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01x08 - The Sky Is a Graveyard

Posted: 11/22/20 05:46
by bunniefuu


IRIS: We don't know what happened.

It had to have been someone else.

Silas isn't a m*rder*r.

FELIX: Iris...

It's not possible.

HUCK: We've seen him lose it before.

He was drunk. Blacked out.

He woke up covered in blood.

Their blood...

He could've stumbled on them just like us.

He told us that he doesn't remember, and I believe him.

All right? I do.

But we have to look at the hard facts.

He was angry. He didn't like Percy...



Tony and Percy were grifters.

They must've had enemies.

What if someone that they ripped off came back for revenge?

HUCK: Turned this whole place upside down.

There's no evidence anybody else was in here.

Strangers would've taken their shit.

He was passed out at the scene, his wrench covered in Tony's blood.

HOPE: I don't wanna believe it, either.

All right? It's the last thing I wanna believe.

But Huck said it.

We have seen Silas lose it before.

Hope, come on.

We've heard the stories about his dad.

You're all acting like
we don't know him.

Silas is our friend.
He has earned our trust.

There has to be some other explanation.

Wild animals. Marauders, even. I...

What about Percy?

We never found his body.

What if he's alive and he needs our help?

Yes, yes. He could tell us what really happened.

We searched, okay? We did.

For hours.

We found a trail of blood that stopped at the river.

I mean, even if he was still alive... there's no way he could fight that current.

But why would Silas attack the people who were trying to help us?

I don't know.

I think I know why.





Sorry, kid.



Saw this when we made camp the other night.


Come on.


Wasn't my business.


But it is now.


ELTON: So what?

They're drawings.


They're mine.

















MAN: Wipe that stupid look off your face and answer me...

Do you want to live in this shit?

Answer me! Are you a pig?!

Disrespecting the house that your grandparents left for us?!


- You're gonna make a mess?



I'll teach you!

I'll teach you to disrespect this house!











This is so messed up.

It's just a couple drawings.

Iris, you threw these away.

He dug through our trash...

He was a janitor. It was his job.


It doesn't have to mean anything.

It doesn't, but it might.

He likes you, Iris.

He was different with you.

We all saw that.

Maybe he saw that you were different with Percy.

No, I wasn't. He wasn't...

They were in his bag.
We should put them back.


Iris may not have wanted those drawings, but Silas did.

All we have is what we carry on our backs.

Obviously, Silas thought Iris's work was important enough to bring with him.

We have no right to take that away.

HUCK: Book says we take him to the City.

Have the OPD arrest him.

Have a trial.


I know.

So you saying we turn around, make the long-ass walk back?

Maybe it's just you that takes him.


Now that they know where their dad is, the girls aren't just gonna turn back.

I-I gotta keep them safe.

Kid's twice my size.

All he has to do is sit down and we ain't going nowhere.

Then what do we do?


Decision falls on us.

Do we take him with us or leave him behind?


I do not know.


You shouldn't come in here.

It's not safe.


I'm not safe.


I disagree with your hypothesis.


The only times I've seen you engage in v*olence were in self-defense or the defense of someone else.

I hurt you. Back at the school.

You were defending Iris.

You want me to be scared of you.

But I'm not.


Because I don't think that you would ever hurt anybody without just cause.


You said it yourself.

You don't remember what happened.

Is it so hard for you to believe that you might be innocent?




So, the guys at the plant are saying that we're gonna relax power rationing for the holidays.

No more "two bulb nights".

Maybe there'll be Christmas lights this year.

The kids at school would love that.


Silas, maybe tomorrow...take you down to the bazaar, and you can pick out a gift for your mom.




♪ I want to what I want to ♪















ELTON: Silas?

If you're not going to believe in yourself,

I'll have to do it for you.

But I will need to find proof that you were not involved.

If I can't...


... they're going to leave you.





Felix'll shit twice if he realizes you're out here.

I was looking for Elton.

If you're gonna stand there, might as well be useful.




SILAS: Uh... can I help you?

The walls are very thin, Silas.

Do you know what that means?

It means I hear things I'd rather not hear.

Now, I need to speak to your mother.

E-Everything's fine.
You don't need to...

I'm not leaving until I see her.

Preferably away from that piece of human refuse you call a father.

I don't want to have to go to the authorities again...

Then don't, please.

My mom's at work. She'll be back later.

It's just me.

Uh... my dad doesn't like cops.

I don't want him to be mad.

Did he hurt you, Silas?

You can walk out with me right now.

Wait for your mom at my place.

I know people that can make sure you're both safe.


It'll be okay.


Um, I think you should leave.


If that's what you want.






How you doing?


Stupid question. I know.

You thirsty?

You need anything from us, you just holler.




Is Iris okay?

One of her friends is dead.

What if it wasn't me?



I wanna help you, Silas. Okay?

But you've got to give me something to work with here.

I can't remember.

My dad could never remember anything when he blacked out, either.

I read your file, Silas.

You were never convicted.

What happened with your dad was ruled self-defense.

Was it?

You promised me a fresh start.

I got one, probably two people dead.

And on top of that,

I got people inside that I really care about.


And I need to keep them safe.

What do I do?

Do I trust you to stay in control?

To not put everyone else in danger?

I don't wanna be like this.

Like my dad.


I know you don't.












HUCK: Easy...

It's stupid.

I barely knew the guy.

And he tried to steal all of our stuff.


Kind of a d*ck, actually.

So... he was all right.


He was a mixed bag, like everybody.

Even Silas.

If you're trying to get me to forgive and forget...

[SCOFFS] Not saying that.

Feel how you wanna feel.

Be sad. Be pissed.

Just keep asking yourself how to serve the greater good.

That's how you stay focused.

You've got the wrong sister.

Iris has always been the good one.

I'm talking the greater good.

Doesn't always have to be about right or wrong.

It's about doing what's best for everybody, even when you know it's gonna hurt.

You all want to get to the C.R.'s research place?

Help your Dad?

Every choice has to be about making it there.


Sometimes what's painful in the moment... is what gets you where you need to go.



Deep enough.





Any progress?

I thought breaking this code would be a good distraction, but instead it's just reminding me of how... nothing makes sense.

We buried Tony.

And we left markers for him and Percy.

Even with everything...the blackout, the blood...

I just...

I still have this feeling Silas didn't do it.

Never know what someone's capable of.

You didn't know what I was.

One mistake doesn't make you a bad person.

Silas didn't just make one mistake.

How many chances do we get?

- Hope...
- We know where Dad is now.

We are so close.

We can't let anyone stand in the way of that.

I wanna believe him.


Because if he did it,

I should've seen it coming.

I should've known.

Not if he didn't want you to see.


Maybe he thought he was protecting you.

No, that would only make it worse.


It'd mean he let me live in a lie.






You in there?








You shouldn't be out there by yourself.

Okay, the last thing we need is somebody else getting k*lled.

Where were you?

Found him out by the river.

Do me a favor... keep an eye on him.


I followed Percy's trail, looking for evidence to exonerate Silas.

You find any?

I don't know forensics.

And it's dark, so no.

Why are you fighting so hard for a lost cause?

'Cause it isn't.

Look, we don't know what happened.

The only fact I know is that I haven't had a family in a long time.

But I have one now.

Even if Silas is guilty, he deserves our help.

That's what family does.

So you'd just forgive him?

Let him get away with m*rder?

I don't think it's something you get away with.

You still have to live with what you've done.

We have to focus on the greater good.

What's best for everyone.

What's best is for us to stay together.








Didn't mean to hurt you.

Just wanted you to stop.

















MAN: Silas.

SILAS: Yeah?

Lie down.


What, you don't trust me?



Close your eyes.

- Go on.
- ♪ You need ♪

You wanna hear what a real concert sounded like before everything went to shit?

♪ You take ♪

♪ What I make ♪

♪ Or you're living a lie ♪

♪ We want to feel it ♪


♪ Feel it now ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

You gotta imagine thousands of voices, shouting the words all around you.

The bass shaking the sky.

When I saw AC/DC in ' , they practically cracked the arena in half.


This is what music should be like.

You should feel it in your entire body.

Feel that?


I feel it.

♪ Light the night ♪

♪ Light the night ♪

♪ Light the night ♪



♪ In the days of long ago ♪

♪ A not too distant time ♪

♪ You fought for freedom, and they paid the price ♪

♪ They won the battle ♪






♪ They won the battle ♪

♪ The right to be free ♪



♪ Returned by our hand ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Proclaim for all to see ♪

♪ The crosses made ♪















WOMAN: Silas?



- Mom!
- No!



Mom, get out of the house!





Mom, get out of the house!

















Stay back.



Stay back.

Stay back.






What the hell?


You should've yelled.
I-I... Why didn't you?

I almost...


I don't know if you meant to, but I think you probably did it.

I'm sorry, but it's just what I think.

Why'd you save me?


Enough people have died.





You asleep?


I don't think any of us can sleep right now.

Every time I close my eyes...

I keep thinking about something Hope used to say when we were kids.

That the sky is full of stars that have already died.

Empty stars.

Their light carrying on across millions of miles of space after they're gone.

It's a graveyard up there.

Actually, stars visible to the human eye are mostly a couple of hundred light-years away.

We'd be able to tell if they were in the early stages of death.


The stars that you're looking at up there... they're very much alive.

I hope that makes you feel better.

It does.

A little.

How are you doing with everything?


I've been thinking, too.

I've been operating under a false assumption.

I mean, there are no laws out here, and as such, nothing specifically empowers the adults to decide Silas's fate.

I mean, you're the closest thing to a leader we have.

You should have equal say in what happens to Silas.

And so should I.

And... And Hope.


This isn't just some problem to solve.

If you refuse to exile Silas, then all we'd need is one more vote in our favor.

Then we'd have the majority, and Silas can stay.

Hope won't...

You think Huck... ?

Not Huck.

He doesn't want to leave anybody.

If we present a united front,

I-I think he'll back us.

It's up to you.


Why'd you keep them?

They were too beautiful to throw away.

Tell me you didn't k*ll anyone.

If you say it, I'll believe you.

[VOICE BREAKING] I told you once we wouldn't leave you.

Help me keep my promise, Silas.

HOPE: Iris?


I got free last night.

I wanted to talk to you.

I didn't want you to see me like this.


I wish I could tell you what you need to hear.


I don't remember much.

Just being angry.


It's happened before.

I think there's something wrong with me.

No, Silas...


Thank you for believing in me.

Wanting me to be a hero.

I wanted that, too.

I k*lled my dad.

I k*lled Percy and Tony.

I'm a k*ller.


I don't want to cause you any more problems, so I won't.

I'm sorry you met me.

But I'm glad I got to know you, Iris.


I'll never forget you.




What happened?


He's gone.



Think he'll change his mind?

Come back for us?


I don't.

No, all he wanted was a fresh start.

Maybe now he'll finally get one.



HOPE: Are we leaving already?

I have come to a very difficult decision.

I'm leaving to join Silas.

His odds of survival increase dramatically with supplies and somebody watching his back.

You can't. That's crazy.

If I don't go after him,

Silas will spend the rest of his life thinking that nobody believes in him.

He'll spend the rest of his life believing a lie.

I just...

I can't let that happen.

You'll give my best to the others?

It's going to be too hard to say goodbye, so...

I-I'd rather not.

You're serious.

You're really leaving.

We could never see you again.

What about our family?

Silas is family, too.

Everything happens the way it's supposed to.

And I think I'm supposed to find him.

And then I think I'm supposed to find my mother and my sister, too.

- Elton...
- Look, I-I thought it was crazy, but you were right.

They could still be out there.

It's just like my father's triceratops horn.

- If I could...
- But what if they're not?

Not what?


I lied to you, Elton.

I thought I was protecting you from the truth,

- but I made it worse.
- I don't understand.

You can't keep looking for someone that's not there.


I can't let you do that.

I'm so sorry.



You forgave Silas.

Maybe one day, you'll forgive me, too.



The Night the Sky Fell, I was with my mom.

There was a woman with a g*n.

[SNIFFLES] I didn't know it until I saw the picture in the book, but... it was your mom.

And she was scared.

My mom tried to calm her down, and I jumped between them, and the g*n went off and my mom... she died.

I don't know if your mom meant to do it, but she dropped the g*n, and I picked it up.

I didn't know what to do, so I pointed it at her and it went off in my hand.




















MAN: Lieutenant Colonel, we have eyes.

Good. Bring her in.

She's late, but she made it.

She did.

This far at least.

It'll only get harder on this side of the Mississippi River.

She's aware. So am I.

With respect, I just wonder

- if there isn't an easier way to...
- There isn't.

We know there isn't because she's the one who was on the ground, watching and listening and doing the very hard thing of becoming someone else to find out there isn't.

She knows it's dangerous.

She knows she could die. They both could.

She's out here risking everything because there's no easier way.






I was only able to get away for about hours.

I'm not back soon, they'll come looking.


What about the asset?

The asset's safe.

And you?

I'm fine, yeah.


Clean up, we'll debrief.

And take this.


Is this...



So next time you won't be late.




