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01x08 - Shiv, Part Two

Posted: 11/09/20 20:26
by bunniefuu

And suddenly she fell on her face.

This hotel is so cute.

How did you find it?

Oh, a, uh, friend recommended it to me.


I just want to say, thank you, again.

You did such a great job today, Barbara.


It was your passion for the way we've revitalized Blue Valley that convinced him to approve the sale.

I couldn't have done it without you.

Well, look, thank you, again, Barbara, uh, but if you'll please excuse me, I, uh, promised to go and pay that friend of mine a visit.

- Oh.

- But, please, stay, have some dessert.

I've asked them to send the bill to my room.

Thank you, Jordan.

- And, uh, I'll see you in the morning.

- - Mmm-hmm.

Hi, Pat.

How's everything?

Everyone's okay, Barbara, but...

What is it?

There's been an accident.



I called your mom.

She's gonna be home later tonight.

What did you tell her?

I told her we were in a car accident.

Scared the hell out of her.

But she knows you're gonna be okay.

What happened to you?

Oh, I I told the hospital it was an accident too.

And if there was an accident, there needed to be a report, in case anybody started asking too many questions, so, uh...

I Drove the Buick into a light post.

- The Buick?

- Yeah.

You love that car.

Yeah, well, forget about the car, okay?

Here's what's gonna happen now.

I'm taking you home, and you're gonna get some rest.

Tomorrow I'm gonna find out what I can about Cindy Burman and her family.

She went after you for a reason.

And with abilities like that, clearly she's connected to the ISA, most likely...

Most likely someone's daughter.

I wanna know whose.

I know it was stupid for me to go off alone.

But this could be the break we needed to figure out who was in the ISA.

Court, nothing's worth you getting hurt like this.

Do you understand that?

- We need to be honest.

- I know.

- I'm really sorry.

- I mean, with I mean, with your mother.

We can't keep lying to her, Courtney.


If we tell her right now, she won't let us do this anymore.

Court, the world can think that a car wreck put you in here, but your mom, she deserves to know the truth.

I hate lying to her too, I do, but...

But we'll tell her...

We'll tell her everything after we stop the ISA, once it's safe in Blue Valley.

I'll rest.

I'll get better.

I won't go off alone anymore, but...

But, please, don't tell her, Pat.

Not yet.

She'll take this away from me.

I did it, Dad.

What's that, Cynthia?

What no one else in the Injustice Society could do.

I found Stargirl.

I know.

And you didn't alert me.

- Is she dead?

- Yeah, probably.

That is a yes or no question.

- I'm so...

- Let me answer.

She's alive.

I sent drones to retrieve the body.

It was gone.

I beat her, okay?

There was someone else there, and I couldn't see who.

A new member of the Justice Society, I'd imagine.

Stargirl isn't the only one we're dealing with.

- Dad...

- And even so, you put on your graduation uniform without my approval, you took my staff and you went out, risking exposure, jeopardizing us all.

And for what?

- I hurt her and I...

- Oh, I don't doubt it.

You are so good at hurting things.

Stop bringing up Mom.

I didn't.

Don't passive-aggressive me.

I've proved myself.

The fact that Stargirl is still alive says the opposite.

- If you would just listen to me.

- I'm done listening.

And now, instead of focusing on my important work here, I'm forced to explain my daughter's ill-considered actions to the others.

Truthfully, they might never give you a seat at the table now.

I didn't do anything wrong.

She was in the tunnels, Cynthia.

And you left her alive.

Return home.

And do nothing until I call for you, do you understand?

Do not make me remove my hood.

What the hell are we doing just standing here?

Cindy Burman sent Courtney to the emergency room tonight!

- She tried to k*ll her!

- So, what should we do?

We break Cindy Burman's door down, and we take the bitch out!

- No.

Cindy has powers.

- So do we.

Cindy Burman having powers means that her dad or her mom could be part of the Injustice Society.

Great, let's hope so.

Hey, we have no idea what we'd be walking into, or who we'd be up against.

There's a smarter approach to this.

An eye for an eye is how it works.

Listen, Rick, I'm mad too.

- But you just need to sit down and cool off.

- - Or what?

What are you gonna do?

Stare at me?

You hurt so much you wanna hurt everyone else.

Is that it, Rick?

I care about Courtney, about both of you.

About everyone in Blue Valley.

But we should be trying to figure out who Cindy's parents are before we act.

I think Beth's right, Rick.


So, what do you wanna do?

I've got a plan.

A good one.

Hey, Henry.

- Hey, Court.

- Hey, Mike.

I, uh, made some Pizza Palooza Bites, if you want any.

Last ones in the box.

A little greasy.

- Wow.

You never give up Pizza Palooza Bites.

- Yeah.

I know.

Listen, uh I'm really sorry.

For what?

You weren't, um, driving the car.

About what I said at the game.

How Pat was my dad and not yours, uh I'm really sorry.

I shouldn't have said it.

I already forgot about it.

It's just you guys have been spending so much time together.

And I always tell him I don't want to, but he's my dad, you know.

I never really had to share him with anyone.

I get it.

I'm also kind of glad that he's your dad too 'cause that makes you my sister, and that's pretty cool.

Thanks, little bro.

Okay, so, we need to...


Or I do, I guess.

Look, uh...

Look, I I know in the past, we've had our differences and haven't always seen eye-to-eye on everything.

At times, you know, it seemed...

Well, you didn't even really respect me all that much, and as long as I'm speaking honestly, I felt that you were, uh, pretty impulsive and, uh, reckless.

But the thing is when you came into Starman's life, he was already an adult, right?

Sylvester had been running around as the Star-Spangled Kid for years.

He had experience.

Sylvester knew what to expect.

But Courtney...

Courtney's got a lot to learn.

I know you want justice for Sylvester, and I do too, but Courtney could've died tonight.

And I'm asking you to protect her.

If it gets to be too much take her away from the danger instead of towards it.

Can you hear me?

Uh, if you understand me, uh, just do something.

Do one of your, you know, just.


That's how it's gonna be.

Talking to a stick, Pat, that's great.

You're losing it, Pat.

You really are.

Uh, hi.

I thought you weren't gonna actually let her drive yet.

I know.

I wasn't.

It just...

When we left the game, I thought, you know, well, why not just...

Her first time behind the wheel, at night?

It was obviously just a bad idea.

I'm sorry.

- How's Mike?

- Mike's okay.

He stayed at the game and then got a ride home with a friend.


He's fine.

Barb, I need to talk to you about something else.

Can we do that in the morning?

I'm just really exhausted from that trip to Oakville and back.


- Can I get you anything?

- No, I'm good.

- I'm gonna go to bed.

- Okay.


Hello, Mr.


Who the hell are you?

My name is Jordan Mahkent.

I've been waiting for you.

Keep waiting.

I hear you've done quite well for yourself over at Firebrand Chemical.

You've been promoted four times in the last seven years?

Vice President of Acquisitions.

That is a far cry from managing waste disposal for Bannerman.

- What do you want?

- What do I want?

I want a country free of companies like Bannerman who poison water supplies.

Who bulldoze over a dumpsite and then watch as a public school gets built on top of it.

Who deny any wrongdoing even when members of those communities get sick and die.

Like a school teacher who loved her students as much as she loved her own son.

Her name was Christine Mahkent.

I had nothing to do with that.

But you did.

You may not have given the orders or gotten rich off the soaring stock prices like your superiors, but you didn't blow the whistle.

And you could have saved so many lives.

Including your own.

Can you whistle, Mr.


Are you crazy?


- You think this will work?

- - It better.

Will what work?

What are you two doing?

Um, we're just keeping eyes on Cindy, but she's not home.

So, while we were here, we came up with a plan.

- Where's Beth?

- Um...


- Let's go.

- Mr.


You can't be up here.

We gotta go, come on.

Can I help you?

I'm a classmate of Cindy's.

She invited me over to teach me some cheerleading moves.

I really hope to join the squad...


I need lessons.

Well, Cindy's not home right now.


- Okay, well...

- Uh, who are you?

I'm her dad.

- Stepdad.

- I'm adopted.

Well, when I married her mom, I adopted her.

My angel.

And I thought when I dropped her off today, I'd go ahead and take the opportunity to introduce myself.

So, hi.

- Hi.

- Hi.

I'm Bobbie Burman.

Won't you please come in?

Oh, thank you.

- Court, hey.

- Hi.

One of your friends is here to see you if you're up for it.


Uh, sure.

Come on in.

- Hey, new girl.

- Cindy?


- Hi.

- I heard about the crash.

I thought I should just check in.

All right, you girls have fun.


Nice room, by the way.

If you don't mind, uh, thrift store chic.


Look, I, uh, don't really do this, like, ever, but I owe you an apology.

For what happened yesterday.

It was just one of those days, you know?

You probably have them all the time.

When you just feel like the world is against you?

Henry was being super weird, and my dad just extra awful, and Jenny just so ungrateful.

And then Cameron asked you to the dance, and you were bailing on me too.

And I was like, how is this even possible?


I overreacted, and I'm sorry.

How about...

- Ow.

- We eat these?

Fake books.


What the hell is going on?

- Would you like a cookie?

- Sure.

She loves cookies.

- I'm okay, thank you.

- These are delicious.

- You've really got a beautiful house here, Bobbie.

- - Thank you.

What do you do for a living, Pat?

- Well, I'm a mechanic.

- He's a doctor.

Um, well, they call me the car doctor.

But, uh, what do you do?

What about you?

I'm a mother.

A homemaker.


I used to do other things, but there's nothing as important as raising a child.

Oh, tell me about it.

May I trouble you for a glass of water?

- Of course.

Can I get you anything, Pat?

- No, thank you.

- You got the goggles?

- Yeah.

Take a look.

And let's go.


Come on, come on, hurry.

Pat Dugan is 14 pounds heavier than my last interaction with him.

- What's he saying?

- Nothing.

Oh, nothing.

- Oh.

- Uh, hi, again.

What is that you're wearing?

Oh, these?

Oh, my vision is bad, beyond LASIK bad, so sometimes I wear these.

She's actually as blind as a bat.

I shouldn't be laughing, but, yeah, she can't see a thing.

Identity and origin unknown.

Um, can I use your bathroom?

This water just went right through me.

You know what, she's okay, I think you can wait till we get home.

- I won't make it, Daddy-o.

- You won't make it?


And these are brand-new pants.

So, you know, girls.


Right this way.

The goggles don't know who she is.

- We got to get out of here.

- No.

- Just keep her busy while I find something to use.

- We gotta go right now.

- It's the first door on the left.

- Thank you.

I'm scanning the home for any clues as to who these people are.

- Have a cookie and sit.

- Yeah.

- Let's get to know one another.

- - Not much to tell.

I've got the little one.

It's surprisingly sparse for a family home.


What's happening?

- Did you find anything?

- Negative.

Even Chuck can't identify her mom.

What about her dad?

I don't think he's home.

I'm gonna try and find a picture of him.


Chuck found something weird.

There's a keypad by the basement door.


Gross, maple cream.

- You can have that one too.

- Thanks.


Finally, cherry.

You know what I realized from yesterday?

We're not that different, you and me.

In fact, we're kind of similar.

How do you mean?

I don't know.

Our dads.


I think if things were a little different, you'd be a lot more like me, actually.

Or you like me?


Sure, maybe.

Point is.

I really need a friend right now.

You guys?

I found a secret tunnel.




- Beth?

- Yolanda?



I lost her.

Well, that's my calorie count for the day.

I should go.

Uh, well, thank you for stopping by.

Uh, I really appreciate it.


Sorry, I forgot to mention I really like your staff, Stargirl.

You think after all this time we've spent together, I wouldn't recognize you through that stupid mask?

Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.

I don't want to share it with my dad and get sidelined, so...

Better rest up, Stargirl.

I'll be back.

After I k*ll your friends.

Should one of us go and check on them?

Oh, my God, it's Courtney.

Cindy knows she's Stargirl.

Come on, Beth.


Oh, no, no, no.

Beth, Cindy's home, and she knows Courtney's Stargirl.

I'm going upstairs.

I advise against going in there, Beth.

Well, I gotta do something.

- Beth, do you read me?

- Yolanda?

I'm upstairs.

Beth, you and Pat need to get out of there right now.

Not until I find something that can help us.

Whoa, she really likes taking pictures of herself.

Beth, it's time to go.

Cindy's at the front door.

What do we do?

- Thank you for looking at this.

- Oh, yeah, no problem.

I've dealt with a lot of disposal mishaps in my time.

My son once actually put a Nerf football down ours, and we had to replace the whole unit.

Chuck, who's he?

His name is Dr.

Shiro Ito, a controversial scientist and member of the Japanese military throughout the '30s and '40s.

Creator of conventional and biological weapons.

The most destructive of which were the bacilli bombs, which spread plagues throughout China in 1932 and 1933.

What else?

He was tried for w*r crimes and ex*cuted on March 13th, 1947.

What's Cindy's connection to a dead w*r criminal?


When's dinner?


- Come on.

- Oh, I'm not good with heights.

- Now.

- Or falling.


Got you.

Just a few more twists of the old wrench.

Well, this ought to do it.

- It all looks good from here.

- It certainly does.



Excuse me.

Okay, yeah, that ought to do it.

- There we go.

- You're a life saver.

Yeah, and hopefully if something else goes wrong, your husband can take care of it, whoever he is.

Good luck with the disposal.

I gotta get going.

So, pardon me.

- But your daughter...

- Oh, she had to leave when, uh, you got me that socket wrench.

She had to go for an eye appointment.

Poor kid.

I should really give you something for the repair.

You know, your hospitality's been more than enough.

You take care now, Bobbie.

Pat, Cindy knows Courtney's Stargirl.



Dugan, I found this.

You found this in there?


He's a w*r criminal.

Yeah, I know that.

I'm starting to think you guys are bad luck.

Hey, you can't go around dressed like that.

Come on, we gotta get out of here.

Let's go.

Come on, guys.

Come on, come on, let's go.

Come on, go.

Come on.

We have to help the JSA.


What's wrong with you?

Pat and the others are in trouble.

What was that about?

What the hell?


Dear Dr.

King, I appreciate you agreeing to my proposal.

My daughter, Cindy, will watch your son well.

Cindy's very good at watching things.

I'll alert you to any changes, and, again, thank you for the opportunity.

With respect, Dr.

Shiro Ito.

Someone's been in here.


What did you do to my friends?

Nothing yet.



Hey, Cindy?

Are you okay?

I'm going to k*ll that star-spangled bitch.

Who is that?

Come on.

Let's go.


Don't go soft on me.

We're the same.


- I have to stop her.

- Just like our parents.

She wants to k*ll all my friends.

I hate her.

I need to k*ll her.

She's too strong.

This will get me into the ISA.

We're meant to be here, doing this together.

- I can finally sit at the table.

- - She's too strong.

Help me k*ll her right now!

What's the matter with him?

- She needs to die.

- I can't die.

Why is he just standing there?

I won't die.

Who will stop the ISA?

You idiot.

Help me!

The JSA needs me.


Stop thinking.






No, no, no, no, no!

Get off of me.


Get off of me.



What'd you do with Cindy?

Where is she?


Oh, my God.

He's a telepath like his dad, Brainwave.

What's happening to me?

What do I say?

How do I explain?

- Where's Cindy?

- Cindy.

Where is Cindy?

- Cindy knows who I am.

- Courtney?

- She knows about the JSA.

- - JSA?


He's reading my thoughts.

- What is she doing to me?

- What do I do?

- My head's exploding.

- Henry.

Henry, wait.

I have to get away.

My daughter was wrong.

He does have his father's powers.