Cured, The (2017)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Cured, The (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you okay?

What do you think it's gonna be like out there?

It'll get back to normal.

You'll see.

How long were you infected?

Four years.

Did you have to be potty-trained again?

Are you having any violent impulses?


Any nightmares?


They're there to remind you what you did.

The suffering you caused.

The nightmares mean there might be something human left.

Makes you wonder about those that don't have them, huh?

You'll report to me every week.

Lateness will not be tolerated.

Skipping work will not be tolerated.

Anti-social behavior will not be tolerated.

Basically you do what I say and your life will be..


Your sister-in-law, Abigail Reynolds has agreed to take you in.

I didn't put in a request.

Charlie Three Three Bravo, this is..

Not everyone gets to go home, Senan.

You should be grateful.

Bus ready to depart. Out.

Close the gate.

Delta Echo One Zero.

Bus passes, checkpoint four. Over.

Charlie Three Three Bravo this is Charlie Two One Alpha.

The last bus is loading. Get on the bus quickly.

Ready the gate. Over. Single file.

Take your seats.

Charlie Three Three Alpha.

Transport departing in two minutes. Out.

The cure was supposed to be some sort of great hope but things are just gettin' worse.

That's not fair. My daughter was released.

Whatever she did she can't hurt anyone anymore.

People need to give them a second chance.

We've given them every chance.

They're not integrating. No wonder crime's on the rise.

They're not like us anymore.

They would if they were given some choices instead of being treated like they were still infected.

Have you seen the news? The v*olence?

The vandalism? There's something wrong with them.

They're not human.

They don't, they don't have a worry.

They're just scum.

Scumbags! Murderers!

Scum! Scum! Scum!

Welcome to the accommodation center.

For those of you going home please make your way to the left.

Which is my right.

Make your way to my right.

Which is your left.

Left is home.


You're not human!

You're not human!

Don't tell her.

We need to look out for each other out here, okay?

Keep it moving, people. Thank you.

Through that door, please.

Don't stop. Keep going, please. Through the door.

What are your thoughts on the release of the Third Wave?

I think we can't take any more.

I think the First Wave and the Second Wave have been a f*cking disaster.

No one wants them here.

Not much against them. Just... just no craic.

Yeah. You know what I mean?

They just mope around.

Bit of a hum off them, to be honest.

Oh, shit!

My uncle came back in the First Wave.

And how is he now?

He k*lled himself last year.

UN's pullin' out. Who the f*ck is gonna stay put?

They're out there, right now.

Infected, Cured, they're all the same.

Wipe the f*ckin' lot of them out, that's what I say.

The government now face a very difficult dilemma of what to do with the 25% of infected who remain resistant to the cure.

I mean, what they did.. I mean..

How do you get over that?



Hop on.

Ready, activate. Go!


Is this it? Is this all your homework?

Hmm. Great job.

You don't even need me.


I don't have to stay.

It's what.. It's what Luke would have wanted.

Besides... technically it's your house.

It hasn't changed at all.

I was... gonna hire an interior designer, but, um..

They all got eaten.


I thought that maybe if you made it you would have gone home.

Cillian was born here.

And only uninfected US nationals are considered.

I guess we're a risk.

Did they give you a job?

There was a.. opening at the treatment center.

Why would you wanna stay there?

It's just being a porter again.

Luke always said you were wasting your time with that.

Were you with him?

At the end?

We got separated.

You wanna go say hi?


Are you one of the Cured?


Will you be sick again?

I don't think so.

Is it nice to be back?

Yeah. It is.

Make your way to the nearest evacuation point.

Abbie! Abbie! Even if a loved one.

Make your way to the nearest evacuation point.



We have to go.

Abbie knows what to do.





Do you have what it takes to join the Irish Defense Volunteers?

Well, call..

Hi, Dad.

They have me working as a cleaner.

It's ridiculous.

I thought maybe.. could put in a good word at some firms you know.

Get me back in the courtroom.

Please, Dad.

Mum wouldn't want this.

Don't you dare mention her.

I saw what you did to her.

You're a monster.


This is Foxtrot Sierra Nine Two.

There's been another attack on a Cured. Over.

November Oscar 64 this is Papa Golf Twenty-Two.

Perimeter is secure. Out.

Twenty-six, seven..

Sierra Two One, UN withdrawal commencing at 1400 hours.

You're over there.

You must be the help.

She one of the Resistant?

What do you think?

Do you have any medical training?

I was a porter.

Jesus Christ!

They take away my staff and give me a f*cking trolley pusher.

Hold her arm.

Are you here to help me or not? Hold her f*cking arm!

Good girl.

She's not attackin' me.

It's the same reason you can't get chicken pox twice.

Once infected, your cells retain a trace of the Maze virus.

She thinks you're one of them.

Where are the others? I don't have access any more.

They've allowed me to continue caring for her.

She's all that matters.

We have to cure her.

How could you take one in? Huh?

Please, this isn't the place.

They're murderers, the lot of them.

Come on, love, now's not the time.

Back off.


Can I make Senan lunch tomorrow?

What do you wanna make him?

If it's peanut butter and chocolate chip..

...and I'm gonna cut it in half.

Despite condemnation from around the world the Irish government will commence the humane elimination of the resistant 25%.

The Taoiseach has called it an act of mercy insisting the hope of refining the cure is no longer a reality.


Hmm? You.

He's the king. Gosh.

Can't we work together, maybe?



I was in prison. This is worse.

We're treated like lepers.

It's right that they're scared, though.

I mean.. What we did..


Why is it right that they're scared?

They're not the ones living here having their every move monitored.

We need to march.

We need to stand up and say..

You didn't tell her.

You were right to lie.

They're all the same when they know the truth.

They just want us to continue k*lling ourselves, and solve the problem..

Did you see them?

The Resistant don't attack us.

They think we're still infected.

What does that mean?

Means we're safer with them than the rest.


You've been skippin' work.

I'm not a cleaner.

You know..

...I knew people like you..

...before the outbreak.

They thought the world was theirs on a platter.

Lookin' down on the rest of us.

But here... now..

...I'm in charge.

I decide whether your life is happy or miserable.

You just have to learn to obey.

Is that it? No.

Stop harassing your family.

They don't want you back.

Get the f*ck back.

It's not your world any more.

He's awake!

It's just kids.

We've been through worse.

They suit you.

His clothes.

Where were you last night?

I had to go see a friend.

I have to go.

Smile, Cillian.

We love you, ma. Smile!

Hi. Hm.

He suits you, yeah?

Yeah! Cute.

Oh, my God, that toy is gonna be the death of me.

It's trippy, isn't it? It is a bit, yeah.

Abbie. How's it going?

Did you get my footage?

The withdrawal's started already whatever talks they're having are bullshit.

Yeah, yeah, I got it, but look, um..

It's just not a story of interest for us right now.

No, it's too soon, I'm telling you the country isn't ready.

The Resistant are still alive it's not safe yet.

Tell that to the families here.

Look, I... I do have something for you to cover.

The first McDonalds is reopening.

I need some coverage.

If it's beneath you, I can..

Despite protests, the humane elimination of the resistant 25% is now under way with the military estimating it will be completed by the end of the week.


Sorry, I'm a friend of Senan's.

From quarantine?

What gave it away?

I was working and I just saw you.

Anyway, it's nice to finally meet you.

Was Senan with you last night?

It must have been tough.

Raising a child alone through the outbreak.

I managed.

Of course.

I didn't mean anything by it.

I'm sorry. It's just force of habit.

I guess being a cleaner wasn't your top career choice, huh?


I'm a barrister.

I was actually running for election before all this.

Well, maybe you can run again.

No, I doubt it.

It's nice to have your vote.

How did you get that?


Um, I was late for work.

You have to complain.

The guy we complain to has a pretty decent right hook.

What was it like?


No, before that.

Why don't you ask Senan?

I can't.

Everyone says it's hell.

It's like being trapped inside your body.

Fighting to stop yourself.

But what they don't talk about.. the moment when you stop fighting.

When you start to just go with it.

Gosh, I have to get back to work.

Thank you.

For what?

For not treating me like an animal.

Senan's very lucky to have you.

Nerve degradation remains the same.

Subject 301 shows no sign of change.

Recommend upping the percentage of Bendamustine in the formula.

Sometimes I feel it.

Screaming to get out.

The cure prevents reinfection or transmission.

You're one of the lucky ones.

They were never gonna keep the Resistant alive with the withdrawal happening.

We have to do something to stop them.

Now. We need to target the IDV.

f*ckin' screamers.

Hey, what the f*ck are you doing?

Prick. Nick, I need help here!

You're one of them. Aah!


Squadron Eight. Perimeter clear.

They're gonna die anyway.

Cured rights now! Cured rights now!

Cured rights now!

The truth is that every day that the Resistant remain alive is a day that we risk another outbreak.

But I can find a cure.

I just need time and resources.

We have a stretched medical system.

We have to redirect our efforts back to the populace.

You're talking about k*lling almost 5000 people.

Joan... I fear your personal loss has clouded your judgment.

But I would ask you, and indeed all those with loved ones amongst the Resistant do you really want them to live as these monsters forever?

They won't stop with the Resistant.

They want us all dead.

We have to stop them.

Senan. Senan.

They're all empty targets.

I promise you no one will get hurt.

Hello. Hey, there's been a series of bombings.

How many? They're reporting five.

Okay. Okay, just, uh..

I have to drop off my son. Give me 30 minutes.

Cillian? Cillian, let's go.


Cured en route.


There have been several injured and one dead.

The targets were the homes of Irish Defense Volunteers.

The Cured Alliance have claimed responsibility for the att*cks.

The government have insisted that they are a t*rror1st organization.

It's several weeks now since the..

Squadron Eight. Perimeter clear.

Cured rights now! Cured rights now!

Calm down, will you? Get in the car!

Get in the f*ckin' car! Calm down! Get in the car.

Cured rights now! Cured rights now!

Cured rights now! Cured rights now!

Cured rights now! Cured rights now!

Cured rights now! Cured rights now!

Cured rights now!


Senan, it's me. Please.

Senan, please.


Senan, please! Please, Senan!

No! Stop!


I know it's been hard for you all being beaten and bullied and forgotten.

There's no one looking out for us but I promise that ends now.

Today will be the first day on the road to our freedom.

Whoo! Yeah!

Yes! Whoo!

You know we found the cure together?

You can't imagine the excitement.

Later we realized that..

...the subject remembered what they did when infected.

Was it worth it?

After everything we've done?

You weren't in control, you were just sick.

We cured you.

You get to choose who you want to be.

Does puppy's baby have a name?

Uh... Andrew.

Andrew? Yeah.

I'm just making up..

I'm just making up normal names.


Are you involved with the Cured Alliance?


So where do you go at night?

I don't want to get in your way.

There was so much chaos after the Outbreak.

It was two years before we could begin to re-enter the city.

We started to hear a rumor of a cure.

I actually convinced myself that Luke was infected.

Just... waiting to be rescued.

And then I came home.

I thought they'd cleared the entire city.

The smell hit me first.

Luke's gone.

We're your family.



Hey, sweetie.

How far outside the city can we go?

Me and your dad used to come here when we were kids.

It's as if nothing happened.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

What's her name? What?

What's her name?


Don't get me started on this.


Then what we doing with them?

I'll get it.

What's that?

We were just having dinner.

I won't stay long.

Take a seat.



I'm Conor.

I'm a friend of your uncle's.

Cillian, bedtime.

Now, please.

He's a good-looking boy.

I can see the resemblance.

I called earlier, but you weren't in.

Where did you go?

Killiney Hill.

Oh. Nice.

It's good to see you bonding.

It must be tough at the accommodation center after the bombing.

At least they arrested someone.

She didn't act alone.

Well, there's a lot of anger out there, you know?

Particularly with the Elimination.

Maybe it's for the best.

Dr. Lyons will find a cure.

And what if she can't? She needs time.

And one of them gets out, and... and we're right back there.

We're all in danger.

Not all of us.

It's late. You need to go.

Can I ask you something?

Do you think we deserve forgiveness?


And if you were faced with the man that k*lled your husband..

...would you forgive him?

They weren't in control.

I'd better check on Cillian.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to upset you.

You didn't.

She takes you in and suddenly you forget about us?

You told me they were empty targets.

There's always casualties, Senan.

We're dying every day because of them.

I'm not gonna be a part of this anymore.

I have to look after them.

You think you can just shut the door and pretend it's all okay?

You're the reason... they're not safe.

They'll find out eventually.

Sweetheart, can you go and brush your teeth?

I'm gonna be late.

Cillian, now!

I can take him to school.

Uh, you don't know where it is.

I can show him.


Okay, but straight to school, okay?

Aah.. Fall off.

I'd never fall off.

Aah.. Yeah.

I just wanted to check to make sure that he wasn't late.

Yes, thank you. Bye.

What's this about?

It's customary to check in with families to see how everything's going.

So, how is Senan settling back in?


It's natural for there to be problems at first.

Everything's fine.

You know, I have to say..

...I think it's brave of you to take one back in.

Especially with a young boy in the house.

They can be aggressive.

And it probably doesn't help that their rehab officer kicks the shit out of them.

You've met Conor.

The alpha of the pack.

They're friends. From quarantine.

Is that what they told you?

We try to make ourselves feel better feel safe, by saying it wasn't their fault.

They're just mindless monsters.

But the Infected aren't mindless.

They hunt together.

They communicate with each other.

They decide who to k*ll..

...and who to infect.

They're connected in a way that we will never understand.

What do you want from me?

I want you to contact me.

If you think there's anything I should know.

They're k*lling the Resistant because they think they're a threat.

But they're not a threat to us.

They're the key to our freedom.

Now, we're not gonna change anything by simply crying and breaking windows like petulant teenagers.

We need something that will make them listen.

Something they're truly scared of.

Yes! Yes! This is our country too.

Yes. Yes. Yes!


What are you doing here?

I wanted to see it for myself.

I thought you might've come to see me.

Do you want to ask me something?

You were involved in the bombings.

You can't link me to any v*olence.

So you're denying it?

All I've done is tried to help people.

It's not just for the power then?

Now, look at how they treat us.

Look at how we're forced to live what choice do we have?

You have the choice not to eat people.

Well, there's the thing.

We're not the only K*llers.

We're just the ones being reminded of it.

I want you to stay away from me.

And stay away from Senan.

Senan... is my family...

Why? Because you k*lled together?

'Cause you're a pack?

That's not a family, it's a sickness.

He wouldn't have told you that.

Stay away from us.

Elimination of level one complete.

Moving all remaining Resistant to the holding area.


My love?

It's me.


What are you doing?

She's being brought to the rest for euthanization.

I can save her!

Please, no!

Done. What am I?

A dog.

You're gonna love this.

I look a bit more like a gerbil.

No, you look like a dog. I look like a hamster.

And it's all your fault. You look like a dog.

It's all your fault. like petulant teenagers.

We need something that will make them listen.

We need to make ourselves heard properly.

Yes! This is our country too.


You okay? Yeah.

Sorry, just on edge.

You look ridiculous.

Yeah. I'll go wash it off.

I'm so used to doing this on my own.

It's so weird having someone here.


When Cillian was born, Luke was petrified.

Well, it wasn't exactly planned, so..


He said it was like somebody put his heart inside somebody else.


He could be so pretentious.

He'd be happy you're here.

Cured scum!


Was there any distinctive features?

No. Just the anti-Cured symbol.

Did they say anythin'?


We'll do everything we can to catch them but, uh, this sort of thing it's not uncommon in homes with..


You can say Cured. E... exactly. Yes.

You were right.

I can't keep them safe.

I need your help.

They'll never leave us alone.

We need something that will make them listen.

Sergeant Cantor.

It's about Conor.

I think he's planning something.

Dr. Lyons?

What's goin' on?

I asked her to come.

Sit down.

They took Jo.

We're gonna save her, Senan.

If we have one of the Resistant they'll have to take us seriously.

No more bombings, no more v*olence.

What about the military?


People could get k*lled.

It's mainly defense volunteers left.

Scouts have better trainin'.

You don't know what the f*ck you're talkin' about.

Joan, you can't agree with this.

I have to save her, Senan.

They're the same as us.

We can't stand by and do nothing.

Get off, get off!

Run! Run, run, run, run!

Move, move, move!

Senan, come on!

Where are they? Down. Get down.

Get down. I said stay down. And the rest of them.

Get up against the wall!

Go look in the basement, there are more in there.

Where are they off to? Where are they going?


I told you to stay away from us.

Senan told me about the break-in.

I wanted to make sure you were okay.

I know it was you.

You know, for a while there I thought you and I, that we had something.

But it turns out you're just like everybody else.


And the truth is, you're right to be scared.

No matter how much we pretend..

...we're not the same people anymore.

All because daddy wouldn't get you a job.

You know, I met your husband once.

Bless him, he tried his best.

You're lying.

You should ask Senan about him.

It's all very Cain and Abel.



Where's Conor?

What's he planning?


He doesn't care about you.

He looked after me. He infected you!

You have to give me something.

Before it's too late.

Before the withdrawal is over.

Time's up.

I can help.

I can help your family.

Isn't that what Luke would want?

Conor needs to see ya.


12 o'clock.

The baths.


I'm sorry I didn't come home.

What's wrong?

What happened to Luke?

How did he die?

Abbie.. Tell me.

I thought it would be better if you didn't know the truth.

What happened?

What good will it do? Tell me!

We were here.


Luke thought that..

...maybe you'd been trapped here.

But you'd already gone by the time we got here.

Then there was an Infected.

And he att*cked me.



Luke tried to fight him off.

But it was too late.

And then he barricaded himself in the bedroom.

I wasn't in control.

Believe me, I... I didn't know what I was doing, and...

How could you not tell me?

How could you sleep here?

I'm so sorry... Get out!

Get the f*ck out!

Get the f*ck out!

I had to show you.

They're all the same when they know the truth.

I'm your real family, Senan.

You never had any nightmares, did you?

Why should I?

This is Sergeant Cantor.

I need back-up at the baths.

On your knees, hands on your head.

Understood. We're on our way.

We will be with you shortly.

Get down.


I'm arresting you for the m*rder of Cadet Jack Dermody.

I did tell you, Conor.

It's not your world any more.

Cuff yourself.


Conor! Stop! Stop!



I can't let you go through with it.

People will get hurt.

I told you..

...there's always casualties.

What're you planning?


What're you really planning?

It's already done.

The Cured on route.


Copy that.

Where's the control room?

Come on.

There she is.

Come on, hurry up, will you?

What are you doing?

This isn't the plan, please.

Yes, it is.

Look, this is madness. I told you to shut up.

Oh, God!

They're through, they're through.

They're pouring through!

The fence is down! The fence is down!

The perimeter has been breached!

The fence is down. I need some back-up over here!

Welcome home, my love.

No! No!

Get in. Get in.

Okay, everyone.. Get on the truck.

Start making your way onto the truck. Go.

What's going on with the schools?

The schools are being evacuated.

No, no, I have to get to my son. Please.

All the kids will be at the stadium.

I have to get to my son... Ma'am, you need..

Get on the truck! We've got to move!

Get on the truck now! Get on, quick!

I've got to find my son!

Get Cillian!

Get Cillian!

Get out!

Hurry, hurry, hurry! Let's go, let's go!

Let's go, come on!




Senan! Hey, hey.

Come here. Come here.

Come on, I've got you. I've got you.

I've got you, come on.

It's okay. It's okay.

Please keep calm.

If you are cured, stay outside the perimeter fence.

You are safe. There is no room...

Please let me in. How do you know we're safe?

Have the schools come yet?

Walk through.

He's just a boy.


Did you really think you could betray me like that?

Did you?

Check your right. Move, move, move.

Let's go! Get out! Come on!

I was the only one who really cared about you.

I took care of you.



You okay?

Check the east side.

k*ll on sight. Containment is priority.

Guard down!


Listen, there's nothing wrong with her.

Look at her.. He's my husband, he's..

You can't treat people like this.

Why are they being separated?

Just let her through!

I'm not infected.

Why are they separated? Why are they separated?

Get out of my way!

You have no right to separate them they're not infected.

Madam, calm down.

Now everybody needs to calm down!

Come on, come on. Move.

Move it! Move it! Move it! Move it!





Oh, my.. Oh!

I love you!


You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay.

I love you!


I love you.

Stop! It's okay.

There's a cure.

He doesn't have to be like me.

Lyons found a cure.

I can save him.


I love you.

I love you.

I love you, little..

I love you. No..

He's gonna be okay, I promise.

I promise.

Following the recent outbreak of the Maze virus in Ireland, the country is beginning to regain control once again.

People are desperately trying to track down loved ones, suspected to be amongst the 8000 newly Infected cases..

Outcry against the humane elimination is growing with families joining the Cured Alliance who are leading the protests against the government.

The government have agreed that continuing the humane elimination is the only option available if we are going to stamp out this infection once and for all.

..the government are preparing to declare Ireland Infection free.

We've obtained evidence that a cure for the resistant strain was perfected by Doctor Joan Lyons.

Now, either the government knew this and covered it up, or they rushed into the clean-up missions without considering any options.

The people of Ireland deserve better they deserve true leadership that is there for the many and not...

Sorry, we have to interrupt here.

We're receiving breaking news.

Despite reports, camera traps have discovered pockets of Infected still remaining in the west of the country.

The footage shows at least 20 infected but the exact figures have yet to be determined.

The government has just released a statement assuring those in the area that a military platoon will be dispatched to evacuate them.

Now this begs the question if the military failed to detect these Infected how many more of them..
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