Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return #6 (1999)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return #6 (1999)

Post by bunniefuu »

Dear Mom...

I know you've tried to protect me from who I am... and you've said my life before you adopted me doesn't matter... but it does matter.

It matters because I still have visions of the place where I was born.

I've heard all the whispers. I know what happened in that town where I was born.

And I know you've tried to protect me from its horror for 19 years.

Well, today I'm going back to that little abandoned town called Gatlin... home to the truth.

Love, Hannah.

Hey, I need your help. Please stop.

- Is there anything I can do? Thanks for stoppin'.

Just need a ride to Gatlin. I'd really be much obliged.

Oh, you're from Gatlin, huh? Yeah.

Um, about how far up the road is it? About ten miles.

I guess I could give you a ride.

- I'm going there anyway. Bless you, sister. Just a minute.

My name's Zechariah Johnson.

- Miss? Oh, I'm Hannah, Hannah Martin.

And Hannah said, "I am a woman of sorrowful spirit.

If thou will give me a son, I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life. "

First Book of Samuel. Surely you're familiar with the origins of your name.

I must've missed that day of Sunday school.

Let's just see here.

"Hannah was barren. She prayed to the Lord for His favor... and the Lord remembered her.

Hannah bore a son. She named him Samuel. "

That's nice.

"Because he had the gift of visions...

Samuel became a great prophet. "

If you have a son, you should name him Samuel.

Oh, I don't see kids in my future.

Unfortunately, that's not for you to decide.

Uh, fortunately, I have a choice. Do you?


- Lookin'for somethin'? Oh, I, uh...

Is this how they come to a complete stop in California?

I, uh... A cat ran out into the middle of the road.

A cat? Cheshire? Whatever it was, I didn't want to hit it.

Well, that's the chance you take straying so far from the interstate.

License, please.

You know, I think I might need to see a doctor. No doctors around here.

W- What about Gatlin County Hospital?

Can't you do better than that?

You're just like the rest of them.

You want to gawk at the freak show.

License. Now.

The angel of death came down, and he wiped out the firstborn son... from Pharaoh's firstborn son on down to the lowliest prisoner in...

- It's her. God, wipe them all out! And finally...

Hey, you're right.

We better have Dr. Michaels take a look at you.

Someone will pick up your car later.

Sorry. Regulations.

It's that way.

Frankly, I don't see the fascination.

Gatlin is just a ghost town with an ugly past.

That's what put it on the Internet.

Did everybody leave?

Some stayed. I did.


I was born here... and I guess I'll die here.

It's a small town. You probably know everybody, huh?

So, what happened to all the kids?

Did any of the children have children?

Probably started their own support group?

"I survived the Gatlin m*ssacre. "

So, am I gonna live till my next birthday?

It's tomorrow, isn't it? Halloween.

Miss Martin... there's nothing wrong with your head.

Just a bump.

No charge. Thanks.

How do I get to the town square?

You know, whatever you're looking for here, Miss Martin, you're not gonna find it.

Do yourself a favor and go back to California.

You're only gonna be disappointed.

You finished? I got some trouble out here. I can't find him.

Well, don't worry about it. It's not the first time.

Jake? Jake!


Stop him. Only you can stop him.

Stop him! Stop him!

Somebody, help me!

It's your life. Stop him! Only you can stop Isaac!

Get off! He's the resurrection and the life.

He's the resurrection and the life.

Get off! Get away! He's the resurrection and the life.

Help, someone!

Help me! Anyone there?

He's the resurrection and the life.

He's the resurrection and the life.

Whoever shall believe in him shall have eternal life.

He's the resurrection and the life.

Whoever shall believe in him shall have eternal life!

He's the resurrection and the life.

Help me, somebody! He's the resurrection and the life.

Help! He's the resurrection and the life.

Whoever shall believe in him shall have eternal life!

Only you can stop Isaac. Only you can stop Isaac.

Only you can stop Isaac.

Only you can stop Isaac.

Hi. Hi.

I guess I took a wrong turn.

- You shouldn't be here. So, what's wrong with him?

- Coma. But his eyes are open.

Settle down, Jake. Let's go take a look.

Shit, it's my ass if Cora finds you here.

How did this get open? Hmm?

Come on. Let's go.

Come on, Jake. Head up.

Mouth closed.

Come on. Let's get the hell outta here.

What, do you, like, get off hanging out in hospitals or somethin'?

I think I'd say the same thing to you.

I work here. My name's Gabriel. How'd that get here?

Cora asked me to pick it up for you.

- What were you doin'out there anyway? Drivin' too fast.

I'll see ya around.

Stay out of trouble.

- Why'd you let her go? She'll be back.

Why didn't you just tell her? The prophecy says she has to find out for herself.

Shouldn't you be doing some tests or something? Yeah.

You ought to know better, Doc. Those things will k*ll ya.

Why do you think I do it?

The blood of the lamb shall smite the wicked.

The blood of the lamb shall smite the wicked.

The blood of the lamb shall smite the wicked. The blood of the lamb shall smite the wicked.

The blood of the lamb shall smite the wicked. The blood of the lamb shall smite the wicked.

The blood of the lamb shall smite the wicked. The blood of the lamb shall smite the wicked.

No, Jake. No!

Jake! No! Jake!

We can't. It'll make us just like them.

No, I don't understand.

Why do you have to be a part of this?

I don't have a choice. She's callin' the sh*ts.

Cora? Tell her how you feel about this.

Say something. Like what?

- Choose someone else. You love me anyway.

Can I help you with something? Actually, yeah.

Um, can I use your phone? I need to call the police.

You want to talk to Cora? There's no other cops?

There's no other nothing.

And anyway, the phones are out.

Extra towels are under the sink.

No fancy shampoo bottles, so I hope you brought your own, and... you can check out whenever.

Is there another hotel around? Hilton, in Omaha.

Anything else?

Matt, you deal with this.

I think that means she wants you to follow her.

Don't you want the room, Hannah?

Small town.

What'd you need the sheriff for?


Maybe she doesn't want to be a part of this either.

I told you, nothing's changed. It will.

It has to.

She's here. I knew she was alive.

Your hopes are the rantings of a delusional child.

That's not true.

Cora, you listen to me.

Jake needs you. Don't destroy his life by starting this again.

Assuming that it's ever stopped.

I'm gettin'it. I'm gettin'it.

Look, man. It's her.

How long?

Nineteen years.

Nineteen years?

But you've come back to us.

I never lost faith.

And the others?

Isaac, you have a son.

He's perfect.

I've prepared him.

He knows?


Isaac has risen.

Isaac has risen.

Isaac has risen.


Promise me.



Hannah... don't move or the visions will come true.

No! No! Help!

You know, Hannah... if you're gonna keep visiting Isaac... there's probably something you should know.

It's a small town. People are gonna talk.

So, if they never arrested him, then why is he locked up?

Cora did that.

So nobody would see him?

No, so they wouldn't k*ll him.

Well, he's not in his room, you know.

Look, did you come all this way to talk about Isaac?


I came to find my mother.

Wanna help? You can show me where they keep the birth certificates.

They told me my mother was dead, but I'm not so sure.

Oh, my God. In a better world, they'd be labeled.

Yeah, well, in a better world, a lot of things would be different.

1978? Mm-hmm.

Where do we start?

Grab anything from October 31.

So, you find your mother. Then what?

Jerry Springer show.

"Daughters of cult members unite. "

Don't let it screw you up.

What would you know about it?

My parents were cult members... just like Matt's, Morgan's, Jesse's.

- Pretty much everyone around here. You mean that they're all...

Children of the children.

Well, too bad I can't go talk to Isaac then.

He probably knows who my mother is.

And he's done so much for Gatlin already.

What, like tell kids to waste their parents?

At least you've done your research.

What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing?

What the hell! What... You don't go sneakin'up on people like that, Jake!

Come on. Come on.

Who is he? It's Jake. It's Cora's brother.

That guy is dangerous!

No. No. You're not dangerous, are you?

I think I should really get him back.

You gonna be okay here? I've been in worse places.

Eleanor begatJacob. Cora. Mary begat Rachel. Come on, Jake.

Come on, Jake. Chin up! Chin up! Sarah begat Isaac.

Sarah begat Isaac. Hannah begat Samuel.

Hannah begat Samuel. Hannah begat Samuel.

Come on, Jake. Come on, Jake. Hannah begat Samuel.

Come on. Come on. Come on, Jake. Hannah begat Samuel.


Destiny. Destiny.

Destiny. Destiny.

Rachel Colby.

Hannah begat Samuel.

You took her from her mother.

So, now I get to chase you.


Do you have a spare gas can? What?

A spare gas can. My bike's out of gas. Uh, no. Sorry.

I should've known better.

Don't ever loan anything to Matt.

I'll try to remember that.

Um, are you joining us for the harvest?

Gabriel will be there. I mean, he's the one who told us about you.

I'm Jesse, by the way. Hi.

It's fun. You can chip in, if you want.

Good way to make friends. Thanks. I'll pass.

Hey, Jesse!

Yes, Hannah?

Um, do you know whose truck that is?

Rachel Colby's.

- Rachel. What are you doing here? What do you want?

None of your business.

Well, I don't care. I don't care! He wants to see you.


I'll go.

Boo. Look at this.

I've waited 19 years for tonight.

It's over. Your prophecy died with my child.

My condolences. Bet you didn't count on your kid rising from the dead.

She's not my daughter. Liar!

If your baby died, why are you still here?

Someone had to stay and take care of the children.

What happened, Rachel?

Why did you leave my side?

You took my family, my husband!

Amos sacrificed himself for He Who Walks Behind the Rows, our lord and savior.

Your words m*rder*d him! Amos accepted his fate.

Now it's time for you to accept yours.

His gift guaranteed purity for your child.

I rejoiced the day my child was born dead.

She was spared a life of hell with you.

Her betrayal was unforeseen... but it will be punished.

Tonight... she will watch her daughter foster a new generation of the chosen.

I can't believe you let him walk right outta here.

- He's not a prisoner. He should be.

Well, if it wasn't for a little creative paperwork, you'd be in jail too.

Why did we let it go so far?

If I knew the answer to that, I...

That's your excuse. What's mine?

It's just a harmless prank.

It's all clean. Good.

You know, if that's the way my mother wants to play it... fine. Are you sure she's your mother?

Oh, what is this all? Just a coincidence?

I mean, why the hell is she trying to run me out of town?

She's had to deal with a pretty ugly past.

So, what? I'm just supposed to let her off the hook?

- I don't think so. Well, you saw the papers. Her baby died.

So, she could've faked my death.

No offense, but Gatlin is starting to look more and more like Mayberry on acid.

Just another farm town falling off the map.

- People'll do anything to try and save it. Oh, shit!

God, what is it with all these dead birds?

Did you sleep at all?

Between breaking and entering and being stalked...

I guess I forgot.

Let me talk to her, all right?

You're an outsider. She'll listen to me.

Don't take this the wrong way, but what's in it for you?

Maybe I want you to stick around, at least visit.

And what? Bring cookies to my insane mother?


Sorry... but Rachel, Isaac, this whole cult thing...

- I don't think so. Jim Jones, David Koresh...


They all came at the right time. Why not Isaac?

Hitler thought he was the messiah.

Oh, God.

Still want to meet your mama?

Well, whose side is she on?

Okay. You've got my attention.

Get some sleep.

Good night.

I've had a long, hard think, Rachel.

I won't be needing you to bring me dinner anymore.

Who else is gonna do it?

I'll get along. It's time you did too.

After tonight. Nothing is going to happen.

Then why is he awake? Why is she here? Today?

Then make it right. Go to her.

I never should've given her up.

Jake. Jake. Come on, Jake. Let me help you.

Is that what you said to Rachel?

Well, if it isn't the medical miracle.

It was Hannah's touch.

You leave that girl alone. You didn't.

You took her from her mother. I took her from this town.

- I wanted to give her a chance. And she's still mine.

You're sick.

Are you ready to pay for your actions?

I've been paying for it all my life.

It's your soul that's gonna burn in hell!

I don't have a soul.

My son...

don't be afraid.

We've missed so much.

What should have been our life together was yours alone, but it was his will.

Father, I, uh... Shh!

I'm so proud of you: My legacy... my child, the firstborn son.

I sacrificed for you... and I know you'll do the same for your child.

Tonight, the prophecy will be fulfilled.

You will father the child that shall lead us all.

Brought you some towels. Well, you could have knocked.

- Some people do use the Do Not Disturb sign. Is that all?

Gabriel wants you to meet somebody. Is he here?

Uh, Hemingford. It's about, um, 20 miles east.

Well, where? A... coffee shop, as soon as you can get there.

Well, which one? Get a clue.

How many coffee shops do you think there are?

You're a child of the children, my children.

You question me? What you're doing is wrong.

Do you speak for the others or only for yourself?

I want what's best for this town.

Do you doubt what is written?

It's a new generation. We don't believe anyone.

- I don't need to question. I have faith. I don't.

Why question when the answers are right in front of you?

Like in that book you wrote?

He filled me with the words.

You have faith that the planets revolve around the sun... faith that the seeds become the corn we harvest.

- Only because we planted those seeds. Directed by a force... that moves the universe.

I suppose you're that force.

The force is unseen.

It moves through the hearts and minds of people.

Couldn't I be that force?

You know nothing.

Buddha, Gandhi... even Jesus Christ, had visions of a perfect world.

My vision is absolute.

And who ended up nailed to a cross?

Go... before you corrupt my innocent children.

What the hell?


Are you crazy or just stupid?

God, you're drunk.

You know, you could've k*lled us both.

It's the only way out... for both of us!

My car.

- And we're still not dead. Right. Real funny.

Don't you get it? Yeah, and it's obviously about me.

Welcome to hell, Hannah. I'd rather be in Hemingford.

My lineage goes all the way back to Isaac. Go find yours.

I didn't say anything!

I didn't say a word.

Oh, my God!


if you do this now, there's no turning back.

Open that casket, and the first part of the prophecy has come true.

Just go.

Then tell me the truth.

The truth is... repulsive.

Your visions are real.

The firstborn daughter of the children will return... on the eve of her 19th birthday to find out who she is...

and He Who Walks Behind the Rows will awaken.

I had no choice. I belonged with you.

And Isaac?

I couldn't take that risk.

Go back to your parents.

- So you didn't want me. I wanted you!

I wanted you so badly!

But you're my mother. Yes.

Is Isaac my father?

No. Isaac k*lled him too. A sacrifice to the cult.

Why all these lies? It's the only way he would have no power.

To do what?

I mean, why don't you just tell me and let me decide?

He wants you to be the mother of a superior race... and the prophecy says you decide to do it.

You're insane.

You're all insane.

It was a mistake for you to come here.

You're a mistake.

Behold... now is the accepted time.

Now is the day of salvation.

Begin with the mark of the chosen.

To whom much is given... much is expected.

Embrace your birthright. Embrace your birthright.

Embrace your birthright.

Embrace your birthright.

Embrace your birthright. Embrace your birthright.

Oh, well.

You should be happy by yourself now.

What's up, beast?

Destiny. Destiny.

What are you gonna do now?

Destiny. Destiny. Destiny. What?

- Hey! Look out! What do you guys want?

Destiny. Destiny. Destiny. Would you leave me alone?

What do you want?

Are you scared now? God, you guys are freaks!

What is it with this place? Get away!

- It's you. Would you leave me alone?

Welcome, child.

Blessed is this day, for your gift is great and wondrous.

I call upon He Who Walks Behind the Rows... giver of all life.

Set forth thy law of force and fire.

Embrace your birthright. Embrace your birthright.

Oww. Oww.

Sanctify this union of souls... as first son and first daughter beget the children of the chosen.

As the prophecy is written, so it shall be.

No. Run! Run!

Cora, leave them.

Get her. That way!

I see you!

- Come on! To the left. There she is.

I got ya now!

Flood her out! Flood her out!

I hope you can swim, sweet one!

There you are.

Now do you see for yourselves? He's a fraud.

It's almost midnight and your prophecies never come to pass.

Time's up.

Don't underestimate the power of my vision.

The only power you have is the power we give you.

- She's a liar! Take her.

Where ya goin' Hannah?


Come to Daddy.

Where are ya?

You can't hide from us!

Ooh! I got you!

Why are you doing this? For Matt.

For me. Hey, lady!

Hi, lady.

Go! Run!

Which way? Which way now? Okay.

Yeah. We'll go this way. This way.

Get away!

No! Go... Go away!

Get away!

Stay back there!

Take them to Isaac!

Come here! Let go!

Come on, we mustn't keep Isaac waiting.

Come on. Move it, girl.

Where is she?

I saw her get on one of the bikes. She should be here. Idiot!


It's me.

It's okay. It's okay. It's me.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay. It's gonna be all right.

Shh. Shh. Shh.

It's gonna be okay.


k*ll her.

Better you were never born than to have disappointed me so.

Not one of you?

In the name of He Who Walks Behind the Rows...

I will execute the judgment.


Finish it.

All right!


Your strength shall be rewarded.

I'd give anything for a shower right now.

Okay, switch.

Keep your eyes on the clothes.

Oh, yes.

Here. Here. Here. Here you go.

Now I know why she gave me away.

Please. Please help.

What the f*ck?

Beware of He Who Picks the Corn.

You think you trashed his sacred prophecy, but this is all part of it.

I didn't turn that steering wheel.

What has he done with my mother?

She was protecting me.

We'll find her.

Aren't they beautiful?

Took years to collect them.

You only need one.

You'll be with her. I promise.

Don't let me down.

Is he gonna be okay?

Just fine.

#Your ignorance Your blindness #

#Your greed Your progress #

#Your conquest Your mania#

#Your need Your sorrow #

#Your sickness Your final parting breath #

#Your hatred Your bloodshed #

#Your future Your death I will have none#

#I will have none I will have none#

#I will have none #

#I, dreaded lord of shadows with broken spell #

#Unto this rotting age #

#I bid farewell #

#The faith #

It'll be all right.

What'd you do to the doc? It was quick.

You used to be smart, loyal. I trusted you.

Hannah was lucky she didn't have you for a mother.

She won't come.

She'll come.

Her visions are borne of pain.

You can't escape the prophecy.

Feel that one, Hannah?

Beware of false prophets, sheep's clothing, ravening wolves.

Ravening wolves. Ravening wolves.

Beware of false prophets, sheep's clothing, ravening wolves. Ravening wolves.

Beware of false prophets, sheep's clothing, ravening wolves. Ravening wolves.

You are so dead.

Beware of false prophets, sheep's clothing, ravening wolves.

Beware of false prophets, sheep's clothing, ravening wolves. Ravening wolves.



The Lord came to me in a dream.

And what didHe command?

That I shall take her myself.

Instead of harmony and peace, he just took our souls.

Don't hurt my child.

What's one soul compared to the new order she'll be creating?

You can't escape the prophecy. There is no prophecy.

Your mother gave up her chance.

Don't do the same.

Did you k*ll my father?

He sacrificed his life to a power greater than himself.

He Who Walks Behind the Rows? No. Me.

Come, Hannah.

Don't ignore your visions.

I'm your true family.

You belong with me.

This is for Isaac.


Now this is f*ckin'- A!

It's over, old man. You defied me!

You denied my birthright. Liar.

Am I, Isaac?

Aren't I the firstborn? You rejected me so that your son could take my place.

Enough. How dare you castrate my words, you f*ck!

I am the giver of his word! First son and first daughter was my prophecy... and it was fulfilled!

Do it, Hannah. End the evil.

Go on. k*ll 'im.

It can't be you.


Okay. All right. Okay. All right.

Okay. Just-Just touch 'im. I'll do the rest.

Don't be scared. You did everything perfectly.


I couldn't have planned it better myself.

But, then again... we were destined.

You... I wanna see grovel.

On your knees, bitch.

He Who Walks Behind the Rows.

Who the f*ck is He Who Walks Behind the Rows? Me.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to...

"It's Your Death"!

Prepare to pass judgment.

Isaac, how would you deal with a liar and a betrayer?

Every man shall die for his sins.

What-What was that? L- I'm sorry, I missed that. - Damn you.

Did you kiss your mother with that mouth?

That is not the answer we're looking for.

Not afraid to die, are ya, Isaac?

Oh, yeah.

That's right. You've got faith.

We have to end this.

Thanks for playing. We've got some lovely parting gifts for you.

Let's go.

Come with me now.

Isn't this what you wanted? Now you know who you are.

The seed has already been sown.

Come on. Let's go. Come with me. Come on.

Hurry up. Go. Go. Go.

Leave him. No.

No. No. No.

Damn fine performance, if I do say so myself.


The seed has already been sown.

And Hannah said, "I am a woman of sorrowful spirit.

If thou wilt give me a son, I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life. "

Well, maybe that's true, but my truth is something else... something dark, unknowable, hideous and corrupt.

It lives under the cracked asphalt... and the endless rows of corn... and now it lives in me.

#There was a gentle angler#

#Who was angling in the sea#

#With heart as cold as only heart#

#Untaught of love can be #

#When suddenly the waters rushed #

#And swelled and up there sprang#

#Ahumid maid #

#Of beauty's mold #

#And thus to him she sang#

#Why dost thou strive so artfully#

#To lure my brood away #

#I leave them to die beneath #

#The sun's all scorching ray #

#Couldst thou but tell how happy are #

#The fish that swim below #

#Thou wouldst with me #

#Taste ofjoy#

#Which Earth can never know#

#The water rushed The water swelled #

#And touched his naked feet#

#And fancy whispered to his heart #

#It was a love pledge sweet#

#She sang another siren lai #

#More witching than before #

#Half-pulled, half-plunging down he sank #

#And ne'er was heard of more #
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