03x01 - Speak Your Truth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Med". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Chicago Med" follows the day-to-day chaos of the city's most expl*sive hospital and its staff as they tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events. Intertwines with "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD".
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03x01 - Speak Your Truth

Post by bunniefuu »


Robin, look at me. (SCREAMING) No!

Robin. No, no, no, no! (SCREAMING)

Robin, do you know where you are?

Help me.

Her symptoms, they're not consistent with a psychiatric disorder.

A tumor? So I was crazy.

Your dad's hardly left your side.

His name is Jack Kellogg.

DANIEL: Behavior indicates a malignant narcissist.

He thr*aten to hurt anybody?

Is Dr. Charles ready to see me?

He had a family emergency.

Tell him that I'm not going to be treated this way.

Dr. Charles. Mr. Kellogg?

(g*nsh*t) (GRUNTS)



You secured the g*n?

Yes, ma'am. Check him.

Daniel. Daniel, I'm here.

Oh, God. It's okay.

It's okay.

Do you know who I am?

Uh, Sharon.

Yes, yes. Do you know where you are?

Uh, Med. Yes, that's right.

That's right. He's alive.

But heavy scalp bleeding.

What the hell happened?

He got shot in the abdomen.

He's lost a lot of blood. Baghdad.

No, we're going straight to the OR.

Tell them we're on our way up.

Hang on, Daniel. Stay with me.

We're going to take good care of you, Dr. Charles.

SHARON: Stay with me, Daniel.

So, it's been a few months. How are you feeling overall?

You know, pretty good. Really, pretty good.

I might get a little tired towards the end of the day, but, uh... You could have taken a little bit more time off.

I was going nuts.

CONNOR: How are you doing emotionally?

Hey, who's the shrink here?

I'm doing fine, thank you. Thank you for asking.

So you had some pain when I palpated your abdomen.

So I'd like youto geta CT and a CBC with white count and make sure that you don't have an abscess.

Can't do it today.

It's actually Jack Kellogg's trial, and I'm testifying. Oh, crap.

Boy. Guy could've died.

It would've made everybody's life a little easier, huh?

Please tell Robin that I'm truly sorry that I can't be there when you bring her home.

Yeah, sure.

Thank you, Doctor. Not a worry.

Dr. Reese, Dr. Charles left, said you should do rounds without him.

He doesn't know when they're gonna call him in to testify.

It is awful he has to relive that night.

Yeah. Right. As long as it helps put that schmuck away.

The hubris, trying to get off with an insanity plea. Yes.

It's ironic, isn't it?

By saving lives, we put our own in jeopardy.

I guess. You know, nothing's been done to improve security.

We need a police presence here, both inside and outside the ED.

I'm all for cops, Dr. Stohl, but the people you most need to worry about, they're not afraid of g*ns.

Which reminds me, what do you want to about your g*nsh*t, Mr. Jameson? The wound is through and through, not serious. He needs some in-home care, but there's no reason for him to be taking up space here.

Discharge him. All right.


Natalie! Hi.

We thought we lost you for good.

Why? It was just a little sabbatical.

We didn't hear from you for three months.

I'm sorry. I should have called.

I just got caught up with family stuff.

Dr. Halstead.

Look who decided to come back.

Hey, Nat.


Good to see you.

You, too. Uh-oh.

You're gonna have to catch up later.


Welcome home.


Brian Cutler, early 40s.

High speed crash, prolonged extrication, unresponsive, unable to intubate.

You're going to Trauma 3. GCS 5, heart rate 78, BP is 120 over palp.

His wife is right behind us.

Natalie, take the husband?

Doris, Noah with me. Yep.

Brian. Brian. Judith Cutler, GCS 15, vitals stable. My husband, Brian.

Seatbelt sign on her right neck.

Go to trauma one. It's okay. He's being treated.

I'm Dr. Halstead. I said terrible things.

I'm going to take good care of you.

Oh, God. Brian. Monique, let's go.

On my count, one, two, three.

All right, Doris, take over bagging.

I need to intubate. 100 of sux, 20 of etomidate.

FAST him, Dr. Sexton. Yes, ma'am.

And also I need a chest x-ray.

NURSE: Yes, Doctor, flying in.

All right.

We were fighting. He didn't see the other car.

Mrs. Cutler, are you always this hoarse?

What? Uh, no.

We got seatbelt sign.


Chest wall tenderness.

Hey, I want a 4-vessel CT angiogram with laryngeal cuts and a CT c-spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis.


Help Brian. The things I said...

I didn't mean them. Have to tell him I'm sorry.

Don't worry. We're taking good care of him.

You'll see him soon.

FAST is clear.

I'm in.

Chest is clear.

All right, let's send him up to CT for a panscan.

You have to tell him. Have to tell him All right. Have to tell him.

You'll still experience some symptoms of the encephalitis, but to a lesser and lesser degree.

What kind of symptoms? Memory loss, phonemic paraphasia, Substituting "Ken" for "pen," that kind of thing.

You might also experience sleep issues, hypersomnia.

Impulsivity, disinhibition, irritability.

Sounds great, huh?

Look, nothing a vintage bottle of Clicquot can't fix, right?

Champagne? No. Alcohol is definitely contraindicated.

You'll still be on prednisone, Ativan, Geodon, Trileptal, and labetalol, and you'll be receiving bi-weekly at-home immunoglobulin infusions. Nice.

Can I get some of that? (LAUGHS)

Thank you, Sarah. I get the picture.

Okay. I'll check in with you.

You know what would make me feel better than champagne?

I'm with you. Mmm-hmm.

Yeah, sorry, we can't lock the door.

Well, we'll be home in a couple of hours.

Yeah, but who wants to wait?


Dr. Manning.

It's good to have you back.

Thanks, Ms. Goodwin. Glad to be back.

Sent the husband for a panscan.

Wife's getting a CT, too. Good.

Enjoy your sabbatical?


It's good to get away, gives you perspective on things.

Oh, yeah?

There was a lot going on here.

I had a lot to think about.

Hey, Sarah. Where you going?

I got us some sliders.

Uh, courthouse. I want to be there when Dr. Charles testifies. Oh, right, right.

1 get it. Moral support.

Yeah, he's the reason I went into psychiatry.

Dr. Charles taught me everything I know.

Yeah, he's kind of like your dad getting shot.

My dad? Okay, my dad.

I have not seen my dad since I was six.

There's no comparison between him and Dr. Charles.

Dr. Charles, can you identify the man who shot you the night of May 11th?

Uh, yes. He's sitting right there, Jack Kellogg.

We're all very grateful you pulled through, Dr. Charles.

There's certainly no one here would blame you for wanting to see Mr. Kellogg pay for the physical and emotional distress he's caused you.

Now, just a few weeks before Mr. Kellogg shot you, he'd been a patient of yours, right?


And at that time, his actions and his behavior warranted enough concern to place him on a 72-hour psychiatric hold for further observation.

That's right. So you were aware that Mr. Kellogg was a severely troubled man?

Yes. Yes, I was.

The jury's already heard testimony from some other experts who claim that Mr. Kellogg's mental state does not meet the threshold of what would be considered legally insane.

But they weren't able to evaluate him until well after the incident, correct?

That's correct.

And they weren't there in the moment when Mr. Kellogg shot you and then himself, were they? No. They were not.

Then would you say they're qualified to evaluate Mr. Kellogg?

No. In fact, I wouldn't.

With all due respect to my colleagues, I feel that I am uniquely qualified to answer the question at hand which is what was Jack Kellogg's mental state at the time that he fired those b*ll*ts.

And I believe that he was legally insane at that time.

So, in your expert medical opinion...

I think that Jack Kellogg should be declared not guilty by reason of insanity.

Thank you, Dr. Charles.


Why would you perjure yourself up there?

I didn't perjure myself.

You said that Jack Kellogg is legally insane.

We both evaluated him, and we concurred that he was, and I quote, "a malignant narcissist with overt sadistic impulses.” Toxic, yes, and in definite need of treatment, but not something that rises to the definition of legal insanity.

Sarah, I revised my diagnosis.

Why? And why didn't you tell me?

Because Mr. Kellogg began to present with definitive signs of dissociation and paranoia.

In other words, after he shot me, it occurred we might have missed some underlying psychotic disorder.

You said he'd hid the g*n in his pocket.

Concealing it alone suggests an awareness of impropriety.

You want to know why I didn't tell you?

It's cause of this.

You're emotional about the sh**ting.

And while I very much appreciate the sentiment behind that, really I do, I also think it's affected your objectivity.

Objectivity? You think you're being objective?

Look, I got to get back in there for cross.

You know how you can help me?

Go back to the hospital and treat patients.

Okay? I'll be back at the end of the day, and we'll talk some more.

It started a couple of weeks ago with a headache, and next thing I know, he's fiery like a furnace.

(BEEPS) 101.

Hey, Ryan, I'm Dr. Choi.

So I hear this has been going on a few weeks?

I know I should have brought him in sooner.

I got laid off last year, and we lost our coverage.

Everything is out-of-pocket right now, so until I'm working again...

Sorry about this, Mom.

Honey, I told you there is nothing to be sorry about.

It's okay, Ryan. Dr. Choi will fix you right up.

April, let's get a CBC, CMP. Oh, no.

Not again.

Also start him on fluids.

And Doris, grab some towels.

Let's clean this up, okay? Yeah.

So I picked up roast chicken and some hummus, unless you want to unpack first?

I got a better idea.

I guess lunch can wait. Mmm-hmm.

Okay, good news.

Abdomen and pelvis scans were clean.

Your laryngeal CT did indicate some mild swelling, but your arteries look good.

No damage to the major vessels.



Mrs. Cutler, I'm Dr. Manning.

I've been treating your husband Brian.

Can I see him? He's still unconscious.

The panscan showed his spine, chest, and belly were clear.

However, his head CT showed diffuse bilateral intraparenchymal bleeding.

I'm afraid we're talking about a bleed in the brain.

Oh, God.

This is not something we can resolve surgically.

So we've taken your husband to the ICU.

The hope is that we can control the bleeding and the pressure enough so that he will wake up.

He has to.

Please, I...

I have to tell him I'm sorry.

I said such horrible things.

Mrs. Cutler, since you're still hoarse, I've just paged the ENT to scope your larynx just to make sure there's no damage to your vocal chords.

As soon as we do that, we're gonna take you up to see your husband.

Thank you. Thank you.

What was that all about? Tell him she's sorry?

Yeah. they were having a fight when the accident occurred.

She's afraid she won't get the chance to tell him how she really feels.

Were you aware that Dr. Charles was testifying in Kellogg's defense? I found out today.

Dr. Charles wants him remanded to a psychiatric facility.

Which means he won't go to jail.

That's absurd. The man came here and tried to k*ll a mental health professional because he wanted attention.

Well, I'm as upset as you are.

I'm the one who found him bleeding on the sidewalk.

Jack Kellogg is a devious sociopath.

He'll con his way out of a mental institution and be back on the streets. We have a responsibility, a public responsibility, to make sure that doesn't happen.

Unfortunately, Dr. Reese, there's nothing you or I can do.

It's up to the jury.


Help! He can't breathe.

Heart rate's spiking, statting at 88%.

Get him on oxygen. Got it.


All right, breath sounds diminished on the left.

Give me the ultrasound. Yes, Doctor.

Hey, hey. Why don't we wait outside, okay?

Left side's full of fluid.

Let's give him four morphine and two of versed.

We need to get in a chest tube now.


Need the tube, now! Got it.

Stats are coming up. He's stabilizing.

April, let's get a blood sample for cultures, and Doris, when you finish taping the tube in place, get that pus off the wall before environmental services has a fit.

I'm sick of this.

Getting stuck with the dirty work.

Cleaning up pus and vomit while you get to run labs. What?

Just ‘cause you and Ethan are sleeping together.

Excuse me?

Mr. Wilson.

A little short of breath?

Afraid so.

Let's get him on a nasal cannula.

Yes, Doctor.

Dr. Bardovi, the patient's cardiac index is 1.8 by Fick. What would you suggest?

Increase dobutamine from 3 to 4 to improve cardiac output.


Mr. Wilson, we'll be back to check on you later.

Thank you, Dr. Latham.

So, any thoughts?

Normal presentation of non-compaction syndrome.

The patient's in non-ischemic heart failure.

And? With his tachycardia, we can't increase inotropic support without risking cardiogenic shock.

That gives us, at best, a few more days to find him a new heart.

Unfortunately, yes.

Carry on.

Dr. Bekker.

Busy day. How are we progressing?

I completed my valve replacement, triple bypass is being prepped now, and Dr. Rhodes' pulmonary thrombectomy is set for this afternoon.

Robin was discharged this morning.

Dr. Rhodes will be here as soon as he gets her settled.

You know, Dr. Latham, I'm thinking my bypass patient is stable.

In fact, he could probably use another day or two for his heart to rest. And?

Pulmonary thrombectomy, that's a difficult procedure.

With everything Dr. Rhodes is dealing with today, I could take some of the pressure off and perform his thrombectomy.

With your permission, of course.

That's very considerate of you.

We're a team.


Yes. Take the thrombectomy.

I'm sure Dr. Rhodes will appreciate it.

Oh, come... Do you really have to go?

It's a pulmonary thrombectomy.

It's not something you see every day.

That's a high-profile case.

Did you have to wrestle Cruella for it?

(CHUCKLES) Ava Bekker?

No, it hasn't quite come to that yet.

You want to wrestle with me? Oh...

Well, that is very, very tempting.

But I really do have to go.

Come on, it will be quick. No.

I wish I could.

You know, I never understood why women in movies have sex on kitchen tables.

It just... It seems so uncomfortable to me, but...

I don't know.

Maybe we ought to try it.

See what we've been missing out on, right?

What's the matter?

I shouldn't be late tonight.


You'd tell me if something were wrong, wouldn't you?

Robin, don't worry.

Maggie. I need some help here.

Barry, what's going on?

Dr. Stohl discharged this patient.

Mr. Jameson, are you okay? What happened?

Nothing. I couldn't leave him at home.

Why not? First off, his brother was supposed to be there to take care of him. He wasn't.

Couldn't get away from work so he's coming tomorrow.

Number two, there's guys hanging around waiting to pop him again.

He needs his brother as back-up.

For real. Garfield Park.

And there's no place else for you to go until your brother gets there?


Okay, 24 hours.

That's all you have, okay?

I'll be back for him tomorrow.

You better be.

Could use something to eat. What?

Hey, Reese, I need to ask you something.

You mentioned, uh, disinhibition, impulsivity as things that Robin might experience.

Can you get a little more specific for me?

Uh, impulse buying, gambling, maybe hypersexuality, hyperphagia... Hypersexuality?

Are you concerned about Robin?

Yeah, of course I'm concerned.

You're sure that she was ready to be discharged?

Yes. You're confident about that?

I am, and if my opinion isn't good enough, her neurologist and internist both concurred, okay?

I am trying to figure out if I'm dealing with Robin or her antibodies here.

Look, if you're not up to managing her care, we can find... lam.

I'll talk to my husband about that and we'll see if we can do it on Thursday.

Beth, where're you going? We've got a case.

Oh, they gave it to another team.

The patient's already in surgery.

Dr. Latham.

Uh, the pre-op team said that my pulmonary thrombectomy was already taken to surgery.

I don't understand.

Dr. Bekker kindly offered to take the case. I okayed it.


With Robin's discharge this morning, Dr. Bekker thought you'd be relieved to have such a difficult procedure taken off your plate.

Really? How considerate of her.

Ah, that's what I said.

It's gratifying, Dr. Rhodes, to see the two of you working so well together.


Dr. Choi, Ryan's labs came back.

White count of 16,000 with a left shift, plus bicarbs are up... He's dehydrated.

Let's give him another liter of fluid and check on his gram stain.


Doris thinks we're sleeping together.

She does?

Did you say something?

No. Ethan.


I swear I didn't say a word.

Hey, if it's out, great.

No, don't.

Come on.

Why do we have to keep sneaking around?

Because you're a doctor. I'm a nurse.

Not the first time this ever happened.


I do not want to be that cliche.

Is that what you think of us?


But other people will.

Who cares? That's really easy for you to say, ‘cause you're the doctor.

(ALARM BEEPING) MOTHER: Someone help my son!

Somebody help my son.

He's having a seizure. April, push two of Ativan.

APRIL: On it, two of Ativan.

He's burning up. We need to get him upstairs for a head CT now.

NURSE: Yes, Doctor.

April, let's move. Okay, here we go.

What is happening to my son?

Ma'am, I promise you, we're going to find out.


Intracranial pressures way up.

Henry, five of morphine.

BP's spiking.

Heart rate's down to 42.

Cushing's response.

Give him another 70 of mannitol.

Will, his pupils are blown.

Veronica, turn up the vent and hyperventilate him.

Will, we've lost him.

Damn it.

We maxed out on his meds.

There was nothing we could do.

I know.

Dr. Manning. Yeah?

I understand you just lost a patient to an intraparenchymal bleed.

Yes, Brian Cutler.

And we're about to inform his wife.

Ah, well, there's something I need you to ask her.


Can I go see my husband now?

Mrs. Cutler, I'm afraid we have some very bad news.

Your husband. Oh, my God...

We were unable to control the bleeding in his brain.

He suffered what we call herniation.

That's when pressure on the brain cuts off blood supply.

Brian is...

He's brain dead.

Unfortunately, it's irreversible.

Oh, no. No, no, no, no.

We're very sorry.

But I... I never told him...

No... No... Mrs. Cutler.

We know this is a terrible time for you, but we need to ask.

Your husband was not registered as an organ donor.

This can't be happening.

There's a young man in this hospital who needs your husband's heart, but we need your consent.


Mrs. Cutler, your husband's heart will save this young man's life, and the sooner we act, the better.

May we have your permission?

Yes. BOTH: Thank you.

This is my case. Was your case.

And I don't need to your assistance.

And you open him up?

I had him scheduled for interventional radiology.

To resect a saddle embolus?

No, that would have been a great idea if you were trying to k*ll him.

You poached my case and now you changed the procedure.

Dr. Rhodes. Outside now.


I can make better use of your time than kibitzing with Dr. Bekker. Dr. Latham...

She is eminently skilled and qualified to perform the thrombectomy.

Yeah. We have a patient in cardiac failure.

A heart has just been procured for transplantation, but it presents a significant size mismatch.

So you will have to completely reconstruct both the in and outflow tracks.

No. You will have to reconstruct them.

It's your case.

Dr. Charles, prosecution's calling a rebuttal witness.

What do I need to know about Sarah Reese?


Tell me your own resident isn't here to poke holes in your testimony.

PROSECUTOR: So you also treated the defendant, Mr. Kellogg.

SARAH: Yes, I did.

Dr. Reese, is it safe to say that you disagree with Dr. Charles?


We want to believe that the only thing that can explain aberrant behavior is some sort of insanity.

But even in my short time as a psychiatric resident, I've found that that's not always the case.

And it is certainly not the case with Mr. Kellogg.

Lying bitch! JUDGE: Sit down.

You're a lying bitch.

JUDGE: Deputies, restrain the defendant.

Let me go. You're a liar. A damn liar!

Mr. Kellogg, control yourself! Let go!

You're a liar!

Order in this court! You'll pay for this.

Get off of me.

Get off of me.

Off of me.

You're a liar!

Let go of me. Get off of me!

You're a liar, damn it!

Ryan has an infection in his brain?

It's called a subdural abscess.

He contracted an infection, and as it spread, a small collection of pus was walled-off inside his brain.

How does this happen?

We're hoping you might be able to help us answer that.

Mrs. Potter, can you think of anywhere Ryan may have been exposed to a fungus or parasite?

Did Ryan go camping?

Possibly swimming in a lake or river.

No. Nothing like that.

Any dental work?

We haven't been to the dentist in ages.

Never. It's too expensive.

Severe tooth decay on the left posteriors.

Small abrasion on the surface of the gums.

Could have allowed bacteria to enter the bloodstream and travel to his brain.

Am I going to be okay?

We'll start you on antibiotics, but you'll likely need surgery to drain the abscess.

I'll get you a referral for an oral surgeon.

How could this happen?

He never even complained of a toothache.

Mr. Jameson, why are you still here?

Uh, there was an issue.

Maggie. Yes.

Why is Mr. Jameson sipping on a juice box in my ED?

He couldn't be left at home.

Maggie, we are not running a hotel here.

But if he goes home by himself, he could get shot again.

However unfortunate that situation may be, it is not our problem.

We treat 'em, we street ‘em. That's what we do.

Treat 'em and street ‘em is fine for people who live on your street.

Not his.

Maggie, I'm not... Dr. Stohl.

You're rightfully concerned about someone getting shot in the ED, but what about the people who live with that kind of thing every day?

I cannot correct society's ills.

I patch people up. Now discharge Mr. Jameson.

So you got plans tonight? You and Dr. Choi?

Why you trying to start something?

Am I wrong, April?

You're not sleeping together?

Yes, you're wrong.

Don't blame my mom.

She didn't know.

It was just a toothache.

I shouldn't have kept it a secret.

Just a toothache?

I can't imagine how much that hurt.

She's always worried about money.

I didn't want to worry her more.

It's my fault. No.

You did what you thought was best.

I know what you're thinking.

About secrets.

All I'm thinking is that's one brave kid.

Our secret...

It's up to you, April.

I want you to be comfortable.

DESMOND: You said you'd keep him 24 hours.

MAGGIE: The Chief of Department said no.

You have to go home. He's helpless.

They'll k*ll him.

MAGGIE: What do you want me to do?


Bring the patient over here.

You feel that?


Push your foot against my hand.

Can you feel that now?

Um, no.

I suspect there may be nerve damage we didn't pick up earlier.

I'd like to admit Mr. Jameson for inpatient physical and occupational therapy.



Robin. Hey, you okay?

Yeah, I was thinking about this afternoon and...

You just seemed...

I don't know.

Everything's good with us, right?

Uh, yeah, everything's good.

So, I'm just being paranoid.

Do you know what, never mind.

Don't... Don't answer that.

Um, if you want I could look pasta for dinner tonight.

You mean "cook"?

Cook, yes.

Cook pasta.


Are you taking your meds?

Yes, I'm taking my meds. Wha...

I'll be home before long, okay?


I hear you one-upped me.

Heart transplant with a significant size mismatch.

That looks good on the CV.

Guess you have me to thank, taking that thrombectomy off your hands.

Ava, I'm really not in the mood.

You should go home and get some sleep.

Oh, there you are, Dr. Reese.

Uh, you'll be happy to know that Mr. Kellogg was found guilty.

I'm not happy, but I am satisfied with that verdict.

He'll still receive treatment in jail.

Through the Department of Corrections?

You have any idea what their success rate is?

In that environment?

His chances of rehabilitation are practically nil.

Not that it really matters, because more than likely his temper will get him k*lled within a week.

Those outbursts are an act calculated to convince you he's crazy.

Is that what he was doing?

Dr. Reese, I've been evaluating psychiatric patients for more than 30 years.

Is it conceivable to you that I might have more insight into his behavior than you do?


Give us a moment, Dr. Reese.


You recruited her because you liked that she thought for herself.

Don't hold that against her now.

Sharon, Kellogg is not a criminal.

He's a confused guy in a lot of pain who needs some help.

Like someone else I know.

What's that supposed to mean?

Look, I didn't say anything when you insisted upon returning to work before you were cleared to, because I got it.

It was important to reclaim your agency.

But now here you are, the one person in Chicago willing to champion the cause of the man who tried to k*ll you.

I got to say, it concerns me.

Why? ‘Cause I want to send him to an asylum?

Not a day spa, instead of a prison?

Because I want... I want to treat his illness instead of punishing him for it?

It's still my patient. Very noble, Daniel, but I don't think that's what this is about.

I think this is about your guilt and your ego.

You had a k*ller on your hands, and you missed the signs.

And now you're trying to make up for your mistake.

You're trying to fix it and get back in control.

You've been through so much, Daniel.

Let it go.

Stop torturing yourself.

Dr. Rhodes.

I've been thinking about your pulmonary thrombectomy.

I can't help but wonder if Dr. Bekker didn't...

What's the word? Manipulate me for her own gain.

I wouldn't worry about it, Dr. Latham.

I know that fellows compete for the most challenging cases to improve their resumes.

Perhaps in the end, you fared better than Dr. Bekker.

Is that why you gave me the transplant?

I'm not sure.

Sometimes my motivations are a mystery to me, to be honest.

Good night, Dr. Rhodes.

Good night, Dr. Latham.


Mrs. Cutler.

The transplant was successful.

The young man, the recipient of your husband's heart, he's doing well.

The last thing Brian heard me say was that I didn't love him.

May I see him?

The young man.

The heart recipient? Yes.


Closer. Please.

I'm so sorry, Brian.

I love you.


Sorry I wasn't here to help ease you into civilian life.

I mean, for all the good it did, I probably should've skipped testifying all together.

It's okay, Dad.

I wish I could have been there for you.

Oh... (SCOFFS)

I mean, at least I knew you were in Connor's very capable hands.

What? What is it?

He doesn't trust me.

What do you mean?

I saw a look on his face.

He thinks my feelings for him are part of my disease.

Oh, honey.

Is he right?

Or is this just...

All in my head, and that's part of the disease?

Dad, how do I know what's real?

Come here.

I mean, we're all driven by so many different things.

Truthfully, a lot of the time I don't have a clue why I do the things that I do.

But I mean, even if you can't always trust your brain...

In my experience, you're usually pretty safe trusting your heart.

You know?

Good night, Dr. Choi. Good night, April.

I feel for that woman.

Having to live with those regrets.


Well, good night, Will.



When you left, you knew about me and Nina.

But I didn't get a chance to tell you why I broke up with her.

It was because of the feelings I have for you.

Those feelings haven't gone away.

You don't have to say anything.

I don't have any expectations.

I just...

I felt I had to tell you.

My, um...

My sabbatical.

The things I needed to think about...

It's you.

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