01x07 - Let It Burn

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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01x07 - Let It Burn

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Station 19"...

Charlotte, don't! Mayday, mayday. Officer down.

When a mayday is called, you get out immediately.

It was the right thing to do.

You are getting sicker.

My brother. He's been living on the streets.

I don't know what to do.

I think I'm scared of fire.

We can run simulations on our days off.

Yeah, I know some drills we can try out here, too.

Ryan's kind of great. He is.

What are you gonna do?

♪♪ Andy: Go with the flow. Wear life loosely. Let it be.

These are not easy concepts for most firefighters.

This is my sixth birthday party today.

I can't do it.

If I have to sing that stupid song one more time, I'm gonna quit.

Okay, you won't quit. You will sing.

No one's even paying attention to you.

They're all taking pictures of their kid or their girlfriend or whatever.

Let's get this over with.

We're trained to go after a problem -- attack it, to stamp it out.

But that doesn't always work.

Now, where are those Flanner's Manners?

Happy faces, happy customers! Fine.

Sometimes we're not the ones in control.

We have to go with the flow and just put our game faces on...

Hi! We're the... ♪ Flanner's Birthday Crew ♪

♪ Here with a special message for you ♪

...and see what happens.

♪ Gonna be bad, gonna be bad ♪

♪ Gonna be bad in the best way ♪

♪♪ Hey, I was on my way out when they paged me.

Now, what symptoms are you experiencing?

Well, some nausea.

Weakness. I've -- I've been dizzy. Mm.

I was hoping you could write me a prescription or something, clear me up before work tomorrow.

Or I could give you a full work-up, get your oncology team on the phone, and see what's really going on.

No, I don't want more tests.

I just want a prescription.

I can't treat your problem if I don't know the problem.

These could all be side effects from your treatment or indicators of something more serious.

Look, the chemo makes you susceptible to infections, which can cause your kidneys, your heart, your nervous system to malfunction.

So, if you found something more serious, you'd admit me?

Keep me here? Most likely. Yes.

You know, I, uh --

I-I think I probably didn't need to come in, after all.

False alarm.

So, sorry to waste your time, Dr. Bailey.

Good night.

♪♪ Okay.


Andy: Where have you been?

Uh, poker night.

With some of the guys in the department.

Hey. How'd your test go?

A guy on my team went down, and a firefighter from 12 called mayday before I had my dummy, so...

I stayed behind to find it.

You broke mayday protocol in front of judges who'll decide if you make captain?

Who was proctoring the test? Frankel?

And the fire chief. Oh. Ripley.

Not an easy man to impress.

Yeah. They ranked me dead last, Dad.

Out of all 20 candidates.

But I'm fine. I'm still in this thing.

I just have to kick ass from now on.

Every call, every shift.

It is the sign of a real competitor.

I am proud of you. I just wish the team would see it that way.

I know they're gonna look at me with "loser eyes."

I don't want loser eyes. I don't want pity.

That's why I'm glad we can do this -- go give out vaccines, not think about it.

What -- What about you? How are you feeling about maybe seeing your brother?

Well, uh, he's either gonna look at me with "Long time no see, I missed you so much, sis" eyes, or "You abandoned me just like everyone else in my life, so I hate you now" eyes.

No telling. It should be fun.

Si desarrolla una infección o fiebre, vaya a la clinica.

Es gratis.

Mason: Your ambulance sure is nice and shiny.


It's been a while.

You look good.

You never were a good liar.

Hey. I'm Andy.

We can't stay long.

We got to get back before shift starts.

You want a Hepatitis vaccine before we go?

They're quick and free.

-No needles. -I'm -- I'm -- I'm good.

Okay, well, just let me know if you change your mind.

I'm not using.

I haven't been for a while.

I brought some stuff, in case I ran into you.

Just food, blankets, clothes.

I don't want handouts.

I'm just fine on my own.

You're not fine. You're living on the street.


Come live with me.

We can figure this out. Why?

Because you can't see me living like this?

Because this isn't the life you imagined for your little brother?

I have people that care about me.

They just happen to live around here.

I'm doing what makes me feel good.

I'm painting again. I'm creating.

Like you said, you haven't seen me in a long while.

You don't know me or what I need.

Mason. I care.

Then get off your freaking high horse and leave me alone.

Meditation can help you get over your fear if you actually meditate.

Oh, don't drag me out of bed this early and expect me to do anything but sleep.

Sorry. I just...

Do we -- We know each other, right?

Yeah, the -- the nursing home.

My grandmother. You're Edith's grandson.

-Grant. -Yes! Travis. I'm Travis.

I remember.

I'm Vic. Hello.

Hi. Sorry.

Oh, my class is starting, but hopefully I'll see you again.

Maybe we could exchange numbers?

That sounds lovely!

Travis? Yeah.

Right? I mean, uh...

Here. Oh.

In case you're interested.

Damn, Trav!

Those are some digits!

Yeah. Yeah.

"Yeah". Just "yeah"? That's it?

I mean, he seems nice.

But, I mean, he's a yoga guy, and I'm into meditation, so we're obviously totally incompatible.

Well, obviously.

Ben: I can't believe that was the first game I made it to this season.

Mm-hmm. I mean, Tuck used that crossover dribble I taught him, and he missed the shot, but, you know...

Hey, where's Pruitt?

Should be in soon. Why? Is something going on?

No. Why would anything be going on?

He's seemed perfectly okay lately, right?

Do you have reason to think he's not okay?

Did you see him for an appointment or something?

I-I did see him... where I happened to be.

Would "where you happened to be" happen to be the hospital?

Okay, you know I cannot talk about my patients with you, or whether or not they might have come to see me, but left instead of getting their recommended work-up.

And I definitely cannot suggest that one of Pruitt's co-workers, maybe someone who used to be a surgeon... Hmm.

...let's say, should keep an extra eye since I wasn't able to spend the proper time with my patient at the place where I happened to see him.

And here I thought you wanted to take your husband to work, spend more time with him.

Today you're not the firefighter I'm worried about.

♪♪ What are we supposed to say to Herrera?

Well, I'd suggest you don't lead with, "Aw, I'm so sorry you blew your chance at a career you always wanted."

I don't understand. Tests are basically her favorite hobby.

She made a tough call. I would've done the same thing.

Morning, everybody!

Silverware clinking ]

Okay, no, no, we're not doing this.

Yes, I failed the Incinerator, but I don't feel sorry for me, so you certainly don't get to.

Got it?

Warren, Montgomery, routine rig maintenance.

Every vehicle, bumper to bumper. You know the drill.

And we're coordinating with Seattle PD for the upcoming disaster simulation drill.

Reps are stopping by later.

Miller, I want you on that with me.

Yeah. Sounds good.

Everyone else, chores.

How you feeling?

Feeling good.

Full steam ahead. Never better.

How concerned do you think a person needs to be if they're experiencing nausea, in your medical opinion?

Did you eat something weird?

I'm serious.

You're talking about Pruitt, aren't you?

What exactly is going on?

We just, um -- We just wanted a more private spot, uh, to talk.

Yeah, we've noticed that you haven't been exactly, um... feeling well, sir.

Surprise. I have cancer. Look, I'm getting back to work.

Sir, you were sick last shift, and you tried to hide it.

You left early. I did. I saw my doctor.

And did your doctor advise you to return to work today?

If your symptoms are suddenly accelerating, it is my medical opinion --

I am handling this in my own way, on my own time.

We're done here.

Ohh. Sir.

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Whoa, whoa, what's going on?

Get off. Dad, you okay?

Get off! They are overreacting.

Your dad's having an increase in symptoms.

We think it's best if he gets to the hospital to get checked out.

Don't be ridiculous! This is ridiculous!

Are you sure?

Then I'm coming with you. Andrea.

You are captain today, and you're on thin ice after the Incinerator test.

You can't just leave.

Let the know-it-all rookie here take me. You stay here.

This is a bad idea. You think about what's important.

I am, Dad. Let's go.

For God's sake, stop doting.

Dad, why didn't you tell me you were feeling worse after everything?

I didn't want to make a fuss, but here we are -- a fuss.

Okay. I-I'll be right outside if you need anything.

Mr. Herrera, your labs showed an increase in your CA-125 biomarker.

That is a sign that your cancer is progressing and no longer responding to your current treatment.

Like I said two weeks ago, your oncology team and I think it's time to consider a higher dose of chemo.


¿Te has sentido así de enfermo por semana?

Um, what the new treatment would entail is adding an additional agent to your current combination of chemo dr*gs.

Another agent? Yes, it's called cisplatin.

Um, it increases the potency of the treatment.

It's aggressive.

Like hitting a fire with every hose in the city all at once.

Side effects ranging from mild skin irritation to seizures to heart complications and shock.

Can his body handle all of that?

Are there more options? Other tests?

We've been through them all.

Like I was telling your father night before last --

"Night before last"?


When you were at poker night?

How I deal with this is none of your business.

Déjalo ser. Let it be?

Ya sabes que no puedo haer eso. You're sick, Dad.

I'm taking care of it! No, you're not!

You're not taking care of anything!

Look at you! Okay, stop. No.

No yelling. No fighting. Not in here.

Uh, Andy, we'll be in here all day long today.

So if you need a minute...

Thank you, Dr. Bailey. Don't thank me.

She's loud, but she's right.

Talk to your damn daughter.

Hey, everything okay?

No, no, no.

My dad's getting worse and hiding it from me.

And now Dr. Bailey's saying they want to start him on this new treatment that sounds risky, and -- Okay, she wouldn't suggest anything if she didn't believe it could make a difference. I just -- I just feel like we're jumping to the most extreme option.

Okay, look. Treatments like this are really hard for patients.

But, uh -- All right, listen.

Do you want to talk through the steps?

You can ask me questions.

I-I know a lot about this kind of --

Don't -- Don't -- Don't do that.

Don't coddle me.

I'm not some frightened family member, Warren.

I don't need to be handled.

Hey, Edith. Your foot bothering you again?

Uh, I'm having trouble breathing.

All right. Let's get you checked out.

All right, take a deep breath in for me, and then back out.

Like you did in yoga this morning?


Are you gonna call my grandson or not?

I know he ran into you.

Apparently, you didn't seem anxious to take his number.

Don't be a fool.

He's a catch.

Why wouldn't you want to go out with him?

BP's looking good, Edith.

I mean, he's athletic, he's sweet, and he's a chef.

Grams, you okay?

I just got your message. I got here as soon as --

Hi. Hi.

Is s-she okay? What's wrong with her?

Oh, no. False alarm, honey.

Oh, I feel much better now.

A lot of extra gadgets today.

Because this dosage will be more intense.

Older patients tend to have a harder time with a treatment like this, so --

What Dr. Schmitt means is that we just want to keep an eye on you, keep your levels under control.

It's nothing. I've faced much worse many times.

Like with that roof collapse.

They all came back buzzing about it.

I told them, "This is nothing, not when you've seen what I've seen."

Right, that... roof collapse.

My point being, it -- it -- it makes you tougher.

I-It prepares you.

I'm strong.

Dr. Bailey, I can handle this treatment.

Um, remind me, when was the roof thing again?

Uh, a few weeks back, maybe.

Either before or after that big tanker spill.

Definitely before that terrible business with the power lines.

You would know about that. That one hit Warren pretty hard.

Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Hey, I just came in to check in and...

Hang on. Herrera didn't come back?

Excuse me.

-Gibson, PD reps are here. -Yeah, okay.

-Hey. I'm Officer Reis. -Jack Gibson.

I was just going over the disaster drill protocols.

This is my partner, Officer Ryan Tanner.

Yeah, no, we, uh -- we know each other.

Isn't this Captain Herrera's shift?

Herrera was called away today.

You got me.

But good to know you're so up on her schedule.

Hope you're just as prepped on this drill.

Oh, he's always prepared.

Bit of a Boy Scout, really, in a good way.

I don't mean to diminish his authority by calling him a boy. Is everything okay?

To make Andy step away? Personal business.

Nothing you need to concern yourself with. I am, though.

Concerned. Especially if it's personal --

Pruitt's in the hospital.

We're waiting to hear how it's going.

She didn't mention anything about her dad when I saw her the night before last.

Yeah, you know, I couldn't speak to that.

Can we move this along?

This year's drill will be a mass-casualty disaster simulation.

I've taken the liberty of putting together a plan.

Here's the problem with your plan.

You haven't even heard it yet.

I don't have to hear it. I can see it... and its problems.

You can't know there's problems until you've taken a closer look.

You know, I'm picking up on a definitive vibe here.

I do that. I pick up on vibes. I'm on track to make detective.

What are they fighting over, exactly?

Did Tanner steal his lunch?

Or his car? He used to do that.

Montgomery, I did tell you Grant was a chef, right?

I am not a chef.

I just got promoted to line cook.

He's very talented.

Montgomery, you should visit Grant at his restaurant.

Really, it's -- it's fine.

Yeah, uh, Travis is the best chef at Station 19.

I'm definitely no professional.

I mean, how hard can it be, Montgomery?

I've had 87 1/2 years' worth of experience, so I know a good match when I see a good match.



Sorry about this.

Oh. She means well.

This morning, you asked me if I was interested in seeing you again, and the answer is yes.

I am.

That's great.

Um, breakfast, maybe?

What about tomorrow?

That's soon.

Too soon?

No. Nope.

I'll be in touch. Later.

Well, now that you two have figured that out, somebody give me my mirror.

Cupid's got to look good for bingo.

You think he'll take you to breakfast or make it?

Like, woo you with his homemade brioche --

I really don't want to talk about this.

You do like Grant, right?

Yeah, of course.

So, and you did agree to, you know, go on a date.

Yeah, I know. So, what is the problem?

Does the fear creep in before there's a fire?

Do you anticipate the worst?

I think you're anticipating the worst.

Or is it getting caught by surprise that's getting to you? I think he seems really nice.

Why are we stopping here?

Come on. Bishop's waiting.

Okay, it's time to start desensitizing you to fire.

I will light up a torch.

You douse it.

Ready? Yeah, I think so.

♪ Blank stares at mobile phones ♪

♪ Where'd all the humans go? ♪

♪ We all like to forget about it ♪ Okay, now the torch to your right.

You sure this is a good idea?

♪ Reset the power lines ♪

♪♪ Damn it! I dropped my line!

Sometimes we have to give our friends the help they need, not the help they want.

Just seems like we could ease her into it a bit.

♪ I like it better with the volume down ♪ People don't always know what's best for them.

Aah! Okay, that's enough!

Turn -- I'm good! Turn it off now!

Get back into it! Push past it!

No, I need -- I need to move more slowly than this!

Come on. Come on.

No, this -- this is not helping!

You are not helping me!

This will not help!

Structure fire. Crossroads Strip Mall. We got to go.

Did you run any of this by Herrera? I don't have to.

I'm captain today.

I'm not used to seeing him like this.

If I wasn't so tired of listening to it, I'd find it fascinating.

You know how she thinks? Yeah, yeah, I know how she thinks.

25 minutes and counting.

Dispatch: Structure fire. Crossroads Strip Mall.

Oh, that was unfortunate timing.

Officer Reis, Officer Tanner, thank you for stopping by.

Probably finish up the rest of the logistics by e-mail?

Excellent plan. E-mail.

Police Dispatcher: Fire at Crossroads Strip Mall.

All units, please respond.

Looks like we're going to the same place.



Look, I-I wasn't trying to coddle you or treat you like any other patient's family.

I was -- I was treating you like -- well, like my family.

Look, I-I understand that you might not be in a place where you're able to be there for your dad right now, but I also know that he needs you.

This is only the beginning of a very difficult road for him.

Yell at him later, all right?

Yell at me right now if you want.

I'd prefer if you didn't yell at my wife. Mm.

Look, do whatever you have to do, but then go in there and be there for your dad.

So we're clear, you are pretty much the most annoying rookie I've ever worked with.

I'll go talk to him.


This is 19. Fire's escalated to a 2-alarm.

I need all available units.

-Montgomery! -Yeah?

You and Hughes get that hose hooked up and charged.

We'll need 2 1/2 inch.

The Big One. You got it.


Hey, easy, easy, easy. Easy, easy.

Slow, deep breaths, okay?

It came out of nowhere. There was no warning.

Just fire everywhere.

How many people are still in there?

Dinner rush. The place was packed.

Get her on oxygen, stat.

Reports of victims still inside.

We've only got minutes before this building is completely unsafe!

I'm going in to get the rest of the people out!


♪♪ Stay near the engine and the hydrant, okay?

Just watch the gauges.

Vic, you don't have to get any closer than that.


Tanner, what are you doing?!

You got no mask, no turnouts.

Neither do the people inside!


Thought you left.

I...took a walk to cool off, so I could come be here for you.

You don't have to be. I'm not asking you to.

I know. You'd prefer if I just leave you alone.

That's not what I meant. You -- You can -- You can say that your life is -- is your business and that you don't have to share what's going on, but it's -- it's my business, too.

Mom is gone.

You're all I have, so I can't just ignore that.

I'm not gonna just let it be.

I wanted to tell you when I got the all clear, when I was finally cancer-free. I mean, it was you who taught me to tackle the scary parts head on, to stand up to them, face them down.

I-I don't want you to spare me. I want you to include me.

Maybe I can't. Maybe I need the space.

From what? From people watching me all the time, waiting for me to drop.

For years, I was the strongest!

You're still strong.

You can't fight cancer... It's just like --

...without being strong.

You should back off a little.

I can't do that.

It's not a request, Andrea.

I'm telling you, I need some space here.

And I'm saying no.

What? No. I can't.

Of course you can. I'm telling you to. I won't.

Why? Because.

That's not an answer. Because I promised Mom!

Before she died, I promised her.

And I'm not letting your ego or your pride get in the way of me keeping my promise.

Jack just messaged. They got a big call.

This is the absolute worst time for me to interrupt.

You should go.

I'll -- I'll stay here. Yeah.

Jack: All entry points are blocked. Stairs are engulfed.

This fire keeps growing and growing.

All firefighters, pull out.

Repeat, pull out. We're going defensive.

Wait. What are you doing? People could still be in there.

It's too dangerous to keep going back in.

Hey, hey! Get off!

Do you see that smoke right there? Hmm?

And the corner, it's black, which means it's toxic.

You'd be dead in five minutes without a mask.

Give me a mask!

The building's verging on collapse.

This is Gibson. Move the perimeter back 20 feet.

So we can't do anything else?

We hit it with water, stop it from spreading.

But we've lost the building.

I need everyone to back up!

Jack: Station 15, 23.

15, hit it from the beta. 23, hit it from the delta.

We're gonna surround and drown.

Hey, Gibson.

Structure's lost? Yes, sir.

Surprised to see you in charge today.

My schedule listed it was Herrera's turn -- shift -- whatever it is Frankel has you two doing.

Herrera had to take a personal day today, sir.

It's a big call to miss.

All right, don't let me keep you.

Guys, I want status reports.

-The line's all set up inside. -How's the Big One coming?

I'm in position!


Here it comes!

Hey! We already told you to sit yourselves on the other side of this line.

-No! We can't! We can't! -You don't understand!

Hey, hey, non-rescue personnel can't be over here right now. Well, what about her?

Please! Somebody help us! Please!

It's okay, sweetie! It's okay!

Bishop, see if you can knock down the flames around the victims.

Buy some time. On it.

Stairs are lost. The airbags won't fit.

We need to get that ladder in there right now.

Help! Please!

I got you. Mommy's got you, okay?

They're gonna help us! Please help us!

The truck's blocked in. We got to get everybody to move.

There's no time. The ladder will have to reach from here. It's blocked!

We can't put the riggers down on the other side.

The ladder will be way too unsteady, and you know it's unsafe.

I don't care. I'm going up.

A week before she died, Mom picked me up early from school one day.

I think it was a-a Thursday.

Sh-She didn't even make up an excuse for my teacher.

She just decided we needed a fun day.

We had ice cream. We went to the park.

And we just sat there, talking about nothing, really.

She looked at me and told me she would always be there for me if she could.

But if something ever happened, if she ever wasn't...

...that you would be there for me.

And that I had to look after you.

She said, "You take care of him, okay?"

She made me promise.


I don't -- I can't -- I...

I promised her... that I'd look out for you.

She took care of you every way she could every single day, and so have I.

Every day since.

So don't shut me out.

Don't you dare not talk to me.

Don't tell me not to look out for you.

Don't you dare do that.

Not when taking care of you is the one real piece of her I have left.

I had no idea. You never told me.

That's why I have to.

I can't just -- I have to watch out for you, Papi.

I know it's what she would have done.


I... Dad?

Dad? Dad!

Dad? Da-- I need help in here!

Dad. Dad.

Slow and steady.

All right, go, go, go!

♪ When you hear the words you thought impossible ♪ It's okay, sweetie.

♪ And you feel like time is running out on you ♪ Why are they going so slow?!

Ladder only goes one speed!

Station's asking if we can release a patrol car.

What are you do-- What is he doing?

He's got the face -- the one he gets when he's got a really stupid idea.

♪ Will it be you? ♪

♪ Can it be me? ♪

♪ We all have the strength to save somebody ♪ Tanner, what the hell are you doing?!

Drop your baby to me. Are you crazy?!

There isn't time. I will catch him. I promise.

No! Go, go, go!

♪ We all have the strength to save someone's life ♪ Woman: Oh, my God.

♪ We are all heroes ♪ Trust me, please!

Just let go! No, I can't! I can't!

I can't just let go! I can't!

The building's about to go!

I know!

You see that firefighter on the ladder?

When he gets here, you're gonna have to climb over the rail and jump to him.

You can't do that if you're holding your baby!

You will miss! You will fall!

Your baby will fall with you!


What's your name? Allison!

And your baby?


Jacob. This is Jacob.

Allison, the only way to save Jacob, the only way to save both of you, is for you to listen to my friend Ryan.

Now you can do this. I can't!

Yes, you can.

He was fine. He was just talking.

But now he's unresponsive, and --

He's hypotensive. I need one of epi.

What's happening? I think he may be having an allergic reaction to the cisplatin.

♪ We all have the strength to save somebody ♪ I need another epi. Steroids. Now.

Is he gonna be all right?

Uh, no, I'm sorry, but I really need you to get out of here. Nurse?

All right, pushing another epi.

And let's hang some fluid.

Come on.


Let go! Please! It'll be okay!

♪ You have the strength to save somebody's life ♪ Mommy loves you. I will always love you.

♪ Ohh ♪



♪ Backwards treaded sky ♪

♪ Stretch across the floor ♪

♪ Fools gold pioneer ♪ Hey, there.

It's time. You got to jump. Ready?

Woman: I can't! Yes, you can.

Yes, you can. Okay.

All right, you got this. Yes, you can!


It's time. You got to jump!

♪ Like a sunrise trance and the aftermath ♪ Aah!

♪ The mountains stands higher ♪

I got you! Hey!

Miller, go!

♪ The mountain stands higher ♪

♪ After the fire ♪ Jacob!

Yeah, it's okay.

♪ The breath of the smoke finds wherever you are ♪

♪ With nowhere to go, you say I'm chasing your heart ♪

♪ The mountain stands higher ♪ Your dad experienced an allergic reaction.

His regimen is tough, and his body is going to fight it.

But now that we know this could happen every time --

Every time?

You want him to keep going with this treatment when it sent him into medical distress?

I still believe it is his best option.

That said, I'll understand if you two decide that you do not want to continue with the treatment.

We keep going.

Dad, if it's hurting you this much after one treatment, I mean, there has to be other options.

I mean, think of the toll it's gonna take.

What kind of toll do you think the cancer will take?

I would -- would like to keep going with the treatment.

I would like to include my daughter in all future information about my chemo schedule and appointments.

I, uh -- I would like to make her part of this process, please.


♪ Mountain stands higher ♪ Hey, Tanner.

Helluva save today.

Helluva save yourself.

♪ The mountain stands higher ♪

♪ After the fire ♪


♪ The breath of the smoke finds wherever you are ♪

♪ With nowhere to go, you say I'm chasing your heart ♪

♪ The breath of the smoke ♪ Hey, you okay?


Hey, can you, uh...

Can you just stand next to me?

This, um -- This helps.

I think this is what I need right now.



♪♪ I told you I didn't want --

Take the soup.

I'm sure the things I think you need are very different than the ones you think you need.

So, I brought some of each.

And I am here if and when you want more.



♪♪ Travis: If you don't want to go, then just tell tell her you don't want to go.

Hi -- Oh, hi, Grant!

Sorry, I didn't know if there was, like, a doorbell or something.

Uh, sorry, yeah. Yeah, I'm just --

I got a, um, thing.

Is it weird that I just showed up?

I thought we had plans, but then you didn't reach out, so I thought maybe I was supposed to meet you here.

I can't do breakfast.


You seem really great.

But, uh...

I don't date.

Are you some kind of fire-fighting monk, or...?

No, no, definitely not a monk.

I watched an entire building burn to the ground last night.

I'm in the middle of stuff like that all the time.

I know what it's like being with someone who could die in the line of duty any day.

It's not fair.

I never want to put someone else through that.

Okay, I thought I was just here for breakfast.

And not only have you married us off, but I'm widowed now, too?

You move fast.

It's easier this way. I promise.

I don't date.

It's not what I do.

Then let me paint you a picture of what we could do.

First, I -- Well, I'll take you to breakfast, like we planned.

Not today. Today's already weird.

But soon.

Something simple, delicious. I know a place.

And then that night, I'll call.

See how your day went.

I'm a pretty straightforward guy.

I don't play games.

It's just a thing you should know about me.

Then, a few days after that, I'll see if you want to grab dinner.

Nothing too fancy, but nice.

I'll want to dress up a little for you.

I'm hoping by then, you might want to kiss me.

I know I'll want to kiss you.

I already do.

But I'll save that for our third date.

We'll go to Kerry Park. We'll talk all night.

And I'm guessing that's all just in the next few weeks, so we're a ways off from me being widowed.

Assuming breakfast goes well.

Let's start with breakfast.




You smell like a chimney.

Did you get another call after you left the hospital?

Nothing important.

Huh. Yeah.

Okay, Benjamin Warren, we don't do this.

We do not shut each other out.

I agree...?

Pruitt told me you have had some big calls recently.

Ohh. You fell through a roof?

Almost. You were almost electrocuted?

Trying to save a patient?

Come on.

I told you I wanted you to share with me.

I wanted to hear about the fire, the danger, all of it.

We were right here in this bed, and I asked you if there was anything going on, and you said nothing.

And now you sit here on this bed and I'm checking in again, and again, it's nothing?

I'm not asking just to ask.

I'm asking so that you tell me.

So you don't have to hold on to this stuff alone.

Honey, you get to come home and unload anything you need to unload so it can be unloaded.

When I check in, I need you to tell me the truth.

That's how this works. That's how we work.

Last night, a strip mall burned down.

Like, all the way to the ground.

But I didn't get there for the big stuff.

No, no, no, no. I was --

I showed up well-rested, ready to go, and got put in charge of overhaul.

It's a fancy word for cleanup.

You know, it's -- it's scut.

So, I was there all night ankle deep in, uh, burnt, mucky remains of a nail salon, a restaurant, a dry cleaners, and a notary's office.

See? It's -- It's scut.

Nothing important.

But, uh, you're right.

T-There has been some stuff that I haven't told you about...

...and some of it gets to me.

Uh, and I didn't want to burden you with it.

Mm. But I-I will.

I promise I will.

That's better. Thank you.

Just to warn you, once it starts, it won't stop.

Once the floodgates open, it's gonna be hours and hours of --

Andy: It's all about balance.

♪ There's a cold in my veins ♪

♪ I thought I'd won ♪

♪ But I never do ♪ Why don't you get home before you turn into a zombie?

I don't want to leave him here alone.

Why do you think I'm here?

Me and that chair are about to spend some quality time together.

Come on. Get while the going's good.

Thank you. Yeah.

♪ To stop the pain, but they never do ♪

♪ H-e-e-elp ♪

♪ But they never do ♪

♪ Is it too high...? ♪ It's about recognizing when you're able to put a fire out...

♪ Standing in my way ♪

...and when you have to stand back and let it burn.

I have mentioned I hate running before, right?

Like, a lot?

Well, it's this or the torches.

Why? Why? Why are those my only two options?


♪ The strongest one's the one who's fed ♪ Oh, thank God, a break.

♪♪ That's pretty.

I don't remember it. Is it new?

Yeah, it is.

♪♪ So, uh, there's no possibility of walking the rest of the way back, is there?

'Cause I'm not above bribery.

Dream on. We got seven more miles to crush.

♪ Take me down from the edge ♪ Great.


Slow down!

When a structure's not safe, when the fire's too hot...

♪ My heart is in your hands ♪

...we're told to stay away.

♪ Till I know where I'm going again ♪ You won't believe the night I just had.

Or you will because you have these nights all the time, but I don't.

Uh, I heard about the fire.

There was a woman trapped on a balcony, and she had a baby, and she had to throw her baby, and I caught him.

Me. I caught the baby. You?

Caught a baby? Yes! It was amazing.

It was -- I've never felt anything like it.

And then we just had to... stand back and watch the building burn down.

But what if we can't stay back?

What if there's something drawing us toward that fire?

Looks like you got pretty close.


I can't stand back anymore.

What if it grabs hold of us?

What if it pulls us in?

What if we get too close?

Close enough that fire could burn us?

Your dad?

Isn't home.


And what if...

...we like it?
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