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01x01 - Brave

Posted: 10/02/20 09:44
by bunniefuu






GIRL: You heard the rumors about what he did, right?

Back in Omaha?

He should be in jail.

- Hey, Silas.
- Hi, Iris.

My sister throws this big Feast Day rager every year.

Tomorrow night, : p.m., storage room C- .

You should go.

You're new. I never see you out.



Hey, it's okay.



Hello! Hi! Hey!

- Madam President.
- Yes?

I got the banner out of the student council office.

Ah! Thank you, Madam Vice President.

Are you ready to do some welcoming?

Damn right. We're gonna welcome the hell out of them.

FELIX: Hey, Iris.

Oh. Think we'll need those?

Probably won't need 'em, but we should have 'em.

We'll be behind the barrier, but you never know.

[CHUCKLES] You tryin' to scare her right now or what?

I don't think I could if I tried.

Oh, you can't.

It's cool you're doing this, kid.

Just doing my part.

Come on.

Alright, everybody, let's get going.

- Alright.
- Okay.

♪ Expecting you to come there, knowing ♪

♪ That I wait for you there ♪

MAN: Okay, let's get the gates.

♪ That I wait for you there ♪


♪ Come ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ Come here at once ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ Come on a night with no moon ♪

♪ Because all of my being is now in pining ♪

- Damn it!



♪ Now in pining ♪



♪ All of my being is now in pining ♪


♪ All of my being is now in pining ♪


Let's just hold in place until they get here.





♪ What formerly had cheered me ♪

♪ Now seems ♪

♪ Insignificant ♪

♪ Insignificant ♪



Damn it.

Bye, Mom.



- I worked on this all night last night.
- Oh, wait. Oh, damn.

- Well done.
- Oh.

No, no, no, no, no. I-I don't know what happened.

- It was...
- Was the student council office locked?



My sister happened.

I can fix it.

[BRITISH ACCENT] Lieutenant Colonel Elizabeth Kublek of the Civic Republic Military.

Felix Carluccci, Senior Security Force Officer, Campus Colony of Omaha.

People call me "Huck". Long story.

FELIX: So, is it just the CRM here?

There was talk of having some government officials join us, but Major General Beale wasn't comfortable sending civilians.

And we could only spare one helicopter for the trip.

- So you are stuck with me as the sole representative of the Civic Republic.

- Hmm.
- Your "Monument Day" holiday, though, is wonderful, and I feel honored to, uh... to commemorate it with you.

I'm sure you're tired. It was probably a long trip... from wherever it is you're from.

- It was.



Uh, it's okay. We can take care of it.


[RAPID g*nf*re]

The helicopter has another stop before it'll circle back.

We fire disruption charges to scatter the sound.

We won't draw any more.

- We're quite good at this...
- Hmm.

... wherever we're from.


"The Civic Republic 'us'".

We're the same.

Portland, Omaha, the Civic Republic.

That's what the Alliance of the Three is about.

We're all in this together, right?



♪ Come ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ Come here at once ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ Come on a night with no moon ♪

♪ Because all of my being is now in pining ♪


♪ All of my being is now in pining ♪


Silas, right?


Did you see me sneak outta the bus?


Could you not tell my sister you saw me, you know, stow away?



Listen, uh, I'm having a Feast Day rager tomorrow night, storage room C- at : .

Be there.


Good talk, Silas.


♪ What formerly had cheered me ♪

♪ Now seems ♪

♪ Insignificant ♪

♪ Insignificant ♪

- Hey.


Cool. You made me dinner?

- Oh, you're my hero.
- Oh.

- You working on your speech?
- Yeah.


You good?

'Course. Totally.



So you're not good.

No, I'm good. I am totally good.

But this was screwed up, Hope. The Civic Republic...

Oh, you mean the Secret Non-Public Civic Republic?

We don't know where they are or what they do.

You were fine with them before Dad left.

Well, I'm not anymore, alright, because they sent us some soldier and we sent them our dad.

Yes, our dad is with them.

He's sharing his knowledge so that there is another place working towards some sort of cure.

- Which means the crap you pulled...
- Was hilarious.

Yeah, I stopped unrolling it once we got to "sucks".

Wait, "sucks" or "ass"?

Oh, yeah. "Ass".

We stopped at "ass".


Did you poison my food?

Oh, yeah.

Sign Felix's card.

You do know he hates me, right?

Oh, Felix doesn't hate you.

He totally hates me.

Then that is another reason you should sign it.

For Dad.

It's really good.

Why don't you draw and paint and, like, forget all the science and AP classes and volunteering?

Drawing and painting won't put an end to reanimated necrotic matter.

You check the cabinet today?



I told him not to go.

No, I screamed at him not to go.

So screw it. I did what I could.

Tomorrow is "Celebration before commemoration".

- Oh.
- You're coming to my party.

- There is no escape.
- Maybe.

T-There is a small chance that this speech may k*ll me first.

No, screw that. You're coming.


Grin, girl.

Tomorrow night, we rage.




IRIS: Representatives from our home city of Omaha and the Alliance cities of Portland and the Civic Republic, citizens, teachers, and students.

We say that it's called Monument Day because we are all monuments to the past.

We survived, and the rest didn't.

We found safety, and the rest didn't.

We live.

We live for the rest who didn't.


I live for my mom, who died that night years ago today, like so many others.

And I live for my father, who is far away, doing important work that will one day benefit us all.


We're years in now.



I was a little kid.

I can barely remember the Night the Sky Fell, let alone what the world was like before.


We still live behind walls, and the dead still have this world.




And I think that with everything that went away, with everything we lost, with everyone we lost, some people think it can happen again.

Some people think that what we have can't last.

Some can't believe.

- ♪♪

- ♪♪

But I'm certain of our home and our home city and our Alliance with Portland, with the Civic Republic, and I am certain of what's ahead.

We're monuments to the past, but everyone here, all of you, you are the future.

We are the future.

I'm sure of it.

Happy Feast Day, people.

I hope you've all been writing in your journals.

Today on Feast Day, we celebrate life.

Tomorrow, on Monument Day, we remember what we lost, who we lost, how we got here, and who got us here, because for nearly all of us, that came at a cost.

But we should be the monument we want to be, regardless of the past.

That's what you all should be writing about.


What kind of monument are you going to be, Elton?

I would like to be complete and aware and kind.

I don't want to be afraid ever again, but I know I probably will be.

I'd also like to see what this world is now, which is what my parents spent their lives trying to do.

I also hope to be much, much taller.

MR. KAPADIA: Do you want to stand tall, like the Washington Monument?


Want to be sitting down, comfortable and confident like the Lincoln Memorial?

Sure. Think about it.

- Write it down.

IRIS: Hope.



HOPE: So what?

I brewed a little bit of illegal alcohol.

Yeah, this is a lifetime supply, Hope.

And here I thought you were finally getting your act together with your dad gone, but, nope.



We still haven't heard anything from him yet, right?

It's been months.


Let me ask you something.

Why do you do what you do when you have what you have?

What are you doing here, Felix?

[CHUCKLES] What am I doing here?

Well, uh, your dad gave me a life, something I can be grateful for.

Even if that means trying to get you

- to stop pulling this crap that you do.

Iris! Thank God!

My rights are totally being violated right now.

Felix, she doesn't need to be in there.

Yeah, well, you see, I need a family member to sign for her, pending an appearance before the CCC.

Look, you know, those are the rules.

- Mm.
- Yeah.

Oh, you are a family member.

Dad gave you guardianship while he's gone.

Oh, yeah.

How could I forget something like that?


I mean, it's almost like I wanted you to just... think about what you did.


HOPE: [GROANS] Felix is the worst guardian ever!

What was Dad even thinking?

IRIS: Checked the cabinet. Still nothing.

If he were here, he'd say, "Making that amount of alcohol shows a solid grasp of chemistry".

Let's get the hell out of here.

It's Hope and Iris Bennett, right?

Lieutenant Colonel.

[CHUCKLES] Call me Elizabeth.

You know who we are?

Of course. I recognized you earlier.

I just didn't want to say anything in front of everyone.

I wanted to thank you both for your sacrifice on behalf of the Civic Republic.

Being away from your father for months on end can't be easy.

But as I'm sure you know, this first science exchange is critical for the Alliance for the future of the planet.

But I can see you know that.

I do.

And I've heard you're pursuing biochemistry and immunology?

Taking after your father.

I should thank you for that, too.

Oh, gotta do it.


And you.

One of your security personnel filled me in.

Sounds like you had quite the distillery going.

That's also impressive.

- So, how did you get...
- You know what?

I'm good.

[CHUCKLING] I don't need to listen to this crap.

Thank you.

IRIS: Lieutenant Colonel, I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.
- I am not.


Hope. Hope, what the hell?

- You don't trust them, either.
- Hi.

I know you don't.

Yes, I do. Why would you even...

Because you've been having nightmares every night since Dad left.

Are they about Dad?

[CHUCKLES] I don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah. Because we don't talk about stuff like that, not what went on, not what goes on.

Here's what just happened.

That bitch is gonna come at me, and I'm gonna have to listen to what she says?

Screw that.

She is part of the reason why we're never gonna see Dad again.

And deep down inside, you know that.

I gotta go.





Hi, Dr. K.

Iris. Hello. Come in.


These doors are only supposed to be hard to open once you're dead.

But I do like that they consider me slightly dangerous.

Well, you do bore people to death on a regular basis, so...


Get in here. Get in here.

Thank you.


Sit down.

It's the same thing.

I see myself stumbling around dead.

I wake up.

I start thinking about all the stuff I have to do.

So I get up and I do it.


How's the tea?

It's good.

That's why I come here.
I come here for the tea.

Mm-hmm. [COUGHS]

You come here because you keep trying to cure your trauma in minutes or less.

How's that going?

You still haven't talked to her about it, huh?


Talking to your sister honestly about what happened, about how you feel about what happened, it'll help.


This is the first Monument Day we're on our own, you know, with my dad being gone.

It's just... It's just us, you know, and I didn't want to right now.

Yeah, yeah, but you... you want to... you want to stop having these dreams so you can sleep so you can get more done.

Yes, I have got a lot to do.

Yes, well, I am not here to enhance your productivity.

I am here to help you be the best you.

It's not like we've never talked about it.

Talked about what?

You know.

You know.

Tell me like I don't.

It was chaos that night.

Let's go!

We were trying to get to the campus, to safety.

There was a woman. She was pregnant.

- Can you help me?
- Stay there!

We wanted to help her, but we couldn't.

- We'll come get you!

We lost her because the sky was falling.



And our mom died.

'Cause of...

Dr. K: Not because of the plane crash.

Tell me why.

It was empties.

It was later that night.

It happened right in front of Hope.

She saw it happen. She was all alone.

- And I should have been there, but I was...
- Iris.

What happened that night, the reason you weren't there for her, it's defined who you are today.

- Come on, come on, go!


I was scared. I just froze up.


Me and my dad got separated from Mom and Hope.


And that's the last time I saw my mom.

See, you feel like you didn't do enough then, so now... now you have to do everything for everyone.

I'm... I'm building a better future.

Iris, I think you're dreaming you're dead because you are neglecting you.

You are not dating.

You are not... You're not pursuing your art.

- Oh, I told you I don't have time for that.
- Exactly.

Your head is shoved so far up the future's ass, you've completely abandoned the now.

There are , people here.

That is too many people to be living for.



I've been thinking about the end quite a lot lately, for obvious reasons.


Our lives are more precious than ever.

You don't want to wind up in my position and realize you haven't used the years for yourself.

So... how do I live for myself?

Talk to your sister.

Let go of all that you have been holding on to for her.


That's all I got.

Other than, well, after that, it's your life.

Only you can figure out how to give it meaning.

It's got a helmet! Knock it back!



All that booze?

- ELTON: Three!
- You really thought you'd get away with it?

- Four!
- I almost did.


It's too bad I don't know anyone super cool in security that could have given me a heads-up.

Even if I could've, you make the wine, you serve the time.

How come you never talk about your life in the City?

Wasn't there long.

I like it better here.

That's insane.

Why is that insane?

'Cause the City's like times bigger and cooler than this place.

You know there's over a hundred miles of crap between us and them.

You know that, right?

- If you're even thinking of...
- I am thinking about going.

One way or another.


It's all gonna be gone by the time I'm old enough to decide to go see it by myself.

We're gonna be gone.

Everybody is so torqued up about building things back up again, but it's so pointless.


You really think the world's gonna end?

I know it is.


It's not even about the empties.

I mean, it is, but it's about the people.

People are shit.

People turn.

It's just the odds.


It just is.


It ain't "it is what it is".

I think it is what we're gonna make it.


And that's my blow line.


Everybody get low in your horse stance.


Repeat after me and punch forward.

We are the masters of our fate!

How do we form our fate?!


MOM: Hope, we have to go through, okay?

It's the only way out.


- Health!
- Health!

- Friendship!
- Friendship!

ELTON: Honesty!





- Integrity!
- Integrity!

ELTON: Attention.




- SILAS: Iris?

Uh, hi!

Oh, I didn't... Uh, we were just, uh...

We were at the janitor's office and saw you walk by, and, uh, Elton found an Easy-Bake Oven.

We made cake.

Oh, thank you, but, um [CLEARS THROAT]

Hey, Iris.

Hey, guys.

HOPE: You have the cabinet open.

With our classmates here.


When did it...


I mean...

Uh, it must have come earlier today.

His safety isn't assured?

Your dad's sending messages?

You can't say anything.

We won't.

How do we know you won't?

I sneak out.

Out there?


That's how I found the Easy-Bake Oven.

That's why I wear the suit. It's a TuffyStitch.

Kids can wear 'em. Kids can't tear 'em.

Durable clothes from the ' s.


I know from controlled experiments.

Anyway, I-I go out there looking for something that I lost.

And I want to see how our world is changing.

Now you have my secret, and I have yours.


I won't tell.


That message could mean a lot of things.

It could mean nothing.

The CR's been very up front about...

There were more helicopters.

Yeah, uh, Elizabeth said they could only spare one, but there were five, and some of them had shipping containers.

You were out there?

- Why the hell didn't you...
- Who cares?

The CRM is bad, and our dad's in trouble.

And there's only one person who can help us help him.




Thanks for helping me tag those empties.

I like it out here.

And if painting empties helps Dr. Bavolar study their migration patterns,

I'm happy to do it.

It's important work.

It is. That's why I do it.

Yeah. That's one reason.

You thrive on the unglamorous because you're still trying to prove yourself.


I thrive on the un...

After what your parents did to you?

- Yeah, I think so.

- Man.
- Alright.

You're the only one around here doesn't realize you're aces.

Will sure as hell thought so.

I'm sure he still does.

Don't think I didn't notice you're wearing his jacket.

Hey, he left it at my place before he shipped out, so what are you gonna do?

You miss him.

I mean, he's off who knows where protecting the girls' father.

I mean, what's...

You miss him.

You can say it.

Yeah. I do.

I really do, okay?

- Felix.
- [SIGHS] What?

Your folks dealt you a bad hand.

I just want you to be happy.

You deserve it.

And that's all I'm trying to say.

- That's nice.
- So, happy birthday, bitch!

IZZY: Felix, you copy?

Yeah, Izzy. Go for Felix.

I got Hope Bennett here looking for you.

Says it's urgent.


The science exchange with the Civic Republic is about building trust.


This is the first time that they've let anyone inside their borders, wherever the hell their borders are.


He's breaking like provisions of the Four Corners Agreement by even sending us these messages.

Now, we knew that before we left.

We talked about it.

So what?

He could be in danger, Felix.

I mean, we... we have to tell someone, or we have to have someone check on him.

He told us not to say anything about these messages because we don't know what the Civic Republic would do if they found out.

He's such an idiot.

He's probably the smartest person alive.

He told us not to say anything to keep you safe.


I promised him that I'd keep you safe.

We don't know if he's in trouble, and if we did, we would have to put our faith

- in his security detail.
- And your boyfriend.

Will is head of your dad's security detail because he can handle himself.

He can fight his way out of anything if he has to.

I'm sorry.

We don't have any other choice.



Hope, come on.

Would you please talk to me?

Hope, stop!

"My safety not assured".

That's what it said.

That might have been what it said, but it's letters and numbers.

- It could be radio static.
- How can you not see this?!

They are bad people, Iris, and they have our dad!

Are you talking about us?

The Civic Republic?

One of your Alliance partners?

How are we bad, exactly?

Come on. Tell me.

You don't let anyone in or out.

You won't let people communicate with your people.

Or vice versa.

You don't tell anyone where you are.

And you have our dad.

I have a daughter.


She's a bit older than you guys.

She's a soldier in the CRM.


She's away from me a great deal.

And that makes me scared sometimes.

Then I remember that she's helping to protect the Civic Republic.

She's helping us with the Alliance of the Three.

She's taking that risk to help us eventually bring this world back.

And that makes me brave.

We have to be brave in this life we have.

Simply to exist now.


I'm... I'm gonna tell you something so you can trust me.

Something that will make me need to trust you.

Your father is teaching in a Civic Republic research facility in New York State.

So, this... this is a coded map, so it doesn't show you where in New York, but that watermark and that stamp, that will show certain people that I gave that to you.

I told you.

And if those certain people found that out, I would certainly go to jail.

We have those.

Are you for real?

I am.

I also might be a bit drunk.

How did you learn to make champagne?

I read a book in the Ag library.

Wait, Felix gave you my alcohol?

Well, he said it was a generous gift form the Campus Colony.

[LAUGHING] You really are your father's daughter.

You both are.

I saw that when I landed, you with your banner, you flipping me off.

How does that make us like our dad?

You're brave.


How'd you get out there when she landed?

I rode in the luggage compartment.


[LAUGHING] You're an idiot.

[BRITISH ACCENT] I am my father's daughter.


[NORMAL VOICE] I also need a drink, and the bitch in black has all my alcohol.


Dad left a bottle of brandy in his office.






HOPE: Okay, maybe that was more than one drink.

IRIS: Hope, we slept through it.

It's bad.


What do we do?


There's nothing we can do.

So we just deal.

We hope... and we wait.

Your speech is in an hour.

If it means anything, I think...

I think Dad would want you to.


Dr. K?









And the message I am here to deliver on behalf of the Civic Republic on this your th Monument Day is one of solidarity.

The Civic Republic stands with Portland, with Omaha, and with you, the Campus Colony.

You have loaned us your greatest mind,

Dr. Leo Bennett, who will bring other great minds on a journey to create the science that will bring this world back.

And it's trust we've built that allows this to happen.

No one has given us more trust than Leo's two daughters.

And it's my honor now to introduce one of them.

She is Monument High Student Council President and future scientist Iris Bennett.



Representatives from our...

Uh, our...



I have these dreams that I'm dead.

I don't talk about them.

The person who was helping me, she's gone.

And the last thing she told me is that it's up to me now.


And I guess that's growing up... when the person in charge of your life is... you.

When I'm in these dreams [SIGHS]

I feel like I've always been in them, like I was never alive, like I never made it to now, let alone the future.

The Night the Sky Fell, I was just a little kid, and I just jumped to living for the future.

I think a lot of us did.

And what I figured out...

I have to start with now.

And I think "now" starts with the truth.

And the truth is...


... I don't trust you.

I don't know who you are.

I-I don't know what you're doing.

You will.

Your father does.

Someday you will understand.

That's just not good enough.


Science is about finding the truth, not just deciding on it.

And that... that's... that's hard.

That's... That's scary.

Because it means admitting that we don't have all the answers.

And we don't know what we'll find when we're looking for them.


But someone once told me that I'm brave.


That I have to be.


So I'm gonna keep working in the now to find it.

For me.

For the Civic Republic.

For Portland.


For all of us.


Happy Monument Day.


He wasn't asking for help, but we know he might need it.

- And that's enough.
- Enough for what?

Enough for us to go and help him somehow.

A-Are you serious?

Felix won't go, okay?

Not with us here to protect.

And... And Dad's message isn't going to make him.

It's us.

We have to do it. We know where he is.

- So we go? Just us?
- Mm-hmm.

If things were like before, this would still be crazy.

No one else is gonna do it.

I know you're scared.

I am, too.

But I can't look away anymore.

I can't lie.

And I know you can't, either.

I froze that night.

But I'm not freezing anymore.

Seeing Mom die...

You shouldn't have had to go through that by yourself.


I'm glad you didn't have to see it.

[SCREAMING] Watch out. Watch out, baby!



Okay. Okay. You okay?

It's okay. It's okay.


The... The truck! We could take it.

Looks like you're the one saving me, baby.


- Come on!
- No, no, stay, stay, stay.

- Stay where you are.
- Oh! Oh!

I'm taking... I'm taking... I'm taking this truck.

And, uh, I'm gonna go... I'm gonna go find my family.

Listen, I'm... I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?

My... My husband and... and my other daughter, they... they could be right behind us.

We can all go together, okay?

I can't wait. I can't wait anymore.

I'm sorry. I can't wait any...

- Please! Please!




Mom? Mom? Mom?







Mom! Mom, please! Mom!

I'm right here, Mom!



- [CRYING] I'm...
- Mom.




HOPE: I'm glad you didn't see it.


I'm glad you didn't have to see any of it.

So you're in?

We could die.

We could live.

And when we get there, what are we gonna...

When we get there, we'll be different.

We'll be ready.




We know a way out.


So how do you know where to go?

Elizabeth gave us a map to try and get us to trust her.

He's somewhere in New York.

SILAS: You're gonna go?

All that way?

It's , miles on foot.

We've already mapped it out.

To get there before it gets cold, you'll have to keep a good pace.

We will.

Have you seen an empty up close before?

I've been training how to k*ll them.

Look, if you're trying to talk us out of it...

Sorry. I'm not trying to talk you out of it.

I'm trying to talk you into letting me go with you.

Me too.


Well, you need help, and I'd like for the time I have left on this Earth to mean something.

And full disclosure here, I just want to see what's out there before we're gone.

Before I'm gone.


Plus, I know karate.


Why do you wanna come?


I don't wanna be who everybody thinks I am here.








HUCK: Marco Voci from the physical plant

says his nephew is missing.

- It's the big kid.

FELIX: Silas.

Yeah, and Elton Ortiz from the independent dorm is gone, too.





I was training her to fight the dead.

I was trying to help her in my own way, man.

Listen, if they left together, they gotta be headed for Omaha.

That's where she said she wanted to go.


No, I know where they're going.

They'll never make it.

They'll die.







What is it?

It's a-a h-horn.

From a triceratops.

It's mine.

It's what I've been going outside the walls looking for.

I lost it a long, long time ago.

It was supposed to be a gift for my sister.

You had a sister?

My mother was pregnant with her the night that things went bad.

We weren't together.

I never saw her again.


I'm sorry.

Don't be.


My mother used to say the wind always wins... that is, nature decides, and it obviously decided.


HOPE: Hey, guys, you coming?

You go ahead. I-I'll be right there.




- ♪♪

We should get going. Felix is gonna be coming for us.


So much cooler than the dummy I was training with!

Sorry you got my hand-me-downs.

Oh, don't be.

Gave it a bit of an upgrade.

Oh, hell, yes!


Let's see what discoveries await us, shall we?

So, you gonna tell me what you've been writing in your sketchbook?

IRIS: Stuff I've been thinking about, stuff about living in the now.

And guess what. I didn't dream last night.



♪ Come ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ Come here at once ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ Come on a night with no moon ♪

Wait, no, no, no, no. I'll do it.

I want to.

I brought us out here.

You sure? 'Cause I can do it.

I know.



IRIS: The truth is the words I say to myself.


And the truth is, I don't know how this is going to work out.

Or if it even will.

♪ Cheered me ♪

But I'm finally living for me in the now.

Searching for my own truth.

And do you know what?

♪ Insignificant ♪

It feels good.













We've searched every building on campus and the surrounding areas.

We can't find her.








What is it?

The Blaze of Glory.

Can we get through it?

Let's keep moving.

Hope *** from my part of it.

They're gonna do a better job at covering up the tracks.

We've had two close encounters with the empties, and we barely made it past them.


Going on hours.

- I'm fine.
- You are not.

- I can't see.
- This way.