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07x02 - Something in the Air, Part 2

Posted: 11/16/20 05:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "NCIS: New Orleans":

Suspicious death of Lieutenant Paula Cooke on a humanitarian ship.

She went overboard.
Nobody knows how or why.

RYAN: I'm taking Naomi to my parents in Kent.

- It's safer than the other alternatives.

Darin Collinsworth had financial records from Eternal Hope's missions overseas.

My team found evidence of missing money.

- Captain Granger. Welcome aboard.
- Nancy McLane.

I'm the medical director for Eternal Hope.

- What the hell is this?

PATTON: That's my goddaughter, Donna.

I'm keeping an eye on her while her mother's out of town.

She's a traveling nurse in New York helping with the surge.

GREGORIO: Three crew members appear to have COVID, which means the entire ship was exposed, including us.

I'll tell you what I could really use.

A refrigerated truck for the overflow.

- I'm on it.
- GUSTIN: This...

It's the ship of the damned.

CARTER: Gonna retrace her steps.

- You think something's missing?
- I wouldn't be surprised.

Anyway, we're stuck here.

What else are we gonna do?




Damn it! It's empty!

Someone! Over here!

I got you!

(PANTING): You good?

(EXHALES) Yeah. You?


Like I said, ship of the damned.

Hey, Gregorio.

You know I'm right.

CARTER: All right, Captain says they got this under control.

We should head up now.
- All right.

What's up with your buddy?

GREGORIO: Starting to think he's the only one on this ship who makes any sense.

Come on.

Any structural damage to the ship?

GREGORIO: Only cosmetic.

Which means we're completely safe except for the m*rder suspect and the virus.

PRIDE: What was destroyed in the fire?

Pretty much all of the soft medical supplies on the cargo deck: gloves, gowns, masks.

Bad time to lose PPE.

Especially since donating them to first responders in New Orleans is the reason Good Hope turned around in the first place.

PRIDE: You thinking arson?

I'm trying to avoid leaping to conclusions.

Well, you don't think someone set the fire intentionally?

Oh, no, I totally think someone did it intentionally.

I'm just worried that I sound paranoid.

It's not paranoia if it's true.

- Ha. You sound like Sebastian.

Lieutenant Cooke was k*lled on that ship to cover up something having to do with Eternal Hope.

Well, maybe our suspect was trying to destroy evidence.

Or some crew member was trying to force you back so that they could get off that ship before they contracted the coronavirus.

Ship of the damned.

- What's that mean?
- Nothing.

It's my new motto.

Well, it may be very accurate.

Listen, I think it's too coincidental that you and Carter were on your way to the cargo deck when that fire started.

You think we were the target?

I don't know, but it goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway, be...

- GREGORIO: Be careful.
- Be careful.

I get it.


Please don't tell me that you've been breaking into the walk-ins of the restaurants that closed.

Well, technically, that's exactly what I've done.

But only with permission.


Oh, looks like I picked the right spot to wait out the apocalypse. (CHUCKLES)

Well, look, who made it down here.

Uh, I got tested before I left,

- but I don't have the results yet.
- I'm sure you're fine.

No, you want me to be fine, but you don't know that and neither do I.

So, for now, let's just be cautious.

I missed you.

I missed you, too, Dwayne.

- How are Jake and Sarah?
- They're good.

They're hunkering down with their father. Laurel?

Still in New York. Still safe.

And Mena?

Saw Mama last week. She's doing... okay.

But the facility is on lockdown now, so I can't visit her with her Alzheimer's.

But no one's sick there yet, so...

Thank God.

- Let me help you get your bags upstairs.
- Oh, uh, you've got your hands full here, it's okay.

I'll, uh, just drop my stuff and, um, and come back to help.

Oh, I cleared out some drawers in the bedroom.

Oh, that's so sweet, but I'll be in the guest room until I get my results.

And no arguments.

You know I'm right.

Ooh, guest room.

That's a tough break, brother.

Refrigerator truck's almost full.

Parish is looking for another one.

SEBASTIAN: Oh, man, they're getting younger.

years old.

Unlucky enough to catch COVID and have asthma.

He didn't go to the hospital because he didn't have insurance.


You're exhausted.

I'm angry, Sebastian.

Well, I-I can't do anything about your anger, but I can at least remind you to take a break.

Maybe eat something, take a nap, get a Xanax.

I don't know.

I've got papers to complete.

Well, look, I'm gonna take care of him.

Will you please just take care of yourself?

At least for a few minutes?

- Ah...

DEPUTY: Excuse me, ma'am.

You're clearly someone who cannot help me out,

- so just get out of my way.
- Ma'am. Ma'am!

This is restricted.

You need to listen to me or I'm gonna freak out here.

Ma'am, I will forcibly remove you if you don't calm down.

Okay, I don't think any of that will be necessary, Nigel.

- What's going on?
- I told this woman she needs to put on a mask and wait outside.

I'm not going anywhere until I find Aaron.

Okay, let's start with this first: what is your name?

Alyssa Martin.

Okay, Ms. Martin, I am Dr. Wade.

This is Deputy Chase Nigel.

And we are in the midst of a public health crisis.

So for everyone's safety, you must wear a mask.

Thank you.

Now, who is Aaron?

My brother.

Aaron Martin. I don't think we have anyone with that name who works here, but we have a lot of extra help, and if you would just

- wait outside...
- He doesn't work here.

I think he might have been brought here.

I see.

I just need to find my brother.

Okay. I'll, uh, take it from here.

Do you know when your brother died, dear?

A few days ago, at St. Tammany.

Oh, St. Tammany. He wouldn't have been brought here unless it was a criminal investigation.

It was the virus.

You should talk to Jerel Milton.

He is the pathologist for St. Tammany...

I already spoke to Dr. Milton.

And the health administrator, and a dozen other people.

No one knows where my brother is.

He just had a cough... a week ago.

But it kept getting worse.

We didn't know what it meant.

He thought he could muscle through it.

But he couldn't breathe.

So I drove him to the hospital.

He went in, I parked my car, but they wouldn't let me go inside with him.

He just disappeared into the ER, all by himself.

He died alone.



Please help me find him.

There it is, right on the ground.

You see how the burn pattern sh**t out?

It indicates some sort of flaring, like you'd get with an accelerant.

Also, it looks like the surface of the fire was really hot; that's not typical.

What did you say burned?

Containers of PPE.

Okay, so fabric kindling.

That explains the heat and why it spread so fast.


Your arsonist picked the spot on purpose.

That's the theory, but why?

A fire on a ship like this rarely destroys it, unless expl*sives are involved.

Could be this was supposed to force you to shore,

Or hurt you, or slow the investigation.

Yeah, Pride was worried about that, too.

And as much as I appreciate your collective concern, it's a pretty poor m*rder attempt, no?

Okay, but even if you weren't the target, tell Carter you guys should sleep in shifts tonight.

You're a real Sally Sunshine.

Look, I'm just saying, you know, maybe you guys can have, like, a Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse thing going on.

Virus gives you plague.

- Anchored at sea, that could be conquest.
- No.

Fire is definitely w*r.
There's only famine left.

I'm done now.

Bye, Sebastian.

I was gonna hang up on you.

If you're only gonna pretend to go to school, at least do me the courtesy and hide your screen when I pull up.

I was just taking a break.

(SCOFFS) You been looking at shoes for an hour.

And you know that because?

'Cause I married your computer to my phone.

- Why aren't you in class?
- What's the point?

- The point is learning.
- I'm not in school.

I'm definitely not learning.

I'm on a computer with teachers who don't want to be here any more than me.

At least they show up.

Because they get paid.

What am I getting out of it?

- A future.
- You don't get it.

I been working toward my future since I was four.

Accelerated classes, extra credit.

Taking summer school so I could skip grades, but for what?

To graduate, to go to college...

But there's not gonna be a graduation, or a prom, or even a college to go to next year.

I've sacrificed everything for a future that might not even exist anymore.

Baby, you can't give up. You gotta keep going.

Even if it look like a lost cause.

You fight.

Even you don't believe that.

Oh, Lord...

She's right.

You don't think she should fight?

Of course I want her to fight.

But it's hard to argue the bright side of this.

Donna's the smartest girl I've ever met.

She's never acted like this before.

I promised her mama I'd look after her, but goodness grief!

Yeah, it's not so easy, right?

Look... parenting is ten percent knowledge and % determination just like most things in life.


- Aw, damn it.
- What is it?

Darin Collinsworth died this morning in ICU.

Oh, there goes our whistleblower.

And any chance of questioning him.

Look, I don't mean any disrespect to the dead, but it's possible this guy could be the land-based leader of... what it is we're trying to get to the bottom of.

Absolutely possible.

Our only way of getting to the truth is through the files he left behind.

You learn anything more?

Mystery cash payments that turned out to be bribes to foreign officials.

And a page of strange numbers buried within the files themselves.

PRIDE: Okay.

What do they mean?

No idea.

Serial numbers or... a code?

How do they connect to Lieutenant Cooke's death?

I found several of the same numbers in a cloud account connected to Lieutenant Cooke's phone.

So she was in contact with Collinsworth?

Not directly.

But he did receive a call from the ship the night before she died. Lasted about ten minutes.

I didn't think anything of it before because

Collinsworth had several calls from the ship.

What's different about this one?

This one was made at : a.m.

I already told Mr. Martin's sister, I just...

I just don't know where the body is.

WADE: Let's be clear.

It's not just that you don't know.

You lost him, Jerel.

Just wait a minute...

Look, I understand you're under stress.

JEREL: There have been so many deaths and they just keep coming..

There's no time to process them all because it's nonstop.

But I took my lunch break,

I went over all the forms, and he's just not here.

He's there. He died there.

And setting aside all human decency, this family is going to sue you and the hospital.

You have to make this right.

I can barely keep up with the new bodies.

Yesterday three got dropped off in the hallway when I went to give a hand in the ICU.

I understand. It's...

You don't, Loretta.

Folks here who are dying?

We're the ones that call their families for them.

We put the phone to their ear just so they can...

Just so they can say goodbye.


You're providing real comfort.

One man asked me to sing him

"Amazing Grace."

And I... couldn't even remember the words.

It doesn't matter... You were there.

That matters.

(EXHALES) Tell you what, uh...

Send me a list of the funeral homes that picked up from the hospital since he died.

I'll track down Mr. Martin.

That's not your job.

It hardly matters.

You just take care of yourself, Jerel.

Yes, ma'am.

And we'll figure this out.

You be safe, okay?


Darin Collinsworth is dead.

And he was our one link to why Lieutenant Cooke was m*rder*d.

I'm sorry his death affects your investigation, but Darin was a friend.

He has a family that's grieving his loss.

Yeah, well, Lieutenant Cooke has a family, too.

And while we're clear on why Collinsworth died, it's not so clear who m*rder*d Cooke.

We're as much in the dark as you.

I'm not so sure about that.

Collinsworth said that your company was responsible for Lieutenant Cooke's m*rder and others.

He knew something and chose to come to me about it.

We've given you access to everything.

Held up our entire operation during a pandemic to help... What more do you want?

How about clarity on what these numbers are for a start?

What are they?

I was hoping that you would know.

Well, we don't!

All we know is a ship full of protective gear we were donating to hospitals was destroyed and people on our ship are sick.

Many of them will die.

I got people on that ship, too!

But many more will die here because you kept us from docking!

PETRIE: Jason, that's enough. Stop talking.

Look... we're all on edge.

But we know you're only doing your job here.

I'm trying.

Send us a copy of those numbers, and we'll take a look at it.

Full cooperation.


What is this?

Some sort of applicator.

Found at the flashpoint of the fire.

It's too burned up to tell what it's for.

GUSTIN: Nah, that's easy.

It's from a bottle of piston lubricant.

That's a bunch of crap!

The only other thing that comes in a bottle like that on a ship is ketchup.

You don't know that for sure.

All right, well, let me tell you what I do know for sure.

The sun sets in the west.

When my left knee throbs, there's gonna be a storm.

And that is an applicator for piston grease.

Engineer sauce.

You're out of your mind.

Hey, this isn't a debate.

'Cause you know I'm right.

These fools got our ship grounded with their sick friends, then tried to burn us to hell.

- Come say it to my face!
- Gladly!

Hey, take it easy!

No, I don't have that luxury.

I got a wife and kid back home that I'd like to see again.

And I'm not gonna let these lower-deck jackals screw it up!

- You son of a bitch!
- GREGORIO: Stay where you are, everyone!

Guys, there's a virus on this ship!

Keep your damn six feet!

All right, all right, you can let go now, sweetheart.

Okay. So, is he right?

About the piston lubricant.
That it's like ketchup?

Sure, goes with everything.

Well, then that means anyone could've gotten access to a bottle.

Three days ago, I would've fought you on the idea that anyone in my crew had anything to do with this.

years at sea, never had a crew as anxious as this.

WOMAN: I wish I could help, Dr. Wade, but we haven't seen Aaron Martin here.

Did you talk to Park Haven's?

I believe they contract regularly

- with St. Tammany hospital.
- Yes.

I tried Emerson's, uh, Brighton and Sons,

Running Springs and, uh, Winston's.

Mr. Martin was never in their care.

These are extraordinary times and

I must confess we have not been at our best.

Our crematorium was out of order for a few days.

Couldn't get it fixed and we were unable to get the word out.

Clients continued to arrive and... needless to say, the situation was... very upsetting.

What happened?

An angel came by the name of Dr. Jones.

He brought a van, took possession of bodies not yet registered.

And then?

Found homes for them.

I'm sorry.

You gave them to a complete stranger?

And does this angel have a phone number?

Let me get it for you.

I think Patton and I have some insights on these numbers that Collinsworth left behind.

How'd you pull that off?

Patton ran the numbers through an algorithm and a bunch of other words I don't understand.


Fair enough.

So these digits scribbled here in the margins all represent coding associated with actuarial tables.

All coinciding with statistical analysis of cause of deaths in foreign countries.

Cause of death, like m*rder?

Like freak accidents, uh, rare diseases, suicides...

Uncommon occurrences, which led me to wonder if these other numbers might be connected to official documents, like hospital records.

- Or death certificates?
- Only one so far... an aid worker in Equatorial Guinea.

He works for Eternal Hope.

- m*rder*d?
- Afraid not.

Natural causes is all we know so far, but we have an embassy employee looking for a hard copy, which actually isn't as easy as it sounds.


All good?

Uh, yeah, it's... (LAUGHS) it's Naomi, she keeps sending me pictures of the great time she's having with her grandparents and I keep smiling and acting like it's not k*lling me.

I know you wish you could be there.

Yeah, but...

I'm not and she's safe and this is as good as it's gonna get.

For now, Hannah.

For now.

DONNA: I'm done being told what to do - .

You're being absolutely insane...

Still, in these dark days, it could be worse.

PATTON: And a future full of consequences.

You could be dealing with a teenager.


You're being real ridiculous.

Oh, you're the Genghis Khan of ridiculous.

Hacking my computer, micromanaging every part of my life.

I told your mama I'd look out for you.

Well, you're doing it wrong.

Why? 'Cause I ain't being the cool Uncle P?

Buy pizza and play video games?

This ain't Saturday night babysitting.

It's not babysitting at all!

I'm not a baby!

And you haven't been cool Uncle P since I was ten.

You can insult me all you want!

But you ain't going out in them streets!

My mom wouldn't have a problem with what I'm doing.

Long as I keep my GPA, which I have... just ask her.

I would, but she's busy saving lives.

She's always busy.

Where you think you going?!


You're not going home alone!

Then I'll stay with my mom.

Where, in Queens?

Or I'll get my own room, I really don't care how it works.

Long as it's away from you.

- Liquid soap!

Three boxes, bottles each.

This doesn't look like it came from restaurants.

Oh, no, we expanded our reach.

Rita figured we'd contact the supply company directly.

Paper goods and disinfectant, personal hygiene products.

I would kiss you if it was authorized.

Well, don't let me stop you.

Results came in?

Never been so happy to fail a test.

Ah... (MOANS)


- So the suppliers donated all this?

No, but we got it at cost.

Rita's a monster negotiator.

RITA: I knew my lifetime as a litigator would pay off someday.

You make yourself indispensable, I won't let you go back to D.C.

Well, what if I didn't?

Well, I figure the Justice Department would track you down.

They got whole agencies dedicated to finding people.

I, um... I resigned, Dwayne.

When you invited me to shelter here, I decided not to put in for a vacation, and just quit.

So don't freak out.

No, I'm not freaking out. I just...

You-You're giving up your career?

My career has been pushing paper for the last two years.

I mean, I felt more useful this morning than I have in months.

And I'm not saying I'm gonna stay in NOLA forever.

That's, um, that's a you and me, um, conversation.

- Kind of a quick conversation...
- HANNAH: Oh, Rita!

I heard you were back.

- RITA: Hi.
- Welcome.

It's-it's nice to see you, Hannah.

- Yeah. I'm negative.
- Oh.

- Hey.

I interrupt something?


Whatcha got?

Six death certificates from that list of numbers.

All from countries Eternal Hope ran missions.

All medical professionals who died from the very disease their ships were sent in to deal with.

Well, frontline workers are always at high risk.

What makes these deaths different?

Those actuarial tables I told you about...

Statistically speaking, these people should not be dead.

Eternal Hope provided them with top-of-the-line PPE and equipment, yet they died at five times the rate of baseline.

Almost like the equipment wasn't working.

Maybe that fire on Good Hope was set to destroy evidence.

And Lieutenant Cooke was k*lled because she found it first.

The people at Eternal Hope died from respiratory illness, like MERS and TB.

The fire in the cargo deck started in the N storage area.

We thought it was just highly flammable, but maybe the masks themselves were the target.

Can you check the manifest and the lot numbers on those masks?

Yeah. You got an angle?

Darin Collinsworth had a box of N masks in his apartment.

I thought he might be stockpiling them.

Maybe he was holding them as evidence, proof of bad product.

Sebastian is examining those masks.

If they're faulty, he'll find out.

All right. Let us know when you know.

It'll give us a reason to leave our berth.

I bet you're going a little stir crazy.

GREGORIO: Nah, it's all right.

Carter here is a dreamy roommate.

He's quiet, polite.

Complete opposite of Sebastian.

- I won't say a word.
- No, please, tell him.

I miss making fun of that little googly-eyed teddy bear.


Why are you not in the house?

Forgot my keys.


What's that grin about?

You've been on your own for two hours, and you can't get in your own house?

You here to give me another pep talk?

Some single-serve wisdom, tell me about faking it till I make it or stiff upper lip?

No, Donna.

I'm gonna keep it real with you.

You're right.

The world sucks right now.

Everybody's finding it hard to deal with.

I have plenty of practice being upset with the way the world works.

But dwelling on it never helped me sleep at night or get up in the morning.

So I don't.

That's it?

That's the wisdom?

That... and your keys.

Left 'em on my desk.


Oh, man. You know, I remember when you was born.

How cute you were.

I couldn't believe your mother asked me to be your godfather.

I had nothing to offer.

But all I can do now is make sure you know you are not alone.

Be good.

Dr. Jones?


Who's asking?
- I'm...

Dr. Loretta Wade. I'm the coroner from Jefferson Parish.

Didn't mean to startle you.

I'm-I'm just tired.

Too much coffee.

I'm Larry Jones.

Old habit.

How can I help you, Dr. Wade?

Do you... do you have bodies you need help with?

No. Looking for one.

- Well, that's new.
- Yes. The family's suffered a great deal wondering what happened to him.

I think you might know.

And so you tracked me all the way down to...

I don't even know what parish

- I'm in right now.
- St. Helena.

- How'd you even find me?
- I pinged your cell phone.

I wouldn't have had to if you'd answer your phone or check your messages.

My battery's dead.

And I've been...

I doubt you care what I've been doing.

Bodies have been disappearing all over southern Louisiana.

I actually do.

I'm a teacher.

Mortuary arts.

On the first day of every class, I write "dignity" on the board.

'Cause everybody deserves dignity.

And the idea of people being left in... morgues, hallways, trucks, it-it's not... right.

So I've been offering to move bodies that can't be accommodated properly where they can.

With dignity.

That's honorable.

Doing what little I can.

But I've kept good accounting of my wards.

I apologize for thinking so ill of you.

Do you like Emily Dickinson?


I keep mumbling the words to as I drive around.

"Because I could not stop for Death..."

"He kindly stopped for me."

She wasn't talking about us.

I'm not sure anymore.

Some days...

I feel it's like death's sitting in my passenger seat...


I see him, too.

Hovering near the ceiling.

Too many. Too soon.

So... What was that name?


Aaron Martin.

SEBASTIAN: N masks are made from electrostatic non-woven polypropylene fibers.

Layman's terms, Bill Nye.

Well, they're very small fibers that filter out very small particles and protect the wearer from viruses and bacteria.

Which is good.

Yes, but these masks we found are plain old polyester.

They looked good, probably had a nice fit, but, uh, they're the medical equivalent of wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt on your face.

Well, what would they cost to make, versus the real ones?

Oh, a fraction.

So maybe someone at Eternal Hope was buying the counterfeits and skimming the extra.

I'll contact the manufacturer and find out.


What the hell?

What's happening?

I don't know.

Sebastian, you know what to do.

Yeah. Okay.

Let me in there, damn it!

What the hell is going on here?

He's pulling up the anchor.


GRANGER: He's taken control of the ship.

Well, does he even know what he's doing?

He operates cargo cranes.

No idea if he can pilot a ship.

How'd he get in there alone?

He rushed in, told us there was an accident:

container came loose, someone's pinned underneath.

We rushed out, and he locked the door behind us.

- He's gone crazy.
- No. He thinks the ship is doomed.

His family's waiting for him on land.

He just wants out.

Is there any way I can talk to him?

My phone's at the table.

GREGORIO: Okay. Uh...

Is this your number?

GRANGER: Yes. Is there any way through or around this door?

- I'll talk to the engineers.
- Great. Thank you.

PRIDE: That ship of yours was loaded with crates of counterfeit N masks, responsible for at least six deaths.

Seven if you count Lieutenant Cooke.

MULLINS: It's not possible.

None of our employees would put people's lives at risk.

These masks cost a fraction of the real thing.

Someone made money.

The people who work for us are trying to make a difference, not money.

Well... you know as well as I do that sometimes good intentions break down.

So, who asked for a raise and didn't get it?

Or complained about unfairness?

Who threatened to quit over some injustice,

- but then didn't?
- PETRIE: I'm telling you, our people aren't like that.

And I'm telling you the evidence says otherwise.

Your ship is in trouble.

There are sick people on board.

My agents are on board.
So stop messing around, and start cooperating.

Okay, I believe this conversation is over.

We're going to consult with legal counsel...

It was me.

- What?
- MULLINS: This is my fault.

PETRIE: Jason...

The masks, Lieutenant Cooke...

I'm responsible for all of it.

It doesn't work like that.

I know you weren't on board that ship.

I know you didn't k*ll Lieutenant Cooke.

Still, uh, we're done here.

I'm calling counsel.



GREGORIO: Come on, pick up the phone.

- Um...

I just want to talk to you.


This isn't gonna get you home to your family faster.

I figure I got a better chance this way than waiting to die.

Right. Or you could k*ll us all right now by ramming us into an oil tanker.

Four more crew got sick last night.

You don't want to be here any more than I do.

No. I don't. And even if by some miracle you were able to steer this ship to land, there'd be no port that would let us disembark.

I just want to go home!


What's your kid's name?


It was my mother's name.

That's beautiful.

I want us all to get home.

I want those guys in quarantine to get help.

I want to change my clothes.

And I really don't want to see you go to jail.

For Sophia's sake.

I'm definitely going to jail.

No. Not yet.

You didn't set that fire.

You didn't get the-the sailor k*lled.

Yeah, you're acting like a jackass, but if you open that door, we'll write this one off.

Open the door for the captain.


Shut it down. All right, come on.

Go take a rest.

We'll hash this out later, Gustin.


Yeah, it's all right. It's all right.

Come on. Go.

Not exactly The Caine Mutiny, huh?


It's okay. It's all right.
Be calm. Don't say anything.

Lawyers will meet you at the jail.

Make sure those people on the ship are okay.

- And everyone upstairs!
- I got it handled.


You didn't have to send the FBI.

He would've surrendered.

You just humiliated him in front of everyone.

It's just the beginning of what he's gonna face.

When the media gets ahold of this...

Humanitarian putting thousands at risk with bad PPE.

It was clearly a mistake.

He had no malicious intent.

Well, I'd venture to guess that he had no clue what was going on at all.

You told me Mullins' passion for the mission sometimes got in the way of good sense.

I think that this is one of those moments.

What do you mean?

He's falling on his sword here.

To protect the organization.

His people.

Makes me think...


he didn't know anything about it.

Jason Mullins is the best man I know.

Well, that's easy to say when he's the one in cuffs.

Mullins is a crusader.

He's out there looking for the next big outbreak.

He doesn't sign checks.

He doesn't lease ships.

And he certainly doesn't order supplies.

That would be your job.

Those masks...

- I didn't know.
- You knew.

You just didn't want to believe that anyone would get hurt.

The masks were supposed to be just as good.

- That's what they told me.
- Well, who else knew?

Besides Lieutenant Cooke.

We needed the DoD contract to go through.

I told her how important it was.

I didn't realize she'd...

(EXHALES) she'd...

Which "she" are we talking about?


Are we gonna do this dance again?

Because I don't have time to answer your questions.

Oh, you have time.

The other doctors are gonna cover your shifts.

Where'd you get your mask?

Out of the supplies in cargo?

Or you got a stash of the good stuff?

I don't...

Be thoughtful about what you say here.

Every word counts.

You're never gonna believe me, but it was an accident.

An accident?

You accidentally chased her to the top deck and brained her with a wrench?

By the time we knew the equipment was faulty, it was too late.

I tried to explain it to her, but she...

She was gonna ruin everything we've worked our lives to build.

So you k*lled her to keep her quiet.


I didn't mean to hurt her.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

You know what?

You're right.

- I don't believe you.


I don't know what the family's wishes were for Aaron, but the funeral home that received him cremated any unclaimed remains.

I'm just glad to have him back.

Just so you know, there was no ill intent.

The folks did their best under very difficult circumstances.

They were all good and kind people.

So are you, Dr. Wade.

Without you, I might never have found him.

It's a blessing.

It's a blessing for me, Alyssa.


There's not much I can control right now.

I'm glad I was able to help.

You know, my brother was a good man.

He had a lot of living left to do.

It's not right he's dead.

It's not.


I pray this ends soon.

That's what I'm praying for, too.




So how's Naomi doing over in England?

She's having a good time.

She learned to sheer a sheep.

Whatever that means.

It means the smell of wet sweater on her hands ain't going away anytime soon.

I guess it's good to know where your clothes come from.

Ryan thinks they're gonna be here in the next couple weeks.

Oh, here they come, here they come.

- Hey!
- Hey!

Congratulations, Donna!

(WHOOPS) I did it! I did it!

Yes, you did, baby girl! Yes, you did!

Wouldn't be here without you. I love you, Patton.

Oh, look at you. You got something in your eye?

Nah, it's just...

I'm so proud of her.

I never realized how much

I missed having her around.

I don't know how you do it.

What choice do we have?

So, how many more days you guys have left?

- Like, three?
- CARTER: Yep.

Actually, three days,
hours and minutes.

But who's counting?

GREGORIO: I'll barely leave this place with my pension intact.

Little tip, kitten: never play gin rummy with a former Marine.

He's robbing me blind.

I'd go easier on you if you'd pick up after yourself.

Oh, my God.

This is the first guy I've met who's a bigger neat freak than you, Sebastian.

I just like a little order in the chaos.

Right? Yeah. That's how I feel.

Except she's, like, particularly messy.

It's, like, her superpower.

- Yeah.
- All right!

Enough comparing notes.

- Uh, so you guys need anything?
- Yeah.

I need that gallon Ziploc of red sauce in the freezer.

I want to make a special "coming out of quarantine" dinner.


- You ate it?
- Well, I...

You know, I didn't know if I was ever gonna see you again.

I thought it'd be what you'd want.


You make a list, I'll order the ingredients.

We can make it together.

Okay! That's fun.

I don't like this, what's happening here.

- I'm jealous.
- Nah, baby, you got nothing to be jealous of.

I could never live with this guy full-time.

He's got a thin skin for teasing.

You know, sometimes, she can be downright mean.

GREGORIO: I will lose my edge if I'm not giving someone a hard time.

All right, well, I will see you guys in three days.

Bye, kitten.


(CHUCKLES) If this doesn't end soon, all of New Orleans is gonna have scurvy.


No, you're right, you're right.

Yeah. Okay.

Be safe and well.



DOJ's gonna miss you.

You've made the pandemic... bearable.

So, uh...

(CLEARS THROAT) if you're open to it, I'd like to make this a permanent situation.

I'm an attorney, Dwayne.

You're gonna have to spell that out for me.


Even when the pandemic is done and there's no pantry and we can go back to normal...

Whatever that means...

I want you here.

With me.

I mean, o-only if you want, of course.

There's no pressure.

And if it feels like it's too...

I want.

♪ Amazing grace ♪

♪ How sweet ♪

♪ The sound ♪

♪ That saved ♪

♪ A wretch ♪

♪ Like me ♪

♪ I once was lost ♪

♪ And now ♪

♪ I'm found ♪

♪ Was blind ♪

♪ But now ♪

♪ I see. ♪