Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave (2005)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave (2005)

Post by bunniefuu »

[tires screech]

Garrison? Yes.

You got it?

It's in the back of the truck.

One of the last of the missing Trioxin-5 canisters.

You have my money?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

We're the ones asking the questions.

Just give me my money and we can get out of here.

Well, then nothing until you prove to us this canister. is the real thing.

Well, that's impossible.

You gentlemen will just have to take my word for it.

No, friend, we will take his word for it.

I thought Anita would be a good subject.

She hasn't any family left and she's all set to be cremated in the morning.

She was such a sweet girl.

Accidentally, she drove her car into her swimming pool.

Well, boys, let's see if we can get a little bit of life back into the...

Shall we?

Now this may take a minute.

It depends on the shape the corpse is in, the quality of the brain stem--

Cut the chatter, just do it already!



So? Where is the part where she gets up and goes for the whole brain buffet?

You know, I don't understand it.

Maybe I, uh, I didn't release enough gas.

You think we are stupid or something, hmm?

Trying to slip us decoy?

Tell me, do we look stupid to you?

Listen, this is the original canister.

I know because I obtained it myself.

I was a top secret government official.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. Try it on him, go on!


Give me that! Just type the code.

[loud thump]

Look, look!


He wants my brains?

Gino, if that's all he's after, you have nothing to worry about, my friend.

Oh, shut up!

[feverish grunt]


[feverish grunt]

Go for the head, man.


Sorry, Mister. Use this!



Don't just stand there, sh**t the son of a bitch!



Now you believe me--Uhh!

Bye-bye, fat boy.

K to the I to the L to the L.

We'll k*ll you, we'll thrill you, we'll leave your team in pain.

And when we drag you across the court, you'll leave a greasy stain.

We'll put you 6 feet under, we'll make you cry and sniff.

We'll give you rigor mortis, and keep you high and stiff.

We'll beat you, we'll eat you, you'll make a tasty snack.

And if you think you'll get away, you must be high on crack.


And up...and down.

And up...and down. And up...

Are the girls here?

Over there.

Hey, guys. Hey.

[Coach] Guys, get back to work.

And down.

Don't they look so cute in their uniforms?


So, what are you guys doing for Halloween this Saturday?

Oh, my brother is having another one of his raves.

Think we're probably going to go to that.

What are you and Artie going to do?

The nasty. Shut up.


[Coach] Right, two. Left, two.

So what's up with you and Jenny?

You guys seem like you're getting pretty tight.

Yeah, you could say that.

[whistle blows]

[Coach] Up...two, down.

She's special. Hang on to her bro'.

Up, two, down, two.

Up, two, down, two, up, two, down...

Son, I have some bad news for you.

Come on guys, let's hit the showers.

What's up?

My uncle's been k*lled.

Sorry, man.

[chatting, laughing]

[grunts softly]

What the hell?


Oh, Jenny, God, you scared me.

Artie told me. Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks.

What's in there?

I don't know.

I've lived in this house 18 years, never once heard my parents even talk about this room.

I wonder why they never mentioned it.

I don't know, but my uncle used to spend a lot of time up here.

Maybe there's something in here he didn't want us to know about.



Well, what are they?

I don't know, but I hope it's not more trouble.

Looks like there used to be 3 of them.

It's a digital lock.

Looks like there's some contact information here.

Looks like somebody scratched the number off.

Well, maybe they're supply canisters, or maybe there's money inside.

Maybe it's a medical experiment.

Um, let's go find Cody.

If that science nerd can't figure out what this is, no one can.

** [opera on car radio]

Why do you drive so slow?

Stop telling me how to drive, Gino.

I wouldn't if you weren't such a terrible driver.

I have just two words for you, my friend, and that's "pecking order."

Searching for these canisters is like searching for needle in flapjack.

It's haystack, Gino.

Searching for needle in haystack.

Yeah, yeah, whatever.

five T-5 canisters, and the agency gave them a case of Cristal and a trip to Euro Disney.

Those things must be worth a fortune.

God forbid the day when one of those canisters falls in the hands of the deviant mind.

[all chanting] Go! Go!

[Girl] Go, Artie!

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Coy! A Doctor of intoxicology!

** [hip hop]

[hooting, catcalls]

What the hell is that?

Tofu kielbasa.

Eh, I don't think so.

[Man] What's that about?

Yo, yo, check it.

This is DJ Jeremy J. keeping this wax spinning and giving a shout out to the lovely ladies from Delta Kappa for keeping them high beams on.

Oh, oh, oh, very nice.

Very nice. That's what I'm talking about.

Only your momma should be so proud.

Oh, y'all don't forget, next Saturday, Halloween! The mother of all raves.

It's going to be tight, so, you get your booty over here, and I'll hook you up with your VIP entrance token.

You know you want them.

** [hip hop/dance]

Oh, and give it up for my sister Jenny and her friendly boy toy, Julian "The Man" Garrison.


Hey, Julian, how's it hanging, dude?

Have you guys seen Cody anywhere?

There he is.

Later, dude.

I told you this was some good shit.

We need to hook up with that guy again, man.

Well, well, well, well, well, hello, young lovers.

Looking to get your party on?

Hello, Skeet.

[Skeet] Maybe you're looking for a hookup.

Weed to speed, Skeet's got what you need.

Maybe our next life.



We need your help.

There's something I got to show you.

So, do you have any idea what it is, Code?

It looks like an atomic beer keg.

Well, it was my parent's attic. I think it was my uncle's.

Maybe it's candy, you know, like a big metallic piñata.

You're not laughing, man.

Will you get serious?

Look, can you just take it back to the chem lab and try to figure out what it is?

Okay, I can do it.

Don't tell anyone.

All right, I'll take a look at it first thing in the morning.

Or I can drop everything and check it out right now.

Jeremy is about to pack up anyway.


There's no telling who may be looking for this thing.

Control said it was 2509 Buckingham Avenue.

What is this place, anyway?

The residence of the late Charles Garrison.

If there are any more canisters, they are probably hidden here.

I have good feeling about this one.

Yeah, my old friend, it's about time Aldo Serra finally gets what he has coming to him.

Once we go home heroes, there's nothing more than p*ssy, discotheque, caviar, and a swimming pool with a big slide.



How we gonna get in?

You, my friend, are partnered with a trained professional.

There is no barricade built these skillful hands cannot penetrate.



Another thing, I have skilled hand, eh, Comrade?

Ah! Hmmph!



Cody will find out what's going on.

Don't worry.

I know.


Hey, you guys got to see this.

Gino, my man. I think we've hit the jackpot.

Ha ha ha.

I can taste the champagne already.

You had better believe it, brother.

Here. Take picture.

Well, well, well, aren't you a shutterbug.

I found it. It's my picture you should be taking.

Well, take mine first and then I'll take yours second.

Gino, do I have to remind you that I outrank you?

All right, all right, give me the camera.

Well, come on. What are you waiting for?

Looks like somebody's been here before us.

The President won't be happy until we recover all the missing units.


So what is this thing?

They say the obvious answer is usually the answer.

So Jeremy and I figured out that the liquid we're hearing inside this thing could be some polystyrene or napthalene-based compound.



But then again, there were no sign of those components whatsoever.

So I went to my second hypothesis here, which is maybe this could be some kind of chemical agent container.

Nerve gas.


But then again, there were no signs of nitrogen or bisulfide, so that ruled that out. what is it?

Funny you should ask, Julian.

Whatever this thing is contains traces of methylene and petroleum-based ether and even a larger amount of dioxymethamphetamine.

I am totally lost, Cody.

Would you speak English?


No, not ecstasy, dumb-ass, but something with very similar chemical qualities.


Come with me, Julian.

Let me show you.

You guys, I have a really bad feeling about this.

You sure about this stuff?

Sometimes the obvious answer isn't always the answer.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

No, Jeremy, don't. Jeremy!

[Cody] Don't do that!

[Jenny] Jeremy. [Shelby] J!?

Could someone put on some music?

This dumb m*therf*cker.

** [electronica]

I'm fine.

Nothing's even happening.




Are you okay?

[Shelby] Are you okay, J?

Should we call for help?

What if he dies?

[echoes] Jeremy.

[echoes] Are you okay?

[echoes] Are you okay, J?

Hey, maybe we should call for help.



Yeah! That was tight man!

Was I right?

You were more than right.

I was tripping my brains out.

It takes you to the height of ecstasy... and then to the brink of death.

And just when you think you just can't take anymore--

Bam! You're back in reality.

What are we going to do?

Let's just call the police and get rid of it.

Are you crazy? I want to do it again! Hook me up.

We're going to be rich! Hell, yeah!


I'm taking it back to my house.

Are you nuts? No one even knows you have this thing.

No, Jeremy. Look, he's right.

He's right.

Look, we don't even know what this shit really is, man.

Maybe it is something.

So, look, it's going on 4:00 right now, and I'm going to go ahead and unhook everything, and I'm going to swing by after class tomorrow, and I'm gonna help you bring all this stuff back to your parent's place, okay, buddy?

Good. All right.

But stay out of it.

Cody's right. We don't even know what this thing really is.

[Cody] Mm-hmm. All right, all right.

Don't worry about it, Julian.

I'm gonna take care of everything. Trust me.

I'll hook it up.

All right, buddy.

Jackpot! Yeah!

Yippee! Money!

** [grungy techno]

* I like, I like

* I like the girls like I like my dr*gs *

* Hey there, baby you are number one *

* I hope you're up to having fun *

* I'll sit back here and wait to see *

* Because the best things in life are free *

* I like the girls like I like my dr*gs *

* Hey there, baby, are you feeling low *

* You will be stopped to make you go *

* You're almost exactly what I need *

* Someone who's built for me...*

* I like the girls like I like my dr*gs *

* Everywhere and ready to pass out *

* I like the girls like I like my dr*gs *

* In little packages, in small amounts *

* I like...I like

* I like the girls like I like my dr*gs *

So when's your uncle's funeral?



I'm really sorry about all the bad things that have happened to you.

I'll just be happy when I'm past all this and everything's back to normal.


I'm going to k*ll them.

So what does it do?

Dude, check this out.

Take one part ecstasy, mix in a little 'shroom trip, add just a dash of life after death and...bang!

You've got yourself a hit of Z!

Is it safe?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, man, it doesn't drain your spinal fluid or anything like that, does it?

Well, you got to have one for that to happen, bro.

What's the Z stand for?

It's because when you're tripping, you just stand there, like you're a zombie.

But it's totally safe.

I test it, all the time.

Listen, if you can't trust your drug dealer, who can you trust, huh?

All right, hook us up. Give me 10.

Oh, yeah, one more thing...

Only take one hit at a time.

I don't want any of you lightweights ending up in a hospital.

It's bad for business.

Have a nice trip.

Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you just hear what he said?

He's a drug dealer. If he was so smart, he'd be in another business.

It's still connected.


** [dance, on headphones]

[Cody] * Give it to me, give it to me *

* Give it to me, give it to me *

* Give it to me, give it to me *

* Give it to me, I said give it to me *

[Julian] Cody! * Give it to me What are you doing?

I just figured at some point that the army of someone would come in and take this thing back.

I mean, you guys heard Jeremy. This is good stuff.

I mean, why not cash in while we can?

I mean, and spread the joy.

That type of thing, you know?

I'm going to k*ll you.

We don't even know what this thing is, dipshit.

Come on, Julian. You saw Jeremy.

I mean, he was rolling for a few minutes, then he was totally fine.

Man, this stuff is absolutely harmless.

Cody, disconnect the

I'm taking it back to my house.

Hey, you guys, feel anything yet?

Mmm. No.

You don't think that greasebag ripped us off, do you?

He better not have because I swear to God, I will...

[passes gas] [laughs]

What, you're going to fart on him?

[passes gas] [coughs]

You guys all right?


What's wrong?

Should I call for help?

Should I bring you something?


Brains. Brains.

Brains. Brains.

I can't believe you, man.

Is this all of them?

That better be everything.

That's everything, man, I pro--I promise.

All right, let's load it up.

Let's get it out of here.

God, I can't believe them.

All I wanted to do was figure out what this is so we could go to the press.

Why don't we take it to the genetics lab?

Maybe I can run a few more tests.

You can keep it there until you decide what to do with it.


Bye, guys. I'm going to go outside and wait for Artie.

Bye, Beck, don't do anything we wouldn't do.

Ha ha! That leaves me wide open.

Okay, bye.

** [rock]




Hey, John. Hey, Tyler. What are you guys doing?

Brains. Brains.

Tell me something I don't already know.


What are they doing?

I think they're hammered again.

Stupid skanks!


Stupid John scratched me.

[John] Aaahhh!

[heavy breathing]


Oh, no, no, no, not now.

Not now.

Come on, Chucky.

We're frat brothers. We're supposed to share everything.

Especially when it comes to internal organs.

[both grunting]

400, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

Here's your cut, 1,400 smackers. Yeah.

Woowee! Don't get no better than this.

You bet ya. All right.

Huh? Come here, babe.

[Jeremy] All right.

Oh, no!

Brains! Brains!

** [rock]

Hey, man, you want to jam with us?

Help me! Help me, they're after me!

Who's after you, bro?



[grunts, screams]



What is this stuff?

[Brett] Yeah, what do you care?

It's not like we don't have other things we should be focusing on.

Like I thought you were going to help me with my colon cleansing lab today.

[Brett] You can't do that.

What are you doing?

A little experiment. Calm down.

No! You can't just go dripping crap into their water like that.

How'd you like it if someone did that to you?

They're lab rats, Brett. That's what they're here for.

No. No!

Not Mr. Stinky.


Jenny, this rat has a brilliant mind.

I will not have you poison him with your boyfriend's party supplies.

Okay. Fine. He can be the control group.

Thank you.

[timer rings]

* Love was kind of mean to me *

* Walked upon my heart Are you feeling all right, babe?

You haven't said a word since I picked you up.



It's going to be right, babe.

You're going to be saying more than "Mmm" when I'm done with you.


Damn, girl! Didn't you have time to hit the shower?



Gee, girl!

Slow down. Usually I don't get none of that unless I take you to the Olive Garden.

Whoo. Ooh.

[grunt, crunch]


Aw, what a mess.

What's in the bag?

Oh, horrific.


We're closing in, Gino.

The dragnet is getting tighter and tighter.

It's about time we made ourselves a new friend.


Can I help you?



Julian Garrison?

Nephew of Charles Garrison?


I'm Aldo Serra.

And this is my partner Gino Corelli.

On behalf of our organization, we would like to extend to you our deepest sympathies.

[Gino] We were wondering if you could put your grief aside for a moment and let us ask you a few questions.


We are under special orders to find out what exactly occurred when your uncle was m*rder*d.

Have you been at his house lately?

No, um...why?

Well, we've been informed that after he passed, somebody broke into his house and took something that belongs to us.

Something very important.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about that something, would you?

No, um...what, exactly, are you looking for?

Well, I wish I could tell you, but that's classified information.

I tell you what.

If you can think of anything that might help us in our investigation, give us a call.

We're at Motel 6.

Just off the Interstate.

Okay. Thanks.

What do you think?

What do I think? Uh!

I think this boy knows exactly what it is we're looking for.

And we are going to follow his every move.

But first, we go get Krispy Kreme.

Who was that?


They're asking questions about my uncle.

They're looking for the canister.

What did you tell them?


Julian, I'm really starting to freak out about this.

I'm going to go to the lab.

[knock on door]

Oh, hey, Julian, want to come with me up to the rave site?

We're starting our setup for tonight, and I could really use a hand, bro.

Go ahead. I'll call you if anything develops.

Hell, yeah! We're going to rave to the grave.

Yeah, mm-hmm.

** [techno]

** [opera]

Greetings and salutations.

You guys ready for a Halloween no one's going to forget?

Damn straight.

Are you okay, man?

I don't know, man, just a cold, I think.

Aw, man, nothing that's going to screw up our DJ's voice...

I hope.

No, man, no bugger germ will cause me to fail.

After the show, I'll still get plenty of tail, you know this.

Now let's get busy.


** [grunge rock]

* I know a place where the color creeps grey *

* And the sky opens up most every day *

* I know a place where the music's loud *

* And everybody's down and everybody's proud *

Go, go, go.

* I know a place where the crowd is rough *

* And they always wantin' more, they can never get enough *

* I know a place where they don't conform *

* Where there is no fear, where there is no more *

* Today

* Today

* Where we belong today

* Today

* Where we belong today

* I know a place where there are no rules *

* They teach you all the things you can't learn in school *

* I know a place just left of the dial *

* They have the right sound and have the right style *

* I know a place that never says stop *

* They always want to go to get over the top *

* I know a place for social defects that never fit in *

* And could not connect today *

* Today

* Where we belong today

* Today

* Where we belong Where we belong *

* And you might feel my secret pain *

* If you just believe in today *

* Where we belong today

* Today today

* Where we belong today

* Today today

* Where we belong Where we belong today *

What's in there?

What are you doing here so early?

Brett, you scared me.

Sorry, just came in here to feed Mr. Stinky.



What's that noise?

[Brett] Look at him go.

I wonder what's come over him.

Maybe he's just happy to see you.


Did you put that crap into his water?


What's wrong?

Mr. Stinky bit me.

Bad Mr. Stinky.

It's gonna be a hell of a party.

Yeah, party swarming with fine, fine ladies, searching for a man with higher intellect.

What about Shelby?

Hey, I'm a equal opportunity defiler.

I'm a monster.


That cold bugging you?

Yeah, man, I don't know.

Yeah, you should see Skeet, man.

Maybe he's got some Vitamin C or some zinc in that stash of his, you know?

Speaking of Skeet, check it out.


Damn. He's tripping his brains out.


** [funk]

* Kiss

* Kiss

* Kiss my galaxy, ooo

[stoned mumbling]

Hey, that chick's in my pottery class.

Who's that, man?


It's Becky and Artie.

They're already in costume.

Ha ha ha.


Hey, dude, back off! You'll break me.

You're ruining my high.


Back off. I said back off, man!

Back off, both of you. Back off!

[barrel clatters]

I said back off!

Back off. Back off, man.

Back off.

Oh, my God. This ain't happening, man.

I'm just tripping. Back off with you!

Back off, back off, both of you.

Back off!

I'm just tripping, I'm just tripping.

Come on, man, let's check it out. Come on.

Back off! Back off! What are you doing?

Hey, what the hell's wrong with them?

The speaker wires. Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Come on.

[zombies snarling]

** [opera]

Ha ha! See! I've told you he was up to no good.

We should move in.

No, no, no, looks like they got things in control.

I say we sit tight for a while and see what unfolds.

He may have T-5 canisters hidden somewhere around here.

[snarls] [snarls]

Let's go. We gotta get 'em to the emergency room.

Dude, I can't leave here. This is how I pay my tuition.

I invested my life savings in this crap.

Yeah, and I'm on my bike.

Who's gonna take them?

Hey, we're going for some rolling papers.

You guys want anything?

That's who.

[snarls] [snarls]

** [opera]

** [rock] ** [opera]

[rats squeaking]

[Brett] Just look at him. He's jonesing.

You better hope nothing happens to him or it's gonna be your ass.

I'm sorry, Brad, I don't know what I was thinking.

I need to go to my study group.

I'll be back in a few hours to check on Mr. Stinky.

You little party animal.

You're gonna have one hell of a hangover.






Ow! Jesus.

[beep, beep, buzz]




** [funk]

** [opera]

Don't bogart that.

Dude, slow down. How fast we going, anyway?


[Zombie snarls]

Dang, all right, all right.

Uptight Saturday night in the back seat.

Where are you guys from, anyway?


Whoa, never been there, but I got a cousin who lives in Fresno, though.

So what's with the non-party 'tude?

Yeah, it's Friday, man.

No, it's not.

Right on.

Anyhow, you seem like an open-minded couple.

Don't you ever want to cut loose and go crazy?


Dude, that's totally gay, man.

[groans, snarls]


** [opera]

Thank God! Help us, man!

Help! Help us, man! Hey!

Help-- [screams]

** [opera]



** [Sitar]

In the name of !sis, Goddess of the sun and life, I bless all of those lost souls from thine beloved animal kingdom tragically banished to the fiery hell of the fast food grill.

Hmm, is that good?



Oh, happy Halloween, Brett, Dartagnan and Rainbow and I were just about to start our discussion on the evils of eating meat.

Would you care to join us?


Oh, my God.

[Julian] Hello?

Julian, it's Jenny. Hey.

Somebody opened the canister.

There's some kind of goo everywhere.

You okay?

I'm fine, just get over here now.

Okay, I'm on my way.

[rats squeaking]

What the hell?

Mr. Stinky?





[snarling, growling]



Oh, thank God.

Something's wrong with Mr. Stinky.

I don't know where he is. He got out.


Brett's rat. I gave the rats some of that stuff from the container, and something is seriously wrong with them, Julian. They're acting crazy.

Okay, okay.

Mr. Stinky?

Let's check it out. Oh, man!

Well, whatever was in there, it's gone now.

You guys.

[rat squeaking]

I found Mr. Stinky.

Looks like he's acquired a taste for brains.

[Julian] What, what, what?

Oh, God, they're all out.

Okay, you guys grab those two, I got Mr. Stinky.

Mr. Stinky?




Awesome costumes, Brett.


Stop! Hey! Hey!


Did you find him?

No, but I made a couple of friends.


Brains. [screams]

Brains. Brains.


Run, everybody!

Get out of here!

Hey! Coach Savini. Where are you going?



Howdy, ma'am, You can relax. The good guys are here.

Ah! Son of a bitch!

My bad.

This way.

Come on! Let's go.



You guys are always late.

[Jenny screams]


Are you okay?

Thank God that's over.

Uh, you guys...


Brains! [g*nshots]

Class dismissed.

Now, what was it you were saying about not seeing any canister?

So this is the stuff that's reanimating the dead?


It's just the proof we need to show what the military is up to.

You will prove nothing to nobody.

Have building quarantined. I want full clean-up.

The canister will be destroyed and you will forget you ever saw it.

Look, the most important thing is that it's all over now.

Cody? It is all over now, isn't it?


Look, your brother and I, we--

We just thought we could score some extra cash, you know?

Stuff didn't seem like it hurt anyone.

I mean, you saw it for yourself, right?

What did you guys do?

I didn't give you everything we made.

And Skeet had already taken off with about 500 hits of Z, man.

500 hits?

Jeremy's rave!

[horns honking]

** [techno]

[Jeremy] Yo, yo, yo. F your money, grab your honey.

If you're single, then you mingle.

Tonight's the night, it's Halloween, and this is the place where it's hip to be seen.

You got to say f*ck it and misbehave, so...take a smile on your face from the rave to the grave!

Damn, maybe it's worse than a cold.

** [techno]

Hey, Superfly.

Have you seen Cody?

Nah! Ain't seen him.


Hey, man, you got some Z?

Sorry, dudes, the well's dry.

Hang tight. I think I know where I can score some more.

Let me know if you need more Z.


Hey, J.

Damn, you look awful.

Yeah, man, I feel like shit.

You look like it, too.

You know where I can score some more Z, huh?

I'll kick you in for a cut.

Hold on.

Dude, no offense, man, but keep your ass back.

I don't want to get whatever it is you got.


You know, maybe there won't be any of those things at the rave.

Maybe we'll get there in time.

Maybe the kids haven't dropped any of the pills yet.

Too many maybes. Maybes will get you k*lled.

Yeah, he's right. And based on what we've seen, I think if somebody drops some Z, they become a zombie no matter what.

And the more they take, the quicker they zombify, dependent on body mass, weight, age, and other factors.

But Jeremy?

He may have only had a small sample, but it's only a matter of time before he...

It might be too late for him, babe. No!

Maybe we can still save him.

Another maybe.

Ooh ooh! Let's go.

** [techno]

It's going to be great.

First of all, we have to find this friend of yours, Skeet, and confiscate all the remaining Z pills.

If you come across any living dead, aim for the head.

Look, guys, I got to find Shelby and get her ass out of there before something happens to her.

We'll look for Jeremy.

Hey. Enough talk!

Wait a minute, you guys can't go in there dressed like that.

If the kids see you, they'll panic.

She's right. You guys stick out like narcs at a Sunday school picnic.

You need costumes, man.

Excuse me, is this Jeremy's rave?

[Jenny] Where's the DJ booth?

It's up there, but it looks empty.

Look, I'm going after Shelby.

Come on, let's take a closer look.

This way. This way.

[Julian] Excuse me. Pardon me.

Diane, have you seen Shelby?

Last time I saw her, she was over there.

Yeah, all right. come on, let's go.

[Jeremy] This goes out to all the ladies.


[Jeremy] Here's for all the locals here on Halloween.

[Jeremy] We're all slaves to the rave.

[Jeremy] Let's see the headlights, honeys.

Boy, she can really move.

Have you seen this kid? No, man.

Look that way, I'll look this way.

Hey, you.

Hey, have you seen Skeet?



Gino! Gino!


Thank you, my friend.

I'm going to recommend you for a commendation.

I'd rather have a case of Cristal.

Let's go.

Hey! Some creep stole our costumes.






Hey, where's Jenny?

I don't know.

I got to go find her.

Look, you be careful.

All right.



Shelby, come on! We got to get out of here. Let's go!

What? I can't hear you.

[Cody] Come on, let's go!

God! g*dd*mn it.






Have you seen Jenny?

[Julian] Jenny!


Hey! Jenny!

Where the hell is he?


Jeremy, it's me, Jenny.



[Boy in crowd] Is he okay?


[Jeremy growls]

[crowd screaming]



I'm not letting you out of my sight again.

We've got to find Jeremy.

No way. It's too dangerous. We gotta get out of here.

But I've gotta try to--

Listen, I've already lost my uncle, No way I'm losing you, too.

Well, I don't want to lose my brother.

Jenny, you already have lost him.

He's one of them now.

Come on, just stay with me, okay?



Move. Come on, move!

Come on, get the f*ck out of the way, man! g*dd*mn.

Shelby, get down!

Oops. I hope he was a zombie.

[crowd screaming]




[Shelby] My God!

[Shelby] Cody!

Hey, get off of me.

Get off of me! Get off me!

Skeet! Skeet, get off. Skeet, get off of me.



Oh, no!


My God! Cody!

I would advise you to get out of here, young lady.

Get out of here.

Don't do this.

Go on, get out of here.


[Jenny] Julian.

[Julian] Look out, look out.

[snarling, growling]


[Julian] Hurry.

[Jenny] Julian!

[Julian] Wait!


[crowd screaming]



No, don't.

We have to.


Sorry, man.



[Julian] Come on, sh**t him!

[Julian] sh**t him!

sh**t him!

[Jeremy screams]


Okay, come on. No, you had to do it. You had to do it.

Jenny, Jenny! Come on now, be strong.

We have to get out of here. Come on.


Look. Here they are.

Time to clean up and go.

[Aldo] It may be too late.

Another maybe.


You know how I hate maybes.

Come on, let's go.

Call for backup.

General, code black.

We need assistance. Requesting backup immediately.

Yes. Yes, sir, yes.

Thank you, sir, thank you. Thank you.

Is help coming?

The Americans have already been alerted.

The general says they've dealt with this problem before and know exactly what to do.

Maybe they're sending a transport to get us out of here.

Let's go for a clearing.



Come on, follow us.

Come on.

[machine g*n firing]

Oh, no.

Come on. I know a place we can go.


No, Jenny, come on, she's dead.

Come on. Come on, hurry.

[machine g*n firing]

I regret there will be no case of Cristal for you, my friend.

And no Euro Disney.

[Julian] Come on, hurry.


That's a roger. m*ssile's on its way.


Come on, let's check outside.

[birds chirping]

[Julian] Holy sweet Jesus!


I guess I was right.

This sure was a hell of a party.

Hello, guys. Have you seen Gino?

No. No.

Let's get the hell out of here before the army comes, yeah?

[Aldo] Come on!

** [country]

* Life seems lonely

* And I'm by myself again

* There's no need

* In trying to pretend

* My lady left

* And I think this time's for good *

* I wish I had listened

* And understood [screams]

* Since all seems lost

* I'll just pick you up and ride *

* I can say anything

* I want to you tonight

* You never criticize

* Or make me feel bad



* As long as I got my diary

* In my hand

* As long as I got my diary in my hand *
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