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Stargate: The Ark of Truth (2008)

Posted: 11/09/20 19:39
by bunniefuu
We cannot hide our ways any longer.

Nor should we.

The Ori have amassed armies and move to destroy us.

Everything we believe, all we are, is an affront to them.

They will stop at nothing to destroy every last shred of evidence that opposes their fanaticism.

We have no choice. We've tried to argue reason.

We can fight. Use what we know to oppose them.

-We are so few compared to them. -The Ark can change everything.

Is forced indoctrination really the answer?

You would deny the Ori the very essence of self.

It is no different than the m*rder they propose.

The only moral way to change someone's mind, make them see the truth, as you put it, is to present evidence.

We believe in the systematic understanding of the physical world through observation and experimentation, through argument and debate, but, most of all, freedom of will. I will not compromise the fundamental tenets of my devotion in order to preserve it.

We acknowledge the incredible potential of the technology of the Ark.

And the danger such power presents.

It will not be used as a w*apon against the Ori.

The debate on the issue is closed.

Give me a hand?

Really think this is it?

Well, it's covered in Ancient writing.

These symbols here are part of the oldest dialect I'm aware of.

It says, "Safely kept is the something of old."

What's the something, Daniel?

Well, if I knew for sure, I wouldn't have said "the something..."

-Why am I answering her? -Stop your yammering and open it.

-We can't just open it. -Why not?

Well, if this is what I think it is, it's a powerful piece of Ancient technology capable of making anyone who looks into it believe the Ori...

-Are not Gods. -are not Gods.

As far as we know.

We already believe that. No harm done. Open it.

I said as far as we know.

There may be other things it's capable of making you believe.

Maybe we're supposed to believe those other things, too.

You know, that's beside the point.

There's another reason we can't just open it.

Look at my hands, all right? They are raw and bleeding.

I've broken every nail.

We've been out here in the scorching heat for days.

-I haven't showered. -None of us have.

That is painfully obvious.

Now, according to you, this crusty old chest is our salvation from oppression at the hands of the Ori army.

Our best and, maybe, only remaining chance that we have.

We've dug how many holes in the ground?

-Help me out here, muscles. -Many.

Now, all the years the Jaffa were here, they knew that Dakara was the first landing place of the Alterans in this galaxy.

You mean to tell me they never looked for Ancient artifacts?

There were a few artifacts that were excavated and cataloged when the city was being rebuilt.

But with the constant change in leadership, -Little time or manpower... -Yes, yes, yes, and blah, blah, blah.

But here we are.

Finally, we may have found it, the ultimate w*apon, so could someone please explain to me why we can't confirm our blessed fortune

-by simply opening it? -Because it's sealed shut!

It literally won't open.

Why didn't you say so?

Well, I was trying to, but you wouldn't stop your yammering.

No, no, no, no, no! You can't do that!

I told you, this is a piece of technology. You could damage it.

It's been buried for millions of years, Daniel.


-What Hey, kids, guess what?

We are under fire.

I do not remember sending out invitations to this party.

We have to fall back!

Move ahead!

-What are you doing? We have to go there. -We know.

-There's too many of them. -There's no other way out of here.

We know!

-How about now? -Yeah, now works for me.

Commander, we have them trapped.

Vala, it's Tomin.

Throw down your weapons and surrender and I promise you will all be spared.

That's funny. I was just about to say the same thing.

Vala, you have to trust me. Your position has been targeted from space.

Comply now, or you will be destroyed.

-I think we have to trust him. -Jackson?

What if we got them to open it?

Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, would it?

All right.

Invite them in.

You can come in.

I look like crap.


How are you?

What's new?

What are you doing here?

Wow, we really are on the same page.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

How did you know we were here?

The power of the Ori need not be questioned.

Oh, here we go.

Tell me. What is this artifact you have found?

Hang on a second. Shouldn't you know that already?

Your logic.

No, wait, wait. No need to be difficult here.

You want to know what it is, I'll tell you.

Inside this Ark is the secret to destroying the armies of the Ori, and I think the last thing you're gonna want to do is open it.

You think I fear the contents?

I'm saying you really should.

Open it.

-You didn't hear what I just said? -Open it!

It's sealed shut.

Wait! No!

Okay. Not what I was expecting.

Foolhardy are those who do not follow the path.

Anyone want to bet what he's gonna say next?

-k*ll them. -Could've made money on that one.

Prior. I gave them my word.

If they surrendered peacefully, they would be spared.

Your word? The word of the Ori is all that matters.

The Book of Origin says that truth is the beginning of the path!

Tomin, I grow tired of your questioning.

k*ll them now, or you shall burn in the fire of everlasting torment!

Don't do it. He can't hurt you, Tomin.

We trusted you.

Trust me now.

-Fire your w*apon! -You think he's testing you.

But, really, he's forcing you to do it, because he's realized that, for some reason beyond his comprehension, he's completely powerless.

k*ll them!

k*ll them now! I command you!

Stop! Do not fire!

-How? -Here.

I can show you.

We use this device. It temporarily neutralizes their abilities.

According to Tomin, the Ori crusade is planning to send a new wave of ships through the Supergate sometime soon.

A coordinated attack on Earth may be imminent.

That's a little non-specific.

Yes, sir. I suspect the Priors release details on a need-to-know basis.

Shame you didn't find the real Ark.

Yes, sir, but not for a lack of trying.

No other useful intelligence?

Well, at the moment, Tomin is coming to grips with the fact that he's devoted his life to serving false Gods.

-Oh, great. What does he want

Come on in. You might as well meet him.

General. Colonel Mitchell. I recognize you from your file.

Mitchell, this is James Marrick, IOA oversight.

I'm a huge fan, Colonel. It's a real pleasure to meet you.

What happened to Woolsey?

His time was being taken up by the Atlantis expedition, which, quite frankly, I'm grateful for. It is a thrill for me to be here.

You have been doing such an incredible job under such difficult circumstances.

I don't think there's gonna be much for me to do here other than stay out of your way.

What do you want?

I believe protocol requires me to notify you that I will be interrogating

-the prisoner personally. -What prisoner?

I believe your report refers to him as Tomin. No last name.

Right, sorry. I get confused.

See, we were thinking of him more as a guest.

Of course, my mistake.

I trust the enemy commander hell-bent on our total annihilation has been given comfortable quarters?

Yeah. He's had a change of heart.

Come on, Colonel.

Don't all bad guys say that after we capture them?

Actually, he captured us, and then he surrendered.

And my people have already questioned the man.

I see. Look, I'm sorry.

I really don't want to step on any toes here.

My superiors have asked me to prepare a report on this matter personally, and I don't want to disappoint them, me being new on the job and all.

You understand.

Of course.

Thanks so much.

I can't tell you how exciting it is for me to be working here with you.

Actually, I used to do what you do, Colonel, so I know exactly how it feels.

I'm sure you know I'm just trying to do my job.

-Thank you, Mr. Marrick. -General. Colonel.

He used to do what I do?

What the hell does that mean Former CIA, black ops.

Oh, great. So, the IOA is having one of our own spies spy on us?

I have no doubt the IOA chose him carefully.

Why do I get the feeling we're gonna miss Woolsey?

The Ori are dead and gone?

As we said, we don't exactly know for sure.

We know we sent a w*apon to the Ori galaxy that was supposed to be capable of destroying them.

But not those that worshipped them?

No, not humans. Just the Ascended beings.

I know it sounds complicated, but the point is, unless we stop it, this holy crusade in the name of the Ori could end in a bloody mess for all humans.

A futile bloody mess.

And your hope is that this Ark will convince those that still believe in the Ori to stop believing as they do?

In Ancient, it's called "Armiria Veremas".

Now, loosely translated, it means "the ark of truth."

I know I have no right to say this, it just seems wrong.

Hey, I'm not saying it's right.

Obviously, the Alterans didn't think it was morally right to use it, or we wouldn't be in this situation.

But compared to the bloodshed we may be facing...

We think the Ark may be capable of brainwashing people to believe whatever it's programed to make them believe.

But how did you know where to look?

We didn't.

That chest we found was obviously not the Ark.

But, still, you must've had some idea.

I've had the vision several times.

Daniel shared his mind with a former Alteran named Merlin for a short time.

His consciousness is gone now, but he was the one who helped me build the device that was sent to eliminate the Ori.

We hope. We think that these visions might be remnants of Merlin's memories left behind intentionally to steer us in the direction of the Ark.

And you think I'm crazy for believing in the Ori?

Not crazy, Tomin. Just wrong.

You've both read the Book of Origin, have you not?


Do you not remember the part about Ortus Mallum?

You'll have to forgive me, I don't know it by heart.

Oh, big book with fine print and not many pictures.

Ortus Mallum is the birthplace of all evil.

The passage speaks of a mountain that erupts and buries the place where all evil once sprang forth.

I only ask because you mentioned a mountain that explodes in your vision.

Amelius, what are you doing? It's time to go.

I know.

They have to know the truth.

They will find nothing. All will be destroyed.

My notebook.

I had the most amazing idea last night.

While we think we could use the ZPM onboard the Odyssey, unfortunately, it's nowhere near enough power to sustain an outgoing wormhole indefinitely.

I take it doing the whole Pegasus thing again is not an option?

The fact is, we were lucky to avold the attack from the Wraith the first time.

However, using the Odyssey, we believe we can beam four Mark IX nuclear devices strategically in between the Supergate's individual segments.

Hopefully, undetected, they'll be triggered by any inbound gate activation.

The resulting explosions should, theoretically, create a chain reaction that will essentially utilize the massive amounts of energy being channeled into the gate from the dialing galaxy to destroy it.

Don't blow it up just yet. We may still need that Supergate.

Dr. Jackson?

The Ancients didn't bring the Ark with them, sir.

It's still in the Ori galaxy.

Okay, then.

I just need to get a few things straight here for the record. Okay?

It shouldn't be that hard.

So, you're a commander in the Ori army?

-I was. -Yes, was.

Of course.

So, your duties as a commander involved?

Following the orders of the Priors.

Supervising the warriors under my command.



See? No big deal.

Okay. Moving on.

In the time that you've been here in our galaxy, how many innocent human beings would you say you've slaughtered?

I'm talking personally here.

I'm sure you didn't keep a running tally, so maybe you could just give me a general estimate.

Hundreds What do you want from me?

I just want you to answer my questions.

And I have quite a few.

They cover things like your plans, your tactics, your numbers, training, anything that might help us in defending against an attack

-that you say is coming. -I've already told the others all I know.

How many innocent human beings would you say you've slaughtered because they chose not to believe in the Ori?

-Where's Vala? -She could not bear to watch.

-Did you hear the plan? -Tomin wishes to accompany us.

He believes he can help us establish contact with the anti-Ori underground.

It may be, in fact, the best way to figure out what Ortus Mallum actually is.

Well, we can definitely use all the help we can get, assuming, of course, the Ori are actually dead.

Otherwise, this is gonna be a very short mission.



Colonel, I was just giving Dr. Jackson the good news.

The mission's been approved!

I thought it was already approved.

Actually, no mission is approved till the IOA officially signs off on it.

You've been given temporary command of the Odyssey for the duration of this operation.

Sir, does that mean I have to sit in the chair?

That it does.

-And I wish the fun ended there. -Sir?

Mr. Marrick will be overseeing the mission.

-Personally, I'm excited. -Yeah. Me too.

Yes, this'll be my first time on one of our battlecruisers.

We'll see you onboard, Colonel. Dr. Jackson. General.

Can I confine him to quarters?

It's your call, Colonel.

One of the decisions those of us in command have to make.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir.


We're ready to go, sir.

All right.

Weapons to maximum.

-Sir? -It's a joke, Marks. Make it go.

Nothing I have done since turning against the Goa'uld will make up for the atrocities I once committed in their name.

Somewhere deep inside you, you knew it was wrong.

A voice you did not recognize screamed for you to stop.

You saw no way out.

It was the way things were.

They could not be changed.

You tried to convince yourself the people you were hurting deserved it.

You became numb to their pain and suffering.

You learned to shut out the voice speaking against it.

-There's always a choice. -Indeed, there is.

-I chose to ignore it. -Yet you sit here now.

I sit here, and I cannot imagine the day when I will forgive myself.

Because it will never come.

One day, others may try to convince you they have forgiven you.

That is more about them than you.

For them, imparting forgiveness is a blessing.

How do you go on?

It is simple. You will never forgive yourself.

Accept it.

You hurt others. Many others. That cannot be undone.

You will never find personal retribution.

But your life does not have to end.

That which is right, just and true can still prevail.

If you do not fight for what you believe in, all may be lost for everyone else.

But do not fight for yourself, fight for others, others that may be saved through your effort.

That is the least you can do.

Okay, I think we're ready.

Dial it up.

Looks like we have a stable connection.


Based on the intel Daniel provided when he was a Prior, I was pretty sure this was gonna work.

Yeah. I didn't doubt that. It's just...

Now that we're actually here, it's kind of cool.

Take her in.

-You see that

That old man


Glad we had this chat.

-You okay? -Yeah, I'm fine.

In fact, I get the feeling we're on the right track.

This is Hertis.

Hertis, this is Daniel. Vala, my wife.

We are still married.

We'll talk about that later.

Tomin tells me you've not heard the rumor that the fires of Celestis have gone out.


I assume Tomin also explained that we're not from around here.

That he did.

Still, I'm surprised.

Such news would have spread far and wide.

You would think.

But perhaps Tomin didn't explain exactly how far away we live.

The Priors have seen this as a sign that the Ori are not pleased.

They say our efforts against the crusade of evil are not enough.

That we must do more.

As I told you, many more ships have been built.

They are ready to embark.

Tomin also tells me you seek the true location of Ortus Mallum.

-We do. -I'm curious, what makes you think such a place actually exists in the real world?

You don't believe all that is written in the Book of Origin to be based on some true historical event?

What I believe is not the issue.

-You want me to tell you what I believe? -No.

I want you to prove it.

Well, that we can do.

There are ruins of a village high in the mountains that border the plains of Celestis.

That is believed to be the location the Book of Origin references as the birthplace of evil.

Well, it makes sense. The Ori followers built their holy city on the planet where they believe their Gods once triumphed over the Alterans.

Celestis is not on this planet, though.

You got us here.

If we showed you a star map, could you direct us to the coordinates of the planet where Celestis is?

We're talking about the Vatican of the Ori followers, right?

Well, if the fires are out, then it's likely Merlin's device worked and the Ori are dead.

But the Priors are not.

Well, we didn't come all this way to stop now, did we?

Many times throughout history, the ruins at Ortus Mallum have been searched by both the Priors of Ori and those that believe as we do.

We have long searched for the artifacts that would prove the truth about our past, our ancestors, and the falsehood of the Book of Origin.

Nothing has ever been found there.

That's good.

Let's hope that means what we're looking for is still there.


Why was I not notified that you had someone onboard with new intel about Ori army activity?

Well, I'm sure I called for you. There was no answer.

Oh, wait.

I may have not have pressed the comm button all the way down.

Wow, I must look stupid standing there talking to myself.

Anyway, if you'll excuse us.

Colonel. I'm sure I don't need to remind you about protocol.

We are all going to find the Ark, Mr. Marrick.

It's just too late for you not to join us.

You were granted the use of this ship, the most valuable asset Earth currently has at its disposal to prevent any further Ori ships from getting through the Supergate.

And that's what we're gonna do.

Do you or do you not have reliable intelligence that more Ori ships are about to leave?

Stay out of my way.

-Your instructions were clear, Colonel. -We're not there yet.

Major Marks, new coordinates have been entered into the nav system.

-Take us there. -Yes, sir.

You have no idea how much time we have.

I'm not going to sacrifice this mission, Earth, or our galaxy for some fool's quest.

Then replace me!

You have the authority.

Go ahead.

Replace me.

You sure you don't want the chair?

No. It's all yours.

-Got your back, though. -Thanks.

Any idea where to start?

Not really.

You okay?

I was thinking about what this place really was.

Colonel Mitchell. This is Major Marks. Come in.

We read you, Marks, go ahead.

Sir, someone has turned on the Asgard core.


According to the security access card that was used, it's Mr. Marrick, but the room is sealed and he is not responding on the comm.

It can't be shut down remotely. What the hell does he think he's doing?

I don't know, but we better find out.

Jackson! Teal'c! We gotta go. Keep looking.

-What's wrong? -Marrick's up to something.

He's turned on the Asgard core.

That will alert the Ori ships to our presence.

Yeah, I think that's the idea. We got it.

You guys, find the Ark.

Marks, transport Colonel Carter and myself back up to the ship now.

It's SG-3, sir. Transmitting from P6X-437.

On screen.

General, a Prior arrived through the gate 15 minutes ago and immediately made contact.

Not sure how, but he seemed to know we were here.

He said he has no intention of harming us, just that he has a message to deliver to the leaders of our planet.

What is it? wouldn't get into it, sir. Says he'll only deliver it in person.

He wants us to let him through the gate?

Yes, sir.

And does he know this didn't exactly work out well the last time?

More for the Prior in question than us, sir.


He's pretty adamant.

Says the message is key to human survival on Earth.

Says he knows that we have the technology that can temporarily neutralize his powers.

He does, does he?

Yes, sir.

Apparently, word that SG-1 actually k*lled a Prior is getting around.

Give us an hour to make the necessary preparations.

Yes, sir. Reynolds out.

Open the door, Mr. Marrick.

Do you really think we can't bypass the security lock?

Answer me, Marrick.

You have put this ship and everyone on board in serious danger.

Look, you know that activating the Asgard core will alert any Ori vessels to our presence.

I assume that's your plan, force me to take action against them.

-Carter? -Almost.

It won't shut down.


It's creating something virtually. What is it?

You'll see. I believe it's almost done.

What the hell are you thinking?

Unlike you, doing the job that I was sent to do, stop any further Ori invasion at all costs.

Well, how does getting us k*lled and this ship destroyed accomplish that?

Oh, I assure you, that's not the plan, Colonel.

Oh, really?

Because we're about to be surrounded by a bunch of Ori ships, so I figure we got two options, we can shut that thing down, and hope to outrun them, or we can stay and fight and lose badly.

And that's where you're wrong.

There are always other options. You're just failing to consider them.

Well, I hate to be the downer at this party, but this is hopeless.

I'm not getting any energy readings, so, short of literally looking under every rock and stone on this mountain, I'm not sure what we're supposed to do.

Or we could wait for Daniel to have another one of his visions.

Guys, I think there's something here.

I think we're supposed to go down there.

This is Colonel Carter.

We need an A.R.G. in the Asgard core room now.

Don't worry, Colonel. It's being contained by a force shield.

For now!

If you knew anything about these things, you'd know nothing will hold it for long.

Do you have any idea what it finally took to eradicate these little buggers?

Exactly why it'll be so effective in neutralizing the Ori fleet.

That's your plan?

What are you, totally nuts?

Not my plan. It was the IOA's.

In the event that the Supergate on this side was impossible to destroy, a backup plan was devised.

We knew we could draw the Ori to the Odyssey by turning on the core.

Yes, we might lose an all-out battle with a large number of them, but we'd certainly be able to hang in long enough to get this Replicator on board one of their ships, at which point, hopefully, we'll be able to escape.

And since you were unwilling to even try to destroy the gate, you left me no choice.

We came here to find the Ark.

Nobody expected you to find it.

Excuse me?

The Ori ships are preparing to leave.

For all we know, they're already gone.

Obviously, you didn't come up with this on your own.

Who wrote this program?

Does it really matter?

Thank you.

The A.R.G. won't penetrate the shield.

When I shut it down, don't hesitate and don't miss.

I won't.

-Thats have no effect on them. -Neither does this thing.

You need P90s. Don't let it get away.

This way.

Why the hell didn't it work?

I believe that particular susceptibility was programmed out of this version.

You slick son of a bitch. Why didn't you tell us?

You obviously had no intention of allowing me to follow through with the plan.

If we can't stop it, it will cannibalize this ship and start replicating.

I should hope so.

And thanks to you, it's now the only way we have of infecting the Ori fleet.

And what the hell is the IOA gonna do when the Replicators finish with the Ori fleet and they decide to take a little trip back through the Supergate?

Precautions to prevent that scenario have been put in place.


You built in some sort of shut-down command into the programming.

I told you. It wasn't me.

Sir, 12 teams of two have been armed and are searching top to bottom.

These things are crafty, Captain.

They'll avold any area of the ship exposed to internal sensors.

They're small enough to use the ventilation shafts or to move through hollow walls, and it's only a matter of time before we could be dealing with more than one.

We'll find it, sir.

Carter. Talk to me.

The Asgard core was designed to be very user-friendly.

Whoever wrote this program didn't have to have an extensive knowledge of Replicator technology.

They only had to explain what they wanted to create, -and the core filled in the blanks. -And?

Unfortunately, that means that the complete program exists only in the core database.

Which means that you have to leave the core on if you're gonna find the self-destruct command.

If it even exists.

-How long? -I don't know.

I'm trying to narrow down the search parameters, but it's huge.

All right, look, just forget about the fact that we're standing here screaming and waving our hands at the Ori.

They probably already know our position anyway.

All right, let's jump into hyperspace.

At least the Ori ships won't be able to attack us.

Yeah, but they can track us in hyperspace, and we can't stay there forever.

Look, believe me, if we don't find that Replicator or this self-destruct command, "forever," not gonna be a big issue.

Hey, guys, this is Mitchell.

We're going to have to beam you aboard immediately.

Wait, you can't. Not yet.

Yeah, well, Marrick activated the Asgard core, so we're expecting Ori ships around here sometime soon.

Plus, we have a little Replicator problem, so we're gonna jump into hyperspace to avold the bad guys while we deal with it.

I'm sorry, did you say Replicator problem?

Unfortunately, yes, I did.

Major Marks, transport the team on the planet back up to the ship.

As soon as they are Safely on board, take us into hyperspace.

Sir, I am attempting to transport the team on the surface, but the system is not responding.

I've lost control of the ship's computer.

-It's plugged itself in somewhere. -That was fast.

Well, it doesn't have much learning to do.

Everything about the Odyssey and its systems has been preprogrammed into the Replicator's memory.

I'm attempting to isolate life support, navigation, and hyperdrive command, and restrict it to the Asgard core.

Hopefully, I can maintain some measure of control from here.

All right, I'm gonna help find the damn thing.

What's a Replicator?

You do not wish to know.

Yeah, it's me again, your friendly neighborhood ship's commander.

Looks like you've got a little more time down there.

We're having a bit of trouble with the beaming thing at the moment.

I promise, you'll be the first to know...

Okay, so... Onward.

What do you think, muscles?

Wait, wait, wait! You can't! We don't know how stable this tunnel is.

Shall we turn back then, Daniel Jackson?

Bombs away.

Sir, we have lost external communications array, and we are experiencing power fluctuations throughout the power grid.

Yeah, I got that.

Daniel Jackson.

This is it.

-Oh, you're sure this time? -Definitely.

We found it.

You demonstrate great courage facing me in person, General.

Courage is only required when facing that which you fear.

The flames of ignorance burn without pain.

Beware the power, or it will consume you before you know.

You can skip the fire and brimstone.

If you're here to tell me that you're finally coming after Earth, I already know.

It is not too late.

Allow me to deliver the message to your world that Origin is the way to salvation and you will all be spared.

I have to tell you, even if I did let you have your say, I don't think my world is gonna listen.

Then you are all doomed.

That may be so, but I don't think it's you that's gonna do it.

I would not be so sure.

Really, what took you so long ?

Earth has to be the most densely populated planet in the galaxy.

What're you waiting for?

Sure, you've tried to warn us a couple of times, but, come on, you can do better than that, can't you?

We've been a tremendous pain in your proverbial backside.

You don't really expect me to believe that you've just been saving the best for last, do you?

What's wrong? You guys are never speechless.

I'll tell you what I think.

I say this move reeks of desperation.

You're not all that sure it's a slam-dunk.

Your defenses are no match for the might of the Ori, which shall rain down apocalypse upon...

Right, right. Now here's a newsflash, the Ori are dead.

We k*lled them.

Sent a w*apon devised by an ex-Ancient through the Supergate and wiped them all out.

These beings you call Gods, the ones who lied to you, manipulated you for their own selfish, power-hungry reasons, are gone, and everything you think you're doing in their name is entirely without meaning.

I was wrong.

You are not courageous, General.

You are without reason.

Your planet will burn in all the depths of darkness.

Oh, we'll see about that.

There is one thing I do know for sure.

If we're going to hell, then you're coming with us.

You go ahead and burst into flames if you like.

Sir, we think we've traced the problem to the rear auxiliary control room in your level.

Copy that.

All personnel, this is Colonel Mitchell.

Pleased to report I got it.

Oh, shit.

Hey, Sam ! They seem to be living up to their name.

There's definitely more than one at this point.

-How many? -A lot!

The original has probably converted into a queen by now.

The good news is that it's likely stationary.

Other Replicators will bring it raw material that it will then use to create new blocks.

That's what you're looking for at this point.



Daniel, for goodness sakes, stop fussing and just open it.

Wait, wait, wait!

What was supposed to happen?

Nothing. I don't think it's turned on.

Maybe it's broken.

Perhaps its power source has been depleted.

Well, it is millions of years old.

I don't think it's turned on.

Well, turn it on, then.

I think...

It has something to do with these symbols.

They look like buttons.

Perhaps we should examine it more closely on the surface.

Good idea !


Cam, are you there? Please respond.

Sorry about that, Sam. I ran out of a*mo and had to hide.


Colonel, four Ori motherships on sensors. They are moving to surround us.

Got it. Jumping to hyperspace.

Odyssey, this is Teal'c, come in.

Odyssey, this is Teal'c, come in.


I assume you haven't found the magic shut-off switch.

No. If the Replicators are gonna come after the core sooner or later, I don't know why they haven't yet.

Consolidating their numbers?

Whatever they're trying to do, eventually, they're gonna want to take total control of this ship, and, in order to do that, they're going to have to get into this room.

We should stop them from doing that.

I've got people trapped all over the place.

Replicators have locked down most of the elevators and bulkheads.

Trying to restrict crew movements.

They've also shut down systems over much of the ship.

It takes a lot of power to replicate.

My guess is the queen has set up shop somewhere close to our main conduit.

Position all the personnel you have right here.

Protect that room at all costs.

We should probably weld the door shut.

You won't be able to get out.

If the Replicators make it into the core, it's not gonna matter.

-Do it. I'm gonna go find the queen. -How?

Sounds like a good way of getting stung to me.

Hey! Hello?

Let me out of here!



Daniel Jackson!

Vala Mal Doran!

Odyssey, this is Teal'c. Do you read me?

Odyssey, this is Teal'c. Can you hear me?

Oh, God.

Your Gods cannot save you now, Daniel Jackson.

Actually, that's just a statement of general dissatisfaction.

Please, have mercy.

They're coming.

Carter, I found it.

It's in an access tube off cargo hold 3.

That's good. Now get the hell out of there.

You don't want me to blow it up?

Not yet.

Sam, It's making more of those little buggers right now.

Destroying the queen will likely draw any other Replicators onboard directly to you.

Not a good plan until we have a shut-down code.


Besides, they're not coming after the core just yet.

When they do, we may need the distraction to draw them away.

Copy that.

This program is huge. It could take weeks to go through.

-Skim. -What if I miss it?

It's a base directive.

It's like the one that tells them to replicate, only this one, when transmitted on a certain frequency, will command them to disassemble.

It should stand out.

What the hell?

So much for the rumors.

-Oh, no. -What?

I asked the core to analyze the program, looking for the shut-down command.

It says there isn't one.

-Can we write one? -already started.

Good to see you, Mother. Or should I call you Vala?

I believe you renounced our blood relation last time I saw you.

Seems you have no blood left to speak of.

You'll be somewhat satisfied to know that Merlin's w*apon did work.

The Ori were destroyed.


Somehow, you and your simple human friends managed to destroy quite a large group of very powerful Ascended beings.

Well, we're a very determined bunch.

I always say, your never know what you can do until you try.

I agree.

You don't seem too cut up about it.


The energy transferred to the Ori by their human followers used to be spread out among many.

Now that I have Ascended, I get it all.

If you don't k*ll us all first.

It's a shame I can't use your little discovery to convince everyone in your galaxy to follow me.

It would be much more humane.

Not as much fun, though.

Not wanting to give you any ideas, but why can't you use the Ark?

It's just not the same.

People need to be convinced to see me for what I really am.

A spoiled brat with a God complex?

No, Mother.

The Ark can only be programmed to make people believe what is true.

Once the Ancients have been destroyed, I will be a being of unchallengeable power, worshipped by all those beneath me.

A true God by any definition, wouldn't you say?

You know, I think we really... We got off on the wrong foot.

Who am I kidding?

I knew you were an assh*le the moment we met.

Colonel, we are running out of a*mo here.

Cam, we could really use that distraction now.

Roger that, Sam. I'm working on it.

We're being overrun! You need to draw them away!

I'm on it, ASAP.

You looking for this?

Wow. Did I drop that?

I don't suppose you'd mind flipping that switch and blowing us both up, would you?

Why do you need to take on the Ancients?

Seriously. How many human worshippers do you really need?

Can't you just live with what you have and be happy?

I mean, my own mother used to say to me, "Vala, happiness is not something you can buy," or, in my case, steal.

But I think the point is...

They are a threat to me.

From what I understand, they don't even care about you.

They saw the Ori as a threat and they did nothing about that.

That's what you chose to believe.

They gave you the means to destroy the Ori.

They'll stop at nothing to destroy me.

I will not rest until they are all wiped from existence.

I wish you hadn't inherited my determination.

Sir, long-range sensors just picked up seven Ori motherships exiting hyperspace in our solar system.

I have Colonel Ellis for you.

General, we have visual of enemy contacts.

They appear to be holding position, sir.

-For the moment. -Yes, sir.

Why do you think that is, sir?

The weapons platform in Antarctica is incapable of defending the planet against seven Ori ships.

So, why are they waiting?

Yes, sir.

I don't know. Just be glad they're giving us a little more time.

Sir, given how seriously outgunned we are, I don't see how a little more time really helps.

What could possibly save us at this point?

I was hoping SG-1 might show up at some point.

Yes, sir.

I'll tell you this much, we're not going down without a fight.

Landry out.

We just dropped out of hyperspace.

That's funny. I was just thinking we couldn't get any more screwed.

The Replicators took back navigation and hyperdrive control.

Four Ori motherships just appeared on sensors.

k*ll me.

Believe me, I'm trying.

They did this to get the self-destruct code.

What is it? Tell me.

I don't know.

It's on the other side of the crystal.

It's not over.

Don't give up.

You're not Merlin.

I'm here to help you.

Then help me.

You must find the strength.



No, I've had it.

Man, I'm really not in the mood for games right now.

You're not a figment of my imagination and you're not Merlin.

You're Morgan Le Fay.

You're delirious.

Merlin died. He didn't Ascend.

His consciousness left me. It's gone.

The Ancients must be able to see through your disguise.

I know I can, I just don't know why you think it's necessary.

You were once Ascended. You know how complicated it can be.

Interfering with the lower planes is not allowed.

Yeah, I know. I did it myself more than once.

Helping me is forbidden, and letting me know you're helping me, well, that's worse.

I did it once and they stopped me. I was exiled for it.

Yet, here you are.

Merlin saw the Ori for what they were. He knew they needed to be stopped.

I was the one who prevented him from doing it the first time.

You kept him alive. You helped us find him.

I realized he was right.

The Ori were going to destroy the Ancients.

Now, whether they want to admit it or not, we saved them.

I think we deserve the Ancients' help in return.

So I believe.

Then help us.

I've done all I can.

No, you can do more.

You can do much more and you have to.

Not on my own. She's too powerful for me.


You mean Adria, don't you?

She took on the mantle of the Ori.

Yeah, I was afraid of that.

She has their collective power.

Then take it away from her.

And not just for our sake.

I've distracted her.

I've helped you when you needed me.

I promise you, Daniel, I've done all I can.

-No. -You need only use the Ark on one Prior.

The crystals in their staffs are linked to one another.

It's how the Doci communicates with all at once.

If you can turn just one of them, Adria's power will be greatly diminished.



Carter, I hope you can hear this.

The self-destruct program is on the other side of the crystal.

The program for the self-destruct is on the other side of the crystal.

Oh, hell.


Tomin, it's Vala.

No, come on. Come on.

Come here.

Listen. Everything's gonna be okay, I promise.

Can you pull yourself together?

Good. Now I want you to help me find Daniel.

I'm right here.

Are you guys okay?

I don't feel very good.

Let's find the Ark.

Oh, give me a break.

Shields are at 18%. Hyperdrive is still offline.

Then she just suddenly disappeared somewhere as if she had something really important to do, and when I turned around, about seven symbols on the Ark were glowing.

It was Morgan.

Is she helping? Because if she is, I don't understand.

Which seven symbols?

Well, you don't expect me to remember?

With the fate of two galaxies hanging in the balance, yes, I expect you to remember the essential clue given to you by a powerful Ascended being!

It's not that it was glowing for that long.

It was more like a bright light. When I turned around, realized I was alone and went to look for you.

Which ones?

One here, two here, two here, and two there.

Did they come in any order?

-No, all at once. -Of course.

Someone is coming.

Okay, seven symbols.

Just make a guess.

Verimas is truth in Ancient.


Two there.

I guess not.

This is Colonel Mitchell of the Earth ship Odyssey.

We surrender. Please, cease fire. Repeat, we surrender.

Sam, I don't think they're gonna stop.

I'm not going to get the hyperdrive back in time.

We can't take much more.

It's over.

You can't win.

There is only one path.

The power and glory of Origin.

Adria. I'm sorry.

I wish things could have been different.

Me too.

So, what are you gonna do?

We're obviously never going to agree.

Are you gonna k*ll me now?

No! You can't take away my power.

I think we just did.

You will all burn in the fires of eternal damnation.

Not if I have anything to do with it.

You're no match for me.

I am now.


What did he say? I don't understand.

He said, "Have mercy."

"I was blind, but now I see."


Why did they stop?

I don't know.

But I'm glad they did.


It was Origin.

What was?

The key word that activated the Ark.

I realized while Adria was talking, the Ancient version of the word also means "truth" in older dialects.

I guess the Alteran that built it must have thought it was ironic.

You know, I'm starting to think that irony is very overrated.

Have you reconsidered?


I do not understand.

Take it.

We have something to show you.

What is the meaning of this?

See for yourself.

-Hey. -Hey.

-How'd it go? -Worked like a charm.

Daniel was right.

The Priors' staffs did all seem to be connected somehow.

Within each galaxy.

Yeah, I mean, whatever subspace link connects them was obviously somewhat limited.

Still, when Daniel opened the Ark for the Prior that was here, everyone seemed to get the message.

-The ships backed off? -Yep.

Sorry I missed it.

How are you doing?

You know, I've felt worse.

Well, apparently, when you're feeling better, the IOA wants to meet with you.


Mmm-hmm. Something about an apology.

I don't know, my recovery could take a while.

Yeah. Not too long, I hope.

-No! -Oh! Sorry.

That's okay. I guess maybe that hurts a little.

I'll let you rest.

Yeah. Okay.

-Sam. -Yeah?

-What's in the bag? -Oh, my God, I almost forgot.

I baked these for you.


I'm sure they're not as good as your grandma's.

Nice recall.

Cheek okay?


You're going to make a great leader.

When I was being tortured by the Prior, the teachings of Origin gave me the strength I needed.

There are still so many things about it that mean a great deal to me.

I don't doubt that there is morality and wisdom in it.

That's what made it such a powerful lure for so many people.

I think, in principle, the idea of bettering ourselves, and seeking Ascension in one way or another,

is what it's all really about.

The book just needs some revision.

Well, that's entirely up to you and your people, though I might humbly recommend that the part about burning people alive for not following along should be the first bit to go.

Perhaps throw in some color pictures.

You know, I have not asked because I fear I know the answer.

But now that I'm leaving...

I don't exactly know where my place is, but I hope it's here.

I'm sorry.

I know I'll never make up for the things I've done, but I promise you, I'll spend the rest of my life trying.

I know.

So will I.

I know I was the one who found it.

I'm not entirely happy about the fact that we were forced to use it either, but I think it was better than the alternative.

No one disagrees with you.

But it is a very dangerous piece of technology to keep lying around.

It's out of my hands, Dr. Jackson.

Okay. Let's say someone does figure out how to reprogram it, or, worse, let's say, it falls into the wrong hands, it could be the most powerful w*apon we've ever come across.

I'm well aware of the risk and so is the IOA.

For now, the Ark is being studied at Area 51. That's all I know.

I'm sorry, Dr. Jackson. I've done all I can do.

It's kind of weird not having a big, bad guy to fight anymore.

Nothing I have done since turning against the Goa'uld and the Replicators the first time.

Well, Jackson and Vala took care of that.

That whole Ori thing was not our fault.

Just take the blame. You get used to it.

We played a big part in fixing the problem.

That you did.

There are still many planets in our gate system that remain unexplored.

Yes, let's see what mysteries P3K-546 will hold.

And what treasure.

I'm sure something will come up.

Walter, hit it.