Unfaithful (2002)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Unfaithful (2002)

Post by bunniefuu »

Pretty windy out

That better not be the one where you blow people up It's not, Mom Mm-hmm Dad, look what I can do I've been practicing

That's spectacular, kiddo Cool

You're inside out Oh... I knew that Doesn't work for you?

Can't believe you taught him that I didn't... He did it on his own Charlie, did you brush your teeth?

Yes Charlie...

I brushed them Let me see Look at this, Con...

Let's go. I'm serious You're driving me bonkers, Mom...

Let's go Con, remember when we were gonna buy Omnidel you said no?

You remember what the price was?

Uh, 1.50 $

Close. 61 $

I'll do it, Mom No, I'm gonna do it You know what it's going for now, Con?

Say, "e" Eeeee Guess, Con Edward, I don't know, all right?

All right, now rinse

74 $

Really rinse. And pee I should've bought it. Shit So buy some Too late, Con. Too late Lift the seat, honey

Don't forget to put it down!

When you finish...

Do you really need all that stuff?

Mom... no one wears these dorky hats Well, you do, and you're not a dork How do I look?

Very handsome Love you... Ok. Come on, let's go!

Whoa. Jesus!

Come on Whoa!

Maybe you shouldn't go in today I promised I'd do that stuff for the auction...

And someone's got a birthday coming up Latrell Sprewell jersey, Mom Don't forget He's on the Yankees, right?


You're driving me bonkers You're driving him bonkers


...it's a holiday there Well, I'll just keep talking No, no, that's ok. But in order to pick up...




Taxi. Taxi!

Oh... Shit!

I'm so sorry!

Oh, putanne! Mes bouquins! I'm so sorry Putanne! Mes bouquins!

I'm sorry I'll get your things

Aw, shit!

Taxi! Taxi!

My books! Putanne!...

I need a taxi! Could you help me get a taxi?

Ok I'll watch your books Thanks Thank you

Hey. Hey!


Bad day for taxis It's this horrible wind Yeah. You shot down there like a b*llet!

If you flapped your arms, you'd be home by now I'll remember that next time

That's not good I know Listen, that's me up there... the flower pot I get you a band-aid, ok?

Hold on to something. Don't blow away

Or... you can come on up and clean it off, no?

Come on!

I'm not an ax m*rder*r. I promise

Oh, shit f*cking elevator Ne marche pas jamais cet ascenseur!

Ascenseur de merde!

Allez! One more!

Pardon the mess You a writer?

I'm a book dealer Oh...

Uh... bathroom's right down there, on the left

Go ahead There's a medicine cabinet You can sneak a peak at my prescriptions


I made you some tea Thank you Do you box?

I used to... when I was young Hmm This is an amazing place Uh-huh Yeah, but it's not mine No?

The owner is a friend, a sculptor and he's living in Paris, so... that's cool We can stay here, me and my books

Hmm Um, I... can I use your phone?

I have to call home Oh, sure, sure. There's a phone just behind you Thank you

Gloria? Hi, it's me Good, good How's Charlie?

Hi, honey. How was your day at school?

Yeah? What was the best part?

Guess what. Can you believe that mommy missed her train?


Ice Uh... about an hour

You should start your homework No. I promise to tell you all about it when I see you I love you. Bye That was my son Charlie He's 8. He'll be 9 next week I'm Paul Martel. I'll be 28 in July I'm Constance And I'm late. I have to go Before you go, take your book... no?

Oh, no, I... I couldn't. I don't...

Sure, you can A souvenir Go down there You know, like before Ok

Keep going...


Now right No. Right Ok, now... the second shelf from the top...

Take the fourth one from the left Got it?

Think so Open to page 23

"Drink wine This is life eternal

"This, all that youth will give to you

"It is the season for wine roses, and drunken friends

"Be happy for this moment This moment... " is your life"

I have to go Thank you Can you find your way out?

I hope so

That's my bedroom

It was nice meeting you, Constance Hey, come back if you need more books or... medical attention

A perfect 10 there!

Oh, my! Did you see that?

Hey, Glo, hey

That wouldn't be the TV on, would it?

I was just turning it off Sure you were

The wind knocked me down today, Glo Oh, yeah? You all right? Do you need anything?


Were you in a fight? No, just fell over Does it hurt?

A little bit Cool!

Where are you going?

To get the camera!

Try this Thank you What do you need a camera for?

It's for school. We're doing blood and stuff Ok, now look like it really hurts Ready? Yep

This'll be great The wind blew her down...

She bled and everything Everybody's hats blew off Look who's the worid photographer You ok?

Yeah... It took me down like an old lady Honey... It's humiliating Dad, look at the pictures At least we got the evidence. Anyone we can sue?

Whoa! No There was this nice guy who helped me It was like this, Dad. It was a twister

Dad, look!

It was like this. This is a tornado He lived around there. He got me some Band-Aids and put me in a taxi Is he good-looking?

I feel sick Did you do your homework, Charlie?

I can't. I don't know how to do it Well, come on. I'll help you You can help me with mine Did you get his name? This guy?

You can send him a bottle a wine Cheap wine

Con, stand there a second. Con, wait a minute...

Just stay there a second. I'm just trying to figure out how to do the...

The thing I can't figure out is the, um...

...zoom thing here There it is. Ok, hold on. Stay there The zooming thingie... zooming in

Stay there. No, come on. I'm just trying to figure this thing out I want to see if it focuses...

Hold on. Come here

Cool. Very cool So beautiful If you only knew... Look at you God, what a beauty

Something the matter?

Nothing Nothing at all Good Come here

This is really good No, it isn't. Go away Come here This is major

I think it really is zooming in I found the zoom Found it Dad!


Shit! Ok...

I can't sleep!

That camera... Jesus!

I'll be back. I'll be back... Don't fall asleep It works!

Mom, are you nuts?

You forgot my lunch I did not It's by the door. Come with me What are you chew... what are you chewing?

Nothing Spit that out. What is that?


That's lovely Mom? Yes?

I don't want to be a dumb bunny Honey, it's a play There's lots of other bunnies It would be cool to be a bunny You're bonkers, Mom That's what you tell me Love you Love you, too. What's that?

Oh. Thank you



Hi, this is Paul Martel Leave a message after the beep. Thanks.

Hello? Hello?


Hello Hello!

You're... you're there This is Connie Sumner The one from the really windy day Oh, that one!

How's the knee? Did you ice it?

Yes, I iced it and I elevated it and...

...you name it, I did it, and it's much better and I...

And I... I just wanted to call and I wanted to thank you and, um...

I wanted to ask for your address because I wanted to send you a bottle of...

Where are you? What?

I said where are you?

I'm in Grand Central It's really hard to hear you Come and see me What?

Yeah, take a break I'll make you some coffee



Uh... ok Ok See you. Bye f*ck

Ah, no permanent damage, I see

We take Medicaid, Blue Cross...

I'm uninsured No, I'm afraid we don't take charity cases here

It was a joke

Oh, look at this...

Jack London First edition of "White Fang"

In the original dust jacket. And you know what?

I got it for a buck & 50 What's it worth?

About 4,000 times more!

Those are in French I took it in school Ah. Uh... "Tu veux enlever ton manteau?"

Do I want to take off something?

Um... your coat Would you like to take off your coat?

Yes, my coat...

Thank you

But I can't stay very long. I have some errands I have to run I'll get the coffee Ok


It's in Braille Braille No, no. Braille. He was French Close your eyes What?

Close your eyes

"My mother makes me chicken"

"Her chicken makes me cough"

"I wish that when she made it"

"she took the feathers off"

It doesn't say that

I had better go Huh? I got to go

Uh... take care. Don't fall Thanks for the coffee You didn't drink it


Lindsay, hi Ah, Connie...

Let me buzz him Thanks

Hey, what a surprise Look at you!

Hi, Bill Hi, Connie Am I interrupting?

No, no I was just leaving All right, I'll, uh, I'll get you the budget for those trucks later All right. Thanks Would you like a coffee?

No, thank you

Mmm Ah, that's nice Mmm. Mmm You know, I didn't know you were coming in today I could've given you a ride You're freezing. What is that?

Well, I was around the corner, and I brought you a present Wow. What's the occasi�n?

Nothing. I don't know It's a medium, but they said it runs large Look at that!

You don't have to try it on I'm the boss. I can do whatever I want

What do you think?

Hold on just a second Yeah?

Oh, all right, but hold the other calls You're busy. I'll go I'll go No. Sit. Sit. Sit Hello, Henry...

Yeah, so what is this suspensi�n problem?

No, I never received it Well, all right. Well, get it to me Henry, this... No, it's not good enough I'm sitting here with 200 trucks that I can't use All right. Well, set up a meeting Yeah, and I want Frank Burnbaum there

'Cause I don't feel good about this guy When I tell someone to do something, I want it done I'm sure you will


So, what else you up to?

Auction Yeah?

Who'd you hit on?

The usual suspects...


Bob Gaylord Bob?

You get a pledge out of Bob, they should send you to the middle east

So, tell me...


What do you think?

It's a keeper!


Hello Hello

Here I am again I brought muffins

"Tu veux enlever ton manteau?"

What is this music?

You like it?


Do you want to dance?


Yeah Ok

I have to warn you, I tend to lead Of course. You are American

You've done this before Uh, what?

How many girlfriends have you had?

Um... two Really?

Would I lie to you?

I don't know, would you?

Your eyes are amazing, you know that?

You should never shut them. Not even at night You should learn to sleep with your eyes open

I'll work on that Will you?

Hang on

I think this is a mistake

There's no such thing as a mistake There's what you do and what you don't do I can't do this

I forgot my coat

I can't. I can't What? What's wrong?

I can't. I don't know how to do this This is wrong Hit me I don't want to Hit me

Hit me

Say, Ed!

- Hey, Bob! Haven't seen you in a while No. No. I've been working late this week How's the boy?

He's a p*stol of a kid. He's gonna have a birthday Really? How old? 9 So, uh, any major armed robberies?

No. No, not this week Speaking of armed robberies...

...you better watch out for Connie She's gonna get you to sign over your mortgage What do you mean?

Did she try to hit on you for some money?

No I thought she talked to you about this...

...uh, school auction... or whatever Not me But I've been out of town. Maybe she talked to Maggie about it

Yeah. Yeah, I guess I got it wrong Anyway, we owe you a dinner Yeah

He's out Mmm Can I get you anything?

No. No, I'm fine. Thanks

Tough day?

Mmm, not really How about you? How was your day?

It was good You know, the usual stuff

Sure you don't want anything?

No Con?


Do you love me?

Of course I love you What a silly question I guess... I'm just feeling silly

I'll be up in a minute Ok Sorry

What are we doing here?

Having lunch

I shouldn't be doing this What, you shouldn't be having lunch?

Not with you I think we should leave

Listen... see those guys over there paying the check?

Yes Ok If the guy on the right pays, we'll leave right now If the guy on the left pays, we stay

And... I kiss you No. No No. No. No Ah. Ah...

Hey, you're kidding me, man

I win

No C'est la vie! No Don't do it. Don't

Room for two?

Of course

Nice music What is it?

It's, um...

African, I think I like it


Let's go to bed. Come on Stay here with me I'm cold Stay here I'm cold

Stay here with me I'm cold Come on, let's go

How about lunch today?

You free?

I have all this fund-raiser stuff Auction things to pick up We can do an early one, if you want How about 12:00?



Will I be hungry at 12:00?

We could go in together I'll wait for you I'm not gonna be ready to go for at least an hour That's all right. I'll wait

Oh, shit What?

I just remembered...

I have a facial at 12:30 at Georgiana's today Oh, well...

You gotta stay beautiful, right?

Georgiana's, huh?

Waste of money

Yeah, Manhattan Uh, beauty salon called, uh, Georgina

Uh, yeah, right. Yes. Yes. Georgiana's. That's right

Thank you

Hello, I'm calling to confirm an appointment today, 12:30 Sumner. Connie Sumner. S- u-m-n-e-r

Could she... could she be down for another time?

No, thank you


Connie! Connie...

Tracy! Hi! Hi I was gonna call you That's what they all say when I call about bunny costumes You know Sally from Planned Parenthood?

Hi. It's been a while Well, too long. Too long You look amazing So where you headed?

Oh, I was just going to, um... go look at some window shades for the kitchen Well, we're gonna go and have coffee Why don't you join us?

Oh, I'm gonna be late For window shades?

Come on!

Ok. Ok

Hi, how are you?

I'm just going to make a phone call Sure Mmm. She could have used my cell phone

Hi, it's me You're not gonna believe this...

I'm at the cafe around the corner Why do you have to introduce me as Sally from Planned Parenthood?

What do you mean?

Well, it makes it sound like I'm in New York handing out condoms I'm stuck here

Will you wait for me?

Wait for me

...with the redhead. Just can't take it She has it the next morning... all the time Had to call Gloria, remind her... to pick up the dry cleaning when she gets Charlie Never a dull moment No. Charlie is so adorable Thank you

I can't eat

I'll have a coffee Well, I guess I'll have coffee, too Excuse me again. Ladies room

God, she looks good Mm-hmm Do you think she's had work?

Why would she have work? She still looks gorgeous That's when they're having it now Early, before it all goes to shit

I have friends out there

You take me to the best places Wait Let me...

She's not like that. She's really nice Of course she is. That makes it worse She is nice, and she's sweet... and her ass is in exactly the same place it was when she was in college

Are you taking tennis?

Oh, I wouldn't call what I do taking tennis

Ok There you are I was beginning to worry No, it's fine. I'm fine We thought you were abducted by that heartthrob What heartthrob?

You didn't see him at the counter?

He was gorgeous I miss everything Your button's undone Oh, thank you

That's him

I guess I could see the appeal Well, if he looked at me twice, I would be on my back in a second Oh, you would not Oh, I would so. Why not?

Well, a couple of reasons. Adam for one, your kids for another Well, you know, Tracy, they wouldn't have to know about it It could be just something that I did for myself You know, to... broaden my horizons It'd be like taking a pottery class Having an affair is nothing like taking a pottery class Could be No. It would start out like that And then, um, something would happen Someone, uh, finds out, or someone falls in love... and it ends disastrously They always end disastrously


No When?

It was a long time ago And it's the one thing in my life I would undo if I could

Did you just f*ck me across the street?

Mm-hmm, I did You know, we could end this now, and no one would get hurt Yeah?

I think if we ended this now... I'd get hurt So, no matter what, someone get's hurt?

Maybe not Maybe we'll get tired of each other God, I hope I get tired of you

You're in my mind You're the only thing in my mind when I wake up every morning You're in my brain before I even open my eyes What do you think of?

It depends If it's a day when I don't know if I'm going to get to see you I'm anxious... thinking of excuses to come into the city and see you

And the days you know we meet?

On those days...

I'm... calm... and... hating myself

Oh, God

This is what we have over here And... I'll have it ready for you this afternoon That happens all the time...

Ed, what's up? It sounded important I've heard you're talking with Dunbar and Brinks... a few other companies Oh, yeah? Where'd you hear that?

Well, look, I mean, I suppose they could be... uh, wooing me, if that's what you mean Apparently a lot of people are wooing you these days Now, who's wooing who?

Whoa. Whoa. Wait. What are you talking about?

So I talked to some people. So what?

This is about loyalty, Bill I'm letting you go You'll have my recommendation, if you need it

I have a family, Ed You had a family here Wait. Wait a minute. You're telling me... about family?

Well, you don't know the first g*dd*mn thing about it!

Why don't you take a look at your own f*cking family, Ed?

Take a g*dd*mn look at that

Hi, Ed Frank

Thanks for coming on such short notice This is personal. It's not business...

So you think about it I don't know if you're gonna want to get involved with this.. but I need someone I can trust I want you to follow somebody I...

I want you to follow my wife

It's burning, Mom What?

It's burning. The chicken Oh, shit!


It's boiling, Mom It's boiling!

Thank you

Watch it. Watch it. Watch it. Watch it

Chicken's a little dry. I'm sorry It's fine

I have to go to Chicago tomorrow For how long?

Not long. Probably just a night What time's your flight?

8:00 A. M.

Diane Dryer's son is marrying Amy Lynne's daughter I'm never getting married Why not?

I hate giris

Well, you might change your mind That happens sometimes I won't


I fired Bill Stone today So that's what's bothering you Nothing's bothering me Why did you fire him?

He's not accountable What's accountable?

Is it, like, people who eat people?

No, no... that's a cannibal

Anyway, I can't trust him anymore So if you run into Dolly, you'll know

Well, how are you gonna clean up the area so pedestrians can get through?


I can't believe you!

What are you doing?




Come on!

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I', sorry Honey, are you ok?

You must have been so worried, huh?

Stop, Mom What?

People can we see Ok

Hi, this is Paul Martel Leave a message after the beep. Thanks Mom?


You're supposed to be in bed You're crying, Mom Oh, honey... mommy's just a little sad, that's all Come on, I'll take you to bed Let's get you into bed Don't be sad, Mom Dad will be home tomorrow

His name is Paul Martel

He lives at 433 Mercer Street, apartment 3 She sees him during the day Usually goes around lunchtime Stays about 2 hours,maybe 3

They go to the movies?

They did that day. Otherwise, they're in his apartment

Pick up!

Hey. Hey, lady!

Forgot your keys


Who is she?! Who is she?!


Calm down!

Why are you doing this?

How many are there? 5? 10?

God, what am I?

The Monday one. What, did I get my day wrong?

She's just a friend, ok?

Just a friend You're a f*ckin' liar Me? I'm the liar?

I can't do this anymore

Fine. Go back to your suburban carpool Your tennis dress on your...

What are you doing? What are you doing?

f*ck you!

That'll make you happy f*ck you!

No No, I can't Paul, it's over

I can't!

I hate you. I hate you I know Stop it. I can't

You gonna f*ck me?

Huh? You want it?

Yeah, I want you to Say it I want you to f*ck me Say it I want you to f*ck me

Oh, thank you Thank you very much Thank you very much, indeed


You're Paul Martel?

Yes How old are you?

Who are you?

Edward Sumner

Connie's husband

May I... may I come in?

Yeah. Sure

Would you like a drink?

Yeah. Why not?

I have scotch, vodka... prune juice Uh... vodka Is it cold?

Yeah I keep it in the freezer So do I. At home

So tell me, how did you...

...meet my wife?

By accident On the street There was a wind storm, she hooked her knee...

Oh... you're him She told you about that?


How's it going?

Fine Fine. I mean, ok This is... this is where you meet?

Yes She likes it?

Well, I guess. She never complained

Do you stay in all the time, or do you go out, too?

It depends. Sometimes, yes, we go out She likes that?


...likes this neighborhood?

Oh, yeah More exciting than the suburbs, I guess

Do you know that we have been married 11 years?

We have a son Yeah, she told me


Yes, please

He's the reason that we left the city Connie thought it would be better for him Oh. She told me it was your idea

You... talk about me?

Lot of books...

Yeah. Lot of buying and selling

Didn't know it did that

Where did you get this?

It was a gift From her

Why would she do that?

I don't know...

Maybe... maybe she just wanted to buy me something

She didn't buy this for you. I gave it to her

I gave it to her...


I gave it to her I gave... I'm s...

I'm feeling sick. I can't...

You want some water?

I'm feeling sick. I'm...

I don't...

I'm... I'm not well I'm not feeling well

I'm not...

I'm not feeling...


Hi, this is Paul Martel Leave a message after the beep. Thanks.

Hi, it's me Listen...

I don't like saying this to your machine, but...

...I have to end this

I just... I can't do it anymore I can't live like this I'm so tired of lying and hurting my family I'm sorry Um, I hope... I don't know what I hope I'm... I'm sorry

Messages erased

Does that pinch?

No Do you know your solo?

Yep Yeah?

Mm-hmm Can I hear it?

You need a hand?

No No, I'm fine Thanks

...focus on the journey for there will be those who will love to see you fall

Catch a star from the sky Let it sparkle in your eye Set your sights above the crowd Walk tall, dream loud Take your mark and go focus on the journey Where were you?

You ok?

...who will love to see you fall All along the way hiding on the sidelines they must be the ones who have never dreamed at all Catch a star from the sky Let it sparkle in your eye Set your sights above the crowd Walk tall, dream loud

What's the sense in dreaming if your dreams are small?

What's the sense in walking if you don't walk tall?

Dream loud

You were spectacular. You know that?

Mm-hmm Wasn't he great, Edward? Great He was great, great Really great I have to help clean up I'll come and kiss you good night later when I get home, ok?

Sorry, Ed It looks like I nailed you

It's all right, Jerry. It's ok

You'd better check to see if this is gonna open No, no, this is... this is fine It's nothing. It's nothing. It's fine

Did he dent you, Dad?

Yeah. Yes, he did. Yes, he did Can we call the cops, Dad?

You sure you don't wanna check the trunk?

We'll deal with it tomorrow It'll just take a second No!

Oh, my God Charlie... look at your dad and tell me what's wrong


His shoes!

They're different colors

Honey, you look awful What happened last night? Did you sleep?

I got up and looked for you Oh, I just, um... got some air Are you ok?


Do you like it here, Connie?


Of course I like it here

'Cause we don't have to stay here We can... we can move back to the city Honey, what has gotten into you?

Are you ok?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine

Are you ok?

I'm fine Everybody's fine, and we're not moving anywhere

The cops are here, Mom What do they want?

I'm sure it's nothing

N.Y.P.D., Mom Hello Mrs. Sumner Yes Yeah, I'm detective Dean This is detective Mirojnick...

...New York City Police Department Did something happen? Is something wrong?

Oh, no, no. No. Uh... do you know a Paul Martel?

Yes, um... not very well. Why?

Do you know where he is?

No. Um...

At home, I would imagine Do you know where he lives?

Soho, isn't it?

Your name and number were found on his desk

Has he done something wrong?

Well, we don't know. He's been reported missing by his family His wife doesn't know where he is

I didn't know he was married Separated

When did you see him last?

I don't know... It's hard to say Um... he's a book dealer. I...

I barely know him at all. I was going to buy some books from him And did you?

No, not yet

Has something happened to him? I mean, do you think he's all right?

It's hard to say at this point We're workin' on it Anyway, thanks, uh... thanks for your time Thank you I like these snow glass things My boy has some of these If you hear from Mr. Martel, let us know Certainly

Dad! The cops came to our house today

Cops? What did they want?

Someone's missing... and they have to check everyone, you know

Who was it?

Honey, sit up straight

Who was it?

I don't think you know him He's, uh... he sells books I forget where I met him Was it a bad guy, Mom?

So what did they, uh... why did they wanna talk to you?

I guess... he had my name and number Why... why would he have your number?

I think I bought a book from him

Be careful. Be careful Hey, Charlie Hi, darlin'

Oh, I wish you lived closer

Lord, bless this food to our use and us to thy service... and help us to be ever mindful of the needs of others Amen Amen Edward!

All right!

I have a... I have a story you don't know about Edward He was at the club...

Hello, Mrs. Sumner Sorry to bother you on the weekend I'm, uh... detective Dean Oh This is detective Mirojnick, N.Y.P.D.

Ok We were hoping to talk to you for a few minutes Uh, sure Charlie, we're gonna go up on the porch for a minute Can I come?

No, sweetheart. You stay out here Play with Poppy. We'll be right back I don't know if your wife mentioned we was here about a week and a half ago... about Paul Martel Yeah, that was the... the man who was missing Well, he's not missing anymore His body was discovered last weekend God, that's... that's terrible Oh, my God Do you recall where you met Mr. Martel, Mrs. Sumner?

I told you Uh, no, ma'am, you didn't I'm sorry, um...

I can't remember A fund-raiser, I think Can you be more specific?

Juilliard Juilliard The music school Yes, I know what Juilliard is Oh, of course you do. I'm sorry Were you there, too, sir?

Yes, yes... I think I was Well, maybe you met Mr. Martel No, no, not that I remember Maybe you'd recognize him No, no. I never met him before Is that him? Yes, yes You ever been to his apartment?

No No, I... I... I hardly knew him I didn't even know why he had my phone number Maybe he liked you Look, I think that's enough

So you've never been to his apartment Well, how 'bout, the neighborhood. Did you hang out down there?

No No, not often...

...or no, never Never I can't remember the last time I was in Soho It was 4 weeks ago, actually

You got a parking ticket right in front of Martel's apartment...

...4 weeks ago Oh, that. Right I... had coffee with friends at a little place I forgot It was Tracy and Sally Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah

Look... my wife has told you everything she knows. So have I. So...

...if you don't mind, we'd like to get back to our son All right. Uh... why don't I give you my card...

I have your card Right Enjoy your weekend You, too

Sumner, please

Oh, my God Hi, Connie Hi, Tracy I'm just picking up my silk suit for tonight I was thinking of wearing the black

I'm gonna give up the good row Let someone else be gorgeous for a change

So what should we bring aside from our sparkling personalities?

How we doing?

Fine You need help?


The white is not cold, so I'm gonna put it in the freezer Just remind me it's in there, all right?

Most people drink red anyway

Oh, I love these things Is there anyplace you guys haven't been?

Mmm, the Rosenthals got 795 for their place In 2 days, they had 6 offers Sealed bids. That's what everyone's doing now What do you think this place is worth, Ed?

Oh, I don't know You sell your house, where do you go?

At those prices, Tahiti Bangkok Connie, where's this one from?

Fiji Oh, remember, Jeff, I asked you to take me to Fiji?

Mmm And then you took me to Hawaii?

We went fishing every single day...

What happened, Edward?

What did you do?

Did you hurt him?



Did you hurt him?

You did, didn't you?

Oh, Jesus, Edward Talk to me Tell me what you did No, you tell me what you did How you f*cked him over and over and over...

You lied to me... over and over and over...

Edward, please...

No, you don't talk to me now I gave everything...

...for this family Everything...

Snd what did you do?

You threw it all away...

...like it was nothing For what?

To a f*cking kid!

You didn't think I'd know?

I wouldn't feel it?

I knew it from the very first day

Because I know you, Connie I know you, and I f*ckin' hate you!

I didn't want to k*ll him. I wanted to k*ll you!

Oh, my God

Edward... Oh, my God

Dear God

Mom, look what I did

Honey... that's ok That's ok I'm sorry, Mom It's an accident Everybody has accidents Why aren't you in bed, Mom?

I don't know

Charlie, look at me I want you to know... that I love you... more than anything in the worid

And I want you to know that your daddy and me both... will always, always love you No matter what, hmm?

Ok? Ok Come on, sweetie Let's go fix up your bed all nice and fresh, ok?

All right

>If you find this DO NOT OPEN until our 25th anniversary

to my beautiful wife the best part of every day

"You can come on up and clean it off, no?"

"Come on! I'm not an ax m*rder*r. I promise"

"Thank you"

What are we gonna do?

I'm so scared

I'll turn myself in No


No, we can get through this We'll take it one day at a time No one will know We'll know

31, 3.500, 3.800, 4.000...

42, 45, 4.800...

We could disappear

We could raise some money, sell everything... and just leave the country


Mexico Why not?

We could get a little house on the beach...

Take a different name...

People do it all the time What do we tell Charlie?

Tell him it's an adventure

We could fish all day

We could learn to play the guitar...

And I would serenade you to sleep every night We'd just live the rest of our lives on that beach...

...and then when we die, we could just push out to sea What do you think?

It sounds perfect

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