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04x04 - The truth and nothing but the truth

Posted: 10/27/20 13:02
by bunniefuu
The world will have to deal with us.

previously on the 4400 ...

[Tom]: who's cassie?

I'm kyle's ability.

[Cassie]: you ever go visit your cousin, shawn?

Maybe someone should try injecting him With a big old dose of promicin.

It's all about to happen.

What's going to happen?

Thumb through the book, if you'd like.

A lot of it is written in a code or something.

Maia, this is my friend, ben.

I've heard a lot about you.

You saw me getting married to my sister's boyfriend?


These sh*ts are free.

Give them to anyone who wants them, But be careful to explain the risks.

There are no guarantees.

There never are.

Is this seat taken?

It is now.

I'm april, by the way.

Peter. Barton.

So, what's good tonight?

I recommend the lemon drop martini.

Bartender, Can I get two more?

Is that okay?

I don't want you to think I'm hitting on you or anything.

So, what do you do, peter?

I'm v.p. Of client relations for anexxo.

We're in the fortune .



Some defense work...

I get it.

You're one of the guys that runs the world.



But I work for those guys.

So, what brings you to seattle?

The company's in the midst of a major project, And they hit a little snag, so I'm here to do some triage.

You're going to save the day?


And how are you going to do that?

I'm gonna bribe someone to look the other way.

I can't believe I just told you that.

Look, do me a favor, forget what I just said.

It's already forgotten.

So, how much money are we talking about?

$ , .

I'm picking it up tomorrow afternoon.

Oh, my god.

I don't know why I'm telling you all this stuff.

Did they put something in this drink?

Who are you anyway?

I'm just a girl you met in a bar.

Don't ask me any more questions, okay?

What room are you in, peter?


What I just told you, Don't repeat it.

It would be bad for you, for me, For everyone-- everyone.

Let me guess.

The truth hurts.

It usually does.

So what do we got?

Cheating husband?

Tax fraud...

Try corporate intrigue.

Try bribery.

Try $ , arriving tomorrow.

Room .


Baby, you're good.



All right, so we'll hit him up for % to keep quiet.

That's , bucks.

Love me?

I do.

And it's not like I can lie to you.

No, you can't.

No one can.


Glad I remembered this place.

I had a lot of fun summers up here when I was a kid.

It's pretty much a ghost town till june, Which is a good thing, Because the whole world's looking for you.

Maybe I should just turn myself in.

Spend the rest of your life in prison?

I don't think so.

It was no coincidence I was there when that van crashed.

I was sent to help you get away.

This is all happening for a reason.

And what would that be?

Truthfully, I'm not sure yet.

Maybe the answers are in here.

I just hope they're not in this code, Or whatever this is.

Do you believe that jordan collier is a messiah?

And that promicin is going to save the world?

Yeah, I do.

Even if that's true, what does it have to do with me?

My abilities are gone.

My body can't tolerate promicin.

I'm the enemy.

I hurt shawn.

I tried to k*ll jordan collier.

I did k*ll jordan.

Believe me.

I know what it feels like to be in prison And think you're never getting out.

To feel you've done things That no one will ever forgive you for.

But no one's so far gone that they can't be forgiven, That they don't have a role to play In this new world of jordan collier's.

I'm meant to be a part of that world.

To help bring it about.

And so are you.



You're a hard woman to find, april.

I've been looking everywhere for you.

Well, you found me, di.

Now what are you gonna do with me?

* So long ago, another life *

♪ I can feel your heart b*at ♪

* It's not a dream remember us *

* I can see it in your eyes *

♪ We'll find our place in time ♪

♪ We'll find our place in time ♪

* Our place in time to call our own *

Well, it wasn't terribly smart Using mom's maiden name On your credit card.

I should have been more creative.

I can only imagine How pissed off you must've been When you'd heard I'd taken the sh*t.

Well, I wasn't terribly happy about it.

You're right.

But you are my sister And I was very worried about you.

Besides, I knew You never would have taken the sh*t If it hadn't been For what happened between ben and me.

Feeling a little guilty, are we?

Well, don't.

You and ben may be why I did it, But taking the sh*t Was the right thing for me to do.

I've got money, clothes, A great guy, colin, who loves me, And a pretty great ability.

How many times a week are you and ben having sex?


Wait, that's not-- That is none of your business.

I know.

And you told me anyway.

That's my ability.

I ask a question, you tell the truth-- Every time.

That's a pretty interesting ability.

It doesn't work on you, does it?

You mean make me tell the truth?

Thankfully, no.

What am I gonna do with you, april?

What am I gonna do with you?

Go back to spain, di.

Any guilt you feel about you and ben...

Consider yourself absolved.

Enjoy your life.

And let me enjoy mine.

That's wonderful, dad.

I'm so glad you're walking better.

I can't wait to see it.

Look, I have to go.

I love you, too.

Garrity said you wanted to see me.


Have you seen the doctor's final report On your nephew's recovery?

Yes, I have.

Well, now so has d.c.

Those high levels of promicin That were found in his system-- People are wondering where they came from.


Beats me.

Come on, tom.

Someone walked into the hospital And gave your nephew a massive dose of promicin.

Your sister and your son Were the only ones with him at the time.

Now I'm willing to dismiss susan As a suspect, But I think you need to have a talk with kyle.

Excuse me?

Mr. Farrell.

Senator lenhoff's here to see you.

Senator lenhoff?

Are you sure?

She's sure.

I'm sure.

And I can see You're beginning to believe it yourself.

Roland lenhoff.

The devil made flesh.

We need to talk.

In private.

Senator, if you're here to try to force me To shut down the center again...

Relax, farrell.

I don't want to shut this place.

Hell, I want you to heal as many people as possible, Which is surprising, I know.

After all, I'm the guy that passed the bill Forcing all you s to register your abilities.


And you were just warming up.

I seem to remember one speech Where you said that if it were up to you, We'd all be living behind barbed wire.

I knew you were going to bring that up.

Have a seat.

Come on, sit down.

I'll admit I have been waging a kind of w*r against you.

Trouble is, I just chaired a committee, Which is about to issue a -page report, Which states, in no uncertain terms, That I'm losing that w*r And you are winning it.

Promicin isn't going away.

Jordan collier made damn sure of that.

Well, if you're here to sign terms of surrender, I could have some drawn up.

Who's talking about surrender?

I fought in 'nam.

I have the medals to prove it.

And last year, I took my wife on vacation to saigon.

I figure if I can make my peace with charlie, I can make my peace with you.

They're holding a special election To fill a vacant seat on the seattle city council.

I want you to run for it.

City council?

Senator, I'm not a politician.

The hell you're not.

You stepped into the spotlight when you reopened this center.

I want you to leverage some of the good work That you've been doing here Into something more.

You're the alternative we need To collier and his promicin-pushing radicals.

You can walk the middle path That will unite both s And non- s.

And this middle path?

You're planning on walking it with me?

Right down the center.

Probably lose any chance of re-election.

My anti- colleagues will see to that.

But it's what the country needs.

What the world needs.

So, what do you say, farrell?

You ready to dance with the devil?

I mean, you should've seen that hotel suite.

It must run at or $ a night.

The dress, the shoes.

Moving around from city to city.

This ability of hers, however she's using it, She's going to get herself into trouble.

What are you smiling about?

Diana, come on, april's alive.

The sh*t didn't k*ll her.

She's not even living on the street.

She's even involved with a guy.

This is a win.

It just doesn't feel like a win.

She's going to screw up.

Ntac are going to get a hold of her, And then what?

Diana, look.

Listen to me.

Come here for a second.

You traveled , miles to find your sister, right?

You offered her help.

She refused.

It's over.

And now we can move back to spain.

I guess we can.

You guess?

No, I mean-- I mean, we will.

It will take a little time.

I mean, the whole work thing.

Come on, diana, it's not that complicated.

All you got to do is go in there And just turn in your g*n and badge, And we're on a plane by tomorrow.

I can't just do that.

Not to tom, to meghan.

You just give me a week or so and then we're out of here.

We'll tell maia tonight?


As soon as we get home.

You're sure you don't want me to go with you?

Nah, you'd just freak the guy out.

Barton knows you put some kind of whammy on him, right?


Ûêâ Ä㻹ôúïëäã½ã½ãµäêâ?

Îòö»êçîþ·¨ïàðåëýç§ðáíò¿àà´õòîò I didn't think she cared enough.

April, she's a judgmental bitch and I say good riddance.

All right?

Besides, you don't need her anymore.

You got me.



So what do you say we meet in the bar A little after : for a celebratory cocktail?



Hey, where are we off to next?

I figured we'd go crash with my brother in south beach.

He just moved there from phoenix.

Jeff says there's money to be made in miami.

People there are holding onto All kinds of dirty little secrets.

Dirty little secrets.


Got a minute, buddy?

Not really.

I'm just-- I'm meeting some friends.

It's about shawn.

What about him?

The way he woke up from his coma with all that promicin in him.

People are starting to wonder If you had something to do with it.

By people, do you mean ntac?

What exactly are you accusing me of, dad?

I'm not accusing you of anything.

I'm asking you.

The day at the hospital, Did you give your cousin a sh*t of promicin?

No, I didn't.

Kyle, listen to me.

If you're involved in something.

In what?

I don't know.

Last few nights, You haven't come home till morning.

Dad, I'm years old.

And I know that.

Kyle, if you're holding anything back, Please, tell me now.

I got nothing to say.

Except I'm glad shawn's up and about.

For all I know, Whatever isabelle zapped him with, It wore off.

Or not.

I guess we'll never know the truth, will we?

We all got to get used to that.

Can I go now?

Kyle-- this is colin. leave a message. Colin?


It's colin!

He's been sh*t!

There was so much blood.

Maia, will you go to bed now, please, sweetie?

Help me, di.

Please, help me.

April, did you honestly believe that this guy, barton, Was just gonna hand you over $ , ?

Seemed like such an easy mark and it's always worked before.

Oh, my god, So that's how you've been using your ability?

To blackmail people.

Oh, god.

Don't start lecturing me on right and wrong.

No, it's a little late for that.


It is.

So save your breath.

All right, ladies.

Let's just calm down.

Let's just stay calm, okay?

Focus on what's important right now.


He did it, right?

He k*lled colin?

Well, I would say he's our number one suspect.

But this $ , that anexxo's paying out In bribe money...

Barton didn't happen to mention where it was going?

Does it matter?

Colin, the way he looked lying there on the floor...

The hotel suite.

It was in colin's name, right?


Or one of his names.

He used a couple.


And when they find the body, There's nothing there to connect you to it, is there?

I don't think so.

Ben, will you stay here?

I'm gonna drive april to a motel, Or somewhere away from here And away from maia.

I'm sorry, you'll have to stay there Until we figure this out.


Are you going to turn me in?

We just have to make this up as we go along.

[Kyle]: so I can count on you, right?

If my dad asks you, and he probably will...

Kyle, I'm not going to tell your dad That you gave me a promicin sh*t.


It's hard, you know?

I mean, I love the guy so much, But the things I'm doing, he just wouldn't understand.

I get it, kyle.

I really do.

It's just I've got All of this other stuff I'm dealing with.

Oh, yeah.

If you mean isabelle tyler, I don't think you have anything to worry about from her.

She's probably long gone from seattle.

That's good to know.

I'll fire the extra security I had on.

Anyway, I wasn't talking about her.

This is going to sound weird.

Roland lenhoff wants me To run for a seat on the city council.

The guy behind the dinstman-lenhoff bill?

He sees it as A "if you can't b*at 'em, work with 'em" kind of thing.

And he knows he can't b*at us.

That's great, shawn.

You said yes, right?

I'm thinking about it.

You have to do this.

You get elected, That puts a into the mainstream.

They'll have to start taking us seriously.

And who knows, man?

You could become mayor, maybe even governor.


Just one step at a time.

I don't even know if I can get elected to city council.

You heal people with your hands.

Show me an opponent who can b*at that.

Do you wanna be my campaign manager?


But you got my vote.

That's one.

Not a problem.

I'll have the test results back tomorrow.

What name do I log the samples under?

No name.

But what if they come back promicin positive?

No name, marco.

I want any paperwork handed to me and me alone.

Are we clear?

Actually, tom, I still have some questions.

Do me this favor, please.

But I won't ask them.

Thank you.

Hey, marco.

They told me you were down here, tom.

Have you got a minute?

Yeah, yeah, sure.

I know my sister's made A lot of bad choices in her life, But I also know That april would never have taken that sh*t If it weren't for me.

I understand you want to protect Your sister, diana, But if she knows The identity of a m*rder*r-- I can't be responsible For sending april to prison, tom.

She's promicin positive.

It's a life sentence.

You know the deal.

Besides, I mean, there's a chance That the police could get to barton On their own.

Yeah, but what if they don't?

What then?

Then I'll tell the authorities Everything I know.

After I've bought april a one-way ticket to marrakech.


April skouris, right?


I'm a friend of colin's brother, jeff.


No, I'm larry, But jeff heard what happened And he sent me here to get you out of seattle.


Well, where are we going to go?

My car's right out back.

We're going to go to phoenix.

What about my clothes?

Well, you can get some new ones, okay?

If we hurry, we can catch the next flight.

Wait, phoenix?

Jeff moved to florida.

It really doesn't matter.

Oh, my god, help!

He's trying to k*ll me!

Di, I really need to know what's going on Because none of this makes any sense.

Why k*ll colin?

Why come after me?

We never got our hands on any of that money.

Well, that bribe money that anexxo is paying out, They clearly don't want anyone knowing about it.

I guess it's time we have a talk With this peter barton guy.


I'm coming with you.

You want the truth?

I can get it for you.

You sure about that?

I mean, people b*at lie detectors all the time.

Tom, do you like my sister?


Yeah, sure.

She's my partner, my friend.

Ever had a sexual fantasy about her?

Well, once or twice.

We were working late.

Diana mentioned we were The only two people working in the building-- You can come.

Peter barton, I'm agent baldwin.

This is agent skouris.

We're with ntac.

Oh, god, not her.

You m*rder*d colin, didn't you?



I wasn't even in the room when your boyfriend showed up.

The money.

It wasn't me you were trying to blackmail.

It was the corporation.

I had to warn them.

The bribe money.

Who'd you pass it off to?

I tell you that, I lose my job.

What was his name, peter?

Alex lupone.

He's the director of advanced combat systems for the pentagon.

Ask him why anexxo was paying lupone.


Just don't.

Anexxo won a contract To develop a new interceptor ballistic body armor For the m*llitary.

It was supposed to be impenetrable.

So this body armor, it was defective?

There were some design flaws Which left parts of the side And shoulders unprotected.

I was supposed to pay off lupone To look the other way.

You interfered, And it was taken out of my hands.

Who did you tell about colin and april?

Donald mitchell.

He sits on our board of directors.

He called me personally to handle the payoff.

Flew me out here on anexxo's dime.

Where can we find mitchell?

He's staying at the dorchester hotel.

I didn't know anyone was gonna die.

i don't like standing up here and calling roland lenhoff a liar, but the truth is, he's been one for years. he did not single-handedly hold off a platoon of viet cong troops while his men lay wounded around him. i know that for a fact because I was one of those men. Turn that damned thing off.

that brave act was performed by staff sergeant stephen-- Guess some of my colleagues Heard that you and I were meeting.

Didn't waste any time Letting me know they weren't real happy about it.

Senator, I have to ask, Did you falsify your w*r record?

No, I did not.

That fellow who gave that little speech...

I saved his life that day.

They must've paid him a lot of money To get him to lie like that.

Well, I guess if what he says isn't true, Then it doesn't really matter.

Doesn't have to be true.

It's on the television.

I can tough this out.

The question is, can you?

Because they're going to be giving you The same kind of treatment.

If not worse.

People have been telling lies about me Ever since we came back in that ball of light, so...

Does that mean you'll run for city council?

It means I'm gonna run and I'm gonna win.

That's what I wanted to hear.

I knew I picked myself the right man.

So what happens now?

Well, the first thing you got to do Is let people know where you stand.

That means telling the world you're against jordan collier And everything that he's been doing.

You want to win this election?

Then jordan collier is the enemy.

Your enemy.

Hey, kyle.


How's it coming?

I'm trying to decipher these coded pages, But I'm not a cryptographer.

Can I have a look?

I may have lost my abilities, But I did read the encyclopedia from a to z.

And you remember all of it?

Yeah, pretty much.

How are you with puzzles?

Well, I guess we'll see.

But you did say You brought me here for a reason, right?

That I'm part of all this.

So maybe this is my chance to prove it.

I don't care what peter barton claims.

Anexxo doesn't bribe government officials.

That's not the way we conduct business.

Mr. Mitchell, Did you authorize the payment of $ , To alex lupone?

I did not.

We never paid alex lupone a penny.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an $ Kobe beef filet growing cold on the plate.

Then what was the money for?

It was a down payment.

A down payment for what?

To have alex lupone m*rder*d.

I didn't mean that.

I don't know why I'd say such a thing.

Why have lupone k*lled?

I'm not answering any more questions.

Was it because You were selling the m*llitary defective body armor?

Lupone would have exposed us.

We had no choice.

I'm calling my lawyer.


Not till you cancel the hit on lupone.

I don't know what you're talking about.

How do we reach lupone?

What is his phone number?

There isn't one.

He's on vacation in the brazilian jungle.

The men we hired are already down there.

I have no way of contacting them.

Is this really necessary?

Absolutely, it is.

So what do we do now?

Well, we'll get in touch with the brazilian authorities And hope that they get in touch with lupone first.

But in the meantime, I'm going to need you to come into ntac And make sure that mitchell Repeats his confession for the record.

I can't do that.

I walk into ntac, I don't come out.

No, I'll speak to meghan.

We'll explain the circumstances.

What if that doesn't work?

I can't take that chance.

April, without some coaxing from your ability, Mitchell is going to deny Everything he just told us.

He's going to get away with m*rder.

He's going to get away with colin's m*rder.

Do you want that?

Look, I can't do that.

I'm sorry.

April, you've been running away your entire life.

From your family, from school, From responsibility.

And I don't know, maybe I'm...

Maybe I'm to blame for that.

Maybe I pushed you away.

Maybe I wasn't there for you.

I don't know.

But this time...

This time, you can't run away.


All right ???

Do u think ???

Is ready to vote for a ?

Well, I'm hoping so, Being there's a lot more non- s out there Than people with abilities.

But more people Are taking the sh*t all the time.

How do you feel about that?

Do you agree with jordan collier's decision To hand out promicin to anybody who wants it?

no. I don't. Half of those people are going to die.

Thousands already have.

Are you calling jordan collier a mass m*rder*r?

I think that jordan should've waited Until the odds of survival were better than / .

A lot better than / .

If he wanted to change the world, There are safer ways of doing so.

Like running for city council?

Well, that's a start anyway.

[Diana]: april, it's me.

Go away.

Not until we've talked.

Now just let me in.


Come on, open up.

So where do you go now?

I really hadn't thought that far ahead.

I never do, do i?

Maybe this time you should.

You want to hear something funny?

I thought when I got this ability, It would change my life.

And it did.

Changed my circumstances anyway.

I got better clothes.

I eat in better restaurants.

Fly first-class for the first time in my life.

But it didn't change me.

No ability is going to do that.

You have to change yourself.

And you can.


By marching into ntac?

That would be brave.

Except I'm not brave, am i?

Another one of my many faults.


It's not too late.

You can still be the person That you want to be.

Look, I can't say That I approve of what you've been up to.

But you did say that you loved this guy, colin.

And if you did, If that's true, Then you have to speak up for him.

And only you can do that.

The man is guilty of multiple felonies And he's threatening to sue us?

Mitchell's claiming harassment, intimidation, Oh, and false arrest.

And anexxo's lawyers Have the muscle to make a case like this stick.

Come on, meghan.

He's responsible for one m*rder we know of, He plotted two others, And his corporation Is trying to defraud the u.s. Government, And we're just gonna let him walk?

Tom, you tell me this guy deserves to be locked up And I'll believe you, But I need more than your word.

I need that woman, The one that got his initial confession.

Look, I know she's promicin positive, But you need to convince her to come forward.

Yeah, well, I don't think that's gonna happen.

Well, then there's no way we're going to get An indictment against mitchell.

Not without proof.

I have the proof you need right here.


Hey, kyle.

Everything all right?

No, it's not.

I'm driving in my car, Turn on the radio, And I hear you tell the world That jordan collier's a mass m*rder*r.

That is not what I said.

I said that he was wrong to hand out promicin.

And that's what I believe.

Everything that you are, This building you're standing in, You owe it all to jordan.

You're willing to betray him for some votes?

Hey, I built this place just as much as jordan.

He used my healing abilities to raise money for it.

He used me for a lot of things.

Not anymore.

I'm my own man now.

I make my own choices.

Well, you're off to a great start.

You're not only betraying jordan, You're betraying yourself.

You're a traitor, shawn.

Don't you see that?

Don't you see that?


How long has it been?

Since the last time you asked, About minutes.

Since your sister's been in there with mitchell, About two hours.

Mitchell's been with anexxo for what, years?

Imagine the secrets he's saved up.

We could be here all night.

We got a signed confession.

Whether it holds up in court remains to be seen, But we've got enough against him That at least a couple of these charges should stick.

And april?

I'm sorry, diana.

We have to take her into custody.

It's okay, di.

Everything's okay.

I ????

???go for it either.

You must've been pretty convincing.

Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt.

But I have been up all night And what we're doing to april just isn't fair.

She didn't have to come forward.

Mitchell could be a free man right now, Instead of having his picture plastered all over the papers.

She did the right thing, and we're locking her up?

We need to offer her some kind of amnesty, Not punish her.

Skouris, we're not punishing her.

We're hiring her.

According to meghan, ntac...

The attorney general's office...

The fbi...

They're already fighting over who gets me when.

And all I have to do is ask people questions.

It's not always going to be at a bar over drinks.

Some of the people you meet And the questions you have to ask...

Some of the answers you're going to hear...

It can get pretty ugly.

Meghan was pretty upfront about that.

Still, it's gotta be better than prison.

I must say, the perks are pretty good.

I get an apartment, A nice salary, health insurance, Even a clothing allowance.

And let's not forget eric and ralph.

Or is it ralph and eric?

I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Their job is to make sure I show up wherever I need to be.

Knowing me, it won't be as easy as it sounds.

You think I'm gonna screw this up, don't you?

April, maybe the question you should be asking me is If I want you to succeed, And the answer is a definite yes.

Well, I'll try not to let either one of us down.

And I promise to call or email And let you know how I'm doing.


When are you leaving?

You know, for spain, or wherever you guys decide?

I'm not leaving.

I'm staying right here in seattle.

Did I just say that?

Does ben know?


I hadn't realized it until just now.

You're gonna have to tell him.


I'm really happy for both of you.

But we're not leaving this table until we've made a decision.

Are we living in france or spain?



Don't hate me, ben.


Oh, god...

I quit work.

I went to spain.

I tried.

I really tried.

But I belong here.

With tom, and with ntac, the search for collier.

I'm a part of that.

My daughter's a part of that.

And now my sister is, too.

So what happens to us?

We go back to our own lives?

Back to our work?

What, see each other a few days a month?

For now.

We could have so much more, diana.

Maia said that we'd get married.

And maia's never wrong.

Well, I hope not.

Me too.

The lab report you asked for.

The one and only copy.

Samples came back positive for promicin.

Someone's definitely Walking around with an ability.

Thanks, marco.

[Kyle]: "when the chosen have taken the elixir "And proved their faith in the messiah, "Then all will follow in their wake.

"Only then will the father reveal his true face, And paradise and the world will be as one." I think that's a pretty accurate translation.

The elixir, that's gotta be promicin.

And we know collier's supposed to be the messiah.

And the father?

I don't know.

God, I guess?

But who are the chosen?

Flip the page.

It's a list of names.


In all.

And most of them you'll recognize.

Politicians, scientists, Athletes...

These people, they're all alive today.

But this book was written years ago.

I know.

All right, So all these people have to take the sh*t?

And that's supposed to influence More and more people to do the same, right?

Until what?

Everyone has an ability?

Those who survive, anyway.

And that's when god's supposed to show up?

I think you'd better look at the last name.