#Horror (2015)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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#Horror (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

That was incredible.

How did you get to be so extraordinary?

Oh, yeah!

I wanna hear all about...

I can think of better things to do than to talk...

I'm just excited we get to go away for our dirty weekend.

What's a dirty weekend? What is that, a Brit expression?

No, Angelica told me about it. It's one of those weekends away.

Somewhere you're not supposed to be with someone you're not supposed to be with.

Okay, I'm gonna go pack.

Where are you, Harry?

You're thinking of a lie? I know, sorry.

Look, I have to leave tonight but I'll be back on Monday, okay?

You know that new artist I've been watching?

Well, he's about to blow up and I don't want to miss it.

I'm driving to the airport now.

I don't have a tail number yet but I'll call you as soon as I land.

This is bullshit, Harry.

It's our anniversary for Christ's sake.

Are you with that 20-year-old art advisor?

And what's she advising you on, really? Come on, babe, please.

Look, I may not be perfect... but I'm as perfect as you're gonna get.


It wasn't real. It wasn't real, it's not real.

It's not real.

I'm okay.

Everything is okay. It's gonna be okay.

Are you sure you don't wanna go to the movies instead?

You know, we could get a big bucket of popcorn and...

I promise I won't ask you any annoying questions or say anything embarrassing.

I'll even pretend I don't know you.

Mom, come on, I really like these girls. They're my new friends.

How about that cute girl, Katie, next door?

I heard she really wants you to come over...

We can turn around and you can go hang out with her.

I'm sure she's a lot nicer than all these new fancy girls.

Katie is 11. Oh, I'm sorry.

I know Dr. Hutchins said you're ready but I just wanna make sure that you feel ready.

Please don't tell these girls about your sensitivities.

I know you're still having nightmares and seeing weird things.

I'm good. Pull over here.

We're still two houses away. In this neighborhood, that could be miles.

I'll drive you to the door. I'm fine. Really.

You're embarrassed of me, aren't you?

Mom, these girls would die if they saw me in this car.

You used to love this old turd! Don't make me feel bad.

Just remember, money can't buy happiness.

It's usually just more problems.

How would you know?

Alright, come here. Come here.

I love you.

Call me when you're ready and I'll pick you up.

Mom, I told you, I'm sleeping over.

This way.

I'll get over and fix it.







Why did you invite her? We don't even know her.

We don't even like her. Yeah, and she smells weird.

It's just her breath. Maybe she's allergic to dairy.

We'll just give her some gum. Okay, Sophia, to answer the question.

Why did you invite that new weird girl to our party?

I didn't, Cat did. Oh, Cat. What an angel.

Her heart is so pure.

Hi. I'm here. Hi, Sam.

Your house is so cool. That's so nice, I hate it here.

My old house was so much better and bigger.

My dad says my mom and I should be so grateful to be living in an artwork.

It is pretty cool. I guess.

Yeah, my old house is way bigger than this new one.

I totally hear ya. Really?

Maybe that's because you get so much more bang for your buck in Norwalk.

No, we live in Greenwich.

Fake is better.

Yes, Mr. Tao, but I understand, yes, and...

Yes, I... thank you so much for not suspending her.

It means a lot to me. And I owe you. Now, listen, I got to jump off, I'm...

I'm at the hospital right now actually and there's a medical emergency going on so I have to... I have to go.

I appreciate. Thank you.

You can't just leave, okay?

No matter how bad it gets. You're 12.

I mean, if it ever gets that bad, you call me... alright?

That's what you'll do.

Yes, Daddy, I agree... I want you to learn something.

I want you to pay attention, I want you to focus. I want you to concentrate.

All this other thing that you do with your friends picking on each other, bullying each... whatever it is, I want you to stop doing that. That's gonna stop.

You're not gonna remember any of these people later in life, alright?

No one's gonna remember who bullied who. It's the 7th grade.

Now how bad could just being there, learning something and paying attention be?

Do you understand?

Yes. Daddy... The only thing that matters right now are getting good grades and what school you'll get into.

That's it.

It was a huge misunderstanding. Explain to me how this is a misunderstanding.

You just don't get it. How... I... okay.

I accept that. I don't get it. So make me get it.

I wasn't being mean. It's just how we tag each other online. It's...

All the kids do it. What does that mean? Tag each other.

It's just... It's kind of like a nickname. Like a username.

What do you mean? It doesn't matter, it's fine.

It's just... it's not mean. That's all you have to know. It's not mean.

Then why is he telling me it is? 'Cause... some people think it is, but it's not. I don't want you to lie to me.

I want you to tell me what's really going on because he's saying one thing, you left. You're not supposed to do that.

And he told me that you are picking on some of the other girls.

Girls that I thought were your friends. They are my friends.

Then why is he telling me that?

'Cause... I don't know. Okay, it doesn't matter. Here's the thing.

You did something wrong, you're gonna pay the price, okay? That's the way it works.

You do something wrong, you have to because if you don't pay now eventually you are gonna pay later. Better to do it now.

Yes, sir.

Don't worry about it, Dad. It's bad for your health.

Don't manipulate me.

We talked about that, alright?

You're taking your meds? Yeah?

Now there's another thing I want to talk to you about. Bennet.

I don't like him. You've never met him.

I don't like him, I don't want you hanging around with him anymore.

He's worse than Sophia.

I want you to be happy.

I really do. I just want all of us to be okay.

I'll take you to Sophia's later.

I'm not gonna ground you.

But I think our takeaway here is that we need to try harder.

I'm trying as hard as I can. You try harder.

I hate you.


Hello, boys.

Alex, I think we gotta wrap it up. We gotta finish on Monday.

Oh, no, that's impossible. I'm having people tomorrow.

It's a mess in here... it's crazy making. It's chaos, absolute chaos, Ted.

Alex, we've been here since 6 a.m.

Can't you just stay a little later? Come on.

You've stayed late for me before, haven't you?

Alex, I'll see you on Monday.

What day is today? It's Friday.

Monday is too far away, Ted.

Well, see you then.

See you then.

Funny guy, helped me over where that track leads.

Jesus, Alex, you look incredible.

I mean, better than when you were 25. No.

I gotta get myself to that Dr. White.

That's all him, right?

So where's the front door?

He's f*cking nuts. Don't know where anyone is on this property.

So we each have our own wing of the house.

Great family?

Relationship is defined as shared time and space.

So now we share no time and no space.

Nothing like setting us up to fail Harry.

Is this where Harry does his laps?

Tired of this bullshit.

Big boys and their big toys.

It's not f*cking art. It's competition and ego.

Way too much money.

Might as well be stocks. The new stocks.

He used to be a passionate collector.

Now he's a currency trader.

Is that a Dan Colen?

Molly! Can you get my phone? Actually my two phones.

I think they're in the kitchen.

You like? I can't believe you have that.

It doesn't seem to be there, Mrs. Cox.

Maybe you left them upstairs. Oh, Christ.

Molly, please, just call me Alex. Mrs. Cox sounds so stuffy.

I'm so sorry. Alex, it's my manners, my mother's English. Honestly, you look younger than my little sister. Oh, that's very sweet.

Well, maybe they're in the other room?

Nothing's finished around here and the decorator promised to be done last week.

That is so frustrating.

Really winds me up when people promise to deliver and then fail.

Why false advertise?

Molly, have you found my phones yet?

I can't seem to find them anywhere, Mrs. Cox... Alex.

Maybe you left them somewhere. Maybe they're in the car.

Well, are you saying it's my fault?

No. No, no, Mrs. Cox.

Honestly, have you really looked everywhere?

Yes. Honestly.

But I can look again. Good idea.

Is she Ret*rded? I think she stole my Victorian cuff.

What? She did.

And I've never really trusted her. Does she look like a thief to you?

Maybe just a little dishonest around the eyes. Can you see it?

I think you're acting really crazy.

I guess I'm just gonna have to brave the cold and go out to the car and search myself.

That was such a big funny move.

Molly, I found them!

They're building a new wall.

Building a new wall.


I like the...

I like the stone better.



Can you not... can you not do that?


Just... just... Dad, stop!

Just don't do it. Don't do it for five minutes, okay?

Give me that. Five minutes!

Thanks for the ride.

Did Harry tell you anything about the rumors?

The old legend of this place? No. Why, was it a brothel or something?

No. It was designed and built by this friend of Warhol.

This artist, Ray Jamieson he made all of his darkest and most disturbing pieces when he was living here.

You know this stuff that goes for a fortune now.

That's the guy that Harry is obsessed with.

I'm sure that's why he bought the place.

Ray Jamieson went crazy here.

There was this legendary party where Ray Jamieson's psychic gave this reading.

Supposedly she tapped into that this is the place where the vortex of the 4 winds converge. Shit.

Do you want me to help you? Don't worry.

Just tell me.

Much later that same night Ray Jamieson ended up brutally k*lling all of these people that wouldn't leave his party.

Haven't you always wanted to do that? I mean... but he actually did.

That's really f*cking dark.

Anyway, his body vanished. They never found him.

Supposedly he committed su1c1de on this property, but... they never found the body.

Wish I could leave tomorrow.

I wonder where Cat is. She's such a case.

Her mom died last year. Duh.

I heard she OD'd on painkillers. Ones that Cat's dad gave her.

You're here. Hi, Cat.

You really have a lateness issue.

My mom always said. It's better to make an entrance.

Your mom and like a billion other people.

Cat, where'd you go after lunch? You weren't in school.

Did you cut class again? I'm not letting you borrow my homework.

I don't want your homework, Francesca. No way. No way.

We get together. We get together.

Okay, imagine this with, like, sunglasses.

It's the beach, with a lot of cute boys around.

That would be, like, a perfect perfume commercial.

Oh, my God.

Sam, give it to me.

Guys, can someone zip me up, please? Oh, my God.

Sophia. It's, like, the best one.

Ready, smile.

Guys, you're on fashion show. Okay, everybody line up.

Line up, line up, line up.

I'm matching your step.

Go. Yeah, Sophia.

Look at that outfit. Look at you in the mirror.

She's just jealous.

Guys, imagine these in, like, really high heels.

Someone take a picture of me.

Stop. That's mean.

Awesome. Awesome!

Take a picture of us, kitty Cat.

I hate when you call me that. Oh, please, just a quick one.

You all look stupid. Oh, please, you're just jealous.

And I really want a picture of me and my besties.

Don't do it from there. Her mom says that's for bad girls.

I still can't believe how cool this place is.

I'm warming up to it. I think.

You know what happened here, right? I overheard your mom's friend telling your mom about this crazy artist k*ller who used to live here.

Supposedly this place is haunted by this guy Ray Jamieson's ghost.

He went crazy because of an energy vortex created by the 4 winds converging on this property. You're lying again.

The 4 winds? That sounds like a fart.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Ray Jamieson is still considered a missing person.

In 1968, Jamieson disappeared following a nervous breakdown that lead him to commit six murders in his own home.

Jamieson's body was never found. So?

My mom's having a nervous breakdown like everyday.

You think she's gonna k*ll us?

Come on, let's stop talking about this shit and get back to taking pictures.

I want the coolest picture ever of me and my besties.

Cat, come on. Fine.


Oh, my God, I'm falling. I'm falling, I'm falling.

Cat, that's so mean. What's wrong with you?

You, Sophia. You're such a hypocrite.

I hate girls like you. It's all an act, Sophia.

That's what you do, you act nice.

But you aren't really.

Will you stop being such a freak? This is her house.

It takes a lot more than that to scare me. Oh, such a badass.

Anyway, what do you think?

You look like a sausage in that.

A fat little sausage from the Stanford Mall.

Cat, you're so mean.

No, I'm not. It's funny and you laughed.

So nothing is mean if you laugh, and you laughed.

If you didn't laugh, then you can say I was mean.

That's the rule.

Whatever. You should try this on instead.

It's... very sexy. I'd totally make out with you on the lot.

What? Who's making out with who?

I don't know, Tats. His last collection was just so sexless.

I'm gonna go to Paris anyways.

Hold on a sec. Girls... I have to run out for an hour, so... you know, I wish I could stay and help you with your photo sh**t.

You seem to be doing a foolish job without me.

I'll pick up pizza on the way home, okay? Extra cheese?

Mom, can you just pick up some Skinny Pop instead?

We're on a diet. No carbs, no gluten, no dairy.

Dairy makes everyone have halitosis.

No way. Tats, does dairy give you bad breath?

Only if you're lactose intolerant, I think.

Oh, you guys look so beautiful.

Stunning. Send me some of the photos you're taking, I want to put it in my album...

Mom, this is just embarrassing. Why?

They're already on here.

Okay, sorry, I don't know these things. Well, you should.

I miss dressing up. Old days of all the excitement of getting ready.

Just remember, girls, getting ready is the best part.

It's more fun than any party you'll ever gonna go to.

Enjoy yourselves now while you're young.

Doesn't last long. I have a surprise for you. Ready?

Oh, my God, this one looks so good. Play nice.

Guys, guys, please. This is huge.


Oh, my God! This is amazing! Guys!

Guy! I'm married.

How are we gonna get one of these diamonds?

Almost, guys, almost.

Sam... you're not a princess.

What are you doing?

Oh, my God! Are you crazy? Delusion, obviously.

Come on, we all know you don't live in Greenwich.

You're the only scholarship kid our school has ever had.

Whatever, you guys have been all wrong.

I don't know what Cat's been telling you.

What are you saying about me, b*tches?

Stop it, Cat.

Don't point a g*n at me. That's messed up.

If it isn't real, then what's the problem?

Cat, put it down. You look stupid.


What? You wanna kiss me, you lesbo?

Who's getting burned now? Are you scared?

Take a pic of me with it.

Let me in! I gotta release the beast.

One second!

It's all yours. You're free to go barf now.

What do I look like... You always run the faucet.

Now, do you prefer I don't run the faucet so everyone can hear me taking a dump?

Georgie, maybe you should quit gymnastics before you start to look like a tr*nny.

I haven't been doing gymnastics for, like, a year.

That's obvious.

Maybe you should try power Pilates for core fusion.

Ava, you're such a tard! At this point Georgie's way past Pilates.

Georgie, I play soccer and it's really fun.

I bet you'd be good at it.

I would pay money to see that.

You guys have been really harsh. I do exercise, okay?

I walk to school every day and I walk home.

You don't wanna strain yourself.

Yes, seriously, Georgie you may pull a muscle or you may twist an ankle.

I'm gonna start taking dance again this spring. Jazz and tap.

It's too cold to move in the winter.

Georgie, you're really funny. Yeah, exactly. That's what fat people do.

They make us laugh.

Georgie, I think it's really positive that you're going to start dancing again.

What about also including SoulCycle in addition to the more gentle dance classes?

It would be amazing for you.

Georgie is not doing SoulCycle... ever.

Seriously, maybe it's the time to start investigating lipo.

My dad could give you a good deal.

Your butt looks huge! Stop!

That is the first place you should lipo.

And then you can save it for when you get older and then, hopefully, you can inject it and improve your ugly face.

I mean, you are a plastic surgeon's wet dream.

I mean, look at it. There's so much jiggly fat.

How can you be this fat at only 12? I mean, where is this heading?

I'd cry too if I were you.

No, actually, I would just k*ll myself... Cat, that's too far. Cut it out.

Georgie, you should just k*ll...

You stop bullying Georgie. You're being horrible!

Are you kidding me?

You were just bullying her and telling her she had to go to SoulCycle!

Seriously, Sophia, you are the biggest fool.

You were also mean to me when my mom died.

You really need to get over that.

Really? Get over it?

I'd like to see you get over something like that.

Cat, enough! Get out!

What are you talking about? That's it, I've had it! You have to go!

I called your car!

Are you showing off for your new friend?

I'm gonna call my mom and get us a ride home.

No, I invited you.

Anyway, Georgie, you're such a poser!

All you do is eat. That's why Sophia keeps you around.

Next to you, she'll always look skinnier and prettier.

What did you just say?

Cat, really? Enough! Get out!

You're seriously kicking me out?

I'm sorry! We always say this stupid stuff to each other.

I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Georgie, I swear.

We'll see you tomorrow, okay? No.

Listen, Cat! No.

If I forgive you right away, you will never stop!

Sophia, please let Cat stay. We were all just having fun.

Fine. If Cat goes, I go too.

No, you stay. Don't you want to?

Cat, you have to go!

Please leave when your host asks you politely.

Please don't do this. I'm so sorry. You don't understand.

I don't have anywhere to go!

Are you coming?

Forget it! Just forget it!

Guys, let's go touch all the art.

Oh, my God!

I hate them!

I hate you, I hate you!

I hate you! I hate you!

Oh, pick up.

Hi, this is Dr. White, if this is an emergency please hang up and dial...

Mom would never screen my call!

You never ever pick up! It's not fair!

The girls were really mean to me.

They kicked me out of the house.

Dad, I'm alone. I needed you to come get me.

I don't know what to do.

I can't even see right now!

I can't take it anymore! I swear I can't!

Dad, I'm scared.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry!

We could do it during the best time ever.

I need to post this.

Oh, my God. Sam, that's, like, the best picture.

Can you take a pic of me like that? Look at how many likes for that.

I'm gonna k*ll her. See, look.

That's so sick.

No matter what now, I'm always gonna be the fat tr*nny bitch.

I could look as skinny as Sophia's mom.

And when anyone looks me up, they're gonna see this picture.

No matter what I do, I will always be the fat girl.

Any boy who likes me is gonna look me up and see this.

Georgie, she might have used a fat-ass, okay?

My life is over. I hate this, it's not fair.

It's okay.

Stop eating.

I can't stop.

It's the only thing that makes me feel better.

And it's really horrible, you guys.

I can't stop eating. Yes, yes, you can.

What are you doing? Georgie, we are trying to help you.

I think you just have to go cold turkey. Just don't eat.

It doesn't make you feel good.

Why don't you look in the mirror and say the same thing to yourself?

Come on, we all have something we do to get through the day, okay? Being 12 sucks.

Let's not make it any worse.

And just be nice, we don't wanna be like Cat.

I'm going to stitch her mouth shut and cut off her fingers so she can't do this to anyone else.

Let's just enjoy the fact that she's not here, okay?

Just enjoy the sounds like De... Depeche Modes.

Mode, you moron.

Can't you just stop looking at that? Maybe turn it off for a while?

Put it down. Can't you do that?

That's impossible! No one can do that.

Okay. Okay, I have an idea.

I dare us all... to lock up our phone in the safe until Sophia's mom gets home.

This way I'll stop looking at my phone and this horrible picture.

You know what, Georgie? I actually agree with you for once.

Yeah, then we can hangout with each other. We won't be on our phones all the time.

Oh, God! Like, lock up our phones for real?


I just... I think that's not safe.

You guys just moved in and you don't have a landline yet, right?

No one has a landline anymore.

I can't lock my phone in the safe. My mom might call...

Your mom is not calling you! She knows you're here.

She knows you're fine, so come on.

Don't be such a p*ssy, and put your phone in the safe so Georgie doesn't have to be cyberbullied anymore.

Okay, I have an idea. I dare us all...

Your mom is not calling you! She knows you're here.

She knows you're fine, so come on.

You know where you threw that?


So weird.

I wanna go home.

You guys want a drink? Yes!

Okay, guys. Party time!

Calm yourself, Georgie.


Straight vodka.

Ready? Ready?


Guys, why don't we just dance instead? Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's dance.

Let's dance with our drinks, guys.


Sam, are you okay?

I'm good, I'm great. Sam, Sam, Sam.

Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie. You're being weird.

Sweetie. Wait. Let's just watch her first.

You're gonna go fly away? Fly away, birdie!


Oh, chicken. Chick, chick, chick.

Francesca, go ahead.

The thing that you just did? Sure, just dance.

Honey, honey.

I do not. You look like a pirate.

I don't say that. Quiet.

You have to express yourself.

Express yourself, Ava.

Express yourself.

Wait, guys, I speak bird.

Can you open him? Sure. Yeah.

Come here.

Rio. Rio, be good.

Put it back.

Guys, I think that's enough for now, okay?

We can talk to him later. Okay?

I'm gonna marry the bird. Mommy loves you.

Sophia, this is awesome! This is so cool.

Is this a movie?

It's one of the, like, movies my mom just had.

I have no idea what it is.

So what do you want to do?

Well, there's nothing to do without our phones, so...

I mean, I would say, we could look it up but we don't have our phones to look it up.

Let's tell secrets. Yeah. Like an honesty game.

Let's be honest about everything.

Okay. How about... when did you get your period?

I got mine last year at summer camp.

It was so weird.

We were in the courts and suddenly there was all of this blood in my white skirt.

And when I went to reach down to fix it it got all over my hand... and the girls called me Bloody Mary.

But when I got home, my mom... got really mad... and she told me that I got my period too early and that I need to stop eating chicken.

But I don't eat chicken.

I'm vegan.

I mean, how does she not know that?

My mom too, she keeps trying to help... but all she does is tell me everything I'm doing wrong.

All the time.

Wrong for who?

For her?

I hate my mom.

My parents were fighting, like... all the time.

I was going to run away.

I mean, I can model in Paris at 13.

Did you know you can even get married there legally at 15?

I was gonna sell some of my mom's jewelry.

It's not like she would even notice. All she does is shop.

And then she goes to these lame meetings.

She's not even really sober, so I don't get it.

So why even go?

It's like she's a bad joke.

Why can't they just be normal parents?

At least you see them.

My parents don't even know I exist anymore.

And they work all the time.

I'm always alone.

I hate being alone.

When they are home, they're on their phones.

So I don't even know why they bother.

They're like... real-life zombies.

I hate them.

Okay, now something happy, please.

I kissed Christopher.

Oh, my God. It was weird.

I mean, the kiss was not weird.

His tongue in my mouth was.

I know.

The first time is kind of freaky.

Yeah. Didn't know what he was doing.

He probably didn't either. I know, right?

It felt like... he was cleaning my teeth.

It was so gross.

What about you, Sam?

I've done more than that.

What do you mean?

I... you know, did it.

I hate my mom.

I kissed Christopher.

And a 1 and a 2. And a 1, 2, 3, 4.

Come on, Sam, it's so nice.

I'm just a little cold. I'm okay.

Come on, come in.

I'm fine.

What happened?

It was really bad at my last school.

All my friends turned on me.

It was just really bad, okay?

I don't wanna talk about it.

Let's just turn some music on.

It's too quiet. It's creepy.

Who is that?

Who else knows your code?

Where's Cat? Where?


Where is she? She left.

When? How long ago?

Half an hour ago. Cat!

They kicked me out of the house.

I can't even see right now.

I can't take it anymore! I swear I can't!

Dad, I'm scared.

Why is my daughter crying?

She's hysterical! Nothing happened, Dr. White, okay?

Cat wanted to leave. Where's your mother?

I need to speak to your mother about the bullying that my daughter has been subjected to here tonight.

She's a bully. She made me cry. She told me to k*ll myself!

It's good advice. Cat!

Cat, come on, where are you? Cat? Cat?

Cat? Cat?


I don't know who the f*ck to believe right now, okay, until we find Cat.

I can't f*cking go through this again. Did she leave with Bennet?

No, no, no. We don't know a Bennet!

I know she's here!

Are you perhaps covering up for her maybe?

Maybe you did sort of a... a secret swear?

Pinky... pinky swear kind of thing?

No. No.

Come here. Come here.

Come here.

Did she leave with Bennett? No.

No? You sure? You sure?




Cat, I won't be angry.

You're not in trouble, Cat.

You been drinking? Have you been drinking?

No. No. Yes, you have been drinking.

Leave us alone. You've been drinking? Haven't you?

You've been drinking. Haven't you? Have you been drinking?

No. You're 12!

You've been drinking, all of you!

A bunch of 12 year olds drinking.

Dr. White, it was my mother.

f*cking believe anything you say?

You're all drunk!

I mean, something could have happened to her!

Why would you let her leave?

Why didn't anyone call me?

I could've come and picked her up!

All you care about is yourselves, right?

It's... it's easier that way, right? It's f*cking easier that way!

Do you give a shit about anybody, do you?

Do you care about anyone?

Really, swear, she went home.

Are you an idiot?

She didn't go home. I was just there. What part of that do you not understand?

You're smiling. Why are you smiling? I'm not smiling.

Why are you smiling? Where is she? I'm not...

Little b*tches are capable of anything.

Do you remember what you did to her last time? I should've pressed charges.

We're sorry, okay?

You know, you should all be institutionalized.

I'll go look for her.

It's so sick. It's just so sick.

You know, really when you think about it it's pretty sick, isn't it?

The only way to get to you guys...

The only way to get to your little demented squirrelled up little heads...

The only way to scare your selfish spoiled and corrupt minds is to scare the shit out of you.

Little stunted brains.

Get back here!

Get back here!

Now it's just us, right?

Why don't we just talk about things, okay? Why don't we just talk about this calmly?

You put that knife down and leave this instant!

I'm gonna call the police. This is crazy. You can't treat us this way!

And if you think my mother isn't going to have my back, you're wrong.

You messed her tits up and she's pissed.


Come back.

Your dad's freaking out.

You're all damaged, damaged goods.

Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me.

If my daughter doesn't call me within the hour I'm gonna call the police.

And you all are gonna be charged as adults.

Do you understand? Do you?

Do you understand?

He's such a creep.

God, how creepy is Whitey.

I can't believe your mom really hit that shit.

What kind of father follows their own daughter online?

One that r*pes her.

Did you guys hear what he just said?

Charged as adults. Where is Cat?

Is she hurt and... why didn't her weird dad call the police?

He's so rich. He doesn't have to call the police. He owns the police.

If he's so rich, why does he dress like that?

He looks like Hitler.

Your mom slept with Hitler.

Your mom slept with Hitler. Stop it, guys. It's not funny, okay?

Not funny. Not the right time, you got it?

Not the right time. Oh, my God, you guys.

I just saw a car in the woods and the windows are all bloody.

I don't know what to do. It's a red Ferrari.

That's my dad's car. You're lying again!

I'm not lying! You're acting like you're a liar, okay?

And your stories are pathetic!

You're f*cked up, Sam.

You lied about where you live, you lied about being a princess and you lied about having sex.

You're seriously mental. Are you, like, not taking your meds?

That's it. You have to go. Now!

Where the f*ck is Ava?

I don't know. Who knows? Who cares?

Your mom slept with Hitler.

I don't really know...

Slept with Hitler. Hitler!

For the last time, it's not funny! With Hitler.

Your mom slept with Hitler. Your mom slept with Hitler.

Where are you going?

To get away from you guys. You guys are assholes.

I can't believe you're saying this stuff about me and in my own house about my mother.

Whatever. I'm gonna go find Cat.

And if she isn't already dead, I'm gonna k*ll her.

You can't leave us here without our phones. Sophia!

Selfish b*tches!

Jesus f*cking Christ, Alex! Jesus...

How did you leave the kids unsupervised like that after what happened last year?

Come on, really? What... what are you doing?

Calm down!

Just take it easy, Michael. Relax, breathe, okay?

They're just 12-year-old girls having some silly melodrama. I'm sure they'll get over it.

Your f*cking... your daughter and her f*cked up friends have kicked Catherine out of the house. That's what's going on now, okay?

Now I can't find her anywhere!

She's not at my house, she's not at yours and I'm concerned!

Calm down! I'm sure Cat is just fine.

Listen to me. I'm taking care of myself right now.

It's just for an hour and a half. The girls are 12. They're almost teenagers.

They're fine home alone for an hour. They're not wild animals.

You're correct, they're not animals. They're f*cking beasts, okay?

They have... they've humiliated and bullied Catherine to such a severe degree that I'm gonna press charges against you. You have to let this go, Michael.

Remember the light? Absolute certainty. Jesus Christ.

You can make anything happen. Just be positive. Manifest this.

Your spiritual bullshit is not gonna work now, Alex!

I think that you should come to the meeting with me. Surrender, give yourself over...

This is f*cking insane!

You are much more of a f*cking nightmare than you've ever been.

You've just turned out to be a f*cking... complete useless, f*cking human being!

And if I were you, I would just k*ll myself.

You're a f*cking control freak. You can't handle anything real that happens.

Listen, Michael, I'm gonna go back inside there and take care of myself.

When it's over, I'll go home and try my best to help you find your f*cked up daughter!

Don't you f*cking talk about her that way.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe she's so f*cked up because you are?

If you... if you ever f*cking talk again to me like that I will f*cking k*ll you.

I'm trying to have compassion for you, okay?

For your confusion. 'Cause your daughter's missing.

Your wife is dead. You're taking it out on me.

You're a sick, twisted f*ck!

It's not real. It's not real. It wasn't real. It wasn't... it wasn't real.

Okay. I'm... I'm at the sink.

The faucet is silver. The floor is blue tile.

I... I am safe... and nothing is wrong.

I'm in Connecticut... at Sophia Cox's house.

I don't know why.

I don't know why.

It wasn't real. It wasn't real. It's not real.

It's not real.

It's not real. None of it is real.

I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to freak everyone out. I just... thought I saw something.

What if that crazy story is true and that artist's ghost is still out there?

Should someone go with Sophia? No, it's not our fault.

I don't really feel like I have to go find a freak.

I personally don't care what happens.

All you care about is eating cake.

Why don't you eat once in a while and stop worrying about what I do?

And what is that supposed to mean? Nothing. Cupcake?

So why did you lie, Sam?

About what? About having sex.

Why would I lie about something like that?

'Cause you're just doing it to get attention.

Georgie, chill out. Eat another cupcake.

What are you talking about? I wouldn't lie like that.

Well, it's just that when I look at you...

I just don't believe it.

What else are you lying about?

Cat, you gotta pick up. You sent me a text message saying you were lost!

Well, I'm here now! We can't do this, right? You remember, honey? Remember?

We're not gonna do this again to each other. You're not gonna put me through this.

Dr. Hutchins said we can work this out together.

This is what we're gonna do. Work it out together, okay? Honey, I can't do this.

We gotta do this together, alright? We gotta do this together, okay?

Okay, just me and you. We're a team. Cat, g*dd*mn it, call me!

You have to. You have to. You have to.


Cat! Cat!

Kitty, kitty Cat!

Come on, I got some soup and a sandwich for ya.

We'll go to Peterson's, come on! Hey, I'm right here!

Come on, b*tches! Come on down here!

We're gonna build a trap.

We're gonna build a trap.

I'm gonna trap you like a f*cking animal. You're a f*cking bitch.

I'm just gonna get you right in here.

You act like an animal, I should treat you like a f*cking animal. Cat, honey, over here!

Come here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

You can't f*cking do this to me. You invite your little f*cking friends over.

You have a nice reunion.






No! No!

Great. What is it now?

It's Harry. Answer it.

No. Alex, answer it.

Take control, okay? It's your life. It's not his life.

Pick it up. Okay.

Listen, Harry, I don't care that you're f*cking your art advisor.

I do care that you're calling me right after.

I don't wanna hear from you ever again, do you understand me? I'm through with you!





I mean, don't you feel strong?

Turn it off now.

Let's go. Amen.

Hi, this is Alex. Leave a message. Mom?


Mom, Dad's dead.

Dr. White.

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry, Daddy.

I wish you weren't here.

None of this would be happening if you weren't here.

We would just be having fun.

Really? Have you ever had real fun?

I'm out of here.

Whatever. She's tripping out for no reason.

You know what my gut is saying? No.

It's saying another cupcake.

Isn't that your third one?

You can count.

Did you just hear that? Hear what?

It sounded like somebody screamed. Is it coming from the basement?

Oh, this is all tripping me out now.

I'm sorry. What?

I just farted. Cream cheese frosting does that.

Not only are you mean, you're truly disgusting.

This is Dr. White's phone.


Oh, my God.

This... this is sick.

Oh, no.

Please, please stop. Please, please stop!


Please, please stop! Please, please stop!

Please, stop, please!

Please, stop, please!

Help me! Please stop. Please!

Please stop! Please...

It's dead. It's dead!

It's me. We have to be really quiet.

My dad is dead. Ava is dead.

We have to get help right now and call the police.

What happened to you? I got att*cked.

I don't know who it was. I couldn't see it. We need a phone, Sophia.

You have to run to the neighbor's and get help. You can run faster than me.

I have to go inside and call the police.

The key. The key to the safe, we threw it in the pool.

Go get help! I'm gonna get the police.

I'm sorry if I don't find comfort in eating five cupcakes.

You should and there's only 4 by the way.

You're such a fat, mean pig!

What did you just say? Nothing you haven't heard before.

Then say it to my face! Say what?

Come on, say it!

You're a fat, mean pig!

I knew it, skinny, d*ke bitch.

Get off of me!


Stop! I've had it with you!

I'm out of here!

Where are you going? Please don't leave.

What's out there, it is a lot better than staying in here and watch you stuff your fat face!

Please don't leave me here alone.

Please. I'm a fat, mean pig.

I'm a fat, mean pig and that's all I am.

Oh, God. Oh, God. I can do this.

Stop! Help, please. Stop!

Please. Please. Forget it!

Don't! Stop! Stop!


This is bullshit. I'm never sleeping over here again.

Come on. Come on!

Come on!



No! Get away!

No! No!

Help me! Help me!

Somebody, please help me!

Help me, please!

Somebody, help me! Help me, please!

Please, somebody, help!

Help! Help! Help! Help!

Help me, please!

Please. Help!

Help me! Help me!

Help me!

Please, please, please!

Somebody, help me!



Oh, no.

Hey! What's going on?

What happened? Let me go.


Just calm down. Tell me what happened.


Someone call an ambulance. There are some kids down here.

It's Cat.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was watching the whole time.

She's very, very sick but I didn't think she'd hurt anyone.


It wasn't him. It was Cat.

It's never gonna be okay ever again.

Oh, God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change the courage to change things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Serenity to accept the things that I cannot change.

Courage to change the things I can...

Put the g*n down or I'm gonna sh**t you.

Do it.

I want it to be over.






The tragedy is now online for the world to see.

The horrific images were splashed across social media.

The images were followed and liked by millions of people who stood by and did nothing.

Mommy, you said you'll play with me.

Honey, honey... Please...

Honey, honey, mommy needs adult time, okay? Can you go play...

...were trying to prove their allegiance to a fictional online character.

...how dangerous the social media... It's a tragedy that has shocked this town.


This life is over. Our pain is over...

And I'll have the best avatar with the most likes.

And I'll have the top score and I'll be the top player.

And I'll be remembered forever.
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