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01x04 - The Wrong End of a Telescope

Posted: 10/23/20 06:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Walking Dead: World Beyond"...

HOPE: The pregnant lady we saw that night that Mom died,

I scared her, and she shot Mom.

I knew there was something you didn't tell me.

SILAS: I don't wanna be who everybody thinks I am here.

In case we have to k*ll any, do you think you can do it?

HOPE: I told him not to go.

I screamed at him not to go.

If you want to keep your promise to our dad,

- then you'll help us find him.
- Great.

ELTON: So, we know based on the code and map we were given that the Civic Republic's research facility is somewhere in New York state.

IRIS: But we don't know where exactly. Not yet.

As is all the more reason to turn around.

Just saying.

Nice try.

We might have taken a wrong turn back there,but this should still lead to the interstate.

Yeah, well, bad news.
We're almost out of supplies, and it looks like rain's coming, so...

HUCK: If the way station Will mentioned had panned out, that'd be one thing, but...

It's cool.

We'll figure it out.

How come he's smiling?


Hey, how come you're smiling?

ELTON: Where do you think the Civic Republic is?

It's called "The Hidden City" for a reason.

When people first started talking about an alliance with this "hidden city,"

I pictured it underground.

- Me too.
- Hmm.

I mean, but they refine their own fuel.

They fly helicopters.
They grow their own crops.

- Hmm.
- Can't do that underground.

Well, their research place, where our dad is, that's not actually where they are.

Maybe they do all that other stuff somewhere else, too.

Regardless, their high resource output would indicate they have a large population.

So if that were the case, their security approach... you know, not saying where they are... would be understandable.

That sounds like some shady shit to me.

- Hmm.
- It does.

And those messages from your father are certainly cause for concern, but if they have technology and agriculture and sophisticated governmental systems, it'd be smart to stay hidden, even if it makes others question their motives.

I guess what I'm saying is we should feel lucky that they haven't taken over, you know,

- taken things.
- We don't know they haven't.

Yeah, we know that because we trade with them.

Portland does, too.

We have joint protection agreements.

Well, they took our dad, so...

Bottom line is we don't know anything.

Ergo the long walk, Champ.

Look, we got just enough food and water to get us to Omaha.

That's it.

Except Omaha's north, and they're headed east.


From the looks of it, they're not changing their minds.

- At least not Iris.
- Yeah.

Silas, neither.


Any idea why Corduroy decided to play tag-along?

I didn't really think he knew the girls that well.

The kid may be the wedge.

Hey, why don't you talk to him, convince him to change his mind?

- I'll handle Hope.
- Copy.

IRIS: Hey! Come look at this!



It's worth checking out, right?

It is. Let's go.

Place like this, hidden from the world, maybe we find some supplies, something to eat if we're lucky.

And ride out the rain.

IRIS: I've never been inside a real high school before.


♪ Let's get out of this country ♪

♪ I'll admit I'm bored with me ♪

♪ When not in body, at least in mind ♪

♪ We'll find a cathedral city ♪

♪ You can convince me I am pretty ♪



You okay?

Oh, shit. Yeah, sorry.

I was trying to see if there was anything useful in there while we wait for our baby sitters to get back.

Turns out not much.


- We can use these to collect some rain.

FELIX: This place is huge.

No sign of empties, but that does not mean that they're not around.

Priorities are food, clothes for Hope, and anything we can use to collect water.

Might as well take advantage of the downpour outside.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Like that.

Good work.

We can cover more ground if we split up.

We can handle ourselves.

Someone taught us,

[IMITATING FELIX] "In the end, it's all about avoidance.

Keeping distance is the difference between life and death."

That's good. That's...
That's what I sound like?


Silas, you keep your walkie on, and, Elton, you're with me on water duty. Let's go.

It would be my honor.

- Uh, hey, uh...
- So...

We haven't talked much since, uh...

I was just hoping we could talk or whatever,

- but it's cool.
- We can talk later.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally.


- Uh, Silas and I will take the first floor.
- Copy.


You keep your eyes open, alright?

Weapons drawn.

And if you see one of them, you run.

You understand?

We meet back here in one hour.

Be careful.


I heard that.

Looks like it's me and you, kid.


It's all about avoidance.

- Come on.
- Ha, ha!



[CHUCKLES] No way.

People actually wore these?

Like, they were trying to look like dicks?

[LAUGHS] Wait. Did you?

I can neither confirm nor deny.


Oh, my God, stop!

I'm so embarrassed for you right now.

I would laugh if I wasn't so hungry.


So, uh, what happened?

Last we talked, you thought the world was ending and people were shit.

Now you're walking through a thousand miles of empties on a hunch.

You think it's too late to reinvent myself?

Check it out. The options are endless.

You led me and Felix right to you.

You get roped into this, or did you have second thoughts?

I did.

But then I got second thoughts on my second thoughts.

You gonna be straight with me or what?


Once you're straight with me about where Cool Huck went.

'Cause right now you're starting to sound a lot like my dad.

You never showed up.

Principal Kallenbach's office?

Ring any bells?

I sat there and waited for you all day, and you never showed.



So, you forgot?

Well, I was gonna go between classes, but then I came up with the exact right phrase for the start of the Advanced Immunology Textbook preface, the one giving me all the trouble, remember?

That's when I forgot.

And by that point, I had another class.

And... And then I decided that if you sat there all day, maybe you'd think twice before setting off stink bombs to try to get a day off of school.

Then I wondered if all that transpired was just a product of the background processes of my brain, which made me forget again until right now.

So... you want to tell me what's going on with you?

This is getting to be a regular thing.

They weren't just stink bombs.

They were time-release stink bombs.

They took two weeks to perfect.

Never mind.

Picking a dud like me, you probably kick yourself some days.

Least you did good with Iris.

The agency told me and your mother you shared a crib.

You two were inseparable.

You were bonded before we ever met you.

From the moment we laid eyes on you both, we just wanted to protect you.

We knew that even if we couldn't, you'd protect each other.

You did good with Iris.

And she did good with you.

I've never wished for another Iris.

I love you unconditionally.

I just hate that you don't see yourself the way I do because you are exceptional.

I got to go help Iris before she burns dinner again.

So, those stink bombs... ammonium sulfide?


Try % dipropylene glycol and % thioglycolic acid.

It's not what I would have done, but... it's not bad.



Seen a few of those outlines around.

First one with an actual sign attached.

Think it's by accident?

Maybe not.

What, so you think someone took 'em all down for some reason

- and just missed one?
- Don't know.

If somebody pulled the signs, maybe it means there's something in there worth hiding.

But maybe we got a shot at resupply, after all.


Now we just got to find it.


ELTON: Where'd you learn to do that?


Not high school.



Hey. Look.

We're looking for anything that collects water... bottles, beakers, anything that seals.

Roger that.


So, these pictures you take... science is like your thing, huh?

It's pretty much my raison d'être,

- yeah.
- Hmm.

Hey, hey, hey. Come here.

Yeah, grab that.



You know there's a bunch of research going on back home, right?

There is, but this is much better.

It's visceral.

Instead of studying the world in books and laboratories,

I'm seeing it firsthand, documenting it.

What about helping Iris and Hope find their dad, huh?

Where does that fit in?

I'm all about that, too.

Worried about their father, and I don't want them to worry.

I mean, you barely knew them before.


Now I know everything from their morning breath to their bathroom habits.


A monumental shared experience such as this

- pretty much bonds you for life.
- Unreal.

Oh, score!


The holy grail of water purification.

Grab that, and alright.

We're good to go.


Well, that wasn't here before.

Is... Is it from an empty?


Must have been injured and dragged itself away.


Maybe not.

Hey, Silas.

Iris, you copy?

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.


Stay behind me.





IRIS: Looks like a party.



The door's holding.

It's okay.





Must have gone to school here.



Probably not the most useful, huh?

Says who?


Uh, we should go to the teachers' lounge down the hall.

Maybe we'll have better luck there.



Let me try.


It's water damage.

Ground's uneven, and the door frame's shifted.

I think it's stuck for good.

Hand me your walkie.


Hey, Felix, do you copy?



Hey, what's... ?

Maybe the batteries need a charge.

Nope. They're corroded.



You never talk about your parents.

I mean, what was your dad like?

I mean, you were in the army or whatever, right?

He must have been so proud.

He was.

It's always complicated shit with dads, you know?

What do you mean?

They just, you know, have a funny way of showing they give a shit sometimes.


I'm sorry, Hope, but I have to go.

What, to put yourself in danger who knows where for a bunch of people you don't even know?


They're good people, Hope. I mean... at least they seem to be.

The Center for Public Goals are our goals.

We need to trust them.

Good people would tell you where they're taking you.

And I'm sorry if I don't trust you, of all people, to see things clearly here.

Well, I trust my brain.

And my brain is telling me that the clear thing is to trust these people.

Any chance I can get to teach emerging minds to train more people in the things we'll all need to know, that's the way forward, Hope.

It's... It's the only way.

This world you're trying to save is over.

That's what my brain is telling me.

This isn't the end.

If it was, it'd be easy, but it's not.

We still got a shot.

I'm gonna take it.

I'll be better.

I'll stop being a screw-up.

I'm not going on this trip because of you.

You are not a screw-up.

Of course I am.

You're frustrated.

It's not your fault why you're frustrated.

What do you mean?

I've been meaning to talk to you for a while about a lot of things. I just...

I can't right now, but we will when I get back.

And I will be back.

It's big stuff, but it's not bad stuff.

You know how they said we couldn't communicate, how the Civic Republic doesn't allow any messages to go in or out?

Well, I figured something out.


It's a little tweak on some old technology

I'll be sharing with the Omaha Council when I get back, but not until.

And I'll show this device to you and your sister.

- Felix already knows.
- Felix?

He's family, Hope.

You made a communications device?


I can be bad, too.

It's gonna be fine.

I love you.

More than you'll ever know.


Can I be honest about something?


Instead of turning a blind corner and potentially facing who knows what, maybe we draw it out,

- face it on our turf versus theirs.

- Maybe?
- Just stay behind me.




You okay?

Yeah. I-I'm just claustrophobic, so I'd rather not think about it.


This one's not going anywhere.

Come on. We should keep moving.

You want some water? Hmm?

Yeah. Yeah.

I get that you have your reasons for being out here, okay?

But you're not ready for this.

None of you are.

Hell, I don't even know if I am.


Look, there may not be something around that corner right now, but sooner or later, there will be.

Okay? And if you care about... about Iris or Hope or Silas...

You've seen this before, right?

You ever wonder why I got this tattoo?

It's to remind myself of everything that I've ever lost.

Who I've lost.

I lost my parents, too, Elton.

Just like you did.

And there were others... friends.


The person who taught me how to pick that lock back there.

Hell, I can't lose anyone else, okay?

I won't.

That's exactly why I need your help, okay?

I need your help convincing the others just to turn around.

All I'm asking for you is to think about it, okay?

Just think about it.

Come on.

Let's go.





- Did an empty do this?
- No.

No, it did not.

Look, we need to find the others, okay?

We need to get the hell out of here.

Whatever did this might not be alone.

I guess if we have to, we can make our way past the empty, find our way upstairs.

- Mm-hmm.
- You thirsty?

Where did you find... ?

Under the bleachers.


I've never had soda in a can before.


- Holy shit, that's good.
- Yeah.


You think they knew how good they had it here?

Sodas, dances, art class, the freedom to be whoever and whatever.

Except for these, didn't you have all those things back at the university?


I just wish I knew then what I know now.

Maybe I wouldn't have put so much pressure on myself to try and make up for everything, living for everybody else.

Make up for what?



But I will tell you one thing.

I definitely would have gone to more dances.

I mean, I wouldn't have been so afraid to just have fun.

What about art?


What about it?

You're... an artist.

You're different now.

Leading us.

Yeah, I'm trying.

You are.

You're different, too.

I mean, what you did back at The Blaze.

I know how people talked about me.

Stupid people.

Most people.

Yeah. Stupid people.

If they said something about me, talking about what they thought I did,

I'd hear it all day, in my head, over and over.

I don't out here.



Mm! You promised me you'd play me a song once it was safe.

[LAUGHS] Come on.



Alright, it's, uh...

- It's like this, yeah?
- Yeah.

Mm. Uh...



I didn't realize, uh...

[LAUGHS] I-I just didn't peg you for a...

It was my grandma's favorite.

You know what?

I like it.


The basement steps should be just up ahead.

This place is a maze.


Get back.


No, not the g*n.



It's so crazy to think of all those old-timey dances.

I mean, women in ball gowns, waltzing to a song just like this.

Must have been so...

... glamorous.


When I was , my grandma took me to a ballroom dance class at the senior center.

- It was not so glamorous.
- Busted.

So, you do know how to dance.

Okay, come on. Show me.

I can't.

I don't... I don't remember.

I don't believe you.

I really don't remember, so...

Come on. We'll do it together.

Come on!



That way.

Uh, like this, right?

I think so.



And... Ooh, ooh. Um...


Yep. That's... That was...
Okay. Alright.

We're getting there.


Come on.

We got this.


Oh. Of course.

[LAUGHS] That's good.



HOPE: There's got to be a way past it.

If it would just move or go away.

It's not moving for a reason.

I mean, look at it.

Posted in that doorway like it's standing guard.

You think it's defending its young?

If I'm right, I think I know how we can get around it.

Go slow.




Come on.

Silas, you copy?

You have to chase me.


Found 'em.


FELIX: Hey. Iris!



- It won't open. Trust us.
- Mm.

Is there another way out?

Uh, there's a back way. Leads to the basement.

But there's an empty there.

Alright, we'll go down, and we'll come back up.

I'll take care of the empty.

I need you two to stay here until then, alright?

There's something else roaming these hallways, and I don't think it's friendly.


So, that whole defending its young thing?

Something I picked up being out there as long as I was.

See, it's easy to think you're reading a situation the right way.

Sometimes, though, there's a whole other thing going on you had no idea about.

Like, how you're trying to get me to turn back?

That's what that was, right?

I mean, all those questions?

You should.

A few days ago, I would've, alright, but now I know I can't.

Dads have a weird way of showing they give a shit.

And maybe I had my dad's shit all wrong.

What do you mean?

Before my dad left, he told me that it wasn't my fault that I was so frustrated.

I thought he was just saying shit to try and make me feel better, but maybe...

Maybe he was trying to protect me, like that wolf.

Protect you from what?

I don't know.


When I find him, I'll ask him.


Still hungry?




Start packing up supplies.

I got this.

- [g*n COCKS]




Do you hear that?

Yeah. I don't know what it is, though.


We got to get past this empty.

Uh, yeah.


I'm gonna open this door, okay, and, um, when I say, you open that one.



Okay, oh.


Hey, hey, hey! Look at me!

Come on! Come on!

Right here.

Hey! Silas, door!


Silas! [GRUNTS]

IRIS: What is it?

I think it's a flare.

Watch your eyes.




Silas, be careful.





Silas? Door!




You okay?

Yeah. You?


We got to get out of here.





Got to get those Omega- s somehow.

IRIS: [MUFFLED] Hey, Silas, help me with this door.


Did you hear that?

- Iris?



- Hope?

We need to get this door open.

There's empties in here, and it's about to get bad.

HUCK: Iris, we're gonna get you out of there.

- You hang on.
- Hurry!

It's coming.

They always keep coming.





You get a fresh start.

Even his own mom testified against him.

MAN: Still can't believe they let him in here.

WOMAN: Dude should be in jail for what he did.





- Felix!
- FELIX: We're gonna get you out of there!

Hurry! Silas! Stop!

- Silas!

- Aah!
- Hey, Silas!

Silas! Oh!



I'm sorry.

When I heard you screaming...

Yeah. I know.

But I'm okay.

Are we?

There's a lot I missed out on.

Maybe if I would have just...

Or if you...

We should have talked.

We should've told each other about what happened that night.

We would've been there for each other.

That's what we both missed out on.


Yeah. You put the "tough" in TuffyStitch.

- You know that, kid?
- Yeah.

Had me worried for a second.

Thank you.

I'm more worried about Silas.



So, um, if you did have a plan to turn around, how would that even work?

I mean, going back through the B.O.G. would be su1c1de.

Depending on how long it takes to convince everyone, there's ways around.

Such as?

Put it this way.

Our last best chance is the Mississippi.


Huck and I... We could really use your help on this one.

This is how we keep everyone alive.

You in?



Everyone is ready to go, so...

You should leave me here.

Okay, well, we're not leaving you here,

- so...
- I hurt Elton.

It was an accident.

He knows that.

I know you've heard what they say.

What they said.

Do you think I k*lled my dad?

Do you?

It's okay.

Whatever you think.

- I just...
- Don't.

It doesn't matter.

Maybe I could have done it myself.

Maybe you should have let me.

But you saved us.

Twice now.

I mean, you did that, Silas.

Hey, that's what matters.

So come on.

Let's get you cleaned up.



Hey, you good?

You are.

Um, wait. Just hold on.

Excuse me. Uh...

What, did you forget your prom crown, or... ?

No, no, I-I just want to get a group photo.

Come on. Everybody in.

I thought you only used your camera to document stuff.

Since when do you take pictures of actual people?

I don't know.

Since now.

Come on.




On the next episode of "The Walking Dead: World Beyond"...

I think this is the easiest round back around The Blaze.

- I've never said I was in.
- You never said that you weren't.

Huck says the military blew all the bridges over the Mississippi.

- It means we need a boat.
- Crossing is gonna be a little rough than anything we've seen so far.

- No!
- Working behind our backs

- trying to get us to turn around.
- Just don't want anybody to die.

- Here they come!
- Go, go, go, go!


LYLA: Test Subject A .

That's good there. Thank you.

Test Subject displayed no detectable responses to psychological stimuli.

Necrotic plasma and brain fluid are being drawn for further testing.

Results to be compared to test performed during and immediately following reanimation.

Tomorrow we'll begin the climate variation tests, as scheduled.

Again, this is Test Subject A , known in life as Dr. Samuel Abbott of Portland, Oregon.


Thank you. Bring out the next TS, please.


[MUFFLED] That's good there. Thank you.


Test Subject A .