Trick (2019)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Trick (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

Trick or treat!

Happy Halloween!

Man, I see what you're doing over there.

You're up, right?

Come on, hostess. It's your play.

I feel like it's your turn.

Horny devil. Yeah.

I think Cheryl should go.

Who will I meet tonight?


All right, Cheryl!


I'm telling your mom!

Yo, yo. Group up, group up.

Everyone say, "Troy's number one."

Troy's an assh*le!

Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, fuckfaces.

Who's next? Come on.

It's your turn, Trick.

Trick. Trickster. Let's go, man.

Let's see it, pumpkinhead. Come on, Trick.


Let's go.

It's your lucky night.

-No! No re-spins. -It's just a kiss.

Just get it over with.

Don't be chickenshit, man.

Do it with a guy, Trick! Yeah!

Come on, hey. What's he doing now?

If it feels good do it, Trick.

Hey! Lose the mask if you're gonna kiss him.

What is he doing?

I'll get out of the way here.

Let's give him a little motivation here?

Slow clap for Trick?

Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick!

Trick! Trick! Trick!

Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick!

Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick!

Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick!

Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick!

Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick! Trick!

My God! My God! Are you okay?

Let go of me!

Stop! Please!

Stop! Stop!

Get him, Troy!

You f*cking psycho!



Get off!



You batshit-f*cking-crazy son of a bitch.

-Hey. -Hey, Mike.

Thanks for coming. I know it's a long drive.

But they're gonna question my every move on this one.

Did you tell them that you're the only cadet I ever learned a few things from?

Like that'll matter.

Either way, I'm happy to help.

You say that now.

Why does he have that shit all over his face?

It was a Halloween party.

Okay, why does he still have that shit all over his face?

They were more concerned with saving his life than washing his face.

So this Patrick Weaver, he k*lled four seniors at a Halloween party?

Five. Fifth just died in surgery.

Four more injured, two critical.

One, Troy Meeks -- junior, football captain -- stabbed Patrick with a fireplace poker.

Were it not for Troy, there would be more dead.

He's 18 with no priors?

Trick k*lled Evan.

And Dan and Tammy and Parker.

-Trick? -Patrick.

He..Everyone calls him Trick.

Did he have a beef with the other kids?

He didn't have beef with anyone. He...

He was quiet. Smart.

So he was bullied.


No, he...

No, no. Not that I know of.


He used to help people with their homework.

You should go. I'll be in touch tomorrow.

Can I see Nicky?

Yeah. She's upstairs.

We're trying to find his parents.

As soon as we do, you can talk to them.

Well, he's 18, so parental permission, it's a courtesy.

This kid in the big leagues now.

And I'm betting that he's got a date with death row.

Hey, how you doing?

Deputy Green, this is Detective Denver.

We go back a ways.

Could you grab us a couple coffees, please?

And take this.

How is he?

Hell of a scar in his future, but with a little bit of luck, he'll be back on his feet in no time.

Give us a minute, Doc?

I know they said this kid did some terrible things, but do I need to remind him his rights?


Patrick, you already know Sheriff Lisa Jayne.

And, look, I heard you're a good kid.

What made you lose it tonight?

Were you provoked?

Did you feel threatened?

Were those kids bullying you?

Hey, can we get somebody to come wipe this crap off his face?

I'd like to see who I'm talking to.

Of course.

Kid, you got to work with me.

If you want my help, you got to tell me your side of the story.

This isn't gonna do.

And the strong, silent types, they don't last long in prison.

And I got to tell you, you're looking at more than life --

Help him out, Doc.

Which way did he go? You see him?

God. Let's get him.

Hey. Come here, kid!


Come here, kid!

Let her go.

Hey. Stop. Come on, Patrick.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.

It's over.

-f*ck. -Come on.

-You okay? -Come on!

No, no, no, no.

Hey, did you see him? Where'd he go?

Of course I saw him, shithead. That's why I swerved.

Did you see him get up?


This way.


Shit. He's in the river.

I've never seen anything like that.

-How's he still alive? -He isn't.

We put at least three b*ll*ts in him.

He fell two stories.

Look at how much blood he lost.

You saw his arm. He can't swim like that.

He'll drown, if not hypothermia.

He's probably already dead.

You saw it, right? His eyes?

-Saw what? -He was getting off on it.

He isn't anymore.

Trick Weaver is dead.

We'll set up a perimeter, but I doubt we'll find him.

This is Sheriff Jayne. I need K9 units...

From interviewing fellow students, teachers --

"Trick was so quiet. He'd never do that."

The old "quiet one" cliché.

"Trick was," and I quote, "smart as f*ck.

Always made more sense than the teachers.” Ever get in trouble? Suspension, detention, anything?

Too smart to get in trouble.

History teacher of 27 years stated Trick often made the teachers feel incompetent.

What do we have to do to get a picture of this kid?

No Facebook, no Instagram, no Twitter.

If he used social media, he was anonymous.

Weaver skipped his class photo.

We asked the annual staff to check the database, see if they had any candids.

We also made an announcement to the students, see if anybody had any photos on their phones.

So far, we got nothing.

This is all they have before the video cuts off.

No footage of Trick getting up or leaving the scene.

There's no shadow movement.

Really thin eyebrows.

Thin lips.

No. Thick lips.

Skinny face.

Kind of a hollowed-out face.

Black, roughed-up hair.

-Scruffy. -Deep-set eyes.

He had green eyes.

-Beady. -Blue eyes.

Just really kind-looking eyes.

He could be anybody.

I saw him eyeing Trick one day, and I was like, "You planning on messing with Trick?"

Then Trick, who had to be 50 yards away sitting at a picnic table, turns and stares right at us.

No way he could've heard me. Hell, we both went pale.

Troy was like, "Nah, man. I ain't messing with Trick."” And Troy messed with everybody.

We're wondering if Patrick was bullied, and we heard you might be the man to talk to.

No, no, I don't know who's been sh**ting their mouth off.

I ain't no bully.

Maybe I get a little rough, but I never touched Trick.

Not him. Until, you know, he lost it.

| saw there was a fire poker next to the fireplace when I was there, so I just, like, just one of those animal instinct, just clean shot, just right in the gut.

| was dressed up as a superhero.

Little did I know you have to become the hero of the night.

I saved a lot of people.


He was sweet, you know?

I still can't believe what happened.

What about his folks?

Did they know he was like this?

Or did they make him this way?

According to school records, this is Patrick Weaver's address.

Barge hasn't moved in five years.

We don't know where he actually lived.

We don't even know if Patrick Weaver's his real name.

How is that even possible?

Kid goes to a school for a whole year, and no one checks his address?

No one ever met his parents? E-mails.

Teachers spoke with both parents by e-mail.


Denver, it's been three weeks.

I'm starting to get some pressure.

There's too many unanswered questions to close this case.

And when were you gonna tell me about the two-faced pumpkin mask?

Who told you about that?

The mask was stolen from your evidence locker, and you don't bother to tell me?

Because you would assume it was him.

-Of course I would. -Trick Weaver is dead.

Show me the body, and I'll believe it.

I'm not saying I'll quit looking, but, Mike, I got to put my resources back on a county that's been ignored.

Here comes the night Everything will be all right 2 Can you feel the shining sound?

It's just my heart Let her in my dreams She was my queen I A castle in the mountaintops, rivers, and streams [

Plucking sunlight from the sky in my pocket Give it to you later on in the form of a locket &

People in the back, for the people in the front For the people on the side I For the people want to front For the people in the back I I For the people in the front For the people on the side I I For the people want to front

3 And all around town, people trying to get down

3 And all around town, people trying to get down

Check this out.

Who is this guy?

What the hell are you supposed to be?

Stupid kids.

Six dead, three injured.

No one could I.D. him.

They're not even sure he's a student, but witnesses say his face was painted.

You don't really believe it's Trick.

We never found a body.

-W-We shot him, Mike. -Yeah, we did.

But don't you think it's curious that our guy vanished into the river after k*lling five teens, and a year later six teens are k*lled on the same river?

Do you think he floated there?

I got to take this.

Everyone wants the monster to live in the end.

Why is that?

Let's say he survived the b*llet wounds and the freezing water, and you return each year to inflict revenge as performance art.

-[ Screamin -Stop!

Trick's a regular boogeyman.

He's got a lot of fans online. He's viral.

Saw those already. Looking for a thread.

If there is one...

...I can't find it.

Hey there, Tricksters. Welcome back.

It's that time of year. You know what that means.

Our favorite k*ller's coming back on this Halloween.

Fear him. Trick is coming.

Fear Trick.

All three att*cks happened within towns along the river, farther south each time.

Tomorrow night, it'll be one of these towns.

With the FBI's help, we can stop him.

Trick wore a two-faced pumpkin mask with face paint on it.

In 2016, the assailant wore a white demon mask, face paint underneath.

In 2017 it was a skull mask, and though we have no witnesses, forensics confirmed that there was paint in the mask.

His makeup design changes each year to hide the shape of his face, but I have no doubt all three were Trick.

Why call him by his nickname?

I've located every Patrick Weaver born in the States from '93 to 2005.

Location, means, alibi -- none of them are him.

The name is a fake.

Look, I admit it's an intriguing theory, but if it was the same guy, you'd have DNA.

We do have DNA. Too much DNA.

The masks recovered in 2016 and 2017 were covered in so much DNA, it was like they were drug inside-out across a gym floor.

Does either of them match 20157

-No. -Do they match each other?

No, but he's doing that on purpose to f*ck with us.

Don't you get it?

DNA results have given you facts you don't want, So you scream conspiracy.

I'm not screaming.


You and the lady sheriff discharged your weapons five times into the guy.

He fell 23 feet.

And that was before he crawled into a 32-degree river.

No offense, Detective, but the only thing keeping this guy alive is you.

Have you considered a copycat?

Of course I have.

The Internet refers to Trick as some supernatural spirit that comes back every Halloween.

And you don't want to believe them, but...

But Occam's razor and all that.

All parts being equal, the simplest solution is most likely true.

Sorry, but an evil Halloween spirit isn't the simplest solution.

And it's not the same kid.

A lot of psychos out there wanting infamy.

Better than some school sh**t, but not by much.

Look, it's midnight.

Gonna hit the pisser. Next round's on me.

Yeah, right. Happy Halloween!

No porn in here, pumpkin.

That's your idea of porn?

I used to work at a cop bar, and that is cop porn.

Didn't allow it there, and I won't allow it here.

And these two special agents should absolutely know better.


Really impressive how you "Cocktailed" that vodka bottle.

Did you just turn a Tom Cruise movie into a verb?

I did.

| approve. Next round's on me.

Wanting something to be true just doesn't make it true.

Why did Swift send me this?

What? What the f*ck?


It's Swift. Come on.

Jesus! Swift!


Swift! Jesus!

Hold on. Hold on, Sam. We've got to...

It's okay. It's okay.


It's all right. It's all right.

You're gonna be okay, man. Hang on!

Hang on!

It's gonna cut his head off.

We got it. Denver, you got that?

It's too heavy.

Sam, let me -- We got this. Hang on.

We got you.

Denver! Agg!

We're here. Sam, just hang on.

We got this, Sam. Almost there, Sam.

Come on, man.

f*ck! Sam!


God, f*ck...

f*ck, man.

I got you. -God, f*ck.

Hold it, hold it.

Agent Tina Mendez! There's an officer down!

Yes, Piccirilli Avenue.

Fat Lou's bar. One officer's down.

Yes, right away!



Shit. Okay.

Try to stay calm. Try to stay calm.

I'm gonna call it in.

This is Detective Mike Denver.

Got two officers down at Fat Lou's bar.

Come quick!

He's right there. Help's on the way.



Please don't. Please don't.

Mendez, Mendez.


-Hey. -Hey, Cheryl. How's it going?

Not bad. How are you? Good. I'm well.

-I'm well. How's your dad? -He's all right.

Okay. Thanks for asking.

-I'll see you. -Sure, see you.

They got my g*dd*mn barn door, Cheryl.

Who steals a barn door?

Well, it does have sentimental value, Mr. Talbott.

Most kids I know carved their name into that barn door, like a rite of passage.

Think I don't know that?

Over 40 years they've been doing it.

I only ever got rid of one name.

Burned it off. That damn door was special.

Careful, Talbott.

Folks will think you have a heart.

-Doubt that. -Thanks.

You seen Nicky?


Why you take self-defense?

Take Bikram like the rest of us.

Namaste, my ass.

What do you want, college girl?

So, Troy?

Troy sent you.

Great, got a message for him -- Drop dead.

Troy says he was just studying with her.

Cheryl, I studied with Troy all senior year.

He algebras with his d*ck out.

"Drop dead” message still stands.


I'm tired of being a go-between for you and that loser.

I got the twerps on Halloween.

Want to take them to the maze with me?

Greg and Janice in a haunted maze?

They're gonna have little heart att*cks.

| know, right? How funny will that be?


Detective Denver.

Hey. Just Mike now, Cheryl.

What are you doing here?

I heard you got a scholarship to State.

| transferred back after dad's accident.

It's just the two of us. Wanted to be there for him.

Yeah, I get it. He's lucky to have you.

-How's he doing? -Good days and bad.

But we're getting there.

So how are you?

Since the FBI decided to kindly force my retirement, packed up and ready to follow the advice of the immortal Fleetwood Mac and go my own way.

But tomorrow's Halloween.

You aren't going anywhere that takes you from this.

All these are Trick Weaver?

It's a theory.

My theory, anyways.

You really think he's still after you?

No. | don't think he's after me.

That's why I've got to go.

Well, we'll miss you.



Take care of your pop.

Take care of yourself.

-See you, Cheryl. -Thanks, Talbott.

Her dad weren't no accident.

Shut up, Talbott.

You shut up.

Her daddy strolled up that factory roof, jumped right the g*dd*mn off.

That's why the son of a bitch turned that surveillance tape off first.

It weren't no accident.

You know that's why nobody likes you, right?

Everybody likes me.

All right. Just breathe, rookie.

Just breathe.


Why would someone take his eyeballs?

Keep it together, Slater.

-Keep it together. -Hey, boss.

-Sheriff. -Sheriff.

Keep it together, Slater.

What do we got?

Well, red truck is the victims.

He worked across the street, but somebody else had a different plan for him.

I'll find him, get him here.

He's leaving town, so make it fast.

Jesus. He's back.

Don't start with that.

Then why'd you bring me here?

Your name's on the wall, Mike.


You made a lot of enemies over the years.

It could be any one of them.

You're doing well. You're doing well.

Okay, start off easy.

That's right.

Zebra. Very good.

Okay. Let's try another one.

Let's see.



This is an orange. It's the color orange.

This is an apple.

It's okay.

Plus, orange and red are pretty similar, right?

How are my two favorite people?

Look, Dad. Do you remember his name?

Doc Steve.

Dr. Steve. Yes, right.

Cheryl, can I talk to you?

Look, this is gonna sound worse than it is, all right, but insurance has refused to pay

'cause there's an investigation into the cause of the accident.

-They think he jumped. -Yeah.

-He would never... -I know.

Back in the old days I used to go to conventions, talk to patients about treatments.

Now we start with billing and insurance.

Look, the hospital knows he didn't jump.

And so does the factory for that matter, who have agreed to continue to pay until this whole insurance situation is worked out.

I just wanted you to hear it from me so you don't get stressed out when they contact you.

-Thank you. -Sure.


What is it?

There's nothing there. It's okay.

It's okay.

"Jayne, Green. Meet me at the old crane barge at noon."

What? | didn't send that.


Denver? Jayne.

Get to the barge. Green is being set up.

Shit. You didn't send that e-mail?

No, no, no.

Denver! Sheriff Jayne!


Green! Green!

Green, you in there?

Yeah! I'm back here by the shed.

Denver didn't send that e-mail! Get out of there!

Jayne, Denver was right. You got to come see this.



Radio's busted. Call an ambulance.

It'll take them 15 to get here.

I'll have you there in five.

This is gonna hurt. Okay?

Come out.

Give me your weight.

I got you. I got you.

Okay. All right.


Fast as I can. God.

Get back!


Is it Trick?

Pull your g*n.

-It hurts. -Do it.

I'm gonna wing you around.

We lost him.

What the hell is that?

Doesn't matter. It's just...

Got to just get you to the hospital.

I got you, I got you.

Keep talking, Green.

Tell me about something.

I met a girl.

A girl?

Do tell. But do it while we drive.

No, no. Shit!

Shit. Get out! Get out, get out, get out!

f*cking God.

Chickenshit! I'm right here!

It's Trick. Has to be.

Internet said he was back. Psycho's viral.

He did this.

He did not. Weaver's dead.

-This is a copycat. -Yeah?

Yeah. Maybe you're right.

But where's Denver? Maybe he did it.

Trick follows him like a shadow, right?

Maybe Denver's Trick.

Shut the f*ck up, Slater. Do your job.

-Come on, rookie. -Sorry, Sheriff.

-Come on. -Sheriff...

-I shouldn't have said that. -Let's go.

I'm so sorry.

Keep thinking I'll wake up.

He was a good kid.

This is one of the feds that got k*lled last year, right?

Reason you lost your badge?


He's trying to make a statement.


He's made his f*cking statement, Mike.

-Green is dead. -I know that.


This is beyond abnormal.

What does that even mean?

He m*rder*d your deputy with a gravestone of a fed I got k*lled.

Who does that?

What does that?


I've never been a believer.

Ghosts, Bigfoot, aliens. God, Satan.

| believe what I can see and what I can touch.

But this...


This is pure evil.

That kid is g*dd*mn darkness personified.

I told you, I believe it's Trick, but don't expect me to jump on the devil wagon.

A curfew won't work, will it?

Maybe if I leave town, he'll follow.

I'll lead him away from here.

No, he's past that, and you know it.

He's marked his territory. He's made his challenge.

So, what do you suggest?

| know a place we can go.

Somewhere we control.

And when he comes for us, evil or not, we'll make sure he doesn't walk away this time.

Smooth Jonny in the house!

-Whoo! -There we go.

Yo, I know you're not...

-Hey, there he is. -Give me that.

Forgot about Nicky, man.

She a real piece of work. That shit nuts.

Hey. To Trick Weaver.

I'm glad you're dead!


And -- And -- And...

And here's to Troy.

The man, the myth, the legend.

Skewered the Benton High School slasher.

To the hero.

To the man!

To Troy?!

To Troy!

Yo, quick. Shut up, hold up.

Could this be Trick Weaver?

Trick Weaver is dead.

But, Sheriff, your deputy was k*lled with the gravestone of federal agent Tina Mendez, the agent whose death led to Mike Denver's firing, and now we have sources informing us that Denver's name was written in blood at the rest stop.

What sources?

So you don't deny it?

Like I said, Trick Weaver is dead.

What? Chill.

The dude's dead. Trust me.

| don't know, man. Never found the body.

Trick Weaver could still be coming back for you, man.

-No, man. -No, no, what if --

-What if -- Shit... -Trick's dead, yo.

I'm telling you. I'm telling you.

So you're not worried at all?

-Ha! -No way.

Not just a little bit?

Just get another bottle and hit Talbott's?

f*ckin' A. Halloween.

-Hell yeah. -Keep this party going?

Old man Talbott's Halloween horror marathon.

What?! What?!

Blood and guts from dusk till dawn!

Blood and guts! Blood and guts! Blood and guts!

Let's go!

Why here?

It's where it all started.

Plus the place is empty.

Nobody bought it after Cheryl's family moved?

Would you want to live here?

Would I want to live where this evil prick got his start?

-Hard pass. -"Evil."

Mike, you got to cut that word from your vocab.

There is no evil.

Look, forget my assumptions. Consider the facts.

How many times did we sh**t him?

How many stories did he fall?

How cold was that water?

No family, no history, no future.

And yet he's the poisonous fog that rolls in and kills everyone without rhyme, reason, or remorse.

You're confusing evil with crazy.

This isn't crazy.

| know crazy. Cops are crazy.

You're right. Cops are crazy.

But it's different 'cause we're not alone in our crazy.

I play Tuesday-night hearts with cops.

I eat with cops. I bowl with cops.

| f*ck cops.

We may be crazy, but we're not alone.

But Trick is.

His crazy is alone and methodical.

He can join a n*zi group on Facebook, even build his rep in the feeds, but not as himself.

No, the only ones he shows himself to are those hunting him.

He needs you. And me.

The Internet isn't his audience. We are.

So we stop believing and he just goes away?

That type of thinking will get you dead.

Trick is real. But think for a second.

He's not always Trick, is he?

Every day's not Halloween.

What's he do when he's not taunting you?

Take it slow. He could be in there.

County pays for a security system.

No one can open a door or window without me knowing about it.

What was that you said about getting ahead of him?

Wan, I need you and Slater at Cheryl's old house.

Now we know what he's doing in the off-season.

Ten-four, Sheriff. On our way.

| can't believe this kid was right under my nose and I never knew it.

Talbott's barn door.

You know in 40 years, Talbott only removed one name from this thing?

He's told the story often enough.

Someone didn't want to be forgotten.

Your windows and doors were alarmed, so he dug his way in.

Sheriff, pulling up now.

Copy that.

Deputy Wan, Slater. Sir.

-Denver. -You sure he was here?

-Yeah, he's been here. -And we think he'll be back.

So I want you both to --

Where's your SUV?

Have I seen a kid in makeup?

You're sh1tting me, right? They're all in makeup.

It's g*dd*mn Halloween, Deputy Reddick.

Well, regardless, Sheriff wants eyes and ears here tonight.

| got all the eyes and ears you need right here.

But if I were you, I'd go around back, check out the maze.

Folks tend to get rowdy when they've soiled their jeans.

Okay, Mr. Talbott. I'll go do that.

-Thank you. -All right.

All units be on the lookout for the stolen 2010 white Ford Expedition belonging to Mike Denver.


Are you excited? Yeah.

I'm gonna grab the tickets.

Greg! Come on!

You're never gonna see that movie!

He does not listen.


You told Cheryl you've seen this a hundred times.

Why can't I see it once?

I don't want to see it one time.

You want to be scared?

The maze is where the real monsters are -- not some dumb movie.

| don't want to be scared neither.

All right, you guys.

| got the tickets. Everyone ready?

-Yes. -No.

-Which way? -This way.


Who the hell are these people?

Man. They look like they're on a shitty date.

They're having a rough time, man.

Hey, how you doing? You guys on a date or something?

Let's go. Shit.

Here we go. All right, boys. You know the plan, right?

Same thing. Ready to rock 'n' roll?

Okay. You walk around the thing. You get in there.

-Five on five. Got it? -We got it.

Let's go. Come on. Come on. Let's go. Go, go, go.

Hey, Mr. Talbott.

-Troy. -One, please.

One? That's great.

Troy, got to tell you, I'm pleasantly surprised to see you here without all your emotional support animals that you call friends.

Could it be you are actually growing up, leaving high school behind?

| graduated four years ago, but...

| hadn't noticed.


Have yourself a mask.

All the kids have them.

Good seeing you, Mr. T.

You too, Troy.

-Thanks for coming. -Any time.

Hey, Sheriff. It's Reddick.

I have eyes on Denver's missing wheels.

Copy that, Iris. What's your location?

Deputy Reddick, location, please.

I'm at the church, in pursuit of potential suspect.

Reddick, do not pursue without backup.

Copy that, Sheriff.

Come back, Reddick.

Deputy Reddick.

Reddick, report.

It's starting. Shit.

-Hey, shitheads. Get in here. -Freezing as f*ck, dude.

Looked like old man Talbott scared the shit out of you.

Talbott doesn't scare anyone, bro.

You kidding me? Yeah? What you talking about?

You're a tough guy? Yeah, hit me, man.

I'll throw you down the st--


Tell you what, Mr. Troy.

You and your shithead five can make a healthy donation to tonight's cause, or I can call that nice Deputy Reddick, and she can read you your rights.

What do you think?

Pay up.

Get it out. Get it out. Hurry up.

This isn't so bad.

Are you insane? | can't stand this.

Can't stand what?

You haven't opened your eyes since --

Maybe we should go back.

I thought you wanted to be scared.

I don't want to be here anymore!

-Here. Help her. I'll get him. -I want to go!

I want to go! What about your candy?

I don't care about the candy! I want to go!

There's not much sense in my going to church.

God, this movie's boring.

-Give me some colors. -Are you serious?

| knew we should've gone in the g*dd*mn maze, man.

-Yeah. f*ck that. -It would've been way more fun.

Me and the cool kids over here are gonna go...

Man, you are such a little bitch.

You guys want to go out to the f*cking maze?

-No, no -- Really? -Better than this shit show.

You'll be all right.

Yeah. No, no. No hard feelings. That's fine.

See you later, man. We'll see you later, pumpkin.

Enjoy the fun in this piece of shit.

Stop it. You're acting like a child!

They're coming for you.

Look! There comes one of them now.

Denver, Sheriff. Hey.

Quite a posse you've got going, but the first movie's started.

You seen Reddick?

Yeah. She went around back to check the maze.

Wan, Slater, take the street.

Denver, let's check the cemetery.

-Something wrong? -Just be careful.


Get my shotgun is what /I'll do.

Just got to wait for --

Greg, wait!

What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself?

Greg, it's the clown.

Different clothes.

Then it's a different clown.

He has a knife.

It's fake, Greg. Look. He works here.

You're wrong.

Stay here. I'll show you.

No! Don't!

You're scaring the boy.

It's okay, Greg.

He's gonna let us pass.

Hey! Hey!

Greg! Wait!

There's nothing to be afraid of.


See? He's gone.

Come on.

Come on. Come on.

My God.

There's Greg.

It's Trick, Nicky. We got to get out of here.

You've been drinking Greg's Kool-Aid?

f*ck off!

My nose. I think she broke my nose.

-No. Let's go back. -This is the way out.

It's just around him. We're almost there.


Run! Run!

What's that?


It's Trick.

Moviegoers at the church, families in the maze.

It's like a k*lling ground. We got to warn them.

Wan, Slater, we found Reddick's body in the fire escape.

Call it in. Denver, wait!

| need bodies to lock down the church and the crime scene around Reddick -- now!

Wait up, guys!

Get out of here!

Tell everybody you see to go. There's been a m*rder.

Sheriff, it's me.

Jesus, Slater. Stay here.


Keep it together, Slater.

Sweetie, you got to run.

| can't carry you anymore!

-No! I can't! I'm scared! -It's okay.

Greg, wait!

Greg! It's Trick! He's here.



Get down!

Human after all.


Come on.

f*ck me.

-Shit! -I could've k*lled you, Tal.

That makes two of us, Sheriff.

What the hell is going on?

Look, we've got trouble.

Deputy Reddick is dead.


| need to lock down the church.

Any one of your costumed moviegoers could be her k*ller.

Is it him -- Trick Weaver?

| think so, Tal.

Let's go find that little sumbitch.

Let's take a look at that arm.

Could've been worse. You got lucky.

| don't feel lucky.

There we go! Troy!


Trick Weaver's back.

Hey, Cheryl. What?

Trick Weaver is back.


Troy, come on!

Hey, yo! Wait up!

-Let's get out of here. -Yeah, let's get out of here.

Come on.

Come on. Okay.

Deputies are on their way. Shut down the movie.

The last thing I want is Trick taking a hostage, SO go easy.

I always go easy.

No, you don't.

All right. Come on, guys.

Everybody hurry up.

Everyone get in.

-Get them to the hospital. -Okay.

Detective Den--

Mike...k*ll him this time.

Got your ass now, Trick.

I'm coming for you, you son of a bitch!

Everybody down!

Well, if you're coming, come on.

Get in.



What are you doing? Go after him.

Not without you. Come on.


-Call it in. -Sheriff, we saw him.

He's headed back into the maze.

Copy that. We're on our way.

Secure the church. Check everyone.

Let's go!

Troy Meeks is in the maze.

There's lots of people still in the maze, Mike.

But Troy's the only one who stabbed him four years ago.

You think he's here for Troy?

He here's for anyone who slighted him -- you, me, Troy, Talbott -- and anyone we care about.

...everyone leave the maze now.

Hey, had a little too much, pig boy?

You up, man?

Piggy went to the market.

Yo. Be ready, dudes.

He's gonna jump up at any moment, I'm telling you.

Troy, you got to come with us.

Hey. Yo.

Whoa. That -- That was there. We were just -- We were just...

He's dead.


Trick Weaver's back.


I mean, no way. Trick's dead.

He's not dead. He's here.

And we think he's here for you.

WW Ty -Why me?

You stabbed him four years ago.

But I...

Trick doesn't think that, does he?

Why wouldn't he think that?


'Cause I... I didn't really do it.

See, |-l mean, | didn't even punch him.

That was Dan and the other guys. | was just --

You stabbed him with that fire poker.

Troy, that's what you told us.

Right, but... s-she didn't remember doing it.

She was in shock, see?

| just figured since she didn't remember... that maybe I should tell everybody it was me.

For her sake, I mean.

Who didn't remember?

Cheryl stabbed Trick with that poker.

He saw her do it, too.

The hospital.

You don't think he really wants to hurt me, do you?

Hey, what about me?!

Am I -- Am I gonna live?!

Nicole Taylor?

Hey, I'm gonna go check on my dad.

Of course. We'll be here.


I'll be back, kiddo.

Mom and Dad will be here soon, okay?

| remember the day Mom left.

You asked me...if I thought you were a good dad.

Well...I wish I could tell you that, but...

I know things were bad after Mom left, but...she didn't just leave you.

She left me too.

Why are you doing this to me?

I need you, Daddy.

I-I'm alone, and...I don't know what I would do without you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

| wish...

I wish there was something I can do.

But if -- if you want to know...'ve been the best dad I could ever ask for.

I love you.

No. No. No.

No. No.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no.



Dad. Daddy.

I'm so sorry.

The power's been cut!

-Emergency lights? -They're out.

What the hell? What happened?

I-I'm fine.

-I'll find Cheryl. -She'll be with her dad.


Help me.

Lock down the E.R.

-I'll come with you. -Wait here.

Mitch, we need a perimeter around the ER., now!

All right, Sheriff. Let's get you stitched --


Nurse? Code red!

What if we're too late?

Slater, keep it together.

How? How am I supposed to do that?

He's always a step ahead of us.

It's not normal. It's not human.

Hey. You're injured. You should be in the E.R.

Cheryl, you, me -- That's what he wants.

That's why he's doing this.

Do us all a favor. Don't make it easy for him.

Hold still, Sheriff.

-Go with him. -You're bleeding out.

-I'll get the doctor. -No. Go with Denver.

I'm sorry, Sheriff.

But I'd rather save you than die with him.

f*ck, this kid likes pumpkins.

Wait. Wait. Shh.

The little shit's been at this for a while.


Trick, don't.

What's he doing?

This is his moment.

We shot him. Cheryl stabbed him.

Stabbed him?


It was me.

Now what?

Spin the knife.

I shot you.


Tonight, back then.

It was me, you dickhead.

There's no need to spin. Keep them out of this.

I'm the one who's been dogging you all these years.

I'm the one who's gonna keep dogging you till it's done.

Choose me, you get to keep stalking Halloween for all of time, like the demon you want to be.


Thing is...


You're not some supernatural evil.

You're just a narcissistic...




Denver...he's still alive.

I'm so cold.

Smooth Jonny in the house!

Got you.


My God, Mike.


Don't turn your back on them.

What the -- Who are you?

Stay back, both of you.

Stay back. Stay back.

Slater, watch yourself!

Got your back. Check on Denver.

God. Look at me.

All right.

Okay. All right. All right.

Slater, get a doctor!

Hey, Wan? Buddy.

| used to work at a cop bar, and that is cop porn.


Hey, pumpkin.

Next round's on me.

Hey. Did you see him? Where'd he go?

Of course I saw him, shithead. That's why I swerved.

I shot you in the maze.

You were all Trick?

People want a monster that they can fear and hate, something evil that makes sense out of the random horrors of their lives.

That's our trick.

That's what we give to you.

That's what we'll keep giving to everyone.

Consider it a...public service.

You believed we were the devil.

Most grounded cop on the planet.

If you can believe, anyone can.

Man, you just don't get it.

You're dying.

And when you're dead, you're dead.

But after tonight...

...we'll grow.

And we'll grow more next year and the year after that... and the year after that.

All the sheep want to believe the lie.

They need it.

'Cause the truth is... no one needs a reason to be evil.

We do this because we can.

Because we're good at it.

Now, I'd love to stay and watch you die, but...

...really need to go find Cheryl.




W-Where is he?


Hey. Denver.

Get help!



Where did he go?

Where did he go?

No, no, no.

Stay with me. Stay with me.


Stay with me! Stay with me!

If you die, he wins.

You want that?


Where did he go?

Get a stretcher out here now!

Did you see him? Where did he go?

There was -- There was blood, but -- but no body.

He -- He just disappeared.

He -- He was gone, just -- just like before.

Like...some sort of Halloween nightmare.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I just need to find my walkie. I don't even need to --

Listen, if you don't calm down, I'm gonna have my anesthesiologist come in here and knock your ass out.

Slater, over here.

Where's -- Where's Wan?

Sheriff, I'm so sorry.

Wan's dead.

We were att*cked.

And Denver?

Multiple s*ab wounds to the chest.

He's not gonna make it.

What about Trick?

He's gone.


You k*lled them.

You...You hurt me.

| guess your back really is broken.

| hope that hurt, you f*ck.

You and all the others like you k*lled my dad, k*lled Denver --

f*ck you... and f*ck your friends.

I stopped you last time, too.

| know your secret.

You're nothing.

And this time, you're really...




Here's another one.

What do you mean, another one?

Trick is a "they,” not a "he."

And you're one of them, Slater.


What do you mean, "one of them"?

You know me. Sheriff, I'm not --

And here's the latest on that strange m*rder spree in Benton.

Police say at least three different individuals posed as one single k*ller.

But get this.

And this beat goes on.

And on and on.

-Two of us won't do. -I know.

Our numbers need to grow and grow and grow.

-Unstoppable. -Up there.

Let's go.

So we move south.

-All right. -This way?


-Good. -Sounds good.

I'm gonna say this every day, because every day, | want you to know you have a choice --

And every day, I'll give you the same answer.

I'm coming with you.

Three Tricks are dead.

But he -- they -- want it to look supernatural.

They found like minds to join their little cult before.

And they'll find new recruits.

Probably already have.

But we find them.

And we will.

| got shotgun.
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