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01x10 - Dozing

Posted: 12/02/20 19:19
by bunniefuu
[GOBLIN SLAYER] When I was a child, I thought I'd grow up to become an adventurer.

I'd leave my village and fight the monsters that were tormenting people.

Eventually, I'd become strong enough to defeat even dragons.

I'd become a hero, a platinum-ranked adventurer.


Once this is over, I want us to go to a festival, back in the village, all three of us.

Everyone has wishes like that, things that we want to accomplish, people we want to see again.

To make sure all those wishes come true, that's why we're fighting!

[FEMALE HERO] We can't lose this battle!

We have to save the world!

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Even if I couldn't become a hero...

I thought someday I'd travel afar as an adventurer.

If only I could leave behind the older sister who had raised me all on her own.


I'm gonna go into the city.

One of the cows on my uncle's farm is giving birth and I wanna be there.

After that, I even get to go shopping!

I can't wait to see what they have at all the stores!

My mom even gave me money to buy something!

I wonder what all I should get.

Is there anything you want me to look for?

-I'd love to buy you a gift--


Oh, are you sure?

There's gotta be-- I just told you, I don't want anything.

You don't have to be mean about it.

I just wanted to do something special since you've never been to the city before.

'Cause that's what friends do.


Just go to the city or whatever it is you're doing.

-Why are you so angry?

-I'm not angry!

[COWGIRL] Yes, you are!


-[SISTER] You must've envied her when she said she was going to the city, huh?

Still, you shouldn't have gotten so angry with her.

You have to protect those smaller than you.

Did you know, if you envy others, you'll become a goblin.


A goblin?

-[SISTER] Yes.

If all you ever do is dwell on what you don't have, your heart and body will warp into something ugly, and you'll take your anger out on other people.

So, later on, let's make sure you apologize to her, okay?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] That night, my sister cooked my favorite stew, a hearty dish made with chicken and milk.

It was so delicious, I ate bowl after bowl.

But now, I can't even remember how it tasted, because...

[birds singing]

[bed creaks] ...I haven't eaten it since that day.

[footsteps approach]

-[COWGIRL] Good morning!


It looks like today's going to be a pretty hot one.

No surprise, I guess.

It is summer.


-Oh, wow!

I'm starving!

Well, I think my uncle's awake.

-Let's have breakfast.

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] All right.

[COWGIRL humming]


[GOBLIN SLAYER] Good morning, sir.


You do the usual patrols?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Yes, there were no issues.

I really don't understand why you worry so much.

And anyway, I heard the Hero defeated the Demon Lord.

The monsters are bound to start calming down now.

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] They won't.

-[UNCLE] Hmm.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] At least, goblins won't.

You sound pretty sure about that.



Finally ready.

It took a little longer than I thought it would, but here's everything.

Let's eat!

I have some deliveries to make after we eat breakfast.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I'll go, too.

I need to stop by the guild.

[COWGIRL] Great.

It'll be nice to go together.

[UNCLE] Are you heading into town to find another quest?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] That, too, but I also need to get my gear repaired and pick up my other set of armor.

[UNCLE] All right then.


[UNCLE] Be careful out there.

I don't want her getting hurt.

[COWGIRL humming]

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I'll do my best.

[horse whinnies]

[COWGIRL grunts] You said you were going to stop by the guild today, right?


I've got an errand of my own to run after I finish these deliveries, so do you want to plan on meeting up a little later in the day -and head home together?


Wow, you're pale!

First time outdoors?

Definitely your first time here.

-So, Pasty, you new?


[SPEARMAN] Then, just dropping in on a day off or something?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Something like that.


Well, if you were actually looking to make money as an adventurer right now, you'd be heading over to the capital.

A fair bit of the Demon Lord's army is still there.

Just stragglers.

It's pretty easy work for decent pay.

-You're not going, either?

-Oh, no.

Not me.


I don't see the point in going up against weak opponents.

When I fight, I fight for myself, for glory?

Not for money or the greater good.

-And besides-- -Of course.

Please line up in an orderly fashion, and I'll be happy to help you all.

Well, I've got personal reasons.

I'm a real warrior, not some two-bit hack in a rusty helmet.

-Is that how it is?

-Absolutely, friend.

All right.

Got some ruins to explore.

I'm off.

Wish me luck on my quest.


-[SPEARMAN chuckles]

[SPEARMAN] The strong, silent type, huh?


I don't like big talkers.

No quests.

-Bye, dear.


[BLACKSMITH] I had some extra time, so I fixed up the smaller bits, too.

How's it feel?


[GOBLIN SLAYER] It's fine.

[BLACKSMITH] Now, let's see what we've got here.

Good grief!

How'd your armor get so damaged just from fighting goblins?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Were you able to get me a scroll?

Not like I get people comin' in looking to sell those every day.

Have a little patience, will ya?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] All right.


-[door creaks] Um, Master, that man, he's a silver-ranked adventurer, right?

[BLACKSMITH] Yeah, that's what I've heard.

So, why does he wear all that armor?

A light chain mail would make it a lot easier to sneak up on enemies.

-You really don't know, do you?

-[APPRENTICE] Know what?

And another thing, wouldn't he be better off trying to find a magical sword than a scroll?

[BLACKSMITH] Think about it.

Only an idiot would wave around a legendary magical sword at some goblins.

He's silver-ranked for a reason.

That man knows exactly what he's doing.

-[WARRIORS yelling]


-[WARRIOR grunts]


[WARRIORS groaning]

[SWORDSMAN] Come on, what's the matter?

At this rate, even a goblin could take you.

[groans] Damn it!

Let's try again.

-You go around the right.

-Yeah, I'm on it!

Well, it's always good to have a plan.

Maybe don't say it out loud, though.


-Nice try!

-[GIRLS giggle]

[KNIGHT] Glad to see you're still standing, Goblin Slayer.

I heard that Water Town quest nearly did you in.


-Tell me.

Do you wear full armor everywhere you go?



[GOBLIN SLAYER] I didn't realize that greenhorn warrior was a member of your party.

Ah, we were sparring with our own youngling and noticed that he was staring, so we thought we'd let him join in.

An adventurer's skill with the sword is mostly self-taught.

Even a little formal training can mean the difference between life and death.

But of course, since the boys are getting a lesson, it's only fair I teach those girls a thing or two as well.

Huh, that big brute looks like he's starting to tire already.

So, that's my cue to step in.


-It's my turn now!

You're always bragging about your superior swordsmanship, so I'm sure you'll be up for the challenge.


And you call yourself a paladin candidate?

Enough talking!

[grunts] This isn't effective training for anyone!

[scoffs] -Thanks!

-I thought we were gonna die.

[SWORDSMAN grunts] Not holding back, are ya?

-[KNIGHT laughs]

-[SWORDSMAN grunts]

-[BOTH grunting]

-[swords clang]

[voices murmuring]

[door creaks open]

-[door creaks closed] -Hmm?

[chuckles softly]


[PRIESTESS] Goblin Slayer!

What are you doing here?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] My armor needed some repairs.

[PRIESTESS] You should've said something!

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I didn't see the need to.


[GOBLIN SLAYER] How's your shoulder feeling?


Oh, right, my shoulder.

Much better now, thanks.

They cast a healing spell on me, so it's as good as new.

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] I'm glad.

-Me too.

[GUILD GIRL] Hello, Goblin Slayer.

How was the quest in Water Town?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] It's taken care of, no major problems.

No major problems?

What are you talking about?

-You nearly died on that quest!

-[GUILD GIRL gasps] Oh no!

Well, are you okay now?


I'm fine.

[GUILD GIRL] Did you have your wounds properly tended to?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I did, thanks.

♪ -Um, I, uh...

-Is anything the matter?



Just thinking, that's all.

[GUILD GIRL gasps]

[GOBLIN SLAYER] What did you need?

-Do you have a quest for me?

-A quest?

No, there's nothing today, sorry.

I came over to give you this.

An adventurer dropped by and asked me to pass it along to you.



-Of course.

Delivering correspondence is my responsibility.

Do you have friends or family living in Water Town?


It's likely from the one who gave us the quest.

[GUILD GIRL] Oh, That makes sense.

You're probably right.

[PRIESTESS] Does he mean the Sword Maiden?

She gave us the quest and now wrote Goblin Slayer a letter?

-But why?

-[SHAMAN exclaims] Well, if it isn't Beard-Cutter.

I didn't know you were here.

It's polite to at least say hello if you're going to be stopping by, Orcbolg.

It appears you were able to get your armor repaired.

-That is excellent news.


We were about to go track down some food.

-You can join us if you want to.

-The more the merrier, ladies.


Sounds great!

-Um, I don't know if I...

-I would love to!

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] I'll pass.

Come on, no need to be shy with us.


-Loosen up.


It's just a meal.

-Sorry to keep you wai-- -[GOBLIN SLAYER] Hi.

Are they all in your party?


[sighs] This should be fun.

[VILLAGERS chattering]

[ARCHER scoffs] Jeez, if you were waiting for someone, you could've told us.

[SHAMAN] You're the one who forced Beard-Cutter to come along in the first place.

It isn't my fault.

He should've just said something.

[COWGIRL] Um, I'm sorry.

Are you sure it's okay for me to join you?

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] It's fine.

-[PRIEST] You're most welcome.

-Help yourself, young lady.

-[GUILD GIRL] Absolutely!

The more people you eat with, the better the food tastes.

[COWGIRL giggles] Then, I guess I'll dig in.


-[SHAMAN] This is delicious!

[lively chattering] Tell me.

That rumor about the Hero defeating the Demon Lord, -could it really be true?

-Yes, it's official.

We received word from the capital confirming the story.

The Hero became the tenth platinum-ranked adventurer in history.

After all, it's not easy defeating a demon lord!

That's wonderful to hear.

With him gone, we can all rest a little easier now, I'm sure.

[SHAMAN] I bet there's quite a celebration going on in the capital.

Guess we should start celebrating ourselves.

Like you need an excuse to drink.

Too bad.

Maybe I should've gone to the capital instead of staying here.

Our celebrations may not be as big here as they are there, but we do have a harvest festival, at least.

That does sound pretty fun.

[SHAMAN] Join me for a drink, Beard-Cutter.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] No, none for me today.

In that case, you're welcome to try a glass of this tonic.

-So good!

-It's delicious!

I'm glad you like it.

It's made with lemon and honey.

I've been told that it helps relieve fatigue.


Maybe I should carry some with me on my next quest.

[GIRLS giggle]

[SWORDSMAN] Now that training's over, it's time to eat!

Food's all on me.

Eat up, everyone!

[WARRIORS] I'm starving, thank you!

It sounds like those two have been sparring outside -all morning long.

-As well they should.

Training is essential.

You know, actually, nothing's set in stone, but there have been talks about the possibility -of opening a training hall.

-Have there?

[GUILD GIRL] They want to hire retired adventurers.

There are so many newcomers who need as much help as they can get.

[ARCHER] That's true.

The more porcelain-ranks know when they set out on a quest, the more likely they are to come back alive.

[SHAMAN] And it'll give 'em confidence, too.

Besides, an adventurer doesn't stop living just because they don't go on quests anymore.

I think the arrangement would benefit everyone.

[COWGIRL gasps]

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Interesting.

[GUILD GIRL] You need to be more careful so you have the option of retiring someday.

I'll just have to stop giving you quests if you continue being reckless.

The next time you collapse, I'll impose a six-month adventuring ban.


No goblin slaying.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] That would be bad.

I agree.

So make sure you take better care of yourself.

[wagon creaking]

[COWGIRL] That was fun.

Your friends are such nice people.


[COWGIRL] Well, yeah.

Don't you think so?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I think they're skilled.

And I have a higher probability of k*lling goblins if I'm with them.




[chuckles] Nothing, never mind.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Are you sure?


[GOBLIN SLAYER] All right.

[birds singing]

[SWORD MAIDEN] "Dear Goblin Slayer, "I hope you are well.

"These are such uncertain times, "with danger lurking where we might least expect it.

"Under normal circumstances, "I would have sent this letter much sooner, "to thank you for all you have done.

"But I told myself that after everything that had happened, "I shouldn't trouble you.

"I hope you can forgive me.

"By some miracle, ever since the night we spoke, "the goblins have stopped plaguing my dreams, "and life has been peaceful.

"Such a change would've been impossible "were it not for you and your comrades.

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

"Hopefully tranquility will reign now "that the Hero has defeated the Demon Lord.

"But many of his army still remain, "so we mustn't let our guard down yet.

"Even with that threat behind us, "I believe the world will always need adventurers.

"Know that I will continue to pray for your safety.

Blessings upon you, the Sword Maiden."


You're so loud!

And you never know when to quit!

That's it, I've had enough!

Let's finish this, dwarf!

[SHAMAN] Ah, you've got guts talking like that, Long-Ears.

Don't worry, I'll go easy on you.

Hard stuff for me.

Regular for you.

What d'you say?

[ARCHER growls]

-Challenge accepted.

-Uh, should you really?

A wise woman is careful never to court danger, milady.










[ARCHER] All right, All right, All right!


Well, what have we here?

Don't worry everyone, the party has arrived.

[WITCH laughs]

-Place a wager?


My money says the elf beats the dwarf.

-Three gold pieces.

-You're awfully confident.

Sure you can afford that?

[chuckles] Please, I'm not worried.

With my discipline and righteousness and the protection of the gods, I'm certain to win.

Aren't you a little worried that the Supreme God might take issue with a paladin gambling?

I'm betting on the dwarf for sure.

Then I'm betting on the high elf.

[CLERIC] You can't gamble our earnings!


Are you really sure we shouldn't try to stop them?

Sir Mage should claim a victory within a few more drinks or so.

Though Lady Ranger does have a stubborn streak, so it may take longer than that.

We'll just have to watch and see.


That's all you have to say?

Fill 'er up!

I'm nowhere near done yet, dwarfie!

Happy to!



[ARCHER] One more!

[loud chatter, laughter]

[crickets chirring]

[footsteps approach]

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Need something?

[chuckles] No, not really.

Dinner's ready.

I also wondered what you could be thinking about, out here all by yourself.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] The future.

-The future?


Oh, I see.

-I'm sorry.

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] For what?

[COWGIRL] Never mind.

Forget I said anything.


[GOBLIN SLAYER] You're strange sometimes.

[BOTH grunt]

-[body thuds]

-[grass rustles]

[GOBLIN SLAYER] You'll get grease on you.

I'll live.

It's time for laundry anyway, and I can take a bath.


[COWGIRL] Now, stay put.

[grass rustling] We can take our time, you know?

When it comes to thinking about the future.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Take our time?


There's no need to rush.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Yeah, you're right.

[sighs] What does his future look like?

Besides, an adventurer doesn't stop living just because they don't go on quests anymore.

I think the arrangement would benefit everyone.

[COWGIRL] People grow old.

They get injured.

At some point, they slow down.

Eventually, everyone reaches their limit.

Adventurers, heroes, they can't fight forever.

Even if he doesn't die, there will come a time when he can no longer slay goblins.

As nice as they are, these days can only last so long.

When the time does come, what will he do?

What will he be able to do?

He probably doesn't have the answer.

[COWGIRL sighs] Actually, no one has the answer.

♪ No one... has the answer.