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01x07 - Onward Unto Death

Posted: 12/02/20 19:03
by bunniefuu

It's too bad the others didn't want to join me.

No, I'm gonna pass.

I don't like the baths.

It's like the spirits of air, fire, and water are all mixed up together, which always feels a little off-putting.

Personally, I'd rather unwind with a little food and drink.

There's nothing better for a fatigued soul than a delectable wheel of cheese.

And what about you, Goblin Slayer?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I have to mail something.

Like a letter?



He's so private.

I never have any idea what's going on inside his head, which makes sense, I guess.

It's only been a few months since we met in that cave.

♪ Huh.

[gasps] If he hadn't shown up, then I would have...

He saved my life.

-[WOMAN] Hello?

-[gasps] I hope you don't mind if I join you for a quick soak.

I apologize if I startled you just now.

I'm afraid my duties kept me working late.




It's fine.

Your scars...

Are you okay?

Oh, these old things?

They're the results of a foolish mistake on my part.

My foes snuck up behind me and hit me in the head.

I can't believe that was more than ten years ago now.

Still, even if it was a while ago...

you probably find yourself thinking about it.

[SWORD MAIDEN] I could tell that you're a kind person.

When I tell most people my story, they usually end up apologizing for asking.

It wasn't my place to bring up.

-[SWORD MAIDEN laughs]


Please don't worry, I actually find it refreshing.

[PRIESTESS sighs] These eyes have seen many things.

More than you could possibly imagine, I'd wager.

-Both beauty and horrors.


[SWORD MAIDEN] That man with you?


The one who refers to himself as Goblin Slayer.

He appears to be a dependable fellow.

That's very true.

He's also so brave, too.

It seems your search is going well.

But... you should prepare yourself.

Someday I'm sure he'll disappear.

-Trust me.

[PRIESTESS gasps] What do you mean?

Have you...?

[SWORD MAIDEN] Don't stay in too long, or you'll grow faint.

[PRIESTESS] Her scars.

She knows.

I can tell.

She knows what the goblins are like.

[voices chattering] Will you look at her.

That there's a high elf.

You don't say?

I've never laid eyes on one of them before.

That body.

I wouldn't mind adventuring with her, you know?

[ARCHER scoffs] Men are disgusting.

Oh, there you are.

Sorry to make you wait.

Did you send your letter?


I formally requested that a fellow adventurer take it to town.

Now that I think about it, I don't know that I've written a letter to someone before ever.

What do you say in one?

Just tell people you're alive?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] That's basically the point, like a report.

[ARCHER] Which means I bet he's sending updates to that farm girl.

[ARCHER] Well, well, Orcbolg.

Sounds like you care about people after all.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Something's wrong.

[ARCHER] Yeah?

What's that?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] This town has a vast sewer system, but there are no quests to k*ll giant rats.


Figured he wasn't from the city.

Only vermin that's infesting this town is right here.

I guess that is kind of strange.

Or there was a big hunt recently.


[ARCHER] Hey, wait.

Where are you off to now?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] There's something I need to buy.

All right.

Never too late to shop.

[canary singing]

[singing] What is this thing?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] You don't know what a bird is?

-I mean, why'd you buy a pet?

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] It's a canary.

That's what you had to go shopping for?


[ARCHER] Wait.

Is this like that scroll?

If I touch the bird, will it blow up or put a curse on me?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Do you really think a canary would be able to k*ll someone like you?

[PRIESTESS] I think there's a communication issue here.

She's wondering why you brought the canary underground with us to begin with.

[GOBLIN SLAYER sighs] Canaries panic when they smell even the slightest hint of poison gas.


Way down here?


The goblins in this nest appear to have been educated.

It wouldn't surprise me if they could use the defense systems in these ruins.

[PRIEST] Sir Goblin Slayer, where did you acquire such knowledge?

[GOBLIN SLAYERS] From miners.

Most people in this world are more intelligent than I am, unless it's about slaying goblins.

So, Beard-cutter, where are we headed this morning?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] We're traveling upstream.

That's the direction their boat came from last time.

[SHAMAN] I see.

That makes sense.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] We'll do everything we can to avoid running into goblins.

That's odd coming from you.

I'm honestly surprised you'd let any of the goblins pass by.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I don't plan to.

I'm going to take down their leader, crush their nest, and slaughter every stray goblin who escapes into these tunnels.

Do you think there could be another ogre or shaman down here?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I don't know.

[sighs] Although, someday I'm sure he'll disappear.

Trust me.


[PRIEST] This is where the map ends.

We must forge our own path now.

[doors creaking]

[PRIESTESS] This place is gigantic.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Traces of soot.

That could possibly mean other people were down here, recently.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] It hasn't been used in a long time.

Goblins have excellent night vision.

They don't need lights.

[PRIEST] They must be warriors or guards.

No, wait, I believe these figures to be adventurers.

I've heard tales of the many fearsome battles that took place in this area in the past.

This painting is probably four or 500 years old, at least.

Then, could this actually be a mass grave?

For the valiant who fought on the side of order, a final resting place for heroes, still standing from the Age of the Gods.

A monument to champions that's now home to scores of filthy goblins.

I suppose this is what happens when everyone forgets you existed.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] None of that matters right now.

There's no need to be impatient, Beard-cutter.

The goblins will go running when they see you, even if they have to wait a bit longer.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] That would be a problem.

I'd prefer them not to split up.

These hallways are like some kind of labyrinth.

The builders must've designed it this way, so that any monsters who wandered in would get lost, in the hopes that the dead warriors buried here would not be disturbed.

Having to wander around this place as a lost spirit would be a cruel fate indeed.

[PRIEST] Yes, and it would also remove one from the cycle of death and rebirth.

We cannot allow the goblins to confuse our path.

Those dastardly creatures could attack at any moment.

We must remain vigilant.

[PRIESTESS] Might as well start with this room, I guess.

[ARCHER] It isn't locked, and there don't appear to be any traps, not on the door at least.

But I'm no expert on ancient ruins, so don't get mad at me if something goes terribly wrong here.

-[GOBLIN SLAYER] Let's go!

-[ARCHER gasps]

[doors clatter]

[bow string creaking]

-Oh, no, a prisoner!


[PRIESTESS] How awful!


-But what's the matter?




[PRIESTESS whimpers]

[doors creaking]


-[doors thud shut] [grunts] This is not good at all.

They've barred the door from the outside.

♪ [growls] They're on us.

[SHAMAN] Looks like we fell into their hands.


What do we do?

Goblin Slayer, they have us completely trapped.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Calm down.

We're still alive.

[GOBLINS growl]

-[SHAMAN groans]

-[canary chirping wildly]

[ARCHER] Poison gas!

Oh no!

[PRIEST groans]

[canary chirping]

[PRIEST] Dreadful.

They have us cornered as though we were rats.

In the best-case scenario, the gas isn't deadly to us, but it will definitely slow us down.

There's no way out, and the gas will fill the whole room soon!


What do we do now?

I can't help us.

I haven't been granted the miracle to remove poison.


[GOBLIN SLAYER] Wrap this in cloth.

Then tie it around your face.

How is a piece of charcoal going to help?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] It'll protect you from the poison.

If you have any herbs, wrap them up with it.

Be quick, or you're dead.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Quicklime and volcanic earth-- mix them together and block the holes.


This will form concrete!

[GOBLIN SLAYER] It'll be slow to dry.

[SHAMAN] Don't worry.

I know a good weathering spell.

[ARCHER grunts]

[ARCHER] I'm faster.

I'll go around and start plugging.

You follow me with the spell, Dwarf.

[SHAMAN] Understood.

Tick-tock says the clock, its hands never stop.

Pendulum swing, time's the thing!


[PRIEST] Very impressive.

It seems you have a great multitude of wiles hidden up your sleeve, Sir Mage.

We can stop the gas, but what is it that you intend for us to do next, Sir Goblin Slayer?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] We'll push one of these stone coffins in front of the door to block it.

Once the poison dissipates, they're going to come crashing through.

I'll need help.

[ALL grunting]

[PRIESTESS panting]

[PRIEST] This precaution should slow them down at least.

We've finished blocking up all the holes so they can't gas us.

That being said, I'm out of spells for the time being.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Then take up a w*apon.

-[doors rattling]

-[GOBLINS growling]

Shall I summon a dragontooth warrior to aid us in our plight?

-Yes, and I can cast Protection.


[PRIEST] O horns and claws of our father Iguanodon...

[PRIESTESS] Hear me, O merciful Earth Mother.

Please protect us, the weak, with your divine light and the sacred power of nature!

[PRIEST] Come, dragontooth warrior!


What happened?

I don't like how quiet it is out there.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Since we stopped the holes, the poison gas reversed its flow.

I'm sure at least a few of the goblins died.

-[pounding] -Huh?

-[GOBLINS growling]




[GOBLIN shrieks] I can't tell how many of the goblins are still alive, but I hear strange footsteps coming this way.


-[SHAMAN] Here they come!

[arrows clinking]







[GOBLIN SLAYER] A goblin champion.


[GOBLIN SLAYER] We'll cut through them.

Allow my blade to assist you however it can.

[GOBLINS shouting] Wait!

Are you...?



-[GOBLIN grunting]

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Don't hold anything back.

[PRIEST] Understood.

[ARCHER] Damn it!

There's too many of them.

No use complaining, long-ears, keep fighting.

-You holding up over there?

-I'm trying to, but it's hard.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Seventeen.

[body thuds]

[GOBLIN grunting]

[HOB roars] It took down Goblin Slayer!

Say something, Orcbolg.

Are you hurt?

[GOBLIN SLAYER spits, gurgles] No.





-[screaming] No!




The miracle!

How did they breach the barrier?

[ARCHER] Calm down and concentrate, damn it!

Don't give up.

Fight them off.

[grunting] Diabolical beasts!

Unhand her!

-[ARCHER screams]

-[fabric ripping]


-[thudding footsteps]


[HOB growls] Please, don't hurt me.


[PRIESTESS whimpering]


-[PRIESTESS shrieks]


-[HOB growling]

-[PRIESTESS shrieks]



[screaming continuing]

[screaming echoing]

[screaming continuing]





[MALE VOICE] You think you have the strength to slay goblins?

[PRIESTESS screaming]

[MALE VOICE] You just sat there and watched, while they r*ped and pillaged.

[echoing] You are powerless.

[dice clack]


[debris clatters]

[bottle clinking]



[blood squelches]

[cloth rips]

[GOBLINS chattering] Help me.



[HOB growls]

[HOB] Huh?


[GOBLIN SLAYER grunting]

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I've heard the w*apon of choice for some assassins is rope made of human hair.

Now I see why.

It doesn't break easily.

The ultimate way to crush someone's neck.


[HOB roaring]

[HOB roars]


Get her healed!

We'll cover your back.

Thank you for your aid.

You've saved me.

Thanks, and I guess I owe you a favor, Dwarf.

Consider that my expression of elven gratitude and don't let it go to your head.

You were just on the verge of tears.

Glad to see you've got your spunk back.

[ARCHER] You know it!


-[SHAMAN] Beard-cutter!

-[PRIEST] Sir Goblin Slayer!

[ARCHER] k*ll it!

[GOBLIN SLAYER screaming]

[MALE VOICE] Onward unto death!

Die like a nail hammered into a coffin!

[HOB choking]

[GOBLIN SLAYER] Now, goblins, take a good look!



-[body thuds]

[GOBLINS murmuring]

[GOBLIN SLAYER groans] Which one of you is next?

Is it you?

[GOBLINS whimpering]


[GOBLINS whimpering]

[HOB groans]

[GOBLINS whimpering]


[GOBLINS shrieking]

[GOBLIN SLAYER groaning]


[ARCHER grunts] Steady yourself.

[GOBLIN SLAYER groans] You okay?

Well, mostly.

But you're not, right?

That goblin champion injured you pretty badly.


And the girl?

Is she alive?


Can you walk?

[GOBLIN SLAYER] I can try.

[ARCHER crying] There.

Up you go.

Now, I'm willing to bet you've still got some strength under that armor.


[SHAMAN chuckling] Bless the stars.

I'm not certain how we are alive, but I'm ever so thankful we are.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] How is she?

[PRIEST] She's grievously wounded, but she will survive.

Had the wound been any deeper, there would've been nothing I could do to help.


-[gasps] [weakly] I'm so...


[GOBLIN SLAYER] You shouldn't worry.


Slayer, I couldn't protect... us.

[GOBLIN SLAYER] These things happen.




[dice clack]



[blood drips echoing]

♪ ♪

[canary singing]

[dice clack]