleep.

[SHAMAN] Sleep, you filthy goblins!


Don't bother with the goblins!

[GOBLINS gasping] Just grab the captives and get 'em outta here!


Fall back!


[ARCHER] Using human shields?


They deserve every arrow they get.

[grunting] We've brought all the women to safety!

[ARCHER] I've taken care of all the spell-casters within sight.

[GUILDSMAN] Good work!

[lantern clattering]

[voices murmuring] Yeah!


Time to earn your gold, boys!


-[ADVENTURERS shouting] I look at these goblins, and all I see is an easy payday!



I can hardly believe how many there are!

[grunting] A real pain in the ass.

This is why even Goblin Slayer couldn't do it on his own!

[blades slicing] We knew it wouldn't be easy.

That definitely got my juices flowin'!

[BOTH] Huh?

[BOTH scream] I'm sure you'd be fine out on your own, but if you're close, I can use -my Deflect Missiles spell.



[distant screaming]

[LIGHT SWORDSMAN] They're pushing hard.


I should've gone out there with them.


Do you see that?

[wolves growling] Those are the goblin riders, just like he said.


[whistling] On guard!

That means the riders are coming!

Get ready!

[grunts] All right everybody, you know what to do!

Remember, we're going to need to form two lines, with the men in the back filling the gaps in the front.

Have your weapons out and stay alert!

They're coming in low, so draw them in as close as you can!

-Not yet!


[SPEARMAN] Keep waiting!

[wolves growling] Get ready!

Here we go!



[ADVENTURERS groaning] Back-line troops!

Let's move in!

[shouting] There.

Here it comes.

[gasps] Oh.

It's dead.


-[blade clanks]



Get your head out of the clouds and into the fight!

You want your gold, don't ya?




My armor saved me.

Thank God.

[HEAVY SWORDSMAN] Pretty easy money, huh?

Yeah, but without his strategy, you might be singing a very different tune right now.


[GOBLIN SLAYER] Set ambushes.

It's a tool they use often, but they won't expect it from others.

They'll be leading with meat shields.

We'll cast sleeping spells and when they fall, that's when we rescue the hostages.

Just leave the sleeping goblins on the ground.

We don't want them to wake up.

A bigger horde like this will have riders on trained wolves.

There'll probably be 20 or 30 of them.

We can take most of them out with spear walls.

Those of us not holding up the wall will k*ll the survivors.

You can use weapons or spells, whatever it takes.

We'll need to k*ll their spell-casters as soon as possible.

[GOBLIN LORD shouts orders]

[roaring] Underneath all that tarnished metal, there really is a silver rank.

You went and ran too far away from the group, you stupid goblin!



Hey, find any stragglers over there--


-[screaming] -What was that?

Something's flying this way, watch your heads!

[BOTH gasp]

-[thuds, squelches]



[pounding footsteps]




Looks like we've got some hobs!


-[SOLDIERS gasp]

[HEAVY SWORDSMAN] That's a big boy.

A goblin champion.

[SPEARMAN] Make that two of 'em.



I was getting a little bored with all the small-frys.

I may actually break a sweat taking these guys down.

Are you asking for help?

I don't know, how can I fight, and count up all these goblin heads -I've collected so far?

-I'm sure you'll find the time.

-Step back, okay?

-[WITCH] As you wish.

Those heads look heavy.

We may actually be doing the beasts a favor by taking them off their shoulders.

This has turned into a veteran's b*ttlefield.

If you doubt your skills, get out of the way!

[blades tinging]




[WITCH] May I have some water?

-Yes, right away.

-Thank you, dear.

Are you sure that they don't need you out there on the b*ttlefield?

[WITCH] I am, to be quite honest.

He's far more used to dispatching these brutes -than normal goblins.

-Wait a sec.

Does anybody know where Goblin Slayer might have run off to?

Of course.

Think, ask yourself who he is.


It's not that tough to figure out.

[GOBLIN LORD panting]


[ARCHER] Obviously, he went to slay some goblins.


[dice clatter]