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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 11/09/20 20:19
by bunniefuu
[wind blowing]

[bells jingling]

Starman, are you there?


-[radio static crackling]



Copy that.

I'm on my way.



Your career will be over if you don't follow my orders and stay away.

You're not in the JSA, Pat.

You're my sidekick.

-[Starman screams]

-[radio clicks]



[tires screeching]



[Wildcat coughing]


[glass shattering]





Stripesy, get out!



[Hourman groaning]


Welcome to the show.






I told you to wait in the car!









Get it out.


The Justice Society...

they're gone.


Come on, we gotta get out of here.

[engine revving]


[Solomon growling]


[metal clanking]

[Solomon snarling]

[Solomon growling]

-[alarm blaring]



-We gotta get you to a hospital.



It's over.



the Justice Society must live on.

Its legacy must survive.



with honor and strength must carry the torch.

-I'll try.

-Not you.

Someone with grace and heroism.

You can't do it.

But someone out there will.

But it's definitely not you.



You were a good friend.

[Starman exhales]

♪ The cold wind is blowing And the streets Are getting dark ♪ Ugh, he was supposed to be here two hours ago!

I hate to ask so late, but it's time and a half.

It's no trouble at all, Barbara.

You watched the girls last weekend.

And Mary could not be more excited.

-We're gonna make Christmas cookies.

-[Maggie chuckles]



So Miss Kramer and Mary are going to stay here with you, okay?

You girls are gonna have so much fun tonight.


I just want to see Daddy.

I know, sweetie.

Okay, well.

Mommy has to go.

I love you.


[thunder rumbling]

♪ Childhood dreaming Is a thing of the past ♪

♪ Maybe you could bring us Some hope this year ♪

♪ Visions of sugarplums Have disappeared ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ You got so many relationships In this life Only one or two will last ♪


♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ And they're gone so fast ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ So hold on to the ones Who really care ♪

♪ In the end they'll be The only ones there ♪

♪ And when you get old And start losing your hair ♪

♪ Can you tell me Who will still care ♪

I can't believe you're moving.

Me neither.

I really am gonna miss you.

You better come visit me.

[car honking]


Here comes the new dad.

He's not my new dad.

He's the reason we're moving to Nebraska.

Do they have a pier?

No, Mike, there's no ocean.

What about In-N-Out?



Please tell me they have a Fatburger.

No, Mike, that's why we got this.

Call it your goodbye burger.

[Pat sighs]

Goodbye, In-N-Out.

Goodbye, friends.

Goodbye, indoor plumbing.

It's Nebraska.

It's not Siberia, Mike.

I looked this place up on Google Earth.

Blue Valley doesn't have jack.

It's got fresh air.

It's got friendly people.

It's got schools without metal detectors.

The thing is, I need your help with this move, okay?

I need you to be positive.

Positive, I am positive.


-I'm positive this place will blow ass.


I thought we were gonna stop moving around once you hooked up with Barbara.

We're not "hooked up," Mike.


What do you want me to say?

"Shacked up"?

We're married, Mike.

Can I give you a hand with that?

You got it?


I'm going to go grab the rest of that stuff.

You're doing a great job, Courtney.


Hey, is that it?

A couple more boxes.

Okay, have Pat help you with those.

I don't need Pat's help.



-If you're gonna be mad, be mad at me.

The move was Pat's idea.

I grew up in Blue Valley.

I took this new job.

We made the choice together.


You grabbed the wrong one!

That's fine.


[engine starts]

♪ We're only young And naive still ♪

♪ We require certain skill ♪

♪ The mood it changes Like the wind ♪

♪ Hard to control When it begins ♪

♪ The bittersweet Between my teeth ♪

♪ Trying to find The in-between ♪

♪ Fall back In love eventually ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Can't help myself But count the flaws ♪

Well, we made it.

Nebraska, folks.

Elevation, 2,200 feet above sea level.

Birthplace of Nick Nolte, Fred Astaire, the great warrior Crazy Horse.

-And Wade Boggs.


Yeah, who's that?


Third baseman, great player.

Also the birthplace of Gerald Ford.


Who did he play for?


The United States of America, Mike.

♪ You keep my secrets Hope to die ♪

♪ Promises Swear them to the sky ♪


Come on, Buddy.

This is ours!

It's a mansion!


What do you think?



Hey, sorry, that's just...

That's real delicate, yeah.

Thank you.

You know what?

I got it.

It's fine.


Let me just fasten these.

I appreciate it.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

Hey, how about we get something to eat?




Oh, yeah.

Let's go.


Now I'm hungry.



Let's do it.





-[Barbara and Pat]


-Good afternoon.




-How are you?


Hey, why's everyone talking to us?

It's called being friendly, Mike.

I don't know.

Just a little weird.




But it's like I always say, Pat, "Gotta take the good with the weird." Yeah.

It's, uh, "Dad" not "Pat," okay?

Yeah, but Courtney calls you Pat.

Don't drag me into this conversation.




This is where Pat and I met.


I know.


Two years ago, when I came back to sell my mom's house.

Yeah, Dad told me, like, 100 times.

You both ordered the corndogs, right?


Banana split!

Pat, why were you in Nebraska anyway?

I was...

I was looking for something.

-Should we check it out?

-Oh, yeah.


Come on.

[latch clicks]


-Hi, how are you doing?


-Good morning.

-Good morning.




Look at that.


[phone chimes]

[Pat clears throat]

[phone chiming]

You know, I moved around a lot when I was your age.



My dad was a mechanic in the army.

Worked on tanks.

Actually, I got to ride in a few.



Yeah, it was really cool.

But, every year or two, he'd get reassigned, and we'd have to pack up and leave.

And back then, if I wanted to keep in touch with my friends, I had to write letters.

Never got any back.

So, growing up, I guess my dad was probably my best friend.

I thought, if I did what he did, you know, I'd get to spend more time with him.

Didn't really work out that way, though.

Anyhow, I made some good friends later in life.

I know how hard it is to lose them.



I'm kind of talking to someone.




[phone chiming]

[students talking and laughing]

Hey, have a super great day.

[school bell rings]

[girl over PA]

Come see the drama club's performance, Arthur Miller's play The Crucible.

This week, on Thursday.

Tickets are sold in the quad.

[playing tuba]


Who's that?

[boy 1]

No way!

-[boy 2]


-[girl gasps]

[students chattering]

But it was on your website.

Blue Valley High has a gymnastics team.

We did.

Last year.

But the academic and athletic programs have been recalibrated by The American Dream for optimal participation by the students and the faculty.

I have no idea what any of that means.

There are plenty of other after-school activities.

How about cheerleading?

That's basically gymnastics.

Plus, boys love cheerleaders.

[camera shutter clicks]

[rock music playing on car radio]


I can work with this.




You got your work cut out for you here, huh?

Uh, yeah, I got some cleaning up to do for sure.


I'll say.

New in town, right?

-I am.


-Larry Crock.

Pat Dugan.

Friends call me "Crusher." -[knuckles crushing]



Gym down the street's mine.

Ripped City.

Named it myself.

-I like that.

-We got boot camp classes if you're looking to get in shape.

Yeah, I'm kind of focused on getting this place-- -Shred you right up, Pat.


I, uh...

Pretty busy with the garage and everything.

I have a special for Blue Valley newbies.

Half off.


"Don't be a wimp.

Get ripped." Well, thank you.

I'll keep it in mind.

Well, I gotta get back.

Weights don't lift themselves.


-Don't be a stranger, all right?

Okay, nice to meet you, Larry.

Call me "Crusher." -Crusher.

-I'm serious about those classes.

Let's get some muscle on them bones!


Nice car.



I'm coming!

Wait up!


The American Dream bought and reopened the Blue Valley tire factory, -but that's only the start.

-Wow, this is so exciting.

We think so too.

Investing back into Blue Valley is more than a job for everyone here at The American Dream.


It's a way of life.


Oh, that's Councilman William Zarick, and that's our CFO, Mr.


-Your office is right this way.


[school bell rings]

Hey, new girl.


-I'm Cindy.

This is-- -Jenny.


-We know.

-So you're from California?


We should all hang out.

-Uh, yeah, sure.


I'll text you.

-Uh, my number is-- -Oh, I have it.


How do you have my number-- -Don't worry about it.

Hey, you should try out for cheerleading.

I am team captain, and I'm looking for a new second.

I thought I was your second?

I need someone who can do the splits.

I'm practicing.

My family suffers from short tendons.

Thanks, but cheerleading's not really my thing.


So you don't want to hang out?



That's not what I meant.

-I'm sorry.


-I wasn't-- -Great.

Then I'll text you, or not.



I'm still your second, right?

-[school bell ringing]


Hey, who want to go right now?

I got you.

I got you.

I got all of y'all.

[all chattering]

[all chanting]






Get him, yeah!



Can I help you?

Uh, I'm looking for a seat.


There's one right over there, sweetie.



You're so cute.

Hi, I'm Courtney.

I'm Beth.


[chuckles nervously]

So, uh, what do you guys do for fun around here?


Oh, we're not friends.

This is the table for the singles.

"The singles"?


The losers.

Speak for yourself.


Do you guys smell that?

Do you smell something?

Smells like slut.


Take any new pictures you'd like to share with us?


Yeah, don't be shy.

-Leave her alone.

Oh, hey, new girl.

-What you got on your phone?


-Give that back.


[students exclaiming]


Come with me.

-That's my boyfriend, bitch.


Cindy, language.

Sorry, Principal Bowin.

[Courtney sighs]



[school bell rings]






[dog barking]

It was the best day of school ever!

I met these really cool kids at computer design class.

It's where you team up and make your own video games.

That's great, Mike.

Way to dive in.

You know, I'm proud of you.

Yeah, and we started designing this sh**t.

It's called Blood Pizza Party.

-It's called Blood Pizza Party?


So that name's been okayed with your teachers and everything?

Well, yeah.

Pretty much.


-But this place is awesome, Dad, really.


-There's, like, nothing to do here, so kids play way more video games.


How was your day, Court?

Did you join the gymnastics team?

-[cell phone chimes]

-Oh, wait, Dad, can I go over to Johnny's house?

We're gonna play Fortnite for research.

It's learning.


Just be back by 9:00.

Wait, wait, 9:00?

It's Friday.

Oh, yeah.

Okay, 9:01.

[Pat chuckles]

Why are dad jokes always the opposite of funny?

-Hey, finish your dinner.

-I'm getting dessert.

Do you have any plans tonight?

Hey, we could hit the old drive-in.

Stop pretending you're my dad, okay?

-Oh, boy.




No, it's okay.

I think that, you know, sometimes, I try too hard.

-It just doesn't-- -No.

You're trying just fine.

What are you doing?

Microwaving some marshmallows.

Want some?


[microwave beeps]


[breathing heavily]

[glass shatters]


So lame.

What the heck?

"Stripesy." Pat?

"Dear Stripesy, my friend and partner. Starman." Starman!







-[staff warbling]


No way.

[staff warbling]

Come on.

-[staff buzzing]


What are you?


Hey, what-- [Pat]

Mike, the dog's throwing up marshmallows all over the bed.



Where are we going?

-[Courtney grunting]

-[staff warbling]


Hold still.

[staff warbling]





Are you alive?


Oh, crap.


Look out!

Look out!


Ah, stop!


[staff warbling]

What the hell was that?

[people chattering]

[children chattering on movie screen]

[boy 1]

Yo, Henry!


[boy 2]


Brian, Chill.


Throw, throw, throw!

Throw it now, do it.

[all laughing]


Hey, knock it off, Henry!

We're trying to watch the movie, assholes!

It's a classic.

You're trying to watch the movie, huh?

-[boy 1]


Courage, little toothpick!


Oh, come on, guys!

[staff warbling]

[boy 2]

I don't think you can see, man!

Oh, perfect.

Come on.

Watch and learn.

Watch and learn.

Hey, Travis, just give me five.

Give me five.


Travis, this is my mom's car.

-You got four eyes, watch it.


Okay, guys.

Very funny.

-All right, I'm hungry.

Give me some popcorn.

You wouldn't mind, right, Josh?

All right, this is the best part.

Come on, come on.

Don't focus on me, focus on the movie.

-That's why you're here, right?


It is why we're here.


Welcome to the crappiest drive-in in Nebraska!


[all laughing and chattering]




Somebody's messing with your car!

[Courtney exclaims]


[staff warbling]

Oh, my dad's car.

Oh, good.



-Come on!



I'm gonna k*ll you.


-[Courtney exclaiming]



You're dead, kid.


Oh, my God, what did you do?

[staff warbling]

No, bad stick.



Oh, my Dad is gonna k*ll me.

[Courtney exclaims]

What are you doing?




I didn't do anything.

Oh, but you, you don't get to ask the questions, Pat, if that's even your real name.

-It's Patrick.

-You mean, Stripesy.

All right, give me that.

That's incredibly dangerous.

I know.

It blew up a car.

-You blew up a car?

-I didn't.

It did.

[staff warbling]


I was only going to let the air out of their tires.



Look, are you okay?

And was anyone hurt?

Everyone's fine.

The car lost a little resale value, though.


That's good.

That's funny.

What is this thing, anyway?

-It's called the Cosmic Staff.


-It's extremely temperamental.

-[staff warbling]

And it should be back in its crate where it belongs, not vandalizing automobiles and endangering people's lives.

The staff's not supposed to work for anyone except Starman.


The Justice Society of America was before your time.

I know who they are, a bunch of superheroes from the old days.

They quit when I was a kid.

Well, they didn't exactly quit.

Starman and the JSA died saving the world ten years ago.

It was Christmas Eve.

Ten years ago on Christmas Eve?



Does my mom know any of this?

Uh, no, I didn't tell her.

And it isn't right not to be honest, but people have died because they got too close to the JSA.

You know the truth, and you're at risk even now!


[Pat sighs]

Look, I don't mean to get upset.

It's just the staff was missing, and I was concerned.

Are you all right?


Why would the staff work for me if it only worked for Starman?

-I don't know.

-There must be a reason.

What if Starman was my father?


If what?

Starman died the exact night my father vanished.

Okay, that would be the coincidence to end all coincidences, -if Starman was your father.


-What about fate, Pat?

-It's beyond the realm of possibilities.


I mean, maybe the stars aligned.




It would make so much sense.

My father never showed up that night...

because he died saving the world.

Sit down.

Okay, come here.


What was your father's name?

Sam Kurtis.

That's him.

Well, Starman's name was Sylvester Pemberton.




-Well, maybe Sam Kurtis was an alias.

I mean, I've looked for him online and never found anything.

Not a single picture.

-Starman is not your dad, okay?


The staff works for you for some reason.

I don't know why.

But that's not it.

-I've gotta ask Mom.

-So the sooner you-- Oh, boy.

[footsteps receding]


You owe Pat an apology, young lady.

No, I don't, because maybe Pat's not who you think he is.

Courtney, enough.

Was my dad a superhero?

I'm not joking around here.

I'm not joking either.

You want to know the truth about your father?

Your Dad, the superhero, he only came to see you once a year, until you were five and then he...

He just abandoned us, Courtney.



There's only been one man who's ever been there for us.

And that's Pat.

You know, if your dad was as great as you think he is, he would be here right now instead of Pat.

But he's not.


Now what?

You were saying something.




Good night, Courtney.

Tell me again, son, what happened?

Travis and Brian and I were at the drive-in.

And we were minding our own business, Dad.

The part about the staff, Junior.


They had this glowing thing.

It shot...

I don't know.

Fire or lasers or something.

I know I should have asked to take the car, Dad-- What did they look like?

Who were they?

It was too hard to see.

Go to your room.

We'll talk more about this in the morning.

Yes, sir.

[lock turning]

[metal creaking]

[crickets chirping]

[door opens]



Your name was Stripesy?

'Cause of all the stripes.



I got that.


Someone really should have helped you brainstorm a better code name.

-What's wrong with it?


Well, for starters, I highly doubt it intimidated the bad guys.

I mean, "Look out!

Here comes Stripesy." [chuckles]

Well, see, Stripesy made more sense when Sylvester went by the Star-Spangled Kid.

"The Star-Spangled Kid"?

Yeah, you see, Sylvester was 15 when we met.

I was 20.

I was his family's driver and their mechanic.

He put on a mask to stop some criminals that were threatening his parents.

And I helped him.

Anyways, later he...

He got the staff, and he became Starman.

And he joined the JSA, and he brought me along.


What were you?

Like, the Star-Spangled Kid's assistant?

I was Starman's sidekick.

I looked after his car.

I kept his suit clean.

Sounds like an assistant to me.

Being a sidekick was an honor.

They made me a really important part of the JSA.

Well, why aren't you in the picture then?

Because I took it.



I don't like that you've kept this from my mom.


But you make her happy.

Happier than I've ever seen her and...

I don't want to take that away.

I can't.

So I'll keep your secret...

as long as you stay out of my way.


Stay out of your way?

I mean, hey...

You don't even have a driver's license yet, all right?

This isn't just about keeping my secret.

This is about keeping your mother and you safe.

Mike, too.

You understand that?



So do we have a deal, Stripesy?


I guess when you call me Stripesy, I see your point.

Yeah, it's bad.

[Pat sighs]

Good talk.

[siren wailing]


You're certain, Henry?

-[Brainwave on phone]


Someone att*cked my son tonight...

with a glowing staff.


I k*lled Starman.

Starman's dead.


I know he's dead.

Meaning, there's a new Starman out there.

He's found us.

And he came after my son.


I doubt that very much.

We'll sort this out, Henry.

Do nothing until I return.


I understand, Jordan.


[staff warbling]


What are you doing?

[staff warbling]


Courtney, are you okay?



-What's going on?


I couldn't sleep.

Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

Oh, honey.

I'm sorry about what I said.

I know it's been really hard on you.

No, Mom, I'm sorry.

I haven't given Pat a real chance.

But, I'm gonna try.

Really, really try.

New start.

You have no idea how much that means to me.

For sure.

Good night!


Good night.

[staff warbling]


What is it?

[staff warbling]

Hey, it's cold out.


[Courtney yelling]


This is getting a bit old.

[breathes heavily]

Why did you bring me up here?

Oh, okay, yeah.

Let's practice.


[staff warbling]


















Who are you?


Where did you get that staff?


-Why did you go after my son?




After I pry the answers I want from your brain...


I'll melt it.

I can read thoughts of loneliness.


You have no one.

Do something.


No friends.

You're all alone.

Your father.

Why are you thinking about your father?


Come on!



[Courtney grunts]

[Courtney whimpering]


Courtney, I told you not to touch the staff.


♪ Who put the bomp In the bomp Bah bomp bah bomp? ♪

♪ Who put the ram In the rama lama ding dong? ♪

♪ Who put the bop In the bop shoo bop shoo bop? ♪

♪ Who put the dip In the dip da dip da dip? ♪

♪ Who was that man? ♪

♪ I'd like to shake his hand ♪

♪ He made my baby Fall in love with me ♪