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Turkey Drop (2019)

Posted: 10/11/20 19:21
by bunniefuu
got that thing ♪

(Party atmosphere, loud cheers and chatter)

(Splash, loud cheering)

♪ Yeah, I've got that thing ♪

(Door creaks open)

‐ Lucy! ‐ Ohmigod! You scared me.

‐ You're scaring me in that sweater.

It's 90 degrees outside.

‐ I like this sweater. It reminds me of home.

‐ The whole point of going to college is to forget about home.

You need to get outta your comfort zone.

‐ Oh, I am out of my comfort zone. I'm in Arizona.

‐ Dressed like my grandmother.

Please, just put on your suit and come to the party.

There are so many cute guys down there.

‐ You know I have a boyfriend.

‐ Oh, right. The one you haven't heard from in six days?

What's his name? Jared?

‐ Jordan! And that's not true.

He sent me three smileys and thumbs up.

‐ Oh! Sorry! Well, when's the wedding?

‐ He's just busy, you know, with winter finals and, and the holidays coming up.

‐ He actually said that to you?

I'm too busy to text you due to the holidays coming up?

‐ Well, no... not that exactly, but it was implied with the cat dressed as a turkey meme.

Anyway, he said he can't wait to talk over Thanksgiving.

‐ Talk... because that's what all college boys wanna do.

Wait... I know what this is. ‐ What is it?

‐ Emojis and a cow in a turkey suit?

‐ Cat... ‐ Whatever.

Dude, you're getting basted.

‐ Basted? ‐ Basted... buttered.

Bastard. He's prepping you for the turkey drop.

‐ What is a turkey drop?

‐ Come to the party and I'll tell you.

‐ No.

‐ Small town dudes are so shady.

‐ Amanda, what is a turkey drop?

‐ Look it up.

(Keys clack rapidly)

‐ (reads) "When a long‐distance couple returns home for Thanksgiving. Typically, one of them gets...


(Rapid texting taps)

(Phone dings)

(Worried sigh) Oh no...

♪ I was hung up on a dream ♪

♪ Where being comfortable was not for me ♪

♪ When you walked into the room ♪

♪ I knew that all my plans were binned ♪

♪ Started talking to me ♪

♪ So tell me what you're thinking ♪

♪ 'Cause I think I feel the same as you ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪

♪ You got my knees shaking ♪

♪ Steal my heart and break it in two ♪ Announcer: Final boarding call for Flight 4810 to Boise, Idaho, boarding at gate 13.

Final boarding call for Flight 4810 to Boise, Idaho now boarding at gate 13.

♪ ...couldn't find a home ♪

♪ But if you think I'm misery ♪

♪ Invading your company ♪


‐ Hi!

‐ Oh! ‐ (Laughing) ‐ Ahhh!

‐ Oh! Oh, look at you! You're a twig! Oh no!

Let's get you in the van before you freeze to death.

‐ Can I get 'em? I'll get 'em.

‐ Oh no, no, no, I got it. ‐ Do you need some help?

‐ No, no. ‐ You're okay? Dad!

‐ Sweetie, come here! Oh God, you're gorgeous!

‐ (Laughing) How are you? ‐ Woo! (Door bangs shut)

Woo! (Sighs)

‐ Mom... you're blonde. ‐ Don't you love it?

Jamal down at the beauty school said it brings out my... girlish undertones.

‐ Apparently your mother has undertones.

‐ I micro‐bladed my brows too. What do you think?

‐ You let a student take an Exacto knife to your face?

‐ No! A graduate student. She got a B plus.

‐ Your mother's been making a lot of changes lately.

‐ Yeah, and why shouldn't I?

I'm an empty nester now, you know.

We've got homecoming tomorrow night, and I can't promise that I won't cry when you and Jordan crown the new king and queen.

Oh, the whole town will be there!

And... we can't forget about the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.

‐ Let me guess, the whole town's gonna be there.

‐ Well, yes. Ugh!

Ah... there's something else I wanna tell you.

So your sister, Lydia... ‐ I only have one sister, Mom.

‐ is bringing someone.

It's a new lawyer from her firm.

Her name is Anna. Sounds very promising.

And I think that about covers it.

‐ (Sighs) Not quite.

Well, tell her.

‐ Tell me what? ‐ Well, your brother, Leo‐‐

‐ I only have one brother, Mom. ‐ Your brother Leo has a friend who didn't have a place to go for the holidays, so we invited him to stay with us.

‐ No... no, don't say Dean. Don't say...

‐ Dean. ‐ Mean Dean?

‐ Oh... ‐ Mom, come on!

You know how much I hate him!

He's been giving me noogies since I was like 12.

And he calls me Lucy Goosey!

‐ Oh honey, he's a college graduate now, okay?

He's been helping us out down at the restaurant while he applies for graduate school.

Listen, he... has matured so much.

‐ (Laughter) ‐ Hey, Lucy Goosey!

‐ Get off me! Let go!

God, stop it! Both: (Laughing)

‐ Grow up!

(Laughing) Ron: All right, tomatoes...

Nancy: Want me to make you something?

‐ This actually looks good. Maybe I'll do it.

Ron: Are either of you having some?

‐ Flax? Chia? Mom! ‐ Yeah?

‐ Where's the Doritos, the... the Twinkies, the Oreos?

‐ Just like I said, changes.

‐ Why don't I make you a nice chia chai smoothie?

‐ No! No, I don't want a smoothie!

I just... I wanna go up to my room and take a nap.

‐ I'm just gonna make her a smoothie.

‐ It's gonna take more than a smoothie.

(Footsteps thump overhead)

‐ (Shrieking) Moooooom!

‐ Oh. Honey! ‐ Oh...

‐ Coming, honey!

‐ Mooooooooom?!

I've only been gone for three months.

What happened to my room?

‐ 'Kay, your sister took your mother to a Pink concert and she lost her mind.

‐ No, I didn't lose my mind. I found my passion.

It's called aerialist training.

Honey, you've gotta try it.

My pelvic floor is like a vice grip.

‐ Well, Mom, I don't care about your pelvic floor.

Where is all of my stuff?!

‐ Oh, it's around here somewhere.

You had too much of it anyway.

You should throw some stuff out.

‐ Yeah, I need to go shower... my eyeballs.

‐ God, Mom, come on.

‐ You know, you kids are the reason my insides collapsed, and it nearly split me in half.

Okay, watch this one. Gotta get it just...

Get ready. And hold... it!

‐ Hello, anyone here?

‐ Hey, Lydia's here. Let's go! ‐ Lydia! Hey Lydia!

Ron: Lydia! ‐ Wait for me!

Wait... wait for me!

Lydia! ‐ Mom! You're blonde!

‐ I know! Isn't it fabulous?

Now where is this brilliant young attorney you've told us all about?

(Luggage rattles)

‐ Hi. ‐ Oh!

‐ Hi. (Nervous laugh) ‐ Everyone, this is Anna.

‐ Hey, what's up?

‐ Really, it's nice to meet you.

‐ So nice meeting you!

‐ Can you help with the bags? ‐ Yeah... sure.

So Lydia gets to have a girl in her room, but I don't?

‐ Yeah, it's different. ‐ How's it different?

‐ I don't know, it just is. ‐ Sorry, what girl?

‐ Uh, you guys haven't met her yet.

‐ Have you met her yet, Leo? ‐ Hmm.

Don't you have a couch to go to?

‐ Pfft!

(Door bangs shut) ‐ Ohmigod, Jordan's here!

‐ I know, I invited him.

‐ Mom, no! I'm covered in airplane sludge!

‐ Hi! Oh my gosh, come in, come in.

‐ Of course. Good to see you, Nancy. Hug.

‐ Oh, it's good to see you! ‐ These are for you.

‐ What?! ‐ Pink roses, right?

‐ Oh my gosh, you remembered.

Oh, isn't he just the sweetest, Lucy?


‐ Agghhhhhh! ‐ Agh!

‐ Aggghhhh!

‐ God!

(Dean turns water off)

‐ Don't you lock doors?! ‐ Don't you knock on them?!

‐ Why would I knock on an unlocked door?

‐ It's basic bathroom etiquette.

I'll be done in a minute. ‐ Fine, I'll wait.

‐ Wait? What? No, no, no, get out!

(Knocking) ‐ Lucy? Luce?

‐ (Gasps)


(Turns shower on)

‐ Hi, Schmoops! ‐ Why are you so wound up‐‐

‐ Um, I'm in the shower.

‐ Okay. Brought you a kale smoothie.

I'll just, I'll wait downstairs.

‐ Uh, no! No‐no‐no‐no‐no! Um... ah...

It's gonna be a while. I'm um...

I'm really... dirty. ‐ I don't mind.

‐ Can you just leave the freakin' smoothie?

Ah... er, just... thank you.

Thank you so much. That's so sweet.

Um, I'm just gonna see you later at the restaurant, okay?

‐ Okay. ‐ Okay.

‐ Okay, I will see you later, I guess.

Do you want‐‐ Okay.

‐ Mmm... kale smoothie. That, that's romantic.

‐ Shut up.

‐ I can't believe you're still dating that loser Jordan Kroger.

‐ Well, I am. He's not a loser.

Can you just hurry up?

There are people that actually live here that need to use the bathroom.

Jordan's gonna turkey drop me.

Both: He's gonna what you?

‐ Wait. You just showered with Dean.

‐ No, I didn't shower with Dean.

I just got into the shower with him.

‐ So, he was naked. ‐ Yeah.

‐ And? ‐ And who cares?

You're supposed to be helping me with Jordan!

‐ Okay, I'm new. Who is Dean and who is Jordan?

‐ Well, Dean is nobody. ‐ Dean is not nobody.

He's been Leo's best friend since we were kids.

His family moved away a few years ago‐‐

‐ And he's like a stray dog we should've never fed.

‐ O‐kay. And the other guy?

‐ Jordan is Lucy's boyfriend.

They've been together since freshman year.

‐ Pre‐freshman year, if you count Katie Logan's eighth grade pool party.

Jordan was allergic to strawberries and Katie had this strawberry cream cake.

So, I said I was allergic to strawberries and then I sat with him on the other side of the pool in solidarity. And that was it.

It was love. ‐ I remember that party.

You came home all googly‐eyed and told mom you couldn't eat strawberries anymore.

‐ I haven't had one in 5 years.

‐ You faked a fruit allergy for 5 years? For some guy?

‐ Jordan and I are meant to be together.

‐ Luce, you don't pin your whole life on the first person you meet at 12.

‐ Okay, well, Mom and Dad did and look how happy they are.

‐ Yeah, and if I hadn't moved away, taken a job in Seattle and joined a hiking club, I would never have met Anna. And I loathe hiking.

‐ Look...


Look at how happy we are together.

‐ Hmm. ‐ We're Jordan and Lucy.

We're Juicy. ‐ (Laughs)

‐ Arrrrgghhh, God!

I can't let him turkey drop me!

‐ Okay, okay, calm down.


‐ I need your help. Please, I'll do anything!

‐ Well, in law, when you're trying to win over the jury, you have to surprise them.

Give them a piece of evidence they weren't expecting.

‐ Like what? ‐ Isn't there something you can do that would surprise Jordan?

Show him a side of you he isn't expecting.

(Dance music plays)

‐ Dance with me. ‐ No.

‐ J‐just this one time. You never dance with me.

‐ I'm not gonna dance with you.

‐ Please, please let's dance. Come on.

‐ Lydia, I love you!

Thank you!

(Video game sound effects play) Leo, are you down here?!

‐ Ye‐ah!

‐ Hey, Lucy Goosey... ‐ (Annoyed sigh)

Don't you have like an off button?

‐ Beat me in the dance challenge, I'll retire Lucy Goosey forever.

‐ Well, that wouldn't be much of a challenge.

Lucy doesn't dance.

‐ Actually... (chuckles nervously)

That's what I, uh, came down here to talk to you about, I um... I need your help.

(Rock music plays)

(Low hum of chatter)

‐ It was so expensive, so, I... couldn't.

Lucy, hey! Welcome home!

‐ Katie, hi. ‐ Hi.

Gosh, you... look so tired. Are you okay?

‐ Uh... what? Yeah.

Yeah, totally. I'm great, why?

‐ Oh, uh, it's just that Jordan mentioned that long distance relationships are so hard.

‐ Oh... you and Jordan have been talking about our relationship?

‐ No, gosh, no! No, I mean, we're really good friends, but, uh, no, I'm glad to hear that it's nothing. Yay!

‐ Yay.

‐ Uh, I gotta go check on an order.

‐ Yeah, of course. ‐ I'll be back.

‐ Okay. Bye.

Little Miss Innocent still acts like she didn't steal Jordan from me.

Jordan: What's up, bro?

Looking good and swelled. ‐ You too! How you been?

‐ Schmoop! Hi!

‐ Oh, give me a second. Give me one sec. Luce.

‐ Eeeeee!

Ahh, I missed you so much.

‐ Yeah, me too. Yeah.

Uh, sorry that I haven't been calling much.

Just... school. ‐ Oh, sweetie, you look wonderful!

Doesn't she look wonderful, Jordie?

‐ She looks great, Mom. She always looks great.

‐ I am famished!

Can you bring us some of that famous cheesy bread?

‐ Yes. Oh my gosh, of course! Coming right up!

‐ Oh, Nancy!

‐ Barb, hi! ‐ Hi.

‐ Hey, um... I'm sorry I was so weird earlier.

I just... I really wanted to look nice for you.

‐ Oh, that's sweet.

‐ And, uh, thank you for the smoothie this morning.

It was really... delicious.

‐ Sure.

Hey, Luce, hey. Actually, um...

I was thinking, maybe later tonight, that we could... we could talk?

In private?

‐ Talk. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Yes. Of course. Uh, sure.

Um, you know what? I should probably get your mom that cheesy bread though.

Yeah. D‐don't go anywhere.

I have a surprise for you later.

‐ Surprise?

What kind of surprise? ‐ Jordan! Hey!

‐ Seriously, what're you still doing with that guy?

‐ Why do you care?

‐ (Laughs) I don't.

I‐I just figured you would've upgraded by now.

‐ Well, I haven't.

Uh, I mean, I don't need to upgrade.

Jordan is perfect for me.

‐ Wow. He's so perfect you need to impress him?

‐ Don't you have some other family you can go annoy this holiday season?

‐ You wanna impress a man? You learn to cook.

That's how your mother got me.

‐ Dad, cooking?

Isn't that like a little ol' fashioned?

‐ 29 years. You tell me.


‐ Right. I uh...

Oh Lucy, you remember Jerry, the cheese man.

‐ Best mozzarella in the... (In unison) County.

‐ In the county! In the county! ‐ Hi, Jerry.

‐ Luciana, tesoro mio!

I heard you were home. Welcome back!

‐ Okay, you know what? That's enough chatter.

Let's um... more service.

Let's get this downstairs to table 5.

Thank you, Lucy. All right.

‐ Get outta here. ‐ 'Scuse me! Hi, Katie!

Can I borrow my boyfriend?

Are you ready for your surprise?

‐ Luce, I don't really need a surpri‐‐

‐ Shh! You're gonna love it. ‐ Okay.

(Chatter dies down)

Can I please have your attention?

‐ (Cheering) Lucy's home! ‐ Feels so good to be home.

But if I'm being honest, I, uh, I was a little nervous to leave my family and my friends and go away to a school where everybody wears bikinis to class.

(Chuckles) Even the boys. Patrons: (Chuckling)

‐ But there was one thing that kept me from feeling lonely and got me through the hard days... and that was Jordan.

And he always wanted to dance with me and I was just too... way too embarrassed.

So, um, Schmoop, this is me showing you how much you mean to me.

Okay, hit it, bro.

(Dance music plays)

‐ Woo‐hoo! ‐ Ow!

♪ Let's get this party smokin' ♪

♪ It's on tonight! ♪

(Cheering and clapping)

‐ Wow...

‐ Eeeeee! (Laughs)

‐ Wow, Luce! I‐‐ I had no‐no idea you could dance like that.

‐ Muah!

‐ Wow! ‐ I know, me neither.

‐ Well, it was really sweet. Really.

But there, there is something I do need to talk to you about.

‐ Still? I mean, I mean now?

‐ It's‐it's really important, Lucy.

‐ Yeah... yeah, sure.

Um, it‐it's just that we're um... we're closing early tonight.

So, uh, we gotta do that and then, and then we have a big family game night. Huge.

So, what about tomorrow?

‐ No, it's homecoming tomorrow.

I really don't wanna put it off until‐‐

‐ What about, uh, Thanksgiving? ‐ Two days from now?

‐ Great idea. ‐ No, Lucy, no no‐no.

Luce? Lucy.

Wait, wait, wait.

You know that I was in the Turkey Trot and then it's Thanksgiving dinner, my favourite meal of the year. ‐ I know.

I know, that's why...

‐ Woo! What do you think, huh? (Cheering and clapping)

‐ Um... uh, uh, um...

I'm‐I'm‐I'm cooking it.

‐ Cooking what? ‐ Thanksgiving dinner.

‐ Wait, hold on. Lucy!

Hey, but, but you don't cook.

‐ I do.

And I will. I am.

‐ No, see, my mom would k*ll‐‐ She lives to cook Thanksgiving dinner.

‐ I'm sorry, did someone say I don't have to get up at the butt crack of dawn and spend all day slaving over a thankless holiday meal?

Where do I sign?

‐ Great! Yeah, then it's perfect.

I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner and you both are coming.

‐ Great.

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It's more than a bag.

It's an afternoon together they'll never forget.

Let imagination out of the bag with Ziploc.

SC Johnson.

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The camera just goes where you go.

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(Statler) Huh?

(Statler VO) Portal! From Facebook!

OH LOOK! Glorious Progresso soup!

So delicious! Oh, tender chicken!

The anticipation is k*lling me!

Just pour it in something already!

Yes, this precious heirloom will do just fine.

Progresso Soup. You simply must taste it.

[Music begins to play: “I Feel Love” by Sam Smith]

♪ Oh... ♪ For all the season’s greeters.

♪’s so good ♪ For all the Thanksgivers.

♪’s so good ♪ For the gingerbread architects...

...and the midnight snackers.

♪ I feel love, ♪ For all the families, ...big, ...small, ...chosen, ...and frozen.

♪, ♪ Whatever you give, ...however you gather...

...we’re thinking of you.

‐ Swimming. ‐ Ah, swimming.

‐ Yeah, swimming. Diving, water...

‐ Fish! Fish! ‐ Oh, whoa.

‐ A squiggly... a squiggle... You're a swimmer.

‐ Mom, I can do it. Please? I already invited Jordan's mom.

‐ Ears! ‐ Brrr...

‐ You're swimming with gills... and a gown.

‐ All right, this is weird. That's time.

‐ It's a mermaid! Mermaid!

Mother cooks, end of story.

‐ Dad, it was your idea.

You said that cooking was how mom landed you.

‐ What?! You did?

Well, that's not what happened at all.

He used to cook for me.

‐ Dad cooked? ‐ Of course, he did.

All the time.

And then we got married and had you kids, and he stopped cooking at home and started focusing on the pizzas.

‐ 'Cause your mother was better at the real food, which is why she's cooking Thanksgiving.

‐ Mooooom, please!

Please! I already promised Jordan.

‐ Well, if you really think you can do it, I would kind of like the break. ‐ Yes!

‐ No, no, Mom, listen, all right?

My girlfriend's gonna be there and that means the food has to be edible.

‐ Invisible girlfriends don't each much.

She'll be fine. ‐ I'm going to bed.

Come on, honey. ‐ Oh honey, you go on up.

I'm not tired at all.

I think I'm gonna get a workout in.

Who wants to join me on the rings?

‐ Hard pass. Let's go, dude.

‐ Go where? ‐ I already told you.

I'm meeting some people at the bar.

Uber's here, let's go. ‐ We're beat from the drive.

Good night, guys. ‐ Good night.

‐ Good night. ‐ Okay, everybody.

Not too late. Tomorrow is a big shopping day.

‐ You wanna come with us?

‐ To a bar? I'm 19.

‐ Oh, right. I forget that sometimes.

No fake ID? ‐ Why would I have a fake ID?

‐ Because, I don't know, you're in college.

‐ Well, I don't have a fake ID.

And even if I did, which I don't, I can't go anyway.

I need to start planning my Thanksgiving menu for Jordan.

‐ Right, Jordan. Got it.

‐ What do you have against Jordan?

‐ How much time you got?

‐ You know what? Forget it. You don't even know him.

You know nothing about him. ‐ (Sighs)

I know everything I need to know, okay?

Basic, boring, high school hero.

He'll never do anything outside of this town because he's a king here.

All that guy's gonna do is hold you back.

Leo: Dude, come on, let's' go!

‐ Anyway, that's none of my business.

See ya.

‐ Watch it, or I'll make you eat jelly worms!

‐ (Laughing)

Oh my gosh!

This is exciting! Oh, you guys...

‐ You're gonna look exactly‐‐ ‐ You got me a stick ball.

They don't even know they got it for me.

Thank you, honey. I know... Muah! I know you did!

‐ Dad? ‐ Oh, what did you guys get me?

‐ (Crying) Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, I... I...

Uh, I forgot you were sleeping down here in the basement.

‐ Dad, are you crying? ‐ (Sighs)

Your mother's gonna leave me. ‐ What?

‐ (Weeping) ‐ Dad, that's crazy.

No, she's not. ‐ It's true.

She's been flirting with that loser Kramer for months now.

‐ Jerry Kramer? The cheese man?

‐ She's got the blonde hair and new body.

You know, he's not even Italian.

‐ Dad... come on, mom loves you.

She's not gonna leave you for the cheese man or for anybody.

‐ I hope you're right. (Sniffles)

I just...

I wish I knew what I did wrong.

‐ Dad, you didn't do anything wrong.

Okay? ‐ Okay.

‐ You are perfect just the way you are.

‐ Oh... (Sniffles)

(Video plays in background)

‐ Look...

‐ Oh...

‐ Muah. ‐ Watch it.


(Crickets chirp)

‐ Hey, you still up? ‐ Yeah, it's 10:30.

‐ Oh. Yeah, I guess I didn't feel much like being out.

‐ Where's Leo?

‐ Still at the bar waiting for his girlfriend to show up.

‐ So it's gonna be a long night.

‐ (Chuckles) Very.

‐ (Laughs)

‐ Well... ‐ Night, Mean Dean.

‐ Night... Lucy.

(Light clicks on, door clicks shut)

‐ (Sighs)

(Birds chirp)

(Footsteps thump overhead)

Nancy: (Yelling) Honey, wake up!

‐ Mom, it's still dark out!

‐ Well, you're the one that wants to cook.

We always shop early. It's tradition.

‐ You tattooed your eyebrows and turned my childhood bedroom into a sex den, and this is what you're clinging to?

‐ (Singsong) I see daylight!

‐ Aghhhh!

‐ Good morning, ladies. ‐ Ugh.

(Door slides shut) ‐ I thought we could use a man along to help us with the heavy lifting.

‐ Oh, that's a good idea, mom. Where is he?

‐ (Chuckles) That's funny. ‐ Enough, Lucy.

Thanks for your help, Dean.

I'm glad you're here. (Engine starts)

(Van rumbles)

(Traffic whooshes)

‐ One sourdough rye, one cinnamon challah and two dozen butter flake dinner rolls.

‐ I always bake my rolls from scratch.

‐ You do? ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ But that'll take forever.

‐ Well, it's your dinner, honey.

‐ You know, I bet Jordan likes store‐bought rolls anyway.

‐ Actually, cancel the rolls. I'll make them myself.

(Struggling grunts) Both: Mmm!

‐ This is cranberry. ‐ (Grunts)

Okay, so we've got 11 people.

Half a pound each, plus leftovers...

Does 20 pounds sound all right or is that too big?

‐ I'm more of a ham guy myself.

‐ I was asking my mother.

Mom? ‐ This honey mustard is to die.

Oh Dean, you have to try it.

‐ No, wait, wait, no... ‐ Mmm!

Turkey or ham?

‐ I'm vegan.

‐ Hmm. You got it? ‐ (Grunts)

‐ Mhmm. Well, with turkey, I like sauvignon blanc.

‐ Mmm. ‐ Mhmm.

‐ Can I get a sample of that?

‐ Mom! It's 9:30 in the morning.

‐ So? The French drink wine for breakfast all the time.

‐ I'm pretty sure they don't... and we're not French.

‐ Did you say you had a red? ‐ Mhmm.

‐ Whoa‐whoa‐whoa‐whoa‐whoa.

No‐no‐no‐no. Uh, this way.

‐ Dean, you're the sweetest. Practically family.

‐ Actually, he's not. (Door bangs shut)

Okay, we got sugar, flour, cinnamon...

Apple pie is Jordan's favourite.

‐ Apple pie is so boring. (Phone rings)

Ooh, I know, let's do a rum cake.

‐ Ooh, rum cake sounds fantastic.

‐ Nobody asked you. ‐ Jerry?!

Ooh, this could be an emergency.

‐ Cheese emergency? ‐ Hi, Jerry!

No, not busy at all!

‐ Okay, Julia Child, what's next?

‐ Cranberry sauce.

‐ Whole berry or jellied?

‐ My mom's screwing the cheese man.

‐ Okay... one of each then.

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Dad... keep on watching.

Amazing honey.

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♪ The Race to Black Friday is now at JCPenney!

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Holiday stress?

Repeat after me. I am grateful.

Audience: I am grateful.

I am getting all the gifts this Holiday.

FIFTY PERCENT OFF all jeans, sweaters and outerwear Or FIFTY PERCENT OFF your purchase when you use

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Now the #1 dermatologist recommended skincare brand.

She's not the type. ‐ Well, she didn't used to be, but now I'm not so sure. She's changed.

Stuffing mix.

‐ Well, change is good, right?

Traditional or cornbread? ‐ Traditional.

No, no, I hate that saying:

Change is good.

I could lose my foot in a horrible chainsaw accident and that would be a change. Arguably, not a good one.

‐ Wait, why are you using a chainsaw?

‐ I'm just saying not all change is good, okay?

Sometimes things need to stay the same.

Like the town you grew up in, the boyfriend you've had since junior high, your parents' marital status. Nutmeg.

‐ Hold on. If you're so anti‐change, why did you go away to college in another state?

Whole or ground?

‐ Because I got a scholarship. Ground.

‐ Yeah, but you also got an offer from Boise State.

Fresh is better.

‐ How did you know that?

‐ Oh, uh... Leo told me.

‐ No, Leo didn't know about it.

Nobody did. I didn't even tell my parents.

‐ Huh, that's, that's weird. I can't remember.

Anyway, the point is Boise's two hours away.

You didn't have to go all the way to Arizona.

‐ Whatever. It doesn't matter. It was a mistake and I'm probably not going back. Apples.

‐ Wait. Wait, what did you say?

‐ You heard me. I'm probably not going back.

‐ Are you crazy? You have to go back.

‐ Why do you care?

Excuse me, are these organic? ‐ Because I do, okay?

Escaping this town is gonna be the best thing that ever happened to you, believe me.

‐ Well maybe I'm just not cut out for all that sun. Hmm?

Maybe I belong in Hailey.

Now, can we please just drop it?

‐ There has to be something you like about Arizona.

‐ Maybe we should find my mom.

‐ One thing and I'll let it go. ‐ No.

‐ Come on. ‐ No! ‐ One thing.

‐ No! Fine! ‐ Just give me one.


I guess my architecture class is kind of cool.

‐ I'm listening.

‐ (Sighs)

Okay, so we had to design these plans to repurpose existing structures in an eco‐friendly way.

So, I came up with this concept to take old the windows and turn them into tiny little greenhouses.

And the glass absorbs the sunlight, creating a year‐round temperate climate to grow vegetables and they're also small enough so you can install them on an apartment roof.

‐ Seriously? That's... that's brilliant.

‐ (Sighs) Shut up.

‐ No, I mean it.

Individual engagement in food sourcing could solve the global soil nutrient crisis, and probably help save the planet.

Business major with an emphasis on social responsibility.

‐ I didn't know you were so interested in business.

‐ Oh, you think I hang out at the pizza place with your parents for fun?

‐ Okay. So what do you wanna do?

‐ You know, I'm not sure yet.

Believe it or not, you don't have to have your whole life planned out at 19.

The world is full of possibilities, Lucy.

But I promise you, we're not gonna find them sitting around Hailey the rest of our lives.

‐ Lucy? What's going on here?

Are... are you eating strawberries?

‐ Strawberries! Uh... God, get 'em away from me!

(Fake choking)

‐ Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod. ‐ Lucy, you okay?

‐ (Gasping) ‐ Get it out.

‐ (Clears throat) Whew!

Ohmigod, that was a close one. ‐ Huh.

‐ Hi, Schmoop! Hey! ‐ Hey...

‐ Um, you remember, uh, Dean, Leo's friend?

Uh, Dean, you know Jordan, my boyfriend.

‐ Boyfriend. Right.

‐ Leo's friend. Cool.

So you're just hanging out at the grocery store with Leo's friend? ‐ No, well, my mom's here too.

She's around here somewhere.

And, and Dean's just staying with us for Thanksgiving.

Well, with Leo... in the basement.

What're you doing here? ‐ Grabbin' a protein shake.

Uh, just ran the Turkey Trot.

‐ Oh, I think you're a day early.

That's a good plan, though. Less competition.

‐ No, Jordan always runs the course early.

He likes to have a base time to beat.

‐ 31:18. A new PR.

You run, Dean? ‐ No, not if I can help it.

‐ Jordie, Muscle Madness or Buff Brew?

‐ Oh! Hey, Lucy... and friend.

‐ Hey, Katie... in shorts.

Uh, so you two are running together?

‐ Oh yeah. I mean, I was jogging past his place and... there he was.

It was so random. ‐ So random.

‐ Yeah. Yeah, you know, it's... it's a shame you don't run, Luce, 'cause Jordan's an amazing training partner.

‐ I know, Kate, I know.

Yeah, he's, uh, he's gonna make an amazing coach some day.

‐ I always try to get her to join, but running's not really her thing, you know?

‐ Well, actually, it um... it is.

‐ You? Running? Since when?

‐ Since... pfft, a while ago.

Yeah, um, and, in fact, I'm gonna be running the Turkey Trot... with you, this year.

‐ What? W‐What? You are? ‐ (Laughs)

‐ You are? ‐ Mhmm.

‐ Luce, that's cute, but the Turkey Trot is a 10K.

It's over 6 miles. ‐ (Snorts) Is that all?

Sounds like a piece of cake... (Laughs) um, or pie.

Pie, because, you know, apple... it's your favourite.

I'm also, I'm making it.

Nancy: Helllooo! ‐ Mom, where have you been?

‐ I've been looking all over the store for you two.

Hey, Jordan! We missed you at Charades last night.

‐ Yeah, no we didn't. ‐ Wait a second!

Did you remember the "bean greens?"

Your father will burn down the house if he doesn't get that "bean green" casserole.

Oh! Hey. Excuse me.

Whoop, he's not real.

‐ Is your mom drunk? ‐ A little bit, yeah.

‐ "Bean greens." I'm on it.

‐ Uh, you know, I should, I should probably go too.

Um, I'll see you tonight at the homecoming game.

‐ Sure. And I can pick you up and we could have some time to talk in the car.

‐ Oh, uh... yeah. Yeah, no, I would love that.

It's just I have to um... do my warm‐up run.

‐ Oh... ‐ You know, for the big trot tomorrow.

‐ Mhmm. ‐ Bye, Schmoop.

‐ Muah. M'kay. ‐ Bye, Katie.

‐ Mm.

She's gotten so weird since high school.

‐ Lucy! (Heavy thud)

‐ Uh...

‐ Hurry! Help! Call 911!

(Van rumbles, tires squeal)

‐ Ahh! Agh! My thum ith thelling! My thum!

‐ No‐no‐no, no! Hold on, hold on, Schmoop!

It's, it's okay. It's gonna be okay.

‐ God, Lucy, how could you kiss him?

‐ Kiss him? He's my boyfriend.

How could you go running with him wearing shorts?

‐ I always wear shorts when I run.

‐ It's 12 degrees out. ‐ My epp‐peh‐peh...

‐ What? ‐ My epp‐pehhh‐pehhh!

‐ Peter Pan? ‐ Uh, papa.

‐ (Grunting frantically) ‐ P‐P‐Pickled peppers? Pee?

Oh, you have to go to the bathroom!

‐ Epp‐pehhh‐pehhh! ‐ Is it pizza?

‐ NO! ‐ What? Huh?

What?! I'm so confused! ‐ Epp‐pehhh‐pehhhh!

‐ What?! ‐ Epp‐pehhh‐pehhhh!

‐ Oh! Epi‐pen! ‐ (Relieved shout) Uh‐huh!

‐ I'm so good at this game. ‐ Bam!

He bounced back like it never happened.

‐ Well, he can't dump you now. You practically saved his life.

‐ Yeah, well, I'm also the one who almost k*lled him, so, I don't know, it could go either way.

Moooom! I can't find my crown!

‐ What is this?

‐ Aw, it's my pepperoni hat.

Halloween 2017.

I was a slice of pizza and Jordan was the delivery boy.

‐ Hmm. ‐ God, we had such good times.

Oh my gosh!

My class president gavel.


What if I peaked in high school?

‐ Lucy, just because you were amazing in high school doesn't mean you won't be amazing in the rest of your life. It means you got a head start.

‐ Maybe. As long as I have Jordan.

Jordan is my other half.

‐ No, he's... a security blanket.

‐ Lyds, what's that?

‐ What's what? Nothing.

‐ Yes, something on your neck and it looks a little like a diamond ring?!

(Gasps) You're engaged?! ‐ Shh! Don't say anything.

I haven't said yes yet.

‐ But you're gonna say yes. ‐ No, I... I don't know, I'm not sure. It happened so fast.

‐ Wait, so you're in love? ‐ Yes... no...

I don't know. Yes?

‐ Well, as long as you're sure.

‐ (Chuckles) I am sure.

I love her. I'm just... it's the rest of my life.

‐ Yeah, but shouldn't you just know?

‐ You can know things and still be terrified to make a decision.

(Approaching footsteps)

‐ Oh, good, you found your crown.

‐ Aw man, my girlfriend can't make it to the game. She's‐‐

‐ A ghost? ‐ An avatar?

‐ A figment of your imagination?

‐ She's working! And you guys all suck!


(Heels clack)

‐ (Gasps)

‐ Aw, honey, you look so beautiful.

‐ Thanks, mom.

‐ It's my last daughter to pass on a crown.

‐ I wasn't homecoming queen, Mom.

‐ Well, you could've been. You just refused to campaign.

‐ Because I wasn't running.

‐ I would've voted for you.

‐ Well, I want a good seat, so let's go.

sh**t me the keys, pops. (Keys clank)

‐ I am going to run a few errands and meet you there.

‐ What errands could you possibly have at this hour?

‐ You know, just the... usual errands.

‐ You know, on second thoughts, I think I'll um... I'll pass.

‐ What? Ron, why?

‐ I just, just don't feel up to it.

Maybe I'm coming down with something.

‐ But we never miss a game, and it's Lucy's last goodbye to high school.

‐ Lucy won't mind, will you?

‐ No, it's, it's okay, Dad. ‐ Well...

(Raucous cheering)

(Marching band plays, cheering wildly)


‐ You okay?

‐ Oh, yeah, yeah... yeah.


‐ Woo! ‐ Nice, Nice. ‐ Hey!

Look, there's Mom! ‐ Oh.

‐ Hi!

‐ Hi, mom. ‐ Muah! Muah!

‐ Thank you.

‐ Hey, Luce, uh, I know this is a bad time, but I, I really need‐‐ ‐ Uh, L‐L‐L‐Leo!

Look, there's Leo! Lydia! Hi!

‐ Oh yeah. ‐ Hey!

Hey. ‐ Jordan, wave!

‐ Hey!

Hi! Um...

(Marching band plays, loud cheering)

Luce, th‐there's just something that I need to say to you and I can't wait anymore. ‐ No.

‐ Uh, please, this is, this is really important.

‐ No, no‐no‐no, not here. Not now!

‐ I know it's, it's a bad time, but the, the thing is I care about you.

‐ No, you don't. ‐ Hey, of course I do.

‐ Stop! ‐ Okay, wait, hey.

‐ Stop the car! ‐ Don't say that.

Sorry, this isn't the time or‐‐ ‐ Stop! Stop the car!

Stop the car! ‐ Oh hey! Hey‐hey‐hey!

Luce! Lucy!

(Marching band crescendos) Lucy, wait!

(Loud cheering, marching band plays)

‐ What the hell's happening?

‐ I'm sorry!

(Marching band finishes number, loud cheering)

(Marching band starts up again)

Okay, man, I'm gonna be right back. Just...

All right. Lucy!

Lucy! ‐ Ohmigod.

‐ Leo?

‐ Luce! ‐ Leo?

‐ Lucy, just come back. ‐ Leo!

‐ Jordan, what's happening? ‐ Look, just give me a second.

‐ Leo!

‐ Lucy, come back!

‐ Leo, Lydia, we have to go! (Loud cheering)

‐ Can't hear you! ‐ We have to go get mom!

‐ It's too loud! Speak up! (Loud cheering)

‐ We have to go get mom! (Loud cheering)

Mom's screwing the cheese man!

(Cheering dies down, stands go silent)

...out of his delivery fee!

And Dad is very upset... that... we won't have cheese tomorrow.

So we should go.

‐ Let's go. ‐ Let's go. All right.

(Marching band starts up)

‐ Hey, Luce, Luce, should I come?

‐ No!

‐ God, that family is so bonkers.

So, you wanna come over?

(Marching band plays, crowd cheers)

Lydia: Wait, what're we doing?

(Engine starts, truck rumbles)

(male announcer) Don't miss huge Black Friday savings

at Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's!

I'm wishin' for deals so good they'd make Santa jealous.

I want the kids' faces to light up when the big gift comes out.

Can I just say, I want it all?

(male announcer) Hurry in for the season's lowest prices on great gear throughout the store.

Like fleece for the whole family for only $10.

A RedHead Washed Canvas Jacket for under $40.

And your choice of a battery powered ride‐on pickup or SUV for under $100.

Doors open at 5 AM.

The Race to Black Friday is now at JCPenney!

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JCPenney! with your JCPenney credit card.

Enough with mouthwash that burns.

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Colgate Total, Mouthwash with No Burn.

Did you get a whole Thanksgiving?

Well you remember what happened last year.

You can't bring a backup Thanksgiving to my sister's house.

It's not like we're going to walk in with it.

We'll bring it in as we need it.

...phase it in.

Phase it in?

Yeah, phase it in.

I'm truly amazed at the effect that it has on people.

Thank you, Bob!

What does everyone want tonight?

Tacos! You can call us Crazy that's okay.

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[ "I Feel Love" by Sam Smith ]

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Switch to Boost Mobile and get 4 lines with unlimited gigs for $25 per line per month, plus 4 free Samsung Galaxy phones, all on our super reliable, super fast network.

It's more than a bag.

It's an afternoon together they'll never forget.

Let imagination out of the bag with Ziploc.

SC Johnson.

Disney's Frozen 2, Now Playing. Rated PG.

Disney's Frozen 2, ‐ A motel? His place?

Dark alley? ‐ Anna, not helping.

‐ Not answering.

What kind of a mother doesn't answer her child's call?

‐ The cheating kind?

‐ Now this, this is crazy, okay?

Mom's not cheating. She's... not the type.

‐ That's what I said.

‐ Uh, wait, you knew about this?

‐ I, uh, just mean hypothetically.

Uh, statistically. Theoretically.

‐ Stop!

(Brakes screech)

All: (Relieved sighs)

‐ I thought I was supposed to follow 'em.

‐ Yeah, follow them.

Don't smash into them like a Mario Kart game.

(Car honks)

(Van putters)

Leo: I mean, see? See?

It's just like a... it's a, it's a business meeting.

C‐c‐can we go back to the game now?

Anna: Yeah, I always bring luggage with me to business meetings, you know, just in case.

‐ Well, I mean, there could be anything in that bag like receipts, important papers.

You know, cheese.

‐ Silk pyjamas and a passport?

(Phone rings)

‐ Oh, it's Dad. What should I do?

All: Uh, don't answer it! (Phone thumps, everyone gasps)

Dean: Uh, go! Go, go, go! Lucy: Don't go!

Oh god, literally, the worst driver!

You're literally the worst. Dean: Turn left, left.

Lucy: All right! Okay, okay. Go slow, go slow.

Dean: Go that way.

Anna: It's always a roadside diner.

I mean, nobody has an affair in like a McDonald's or a tire store.

‐ They're having a secret meeting at a remote location.

That doesn't mean anything.

‐ Yeah, except the affair thing.

‐ Please, babe... not helping.

‐ I'm sorry. I practice marital law.

I am a realist.

Uh, but I'm also a romantic. ‐ (Sighs)

‐ What could she possibly see in the cheese guy, right?

‐ Well, he's got the best mozzarella in the county, right?

Is‐is anyone else hungry?

‐ I'm not just gonna sit here. I'm goin' in.

‐ No, no, you can't. What if we're wrong?

‐ What if we're right?

What if tonight's the night where it's all goin' down, right, and we just sat here doin' nothin'?

‐ You can't make a scene!

You want the whole town to know Mom's cheating?!

(Siren wails)

‐ Oh God...

Lydia: Now Mom's definitely gonna see us.

‐ Be cool.


‐ You kids are blocking a dumpster.

Gonna have to ask you to relocate.

‐ Sorry, Officer, I um... uh, yeah, not a problem.

Um, I'm on it.

‐ You wouldn't happen to have an extra slice of that pizza, would you? Pepperoni?

‐ (Laughs) Oh, oh, sorry, dude, Officer dude.

I mean, all we've got is like a, is like a cold slice of vegetarian in the back, so...

‐ I'll take it. ‐ (Chuckles) Lydia?

Pizza for our nice police officer friend who's standing at the window, not leaving.

‐ Here. ‐ Thank you.

Oh, I mean, come on, can we get the guy a napkin?

‐ Leo!

‐ Okay. Um...



‐ Pizza on a stick. Clever.

Get a move on.

Take care, kids. Good night. Get home safe.

‐ (Sigh of relief)

Phew... ‐ Just cold vegetarian.

‐ Wha? ‐ Wait, we had pizza?

(Engine rumbles)

(Van putters away, tires squeal)

(Crickets chirp)

‐ God, there's got to be something we can do.

‐ Well, I know a guy who could take care of Jerry... make it look like a total accident.

‐ Told you I was kidding.

‐ It's not Jerry's fault. Mom's the one who's married.

‐ He's not innocent. I mean... what kind of man goes after a taken woman?

‐ Maybe he thinks she's not happy.

‐ (Laughs) Of course she's happy.

She's happy. They both are happy.

We just have to remind them of how happy they were together.


I have an idea.


Ron: Go in. Okay, here we go. (Singing) ♪ Happy Birthday ♪

‐ (Laughs) Yeah, I remember this one.

I, uh, I wrote: Happy Barfday on Mom's card, instead of birthday. ‐ Nice.

‐ And then you barfed.

Anna: Even then you were adorable.

(Laughing) ‐ No, no, no, no, guys, listen to me. If we just get mom to see this, then she'll forget all about Jerry.

‐ You don't know that, Luce.

Maybe they've just outgrown each other.

‐ No. ‐ Yes. Sometimes people change.

‐ No, no, no! Stop!

I'm sick and tired of people telling me that things need to change. Things don't need to change.

Change sucks! ‐ Okay, calm down.

‐ I am calm!

Nancy (video): Lydia, did you make these or did you buy them?

Oh my God!

‐ I'm very calm. I'm just... ‐ (Video) This is exciting!

‐ I'm tired.

‐ You're gonna look exactly like that.

‐ (Sighs) I'm gonna go to bed.

Ron (video): Well done, guys. Well done.

Nancy: Lucy! Leo: Happy Barfday!

‐ Well? ‐ Oh, sorry.

‐ She sleeps here, yeah. ‐ Oh!

‐ Night, sweetie.

(Light clicks on)

(Footsteps overhead, glass clinks)

(Sighs heavily)

Oh God...

(Sighs heavily)

(Noise from upstairs)

(Sighs heavily)

(Door bangs shut) Hey.

‐ Hey.

Can't sleep?

‐ I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep.

‐ Pull up a black countertop.

(Taps counter, amused chuckle)

‐ God, everything's a mess.

‐ Here. Frozen Tater‐Tots make everything a little better.

‐ My God, we still have Tater‐Tots?

‐ (Chuckles)

‐ Ohmigod...

I really love frozen food so much.

‐ No way. Me too.

Seriously, I actually prefer my foods frozen.

Waffles, pancakes, pizza.

‐ Fish sticks and French fries. Oh...

(In unison) chocolate chip cookies.


‐ What're you listening to? ‐ Oh, it's a... indie band.

Probably not your thing.

(Tinny sound of music through earbuds)

‐ James Supercave. ‐ You know James Supercave?

‐ I love James Supercave.

You left your music playing last summer, so...

I went downstairs to turn it off... and I couldn't stop listening.

‐ Wow!

Well, you're welcome.

♪ I've only known you a moment ♪

♪ But it feels like you knew all along ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪

‐ ♪ All my life ♪

♪ I was waitin' for you ♪ ‐ (Chuckles softly)

‐ ♪ Now I've got... ♪

‐ ♪ Somethin' to lose ♪

♪ I never felt all my blood rush in ♪

♪ You're a wave hitting me like a sea change ♪

♪ Does it scare you to move this way ♪

♪ In a day nothing feels the same ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪ Both: ♪ All my life ♪

♪ I was waiting ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Now I've got ♪

♪ Somethin' to lose ♪

♪ Ever since you turned your face ♪

♪ I can't get you out of my system ♪

♪ I never said that I'd do your track ♪

♪ And I feel that I'm loosenin' up ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪

‐ Yo! You guys still up?

‐ Um, uh, what? Nothin', nothin'.

‐ What's goin' on? ‐ Oh dude, what? Nothin'.

Just, just having a late‐night snack with Lucy Goosey here.

You know how she loves her snacks.

Um, okay, what'll it be?

Uh, yogurt? Pickles? Um...

Ooh, sugar‐free chocolate pudding.

‐ Yeah, give me one of them puddings. Yeah.

Yeah, thank you.

‐ Lucy Goosey? Pudding?

‐ Uh... ‐ Oh, dude, just uh... yeah, give me that entire jar of pickles.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Actually, I'm not hungry. ‐ Nice.

More for me.


(Clears throat) So, what'd I miss?

‐ Oh, not a thing, Leo.

Not a thing. (Door thunks shut)

(Crickets chirp outside)

(Door creaks open)

‐ (Whispering) Luce.


Lucy, are you awake?


I'm your 70lb St. Bernard puppy,

and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem.

Ahh no, come on.

I saw you eating poop earlier.


My focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with Drivewise.

Who's the dummy now?



So get Allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me.


He's a baby!

♪ Follow me to a place I know with endless possibilities ♪

♪ so you can check your list off row‐by‐row. ♪

♪ Come on! Look around! ♪

♪ So much in store, you'll spend much less but gift much more! ♪ Spend less, gift better.

At T. J. Maxx, Marshalls, and HomeGoods.

♪ On the 12th day of screen time, this is what I see ♪

♪ 12 teens‐a‐texting ♪

♪ 11 lads‐a‐liking ♪

♪ 10 sisters scrolling ♪

[ Ding ]

♪ 10 sisters spinning ♪

♪ 9 fellas flying ♪

♪ OMG... we're caroling ♪

♪ 5 printed things ♪

♪ and a screen‐free family ♪

♪ Everybody ♪ Get new deals all day during Amazon's Black Friday sale.

Low prices and free shipping on millions of items.

♪ needs somebody to love ♪ The fun starts November 28.

♪ With Chili's To Go, baby, go, baby, go ♪

♪ You get 3 for $10 bucks, baby, bucks, baby, bucks ♪

♪ And take it to go, baby, go, baby, go ♪

♪ While you sit on your butt, baby, butt ♪

♪ 3 for $10 bucks, baby, bucks, baby, bucks ♪ Mmm‐hmm!

♪ Together we Chili's oh yeah baby yeah ♪ The Race to Black Friday is now at JCPenney!

Save on guys' and juniors' denim... kitchen electrics... and 25% off Disney Frozen 2 toys!

Or get an extra 20% off select items with your JCPenney Credit Card!


Holiday stress?

Repeat after me. I am grateful.

Audience: I am grateful.

I am getting all the gifts this Holiday.

FIFTY PERCENT OFF all jeans, sweaters and outerwear Or FIFTY PERCENT OFF your purchase when you use

‐ your Old Navy credit card! ‐ You get all the gifts!!!

Only, at Old Navy.

[Music begins to play: “I Feel Love” by Sam Smith]

♪ Oh... ♪ For all the season’s greeters.

♪’s so good ♪ For all the Thanksgivers.

♪’s so good ♪ For the gingerbread architects...

...and the midnight snackers.

♪ I feel love, ♪ For all the families, ...big, ...small, ...chosen, ...and frozen.

♪, ♪ Whatever you give, ...however you gather...

...we’re thinking of you.

♪ I'm not giving up ♪

♪ I'm not keepin' up ♪

♪ I'm not giving up ♪

♪ Nobody here can top me ♪

♪ I got everybody watching ♪

♪ 'Cause I gotta give you what you like ♪

‐ Good Lord, where's the kitchen?

‐ Hey, Dad, Happy Thanksgiving.

Are you hungry? ‐ I can smell coffee, but I don't see it.

‐ Okay... okay, here we go.

‐ Fantastic. Thank you. (Slurps)

‐ (Sighs) How is it? ‐ It's good.

That's good, honey. It's just um, it's a tad hot.

Uh, hot? No, uh, uh, strong.

‐ Oh my God, it smells delicious in here.

Who made muffins?

‐ I did. From scratch at 5 a. m. ‐ Thank you.

‐ You've been up since 5?

‐ Well, 4 a. m., actually.

I had to make the bread dough for the rolls first.

Coffee? ‐ Oh yes, please.

‐ You wanna go light on the coffee.

‐ Okay. These look amazing!

‐ Something wrong? ‐ Mm. Mm‐mm.

No, no. I uh...

I love my muffins... sour.

‐ Mm, and uncooked in the middle.

Muffins are usually so dry.

‐ (Laughs) Thanks.

Yeah, I was nervous that the frozen blueberries wouldn't work as well, but...

‐ (Sniffs) Smells good. ‐ Oh hey, Leo!

‐ Hi. ‐ Friend.

Coffee? ‐ Sure, but... who are you and what did you do with my sister?

‐ Here you go. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Okay. Um, my pie crust is chilling.

The stuffing is roasting. Um...

Oh, oh, can somebody baste the bird while I'm at the Turkey Trot? ‐ Can we talk please?

‐ You're seriously gonna run?

‐ Yes. Of course. The Turkey Trot is a tradition.

And every year I've just stood on the sidelines giving people water.

This year I wanna take part in the action.

More coffee? All: No!

‐ Thank you so much though. ‐ Good morning, family!

‐ Morning.

What're you so chipper about? ‐ Oh, why shouldn't I be chipper? It's Thanksgiving Day.

I'm surrounded by my loved ones.

Life is good.

‐ Is it, mom? Is it?

‐ Ooh, my goodness, Lucy, how can I help?

‐ No, it's all under control.

I will baste your turkey, Honey.

‐ Oh Ron, you're not gonna go to the Trot either?

What's gotten into you?

‐ Oh, nothing's got into me, Nancy.

What's gotten into you? ‐ (Laughs)

What on earth does that mean?

‐ Ugh! Oh, these are so good, Lucy. So good.

‐ I didn't hear you come to bed last night.

‐ Must have been a late one? ‐ (Laughs)

Anna: Seriously, you should open a bakery.

‐ Yeah, I guess. I can be sneaky.

‐ (Spits out coffee)

It's hot! Hot coffee.

‐ Why are you all acting so strange?

‐ We're fine. Are you fine?

‐ Please talk to me. ‐ sh**t!

We're out of olive oil. ‐ Ah, top shelf on the pantry.

Dean, can you help her reach? ‐ No, I don't need his help.

‐ Look, Luce, let me help you.

‐ Got it. ‐ No, you don't.

‐ I said I got it. Ungh!

(Clattering) Let go of me!

‐ Look, okay, listen, about last night, let me explain. ‐ Explain what?

I'm just Lucy Goosey, right? Leo's stupid little sister!

‐ God, no! No! Look, I only started calling you that because... because I liked you.

‐ Oh yeah, no, that makes sense.

Every girl loves to be nicknamed after water fowl.

Let me go!

‐ Look, I know I blew it last night. I‐I‐I freaked out.

And Leo said he'd k*ll me if I ever thought about you.

‐ Yeah, well good. I don't even care.

I don't even like you. You're just Mean Dean!

(Hard slap) ‐ Ahh! You hit me.

‐ You kissed me. ‐ You kissed me back.

‐ No, I didn't. I have a boyfriend.

‐ A boyfriend who wants to dump you.

‐ No, he doesn't. He just thinks that he does, but I'm changing his mind.

‐ You shouldn't have to change anyone's mind.

You're perfect just the way you are.

‐ Can you please just move? I have a Turkey Trot to run.

‐ Good luck.

♪ We takin' care of business ♪

(Excited hum of chatter)

‐ You sure you're sure about this?

‐ Let's really focus on beating out last time.

‐ Yeah, sure. ‐ Yeah, okay.

‐ Lucy! Over here!

‐ Hi! Yeah. Yeah, sure I'm sure.

Wish me luck. ‐ Good luck.

Agh! (Giggles) Schmoop!

Happy Thanksgiving!

‐ Ohmigod, you were serious. ‐ Ohmigod, yes.

Yes, I was serious. Why does everybody keep asking me that?

‐ No, it's just you've never done it before, you know?

And you're not exactly in... in shape.

‐ He means you're not athletic.

‐ Oh, really, Katie? Is that what he means?

Are you like Jordan's interpreter now?

‐ I just, I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all.

‐ Schmoop, don't worry about me. Okay, I'm gonna be fine.

I'm a lot stronger than you think. I got this.

Agh! ‐ Hey, hey...

‐ Agghhh... ‐ Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey, look, look. Look, just take it easy, okay?

You don't have to prove anything.

‐ I know.

Race Marshall: Okay, runners, everybody to the start line!

‐ Let's do this. We got this. Let's just do this.

‐ Come on, run, run, run!

Everybody on the start line!

Get ready!

♪ We takin' care of business ♪

♪ It's time to step it up ♪

♪ You either comin' with us ♪

♪ Or you'll be left in the dust ♪

‐ Good luck, Lucy!

(Air horn blows) ‐ Aw!

(Struggling grunts)


‐ Uh...

♪ That a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta ♪

‐ Come on, Luce. Run!

‐ Okay. Okay, okay, okay, I can do this.

I can do this. Just run.

Schmoop! Schmoop! This is so much fun.

‐ Yeah! Yeah. Oh yeah.

‐ Jordan, come on. You're off time. Let's go!

‐ You wanna go on ahead?

‐ No, no‐no, this is great. We're doing this together.

‐ No, it's okay. I'll be fine.

‐ Are you sure? Okay, thanks.

♪ Hate staying in the lane ♪

♪ This color ♪

♪ You know I ain't plain ♪

(Clapping and cheering)

‐ (Gasping for air)

‐ Oh God... what was I thinking?

Lucy, pull it together.


(Glugging loudly)

(Groans of frustration)

♪ A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta ♪


(Grunts of effort)

(Door bangs shut) Shhh... (groaning)

(Groaning in severe discomfort)

♪ Nancy: What time is it?

♪ A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta ‐ Hey! ♪

♪ A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta ‐ Hey! ♪

♪ A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do ♪

♪ What a girl's gotta do ♪

‐ There she is!

‐ Lucy!


Lucy, yes! You got it!

Lydia: C'mon, Sis!


‐ C'mon! Go, go, run!

‐ (Gasping for air)

‐ Come on, honey, you can do it.

You're almost there.

‐ Mom?

‐ Okay... okay...

Nancy: Come on, honey.

(Loud cheers)

‐ (Gasping)

Jordan: Luce! Lucy!

‐ Oh my God...

I did it.

I did it.

I'm a runner!

I ran a 10K! I'm a runner!

‐ I'm so proud of you!

‐ I can't believe that you actually did it.

I'm so proud of you. ‐ Let me down.

I'm gonna pee on myself.

‐ Congrats, Sis, you're a star.

‐ Water, I need water.

‐ We better get you home so you can rest up for the big dinner.

‐ Oh my God, dinner. ‐ Oh, don't worry, we can help.

‐ Listen, Schmoop, I‐I have so much that I need to say to you right now.

‐ Right now? ‐ Uh, we'll go get the car.

‐ Oh great, I'll just hang out with Lucy and Jordan.

‐ How about you don't, Mom. Come on.

‐ Lucy, these past few days... listen, come here, come here, let's sit down.

‐ (Gasps in pain) ‐ Luce...

‐ (Catching her breath) ‐ Listen, listen. Wow...

Luce, like I was saying, these past few days have been amazing.

I mean, I've seen sides to you that I didn't even know existed.

You're not the same girl that I knew in high school.

‐ I'm not? ‐ No. No.

Something about you is different.

For the better. ‐ Oh.

‐ To be honest, I was thinking we should maybe break up.

‐ Still? I‐I mean, you were?

‐ I was. But I... but not anymore, no.

No, 'cause you've made me realize that we belong together... forever.

‐ (Gags and vomits) ‐ Oh wow, ew!

Are you okay?

Hey. Hey, here, here. Drink some, drink some water.

Here you go, yeah.

Yeah, that happens. ‐ Mm.

‐ Mhmm. My first 10K, I did the same thing.

‐ Mhmm. ‐ I did the same exact thing.

And brussels sprouts. Disgusting.

‐ Mm. Mm. ‐ It's fine.

‐ Yeah. You good?

‐ Um...

Oh... Jordan, I'm...


I need to tell you something.

‐ Mhmm? What?

‐ I kissed someone.

‐ I'm sorry, you what? ‐ I know, I didn't mean to.

It just happened and...

I just feel like you deserve to know.

‐ Lucy, that... that's... fantastic.

(Relieved chuckle) ‐ It is?

‐ Wow, yeah. I kissed someone else too.

‐ W‐w‐what?

‐ Yeah. Wow!

That feels good.

‐ Let me guess, Katie Logan?

‐ Oh! Okay, two someones.

But that doesn't matter because this is great news.

We're even now, yeah.

I'm so happy!

Baby... ‐ (Fake laughs)


(Bangs on door, honks)

Oh, um...

‐ You gotta go? ‐ Yeah, I have to go.

‐ Okay. Yeah. ‐ Okay... Ahh!

‐ Okay, slowly. All right, Schmoop, I'll see you soon. ‐ Yeah...

‐ And I can't wait to taste your home cooking.

‐ Uh... yeah. ‐ Oh!

‐ Yeah, the throw‐up. Okay. ‐ Mhmm.

Bye, Schmoop!


We're Jord and Lucy! We're Juicy!

(Phone chimes)

(all cheering)

(crowd cheering)

Whoo! Yeah!

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(crowd cheering)

(crowd cheering)

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It's more than a bag.

It's an afternoon together they'll never forget.

Let imagination out of the bag with Ziploc.

SC Johnson.

Disney's Frozen 2, Now Playing. Rated PG.

Disney's Frozen 2, Comin' through. Hot buns.

‐ (Giggles) How's this look? ‐ Thinner and diced not sliced.

And whoa, okay, that's plenty.

Uh, let's just spread those out to cover the edge.

‐ Got it. ‐ Dad, this looks incredible.

You didn't have to do all this! ‐ Happy to help, honey.

Your turkey is gonna need another half hour and some time to rest.

I have done the potatoes, I've finished the pies.

All that's left is to make a salad.

I'm gonna go pick up your grandmother, so uh...

Muah! All right? Call with any questions, all right?

‐ 'Kay. I've got it all covered. Thank you.

(Sighs) I'm gonna make a salad.

‐ No, do not make a salad.

‐ Nobody eats salad at Thanksgiving.

They just put it on their plate to feel less guilty.

‐ I eat salad.

‐ Right. No salad.

I'm gonna set the table.

Lydia, Anna, Leo, Leo's invisible girlfriend.

‐ So are we just not gonna talk about what happened?

‐ Yes, we are not. Mom. Me.

Jordan. ‐ Jordan? He's still coming?

‐ Yes, of course he's still coming.

Why wouldn't he still be coming?

‐ Because we kissed. ‐ Shhh!

So I'm just supposed to cancel Thanksgiving dinner?

‐ Oh, so I'm just supposed to cancel how I feel about you?

‐ Me. Jordan.

Leo's friend.

‐ Whoa, do not sit me next to that guy.

‐ Fine. You don't have to sit there at all.

‐ You can't uninvite me. ‐ It's my dinner.

I can do what I want. Now give me the plate!

Let go... of the plate.

‐ No, you let go.

‐ Let go! ‐ Let go.

‐ Give it to me! ‐ Give me that.

‐ You're being a baby! ‐ No, now you're being a baby!

‐ Give it! (Gasps)

(Hard smash) ‐ Ah, I'm so... ohmygod, I did not mean to do that. ‐ Oh no!

‐ It's okay, mom. It's fine, it's fine.

‐ Emergency. The police just called.

The alarm's going off at Rony's I gotta get down there.

Where's your father? ‐ He went to go get Grandma.

‐ Oh gosh, okay. Uh, where's your brother?

‐ Um, he's in the shower. I'll take you.

‐ You will? Thank you. ‐ Yeah.

‐ I just don't trust myself with that stick shift, especially when everything's so excited like this.

‐ What just crashed?

‐ My hopes and dreams of a perfect Thanksgiving dinner.

(Doorbell rings)

I got it. Lydia, I got it.

‐ Happy Thanksgiving! ‐ Jerry?

‐ You know, your invitation was such a surprise.

‐ Wasn't it though? ‐ I mean, honestly, I usually spend Thanksgiving on my own at that diner on Highway 17, so, this is a real treat.

‐ Yeah, I bet.

Uh, please come in. ‐ Oh, 'kay.

‐ I'm just curious. Who invited you exactly?

‐ Hello, Jerry. ‐ Ciao, Leonardo!

‐ Thanks.

‐ You know, guys, it was a bit of a drive.

You don't mind, I'm gonna ask you where the uh...

‐ Yeah, of course. Uh, it's upstairs to the left.

‐ Uh, thank you.

Hey, Bellissima, how are you? ‐ Hi, Jerry.

‐ You invited Mom's boyfriend to Thanksgiving?

Are you insane? ‐ Come on, relax.

I got a plan.

‐ Well, I don't have time for a plan, Leo.

I have 11 people coming for dinner!

‐ Well, 12, if you count the Cheese Man.

What?! ‐ 'Kay, look, do you wanna save Mom and Dad's marriage or not, huh?

So our parents bought this house 25‐years‐ago, and as you can see, they built a life here.

It's... It's a happy life too. ‐ (Chuckles, confused)

‐ So why don't you tell us a bit about yourself, Jerry.

‐ Me? Now? Of cour... of course.

Um, well, I'm originally from Rhode Island‐‐

‐ And you've been spending quite a bit of time with our mother lately.

‐ Have I? Yeah. I mean...

Well, you know, I've been delivering cheese to your folks for years now, so, you know. Yeah, we...

‐ Of course, that's what he meant.

‐ So, you admit it. You like our mother.

‐ Nancy?

Yeah, absolutely!

She's the real deal.

You know, not a lot of women can tell the difference between a Havarti and a Baby Swiss.

So, yes, very unique.

‐ And that's really all it's about, huh?


‐ Is Nancy gonna be home soon or...?

‐ Oh, we got some time actually.

‐ Oh, where are we going now?

‐ The grand tour carries on. ‐ Hey, great.

Now, I wonder if I can put this down?

‐ Put 'er down anywhere. ‐ Okay.

‐ Yeah, that's fine, right there. Yeah.

‐ What is this place? What're you doing?

‐ You're just gonna have to go ahead and sit down there, cheese man. Yeah. Right here.

Yeah, make yourself comfortable.

It might get hot in here.

(Blows out his breath)

‐ Uh, what's going on? Where's Nancy?

‐ Oh, you don't worry about Nancy right now.

You just worry about yourself, buckaroo.

‐ Okay, well, Leo, let's not scare him.

‐ I'm not scarin' him! ‐ You're scaring me a little.

‐ Well, good, good. Then... then you're gonna watch this.

Lucy, (snaps fingers) video. ‐ Leo.

‐ (Snaps fingers) I'll do it myself.

‐ Am I on camera? Look, I don't know what type of stuff you kids are into...

‐ You are going to sit there and you're going to watch. (Video plays)

You're gonna watch what you're trying to tear apart and you're gonna understand that there are consequences. to your little fun and games.

‐ Fun and games? Look, I don't know... what type of sick game you people are playing‐‐

‐ The best in town. (Door bangs shut downstairs)

‐ Nancy? Nancy, help! ‐ You cannot do that!

‐ Oh my God, Leo, you have to stop!

‐ Using a restraint is technically kidnapping.

‐ It is not kidnapping. He was invited in.

‐ He's not a vampire! ‐ Oh, we don't know that.

‐ You're gonna get more about this.

Just bucking bronco. ‐ Leo, let him go!

‐ Please! It's for your own good!

‐ Stop it! ‐ This is crazy. You have to stop!

‐ Don't be a cry baby, Mr. Cheese Man.

We're not gonna hurt you. We're friends here.

‐ (Struggling grunts) (Video plays in background)

‐ Now just... just watch this and‐and we will be back in time to get you for dinner.

‐ (Muffled) No! ‐ What?

‐ Dude!

‐ Kids, we're home! ‐ Definitely going to jail.

‐ Relax, no one's going to jail.

‐ There you are.

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It's more than a bag.

It's an afternoon together they'll never forget.

Let imagination out of the bag with Ziploc.

SC Johnson.

Disney's Frozen 2, Now Playing. Rated PG.

Disney's Frozen 2, Is that so?


‐ I have no idea what set it off, but, uh, Ben and Terry were just getting off shift, so I invited them to Thanksgiving.

‐ Take your coat, Officer? Leo: That's great!

Hey, Officers, I can just go up here and get you some, some wine if you want.

If you're thirsty, I can get some for you right now.

‐ No can do. Still on duty for the next...

23 minutes. ‐ (Chuckles) Okay.

‐ Oh, is that so? That's awesome. (Laughs)

(Door opens) ‐ Happy, happy! Here we are.

‐ Grandma! ‐ Hello, Grandma!

Grandma! ‐ Ron!

‐ Well, what, what'd we miss?

‐ Oh, well, the alarm went off at the restaurant and the officers were invited to dinner.

‐ Great. What's that gonna cost us?

‐ Oh, I hope we're not late. ‐ Oh no, not at all.

Come in, come in! I'm so happy you're here.

(Overlapping chatter)

‐ Luce, you look beautiful. ‐ Hi.

(Low hum of chatter)

‐ I'm standing here all day.

Do you plan on burying me in this coat?

‐ No. No, no, no. ‐ I'm sorry, Grandma, I'll get it.

‐ Gentlemen, do you want to, uh, come get a drink?

(Doorbell chimes repeatedly)

‐ Enough with the bell already! ‐ No way.

Oh, she actually made it!

Dude, I got this, I got this. Thank you though.

Darcy, baby, you look hot!

‐ Oh boy, there's a Darcy.

‐ Uh, Mom, Dad, everyone, this is Darcy.

‐ You owe me for a limo.

(Gasps) Nice digs!

And this little peanut is my Rocco.

We call him the Rockster.

‐ Bam‐bam‐bam, you're all dead!

‐ (Chuckles) Hey, little buddy, we try not to sh**t people on Thanksgiving, okay?

‐ You're not my mom! Bam‐bam‐bam!

‐ Isn't he the cutest? (Laughs) ‐ What's that smell?

I didn't ride for an hour in the backseat with no ventilation for a burned dinner!

‐ (Gasps) My turkey!

(Low hum of chatter)

‐ Oh, thank you.

(Low hum of chatter)

Lucy: Okay, here it comes!

‐ All right.

'Scuse me, everybody. (Clinks glass)

I'd like to make an announcement.

My announcement is that I'm gonna be transferring to Arizona to be with Lucy.

(Everyone gasps)

(Heavy thud, tray clatters) ‐ Oh!

‐ Holy shit, she dropped the (bleep) turkey!

‐ I know it's a surprise, but I just don't wanna be away from you anymore.

‐ Um, can we just talk about this later?

‐ What's there to talk about?

I mean, obviously they're gonna want me.

It's practically a done deal. ‐ No, it's not.

‐ Uh, okay, this guy again?

‐ Ohmigod, can we not do this right now?

‐ Who are you? Who is this?

‐ Oh, that's Dean. He's practically family.

‐ He's really not. ‐ I'm really not.

‐ What is going on? ‐ Nothing. Nothing. It's fine.

Can we all just eat? Please, the food's getting cold.

‐ Lucy, I'm sorry I was an ass, okay, but I meant what I said.

And that kiss... ‐ Kiss?

‐ Yes, I knew it. (High‐five) ‐ Kiss?! What kiss?

Dean: That kiss was the best I've ever had.

I know you felt it too. ‐ Dean, please...

‐ Wait, this is the guy you kissed?

‐ Yes, but it‐‐ ‐ You kissed my sister?

‐ Dude, I'm sorry. ‐ Well, I told you, you touch her, you're dead. ‐ Hey, okay, stop this.

Everyone calm down, okay?

I have my own announcement I'd like to make.

‐ Oh no, you don't! (Bangs table)

‐ Oh!

‐ This is my house, and if anyone's making any announcements it's me!

I want a divorce.

‐ What?

‐ Hah! You heard me. ‐ Dad, no.

‐ Uh, Ron, you can't mean that.

‐ Don't pretend you weren't gonna say it first.

The jig is up, missy! I know everything!

I know that you're in love with that that‐that‐that... the cheese man.

‐ What?! ‐ You are?

Nancy, is that true?

Are you in love with me?

‐ Jerry, what are you doing here?

‐ Well, I was invited, but frankly‐‐

‐ Ungh! ‐ D'oh!

‐ Ron! ‐ Officer, I wanna press charges.

‐ On what grounds? ‐ False imprisonment for one.

I show up and the kids tied me up upstairs and left me for dead. ‐ That's not true!

No, no, he tied himself up! ‐ (Snorts)

‐ With our mother. ‐ Oh...

‐ And we wanna press our own charges.

‐ On what grounds? ‐ Well, I don't know, sleeping with a married woman has to be some sort of crime.

‐ Babe, let's not go there. ‐ What, you're married?

‐ Just a little. Stuffing?

‐ What do you mean you're switching schools?

Who do you think's gonna pay for that?

‐ He's not switching schools. ‐ Yes. Yes, I am!

‐ 29 years ‐ wasted.

‐ I told you not to marry that hussy.

‐ You did? ‐ It's true. She warned me.

‐ Never liked ya. Never will. ‐ Grandma...

‐ Can you describe the false imprisonment, sir?

‐ Yes, I can. I showed up with a beautiful and very thoughtful‐‐

‐ Can we please just eat! ‐ No, I lost my appetite.

I still can't believe you kissed that guy!

‐ Yeah, well, I can't believe that you kissed every girl in the tri‐state area. ‐ Wait, you cheated on Lucy?

You d*ck! ‐ You cheated on my sister?!

I don't which one of you guys to punch first!

‐ Well, what do you want? I'll kick his ass.

Or I'll kick his ass and then your ass.

Oh, you want it first? ‐ Can you please calm down, Jordan? Jordan. ‐ No, I'm not gonna calm down.

Whose ass wants to get kicked first?

‐ Jordan please, I really just wanna sit down and have a nice Thanksgiving dinner.

‐ If anyone's getting punched around here, it's that cheese head!

‐ Officer, are you getting this?

(Yelling over one another) ‐ 'Kay, stop! Stop!

(Everyone yelling) ‐ Momma, I'm scared.

‐ I know, baby. We'll go right after pie.

‐ We are a civilized family.

(Hard thunk) (Everyone yelling)

‐ Can we spend Thanksgiving at my family's next year?

‐ Yes. And every year after that.

‐ (Chuckles)

(Happy gasp)

‐ (Clapping) Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

I am not having an affair with anyone.

Why on earth would you think that?

‐ We were watching you, Mom.

‐ You were spying on me?

‐ Well, no, not spying. We were just kinda following you around without you knowing about it.

Lucy: We did it because we love you.

We love you and we wanted to save your marriage.

‐ Ah, jeez, my kids.

I mean, that's... that's beautiful.

‐ Nancy, you might as well just tell them.

They're gonna find out soon enough.

‐ I do not have to listen to this!

‐ Yeah, you do! Honey, please. Oh honey, you do, you do.

Ron, Ron...

I wanted this to be a surprise, but I think I should tell you now.


I'm not having an affair with Jerry.

‐ It's Joe at the cleaner's, isn't it?

‐ No, it's not Joe. I'm not having an affair with anyone.

Jerry doesn't want me.

He wants... the restaurant.

‐ What? ‐ What?

‐ Yeah, we've been going over the books and the taxes to see what might be fair.

‐ Sell Rony's? I mean, that's our lifeblood.

‐ Oh, honey, it's draining our lives.

Ron, we have been working practically non‐stop seven days a week for the last 20 years, and I'm tired. I wanna sleep in.

I wanna travel. I wanna go on adventures.

I wanna have great sex while I'm still young enough to enjoy it... with my husband.

‐ You do? ‐ Of course I do.

You're the only man for me. You know that.

‐ Oh my God, I, I thought I knew that, but I, I just...

I guess I got scared.

I mean, you've changed so much lately.

‐ Honey, I thought you lost interest, so...

I was trying to excite you again and...

‐ Baby, I may not always show it, but you excite me every day of our lives.

‐ Hmm. ‐ I love you.

‐ I love you, too. ‐ Mm... Mm...

‐ Can we do that later? ‐ Oh.

‐ Okay, that's...

‐ I think I just lost my appetite.

‐ So, do you agree, you think it's time to sell?

‐ If it's what you want, that's what I want.

Lucy: Wait, but, but...

I thought I was gonna take over the restaurant after college?

‐ Oh, honey, you're so young. Is that what you really want?

‐ (Under his breath) Come on...

‐ No...

No, I mean I guess I thought that I did, but, but... not anymore.

‐ Whoa‐whoa‐whoa‐whoa‐whoa.

Wait just a flippin' minute here.

Anyone stop to think that maybe I wanted to run the family business? All: (Laughing)

‐ No, not at all. ‐ Yeah...

‐ Come on, bro, let's be real. ‐ No, not even a little.

‐ Well, why not? I mean, you didn't really think that like...

I'm gonna be, you know, a deadbeat musician living in the basement for the rest of my life, right?

‐ Honey, you can't even do your own laundry, much less run a business.

‐ Oh, right, right, yeah. I'm dumb, yeah.

I'm so dumb that I've been saving money and taking online courses ‐ for what? ‐ for restaurant management.

‐ Oh! ‐ Yeah, you know what?

I actually got some... (Clucks tongue) some ideas bouncing around the old noggin' and some of them are... (snaps fingers) pretty good.

‐ Okay, look, why don't we talk about this after dinner, all right? After all, it is Thanksgiving.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Ow! Help!

(Grunts of effort)

‐ My turkey.

Uhh, awkward.... aaannnnd AWESOME!

Awesome mostly.



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am‐bam‐bam! Oh! Gah!

You get out for me! All: (Laughing)

Leo: Call it... pizza on a stick.

‐ Pizza on a stick. (Laughs) This guy.

You know what? I like it.

Not bad, kid. Not bad.

Leo: Uh, maybe we could uh... sell it out of our new drive‐thru window.

Jerry: Drive‐thru pizza. That's not bad.

That's, that's great, kid.

You know, how do you feel about partnering up?

‐ Hey...

♪ You don't feel nothin' ♪

♪ Isn't it something ♪

♪ How quickly your honesty ♪

‐ I'm so confused.

‐ Jordan, I have a confession to make.


The truth is...

I love strawberries.

‐ What? ‐ I do.

I love them.

I always have. I‐I love... strawberry ice creams and shortcake, and I haven't had strawberries in five years because of you.

And I miss them.

‐ Oh... okay.

‐ In high school, all I wanted was to be your girlfriend and live in our small town and play it safe the rest of my life.

‐ That doesn't sound so bad.

‐ Yeah, I know and it's not... for some people.

But not for me.

These last few days have shown me that... that I just need to get out of my comfort zone, try something new and scare myself and...

maybe kiss someone else for a change.

‐ Ouch.

‐ I've been letting my fear of the future keep me in the past.

And you were actually brave to wanna dump me.

‐ Thanks.

‐ Jordan, I'm...

I'm so sorry, but... it's over.

I'm turkey dropping you.

‐ You're whating me?

♪ You been lying to yourself ♪

♪ Not just to me ♪

‐ Look it up.

‐ Well?

‐ Mmm. Mmm!


That's the worst pie I've ever had in my life.

‐ I know, it's so bad.

Ugh... (Pie tin clanks)

Hey, you never told me how you knew about the offer from Boise State.

‐ Oh, yeah, that.

That must've been the day that you... came down and heard my music.

You dropped your ear buds.

Took 'em back to your room. I saw the letter on your desk.

I wanted to say something, but I didn't want you to think I was some kind of stalker.

‐ Stalker... ‐ (Chuckles)

Happy Thanksgiving, Lucy.

‐ Happy Thanksgiving, Dean.

Both: (Chuckle) ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ All my life ♪

♪ I was waiting ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Now I've got ♪

♪ Something to lose... ♪

‐ Hey! Are you not coming to the Christmas party?

‐ Can't. I have to finish this essay.

‐ Well, you know, Amanda, this is college.

Sometimes you need to get outta your room and live a little.

‐ Are those my flipflops?

♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪

♪ Fa‐la‐la‐la‐la la‐la la la ♪

♪ 'Tis the season to be jolly ♪

♪ Don we now our gay apparel ♪

♪ Fa‐la‐la‐la‐la la‐la la la ♪

♪ Troll the ancient Yuletide carol ♪

♪ Fa‐la‐la‐la‐la la‐la la la ♪

(Phone rings)

‐ Merry Christmas, Arizona girl.

‐ Merry Christmas, soon‐to‐be Arizona guy.

‐ Well, it's not for sure yet, but my grad‐school application is officially in.

Your parents wrote an awesome recommendation letter.

‐ Your mother wrote it all. She's the brains of the operation.

‐ Whoa, whoa, whoa! Dad, dad, your hair's blue!

‐ (Laughs) I know that clown at the salon turned me into a Smurf.

‐ Jamal thought it would be festive for our cruise.

Honey, are you sure you don't mind us leaving during your Christmas break? ‐ Mom, no.

No, I'm excited for you guys.

And anyway, I'll see you before you go‐‐ Leo: Hey! No, no, no personal calls on company time!

Come on, this tree ain't gonna decorate itself.

Let's go, people! ‐ Ciao, Luciana!

‐ You're so sexy when you're in charge.

‐ I'm not sure the tree works there.

I think it's better in front of the window.

‐ Trust me, I got vision. ‐ Honey, you retired.

Let's let the new management put the tree where he wants.

‐ Help? Please come home.

‐ (Laughs) I'll be there in two days.

‐ It's the longest two days of my life.

‐ Mine too.

‐ Bye, Mean Dean.

‐ Bye, Lucy...

♪ Fa‐la‐la‐la‐la la‐la la la ♪

♪ Come get your eggnog ♪

♪ Go watch the snow fall ♪

♪ Fa‐la‐la‐la‐la We gonna deck the halls ♪