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01x09 - Ladies and Gentlemen, the Doctor Is In

Posted: 09/30/20 18:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Imposters"...

The symbol of the wanderer who finally stops his wandering.

After it ended, I couldn't get the clasp to open and just kinda got used to having it on.

- Boom. We are all... all five of us... in the exact same boat.

We run, the feds catch us, or the Doctor kills us.

I have a plan.

What do we do?

You will each have specific jobs.

- Pretty discreet, huh? Yeah, I'd never notice it.

I can't wait to make you my wife.

I can't wait to be your wife.

You'll be sorry if you marry her!

What the hell was that?

I thought he was working with her.

The whole lame brother backstory and everything?

This actually might be good for us.

I know you're in the FBI.

I'm not. Don't.


Dad left the liquor cabinet open.

Stupid Dad. [laughs]

The service here was incredible.

Thanks. Oh, my God, he's like a boner with a body. Now that's funny.

What's your angle? Immunity.

I get you the Doctor, you get me someplace new to start over.

Ezra Bloom, my ex, Max, my right-hand man...

You have to leave them alone for this to play out.

Do we have a deal? I'm gonna need the ring.

Oh, this?

[dynamic music]

[safe beeping]

[police shouting]

I got you on credit card fraud, I got you on identity theft, and I got you on petty larceny.

So you are going to do whatever it is I need you to do to take her down.

[Cover of "Where Is My Mind" by Pixies plays]

♪ ♪ Maybe it's true, what some people say...

Who you are is just a collection of choices... decisions that somehow... all add up to the person you become.

You know, I used to think that your choices either made you good or bad... responsible or irresponsible.

But maybe... maybe that's not quite right.

Maybe it's more like your choices either make you more or make you less... yourself, who you really are, who you were always meant to be.

Maybe we're all just [beeping] hurtling toward [buzzer] our essential selves, and choice has nothing at all to do with it.

Choice has everything to do with it.

Only question is what choice are you gonna make?

♪ ♪

[edgy music]

♪ ♪

[phone buzzing]


What's up?

I told you right from the start, we can't depend on these amateurs.

Calm down. What happened?

It's quarter after 11:00, and I'm sitting here, trying to fight off an aneurism, because Richard is a no-show.

The wedding is in two days, Maddie.

Rehearsal's tomorrow. If they can't be depended on...

Okay, take a breath.

I-I'll find Richard. Everything's under control.

God damn it, it doesn't feel like it, does it?

[whispers] Shit.

♪ Oh, my God...♪


[giggles] Oh, yeah, that's a good one.

Let me see. It's a really good one.

Ew, no, I hate my hair. Oh... come on, your hair looks great. It just looks like you had a really good time last night.

I did. Your turn.

Ah, no. Your turn... hey.

No, let's... let's not do that.

Oh, my God, let me guess. You're married.

You're totally cheating. What? No.

Hey, I'm not married. I just...

I gotta... Lie faster.

Okay, okay, look, here's the thing.

Listen, I'm not really the CEO of a robotics corporation.

Dude, you're staying at the Roadrunner Inn, so, yeah, no kidding. So?

God, why do guys always do this?

Why do you think that you have to pretend to be somebody else?

All right, all right. Hey, uh, you're right.

I'm sorry okay?

It's a very long story, and it's very boring, and I will tell you next time, okay?

♪ Do you believe it? ♪

♪ Oh, my God, here we are...♪ Wait, wh- [squeals, giggles]

Hey, don't... don't delete it. Oh, what are you gonna do?

You gonna pout about it like a little baby?

Oh, you're in trouble now. Is that what you're gonna do?

- ♪ Imagination running ♪ How much trouble am I in?

A lot of trouble. Why don't you tell me

- how much trouble. ♪ When you fall in love ♪

♪ You fall harder than most ♪

♪ Is there any other way to go...♪ Oh! Hey... What the f*ck is this?

You are married. No, I'm not mar...

I'm... I'm kinda. It's very complicated, okay?

Ugh, what is this? Some kinda game you freaks play?

[laughs] No, it's not a game.

I mean, hey, it could be if... Ugh, oh, my God.

Time to go, honey.

Okay, hey, first of all, my name is Kara.

Bye, Kara. Hey, that's my shirt.

Just so you know, I was lied to.

Yeah, join the club.

Kara, that's... [groans] Are you kidding me?

You were supposed to meet with Max this morning.

Oh, sure, I was.

He said after breakfast, and it's still after breakfast.

Richard, I need your head in the game.

Ow! Okay! Whoa! This head, or none of this is going to work.

All right, sue me. I was having sex, okay?

Some of us have sex because we like it, not 'cause it's our job. Oh, really?

Did you get it out of your system?

Yep, I did. Yeah?

You feel better now? Can you actually do your job?

You know what, don't talk to me like I'm that guy, some jerk with no self-control.

You know, Alice never would've talked to me like that.

I loved Alice because she was supportive.

Jesus, when are you going to understand this?

You were never in love with me.

You were in love with who you were when you were with me.


I gotta unpack that.

[camera shutter clicks]

Yo, mind your own business.

[laughs] Hard to do since you can hear everything through the wall.


Well, I hope you enjoyed the show.

Oh, I did. I especially like the part when you laughed hysterically right after you came.

Or was it during?

It was after because it tickles, and I'm just trying to bring a little joy to your sad, miserable little life.

Wow, I should go unpack then.

Enough, both of you!

Why? What do you do after sex, huh?

You probably roll over and weep, don't you?

Shut up. You don't...

Richard... Richard, go. Does she? Do you cry?

Oh, my God, no, she doesn't. For f*ck's sake, go!

[both sigh]

Let me see the art piece. It's not finished.

I'm not asking.

Now this doesn't have to be so hard.

In fact, this can be pretty simple.

See, I already know who you are.

You're not Maddie's brother from Pottsville.

You're Ezra Bloom from Indianapolis, and you're a good man.

A good man?

At least up until now.

You know, before I met Maddie, I'd never really been in love.

I mean, I thought I had once in college, but I never really gave it a chance.

I was always on the lookout for something more...

Some fantasy or something.

And I started to think maybe... maybe there's something wrong with me.

Uh, you know, 'cause I...

I don't know why I can't feel that thing that everybody else can feel.

And then I met Maddie, and I knew I wasn't broken.

You called me a good man.

I don't know.

All I know... is that I'm no longer just Ezra Bloom from Indianapolis.

All right, like I said, it's not finished yet, okay?

Yeah... [laughs] You don't have to say anything.

I love it.

Really? [laughs] Thanks.

I mean, I-I wanted a really simple concept, and I thought the fabric on top would really help.

How does the money switch work?

Of course. What was... I expecting?

This isn't even art to you.

It's just a prop for your little scheme.

[upbeat pop music]

The, uh... the art piece goes into the gift room.

I switch out the real money with the fake money.


Does that suit your standards, Your Highness?


It'll work.

Do you even know this is the first thing I've made since...

♪ ♪ I'm not doing any of this for you.

Yeah, well, whoever it is you're doing it for, it's perfect.

At least someone's doing their job.

♪ ♪

- "Arr" you home? I'm down here.

[grunts] All right.

Is it still after breakfast? Brought donuts.

Man, you should've seen Maddie this morning, man.

She was in a mood.

You bring what I asked you to get?

[sighs] Listen, man, I'm sorry if there was some confusion...

Confusion? Oh, I'm not confused.

Are you confused?

Uh, I got your stuff.

What's this? Mustache.

Different... I said human hair, applied with Telesis.

Yeah, the guy at the costume store...

The costume store?

Look, I can go back if you want me to...

Do you think we're trick-or-treating here?

Is that what you think?

That we're going to the f*cking Renaissance Faire?

[distant splash]

I'll go back. No, sit down.

Sit down. We're gonna do this right.

[edgy music]


Here's what I think. You're the victim in all this.

You simply got caught in the web of a very gifted con artist.

I'm fully aware of how charming she can be.

Oh, man, I bet you are. I bet you know all about it.

All right, come on, knock it off.

I had a job to do. No, no, no, you know... it's, uh... it's one thing you guys have in common, I guess, uh... devotion to your work.

Well, I don't know if I'd put it that way, but I suppose.

You know what she told me?

She said that with you... it was real.

Of course, that was probably a lie too.

Well, that's what liars do.

They lie. Yeah.

Yeah, well...

Or maybe she did feel something, because, uh, I mean, when you guys met, you... you weren't even her mark, were you?

She was mine.


So maybe the real question is did you feel something?

Doesn't really matter at this point, does it?

Well, I don't know, man.

It kinda pisses me off, to be honest...

You just sitting there, telling me, uh, I'm a victim, like you're above it...

Like you were in control the whole time.

I don't know.

I call bullshit.

You fell for her, didn't you?

Come on... tell me you never felt something the whole time you were with her.

Tell me you never loved her.

[edgy music]


Sit tight.

♪ ♪ This is your proposal?

You want me to put 500,000 real American dollars into a bag and hope that everything turns out because you trust a con artist?

I know it's not the original plan, but...

Oh, no, I read it.

It's very thorough, except you left out the part that this operation is totally compromised.

Agent Cook, this is the better play.

Maddie tells the Doctor they found the missing money.

He comes to claim it.

Once he takes the bait, we've got our man on mail fraud, grand theft larceny, money laundering.

We don't have to wait until after the marriage.

How do you know she hasn't already told the Doctor you're FBI?

Because if she did, he'd k*ll her.

And she really wants out.

This I know for a fact.

And the loose ends? Ezra Bloom in custody...

I convince Ezra to cooperate, we use him to keep tabs on Maddie, and make sure everything's going forward.

And what about the girlfriend, Jules?

We think she's a civilian.

You think? Figure it out.

I want eyes on her. Got it.

All right.

I will approve this deal on one condition.

You give me solid hard evidence that the Doctor will show up.

No surprises. Get it done.

Both: Yes, ma'am.


This work can mess with your head and your heart.

Be careful.

I gotcha, loud and clear.

[groovy rock music]

♪ ♪ Can I ask you something?

You probably know Maddie better than... well, anybody, right?

What makes you think that?

I mean, we were all married to her, but, like, that whole time, you actually knew the real person.

Well, maybe, maybe not.

Who's to say what's real about a person?

No, only they can know that. And even then...

Can you honestly say you know who you really are?

♪ ♪ I mean, not anymore, but I know who I wanted to be.

♪ I got what you need...♪ So this guy that you wanted to be...

What's stopping you from becoming that person?

I don't know. I guess when Alice left, I just sort of stopped believing in him.

So the one stopping you is you, huh?

♪ ♪

♪ I got what you need ♪ Smile. Hmm?

I said smile. You know how to smile, don't ya?


Well, not like an idiot. Just a regular smile.

You know. Uh, the trick is to smile when you're putting on a mustache.

Otherwise, no matter how good the adhesive, your facial movement will force it off.

♪ ♪ There.


I'll say this for you, kid.

You got a good smile. [laughs]


Hey, you can't just leave me in here.



Hey... hey, man, you know you can't keep me indefinitely.

You know, that is a thing.

Sit down.

Open it.


Jesus. Mm-hmm.

Keep going.

You see, these people... they used to work for the Doctor as well.

It seems he's got a pretty strict policy when it comes to loyalty.

[dark music]

I don't believe you.

I don't care what you believe.

He's running cons all across the country, pulling in millions of dollars a year and leaving a trail of bodies when it suits him.

Maybe you're next. I don't know.

Shit, maybe you've ruined your own life so much that you just don't have anything left to lose.

Whatever. But know this...

This is gonna happen to Maddie, and you have the power to stop it.

So if you wanna make sure she doesn't end up in a ditch, I'm gonna need you to help me.

♪ ♪ You can keep her safe.

You help me, we get the Doctor.

We get the Doctor, you saved her life.

[edgy percussive music]

♪ ♪ Well, what would I need to do?


Do you know where she keeps her phone?

In her purse, I guess.

No, no, no, not the personal. The burner.


First thing you're gonna need to do is find it.

[tense music]

I'm gonna teach you how to turn it into a microphone.

♪ ♪ Ezra Bloom... welcome to the FBI.

[Miss Mercury's "Bring Me Back To You" plays over intercom]

♪ ♪

♪ Ooh-hoo just bring me back to you ♪

[soft background chatter]

♪ ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh just bring me back to you... ♪ Oh, my God! Oh... [laughs] Hi.

What are you doing here? Yeah, well, I'm an artist.

And, uh... what are you doing here?

Oh, I... I decided I was gonna get all ambitious and make this wedding scrapbook thing, but then I realized I have no idea what I'm doing, so I was gonna ask for help, but then... [stammers]

[laughs] What are you doing?

What are you making? Um, yeah, my present for the wedding.

Kind of an art piece.

Oh, that's awesome.

I don't know.

So my brother is about to marry the sister of your boyfriend, so that kinda makes us something...

I guess. Yeah, something.

Well, I think that sounds like a good excuse to get lunch and just get to know each other.

Ah, I would...

Come on. Look, I'll pay.


I need pro tips from a real artist.

I really do.

Um... yeah, let's do it.

[both chuckle]

[soft pop music]

♪ ♪ Thanks for coming.

[clears throat]

Any particular reason you wanted to meet here?

Oh, coffee's good.

Happened to be close.

Not because this is where we first met?

Where you lured in your mark?

Well, maybe I am a little nostalgic.

♪ ♪ Terms of my surrender.

No, not surrender.



Never thought witness protection would be considered freedom.

Maddie, it's a chance to start over.

All I've ever done is start over.

Well, maybe this time it can be for real.

You know, for a minute there, that's what I thought you and I were doing.

You have a deal.

[soft pop song continues]

A little while.

How did you and Ezra meet?

Oh, you know, online. Online dating.


So what about you? Are... are you married?

Me? No. No.

Not yet.

Haven't found the... lucky lady.

Do you guys live together? Because I'm starting to think...

You know, I dated a woman once.


Oh, come on, you didn't, like, know?

Really? What?

You didn't have like a... like a sense?

I don't make assumptions about people.

I think it's more fun to be surprised.

Ah, so you're... you're surprised?

I didn't say that.

♪ ♪


So what was she like? This... this woman?

[pop music in background]

Um, when I first met her, I knew in my gut that she was bad news.

[laughs] Scared the shit out of me.

But... it felt good.

It felt good to be afraid?

To be afraid of something other than myself.

And it was a relief... like... suddenly, there was no room for all my usual fears always holding me back.

And how could I be? I was consumed by fear of her... of her getting bored, of her leaving.

Kind of a messed up freedom, but... [laughs]

So then what happened?

Should've trusted my gut.

♪ ♪ So she broke your heart.

So what did your gut say, uh, when you met me?

[laughs] That you liked Amarula.

That's all? [both laugh]

You ask a lot of questions.

Wait, what do you do again?

I'm an investigator.

An insurance investigator, so... questions are an occupational hazard.

Or maybe you're just interested.

♪ ♪ Maybe I'm just interested.

[suspenseful music]

[locks clicking]

♪ ♪

[gentle piano music]

♪ ♪

[edgy music]

♪ ♪


[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪ Jesus.

We need to talk.

What are you doing here? How'd you get in?

Oh, I've learned a few tricks along the way.

Hm. What do you want?

You know what? I'm asking the questions today.

Come and sit down.

This should be interesting.



The whole time I was searching for you, I thought I was looking for revenge or justice or, uh...

I don't know... for you to love me again.

I guess at the very least, I wanted to find...

Agent Simons, mic's in. We got audio.

I wanted to make trouble for you.

I wanted to screw up your next con.

But I don't give a shit about your next con.

Ezra, what do you need?


How does a girl from Pottsville become... whatever you are?

That's what you want? That's what I want.

That's all I want.


My parents... the ones you met in Pottsville... they adopted me when I was eight.

Till then, I was living with my grandma and her boyfriend.


She would leave me alone with him.

So I would go to the nearest mall, and I would pick a new family.

Every time, a different family...

A nice one that I could maybe fit into.

And I would follow them around the mall.

I'd pretend to be the kid that trails just a little behind.

One day, I was following this mother and two daughters.

Followed them out into the parking lot, into their car, and I thought... maybe they can be my family.

Anyway, they took me to the police.

Then foster care, and that's a whole other... rougher story.

[gentle piano music]


Fine. I grew up in a boarding school outside of Boston.

It was run by the CIA.

We were all orphans... children of m*rder*d spies...


I'm really an alien from outer space.

I came here to learn your ways. f*ck you, Maddie.


Don't try to know me, Ezra.

I'm not worth it.

If it's all just make-believe, then why'd you keep this?

Why would you keep a stupid anklet if it didn't mean something?

[tense music]

It did mean something. That's why I kept it.

And then I met someone new, and he took it off, and that meant something too.

♪ ♪

[jewelry clatters]

So yeah, that's me right there.

Uh, thanks for lunch and, uh, asking some interesting questions.

[laughs] That was fun.


Um... well... [stammers] Do...

Would... would you like to see, uh, the piece I'm making?

Yeah... this is it...

Where the... Magic happens.


Art... [laughs] Magic.

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪ Sorry, no, I have to stop. Okay, okay...

I really... rea... Mm-hmm.

I shouldn't do that.

♪ ♪

Sorry, I shouldn't do that.

Totally, totally. Patrick is going to k*ll me.

Ezra would k*ll me. You have a f*cking...

You have a boyfriend. This is a bad idea.

Yes, it is.

[laughs] This is complicated.

Wow. [laughs]

Or maybe... not complicated.

Would I sound totally immature if I said...

I won't tell if you won't?

At this moment, it sounds like the most mature f*cking thing I've ever heard.

♪ ♪

[dark music]

♪ ♪

- Yeah? You were right.

I don't think we can trust Ezra.

I told you that.

- It doesn't matter. [sighs]

He could actually screw this whole thing.

He's acting all jumpy and...

Listen to me, it doesn't matter.

I talked to the Doctor today. He's coming.

He's gonna be at the wedding to get his money.

We just to have to make sure it happens.

I'm scared. Well, don't be.

Once the Doctor grabs that money, we're home free.


What are we gonna do about Ezra?

What you've always done... Manage him, then ditch him.

The FBI can have him. I don't... whatever.


Time to put him behind me.


Sorry, brother, but as the man said, the truth shall set you free.

♪ ♪

[mellow guitar music]

- [mellow guitar music] _

♪ ♪

I still think this is ridiculous.

A rehearsal dinner for a fake wedding?

Well, the con is in the details.

For all we know, the Doctor has eyes on us right now.

So he wants a wedding, let's give him a wedding.

So where'd you find the minister?

Is he with the Bureau? Uh, no, not exactly.

He's with the Anglicans. He's real.

[whispers] Oh, Lord.

Can you believe all this meat?

Hmm, yeah, great.

You must be... don't tell me... the bride's brother. Is that right?

Yeah. That is so great... that you can be here for her to support her on her special day.

Yeah, she's had a lot of special days.

Hey there, Jules.

Oh, hey, yourself. Hi.

[small inhale] Have you met my auntie?

No, I don't think I have.

Uh, Auntie, this is Jules.

This is, uh, Saffron's brother's girlfriend.

Hello. Hello.

Isn't Jules a boy's name? It's short for Julia.

Julia's pretty short as is.

[laughs] Okay, Auntie, why don't we go on ahead and get you something to eat.

Nice to meet you. Yeah, you... you too.

I like to keep my sermons personal... so I was hoping to get [phone buzzing] just a teeny tiny bit of background on your story.

You know, when you met, how you met, when that light bulb went off, and you finally knew.


Oh, don't everybody talk at once. [laughs]

All right, I'll start. Um...

No, I'll tell it.

Okay, this is good.

Well, I met Patrick randomly in a coffee shop.

That was Seattle, right? Right.

But I found out later that it wasn't random at all.

He was actually stalking me for awhile, waiting to lure me in. Okay.

[laughs] She's kidding, of course. Oh... [both laugh]


The real story is that I had heard about her through mutual acquaintances, so I arranged to bump into her.

And she turned out to be even more... unreal than I could even imagine.


Oh, gosh, that's just...

So you two were set up? [phone buzzing]

Well, at least one of us was.

Excuse me.

♪ ♪ Weddings can be very stressful.

Three, two, one, go.

[grunting] One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi, five Mississippi.

Not bad. Thank you.

Get it down to three, and you're good to go.

I mean, if you'd count for me, [phone buzzing]

I can focus my energies on...

It's Maddie. You mind if I take this?

Eh, sure, we'll set it up again when you're done with your call. I'm gonna rack out.


[sighs] What's the problem, Richard?

Nah, it's all good. Everything's great.

You called me six times.

Yeah, I, uh...

I just wanted to say that you were right.

Um, I thought about what you said earlier... about me not being in love with you and being in love with who I was when I was with you.

And I talked it out with Max.

You talked it out with Max?

[laughs] Yeah.

Yeah, Max and I are homies.

Uh, he helped me put some things in perspective.

I can still be the man that I wanna be without Alice.

Yeah, well, that's great, Richie.

I'm glad to hear it.

[sighs] Max is... He's good with this shit, man, 'cause it's from experience, you know?

He was telling me this story about this chick he was in love with, and, I mean, the same sort of thing.

Some shit went down, she betrayed him or something and he found her at, like, a train station, about to leave town, but he had to give her up.

[ominous music]

He said what?

Yeah, I mean, I don't know the details, but it sounded really intense.

But that's what I have to do, right?

I mean, I have to give it up.

But hey, without pain, there's no wisdom.

- Yeah, I gotta go. Yeah, talk to you later.

♪ ♪

[suave guitar music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

[woman singing in French]

♪ ♪ This whole thing's pretty weird, right?

What? Nothing.

You okay? Yeah... no, uh, it is weird.

You know, in Old English, weird used to mean destiny.

I did a paper once on "Beowulf."

You think this is, like, our destiny?

Okay, seriously, you wanna tell me what's up?


♪ ♪

[whispers] I slept with Gina.

You what? Last night.

Don't look.

You slept with Gina?

[sighs] Oh, God, I slept with the woman who I know isn't who she really says she is.

Is this, like, a pattern?

Is there something wrong with me?

Yeah, tha... that's pretty f*cked up.


How... how was it?



You bedded an undercover agent.

Damn, girl.

I guess I can cross that off the bucket list, huh?

I mean, come on, at least somebody besides Richard's getting some action around here, right?

You're a really understanding boyfriend.

You know that?

♪ ♪


♪ It's a new dawn ♪

♪ It's a new day ♪

♪ It's a new life for me ♪

♪ It's a new dawn ♪

♪ It's a new day ♪

♪ Whoo ♪

♪ And I'm feeling good ♪

[bluesy music]

[sighs] I'm gonna miss that view.

Me too.

♪ ♪

♪ Fish in the sea ♪

♪ You know how I feel...♪

[breathes deeply]

Never could sleep the night before one of my weddings.

♪ ♪ Yeah, it's tough... the kinda work we do.

♪ ♪ You don't actually believe we do the same kinda work.


No, I don't.

I still have this fantasy...

that I'll meet somebody... who will love me, even though... they'll find out who I really am.

♪ ♪ It's good to have fantasies.

Sometimes, they even end up coming true.

That's not how it works.

Nobody waves a wand.

Moments present themselves, and then you either... make it happen, or you don't.

♪ And this old world is a new world ♪

♪ And a bold world for me ♪

♪ And I'm feelin'...♪ Maddie...

why don't you stay tonight?

For old time's sake.

♪ ♪

♪ Yeah ♪ That's bad luck.

♪ Stars, when you shine ♪

♪ You know how I feel ♪

♪ Scent of the pine ♪

♪ You know how I feel ♪

♪ Oh, freedom is mine ♪

♪ You know how I feel ♪

♪ It's a new dawn ♪

♪ It's a new day ♪

♪ It's a new life...♪ Here... right here.

Right here? Right here.

You sure? Yeah.

Keep the change.

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ And I'm feeling good ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ And I'm feel ♪

♪ Ing good ♪

♪ ♪ You must be Maddie Jonson... femme fatale.

You must be Ezra Bloom, FBI informant.

As far as the FBI knows, you're g*dd*mn right.

You were great. I was, wasn't I?

Yeah, but that whole anklet...

"tell me who you really are" thing was a bit much, pal.

Well, you said to make it look real.

♪ Hmm ♪

♪ ♪

[phone rings]

Hello, Doctor.

Here we go, Max. Are we ready?

Yes, Doctor, everything is on track.

Maddie marries the mark tomorrow, and after that, we'll follow our usual schedule.

Good. This is the big one, Max.

After the Heller fiasco, we have some ground to make up.

That seems doable, doesn't it?

Well, Patrick Campbell's numbers are excellent.

Don't worry. It's only bait.

We should all do very well.

This will be the biggest single score we've ever had.

And how 'bout Maddie?

I take it Lenny Cohen's visit got her back in line?

Oh, yes, Maddie's back to her old self.

Nothing to worry about there.

We're all having fun again.

All right, everyone, tomorrow's the big day.

Game time. Agent Simons.

Okay, everyone should know their jobs.

Let's go over it one more time, just in case.

Agent Anderson will be running...

And personally, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.

Well, I'm pleased to hear that everything's back on track.

I'm promised you that I would take care of it, Doctor, and I did.

Hell, I would never let you down.

We hit some snags, but everything's going very well now.

This isn't over yet, Max.

I need you to keep up the good work.

Oh, of course, Doctor. I'm your eyes and ears.

Bye now.

Ladies and gentlemen... the Doctor is in.


I deliver the art piece to the gift room.

Good. 12:15?

I make sure Max's car has a clear path out.


I seat Max... I mean... the Doctor where Patrick has a clear view of him.


The wedding starts, the song plays.

I hear the song, I start car number one, - and boom. Good.

Again. 12:00?

- I deliver the art piece. 12:15.

Make sure Max's car has a clear path out.

12:20. [continue indistinctly]

♪ ♪