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02x02 - The Southern Lights

Posted: 09/14/20 08:50
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

[Dramatic music]

The Southern water tribe is under siege.

When Avatar Korra was att*cked by a dark spirit, Chief Unalaq was the only one able to stop it.

So Korra turned her back on Tenzin and chose Unalaq as her new spiritual mentor.

Tenzin and his family left for a vacation at the Southern air temple, while Korra remained in the water tribe.

Will she be able to restore balance between humans and spirits?

You're early.

What can I say?

I'm pumped up to learn that Unalaq spirit fighting.

I'm not here to teach you to fight spirits.

I'm here to help you begin your spiritual training.

We're going to one of the most remote places in the world...

The long-neglected spiritual center of your tribe: The South pole.

You're gonna train me at the South pole?

We will do more than just train.

By neglecting the spirits, the people of the South have brought darkness upon themselves, and now it threatens to destroy our tribe.

We must set things right.

The Southern water tribe depends on you.

A dangerous trip to the South pole?

Count me in.

There it is, the Southern air temple.

Isn't it magnificent?

Master Tenzin, welcome.

Good to see you again, Abbot Shung.

Is there anything you need?


Dandelion Greens?

Ah, perhaps you'd like to re-center yourself by meditating in the gardens.

No, thank you.

I'm fine.

And you must be the honorable Pema.

Please, accept these gifts.

This is an ancient air-bender head shaver we've refurbished just for you.



And, Pema, these flowers once filled the mountainside.

Now they can brighten up your room.



You didn't have to.


Whatever you need is yours.

Anything for the mother of the next generation of air-benders.


That gift is mine.

You don't even like to read.


Yep, those are the world's next generation of air-benders.

Mommy, daddy, look.

I finally got a lemur.

I'm gonna name him Poki.

Poki, come back!



Excuse me, a little help here.

Sorry, I thought you were the servants.

We're Tenzin's brother and sister.

Avatar Aang had other children?

The world is filled with more air-benders?

We're not air-benders.


I'm so sorry.

I thought you said Bolin was coming.

He said he'd be here, but I can't worry about it.

I have to make sure you have everything you need for a safe trip.

Thanks, Captain expedition, but I'll be fine.

[Engine hums]

Tonraq, what do you want?

I heard you're taking Korra to the South pole.

I'm coming.

Absolutely not.

You're a distraction to Korra and a hindrance to what needs to be done.

My daughter is not going without me.

She needs someone to watch after her.

Dad, why do you always think you know what's best for me?

Because he's misguided.

The sad truth is it's men like your father who have put the spirit world out of balance.

He's ignored my warnings in the past and hasn't learned since.

What happened in the past?

It doesn't matter.

What matters is the Everstorm.

The Everstorm?

It's a massive blizzard that's battered the South pole for decades.

I'm coming, unless you think you can stop me.


Hey, wait for me!

Check it out.

- I'm traveling in style.

- [Engine revs]


Okay, I'm sorry.

Still getting used to that throttle.

Uh, where'd you get the ride?


He's awesome.

He also gave me this fancy snowsuit.

It's inflatable with an internal heater, emergency beacon, and food ration pouch.

I mean, if I get lost, I can survive in this thing for, like, like, a month.

Who wants some freeze-dried cucumber-quats?


Did I interrupt a conversation?

[Pabu squeaks]

No, the conversation is over.

Dad, come if you want.

Just don't interfere with my training.

Does this sidecar have the capacity for two passengers?

Sure does.

But, uh, who's gonna drive?

[Engine humming]

Well, what do you know?

Looks like...

Go away, Mako.

So once we get to the South pole, then what happens?

You will open an ancient spirit portal.

I'm sorry.

What now?

At the South pole, there is a portal that connects our world to the spirit world.

But it has long been closed.

And that's why the evil spirits are attacking?

There are no evil spirits.


There is light and dark in them all.

But when they're unbalanced, the darkness takes over.

If you can open the portal in time, balance will be restored.

What do you mean "in time"?

There's a reason the glacier spirits festival ends on the winter solstice.

That's when the spirit world and the physical world are close together.

Only then can the Avatar open the portal.

The winter solstice is tomorrow.


And we can't afford to wait another year.

[Spirit hisses]


Easy, Naga.

[Continues growling]

What are those?

Dark spirits.

Let's keep moving.

We have to find a safe place to set up camp.

Uncle, why do you think the dark spirits are following us?

Can we not talk about dark spirits, please?

My brother doesn't like ghost stories.

Don't worry.

I will protect you, my feeble turtle-duck.

Thank you.

Sadly, this isn't a ghost story.

This is real.


The spirits are angry because he's here.

Haven't you ever wondered how your father ended up in the South pole?

Why he's never taken you to visit his homeland in the North?

Unalaq, this is not the time.

You're right.

You should have told her a long time ago.

Told me what?

I left the North pole because...

I was banished.

You were banished from the North?


Because I almost destroyed the entire tribe.

years ago, I was a general in the Northern water tribe, sworn to protect my people.

Brother, we're being att*cked.

[Pained grunts]

[Scattered screaming]

I drove them out of the city and deep into the frozen tundra.

[Battle cries]

We tracked them deep into an ancient forest.

Many believed this forest was the home to spirits, and the barbarians retreated there because they thought wouldn't attack on such hallowed grounds.

They thought wrong.

[All scream]


We captured the barbarians, but in the process, we destroyed the forest.

I didn't realize the consequences of what I had done.

[Monstrous hissing]

By destroying the forest, I unknowingly let loose angry spirits.

[Both scream]

They threatened to destroy everything.

The entire city.

Unalaq was able to guide the spirits back to the forest, but by then, the damage had been done.

For being the cause of so much devastation, my father banished me from the Northern water tribe in shame.

That's when I came to the South and started a new life.


So you were supposed to be chief.

Then he became chief.

No wonder you guys don't like each other.



Isn't that what happened?

I can't believe you kept this from me.

I was protecting you from the shame I brought on the family.

Why do you keep hiding things from me and then telling me it's for my own protection?

I'm tired of you protecting me!



The statue room.

That's right, Jinora.

The most sacred place in the entire Southern air temple.

Here you will find statues of every Avatar who ever lived.

Where are your brother and sister?

[Excited shouts]

You can't catch me.

I'm the greatest air-scooter-er of all time.




Korra, you have every right to be mad at me, but I don't want you to make the same mistake I made.

I should have never gone into that forest, and we shouldn't be going to the South pole now.

Spirits and the physical world should remain separate.

Dad, it's my job to be the bridge between the spirits and the physical world, and I finally have a chance to live up to my potential.

You don't even know if what Unalaq says is true.

You want proof?

Look to the sky.

Where I'm from, the spirits are at peace, and they light up the dark.

The Northern lights.


There used to be lights in the South as well.

But during the hundred year w*r, the South was thrown out of balance, and the lights disappeared.

When the w*r ended, the North helped to rebuild you physically as a nation.

But we have not rebuilt you spiritually.

Now the spirits no longer dance in your skies.

Instead, they rampage in the Everstorm.

I think we're here.


[Spirit hisses]

Is that what I think it is?

We must keep moving.

[Spirits roar]

Oh, man.

I really don't like this.

Bolin, just stay calm.

There's no reason to...





Korra, look out!


Oh, it's in the engine!


[Mystical music]

♪♪ [Spirit roars]


[Spirit roars]

Is everyone okay?


I can't stop it!

I'll save you.


I'm a raft!

Uh, can someone please deflate me?

[Air hisses, Pabu squeaks]

Thank you.

Oh, great.

There goes our equipment.

Now what are we supposed to do?

There's only one thing to do.

- We have to turn back.

- No.

The solstice is tonight.

We're so close.

This mission is too dangerous.

- We're leaving.

- No, dad.

You're leaving.

Don't worry, sir.

I'll keep an eye on Korra for you.

Thank you, Mako.

[Engine revs]

Let's open this portal and lead your father and the entire Southern water tribe in the right direction.

We don't have much time.

Then what are we waiting for?

So what exactly were you and my dad talking about?


He was just worried about you, that's all.

You know, sometimes I wonder whose side you're on.

There aren't any sides.

We all just want to help however we can.

You have to trust that we're here for you.

We've arrived.

Trees frozen in ice.

It's just like the sacred forest.

Tonraq destroyed in the North.

So what do I do?

You must find your way to the heart of the forest where the dormant spirit portal lies.

From here, you're on your own.

Wait a second.

There's no way she's going alone.

Yeah, if she goes, we go too.

The Avatar must go alone.

But I don't have any connection with the spirits.

In fact, it seems like they hate me.

You have to believe in yourself like I believe in you.

What is it?

I guess I'm just so used to people telling me how to do things that I forgot what it was like to have someone trust in me.

Korra, all the past avatars live on inside of you.

Let them guide you.

Let them help you find the light in the dark.

Wait here.

I'll be okay.

Good luck.

[Pabu squeaks]

[Wind howling]

[Ghostly hissing]





The spirit portal.



[Mystical music]

♪♪ [Gasps]

What Avatar is this?

The light in the dark.


Why isn't it opening?


Come on, portal.


[Spirit hisses]




[Chime, rumbling]


The spirits dancing in the sky.


I can't believe it.

It's beautiful.

She did it.

Hey, Korra, you're back!

Hey, Korra's back!



Why are you initiating physical contact with another woman?

[Gulps and laughs nervously]

Everything you said was true.

Avatar Korra, you have taken the first step in bringing balance back to the South, and soon, the whole world.

- You never cease to amaze me.

- Thanks.

By the way, I'm really sorry for being a total pain.

Things were really stressful and confusing.

It's hard being the Avatar.

It's harder being the Avatar's boyfriend.


What are all your Northern troops doing here?

Opening the spirit portal was only the first step in getting the Southern water tribe back on its righteous path.

There's more difficult work to be done before our two tribes are truly united.