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04x06 - The Marked

Posted: 10/27/20 13:03
by bunniefuu
The world will have to deal with us.

Previously on The 4400: You are the alternative we need to Collier and his promicin-pushing radicals.

Does that mean you'll run for city council?

That means I'm gonna run and I'm gonna win.

I intend on attacking you until the day of the election.

There are a lot of people out there that are afraid of what you represent.

I have my eye on something greater than just city council.

- You hate all the 4400.

- So what if I do?

I have a reason to believe that you're capable of terrible things and that you have an evil living inside of you.

I'm supposed to eliminate the 4400.

All this talk of a catastrophe the 4400 are supposed to prevent?

- It's lies.

- So you keep telling me.

Everything in that book is going to come true.

Collier will lead the human race to salvation.

You will help him.

I found the guy for the job.

His name's Robert Shaftoe.


Deadeye sn*per.

He did some work for our organisation out of Kansas City.

If you want someone k*lled until they're completely dead, then Shaftoe's your man.

Sounds good.

Bring him in.

Are you sure you wanna go through with this?

Because once I bring Shaftoe through that door, there's no going back.

The target is a dead man.

- Completely.

- Oh, my God.

Come on.

The acting, the dialog, this is horrendous.

- Marco, why are we watching this?

- Okay, the best part's coming up.

The assignment is dangerous.

In fact, it might be the most dangerous assignment you've ever been assigned.

But if you succeed, the danger will be worth it.

And the rewards?

They will be worth the danger.

Danger is my business.

Consider the target dead.

Completely dead.

That's our guy.

That's Curtis Peck.

He's an original-recipe 4400?


He's our favourite original-recipe 4400.

Before he disappeared, Curtis wrote, directed and starred in horror movies.

Real low-budget stuff.

Yeah, the sets were mostly in his house.

The actors?

Yeah, pretty much just his friends and family.


I never would've guessed.

After he came back, Curtis kept an making movies but he shifted genres.

Each one of his movies is about an unsolved mystery.

He did one about Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance.

He filmed a costume drama in his backyard about the lost colonies at Roanoke.

You just saw his take on JFK's assassination.

That's great, Marco.

I'm glad this guy has a hobby.

It's not just a hobby.

Some people think that making these films - is Curtis' 4400 ability.

- Come on, guys.

You're not telling us that that movie tells us what really happened to President Kennedy?

Look, there's no way to know for sure.

But I mean, there really is an ex-Marine named Robert Shaftoe and he really was in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963.

You can't prove Curtis is right but you also can't deny that his theories are compelling.

Some people wanna think everything is a conspiracy and this guy is really appealing to them.

But we've got a lot of stuff on our plate and we just don't have time to look into something that might be a 4400 ability.

I don't think I could sit through another of those.

Whoa, whoa, look.

We didn't ask you down here to tell you about his ability.

Curtis disappeared.

Nobody can find him.

About ten days ago, he stopped posting on his MySpace page.

We noticed, so we tried to get in touch with him.

He's not picking up the phone.

He's not answering e-mails.

I know.

I know.

No big deal, right?

I mean, I wasn't really worried until he missed his last NTAC check-in.

Curtis Peck has dropped off the map.

Somebody should look into it.

- What is this place?

- Don't know.

Cassie just said we should come here.

I think it's an old b*mb shelter.

We should be safe here.

It doesn't look like anyone's been here in years.

I don't understand why we came to Seattle.

We just led a hundred people into a city where everyone's looking for us.

Nobody has a place to stay.

Nobody knows what to do next.

Are you telling me this is the answer?

- This place is a mess.

- We'll repair it.

Thank you for finding this for us.

You have a truly extraordinary ability.

Get everyone settled in.

This place is perfect.

We begin here.

How much you wanna bet we're about to wake up a man with a crushing hangover?


Curtis Peck?

Curtis Peck?

Oh, my.

You think someone broke into the place?


Or else this guy's as bad at housekeeping as he is at making movies.

It doesn't look like anything's missing.

His video equipment is here.


Are you looking for Curtis?

Yes, we are.

We're from NTAC.

- Do you know him?

- Of course.

I'm Neal Handler.

I live around back.

I'm Curtis' neighbour.

- Okay.

- And his collaborator.

I'm proud to say I've been in more of his movies than anyone else.

- Yeah.


We've seen your work.

- Thank you.

I haven't seen Curtis in a few days.

Is he all right?

Well, that's what we're trying to find out.

Do you know if Curtis had any enemies?

Or anyone who might wanna break into his house?


Take your pick.

The CIA.

The Mafia.

The Freemasons.

Curtis exposed a lot of people.

So you believe his movies are real?

Of course.

That's why they brought him back in a ball of light.

To tell the truth to a reluctant world.

I'll tell you what, though, if someone did toss this place, I can guarantee you they didn't find what they were looking for.

Curtis has a secret hiding place.

He keeps his journal in there.

All his script notes.

Could you show it to us?

We just wanna help out your friend, that's all.

We really like his movies too.

I mean, we just saw the one on JFK and it was good.

You were really good.


Curtis uses those for inspiration.

If you're watching this, then that means I'm in trouble.

Deep trouble.

Don't believe anything you hear about a car accident or a su1c1de.

If I'm gone, it's because they came after me.

I have an idea for a new movie.

It's big.

It's so big it's gonna change everything if!

get to make it.

And that's what they're scared of.

That's them.

They're here now.

You need to know, Jordan Collier, the 4400, they're not the ones you should be scared of.

There's something else out there.

There's something worse.

It's much worse.

They're coming for me now.

Consider the target dead.

Completely dead.

According to Curtis, Jimmy Hoffa is buried in the Florida Everglades.

If you believe that, you should read this.

I ran a background check on Curtis.

He owes money to credit card companies, the IRS.

He's three years behind on his alimony payments.

I talked to his ex-wife.

She moved to Wisconsin just to get away from Curtis.

She hasn't heard from him in nine months.

Look, if anybody's coming after this guy, it should be creditors or movie critics.

But he has almost six figures of outstanding debt.

Isn't it possible he just skipped town?

I don't know.

He looked genuinely scared at the end of that video.

And I don't think Curtis is a good enough actor to fake that.

Besides, if making movies is really his 4400 ability, aren't you even just a little bit curious?

Don't you wanna know what's bigger than Jordan Collier?

Until we have some evidence that tells me this guy's legit, all I wanna do is make sure he's okay.

Look at the credits.

Ever since Curtis got back, his movies have been produced by a guy called Stuart Henley.

I checked him out.

He's a retired lawyer.

He lives nearby.

Maybe he knows something about Curtis' latest movie idea.

It's worth a shot.

Very least, I'd like to look into the eyes of the man who put up good money to pay for I Dismembered Jimmy Hoffa.

Don't think my announcement I intend to run for mayor will mean I'll be spending less time monitoring Shawn Farrell's candidacy.

If anything, I think that the mayor's office would allow me a stronger platform...

Mr. Farrell, this just came by messenger.

Thank you.


We're gonna be working together every day.

Call me Shawn.

- Okay.

- Okay?


Hey, Shawn.

It's Kyle.


Where are you?

I've been worried about you.

I'm fine, man.

I'm better than fine, actually.

I'm as good as I've been in a long time.

Did you get the package?

- You sent this?

- We did.

Look, it's really important, man.

You need to read the whole thing before your meeting.

What meeting, Kyle?

Jordan's nearby.

He wants to see you.

You're with Jordan?

What does he wanna see me about?

Look, it's important, okay?

Call me on this number after you finish the book.

We'll send someone to come get you.

Mr. Henley?

I can hear a radio playing inside and I swear I heard someone moving around.

Mr. Henley?

He's back here.







- Wait, hey.

- I promise.

I won't tell anybody.

- Don't k*ll me.

- Just relax.

- Nobody's going to k*ll you.

- We're from NTAC.

We're just trying to locate Curtis Peck.

- You won't find him.

They got to him.

- Who are they?

Why did you run from us?

What are you scared of?

The people from Curtis' movie.

- The Marked.

- That's the name of his movie?

Can you tell us about it?

Well, about a month ago, he came to me, said he had an idea for a new movie called The Marked.

He said it was his biggest film yet.

I was fascinated.

So I asked him to make me a short trailer.

I like to see what the movie's about before I write a cheque.

Well, he gave me the trailer about two weeks ago.

Do you still have a copy?


And you're more than welcome to it because if what Curtis is saying is true, then I wish to God I had never watched it.

This is the world.

Look familiar?

It should.

And it shouldn't.

We all know it changed forever when the 4400 came back.

Their mission?

They were sent back by the future to stop a catastrophe.

But not everyone from the future thought they were a good thing.

There's a faction of elites who want the future to stay exactly as it is.

Call them...

the Marked.

Ten agents from the future inserted into the bodies often prominent people from today.

Their bodies and minds have been h*jacked to pursue the agenda of the future.

Their goal?

To guide world events and to stop the 4400.

The only evidence they exist: a mark behind their left earlobe, the remnant of the procedure that grafted a new consciousness onto their victims.

My movie, The Marked, will tell the chilling tale of this global conspiracy.

It will name names, starting with the appearance of the first Marked, a man named Matthew Ross.

Matthew Ross was a lobbyist with access to Jordan Collier.

After he was marked, his job was to guide the Marked's ultimate w*apon, Isabelle Tyler, into accepting her role as the agent of the 4400's destruction.

Isabelle, I told you.

You have to accept your role as the agent of the 4400's destruction.

But everything did not go according to plan.

I don't think so, Matthew.

Today's graduation day.

And you're my diploma.

But the Marked did not accept defeat lying down.

They continue to plan.

They have their greedy fingers on the marionette strings of the world.

And we, their puppets, don't even know it.

The group gathered for the first time at the behest of Drew Imroth.

That's right.

The CEO of the biggest software company in the world.

- One of the Marked.

- I know it's dangerous for us all to meet like this.

But the information I have is important.

Very, very important.

It better be important, Mr. Imroth.

It's Easter.

Do you know how hard it is to get away from the Vatican at Easter?

Take it down a notch, Your Eminence.

I have big news.

Jordan Collier back.

And we need to stop him.

Completely stop him.

The Marked.

A direct-market thriller available in all territories in 2008.

I am so buying that movie.

So either that's the ramblings of a madman or Curtis Peck has just exposed the biggest conspiracy of all time.

Yeah, according to that movie, Matthew Ross was one of these guys, the Marked.

And Isabelle Tyler k*lled him.

And we always wondered if that were true.

What about Imroth?

The CEO of Ubient Software is supposed to be some double agent from the future?

Everyone always says that company is trying to take over the world.

- Now we know.

- The only thing we know for sure is that Curtis Peck is a horrible, horrible filmmaker.

Though I do have to admit there are a bunch of questions I'd like to ask him.

But since he's in the wind, I guess we'll have to settle for his producer.

Get Stuart Henley in here.

Mr. Henley, it's Diana Skouris from NTAC.

We need to talk.

Can you open up?


This smells like exhaust.

Stand back.

No big surprise in the coroner's preliminary report.

Stuart Henley died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

There's no su1c1de note but there's no sign of foul play, either.

So do you really think he committed su1c1de?

Henley was an odd guy.

I mean, he'd have to be to pay for Curtis' movies.

So I guess it's possible.

But I don't know, the timing seems off.

Why would he commit su1c1de right after NTAC got in touch with him?

So, what then?

ex*cuted by the Marked?

I'm not ready to go there yet.

Yeah, me neither.

But I've got a lot of questions.

You know Drew “moth is in that movie.

Ubient's based in Seattle.

Maybe we can get in and see him tomorrow morning.

And ask him what exactly?

Oh, I got it.

Excuse me, when you're not running the biggest computer company in the world, are you by any chance involved in an enormous intercontinental conspiracy?



Or maybe we can just ask him whether Curtis Peck ever tried to get in touch with him.

- Sounds good.

See you tomorrow.

- Okay.


- What, you're not going home?

- No, not for a while.

Meghan asked me to put all this in an e-mail.

I told her I'd get it off to her tonight.

- Want a hand?

- No, I got it.

Go ahead.

Spend time with your daughter while she's still awake.

- Thanks.

- Good night.


We appreciate you taking the time 10 meet with us, Mr. “moth.

Really not a problem.

I'm a huge supporter of NTAC.

You guys have tough jobs.

Please have a seat.

I only wish I could be more helpful.

I've never heard of this guy.

You said his name was Curtis Peck?

Yeah, that's right.

He's a 4400 who makes movies.

And you, well, you're a character in his latest film.


Who plays me?

I always hoped it would be Jeff Goldblum.

It's more of a low-budget kind of thing.

What's it about?

Well, it's interesting.

It's creative.

It's a global conspiracy in which agents from the future have taken over the bodies of prominent people from all around the world.

I have to say, I'm the subject of a lot of conspiracy theories but that's the most innovative one I've heard yet.

So are you hereto ask me if it's true?

Because you have to figure I wouldn't tell you even if it was.

No, actually we came to see you because Curtis Peck has gone missing.

There's a chance one of his investors have been m*rder*d.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Should I be worried for my own safety?

No, we don't think so.

But if Curtis should try and get in touch with you or if anyone should ask you about a movie called The Marked, could you get in touch with us?

- Absolutely.

- Thank you.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Actually, this may seem like a really strange request.

Do you think we could take a look behind your left earlobe?

Let me guess.

This has something to do with that movie?

Have at it.

Has that mole always been there?

Ever since I was born.

My dermatologist tells me I have to keep an eye on it.

So give it to me straight.

Does this mean I'm one of then?

What was the name of that movie?

The Marked?

Kyle, what's with all the spy-game stuff here?

Am I really this far outside of the Collier circle of trust?

It's just a precaution.

But I need you to promise me that you're not gonna freak out, okay?

I would just like to take this thing off, please.

Hi, Shawn.

- What the hell is she doing here?

- She's with us.

It's okay.

She just wanted to talk ta you before you saw Jordan.

I'm glad you're awake.

And I'm sorry.

For everything.

I know I was wrong.

And I know what we had wasn't love.

Yeah, you're right.

It wasn't.

I don't expect you to forgive me.

Even But I just needed you to hear it.

Well, there's no one so far gone they can't find their way back to the movement.

Even if I told the world that you were wrong to hand out promicin?

Well, I wasn't surprised they had you speak against me.

Politics is compromise.

That's why I never pursued it myself.

I understand that you are wanting to build a bridge between positives and the rest of the world.

But, Shawn, I'm telling you, events are moving past that.

We have big plans here.

And when we're finished, the 4400 won't need the mainstream.

- The mainstream will come to us.

- Is that what your book told you?

I've read it.

Frankly, it scares me.

Are you gonna tell me you're gonna bring God to the world?

If the word "God" frightens you, substitute "paradise." We're gonna make it happen.

You should be with us.

Yes, but who's in charge of paradise?

How many martyrs will it take to create it?

Jordan, you've done great things for the 4400.

You have done great things for me.

But you are on the wrong path here.

And you've always been rebellious.

But I think you're afraid of change, Shawn.

Or is it just me?

I'm against anyone who wants to accumulate power, that won't tell me exactly what they wanna do with it.

Not just you, anyone.

There's a man by the name of Gabriel Hewitt.

He's running for mayor.

He's dangerous.

Maia Skouris saw him in a vision.

He's in charge of prison camps and they're rounding up 44005.

Even if I wanted to drop out of the race, even if I wanted to join you, I can't because I have to stop him.

Well, it sounds like you have your hands full already.

Good luck in your political career.

I'm sorry.

I don't know, but that birthmark behind Imroth's ear was definitely shaped like an X.

Exactly like the ones in Curtis' movies.

It was weird, yes.

But it could be a coincidence.

We're looking for a paranoid 4400.

That doesn't mean we have to become paranoid ourselves.

Tom, this man is here to see you.

My name's Walt Saperstein.

I'm a psychiatrist at Feeney Memorial.

- Okay.

- I have to bring you to the hospital.

You're being placed under a 72-hour psychiatric hold.



You sent an e-mail last night.

It alleged the most powerful people in the world - are united in some conspiracy.

- Oh, no.

It didn't allege anything.

That's a summary of our work on a case.

Well, nevertheless, someone in Washington read it.

They've reviewed your files.

They're worried you've had a psychotic break.

Shut up.

You sent my e-mail on to D.C.?

I do that every time you open a case.

I'm sorry.

I never would've done it if I knew this was gonna happen.

- Get your hands off me.

- It's only gonna get worse for you if you put up a fight.

It's only temporary.

You need to go with them.

We'll do everything we canto end this quickly.


Well, I don't understand.

What do you mean that no one can get in to see him?

Well, how long is Tom gonna be in isolation?

Okay, forget it.

I'll call back in the morning.

Don't move.

- What are you doing down here?

- Don't sh**t me.

I'm the one you're looking for.


You're alive.

I am.

If you can keep me that way, I'll tell you all about the Marked.

So how did you find me?

I've been in hiding ever since I made that movie trailer.

I knew they'd be coming for me.

My buddy Neal sent me an e-mail after you and your partner came by my house.

He thought I could trust you.

What can you tell me about these people?

Well, not everything.

I haven't finished writing the script.

That's how my ability works.

Ideas just jump into my head while I'm writing but I don't know the whole story until I write the end.

Let's see.

They don't have abilities.

The procedure doesn't work that way.

I do know that all ten of them had a meeting in 2005.

It was the only time they were all together.

It was in Tunis.

It's a city in North Africa.

No other names other than Drew “moth?

Not yet.

That's why I came to you.

I need a safe place where I can write.

You're a fan of my movies.

- Cool.

- Yeah, I've seen them all.

It's a pleasure to have you here.

Yeah, you can work right there if you want to.

Thank you so much, Marco.

I really appreciate this.

We were careful on the way over here.

We weren't followed.

It's okay.

I'll keep him working.

It's been a while since you've seen the inside of my place, huh?

We should make a pot of coffee.

Do you mind staying up with me?

I like to have somebody I can bounce ideas off.


Hey, Joanna, I'm gonna need you to juggle around a couple of my healing appointments for today.

What is it?

Gabriel Hewitt had a stroke last night.

- What?

- It's bad.

I guess he has brain damage.

They're saying he's gonna have to resign his seat on the city council and withdraw from the race for mayor.

I just got off the phone with the hospital.

Tom is fine.

If I keep the pressure on, there's a chance they may end his psych hold a day early.

What are you working on?

Do you want me to tell you, or should I just put it in an e-mail?

That's not fair.

I had nothing to do with what happened.

If I could've stopped it, I would've.

Tom's psych hold had nothing to do with his state of mind.

We were getting close to something and they sent us a warning.


The people from Curtis' movie?

The Marked?

Well, I can't prove that, but I do know that Drew Imroth was in Tunisia of June 2005.

If the Marked ever gathered, that's when it happened.

The same time Wesley Burke was also there.

The political adviser to the president?

What was he doing in Africa while the White House was gearing up for mid-term elections?

I don't know.

But he had company.

That's Cardinal Emmanuel Calabria.

The rumour is he finished third in the last papal election.

This is all interesting but Drew Imroth heads up the world's largest charitable foundation.

He travels to Africa all the time.

And these other guys, well, who knows why they were there.

Well, I'm gonna find out.

And I'm also gonna learn who else was there to play that week.

Let me know if I can help.

The Marked have no way of getting in contact with the future.

It's a one-way ticket.

They're cut off here.

Curtis, that's very interesting, but there are no new names here.

We need some facts and things that we can verify.

They'll come.

I'm on a roll.


Are you okay?

They did something to me, Diana.

- They changed me.

- Just take it easy.

Where are you?

At the hospital.

They just let me out.

Can you come and get me?

Are you sure it wasn't there before?

I'm positive.

They did something to me.

Those people who came into my room, they were dressed for an operation.

They put something into me.


Like another person?

Another consciousness?

Hey, Tom, I don't think it works that way.

Curtis is working on his script right now and according to him, the Marked are cut off from the future.

They can't just make more of them.

Yeah, but one of them's dead.

Matthew Ross.

What if they took whatever was inside of him and put it into me?

No, you can't be sure of that.

Torn, just...

Please just tell me that you're still you.

I think so.

I mean, for now, anyway.

It's crap.

I can't get this scene right.

They're at the meeting in Tunisia.

They're face to face for the first time.

Imroth is introducing them to each other and...

I know what the scene is.

I just can't nail it.

Look, I have to think creatively for my job too.

I mean, I share an office with two of the most annoying guys on the planet.

Believe me, I get stuck all the time.

Know what I do?

I shut my eyes and I think of song lyrics.

Sounds dumb, right?

But I swear it almost always works.

What are you thinking of?

"The Trooper." Iron Maiden.

Hey, whatever gets you going.

Be right back.



Did you do this?

Did you order one of your followers to give Hewitt a stroke?

Have we grown that far apart?

You actually believe I'm capable of that?

I don't know what you're capable of.

All I know is that two days ago, I came and told you that Hewitt was dangerous.

Now he has brain damage and he probably won't have a career.

Then it looks like fate intervened on our behalf.

- You're not answering my question.

- Because I find it offensive.

You're the one who's always saying that we're at w*r.

Why wouldn't Hewitt just be another casualty?

Just like all those people that died taking your shot.

Those people made a choice.

They knew the risks.

- I knew the risks.

- Kyle.

I did not order anyone to attack Gabriel Hewitt.

I don't believe you.

I can't begin to tell you how disappointing that is.

Well, it's true.

That's why I can't follow you anymore.

Did you see the license plate on the car that took him away?

I'm sorry.

What do we do now?

We need to tell Meghan.

Bring the whole building into this.

Hope we find Curtis before the worst happens.


They just told me you were released.

Are you okay?



Pretty much.

We were just coming to see you.

We need to talk to you about Curtis Peck.

He came to me for protection a couple of nights ago.

We tried to keep him safe but we lost him.

And we think the Marked took him.

Guys, Curtis Peck is in the building.

He came in about an hour ago.

He went straight down to NTAC medical for his check-up.

Sorry I had to rush out.

I know this is gonna sound weird but I got a call from this big movie producer who's in town.

He's a big fan of my work.

He offered me a deal to direct a big Hollywood movie.

Don Incubus, Demon P.I.

It's a comic-book adaptation.

It's perfect for me.

I'm in business, guys.

This is what I always wanted.

But, Curtis, what about the conspiracy?

What about The Marked?

You were almost done.

You were just about to tell us all the names.

The names.

Look, there are no names.

Not really.

I made the whole thing up.

I'm putting that project on the shelf.

I couldn't finish it.

They got to you.

They bought you off, huh?

You really believed that stuff, didn't you?

Look, I'm flattered.

But you need to calm down.

There's no such thing as the Marked.

Just like Robert Shaftoe didn't sh**t JFK.

They're just movies.

So I'm sorry I missed my check-ups.

It won't happen again.

Can I leave now?

I gotta pack.

I'm going to Hollywood.

There's nothing unusual there.

I spent all afternoon at NTAC medical.

As far as they can tell, - there's nothing different with me.

- Well, that's good, Tom.

It's all a mind game.

They just want us to back off.

It's not gonna work.

We're gonna find the truth about these people with or without Curtis Peck.

Excuse me.

Agent Baldwin, Agent Skouris.

Sorry for the surprise.

I asked my driver to make a detour.

I can't get that crazy movie idea out of my head.

What was it called?

The Marked?

You know damn well what it was called.

I guess I do.

I keep thinking what it would be like to actually be one of those guys.

Imagine if you were stuck in the past, just cut off from your friends and your family, that'd be quite a sacrifice, wouldn't it?

They sound kind of like heroes to me.

Well, heroes don't have people k*lled.

And they don't consume the personalities - of innocent men and women.

- Well, I don't know what the Marked are up to.

I haven't seen the movie.

You never will know.

No one will.

Maybe it's better that way.

Seems to me their work would be best done in secret.

If they are out there, I would think people like you would consider them, I don't know, allies?

After all, they have the same goal as you, right?

To stop Jordan Collier's global revolution and all the chaos and unrest that it could bring.

I'd just think of them as backup.

Valuable backup.

If... they exist.

That's right.

If they exist.

Anyway, it was good to see you two again.

I have to pick up my wife.

We're being honoured at the World Health Organization tonight.

Those look like x-rays.

Is everything okay with you?

It didn't work.

Whatever you tried to do to me, it didn't take.

I'm still me.

Of course, you're you.

We're all ourselves, aren't we?

I mean, who else would we be?

He made you doubt me, didn't he?

Your cousin, he made you doubt me.

It's just weird timing.

Hewitt's stroke.

If you have something you wanna ask me, Kyle, I'll answer honestly.

Was this you?

Did you have this done?

I did not.

I believe you.

- I'm sorry Shawn didn't.

- I'm sorry too.

Shawn was like a son to me.

And I've lost him.

But I have found you.

Thank you.

Don't thank me.

Just change.

I think we can rest easy.

It's all going to be fine.

Tell the others I went to see the NTAC agents.

Baldwin thinks it's some kind of ploy.

A mind game.

When we need him, he'll be there for us.