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04x03 - Audrey Parker's come and gone

Posted: 10/27/20 13:01
by bunniefuu
The world will have to deal with us.

previously on the 4400...

Say hello to the new head of ntac.

Meghan doyle.


The news isn't good-- your father's had a relapse, And I think it's time We start preparing ourselves for the inevitable.

[Tom]: who's cassie?

I'm not what you'd call real.

I'm kyle's ability.

[Cassie]: a messiah who rises from the dead, Who passes on a sacred elixir?

The healer who lays his hands upon the sick?

And don't forget about the shaman.

The shaman is you, kyle.

Heather tobey...

I teach at the school here now.

I finally found a place where they won't Run me out on the rails for being a .

[Agent]: whatever you were given to take away your abilities, It induced a permanent allergy to promicin.

You will never get your abilities back, miss tyler.

Does that mean I'm getting out of here?

one of the names was april skouris. My sister took the sh*t?

You're going back to seattle.

I was, uh, thinking about asking for temporary reinstatement.

She's never coming back here.

This is my sister.

I'll do whatever it takes.

at first, my story may sound familiar. it's all about a life lived on the surface, careless youth that believes it will last forever... Ah...

I'll get that.

You must have broken a lot of hearts back then, Ms. Parker.

St. Tropez.

August, .

Ah, the owner of that yacht proposed to me, you know.

I turned him down.

You turned them all down.

Are you ready for your morphine sh*t?

Okay, your dinner's in the fridge, And I prepared another dose of morphine If the pain in your hands gets bad again.


You said we'd be here for minutes.

I'm late for my shift.

I'll be done in a minute, lucas.

You wanted me to take this job, So if they fire me, it's on you.

Can I get you anything else?

Would you mind?

Oh, of course not.

in the end, all I was left with were frivolous memories and no one to share them with. There you go.

So beautiful.

life had become nothing but a tedious string of pointless days-- until I decided to do something about it. i took that sh*t-- promicin-- and it changed everything-- my soul, my consciousness, whatever you'd like to call it, can leave my body. i can leave my body, and I can be young again. you can't see me, or hear me, but I'm there. in the blink of an eye, i can go wherever I want, see anything, or anybody, like a young woman about to realize how gifted she really is. There you are.

Vanessa, you've got to get out there.

Everyone wants to meet the artist.

[Sighs nervously] What if they hate it?

What if they hate me?

You're kidding, right?

You've already sold five paintings.

You're a hit.

Come on.

Ladies and gentlemen, vanessa martin!

this ability of mine has truly changed my life for the better. i feel more free, and more connected to the world around me, to other people. i get to be a fly on the wall, and I get to see the side of people that they try to hide from the world. Yes, I am vanessa's agent.

I don't mean to take credit.

I mean, she's the artist, but...

I really helped her get out there.

Maybe I could help you.

I, uh...

Would love to see your work, Especially the nudes.

i thought my story was going to end with me withering into bitter regret and desperation. instead, life has handed me another chance, and I intend to make the most of it. taking the sh*t has given me a new will to live, a gift that allows me to do and feel things that no one else on earth has experienced before. [Voices overlap]: yet all you hear is the government saying how bad promicin is... "How no one should take the sh*t.

"If you're reading this, you should know, "It hasn't been bad for me.

"For me, it changed everything.

Maybe it could for you, too." That's the last entry.

Whoever's writing this posts the blog anonymously.

We take it down, It goes up someplace else.

I have to admit, it's well written.

If I were on the fence, and I read this, I might take the sh*t.

That's exactly why this journal Is making people in d.c.


The author doesn't sound like a radical.

She sounds like...

Somebody's aunt.

Yeah, and if your aunt's willing to take a chance On getting an ability, Why shouldn't you?

Assuming the woman is telling the truth about what she can do, I mean, okay, It might be irresponsible that she's writing about it, But it's not a thr*at.

Isn't that what we do here?

We track down threats?

We're not the thought police.

Taking promicin is illegal-- Not to mention potentially fatal.

If that blog inspires people To take promicin, Of them are going to die.

Don't forget about the ones who survive.

Do you really think they'll all be lovely people, too?

Do you think their abilities Will be as benign as hers?

This woman has to be stopped, And we can find out exactly what her intentions were, Just as soon as you find her.

Bring her in.

I'll go put on the riot gear.


Get the tear gas.

* So long ago, another life *

♪ I can feel your heart b*at ♪

* It's not a dream remember us *

* I can see it in your eyes *

♪ We'll find our place in time ♪

* Our place in time beyond the sun *

♪ We'll find our place in time ♪

* Our place in time to call our own *

Ah, the public library.

A hotbed for treasonous activity.

Be careful what you say, tom.

How do we know they're all not in on it?

Excuse me.

I'm tom baldwin.

This is my partner, diana skouris.

We're from ntac.


Well, how can I help you?

Someone's been uploading Sensitive material to the internet From an i.p.

Address inside this library.

The branch manager told us That you were the volunteer docent In charge of the computers here?

Well, that's right.

Well, the post we're interested in Went up around : yesterday.

Is there some way we could track down Who was using the computers at that time?

Do you have a warrant of some kind, Or did you just bring your badge?

No warrant.


Um, we were hoping you'd want to cooperate.

This is part of an important investigation, miss, uh...


And if I didn't think It would make trouble for this library, I wouldn't give you anything at all.

Whatever happened to People's right to privacy?

Well, I appreciate how you feel, ms.

Parker, But we're just trying to keep people safe.

That's all.


Names, log-in times, member i.d.


Happy hunting.

Thank you.

Thank you.

"The man who trades freedom "For security "Does not deserve Nor will he receive either." That's benjamin franklin.

Well, at least you're an educated tyrant.

Thanks again.

James is doing very well so far.

If he sticks with the program for the whole weeks, I'm sure his concentration will improve.


Shawn farrell...

There's not much to tell.

After the center shut down, The only work I could get was volunteering At the child development clinic here.

It's okay.

Fills the days.

But if I use my ability, if I draw out Whatever talent these kids have, I go to jail.

It's crazy.

I know.

Jordan put the sh*t out there, and now we're all a thr*at.

Ever since I woke up in the hospital, I've been thinking, you know, "What are the s supposed to do now, Join the revolution?" It's that, or we just pretend we're no different Than the rest of the world.

The times we live in, I guess.

No, see, I can't accept that.

I've been thinking of starting my healing foundation again.

Maybe even reopening the center.

I'd be putting my own money up To get things started.

Someone has to show people that we can...

We can do good.

That we are good.


I can heal people, and you make kids better.

You give them a talent.

You change their lives.

There's nothing wrong with any of it.

If you try to become a public figure again, The government is going to come down on you.

Maybe-- They'll have to.


I was just...

I was hoping I wouldn't be doing it alone.

Hi, kyle.

[Gasps] Sorry, didn't mean to startle you.

What are you doing here?

What are you?

Look, I know you're not real, but are you part of my thoughts?

Just think of me as your guide, And right now, I need you to go back to that house on barclay court, To the book.


I've already read it.

It said collier's supposed to be god's messenger.

I'm some kind of shaman.

It's nuts.

You've read the book, But you don't believe it yet.

To do that, you have to study it.

Own it.

Let me ask...

What if I don't listen to you?

Do you just keep showing up?

Kyle, you took that sh*t for a reason.

You wanted something to happen.

Well, I'm what happened.

I'm your ability, And I'm telling you, get that book.

It's going to change everything.

Philip delacroix?

I've been hoping To speak to you.

Do I know you?

No, but we've both taken an interest in the same person.

Vanessa martin?

She's a very talented artist, don't you think?

Of course.

"Delacroix..." [In a french accent]: delacroix...

That's a good choice for an agent's name.

It has a nice exotic ring to it.

Do you think That vanessa might find it interesting If I tell her that your real name is philip wilson?

That you pretended to be a real estate agent In arlington, texas, And talked old couples Out of their retirement savings?

That you have an outstanding warrant For your arrest there, And in florida as well?

I think she'd say you're crazy.

Vanessa trusts me.

Oh, of course, she does, but that's your game, isn't it?

Now, what were you going to do, Convince her to let you handle her money, And then pull up stakes When you felt you'd bled her dry?

Who are you?

I'm someone who wants to protect vanessa's future.

Oh, when I was her age, I was interested in art, too, But I didn't have vanessa's gifts, So I intend to make sure That she has a chance to make the most of them.

To do that, She has to be free of you.

So you have a choice, Mr. Wilson.

Leave vanessa alone And drive away from seattle Forever, Or stay, And I'll report you to the police.

Hey, we interviewed everyone from that computer log today.

We're waiting for the results of their promicin tests, But I don't think any of them...

Are the blogger.

We'll review the journals in the morning, See what shakes loose.

Hey, uh...

Is everything all right?

Uh, yes, fine.

Thanks for the update.


Everything's not okay.

I came home from graduate school for christmas one year.

I knew right away There was something wrong with my dad.

He had these...


Weird tics.

He was diagnosed with huntington's disease About a month later.

I'm sorry.

That's awful.

Oh, it was more than a decade ago.

His doctor just told me he has pneumonia again.

Who knows if he'll be able to fight it off?

I called d.c.

This morning.

I asked them if, maybe, If I could convince your nephew, shawn, to see him, Maybe he could heal my father.

Shawn's a generous guy.

I'm sure he'll do it.

They said "no." As the head of ntac, I have to set an example.

I can't benefit personally From the application of a ability.

My dad's been dying for years.

There's no cure for huntington's.

And then I met your nephew.

If you want me to talk to shawn, I will.


Thank you, But I don't know if I can ask you to do that.

I took this post Because it seemed like The most important thing I could do.

I knew there would be sacrifices, But I never thought my bosses would tell me That if I want to keep my job, I have to let my father die.

Hi there.



Oh, my god...

It's great to see you.

I'm so glad to see you.


[Whispering]: maia's asleep in her room.


How did you get here?

Well, we hopped a flight.

Maia wanted to stay up and say hi, But she was out cold By the time the cab dropped us off.

I had no idea you were coming.

Well, the lease in san sebastien was up.

Obviously, it's going to take you A lot longer to find april than you thought, so...

I know, it's been slow going.

I mean, I've been interviewing people, Making phone calls-- no one has seen her.

Well, I am not going to add Any more pressure to you, But me and maia missed you very much, So we figured, "surprise." Oh, well...

It worked.

I'm surprised.


You have gotten involved with a very spontaneous guy.

Reap the whirlwind.

It's great to see you.

Don't get me wrong.

I just...

I was kind of hoping That this was only going to be a short trip, And having you over there meant I had something to go back to.

Well, you still do-- We all do-- As soon as you find your sister.


Now, in the meantime, We're trying to be a family, right?

And families are not supposed to live on separate continents.



solitude can be every bit as exhilarating as companionship. of course, I had to find companionship before I figured that out. Listen to this.

It's from the blog.

"All mankind is divided into three classes, "Those who are immovable, those who are movable, And those who move." "And those who move." That's very poetic.

The blogger's a good writer.

We already know that.

Yeah, but that's a quote.

You know who wrote it?

Benjamin franklin.

The woman from the library.

The volunteer.

She's the one writing this.

Good work.

Looks like an overdose.

Lividity hasn't set in yet.

I'd say she d*ed about an hour ago.

We just got done looking at her computer.

The techs found the entire journal Saved in a file on her hard drive.

Audrey parker was our blogger.

One of the back windows was open, But there's no sign of forced entry.

Nothing missing as far as we can tell.

Well, she had a prescription for morphine, So her arthritis must have gotten pretty bad.

Her nurse Usually injected her, But occasionally would leave behind extra sh*ts For audrey.

The m.e.

Thinks It was an accidental overdose, That it happens with older people.

They get confused, Take the wrong dosage, Forget that they've injected themselves.

What do you think?

It might have been an accident, But, you know, she had taken promicin, She knew ntac was breathing down her neck.

The thought of a prison sentence At her age and in her condition?

Maybe she figured She'd rather just drift off to sleep.

You think she committed su1c1de?

If she did, she did it because of ntac.

Because of us.


I didn't k*ll myself.

I-i didn't k*ll myself.

I didn't k*ll myself!

Somebody did this to me.


Hanna, you have to help me, please.

Somebody did this to me!

Somebody did this to me!

You're back for more, huh?

Yeah, I'm doing my thesis On cults from the early th century.

It's due soon, so...

Just let me know when you're done.

And don't forget to feed the kitty?

Oh, sure.

Thank you.

What do you mean, you need to leave town?

Philip, we have an appointment with a buyer In an hour.

You can handle it yourself, But I need to leave, now, And, uh, I need to borrow some cash.

I'll pay you back when I see you again.

You're scaring me.

Sweetie, calm down.

Tell me what's going on.

Vanessa, something happened last night.

I can't tell you about it, But I promise you, I did it to protect us.

Protect us from what?

What are you talking about?

I can't tell you right now.

I'll call you in a couple days, But right now I just need that money.

Can we please just go to the bank?

It was you.

You did it.

I threatened you and you k*lled me.

You k*lled me!

That's the m.e.'S preliminary report On the death of audrey parker.

There's no note.

Nothing in her journals that indicates She was considering su1c1de.

He's going to rule it an accidental death.

Do you know she lived in france for three years In the s?

Like, just pulled up all the stakes And moved there?

She met samuel beckett at a party.

He complimented her on her dress.

You admire her, don't you?

Yeah, in a way, Because she just Lived her life without compromise, And that was no easy thing for a woman of her generation, And to be honest, it's really no easy thing now.

I gave up my career To move to spain for my daughter.

I gave up spain To come back here to look for my sister, And right now my entire life just feels like A bunch of compromises all just strung together.

Anyway, no, no, i...

I'm not going to demonize audrey parker Because she took a promicin sh*t.

Diana, I'm not saying you should.

But as far as what happened to her, Why she d*ed, That's for the seattle police to figure out.

Our involvement in this ended As soon as we learned she was behind the blog.


You can't just file me away.

I didn't k*ll myself!

I was m*rder*d!

[Static crackles] What the hell was that?

A power surge?

I don't know, but that's the second time today.

The radios freaked out at audrey's house.


Good morning.

Thank you all for coming.

Four months ago, The u.s. Government shut this building down, Along with many other buildings like it Across the country.

In two days, I'm going to be reopening its doors.

I will be starting up my healing foundation again, And I plan on using this building As its base of operations.

I would like to remind everyone out there That the aren't all revolutionaries.

We are not at w*r with society.

We want to help it.

We can help, And will not be forced into silence By the government's so-called w*r on promicin.

As a show of good faith to the world at large, I will heal anyone who is present On our first day open.

The have been silent for a long time.

Too long.

We look forward to It's currently illegal To use a ability Without special dispensation from the government.

Have you made arrangements with them?

There are no arrangements to be made.

The people who run the country aren't in a very...

Accommodating mood right now.

So you haven't discussed your plans with them?

Not exactly, But I'm sure they will be in touch.

[Ben]: why are we going to the funeral of a woman That you've only met once?

I think someone has to pay her some respect.

Okay, but...

I don't know, I'm just trying to make sense of this To see what this has to do with Tracking down april.



Diana, that's why you came back here, right?

I mean, that's why we had to leave spain.

Yes, and while I'm looking for her, I have to work cases.

That's the deal, And I just feel badly for her, you know?

She d*ed alone.

She might have committed su1c1de.

What is going on?

Everywhere I go today, I just keep hearing that static.

At work, In the car on the way home.

Yeah, that's kind of weird.

You, um, you left me a voice message On my cell phone today, right?

Oh, yeah.

I couldn't hear a thing.

It was all staticky and garbled.

That cell phone message I left you...


Did you save it?

I just want to say, this is really weird.

I ran that cell phone message you brought me Through about six different audio filters.

There was nothing there, just static.

Well, why would you expect anything different?

I mean, come on, guys, what are we even doing here?

Hey, I thought it was a little crazy, too.

But then I tried dropping everything out.

I tried listening to the message in what, theoretically, Should have been total silence.

This is what I found.

m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! m*rder*d! We think audrey parker's ability was...

Well, I guess you'd have to call it "astral projection." She could send her consciousness out of her body.

That's a kind of broadcast, right?

She's sending a signal.

It's a real thing.

I mean, it could disrupt electrical fields.

So if she d*ed While she was using her ability, then-- Then her body's gone, But the signal is still out there.

So audrey's mind, or soul, or whatever you want to call it, Has been following me around, And that recording has caught a fragment Of what she's trying to say?


It obviously thinks it was m*rder*d.

"She," brady, "she--" All right, just hold up a second, okay?

That-that tape gave me chills, too, But it's not necessarily proof of anything.

Audrey wrote everything down.

Let's just go back over the journals one last time.

If there's anything in there, anyone who seems suspicious, We'll just track it down.

Vanessa martin?

Excuse me.


I'm tom baldwin.

This is my partner, diana skouris.

We're from ntac.


We're looking for philip delacroix.

Why is ntac looking for philip?

We've been reviewing the journals Of a possible m*rder victim named audrey parker.

There were repeated references to you and your agent.

I'm sorry, I don't know anyone named audrey parker.

Philip delacroix is not who he claims to be.

His real name is philip wilson, And there are warrants out in several states For his arrest.


Do you know where philip went?

We've already been by his apartment, And it's cleared out.


He came to see me yesterday, Said he was leaving town.

He needed money.

You don't think he had anything to do with That woman's death, do you?

We'll let you know.

Thank you.

Looks like audrey confronted The wrong guy.

Let's put out an apb on philip wilson, And all his known aliases.

Yeah, go back to the office, Put it on the wire, And call me if anything pops, okay?

I've got to be somewhere.


Well, I have to say, I expected a visit from you guys, But I didn't think that they'd send the head of ntac.

I wanted to do this in person.

I had to emphasize the seriousness Of the government's position.

You know, You guys are sure happy to call me When you need me to bail you out of a jam, But the moment I want to go public, You break out the fire hose?

I'm just healing some people.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

It's not a political statement.

Not a radical act.

I'm afraid you're misreading the climate.

As far as d.c. Is concerned, Any unsanctioned use of a ability Is a radical act.

I'm not misreading the climate.

I'm trying to change it.

There's too much fear out there right now.

I think I can help.

I have to ask you, You keep talking about the government's position, But how do you feel about what I'm doing?

No one's questioning your motives, mr.


Personally, I think you've done some amazing things-- But it doesn't matter, really, what we believe.

If you go through with this, it won't be us stopping you.

They're talking about sending riot squads down.

There won't be anything I can do, shawn.

They will arrest you.

Well, I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

It's going to be interesting.

Come on.

I told you, I was trying to take advantage of vanessa.

All those arrest warrants, That's me.

I did those.

I'm admitting that to you, But I never m*rder*d anyone.

Then why did you run?

Why were you trying to cross the border into canada?

That woman knew who I was.

How did I know She wasn't going to expose me to the police No matter what I did?

I didn't even know her name until you told me.

I swear, I didn't k*ll audrey parker.

What was that?

Maybe it's broken.

Maybe it just doesn't believe your story.


He's telling the truth.

He didn't do it.

The m.e.

Says that audrey d*ed Between : and : in the morning.

I just checked out philip's alibi.

It holds.

He was at a coffee shop that whole time.

He met a woman for breakfast.

She was another mark.

He had her on the line for a phony real estate deal.

He was with her for two hours trying to get money out of her.

Well, maybe she's lying.

If she knows him, she might be covering for him.

The sales clerk at the coffee shop Confirms it, too, so does the manager.

Diana, we'll...

We'll hand him over to seattle p.d., Have him arrested on the outstanding warrants.


If audrey parker was m*rder*d, Philip wilson didn't do it.

Come on.


No, he's lying.

He has to be.

What's happening to me?


There's nothing there.

I've listened again and again.

It's just static.

I know that audrey was following me around All last night.

My cell phone, answering machine, Television, just breaking up constantly.

I mean, she's trying to tell me something.

She probably is, but it's like I told you, Whatever's left of audrey is energy, You know, a kind of signal, and signals fade.

You think she's getting weaker?

Each time she talks to you, It costs her a little of whatever energy she has left.

If she stays silent, she'll be around longer.

Maybe she could muster enough To communicate with you one more time, But it might be the last thing She ever does.

She could disappear forever.

All right, we'll just go back into her journals.

We'll interview everyone in them-- Diana, stop.

Look, I know you respect audrey parker, And to tell you the truth, After reading about her yesterday, I do, too.

Yeah, she took promicin, But look what she did for vanessa martin.

She was trying to help people.

But we've done what we agreed to do.

We looked through the journals, And we still can't be sure she was m*rder*d, And even if she was, it still wouldn't be our case.

Now, I'm sorry.

It's time to let this go.

I'm sorry, audrey.

So is it starting to make sense yet?

No, not really.

I mean, yeah, The guy they talk about could be jordan collier.

Some of the details do match up.

Or it could be a coincidence.

I mean, they left it vague enough That anyone could read into this whatever they want to.

Well, you can't just dismiss it.

That book is a blueprint For how collier's going to succeed.

Oh, yeah?

Jordan collier needs the handbook of a cult That hasn't even had a living member In years?

He does.

And he needs you.

For what?

To tell him some crazy guy predicted He was going to be god's messenger?

To guide him.

To be his shaman.

You keep saying that.

How can I guide him?

I don't know anything.

Well, that's what you've got me for, kyle.

Everything in that book is going to come true.

Collier will lead the human race To salvation.

You will help him.

You don't believe me yet.

It's okay.

I'll show you.

I'm going to be at the intersection Of forbes and shady tonight Around : a.m.

I hope you'll show.

That's where it's all beginning.

If you're not there, You'll never see me again, But if you come, You'll see it all begin, And I promise, You will believe.

Are you sure you want to do this?

I'm probably going to get into a lot of trouble.

Doesn't mean you have to join in on the fun.

Nothing changes on its own, right?

And besides, you said you didn't want to be alone.


I left you money, hanna.

My house, too.

Almost everything I have.

You'll find out in a couple of days.

You were always so kind to me.

Lucas, lunch is ready!

Come on, You've got to eat before work!


Yeah, I'll be down in a minute.

Hold on!

You need to be kind to your mother, lucas.

She loves you, And she's trying to raise you all on her own.

No, I already told you, I don't know how many carats it is.

Well, I'm sure it's worth a couple grand at least.

My necklace...

That's my necklace.

Well, seriously, how soon can you meet me?

I screwed up really bad.

That's my necklace.

It was you.

Well, I need to get rid of this thing.

You k*lled me.

This building stays closed.

Those are my orders.

All right, not a problem.

I can do my work right here.

Excuse me.


What's your name?


I have cerebral palsy.

Step away, mr.


Well, I think that there's something we can do about that.

You're in our custody now.

Right, go home now!

This is all over!


You've got to let him go.

He's not doing anything wrong.

Step aside.

Look, we don't want to hurt anyone, But this is an illegal assembly!




Step aside.

I'm from ntac.

Can't you see these people aren't going to let you Just walk him out of here?

Now, look around you.

There are sick people here.

They're the mainstream.

They're who we're trying to protect.

Listen to me!

Tell your men to stand down.

Sir, the situation's out of control.

I've got ntac telling me to back off.

Yes, sir.

I understand.

Let him go!


If I could just have a little space?


Where were we?

I guess I haven't really thought much About why I've let audrey under my skin.


Come here.

I guess I just-- I identify with her, you know?


If I had made different choices, Or chosen a different path, I could the one who's dying alone.

Maybe, But you didn't, And you won't.

No, no, no, come on.

Let it ring.

leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. [static] That's her.

That's audrey.

I didn't mean for her to die.

I swear I didn't.

I just wanted her stuff.

I gave her the morphine sh*t So that she would stay asleep While I looked through her house.

I've seen my mom inject her so many times, I figured it would be okay.

It was an accident.

You'll take that into account, Won't you?

I swear to god, it was an accident!

Not exactly a master criminal.

No, but if audrey hadn't have left his name On my answering machine, Who knows if we would have found him?

She was a brave lady.

She must have known that communicating again Would use up whatever time she had left.

I haven't heard any static since last night.

I guess she went out the way she lived, With style.

You think that this is how you feel After a marathon?

I wouldn't know.

But you'd better get a good night's sleep.

We're not even halfway through The list of people who showed up.

Hey, shawn.

Hey, uncle tommy...

I'm sure you're tired, So I hate to even ask, but...

Are you up for one more?

Yeah, sure.




His name's donald.

He's my father.

I'd be grateful if you could help him.

Hello, donald.

Let's go into my office, okay?

The head of ntac Benefiting personally from a ability?

You sure you're up for the fallout?

They let this place stay open.

They blinked.

Let them fire me.

[Music playing]: * stars shining bright... * This is audrey's favorite song.

She mentioned it a couple times in her journals.

Makes sense.

I think this song was written back in the ' s.

[static crackles] Oh, my god.

It's her.

She's still here.

Where's thatittle tape recorde We've got to get this.

No, we don't need to record this.

I already know what she's saying.

She's saying goodbye.

* Just hold me tight and tell me you miss me... *

[Diana]: it's so beautiful.

I'm ready.

♪ Dream a little dream of me ♪

♪ Stars fading but I linger on, dear ♪

* Still craving your kiss *

* I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear *

* Just saying this *

♪ Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you... ♪

You can stop.

This is the spot.

I'm glad you showed.

Yeah, me too.

A great view of nothing.

It's all about to happen.

What do you mean?


What's going to happen?

Take this turn, baby!

Let's go, let's go, come on!