Flintstones Meet Rockula and Frankenstone, The (1979)

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Flintstones Meet Rockula and Frankenstone, The (1979)

Post by bunniefuu »

(Fred) 'Wilma! Where's my chicken beak?'

(Wilma) 'Just a minute, Fred.'

'I'm having trouble getting my ears on.'

[Fred laughing]

Oh, boy! Just wait till Barney sees the outfits we came up with, Wilma.


Here's your beak, Fred.

I wonder what kind of costumes Barney and Betty are wearing.

I don't know, but if Monty Marble doesn't pick us to "Make A Deal Or Don't"

I'll sure be surprised.

Ha! Just think, appearing on a TV game show.

Oh, I'm so excited.

Come on, Wilma, we gotta beat Barney and Betty to the show.

First come, first pick, you know.

[Fred chuckling]

Careful, Wilma, we don't want the Rubbles seein' us in our costumes.

Really, Fred, aren't you being a little bit ridiculous?



Cut it out, Dino. Shh. Be quiet.

He doesn't recognize us, Fred.

Stop it, Dino. It's me, Fred.

Cut it out, Dino. Knock it off.

Run to the car, Fred.

[Dino barking]

vroom We're a cinch to win, Wilma.

Even Dino thinks I'm a real chickenasaurus.

(Betty) Barney, what was that loud racket outside a while ago?

Oh, that was just Dino chasin' a big chickenasaurus around on Fred's front lawn.


Remind me to have our garage enlarged, Wilma.

Why is that, Fred?

Why, to hold the new car we're gonna win on the "Make A Deal Or Don't" show, of course.

[Wilma laughing]

Uh, hello, chief? Officer Riley here.

'I've just observed a couple of strange characters'

'drivin' down Rock Avenue.'

Give me a description, and I'll run a make on 'em.

Well, one guy is about 5'8"

'not countin' the top feathers on his head.'

"Top feathers on his head?"

Uh, h-hold everything, chief.

This is gettin' more suspicious all the time.

'I am now observin' a car driven by a short daisy'

'with a bumble bee sittin' next to him.'

(chief) 'A short daisy and a bumble bee? Huh?'

How about it, chief? Shall I bring 'em in? Huh?

Huh? 'No, Riley.'

I think you'd better come in and let's talk about a little vacation for you.

'I think you need a rest.'

[instrumental music]

(Monty) 'This is Monty Marble saying good evening'

'and welcome to "Make A Deal Or Don't."'

[cheering and applause]

Some of you out there are going to win some wonderful prizes tonight.

He's gonna call on me, Wilma. I feel it in my bones.

Ha ha. Which bones, Fred?

Your drumstick or your wing bones?

You'll see, you'll see.

And now, let's get our first contestants up here.

What a collection of goofy costumes.

Pick me! Pick me!

Which one will I pluck from the audience?

Me, Monty! Me! Me!

Sorry, chum, I'm not a chicken plucker.


But I am, I am a nature lover.

So I think I'll pick a daisy.

Huh? Barney instead of me?

Oh, boy, Wilma. Monty made one big mistake.

Oh, stop ruffling your feathers, Fred. Sit down.

He's got no class. He should have picked me.

Now, just relax, sir. What's your name?

Uh, uh uh, my name?

Uh, uh, oh, gee, I..

Hey, Betty, what's my name?

Barney Rubble.

Oh, wow, he picked a real doozy.

Barney's not a doozy. Ha ha. He's a daisy.

Okay, Barney Rubble, to get this show off to a grand start I'm going to give you a grand.

A $1000 bill.

Uh, gee, gee, thanks. Hold it, Barney.

With that money, you can make a deal or don't.

Are you willing to trade back that $1000

'for whatever is behind that curtain?'

Well, uh, I..

(Betty) 'No, Barney, don't do it.'

Keep the money! Keep the money!

Go for the curtain, Barn!

Go for the curtain!

Well, uh, gee, I-I don't know.

Keep the money, Barney! Keep it!

Uh, uh, that's my wife. I better keep the money.

He's going to keep the money, folks.

Congratulations, Betty.

What do you mean, congratulations?

He goofed. He might've doubled or tripled that.

You chickened out, Barn!

You should be wearing my costume.

Heh heh heh.

Uh, Mr. Chickenasaurus, would you come up here, please?

Oh, sure.

[drum roll]

Hi. I'm Fred Flintstone.

Nice to know you, Fred.

Here is a $1000. $1000?


(Monty) 'You thought your friend made the wrong choice.'

So I'm going to offer you the same deal.

That $1000 for whatever is behind that curtain.

(male #1) 'Don't do it!'

Oh, oh, well, I, uh, well, I didn't mean to.. Oh, gee.

We're waiting, Mr. Skinflit. Uh, uh, Mr. Flintskin.

It's Flintstone.

Well, you see..

A-a-a bird in a hand.. What I mean, is..

[laughing] Hey, chicken, I think you're layin' an egg. Heh heh.

Oh, yeah?

Alright, I'll go for the curtain.

Good. Open the curtain, Ronnie!

(Monty) 'Here is what you bought for your $1000.'

Huh! A picture?

How much is it worth? About $4.

It's just a print, not an original.

$4? But that's not your prize.

It merely represents the real prize that you've won.

A free trip for two to romantic Rocksylvania

'where you and your bunny rabbit will spend the night'

'in the castle of the legendary Count Rockula.'

Rocksylvania? A free trip for Wilma and me?


A night in Count Rockula's castle.

How romantic.

Oh, I'm so glad Fred chose the curtain.

Count Rockula's castle has been converted into a tourist hotel.

'You and your lovely wife' will attend the opening night costume ball called the Rocksylvania monster bash.

Oh, boy, I wish I'd have picked the curtain.

Mr. Rubble, I'll make a deal with ya.

Give back the $1000, and I'll let you and your honeybee go along with the Flintstones!

Really? I, uh.. What do you think, Betty?

Take it, take it.

Oh, yeah, Barney, come with us.

It's a deal, Monty. Here's your money back.

Attaboy, Barn. Rocksylvania, here we come.

(both) Yabba-dabba-doo!

[instrumental music]

[intense music]

[train chugging] screech

Well, here we are.

[wolf howling]

[both gasp]

[thunder rumbling]

Hey, there's Count Rockula's castle.

[wolf howling]

Ah! Uh, uh, t-take it easy, Betty.

Uh, there's absolutely nothin' to be afraid of, uh, I think.

Wouldn't you know our train would be late?

The monster bash must've started already.

(Wilma) Yes, Fred, let's get to the castle.

(Fred) How are we gonna do that? Fly?

Eh, why not, Fred? Heh heh heh.

That's what Count Rockula used to do.

Heh, heh, heh. Cheep! Cheep!

Very funny, Barn. Come on.

There's gotta be a taxi stand around here someplace.

We'll be right back, girls.

Don't take too long, Fred. It's kinda scary here.

Good evening, ladies.

[gasps] Fred! Fred, where are you?

Barney, help.

Stand back, girls. We'll protect you.

You are Mr. Flinsteinund Mr. Ruble?

Uh, yeah, I'm Mr. Ruble, and this is Mr. Flinstein.

It's Flintstone. Who are you?

I am Igor, from the Rocksylvania Hotel.

I've been instructionized to drive you to the castle.

(Igor) 'You are please to follow me to the hotel auto.'

(Fred) 'Hey, they sent a car for us.'

(Barney) Yeah, maybe we'll be in time for the ball.

[wolf howling]

Sounds like wolves howling out there.

Impossible, Wilma.

The guidebook says there are no wolves in Rocksylvania.

Those are verevolves.

'Verevolves?' 'Verevolves?'

Verevolves are human beings with the power to change themselves into volves.

[chuckles] Oh, how thrilling.

(Igor) 'Verevolves was the only things that would frighten'

'Count Rockula.'

'That is why he was working in the secret laboratory.'

Working? In a secret laboratory?

Ja, to create a Frankenstone monster.

To scare away the verevolves.

Boy, oh, boy, this character could win the Rockademy Award.


Count Rockula has not been seen for 500 years.

But no one knows when he might again come to life.

Come to life? Come to life?

Relax, will ya?

This guy is just part of a phony act the hotel is puttin' on.

[howling continues]

Here we are. Count Rockula's castle.

Boy, what a spooky place.

(Igor) I will carry the bags in for you.

It's okay, Igor. We'll handle it from here.

Very well.


Fred! Huh? Oh, oh, yeah, sure.

Here you are, pal. Keep the change.

Thank you, Mr. Flinstein.

It's Flintstone.

Whatever you say.


Ah! It's a real bat.

[door creaking]


[Fred chuckles] Hi, there.

We're the Flintstones, and, uh, the Rubbles.

You are who?

Uh, let me handle this, Fred.

Uh, ma'am, we're the Flintsteins and the Rubles.

Oh,ja! I am the housekeeper.

Frau Gerta Gravestone.

You will go inside, you will ring the bell on the desk and shortly the manager will come out. Go.

Y-y-yeah, yeah. Sure.

Come on, guys.

How'd it go, Charlie?

Beautiful, Gladys.

They really fell for my spooky stories.

Look what the big spender gave me. Two bits.

Ha ha. The last of the fat spenders.


[bell dings]

The service here is terrible.

Where's the manager?

Be patient, Fred.

She said he'd be here shortly. poof Aah! Aah!

It's Count Rockula.

No, no. I amHerr Silika.

The manager. Heh.

This is my party costume. Heh heh heh.

Are we too late for the costume ball, Mr. Silika?

Oh, not at all, my dear.

It will continue until the cock crows at dawn. Heh heh.

There is a costume for each of you in your rooms.

Oh, thank you.

[disco music]

So this is the monster bash, eh?

Oh, it looks like such fun.

You know, Barney, I'm glad they're providin' the costumes.

I wouldn't know what to wear to a monster bash.

[chuckles] In your case, Fred a monster bash is a come-as-you-are party.

Heh heh heh.

I'm warnin' you, Barn, that's a 30-foot drop.

This will be your room, Mr. and Mrs. Rubble.

This was Count Rockula's bedroom.

Hey, no kiddin'. So this is where the old bat slept.

Heh heh heh.

Your costumes are in the closet.

Thank you. See you later, Wilma.

But now I will take you to your room.


It might interest you to know that this was theboudoir of Count Rockula's bride.

Oh, my goodness.

The bride of Rockula actually slept here?


Did she sleep in a bed or did she hang from the ceilin'?

Heh heh heh.

Oh, Fred.

As soon as you have changed into your costumes you will join the festivities downstairs.

Thank you, Mr. Silika.

Oh! Isn't this exciting, Fred?

I can hardly wait to see my costume.

[clock ticking]

♪ Here comes the bride ♪


[chuckles] Come on, Rocky, what's taking you so long?

(Fred) 'I will be ready in two shakes of a vampire's tail.'


Wilma, are you havin' a fit?

No, but your costume could use one.

Come on, let's see what the Rubbles look like.

(Fred) Heh heh. Watch this, Wilma.

I'll bet I scare the daylights out of 'em. thud thud thud Open ze door.

In ze name of Count Rockula!


Hey, what's the matter, Fred? Somethin' you ate?

Wise guy!

Oh, how cute. Mr. and Mrs. Frankenstone.

Barney, you gotta be the shortest Frankenstone in history.

Instead of Frankenstone, they're gonna call you Frankenpebble. Heh heh heh.

Hey, watch it, Rockula.

It ain't smart to get us monsters mad, you know?


Oh, my eyes are too dark, Betty.

Would you come into my room and help me fix my make-up?

Sure, Wilma. I mean, Countess.

[both laughing]

Fellas, if you hear us scream, come a-running.

You know somethin', Barn? They're really scared.

Uh, they don't sound scared to me.

It's this phony horror act the hotel is puttin' out for the guests.

Like this phony bat, for instance.

[both screaming]

Hey, Fred, where are you?

I'm right behind you, Barn.

Uh, w-where does this lead to?

When we get there, you'll be the first to know! thud thud crash Uh, you know somethin', Fred?

This is the place Igor was talkin' about.

(Barney) 'Count Rockula's secret laboratory.'

'A-and that's the Frankenstone monster'

'Rockula was workin' on 500 years ago.'

[stammering] 'L-let's get outta here.'

Barney, you're as naive as Wilma and Betty.

'The trapdoor, the lab, that Frankenstone dummy' it's all part of the act like the funhouse at the amusement park.

(Barney) 'Oh, I guess you're right, Fred.'

'Boy, they sure went through a lot of trouble'

'to make it look convincin'.'

[laughs] Wait till the girls hear about this.

We better get back upstairs, Barn.

(Barney) 'But-but-but how are we gonna do that, Fred?'

'There's no door leadin' outta here.'

Gee, you're right, Barn. No doors.

Hey, uh, this is the way we came in, but how do we get out? splatt Say, that's your window up there.

These vines on the outside wall lead to your terrace.

'Why don't we climb the vines?'

Hey, good idea.

As Rockula would say, "Vine not?" He he he.

Boy, you've got some sense of humor.

Yeah, I'll say. It keeps me in stitches.


You're gonna get real stitches if you don't start climbin'.

"Vine not!" Boy, oh, boy. splatt crackle crackle

[intense music]


Where could they have gone?

Maybe they went down to the party without us.

Fred wouldn't dare.

Hi, Wilma. Hello, Betty.

You'll never guess what happened.

We won't even try. It's midnight.

We'd like to enjoy the party before it runs out of steam.

Well, but, Betty, wait till you hear what, uh--

Come on, Barn, we'll tell 'em later.

[growls] clang clang clang

[intense music]

thud thud

[yawning] Midnight already?

How long have I been asleep?

500 years, master.

500 years?

Oh, boy, did I oversleep!

You should've awakened me 400 years ago.

[disco music]

Frankenstone, what is that noise?

It sounds like music.

Come, we will investigate.

We will use the secret staircase.

[music continues]

Oh, Fred, I'm having such a good time. Aren't you?

Hm, yeah. Oh, yeah. Terrific party.

I could dance like this all night. Couldn't you?

Uh, uh, yeah, Betty, I could, uh, dance like this all..


Wilma, look at this.

(Betty) 'My Frankenstone fell asleep.'

What? Fred, would you believe this?

Oh, no.

Come on, you sleeping beauties. Wake up!

I know how to wake them. Dinner's ready!

Coming, dear. Where, where, where, where?


Sorry, Wilma, it's been a long day what with all that travel.

Honey, I just gotta hit the sack.

Uh, yeah, me too, Betty.

Well, I guess that does it for the big monster bash.

I'm afraid so.

Let's get these zombies upstairs.

Yeah, and I was really enjoying myself.

A couple of party poopers, that's what they are.

See you in the morning, Wilma.

Goodnight, Betty. Come on, Fred.

Now, let's see what's going on in my castle.

(Frankenstone) 'Yeah!'

Who are these people? Where did they come from?

Looks like a party.

Now, here are the finalists in our costume contest.

Your applause will determines the winners.

Stop! Stop! Stop the music!

'You are intruders.'

'I want you to leave my castle at once.'

Oh, such perfect costumes.

There's no question about it. Those are the prize winners.

The fools!

They think we are party guests wearing costume.

I will show them!

[all gasping]

Did you see that? Did you see that?

Oh!Ach du lieber. Folks, this is not part of the show.

It must be the real Count Rockula.

'Run for your lives!'

[bat screeching]

[all screaming]

Out! Out! Everybody out!

Ah! Let's go! vroom Now to make certain no one else is left in the castle we will check the rooms.

Yes, check the rooms.

[crickets chirping]

Ah, what's wrong, Fred?

The noise. Don't you hear it?

There's no noise. It's perfectly quiet.

That's just it, Wilma. There's supposed to be a party goin' on.

Hm, that's true.

Oh, guess they all pooped out the way you and Barney did.

Go to sleep, Fred. I can't sleep. I'm famished.

I'm gonna go down and raid that buffet table before they clear it away.

Good luck.

Well, it looks like we got rid of all the nosy people.

Everybody is gone. Only one more room to check.

It's her! It's her!

Frankenstone, I see my bride in there.

She is as young and beautiful as she was 500 years ago.

How surprised and delighted she will be

'when she learns that I have returned to her.'

(Rockula) 'No, do not lift the picture.'

I will make my usual spectacular entrance

'from the terrace.'

Hm, they've already turned out the lights.

Boy, oh, boy, I hope they haven't cleared away

'the refreshments. I'll turn on a light.'

[Fred screams]

(Barney) 'Do not move.'

'I will turn on the light for you.' click click click

[teeth chattering]


I had you fooled there, didn't I, Fred?

Someday, Barn, someday.

Uh, you're not the only one who likes a little midnight snackeroo.

(Barney) 'Hey, we're in luck. They left all the food!'

(Fred) 'Yeah, that's great.'

But why did everybody leave the party and all this food?

Ah, who cares? Let's eat.

Right, pal.Bon appetit.

Yeah, yeah, bone.

[bat screeching]

My beloved bride! It is me, Count Rockula.

I have returned.

Oh! Ah! You woke me up.

I was having such a nice dream.

Your dream has come true, my darling.

After 500 years I have come back to you.

[gasps] Why, Mr. Silika, how dare you come into my room?

This is an outrage! An outrage?

But you are my bride.

Who is Mr. Silika?

Look, a joke is a joke, but this is carrying it too far.

You'd better clear out of here fast.

My husband will be back any minute.

Your husband? That is me!

I warn you, if he finds you here there's no telling what he'll do.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Come, we will leave together.

Oh, I'm gonna report you to Monty Marble

'the producers of "Make A Deal Or Don't."'

(Wilma) Or they gonna hear about this!

Boy, these mastodon meatballs are delicious.

Oh, I'll say.

Hey, how about it, Frankenstone?

You want one? Eh, guess Frankie don't care for meatballs.

Well, maybe old Frankie would prefer one of these here drumsticks.


Fred, the-the, it-it's the real Frankenstone.

(Fred) 'Barn, would you knock it off?'

No, I-I mean it. Look.

It's real, huh?

Now, no more jokes.

I, I wasn't jokin', Fred.

You know, maybe all this harum-scarum stuff is gettin' to me, just like it got to Wilma and Betty.

Hey, speakin' of the girls they're gonna start wonderin' where we are.

Come on, let's turn in.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay, Fred.

Goodnight, whatever you are.

See you in the mornin', Fred.

Yeah, see you at breakfast. Goodnight.

Guess Wilma's next door sh**t' the breeze with Betty.

Boy, these women, yak, yak, yak, yak, yak, yak.

No, Fred, Wilma didn't come in here.

(Fred) 'That's funny. She's not in our room.'

Well, if she's not in your room and she's not in our room where could she be?

I don't know, Barn.

She's gotta be somewhere in this creepy hotel.

Just relax, Fred.

Barney, you go look for the hotel manager.

Fred, you come with me, we'll check all the rooms.

Okay. Boy, I tell you, this could drive a guy batty.

[water dripping]

(Count Rockula) 'Ah, my secret crypt.'

'Do you not remember this place' where we used to meet before you became my bride?

Mr. Silika, I don't appreciate this phony act of yours.

You know, my dear you are beautiful when you are angry.

Oh, I don't know about beautiful but I'm angry alright, Mr. Silika--

Silika! Who is this Mr. Silika?

[banging on door]


(Wilma) 'Well, my goodness! Who are you?'

I don't recall seeing a tall Frankenstone at the party.

She very beautiful.

Oh, no, not you too.

Look, fellas, I'm flattered but I'm tired of this corny game, Mr. Silika.

I am not Silika!

I am Count Rockula!

Watch this.

[bat screeching]

[Wilma screaming]

Well, my dear, have I convinced you?

Uh, y-yes, uh, I believe you.

Now to get out of here.

Uh, look, uh, you're the real Count Rockula but I'm not the real bride of Rockula.

Maybe I just resemble her.

Hm? It is true.

You are not my bride.

Uh, thank goodness we've cleared that up.

But you are so lovely, so beautiful that I must make you my new bride.

Oh, oh.

Look, I'm flattered by your proposal but I can't become your bride, I'm a married woman.

I am Mrs. Fred Flintstone.

Hm, too bad.

Even in Rocksylvania, it is illegal to marry a woman who is already married.

But wait, I could make her my bride if she were a widow. clang

[both laughing]

Uh-oh. Think fast, Wilma, he really means it.

Frankenstone, find her husband

'and take care of that little matter.'

Yes, master.

[Wilma laughs]

Ah, you won't have to look very far.

Fred is right behind you with the chief of police.

What? Where? thud thud It's locked! Quick, break it down! thud thud thud crash Uh-oh. I g-gotta find a place to hide.

I will look for her upstairs.

You will go outside and search the grounds.


I couldn't find Mr. Silika or Igor or-or the housekeeper.

Uh, did you look in all the guest rooms?

Yeah, and they're all empty.

It seems like everybody has left the castle including my sweet little Wilma.

Say, maybe the party moved outside.

She might be with the crowd. That's it! Let's go.

[knock on door]





(Fred) In here!

(Fred) I think we lost him.

Where are we? Looks like the basement.

With those weirdos runnin' around maybe Wilma came down here to hide.

Uh, you're right, Fred.

Hey, uh, she might even be in here. Empty.

(Count Rockula) 'They could be down here in the basement.'

Uh-oh. 'Come, we will take a look.'

(Frankenstone) Yeah, yeah.

Quick, into the barrels.

I'm sure I heard Fred's voice. Fred!

(Count Rockula) 'This way, Frankenstone.'


That was Wilma. Honey, where are ya?

(Count Rockula) 'Frankenstone, did you hear a voice?'


Wilma, it's you.

Fred, listen, I've got to warn you.

'Follow me.' Uh-oh. Get down. screech We must find him. I will search over there.

You stay here and check the barrels.

Yes, master.

[imitating Count Rockula] Forget about the barrel, search elsewhere!

Yes, master.

Phew! Good thinking, Fred.

Yeah, that was usin' your brain, uh, for a change. Heh heh heh.

Thanks a lot, Barn.

Say, why are those weirdos chasin' us?

Because Rockula wants to make me his bride.

[laughs] That's ridiculous!

He can't marry a woman who's already got a husband.

He knows that. That's why he wants to make me a widow.

Oh, well, in that case, there's no prob..

Hey, wait a minute! A widow?


Hurry, let's get out of this castle.

[grunts] I'm-I'm stuck.

Oh, help me, Barney.

I don't know what's holding him in.

I do, about two dozen mastodon meatballs.


(Count Rockula) 'This way, Frankenstone.'

Oh, dear, they're coming back.

Uh, I-I'll see you later, Fred. Uh, uh, come on, Betty.

You too, Wilma. Get going. Get down.

(Count Rockula) 'I am sure I heard voices.'

Those barrels, did you check them out?

Uh, no, master.

Master told me, "Forget barrels."

What? I said no such thing.

Look in the barrels.

I'll look over there.


Empty. crash Uh, what happened?

It's only a werewolf mask. Shh! crash Aha! You must be Mr. Flintstone.

Yeah, b-but wait, wait a minute, pal.

I-I'm not Flintstone.

I'm just the, uh, the, uh, the, uh, the building inspector.

That's all. You are who?

Uh, the-the-the local b-building inspector.

Why would a building inspector be rolling around inside the ba-barrel?

Yeah, well, uh, well, uh I'm also the local barrel inspector.

You inspect buildings and barrels at 3 o'clock in the morning?

Uh, yeah, well, uh, um..

Moonlighting. That's what I'm doing, moonlighting.

I have several jobs. Ridiculous!

Do you take me for a fool?

You are Fred Flintstone.

Or shall we put it this way?

You were Fred Flintstone.

Uh, I like the first way better.


Argh! A werewolf! My worst enemy!

Help! Save me!

Oh, please, Mr. Wolfman, mercy!

Oh, Fred, it's only Barney in a mask.

Barn? Oh, thanks, pal. I owe you one.

Hey, good actin' job, huh? Heh heh heh.

Hey, maybe I can become another Lawrence Locklivier, huh?


You were terrific! Wasn't he, Wil..

Where is she? Where is Wilma?

She's not with us, Fred.

I think she ran off in a different direction.

We gotta find her before Rockula does. Come on!

Hey, we just passed that old mummy case.

'Uh, maybe Wilma is hidin' in it.'

Wait here. I'll check it out.

B-Barney, help.


Ooh. thud Oh, Barney.

Look what you did to my poor husband.

You mean, that's Barney?

Wilma, is that you?

Uh-huh. 'Oh, thank goodness!'

Oh, I'm sorry, Barn.

I thought you were a real wolfman.


That's quite a wallop you got for a mummy.


It's lucky I hid in here because I discovered something fantastic!

Look! A secret stairway.

(Fred) 'That could lead us outta here.'

Hey, while old Rocky and Frankie are looking for us down here we'll be upstairs makin' our escape.

Right! Let's go.

This is all your fault, Barney.

'You talked me into takin' a chance on the mystery prize' instead of keepin' the $1000.

Well, you tried to make me go for the curtain too.

Oh, stop it, you two.

We're in enough trouble without trying to figure out who got us into this mess.

All clear. Follow me.

Nobody in the ballroom. Let's go.

Here they come. Grab them!



screech In here, master.

We are locked out!

Mr. Flintstone, listen to me.

You cannot escape from the castle but I will offer you a deal.

Unh-unh. No deals, pal.

Makin' a deal is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Ah! He is too clever for me.

Master, I break door.

No, Frankenstone.

We cannot keep breaking doors.

Doors are expensive.

Remember, I had no income for 500 years.

'Bring me the spare key.'

Spare key? Uh-oh. We're in big trouble.

Uh, what do we do, Fred?

We've gotta escape before Frankenstone comes back with the key.

It's so dark and misty, I can't see the ground.

Barn, you wanna jump and see how far it is?

(Wilma) 'He'll do no such thing, Fred.'

'It must be at least 50 feet.'

Why don't we make a rope out of bed sheets and blankets?

I know a better way to get out of here.

Betty's right. We'll make a rope.

But, Fred, if you'll just listen to my suggestion.

Wilma, our lives may be at stake.

We gotta act fast. Okay, Fred.

Easy. That's it, keep lettin' it out.

Hey, Fred, we're, we're, we're runnin' out of rope.

Keep goin' with what you got, Barney.

I'm sure I'm near the ground.

Hey, I'm down.

[gasps] Fred, come back, quick!

What? Why should I come back?

Look, I'm standin' on solid..


(Fred) 'Frankenstone!'

Yike! vroom You know, I'm gettin' a little tired of these close calls.

May I assume that now you're ready to listen to my suggestion?

(Fred) 'Okay, Wilma. What is it?'


A secret passageway.

Gee, whizz, Wilma why didn't you tell us about this before?

Come on, g*ng.

Ah, you know, I love Fred very much but there are times..

What took you so long?

Flintstone climbed down on rope.

I stopped him.

Ah! Go back under the window.

They might try again. Yes, master.

And now, my friends, you're finished!

You hear me? You are..

You are gone?

I did it! I did it!

Rockula is locked in the room. Let's get out of here.


Back, everybody, back.


Uh, hey, he stopped poundin'.

I-I think we're safe in here, uh, for a while.

Yeah. Wilma, Betty, move away, quick.

(Fred) 'You're standing on a trapdoor.'

Huh? Huh?

Uh, we fell through it before.

Zoom, right down to the secret lab.

(Wilma) 'A trapdoor leading down to a secret lab?'

How did you get out?

We climbed out through this big window down there.

Uh-huh. And where does the window lead to?

Where does any window lead to?

It leads to outside, out to the castle grounds.

Uh-oh. Hold everything, folks.

I just thought of a terrific plan.

I knew you would, Fred.

Why don't we drop through this trapdoor down to the lab?

Then we could climb out the window and escape from the castle.

Shee! That's a great plan, Fred.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

(Count Rockula) 'Flintstone'

'you will not get away this time.'

[doorknob rattling]

Uh-oh. Come on, Fred.

Open that trapdoor. Right, Barn.

Eh, uh, how'd I do it before?

Gee, I don't know.

You were movin' around the room and, uh, just sort of pickin' up different objects.

Yeah, I remember. It was one of those objects I picked up.

Which object was that, Fred? That, I don't remember.

We'll just have to try 'em all.

Everybody, start pickin' up objects.

Nah, it's not this one. It's not this one.

Be reasonable, Flintstone. Let's talk it over.

And it isn't this one.

(Count Rockula) 'Give a big push, Frankenstone.'

Aha! You are trapped.

Stay behind me, g*ng. I'll protect you.

Flintstone, I will not waste words.

Your wife, Wilma, will go with me.

Unh-unh, pal. Wilma stays with me.

I am determined to make Wilma my bride.

(Fred) 'Just hold it right there, pal.'

Take one step closer and you'll be sorry.


Frankenstone, we will accept his challenge.

Yes? Yes.

We will take one step closer.

[gulps] Uh, uh, uh..

I'm warnin' you, I'll-I'll-I'll bat you with this bat if you come any closer.

You think you can frighten me with that statue?


That was it! The stone bat opened the trapdoor.

(Wilma) Let's get out of here.

What happened?

[Frankenstone chuckling] This lots of fun. boing boing crash They must not escape! To the window. Quick!

Hah! There they are.


Master, they escape. I not able to catch.

You forget. I am Rockula!

I am able to catch them!

[bat screeching]

Boy, that a very nifty trick.

We're safe. It'll be clear sailin' from here on out.

Don't be so sure, Fred.

I just wish the sun would come up.


Because Count Rockula is a vampire.

And vampires can't survive in the daylight.

(Fred) 'Don't waste your wishes, Wilma.'

'The sun won't be up for at least two hours.'

Aha! I am not too late.

'I can close the gate and they will be trapped.'

We're gonna make it.

I see the gate up ahead and it's open.

(Barney) 'Oh, what a break.'

You're right, Fred, it's open, but Rockula is closing it!

You will be mine, Wilma as soon as I get rid of your husband.

Oh, no.

Quick, Barney, do your rooster imitation.

Uh, at a time like this? Just do it!

Well, uh, uh, okay.

[imitating rooster]

Oh, boy, the cock is crowing.

It will be dawn soon.

Back to the coffin!

[bat screeching]

Did you see that? He changed into a bat.

(Betty) 'Look, he's going back inside the castle.'

(Wilma) 'You can thank Barney for that.'

Uh, me? Uh, what did I do? You crowed like a rooster.

(Wilma) And when Rockula heard that he figured the sun was ready to rise.

(Betty) I get it, he has to be back in his casket before daylight, right?

(Wilma) Right. thud Oh, Barney, I'm so proud of you.


I don't know why. It was Wilma's idea.

Well, we better get movin'. vroom It's a long way back to Bedrock.

Where is it? Where is it? Where's that train?

Oh, I wish it would get here.

Rockula is sure to realize we tricked him.

[train chugging]


[sighs] Home at last.

And am I glad!

Me too. We've been travelin' all night and I'm pooped.

And hungry. Yeah, that too.

Why don't you all come in, and I'll fix something to eat?

Wilma, baby, you couldn't have said a nicer thing.

Now, just rest, and I'll be right back with the snack.

I'll help you, Wilma.

No, Betty, you stay here and see to it that the bragging doesn't get out of hand.

Okay, fellers, you heard what Wilma said so just keep it down.

Uh, don't worry, Betty.

There'll be no braggin' from me.

Uh, I just feel lucky that we all got back safe.

Right, Barn, ol' buddy.

(Fred) 'And thank goodness'

'we've seen the last of Count Rockula.'

[bat screeching]


poof Wilma, my love.

Oh, no!

I have come here to plead with you.

Please, be my bride.

Count Rockula, don't you ever give up?

My dear, I have flown all the way from Rocksylvania.

You flew all the way?

Oh, you poor thing.

Your arms must be tired.

Well, that is true, but only because I have a touch of rheumatism in my left wing.

You know, it is damp in my crypt.

Oh, I am sorry, Count but I'm afraid you made the trip for nothing.

Don't you see?

I am happily married.

You call this happily?

Living here in this hovel, this dump?

Come back with me to Rocksylvania.

You will have anything your heart desires.

'Wealth, fine clothes, servants to wait on you.'

Oh, thank you, Count, it sounds wonderful but I don't wanna live in gloomy old Rocksylvania.

Would you hand me the mayonnaise, please?

Oh, of course. Thank you.

Then forget Rocksylvania. We will live here.

I will build another castle right here in Bedrock.

'A castle? Here in Bedrock?' 'Why not?'

'Become my bride, lovely Wilma'

'and I will give you anything you want.'

Your word will be my command.

Please, say yes. Yes?

[sighs] My word will be your command.


'Alright, in that case, Rocky dear'

'I'll consider being your bride.'

Oh, wonderful!

Now, here are my conditions. Yes, yes!

First, you've got to stop carousing around all night and I won't stand for this business of your sleeping all day.

'Every morning, I go jogging for an hour'

'so you'll have to drive Pebbles to school.'

'When you get back, take the garbage out'

'then turn on the sprinklers in the backyard.'

Which reminds me, every weekend, you'll have to mow the lawn.

'My tennis lessons are on Wednesday afternoons'

'so you'll have to do the shopping at the supermarket' because that's the day they have the good specials.

And by the way, the front gate needs repair and so does the roof.

And one more thing, be sure you always wipe your feet before you come into the house and no more of this flying through windows.

That would scare the daylights out of poor little Pebbles and her friends.

(Count Rockula) 'Bye-bye.'

I think I need another 500 years rest.

And speaking of kids..

Oh, he's gone. Phew!

Oh, Wilma, you were wonderful.

Honey, you were really somethin'.

Well, that was really smart of you tellin' him the real truth a-about married life. Heh heh heh.


Oops. Heh heh.

You know, I gotta admit, Wilma for a while there I was a little worried that you were gonna ditch me for Rockula.

Me? Ditch you for him?

Oh, Fred, I may be a little baddie but I'm not a dingbat.

I'll say you're not, sweetie pie.

What you are is the most terrific wife in the world.

And the same goes for you, Betty.


[both laughing]

And as Fred would say..

(all) Yabba-dabba-doo!

[theme music]
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