04x10 - All the Lonely People

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Med". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Chicago Med" follows the day-to-day chaos of the city's most expl*sive hospital and its staff as they tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events. Intertwines with "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD".
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04x10 - All the Lonely People

Post by bunniefuu »

I thought you'd never get up.

Mmm, it's your fault.

You kept me up too late.

Mmm, can you blame me?


You didn't tell me this thing tonight was such a big deal.

Is it?

"City Honors Gaffney Chicago Medical Center Tonight."

It's all about your hybrid OR.

Mm, they must be desperate for news.


The city officials are gonna be there.

And the board.

Let's not go.

Let's... stay home, and... No.

I am so with you there, but we have to go.

At least make an appearance.

Couldn't you go without me?

Uh, no, absolutely not.

There wouldn't be hybrid OR if it wasn't for you.

I just don't feel like it.

I want you there.

You're my girl.

Then honor my wishes.

I'm not going.

I saw Ethan and Vicki at Gibson's.

So? Ethan's old girlfriend.

Or maybe new girlfriend.

I mean, she's beautiful.

A doctor and a naval officer.

How do you compete with that?

I'm not competing with that.

Ethan can see whoever he wants.

Okay. So you're dating?

That's beside the point.

So you're not.

It's so hard to meet people.


-Get down! -[SCREAMS]






Agh! My g*n!


♪ There's been a sh**ting.

Oh, my God! April? Brett?

Dennis Mitchell, 28, unrestrained motor vehicle collision.

You're going to Baghdad. April?


It's justice! I'm fine.

b*tches like you just want me to suffer.

You're the enemy!

It's justice!

Patient is violent and delusional. GCS 15.

BP is normal. I'm gonna k*ll them all!

Dr. Choi, I need you in Baghdad now.

What about April?

I'll take care of her.

Dr. Charles.

Now! Are you two all right?

Yeah. Well, you've been through enough this morning. Go home.


Thank you. Okay, Monique?

Well, the ED's short now.

We'll manage.

I didn't get a scratch thanks to April.

I don't feel right leaving.

Okay, it's up to you.

I'll take care of her. Okay.


Left arm's deformed, probably a humerus fracture.



Dr. Choi.

50 of fentanyl for the pain.




They had it coming.

It's justice!

Dr. Charles, help me out.

5 of haloperidol.

They'll... they'll learn.

They'll all learn!

Breath sounds present bilaterally, multiple lacerations.

Looks like a displaced chin implant.

Let's get his clothes off.

Gonna need X-rays.


Displaced pectoral implant.


He's had a lot of plastic surgery.

Chest is clear, humerus fractures, get a CVC, BMP, UA tox, and order a CT head.

Got it.

Also a liver panel, cardiac enzymes, and EKG.

A liver panel?

Gotta cover all of our bases.

Dr. Choi.

Get that feminoid out of here.

You're the enemy!

Okay. I was gonna take him to lock-up.

Sorry, Kim. He's not ready yet.


While he's still here, can we grab a psych eval?

Yeah, knock yourself out.

But I'm keeping a police detail on this guy.

Let me know when I can talk to him.

I'm so sorry, April.

It's terrifying to be shot at.

I can't believe you were hit.

I'm fine.

Will you sign me off to go back to work?


I don't even need stiches. I...

I'd feel better.


Just take it easy.

All right? Thanks.

When are we gonna do something about all these g*ns?


You all right, Miss Curry?

Everything okay?

My PhD project.

Reprogramming human pluripotent cells into hematopoietic stem cells.

Previous data had showed successful induction of cells into monocytes, but...

[SIGHS] I re-ran the single-cell cytometry and didn't detect any CD34-positive cells, so.

I did something wrong, I don't know.

It doesn't corroborate. I... I...

I didn't sleep at all last night.


Didn't or couldn't?

What difference does that make?

Dr. Charles, while we're waiting to get Dennis Mitchell to CT, you can talk to him.

Why don't you take a break from that and come help me evaluate this patient?

The sh**t? What do you need to evaluate?

He's crazy.

Maybe, but, um... well, there are different kinds of crazy.

With very different legal implications.

Mr. Mitchell. I'm Dr. Charles.

This is Student Doctor Curry.

So. You've had quite a day.

Haven't you?

I bet you when you woke up this morning you didn't think you were gonna end up here.

Does that feminoid have to be here?

Excuse me?

Feminoid. Foid.

Tell her to get out.

Okay, you're gonna treat Miss Curry with respect.

And you don't get to decide who's in this room or who isn't.

Do you understand me?

Okay, I'm gonna ask you a couple of questions because... Well, 'cause I have to.

Um, just to check the boxes.

Have you ever been medicated for your thinking?


Have you ever heard voices that other people don't?


I do not hear voices. Okay.

So, um... why don't you tell me what happened this morning?

That Stacy got what she deserved.

Bitch wouldn't even have a cup of coffee with me.

Stacy? They are in control.

They have sex whenever they want it.

But no matter what I do, they deny me.


I deserve love.

But they won't give it to me.

They only give it to those shallow, stupid alphas.

So besides being a rabid misogynist, what kind of crazy is he?

Well, he was using certain buzzwords that could be telling.

You know, Stacy, feminoid.

Makes me wonder if he has an online presence.

Could you check that out for me?

Dr. Charles, I am extremely busy.

Oh, okay.

Well, in that case, um, I guess now you're even busier.

Maggie. Yeah.

I'm starting to think that maybe this wasn't a random sh**ting.

Could you look and see if Mr. Mitchell has ever been a patient in this hospital before?

Sure thing.

Thank you.


Dr. Manning, this is Agent Lee.

I've been overseeing Dr. Halstead's relocation in Witness Protection.

I know who you are.

Well, I'll leave you two to talk.

I know things have been difficult for you.

You guys wouldn't tell me where he was.

You wouldn't even let me speak to him.

I'm sorry. That's standard procedure.

Was it standard procedure to take him away on our wedding day?

It was for his own safety.

If it's any consolation, Dr. Halstead did the FBI a great service.

Because of him we were able to bring some very bad people to justice.

Why are you here?

The Burkes are incarcerated.

We've determined it's safe for Dr. Halstead to return to Chicago.

Will's coming home?


You should know there may be a period of adjustment.


He's had a traumatic experience and he's been cut off from his friends and family.

Some people re-integrate easily.

Some don't.

Call me if you have any questions.

Hey. You're working?

Yes, Natalie cleared me.

You should go home. Ethan, I'm fine.

Leah? Talk to me, what do we got?

Ivy Davis. 30 weeks pregnant, pre-term labor.

All right. [GROANING]

We're gonna get you a doctor, okay?

Dr. Manning, you're going to Six.

Page OB. On it.

She can't have this baby right now.

You have to stop it.

She has a pre-existing aneurysm.

If she pushes, it could k*ll her.

All right, help me get her into the bed.

Why wasn't the aneurysm treated earlier?

It's small.

She's not supposed to be in labor right now.

We have a C-section scheduled.

But not for two more months.

Heart rate 97.

BP 128/73. Shh.

It's okay. Breathe.

Let's start a magnesium drip, embolus 4 grams.

Got it. And 12.5 milligrams of betamethasone IM, and 100 milligrams of indomethacin PO.

Ivy, we need to give you this pill, okay?

It's gonna help stop your contractions.

OB said that they'll be down as soon as they can.


Okay, hold on. You're okay.

You're doing great. Just breathe.




[SCREAMING] Don't push, don't push!

No, no, no, no! [SCREAMS]

Dr. Manning, no pulse.

Bag her.


Still no pulse.


Ivy. Honey.


Take over compressions. What is happening?

Honey, hey.

Her pupils are fixed and dilated.

I am so sorry, but her aneurysm must have ruptured.

No, but she's still... She's still...

I'm sorry. Your wife is gone.

But we need to get the baby out.

It still has a chance. Okay?

We got four minutes. Start the four minute clock.

Where is OB? Can't wait.

I need to do the C-section myself.

Angel, take over compressions.

Ivy. Ivy.

Honey. Diane, get OB here.

Sir, I need you to step out so we can deliver this baby. Wait a minute.

Please save our baby. Please.

Get me a scalpel.


♪ Scalpel.


♪ Okay.


She's cyanotic.

Ready to transfer.



Sats at 78.

She's still unresponsive. I might need to intubate.

Hold on.

Sats at 88 and climbing.

Heart rate 160.

She's coming around. Call Neonatology.

Have them come meet us in the NICU.

I'm on it. Keep stimulating.

I want this baby alert and moving.

[SIGHS] Tell me.

You have a little baby girl.

We were able to get her out in time, but she does need to go up to the NICU.

If you would like to spend some time with your wife...

Monique can take you up when you're ready.

I am so sorry for your loss.

Ethan! Ethan.

Hey. Vicki.

I heard there was a... a sh**ting at the hospital.

They said a nurse was injured. It wasn't April, was it?

Yeah, it was.

She wasn't badly hurt. [SIGHS HEAVILY]

Ethan, I... Vicki.

It's over between April and me.

Is it?

I mean, I know it can't be easy.

You see her every day and I completely understand...

It's over.


Gotta get back to work.


I'll see you for dinner.



Did the sh**t Dennis Mitchell look familiar to you?

I didn't really get a good look at him.

Turns out he was a patient here.

Oh, my God.

Maggie, I do remember him.


Your work-up is negative.

He's cleared for you to lock him up.

I'll call Burgess. We'll get him out of here.

Dr. Choi, he was complaining about his left hand.

Said it feels funny.

What do you mean funny?

It feels dead.

Pulse is diminished.

It's a soft sign for a humerus fracture.

The artery needs to be evaluated.

Can't release him yet.

Dr. Charles, Dennis Mitchell was a patient here.

Really? Six months ago.

He came in with an infection after some plastic surgery.

Monique was his nurse.

She asked to be replaced by a male nurse after Mr. Mitchell made a pass at her insisting they go out.

Huh. Okay, thank you. Yeah.

And order a CTA of his left subclavian artery.

Hey, you do realize it's upsetting to everyone he's still in the hospital. Can't help that.

It looks like you're bending over backwards to keep him here.

Are all these tests really necessary?

He shot you, April. He could have k*lled you.

I know that. Don't tell me how to practice medicine.


Hey, Maggie, I just heard about April.

Is she doing all right?

She says she's okay.

Back at work.

Yeah, what a thing to go through.



Front page of the "Metro." Wow.

Well, I'm sorry we don't have any cases worthy of your talent but since you're still a trauma surgeon on my service...

Kid in Five.

Goofing around with a nail g*n, put one in his chest.

Hello, Mr. Bennett.

Hey, Davey. I'm Dr. Rhodes.

Am I gonna die? No.

No, you're not. No, your dad is right.

We're gonna fix you up as good as new.

I thought the nail g*n was out of reach.

I should have been more careful.

Really, he's gonna be fine.

So I see that Dr. Lanik gave him some morphine.

How you feeling, Davey?

It hurts when I breathe.

My poor boy.

Well, that makes sense.

According to your X-ray, the nail hit a rib. A rib?

His vitals are fine.

There's no obvious blood in his chest.

If you were an adult I would take the nail out right here and now.

But given Davey's age, I would rather do it up in the OR.

So it is serious.

Dad, I don't want a surgery. No, no, no, no, no.

I just think that Davey would be more comfortable if he were under general anesthetic so as soon as an OR is open and it's ready, I'm gonna take you upstairs, all right?

And in the meantime, um, I would try and stop worrying so much, okay?

And you, I'm gonna get you something to make you feel a little better.

So you hang in there, okay?


Dr. Charles, I, uh, I have the stuff on the sh**t that you asked for.

Oh, great.

Well, wait. Where you going?

I don't know how to work these.

Have a seat.



Man, PhD and an MD at the same time?

I mean, no wonder you're exhausted.

I can only imagine.

Yeah, well, I'm used to working hard.

Yeah, clearly. Show me.

Okay. So, um...

Dennis Mitchell has a history on various message boards.

He calls himself an "incel," an involuntary celibate.

Loser guys who think women are unjustly denying them sex.

Yeah, ironically, the term was coined by a woman.

She started a website for lonely people.

Uh, this is one of his first entries.

"I can't attract girls.

My legs are skinny. My chest is weak."

Then he posts pictures.

And, um, some guy named Apeman writes back...

"Bro, this is fixable.

Pectoral augmentation. Calf augmentation."

Yep, then he spends over $10,000 on surgeries.

Um, rhinoplasty, the chin implant, it's unbelievable. He...

He thinks this will make him more desirable.

Yeah. People who don't feel loved will do some crazy things.

Well, it didn't work.

This is him a month ago.

"No matter what I do, "Women deprive me of my right to sexual pleasure.

They are the enemy and it's time to get even."

Then he posted this yesterday.

I'm 28 years old and I'm still a virgin.

Women treat me like I'm scum.

I will slaughter them. I am the true alpha male.

And I will make them pay.

It's an epidemic.

Wait, what... what is?


Despite the intubation, she's still not oxygenating.

I'm hearing a Grade 3 systolic ejection murmur.

EKG shows left ventricular hypertrophy.

Samantha, transducer.

Tricuspid atresia.

And an atrial septal defect.

Do you want to tell the father, or should I?

I will.

We never should have tried to have kids.

But Ivy wanted a baby so badly.

And now she's gone.

I'm so sorry.

There is something I need to discuss with you.

We've examined your little girl...


We were gonna name her Sophie.

There's a problem with Sophie's heart.

It's missing its tricuspid valve.

Normally the valve opens and closes like a door.

But Sophie's door is closed.

So when she's a little bigger, she'll need a surgery.

But in the meantime, she needs an operation called pulmonary artery band.

It's urgent. Urgent.

Do we have your consent?


Thank you. Yeah.

Doctor... please save my little girl.

Natalie. Trauma Two.

You got a chart?

Just go in.

Okay. Yeah.



Agent Lee said you were coming back.

I didn't know it was today.


I have been so angry at you.

I don't blame you.

I'm sorry.

For... everything. All of it.

I didn't know how I'd feel when I saw you.



I've missed you so much.

It was terrible without you.

Oh, I thought about this moment every day.

You're really here.


All right. An OR opened up.

What do you say we get that nail out of your chest, huh?

I don't want an operation.

Can't you just give me some medicine?

He's really scared.

You're gonna be asleep. It won't hurt a bit.

I promise you. I tell you what.

How 'bout if I'm right there with you?

Uh, Mr. Bennett, I... I'm sorry, but that's not...

I want my daddy.

I've heard of parents in the operating room with their kids. It's not a common practice, and really it's only while the child's being put under.

Okay, that's fine.


I am all he has.

It's just the two of us since his mom died.

Yeah. Okay.

But just until he's asleep.

Okeydokey, let's go.

Sophie did really well.

She'll need to stay here for a couple more weeks and then you can take her home.

Until she's big enough to tolerate the surgery.

She's so little.

Yeah, but she's gonna be fine.

Is there anyone you would like us to call for you?

Family? Friends?

My wife's family, I...

I still have to tell them.

Do they live close by?

Can they come be with you?

No, we just moved to Chicago.

Is there anyone local who could help you with the arrangements?


I know hardly anyone here.

I'll get you some information.

Okay? Thank you.

So we watched the last video you posted.

Where you said you wanted revenge.

People should pay for what they did to me.

What they did to you?

I'm sorry, Mr. Mitchell. Um...

So obviously, you feel like you've been wronged.

What I'm curious about is if you're experiencing any... any regret for what you did today.


I have regrets.

I wish I'd k*lled them all.

You're disgusting.

You are. You're... Ms. Curry.

Pathetic, you're lonely... Ms. Curry, enough.

Nobody loves you, poor you.

You shut up! That doesn't give you the right to sh**t people except maybe yourself!

What... what the hell are you doing?

How could you take his side in there?

"Obviously you feel like you've been wronged?"

I'm not taking his side.

I'm trying to determine if he feels remorse for his actions.

I hate him. Well, this isn't about you.

This is a hospital.

And that's a patient who I'm trying to evaluate.

A task you just made infinitely more difficult.

No, you are not trying to evaluate him.

You're... you just are trying to find some excuse so that he doesn't pay for what he did.

So that he doesn't go to prison.

Miss Curry. What he did was terrible.

But as abhorrent as we find his actions, our job is to try and understand his mental state.

I don't know what you want from me.

All right? I... I... I am doing the best that I can.


Dr. Choi?

Mr. Mitchell's scans.

Call Vascular, tell them we're bringing a patient up.

We need to take him to surgery right now.

One of your pectoral implants damaged the axillary artery and you've developed what we call a pseudoaneurysm.

If it ruptures, you could bleed to death.

Bleed to death?


Davey, can you count down from ten?



Okay, Beth, why don't you show Mr. Bennett the waiting room?

Sir, let's have you wait outside.

I'm in. Sir?

It's okay.


Airway pressures are up.

Having trouble ventilating.

BP 88/60, heart rate 144.

What... what's going on?

No breath sounds on the left. Tension to the thorax.

What is that?

Get me a needle to decompress and open a chest tray.

I'm guessing the nail poked a small hole in the lung and the pressure from the ventilator is forcing air into his chest.

Uh... We can deal with it.

What... what are you doing to him?

Sir... Dylan, I need you to get out of here.

I am not leaving!

Scalpel. Sir!

Sir! Tube.

No. No, no, no, no. Sir, come!

No, take that out! No, you are hurting him!

Stop! Let go! You're k*lling him!

Marty, help me! You are k*lling my son!

Come on... Marty...

Call security and get him out of here.

He pushed the tube in too far.

It caused a laceration in the chest.

We need to open Davey up.

Hang a unit, call the blood bank, and page Dr. Bekker, I need her now.

Watch his status, Marty. Pressure's good.

He's stable for now.

You allowed a parent in the OR for a trauma case?

You can give me the lecture later.

What have we got?

Chest tube lacerated the left ventricle.

I've got my finger in the dike, I need you to sew.

Well, Daddy sure cocked this up, didn't he?

Load up a 4-0 Prolene with pledgets for Dr. Bekker.

All right.




Ah... Hey.

Sorry. Thanks.

Yeah, man. Sorry.

Oh, just a little jumpy, I guess.

Welcome back.

Yeah, thanks.

Where were they keeping you?


Better weather than Chicago, right?

I didn't get out much.

They kept me pretty bottled up.


Just gotta look something up and then we can get out of here, okay?



I missed that.

What are you doing?

Looking up funeral home information.

This guy just lost his wife and now their baby is up in the NICU.

Ah, that's rough. Yeah.

A single parent with a newborn?

I know exactly how he's feeling.

It's not easy.



I'll let him know.

Dr. Choi.

Vascular called.

They were able to stent Dennis Mitchell's axillary artery.

He's headed to the ICU.

Congratulations. You saved his life.

April, don't you understand?

The first thing I wanted was revenge.

But I couldn't let myself go there.

Then I wouldn't be any different than him.

He hurt someone I care about.

He hurt you.


♪ Mr. Bennett.

Davey is out of surgery and he's gonna be fine.

Oh, thank God.

I'm sorry.

I am so sorry. Hey... you'll be able to see him soon.

Thank you.

For everything.

You can give me the lecture now.

Yeah, I could. But your intentions were good.

You couldn't know that Dad would go mental.

Come with me tonight.

The board's gonna be there.

That means your father's gonna be there.

Oh, I know. I've got a mental dad too.

So what?

It's uncomfortable.

Being around the two of you.

I know.

But you can't avoid him forever.

You and I are a couple.

With a future, right?

Between you and Dr. Choi, I've pulled some overtime today.

Thank you.

Any time.

You're not putting him on a psych hold?

Miss Curry... stop by my office on your way out today, would you?


Just give me a minute, okay?

Mr. Davis?

Here's some funeral home information.

They'll handle everything.

Thank you.

There's really no reason for you to stay here tonight.

Why don't you go home?

Try and get some sleep.

I don't want to go home.

You know, I...

I was pregnant when my husband died.

Your whole world falls apart.

The person you loved so deeply, shared everything with, your worries, your sorrows, your joys... is gone.

And you feel so empty.

And alone.

But it will get better.

I promise you.

Oh, my God. Oh, God.


In his twisted way... with all his plastic surgery, Mr. Mitchell was trying to make himself worthy of being loved.

And, well... when he didn't get that love, of course, he... he blamed others.

Of course.

Well, it's not atypical.

You know, um, men do tend to blame others for their depression and loneliness whereas women, sadly, are more likely to blame themselves.

Why are you telling me this?

You had a very strong reaction to Mr. Mitchell today.

Yeah, I mean, who... who wouldn't?

Fair enough, but... But it seemed to... really touch a nerve, like it was almost... personal.

Sorry, I have...

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm seeing this extraordinarily talented, brilliant, hardworking young woman who is putting an immense amount of pressure on herself to succeed.

You know, she's not sleeping, she hasn't necessarily plugged into a peer group for support... you know, she's doing it alone.

Elsa, for what it's worth, I know a whole lot about depression and loneliness.


Have you ever had any thoughts about hurting yourself?

No, I... no, I've never... I... no, I mean, how... you, you...

You have no right to ask me a question like that.

I... I think maybe you're the one with the problem.

Not... not me. I...

Like, what kind of life do you have?

What kind of friends?

You... you're here all the time.

You've been divorced, like, 50 times.

You're... like, your last resident hated you so much she moved to Texas. I... I...

[CHUCKLES] I think you are the expert on loneliness and depression, okay?

See you guys.

Goodnight, April.

Goodnight, Ethan.


Hey, Monique, your shift is over.

Why don't you go home?


I am so sorry for what happened.

I'm so sorry.


Okay, okay. I'm so sorry.

Out. Everybody out now.

Come on.

It's my fault.

It's all my fault. Your fault?

He could have k*lled you.

If I just had coffee with him...


Monique. No.

This had nothing to do with you.

How can you even think that?

'Cause I told him to leave me alone.

I didn't want anything to do with him.


Guys should sh**t us for turning them down?

Come on. You do realize how crazy that sounds.

Don't you?

Come here.

Is there someone at home that can come and get you?


Maybe a friend?

I don't have any friends.

Yes you do.

Look at us.

You do.

Yeah. Come here.

I finally got Owen to sleep.

He's so excited to have you home.

Well, not as excited as me. Mmm.

We have to get the wedding back on the calendar.

Yes we do.

What is that? Oh, careful.

Let me put this away.

It's a g*n?

Don't worry. Owen can't get into it.

You're carrying a g*n?

After everything that happened, I thought we should have some protection.

I can't believe this.

I have a permit. I don't care.

You can't bring that thing in our house.

Natalie, this is for our protection.

Will, you used to hate g*ns.

That was before I had one pointed at my head.

I'm sorry.

But you cannot stay here with that g*n.

I won't have it in this house.



We have a great reason to celebrate tonight and I am delighted to see all the members of our board, along with so many of our generous supporters.

Gaffney Medical Center is on the cutting edge of urgent care, due in large part to the men and women who are here tonight.

On behalf of them, I thank you.


Congratulations to both of you.

And to you. [GLASSES CLINK]

Don't you two look beautiful.

I'm sorry, but, uh, I have to steal these two for a minute.


They're gonna try to sneak in some questions about the sh**t.

But we're not here about that.

We're here about you.

And your OR room.

Dr. Bekker.

I love that perfume.

Brings back such nice memories.

Why don't we do it again?

That was a very large check I wrote you.

I think I deserve more than one night.

I disagree.

Does my son know about us?

Thank you. Very nice to meet you.

I think we should go.

What, why? Your father.

What about him?

The night that I went to go see him to ask for money for the hybrid room?


He's... he's now saying the most hateful thing.

He's... he's telling people I slept with him.

Thank you.


Dr. Rhodes!


What did she tell you?

I can't wait to hear.

I should never have made you come.


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