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04x22 - No Man's Land

Posted: 10/16/20 06:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Gotham"...

Hugo Strange can fix Butch.

Strange might be my only hope, Tabby.

Whatever happens after I walk out that door, I care about you, and I always will.

Jeremiah: Jerome is dead.

Long live me.


Oh, my God!

I have bombs planted around the city.

Gordon: These are the buildings Jeremiah's planning to demolish with his bombs.

Once those buildings are blown, they collapse and create the labyrinth from the finished drawing.

Gordon: I have the locations of every b*mb Jeremiah planted.

How did they beat you, huh?

I'll have to start again.

Ra's Al Ghul: I had a vision.

Of Gotham in flames.

Together, we can make that happen.

Now listen closely to what you must do.


Hold on, Selina.

[Alfred grunting]

[Bruce muttering]

It's okay.

It's okay.

Make way.

We'll do everything we can, but the evacuation has us dealing with a skeleton crew.



I'm right here.

You're at the hospital.

You're gonna be okay.

Are you gonna leave me?


No, I'm gonna be right here.

You promise?

I promise.

[metal clanging]

You know, I don't know why I brought him here.

I should've k*lled him when I had the chance.

You did the right thing, Alfred.

You say that.

You didn't see what he did to Selina.


I better get to the hospital.

I'll stop by when I can.


He couldn't have put a cap in that psycho, done the world a favor?

Where are we?

b*mb squad's at the last site on the map.

After they disarm the b*mb, they're gonna put it in a warehouse with all the others.

Also, the mayor called.

He wants to lift the evacuation order.

Tell him we're not doing anything until we have all the bombs locked away.

Pardon me, Jim.

Don't you all have work to do?

[indistinct muttering]

What is it?

I'd like to press charges against Bruce Wayne's butler.

I mean, just look at my face.

I think you look great.

And I'd like to speak to Bruce again.

We couldn't really talk before, what with his girlfriend bleeding out all over him.

You tried to prove you're better than your brother.

But I'm still here.

The city's still here.

You're a failure, Jeremiah.

Enjoy Arkham.

Your brother did.

Put him in the box.

Get him ready for transport.

Bring me Bruce Wayne, and I'll tell you where the other bombs are.

We have all your bombs.

The maze bombs, yes.

I mean the other ones.


as an engineer, you expect systems to fail, so...

you build in redundancies.

And I am a very good engineer.

You're bluffing.

Am I?

How many lives are you willing to bet?

You're right, you know.

I did fail.

I didn't yet understand the vision I was servicing, but I do now.

My eyes are open, as will yours be.

When you realize I'm not bluffing, bring me Bruce Wayne.

And I'd like a coffee.


Two sugars.

[sustained beeping]

No heartbeat.


This better work.

The chemicals that turned him into this...

beautiful specimen kept his organs surprisingly well preserved.

Once we flush his body with antitoxin, we'll top him off with some fresh blood.


And a quick jolt to the heart will see him good as new.

You hear that?

You're gonna be cured.


[phone ringing]



What is it?

Selina's been shot by that lunatic Jeremiah.

She's at Gotham General.

I have to go.

I'll be back.

Of course.

You go check on the kid.


No, she's in surgery.

I'm gonna k*ll Jeremiah.

I'll come with you.

I don't advise that.

The procedure [groans]

should not be interrupted.


I'll be here...

making sure everything goes as planned.

I'm doing this for Butch, not for you.

[softly]: It's okay.

[siren wailing in distance]

Unfortunately, there's no telling just how many battery bombs Jeremiah produced.

He was fanatically secret about his technology, and Bruce trusted him, so...

He's gotta be bluffing.

[knock on door]


Cap, mayor's on the phone again.

The evacuation stays in effect.

I will tell him when it's lifted.

Lucius: You think there are more bombs?

Up till now, Jeremiah's actions sprang from the fear and hatred of his brother.

Even his obsession with Bruce is just a reflection of Jerome's.

What did he mean when he said he didn't understand the vision he was serving?

That his eyes had been opened?

York: Perhaps the previous mayor took orders from a police captain.

Sir, Captain Gordon is...

Jim Gordon is not the mayor of Gotham; I am.

The people need to know the city is safe.

I'm lifting the order.

What are you looking at?

There's a man on the building across the street, staring at us.


[panicked screaming]

How many bombs are there?

Where are they?

I want to talk to Bruce Wayne.


Tell me where they are, you son of a bitch.

Who's helping you?

Bruce Wayne.

You are never gonna talk to Bruce Wayne, you hear me?!

Then more people will die.


But you never were good at holding on to what you care about, were you, James?

Bullock: Jim!

We need you out here now!

(humming Beethoven's "Ode to Joy") ♪ ♪ Can I help you?

Captain Gordon.

Major Rodney Harlan, Seventh Division, Fort Henry.

Major, I assume you're here to help with the evacuation.

If so, Detective Bullock can coordinate.

The governor has declared martial law.

Until this crisis is resolved, I'm in charge here.

Are you serious?

Son, this is not a pissing match.

I was sent here to restore order in a chaotic situation.

Can I count on you?

Yes, sir.

What do we got?

Not much.


Valeska had a plan to knock down a number of buildings in Gotham.

We recovered those bombs, but he stashed away more.

Who's helping him?

Somebody's got to be.

It's unclear.

We've heard reports that his followers have turned on him, which would indicate he has someone else.

He would like to talk to Bruce Wayne.

That's clearly a trap.

His brother pulled the same gag.

There was a blimp, it was a whole thing.

We'll make sure he's safe.

Get me Bruce Wayne.

Major, you cannot bring Bruce Wayne down here.

This is not your call, Captain.


Soldier: Yes, sir.

You have no idea who you're dealing with.

Arrest Captain Gordon.

That's not necessary.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Are you out of your freakin' mind?!

You listen to me!

This city is holding on by a thread.

I will not allow anything to jeopardize it further, including insubordination.

Escort Captain Gordon across the river.

Hold him there until you hear from me.

Get me Bruce Wayne.

[soldiers grunt]

I strike where you lie, death's gentle cousin...

The answer's sleep, Ed.

[Gordon grunts]

It's polite to let people finish.

Rise and shine!

Good morning, sweetheart.

I know...

waking up in the Narrows, a prisoner.

Must feel like history repeating itself.


Speaking of history, remember when you punched me in the face?


Ah, that felt good.

Listen to me, Jeremiah Valeska has more bombs.

You have to...

I have to what, Jim?

Set you free?

Help save the city?

Well, we've been there, done that, and guess what.


Lee and I are still fugitives.

I offered her a way out.

Oh, by returning the money?

She's dispersed that among all the deadbeats of the Narrows.

Not exactly what I would've done, but point is, it's gone.

Now, on with the show!

We're a little...

[clicks tongue]

pressed for time.


[machine humming]



Ed, wait.


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Ed!

This is 50 pounds of pressure.


What are you doing?

[speaking French]

Une peine forte et dure.

Well, it's my own version of it, anyway.

You see, in the old days, they used to pile weights on a prisoner's chest to try to get a confession.

Usually, they just died.

That's a hundred pounds.

[Gordon groans]


To help Lee break free from her history.

You see, she has this anchor, dead weight, holding her to her past, and that's you.

Once you're gone, she'll finally be free to be the person she was meant to be, the person I want her to be.




You see, I saw you together.

I saw the way she looked at you.

So for her sake, you're gonna die.

And for my sake, you're gonna suffer.



Oh, this is gonna be so much fun.


[car horn honking, siren wailing]

This evacuation's gonna leave a lot of territory undefended.

A shame not to capitalize.

[grunting, blows landing]

Hello, Barbara.


I was only hoping to talk.

By attacking my people?

Call it a precaution.

What do you want?

I'm leaving Gotham, and I want you to come with me.


Try again.

I had a vision when I took back the Demon's Head...

death, destruction, the city in flames.

But it didn't come to be.

How disappointing for you.


For many reasons.

Not least is that for centuries, I have depended on the Demon's Head to get ahead of my enemies, but without the full measure of its power...


Are you saying you think some of it might still be in me?


So I guess you're here to k*ll me for it?

You misunderstand.

Remember the woman from the tapestry?

The one whose features you share?

The whore you m*rder*d?

How could I forget?

I lied to get under your skin.

I loved her.

Very much.

I offered her eternity, but she turned it down.

And now I make you the same offer.

Join me, and we will rule the League of Shadows together.

Think about it.

What about your vision?

The city on fire?

I am making certain of it even now.

Its destruction will give rise to the one I foresaw long ago, the one who brought me here, my heir.

[indistinct chatter, phones ringing]

Oh, Bullock?

Bullock, can you tell these punks to let us go, please?

Major, the men escorting Gordon were att*cked.

Your guys didn't see who.

I'm thinking it's either Valeska's cultists or...


Did you prepare Valeska like I asked?


Mr. Wayne, you'll be perfectly safe.

If you can help us learn the location of the bombs...

Bruce: Major, you brought me here against my will.

I want to go back to the hospital and back to my friend.

Let's get this over with.

Hello, Bruce.

It's great to see you.

Where are the bombs, Jeremiah?

Closer, please.


Tell me.

How is the young lady doing?



You know why we're destined to be best friends?

Because we're very much alike.

You are as I used to be...

at w*r with your true nature.

You must truly embrace it if you ever want to be free.

I'm just trying to help you.

Trying to help me.

By torturing Alfred?

Trying to destroy Gotham?

By sh**ting Selina?

You think we're alike because there's a darkness inside both of us.

But the difference is, I know how to control mine.

I think you could be so strong.

I see it.

He sees it, too.

What do you mean, "he"?

Ask him about the bombs.

Where are the other bombs?

What bombs?

Bruce: The bombs you've planted around the city.

You blew up the mayor.


That b*mb.

Yes, that was the only one.

But it did what it had to.

It got you here.

Well, that's enough.

I want my boy out, mate.

You said "he." Who do you mean?

The one who opened up my eyes, who showed me that everything I was doing was not to create a Gotham of my own, but yours.

The Gotham you need.

Your dark island.

And it will come to be, Bruce.


Tell me his name.

What did the doctor say?

Will the little bitch ever walk again?

What vertebrae did I sever?

I was hoping for the lumbar.

Tell me his name!

But you already know his name.

You're his heir.

Ra's al Ghul.

No, it can't be.


[man screams]



350 pounds of pressure.


Getting hard to breathe?


I'll take that as a yes.

You know, if we listen carefully, we can hear some ribs cracking soon.



Healthy male adult.

His ribs should be able to take about 450 pounds before they crack.


Did you think you could hide this from me, Ed?

I'm Queen of the Narrows, people tell me things.

I know how this looks.

It looks like you're trying to crush Jim to death because you think we still have feelings for each other.

Well, perhaps we should jump to why this is a good thing.

I can't wait.

He's holding you back.


From being the person that you are meant to be.

The woman that I love.

You really think so little of me?

I don't follow that.

How weak would that person need to be if Jim Gordon could hold her back?

It's actually insulting.

That's not what I intended.



Yesterday, you said a part of you would always care for me.

The woman you loved is gone.



The Narrows is free from landlords and gangs.

Every family has money to build their life.

I'm done.

I'm leaving.

I want you to come with me, but if you k*ll Jim, don't bother.

And I will decide who I'm going to be.

Not you, not Jim Gordon.


I'm leaving tonight.

It's your choice.

She chose me, Jim.

Did you hear that?

That's all I wanted.

You can have Gotham.



Tabitha: By the time I got there, Jeremiah had already escaped.


Where the hell is Ra's al Ghul?


Let me guess.

Ra's helped Jeremiah kidnap Bruce, so you came to me to find Ra's.

Would you care to tell me where he is?

I don't know where he is.

But I know where he's gonna be.

Ra's is leaving Gotham tonight, after turning it to a pile of rubble.

With, I assume, Jeremiah's help, so here's the deal.

You get to k*ll Jeremiah, you get to rescue Bruce and I get to k*ll Ra's.

And how do you plan on doing that, then?

I got a little surprise for him.

Oswald: One question.

Who do I get to k*ll?

The only way to keep Butch on the table was to promise I would come help.


Don't we make quite the little g*ng?

Let's do this.



My car's around the corner.

You're gonna want to ice those ribs.

Is it true, about you leaving Gotham?


And taking Ed with you?

That's none of your concern.

Back in the GCPD, when I told you there was so much I wished I could change, you asked me what I meant.


I would change everything that brought us to this point.

I would ask you to leave Gotham with me that first moment I saw you, and I would make sure we had a life together.

Then you wouldn't be you.

Maybe that'd be a good thing.

No, it wouldn't.

I'm not going back to who I was.

But what you said yesterday, about a part of you always caring for me...

I feel the same way.


Now go save Gotham.

[phone ringing]

Ready at your command.


Gordon: Harvey?

Thank God you're all right.

What the hell happened?

It's a long story.

Did Harlan get Bruce to the precinct?


It's bad.


What are you talking about?

Jeremiah escaped.

He's got Bruce.

He took the bombs, all of them.

Bruce: It's true.

How did you two...

Find each other?

I like to think it was you, Bruce.

You brought us together.

I trust things went smoothly?

Like clockwork.

Did your men retrieve my bombs?

They are en route to their positions as we speak.

From here, we can take in the full majesty of Gotham's destruction.

You're both insane.

I know it's difficult to fathom, Bruce, but Jeremiah and I are doing this for your benefit.

How is destroying Gotham supposed to help me?

Because I had a vision, that out of this crucible of blood and fire will rise the dark knight that your city needs.

That I need.

To be honest, Bruce, prophesies, visions...

not really my cup of tea.

But our friend revealed something to me: that my twin obsessions, rebuilding Gotham and rebuilding you, are one and the same.

You're the brother I never had, the one Jerome never could be.

We will create a legacy in this city.

Gotham falls, we rise.


A dozen transport vans were stolen from the GCPD motor pool.

That's got to be how they're carrying the bombs.

There were sightings here, here and here.

They're moving towards the outskirts of Gotham.

Jeremiah must've changed targets.



You have some explaining to do.

What happened to my men?

Major, we got serious fish to fry.

I didn't ask for your opinion, Detective.

Two more sightings.

Bolyston and Third and then moving north along the Van Hook Highway.


That doesn't make any sense.

What buildings would he be targeting there?

Told me Jeremiah promised to turn Gotham into a dark island.

We need to cancel the evacuation.

Get those people off the bridges.

Absolutely not.

They're filled with people leaving the city.

We'll bring them back into Gotham.

Buildings fall...

The bridges are the targets.

Harper, spread the word.

Don't move.

Arrest Captain Gordon.

I wouldn't do that.

Arrest them both.

Officer, your radio.

This is Captain Gordon.

I want all the bridges cleared immediately.

I repeat: clear all the bridges.

Civilization is so fragile, Bruce.

Gotham is soon to be each man for himself, a more savage place.

Sounds like fun.

Sure you want to leave?

Oh, hey, Bruce.


Ra's Al Ghul: Hello, Barbara.

I'm really glad you came.


Bad news, baby.

I'm not leaving.

Gotham's in my blood.

And I don't think I can let you leave, either.

You reforged it.

Well, now.

You see, you say you're leaving, but I've got a feeling you're gonna be back.

And I don't like looking over my shoulder.

Need I remind you, Barbara, you've already tried using that knife.

And also, you're outnumbered.


That Demon's Head's really not working out for you, huh?


[siren wailing, horns honking]

[urgent chatter]

Child: Help!


Bullock, what the hell is going on?

Why are we clearing the bridges?

Because we said to do it.

Now just do it.

Did a GCPD transport van come through here?

About 20 minutes ago.

Had to make way for it.

What's your status?

Harper: All the bridges are being cleared.

But I just heard from our choppers and they spotted vans on every bridge.

Vans are in position.

Bombs could go off any minute.

What the hell?

Bullock: Jim!

Out of the way!


When will you ever learn, Barbara?

The knife has to be held by...

Held by Bruce Wayne.

I get it.

So you know, this is for Selina.


In that case, it must be very disappointing for you, dying like this.



What are you doing?

Well done, Barbara.

[explosions booming]

[people screaming]

The choice is now yours.

Stay Bruce Wayne or accept your destiny.

Become Gotham's dark knight.

[alarm blaring, sirens wailing]

[g*nshots, sirens blaring outside]


Nygma: Seems Jeremiah's made good on his threat.

And I take it that means you're not leaving.

How can I?

They need me more than ever now.

No one will help them but me.

So what does that mean for us?

Ed, this is the end of the road for us.

All this time I've been calling the other Ed stupid and I'm the idiot.

You were never gonna leave with me.

You just wanted to save Jim Gordon.

You and Jim really aren't that different.

You both think you know me.

You both want to change me.

Neither one of you really sees me.



For what it's worth, Ed, I was offering you something real.


But I was never gonna be who you wanted.

Sooner or later, you were just gonna k*ll me.

It's just what you do.

That's quite possible.


But you're wrong, Lee.

I do see you.


[both groaning]


Where's Butch?

What did you do with him?

I'm right here.

You're you.


I'm me again.


I love you.

I love you, too, baby.



I'll never forget this.

Anything you need, I'm there.

Thank you, Butch.

I want you to know I consider you a friend.

And that I am truly sorry.



Did you think I forgot that you m*rder*d my mother?

That I just got over it?

I have lived with that pain every day.

I could have k*lled you any time I wanted, but I believe in an eye for an eye.

You took away the one person I love, so I took away the one person you love.

And you get to live with that.



All of this...

finding Strange, curing Butch, was all so you could k*ll him in front of me?


But don't worry, in time, when I feel that you have suffered enough...

I will k*ll you, too.

Not if I k*ll you first.

You're welcome to try.

[grunts, groans]

[Tabitha groans]

I'll k*ll you!

[indistinct shouting]

Bruce: Selina!

How is she?

She did well in surgery, but the b*llet severed her spinal cord.

And the damage is likely permanent.


Wayne, the hospital is shutting down.

This is the last ambulance leaving for the boats.

We have room for you, but we need to go.

[indistinct chatter]

[helicopter blades whirring]

[distant expl*si*n]

[sirens wailing]


I can't leave, Alfred.

Ra's was right.

This is what I'm meant to do.

The city's abandoned, Master Bruce.

There's nothing more you can do here, mate.

Jeremiah's still out there.

He is not your responsibility.

Gotham is not your responsibility.

I'm making it mine.


Oh, sod it.

All right, fine.

We'll both stay.


I need to know Selina's gonna be okay.


All right, I'll see that she's safe...

and then I'll come back and I will find you.

I promise.

[engine starts]

[ambulance pulls away]

♪ ♪ Bullock: You just can't throw in the towel on an entire city.

There's no way to know how many bombs are still out there.

The power's out, water supply's damaged.

You're giving up, plain and simple.

We're proceeding with the evacuation.

Boats will run all night.

Everyone leaves, including the police.

Now, the governor's declared the city off-limits until the situation can be evaluated.

Well, I'm not leaving, so if you're gonna arrest me, do it now.

[clears throat]

He's right, Jim.

The government's given up on the place...

there's gonna be nobody here.

The gangs are carving up turf.

In two hours, this city's gonna be a battleground.


What are you guys doing here?



This will do nicely.

This is our territory.

You can't...

[machine whirring]

Now it's mine.

I want a ring of fire ten blocks wide.

If anyone stands in your way, burn them!

The hell...


not hell.

[crying out]

Hell is what's coming.

Penguin says fix 'em.

What should I do with you?

Ra's al Ghul is gone.

You defeated him.

We have spoken and agree...

we will follow you.


I am honored.



What happened?


He shot me and k*lled Butch.

Everything that is wrong with Gotham...

all the greed, the pain, the corruption, the destruction...

it can all be traced back to one problem...


Well, I think it is time that we had a men-free zone, starting here.

[stabbing, slashing, pained cries]

♪ ♪ [electricity switches clank on in succession]

Lucius: That's better.

That's much better.


I'd requisitioned one of Jeremiah's battery bombs before it went to the warehouse.

Just restored it to its original purpose.

It is an ingenious mechanism.

Bullock: I told him we were staying.

Figured we could use some help with the, uh, science stuff.

And there are others on their way.

This is our city.

You're going to need our help.

Speaking of, there's something I need you to do.


Where's Jeremiah?

I don't know!

If you see him, you tell him I'm looking for him.


You're not supposed to be here.

Neither are you, or the dozen cops downstairs.

But you stayed to fight for the city.

The gangs are carving up territory.

We're gonna have to go block by block.

I have no idea what we're gonna find.

A thing like this brings out whatever's lurking in the shadows.

[distant g*nf*re]




The light.

You're basically daring whatever's out there to come after you.

Let them come.

There are still good people out there.

They need to know we're here...

willing to fight.

I remember the night we met.

You told me the world may seem dark...

But there is light.