Phantasm (1979)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Phantasm (1979)

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, baby.



Mmm. That was great, baby.


Hi, Reg. How's it goin'?

Tommy's gone.

It's, uh... it's a hell of a way to end a trio.

It's hard to believe... he k*lled himself.

Yeah, I, uh... I'm gonna go visit somebody. I'll catch ya inside.


The funeral is about to begin... sir.



It was a good idea not to let your little brother come to the funeral and see Tommy like this.

Yeah, after Mom and Dad's funeral, he had nightmares for weeks.

And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Hey, I don't like this place.

Well, say goodbye to Tommy.

Let's just get the hell out of here.

Hi, Michael. Hi. Uh... is your grandmother home?

Sure. Come in.

Grandmother. Michael has returned and wishes to speak with you.

Grandmother is pleased you've come and wants to know what's bothering you.

Uh, tell her that I, um...

She can hear you.

Oh, yeah.

Uh, it's Jody again.

I found out that he's leaving.

I think it's one of these headers in here.

Hey, Toby! Hey.

So what brings you back? Tommy.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, I just don't get off on funerals, man. They give me the creeps.

I just wanted to tell you I heard about your folks. I'm really sorry.

Yeah, thank you, man. That's, uh...

In two years I guess you can just about get over anything.

So I hear you've been out on the road. Yeah.

How come you're hanging around this dump?

Well, I'm taking care of the kid, you know.

Shit, I think after, uh, all that action, this town would drive you nuts.

You're damn right. Hell, the kid's 13 now.

Yeah, I'm thinking of sending him off to live with his aunt.

But I'll tell you, he sure ain't gonna like it.

I mean, as it is, he follows me everywhere. It's like he knows I'm gonna leave.

He's a tough little kid. I love him.

I'm gonna miss him.

Grandmother has told you before not to worry.

If he does leave, he'll take you with him.

God, I hope she's right. She always is.

Uh, there's something else.

I'm really scared about something that I did.

I was messing around up at Morningside Cemetery, and I saw something.

Something really scary.

Michael, grandmother wants to play a little game.

Wow! How'd you do that?

Put your hand in the box.

Well, what's in it? Just put your hand in the black box.

Okay, but what's in it?

Hey, this thing really hurts!

Don't fear, Michael.

I can't get my hand out. Don't fear.

Give me back my hand! Don't fear!

It was simply reflection. Fear is the k*ller.

That's what grandmother wants you to learn.

Boy, that really hurt.

It was all in your mind.

Oh, yeah.

Come and visit us again soon.


Hiya, Reg. Writing a new tune?

Yeah, working on it.

# I'm just a-sittin' here at midnight #

# And I'll be sitting here 'til noon #

# You see, my lady left me lonely #

# Yes, she did #

# My baby left me blue #

All right. We're hot as love, you know.

Well, let's see.

This is, uh... just right up the street.

This is, uh... kinda spooky, isn't it? No, it's exciting.

So, uh... what's the only thing to do in this town?

Well, it's something...



What the heck?

Wait here. It's my little brother.

I think he's got some kind of a problem.


What's wrong with you, man?

There's something up there. I know it. I saw it!


Okay, look, I was following you guys.

I didn't mean any harm, but it's out there and it's gonna get me!

What's out there? I don't know.

It was little and brown and low to the ground.

It was probably just a gopher in heat.

It wasn't any gopher!

Where's that girl, anyway?

Well, she's waiting back there for me, you idiot.

Did you hear that?

Eh, it's only the wind.

You better go get her before it gets her.

You got some kind of an overactive imagination or something, man?

Look, tell you what.

You go on home. I'll talk to you when I get back.

You sure you're gonna be okay? Ah, get out of here.

Did that chick that I left with last night ever come back in here?

What happened? You get a hold of something you couldn't handle?

Nah, she just ditched out on me, I guess.

We were... messing around out there at Morningside.

The funeral parlor? Yeah. Cemetery.

Jody? Is that you?

You hit my f*cking foot, man.

Oh, damn. I know you're not gonna believe this, but these things were here.

Right in the garage and they were gonna get me.

Ah, gimme a break, will ya?

They were jumping on the car and making these weird sounds.

Sure it wasn't that Ret*rded kid, Timmy, up the street?

No, it was the same thing that chased me last night.

Well, what are we gonna do?

You're crazy, man.


Oh, shit.

I've gotta talk to you.

And it's in that box?


Okay. I believe you.


What's goin' on up there?

Well, there's something I didn't tell ya.

I was spyin' on Tommy's funeral from the Groves with your binoculars.

And after everybody had left, that Tall Man picked up Tommy's coffin all by himself and put it in the hearse and drove off.

You're crazy! I helped carry that sucker myself.

It must've weighed over 500 pounds.

I can't figure this thing out.

But I do know one thing. Something weird is going on up there.

We're goin' for the sheriff. Go get your evidence.

All right!

That's funny.

Jody! Jody!

What the...

The garbage disposal.

Come on.

Ready? Go!

Would you look at that?

Hey, guys.

I thought I'd come over and see what was goin' on before the kids got out of summer school.

Mike, you wanna ride along with me today?

It's pretty warm outside and the ice cream's gonna be flying fast and furious.

Remember how good you were at crowd control last time?

Hey, what's goin' on here?

What the hell is goin' on?

Here, you keep that.

Now remember, you don't aim a g*n at a man unless you intend to sh**t him.

And you don't sh**t a man unless you intend to k*ll him.

No warning sh*ts.

Hey, you listening to me? Yeah.

No warning sh*ts. Warning sh*ts are bullshit.

You sh**t to k*ll or you don't sh**t at all.

Now you'll be safe here. Lock all the doors and windows.

And don't follow me. You sure you're gonna be okay with that?

I'm just gonna go up there and take a look around. Nobody's gonna see me.

But, heck, a Colt Army issue will put a man down and keep him there.

Remember that broken basement window around by the side.

And be careful.

All right, who's in there?


Damn door latch. Get in.

Oh, here it comes!

There's nobody drivin' that mother!

The pump's in the backseat.

Okay. Slow down, and let him ride right up on our ass.

There was nobody... there was nobody driving!

I'm gonna get that bastard.

Oh, Jesus.

All right, speed up. I want to put a few in the engine.


Holy shit!

It's one of those dwarves.

It went right through it.



We got one of 'em.

Uh, on Colton in the Groves.

All right. Uh, Reg?

Bring your truck.

Holy Jesus! You didn't tell me the dwarf was Tommy.

Hell, we buried him on Monday, and look what they did to him.

He's only three feet long! He must still weigh 200 pounds.

What's all this yellow shit coming out of his head?

Careful. Get him in there.

Better padlock it. Yeah.

This guy's not gonna leak all over my ice cream, is he?

We'll see you back at the house.


You boys back yet?

Jesus Christ, Myrtle. You almost gave me a coronary.

But I just can't figure out why.

Why they're taking these bodies and crushing them down to half size.

Crushing 'em.

What about Mom and Dad?

They're up there too.

Hey, just forget about that.


I see it. I see it all now.

What we gotta do is we gotta snag that tall dude, and stomp the shit out of him.

And we'll find out what the hell is going on up there.

Yeah. We'll lay that sucker out flat and drive a stake through his g*dd*mn heart!

You gotta be shittin' me, man. That mother's strong.

Hey, hold on. First thing is, I want Mike out of here.

Reg, you take him over to Sally's, the antique store.

He'll be safe there. Then hustle on back.

And, Mike, no arguments.

Jody sure sounded strange on the phone.

I hope he's feeling okay.

Sally, did you see these new settings?

Oh, these are nice.

You know, I think I'm gonna lock up.

Michael, when you get sleepy, I've got a bed made up for you in back.

You have to take me home. But why?

No questions. You must take me home.

Oh, my God. Pull over.

Stay in the car and don't get out. I'll be right back.

Michael, wait a minute.

Is that Reggie's truck?

Let's get out of here, quick!

Michael, what is going on? Just get me home.

What the hell is that?

Oh, shit!

Get out of here.

Don't open it!


Oh, God.

It got Sally and Suzy.


Up at Morningside.

And Reggie too.

You better get on up to your room.

I'm goin' with you. Nope.

I'm not lettin' you go by yourself.

Let me go, g*dd*mn it!

Son of a bitch! You're not lettin' me go, are ya?

You're never coming back, you g*dd*mn bastard!

Don't leave me alone!

Open the damn door!

I've been waiting for you.

He has to be in there.

I'm sorry, Daddy... but we had to.

Oh, my God!

Jody? Yeah?

I opened up his...

Forget it.

Come on.

There's this door down here... and I'll bet there's something behind it.

Let's take a look then.

Well, that's the door.

Hey, man, I don't know... Hey!

Hi, guys. Reg! You ain't dead.

No, and I ain't three foot two yet, either.

What's goin' on? Hey, man, I don't know.

I've been hidin' in a casket, playin' like a stiff.

But I did find the girls.

I found Sally and Sue, and a couple other girls I never even saw before.

Were they dead? No.

I snuck 'em out a window, and they took off through the bushes like scared rabbits.

All right.

Well, after you, my friend.

You be my guest, man.



God, Reggie! Look at this.

Don't fear.



God! I just grabbed him there.


What? Slaves.

They're using them for slaves.

The dwarves.

And they gotta crush 'em 'cause of the gravity... and the heat.

And this is the door to their planet.


And these guys are all ready to go.


Okay, stay together. Wait a sec. I think I got a lighter.

Quick, light it up.

Over here. Follow me.

Jody, where are ya?


Ah, shit!


Mike, where are ya?



Jody, where are ya!

Jody! Jody!


Jody, where are ya?

Mike! Mike!

Mike! Mike, come on. We gotta find Reggie.

Where's Reggie? We gotta find him.

It's Reggie! No!

Come on! We got to help him. No, you can't help him. He's dead.

There's a... there's an old mine shaft way down by the... by the end of Singer's Creek.

A thousand feet straight down.

We just gotta... we just gotta figure a way to get him up there.

What are we gonna do without Reggie?

Reggie's the last he'll ever get...

'cause we're gonna run that tall bastard straight down to hell.

Look, you go in and try to find more a*mo.

I'm gonna haul ass over there and get rid of that warning barrier around the mine shaft and camouflage it.

Lock up the house good, man, and stay in there. I'll be right back.


You play a good game, boy.

But the game is finished.

Now you die.

Don't fear.

Don't fear.

Don't fear.

I hear the sounds.

I know those rocks aren't gonna hold him.

Not for long.

Hey, you had a dream.

Just a nightmare.

What do you expect? You've hardly slept since the funeral last week.

I know those rocks aren't gonna hold him.

First he took Mom and Dad... then he took Jody.

Now he's after me.

Mike, that Tall Man of yours did not take Jody away.

Jody died in a car wreck.


You had a bad dream.

I know you're scared... but you're not alone.

I'll take care of you.

I know I can't ever take Jody's place... but I'm sure as hell gonna try.

It seemed so real.

You know, partner, what we need is a change of scenery.

Why don't you and me hit the road for a couple of weeks?

Where'll we go?

Well, I don't know. I guess we can figure that one out when we get there.


Well, get on upstairs. Get your gear together.

'Cause we leave when the sun comes up.

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