Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)

Post by bunniefuu »



Billy! You get number three up now!

Don't come in to eat before you do.

Check the other two. Make sure they're wired up good.

I don't want them blowin' over again, the first big wind.


Lot of good they're doin'.


Billy, you been messing with the post puncher?


I told you what would happen if you screw around with this thing.

I said I didn't!

Don't want 'em blowin' down again.

Big wind, my ass.

You're the only big wind out here.


You been messing with the damn post puncher again, huh?


Billy, you little assh*le! Why don't you rat yourself out for a change?

What did I do?

You little butt sniff.

I ought to come out there and kick your ass!

BILLY: You Wish!

Yeah, go on, Mac. Go bite him in the ass for me, Macky boy.




God! Would you shut up?









Where are you?


BILLY: Daddy!


BILLY: Let go! Help me, Dad!


BILLY: Help! Help, help, Dad, help!


Help! Help me! Dad!


Dad! Let go!






BOYS: (CHANTING) Bannon Bantams! Bannon Bantams!

Go Bantams! Go Bantams!

Go Bantams!


Tough as nails, hard as rocks, we are Bannon's fighting cocks!

Fighting Bantams, tough as nails!

Bow down now or kiss our tails!

Out for blood, we're lean and mean!

Bannon County's death machine!

Bannon Bantams! Bannon Bantams! Go Bantams!

Bannon Bantams power and might!

Bannon Bantams, fight, fight, fight! Incoming!

BOYS: (CHANTING) Bannon Bantams, we're the word!

You don't mess with a mighty bird!

Down the court, we'll clean your clock.

Better not mess with the fighting cock!

Bannon Bantams! Bannon Bantams! Go Bantams!

Bannon Bantams, wings of steel!

Bannon Bantams. k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

Who was that? Don't even ask!

These big Bantams kick your ass!

(HORN HONKING) Strike like lightning from the sky!

Screaming out our battle cry!

Bannon Bantams! Bannon Bantams! Go Bantams!

Go Bantams!

Go Bantams!


Hard as rocks, we are Bannon's fighting cocks!

How long can they keep this up?

Forever. They have a fight song with the word "cock" in it.


Why aren't you sitting with your honey?

Someone should tell him he just won the state championship.

I have a feeling he didn't get to play enough.

Well, shouldn't you be sitting with him?

After a game, he says he needs to be with the guys.

You k*ll his post-game buzz, huh?

(CHUCKLES) Basically.

If they lose, it's a totally different thing.

Can't pry him off me.




Okay, everybody stay down. Sit tight.

Son of a bitch.

What in the hell would you call that?


I don't know, but whatever it is, it's sharp as a son of a bitch!


What in the hell are we looking at?

It's sharp enough to flatten a tire, whatever it is.

You know how thick that rubber is?

It had to be shot into it like a b*llet.

Jesus Christ! The damn thing has got teeth in it.

They can't just whip the jack out and pump this mother up?

Driver can't change a flat on a bus. They need a mechanic.


Do you see any mechanics around here?

You sucked so bad today, Deaundre, they're probably saying you gotta change the flat.

PETER ON RADIO: ...where she'll give us the latest update on...


...a continuing story we call, "The Horror in Poho County."

Sheila? Hey, Poho update.

SHEILA: Well, Peter, the fire which gutted an old church south of Pertwilla four days ago, continues to offer up a gruesome bounty.

County sheriffs excavating the charred ruins say the body count is now up well past 300.

County coroners say the bodies were found stitched to each other, covering the basement's walls and ceiling.

One on-the-scene witness called it a human tapestry of t*rture and sadism and a sight he will never forget.

PETER: Sheila, the details keep getting stranger and stranger every day this week, it seems. Any new information?

SHEILA: Some of the corpses they had found had false teeth made out of wood.

That means some of the bodies they're finding down there are over 200 years old.

But, Peter, it's the condition of the cadavers that's the strangest fact of all.

The County coroner's office reported yesterday that they have yet to find any one complete body.

Believe that, man? No, they're making it up.

SHEILA: Each one missing either an external limb or an internal organ.

What connection this has...


This is 226 on East Nine. We are down and disabled.

Home base, do you read me?

You get a good look at the points on this thing?

It's either ivory or some kind of bone.

Throw that damn thing away before you need a tetanus shot.






Pop! Pop, he dropped something.


It was out in the corn, Papa.

Here, look at it.


BETTY: We're out on East Nine. We are down and disabled. Come back.


Say again, this is 226.

Anyone read me?

We are down and disabled out on East Nine. Come back.

We gotta be in some kind of sun spot or something.

There's no signal getting out.

Ah, it's gonna be dark in about an hour.

Well, we still got five tires on the ground, which means we can probably limp home if we keep to goin' slow.

Say again. This is 226. Anyone read me?

All of you at the same time?

Lady cheerleaders?

That's not smoke I smell, is it?


There's not a girl in the world these days stupid enough to k*ll themselves by sucking on cancer sticks.

Am I right?

Back on the bus, ladies.


You saw me, right? Run that fast break, huh?

You see that?

Yeah, I saw it. Anybody gonna read about it?

Why you give old Dante back there so much ink, huh?

I'm serious.

People are starting to think that you're sweet on him.

Really? I heard that was you.

Hey, it's okay if you are, man.

I mean, live and let love, right?

Why don't you piss on somebody else's shoes, Jake?

Hey, shouldn't you be folding towels somewhere or sniffing jock straps?

Oh, you think you can manage the team, Super Genius?

Was I even talking to you, Jock Strap Boy?

Hey, eat shit, Jake! God!

So this is all because what, I don't write enough about you?

You know what the story is on your scars there, right?

No, tell me.

You got into a fight when you snuck into a bar.


A gay bar, bro.


You do know what they call you, don't you, Izzy?

That's my name.

(CHUCKLES) Or isn't he?

HANNA: Hey, let's not make this a social event out there, everybody.

Back on the bus, gentlemen. We're moving.

BOY: Hey, does that come in a man's size?

HANNA: That means you, too, Kimball. Let's go!




Smooth move, Big K! Nice, man!

BOY: Tippi Hedren, man!


Stop clowning around and get your ass back on the bus!

Off the top, gentlemen. Assholes and elbows. Let's go.







You know, you could talk about it. It might help a little bit.

What did I play today, 12 minutes?

Well, it was a great 12 minutes.

Hanna's got it in for me.

Him and his little token white boy, Barnes.

I don't know, maybe I got the wrong skin color to get equal play on this team.

I know you don't mean that.

Maybe they just wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to play in the championship.

Everyone's not the reason why we made it to the championship.

Half the losers on this bus had nothing to do with us making it to state. I did.

What the f*ck are you looking at?




Jesus Christ!

Oh! Don't tell me.

We blew the other one. HANNA: How?


Back down, everybody. Sit tight.

Shit! We've got to break out the flares and get these kids off the bus.


Hey, hey, hey!

You wanna sit in here and hope somebody doesn't come along plowin' into us doing 90, huh?

All right. Duane, you clear the bus.

I'll set the flares.

What is that, a flare g*n?

Plan on being lost at sea in this thing?

You makin' fun of my lock box?

'Cause everything in this thing has saved my sweet ass at least once.

Oh, I don't believe it.

All right. Bring your coats and stay in a group.


This is Betty Borman out on 226.

We're broke down on East Nine, middle of Kissel County. Anyone read me?

Want me to help you push it off the road before I go?

I don't think we can move it.

It's on a bare rim in the back.

If you'd let the highway patrol know, we'd appreciate it.


BARNES: Come on, guys. Come on. Let's go. Off the road.

Come on, guys. Everyone on the shoulder. Everyone stays in a group.

This side of the fence.

(GRUNTS) This side of the fence.

Scott, come on.

Everyone stays back and off the road. Now!

Stuck in the side of the tire again.

Oh, God.

Don't tell me that's a belly button in the middle of that thing.

Minxie, stay off the road.

That's everybody. Off the road.

Get everyone back on the bus.

You just said they shouldn't be... I know what I just said.

But there's something goin' on out here and I don't like it.

I think if we just stay...



What the...

GIRL: What?

Where the hell's the coach?



Get everyone back inside and close the doors.

Okay, champions, getting back on the Betty Boop.

Bucky, get on the two-way, see if you can raise anyone.

I'm talking to you, Scotty!

What the hell happened to the coach?

Get everyone back on board and close those doors.

Do it, Scotty.

All right. You heard him. Assholes and elbows. Everybody back on the bus.



BETTY: Hurry up! On the bus. Now! Now! Now!

BUCKY: I repeat. Bus number 226, broke down on East Nine. Charlie!

We have an emergency situation out here. Does anybody read me?


This is bus number 226. We are broke down on East Nine.




(PANTING) What happened?

What did you see? What did you see?

Come on! Did you see something or not?

She flew away.

What the f*ck is that supposed to mean?

What I just said. People don't fly the f*ck away!

Sit down, Scott. What the hell's goin' on out there?

I said sit the f*ck down and shut up, God damn it! Now!

You, too, Jake. Everybody.

Go sit down, Scott.

You got a problem with me? No. You got one with me?

Do I what? You heard me.

We don't have time for bullshit, Scotty. Go sit down!




What the f*ck?

Get the f*cking doors! Get the f*cking doors! Get the f*cking doors!


What was it?

Scotty, what the f*ck was it?

Scotty, come on!

Scotty, we just... I don't know what it was, all right?

It had wings.

Big f*ckin' wings!

OFFICER 1 ON RADIO: Central, this is unit 17.

We did a drive-by of the general area.

Also found no evidence of forced entry. Over.

OFFICER 2: 0-3-2, we are 10-7 Opper's Diner for a little coffee and pie.

Do you copy that, Central?

FEMALE OFFICER: This is Central. Copy that, 0-3-2.


OFFICER 3: All units, anybody else getting some weird stuff out Kissel County way?

I just got two calls, 1O miles apart, both reporting abductions.

FEMALE OFFICER: All units, be informed, this should be strictly 10-36 information.

OFFICER 3: Someone burning a marijuana field out there tonight?

'Cause these two stories are way, way out, baby.

FEMALE OFFICER: Roger that, 0-3-6.

TAGGART: Jacky! Kissel County!

OFFICER 3: If you ask me, this is Poho related. Repeat, Poho related.

(DOG BARKING) And you all know what I'm talkin' about.

BUCKY: This is Andy Buck. Can anybody hear me?

RHONDA: Nobody's phone works. Nobody's f*cking phone works.

BUCKY: We are stuck in a broken-down school bus out on East Nine.

And we are in serious trouble.

Do you read me?


Come on, is anybody even out there?

This is Andy Buck.

We are stuck in a broken-down school bus out on East Nine.


We've got spears on this bus?


You wanna wait around so you can poke at that thing with sticks?

That thing shows up here again and I'd rather have a sharp stick in my hand than nothin' at all.

Hey, guys, Betty's flare g*n. A bunch of flares for it, too.

Who says we wait around? I'm serious.

Scotty, you're not talking about getting off this bus?

You see that?

That means that there's a farm down at the end of this road somewhere and that's as far as anybody would have to get to.

With that thing out there?


With that thing out there?

Scotty! That thing hasn't been back here in almost an hour.

IZZY: That doesn't mean that it's not still up there somewhere.

And that doesn't mean that it is.

Hey, this isn't about who can run the fastest, okay?

Or being a p*ssy. What is your problem?

You tell me, Izzy or isn't he?

Hey, check yourselves! Both of you!

Do I make you nervous?

Thinking you're gonna come on to me and every other swinging d*ck on this bus makes me nervous.

Yeah, it makes you f*cking stupid, too.


RHONDA: Stop it!

Stop it!

Scotty, come on.

You get that hand off of me or we're gonna have one more missing person out here.

There's nothing about any of us on this bus that's more important than sticking together.

It's the only way we're gonna get through this.

You wanna play cock of the walk now, huh?

Now's not the time for this shit, Scotty.

Big K, sit. I'm serious.

Wanna play cock of the walk, bro?

Why do I think you wanna call me something else?

Wanna call me something else, Scotty?

'Cause I don't think you get I can see you thinking it, whether you say it or not.

Just stop it right now! Both of you stop it.

RHONDA: You guys all worked together today to win a ball game.

Now that something really serious happens, you can't even be civil to each other?

SCOTTY: You tell him, not me.

DEAUNDRE: Whatever your trip is, we ain't got time for this shit.

We should all be looking for ways we can defend ourselves until help gets here.





We have got to move this piece of shit!

On what, the rims?

Can you drive this thing or not?

We wouldn't get two feet, man. What do you want me to do?



What the hell does it want?

What the f*ck?

Is it looking at me?


Whatever it is, it's a smell freak, man.

Get that light Off it.

Hey, don't sh**t that thing in here, man.

He's right. It will fill this place up like a smoke b*mb.


RHONDA: Did that just come off the door?

Bucky, get on those front doors and get ready to open them.

What, you think we're gonna run outside?

If it f*cking comes inside.






Minxie? Minxie?



DARRY: (WHISPERING) Takes it all. Eats everything.

He takes it all. He knows no mercy.


Every twenty-third spring, for 23 days, it gets to eat.

Eat what?

Eat what?

Eat us.




Are you okay?

Look at me.

I thought you were gone, girl, you passed out.

Look at me.

Are you okay?

Your eyes went all the way in the back of your head.

I think he's gone, man.

I'm willing to bet money on it.

You willing to bet stepping off this bus? 'Cause that's the real bet.

How long's it been?

It's gone.

It came, it did its thing. It went away.

IZZY: It went away, but what the hell was it doing?

What do you think it was doing?

He was picking people out.


It can smell something in people.

In their fear.

Something that helps it pick people out.

Pick people out for what?

I don't understand how you would know that, sweetie.

A dead boy told me.

I think he was trying to warn me.

He was trying to warn all of us.

This thing has been around for thousands of years and that nothing has been able to k*ll it.

This is a dream you had?

Well, the boy was dead. So, yes, I'm assuming that it was a dream, Scotty.

You were waving pom-poms at people this morning.

Now all of a sudden, you're a psychic hotline?

I don't know!

You wanna explain it to me? Because I can't.

That boy was trying to warn us that by morning it has to go back into the earth...

Oh, come on.

Into the ground for 23 more years.

And then what? Lives happily ever after, huh?

Why don't you clean out your bong, all right?

Scotty, just listen to her.

It is coming back.

This is a dream she had, Rhonda.

What, are you gonna believe it?

And it doesn't matter if we're hiding on this bus or if we're hiding under our beds.

It'll find us.

The ones that it picked out.

Minx. Take it easy, okay?

The boy told me that it can smell in our fear, who it wants.

And what from them it wants to eat.

Hello, is anyone out there?

Hello. We have a serious problem out here.

We need help right away. Can anybody hear me?

Is anybody out there, please?

We have a... This is Andy Buck, we have a serious situation...




BUCKY OVER RADIO: Does anybody hear me?


Hello? Look, can you hear me?

226, are you still there?

BUCKY: I'm so f*cking still here.

Okay, okay. Just say again what you just told me.

We're not playing games here, right?

Just say it, man!

We're trapped in a broken-down school bus out on East Nine.

And something is going to k*ll us if we don't get help out here right away.

Where on Nine East?

BUCKY: In Kissel County. Are you the cops?

What's trying to k*ll you?

What are you talking about?

Just tell me, are you the f*cking cops?

TAGGART: Look, now listen to me. I'm already on the Nine.

But it's a big highway and so is Kissel County.

Are there any landmarks near you?

Are you close to anything?

Yeah, I'm close to peeing my f*cking pants, man.

Can you just please tell me that you're on the way?

I can't really judge the strength of your signal but it doesn't sound close.

BUCKY: What does that mean, man?

It means it's gonna take me a while to get to you.

Look, we kind of have a time-critical situation here.

Roger that.

And please tell me that you're coming with back-up

'cause if you're not the cops, you gotta promise me that you'll call them and you'll tell them that we're stuck out here.

I'll call them.

I'll call them right now.

But what you've gotta do is hang on.

Can you do that?

Hang on!

Keep headed east.


Just get us out there.

Do it.






It's happening, man. It's f*cking happening!

We're being f*cking rescued!


Help me! Get this thing off me!


Get this thing off me!

Look out!





Half its f*cking head's gone.



You gotta be...

f*cking kidding me.

Get that door open. Now's our chance.

It's dead, right?

Don't know. Don't care.

It won't open!

Stop Pushing on 'em! They open in!


BUCKY: Something got screwed up!

Maybe it only opens from the outside.

It's an emergency exit, idiot.

Then you f*cking open it, man!

Get that door open.

How can f*cking exits not f*cking work?

f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!

He jammed it.

We thought he was trying to come in.

But this freaking thing was making sure we couldn't get out.

Break the f*cking doors!



Holy shit, man!

SCOTTY: Hey, we can pry this thing open.

Give me a pole or a bar or something metal.

Something big. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that'll work.

Come on, D.

You need to get to this side. Come on, everybody.

Come on!

This thing's like a f*cking shower curtain, man.

It's crazy.

Oh, man, show like you got a pair.

Man, f*ck you!

JAKE: Everybody. Let's go.

Shower curtain?

This thing's like a f*cking piece of toilet paper.



What's it doing, Minx?

What's it doing, Minx?

What's it doing up there?



It just tore its head off.


It's time to go.

What are you talking about, man? Help is coming.

The Nine is big.


What if he's an hour away?

What if he's going the wrong direction?

There are f*cking cops on the way, man.

And you want the rest of us to sit underneath that big hole in the roof and hope that thing doesn't come crashing in here?

What do you mean, "The rest of us"?

I mean...

It's time to stop being polite.

There are two classes of people on this bus now.

It had its pick of twenty of us back there and it picked two.

Dante was one.

Another one was you, Jake. God damn it, Scott...

And we all saw him go for you, Bucky.

What the hell is that supposed to mean, huh?

Two classes of people?

What, the will be eaten and the won't be eaten?

f*ck you, Scotty!

Minxie says this thing gets anybody it picks out, no matter what.

Don't put me in this.

She also said that after tonight it goes away and for a long time, Scott.

You tell us, Minxie.

Are we safe if we can hide out till morning?

Or is this thing gonna come after these guys with everything it's got

'cause it only has till morning?


We're screwed, right?



You're not talking about throwing people off this bus?

It's funny you should say that, D, 'cause the only other one we know it picked out for sure was you.

(EXCLAIMS) Hold on a second!

We all saw the way it sniffed you out back there.

You were the only one it gave tongue action, man, and we all saw it.


I don't understand what you're trying to do.

I'm trying to stay alive.

You're trying to split us up!

We have just dropped a notch on the f*cking food chain, man.

This is about living or dying now.


And if this bus is the only thing keeping that fucker away from us, how safe are we, you guys?

With everybody it's hungry for sitting inside it.

I wanna see hands.

I wanna see hands.

'Cause as shitty a deal as it is, I gotta say, I'd like you, Bucky and Jake off this bus, man.


Now, you listen to me, you piece of shit!

He looked at you, too, bro.

I saw him and you did, too.

He looked right at you and smiled.

And when you made Jake take the lights off it, he could've looked at you twice and licked its f*cking lips, but we don't know that.

So you keep your little black list.

'Cause when he takes you out and I hope he does, I'm gonna be the one getting as far away from your sorry ass as I can.

Time to go is right.

I'm gonna go find that farm.

Then I'm going with you.

KIMBALL: You know I'm coming.

You wanna keep this bus?

Then you sit in it.

Right under that big hole.

See how long you last.

SCOTTY: Look, I'm sorry, D.

You are so right about that.

BUCKY: Come on, guys.

Come on. Help is on the way. Why are we splitting up?

He said he was coming. We're gonna leave and he's gonna pull up.

BOY 1: This bus is a deathtrap, Bucky. Use your head.

You're really gonna let them go alone?

What, do you wanna go with them?

We don't know who it picked out.

Jesus Christ, it looked at everyone!

Scotty, let go of me.

Let go of you?

Let go of me.



SCOTTY: Rho, tell me you're really walkin' away from me.


RHONDA: You used me, you used all of us.

All you care about is yourself.

Rho! You want to know, Scotty, what I found out today?

When people get really scared, it's just like when they get drunk.

The real person comes to the surface.

We could've protected D and Jake and all of us if we'd stuck together.

You know, like in a team?

IZZY: Hey!


What are you doing?

Jonny, you little cocksucker, I will f*cking fry you, man!

You open these g*dd*mn doors! You open it right now!

Jonny! Open the f*cking doors, man!

Open the doors!

This is my bus, too, man!





BOY: Oh, God!

IZZY: Run! He's right behind you, D.


Get back! Get off! Break off!




Shit! Hold on. Hold on.

Hold still!

Stop moving! Stop!

RHONDA: Come on, Scotty! You're hurting him.

You're hurting him.

Stop! Pull it out! IZZY: Hold on! Hold on!

Stop it! Keep back. Stop moving!

IZZY: It's in there like it's welded! RHONDA: Stop! Stop.

RHONDA: Pull that out!

You're hurting him. You're hurting him.

Stop it! Scotty, stop it!

Shut up! Okay, hold him. Hold him. Scotty, stop it! Scotty!

IZZY: Scotty, hold still! Hold him!

RHONDA: Stop it! Scotty! Hold still!


Oh, God! God!

Please, hurry! Oh, God, please help!

D, I'm sorry, man. I'm so sorry!

Oh, please take it out!


Scotty! Scotty! Scotty! Scotty!

Scotty! Scotty! Scotty! Scotty!



What is it, boy? What is it?



Go! Go!


Where did you come from?

From that bus?

How far up ahead?


Come on. Answer me.

It doesn't matter.

There's no one on the bus and you can't k*ll it.

Jacky, get the dog inside.

Look, you can't stop it!

You get in the cabin with Jack Jr. You stay down till this is over.

This will never be over.

It doesn't matter what you do.

It'll be back, 23 years from now, 23 years from then.

Get us to that bus.




What was that?


Bucky! What're you doing here?

What are you doing here?

You let her in, huh, Jonny?


Have you seen anybody else?

What are you doing?

That thing is after you, Bucky.

Hey, there's no farm out there, man. I must...

I must've run 10 miles all over this f*cking valley.

Bucky, come on. Just please go away.

No, please. Don't make me go back out there again, man.

It's f*cking freaky out there, man, please.










Get around the bus.

Jacky! Get us around this bus now. Now!

Get around the bus!



Jacky, get out! Get out of there, now!





You all right?

TAGGART: Jacky, answer me!


Jacky, answer me! Are you okay?

(GRUNTS) I think so.


Jacky, get us away from the bus!


Come on, go! Get us away from the bus!

Get goin', Jacky, get goin'. Get us away.

Move it!






All you kids, get down.




TAGGART Jacky!Jacky!

You try to get us away from the bus! Now!


Come on!


Dad, get out of there!

The spool's jammed in the cradle!

Dad, just get out!

The cradle's welded to the truck's frame.

Get out, Dad. No, he'll rip my g*n right out of the truck!

Dad, just get the f*ck out of there!


Dad! Dad!

Are you okay?





You're not gonna believe this. But I think I found a way out of here.


Minxie said it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter what Minxie said.


The others might've gotten away.

We don't know that.

Kimball, too.

Hey, nobody gets to decide we die.

No dream, nobody. Nobody gets to decide that.

That is bullshit!

I hope so.

Come on, I wanna go show you a big ugly bug.

IZZY: That's the truck that passed us this morning.

Remember, with the big bug on top of it?

You think we can just drive away in it?

No, but I think I know how to hot-wire a truck.

That's how I got in my bar fight.

I was tryin' to steal somebody's truck.

A gay bar?


Jesus Christ!

DEAUNDRE: Wherever he was goin', I don't think he made it.

Oh, my God, the keys are in it!

Come on, man, the keys are in it.


It's not birds.

f*ck! Shit!



Come on.

Go, man! Go!

I'm a sitting duck back here, Izzy, step on it!

I've got it floored!

Go! Come on, go faster! Make it go faster!

I can't!

Go! Go! Go, man!

Go! Go! Izzy, go!

Go! Izzy, move this piece of shit!

Come on! Come on! Move it!

Izzy! Go! Go!


Izzy, do something!


Get down!


Come on! Come on! Izzy!

RHONDA: Do something, f*cking do something!

Get out! What?

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Get out.

Are you f*ckin' crazy?

(SCREAMING) lzzy!lzzy! Come on! Izzy!

Stay down!


Stay down!
















it isn't dead.

Its time ran out.


It looks dead to me.

BOY: You Taggart?

That's right.

Can we see it?

Can you read?


Is this something real? I heard it was a bunch of bullshit.

Still five bucks.

Where'd it come from?

My dad k*lled it.

Yeah, but where'd it come from?

It's five bucks from you, too.

HOW'd he k*ll it?

Ask him.



Come on, man. We ought to go get our money back.

BOY 12 What the hell is it?

BOY 2: What do you think it is?

TAGGART: We don't touch it.

What's the story on this thing?

Whatever you've heard. Probably.

You expect us to think that, that thing's real?

Don't really care.

How'd you k*ll it?

Stabbed it right through the heart with a big homemade harpoon.


About 23 years ago.

You waitin' for somethin'?

About three more days,

give or take a day or two.
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