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01x09 - Out of the Past

Posted: 09/14/20 08:47
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements

and bring balance to the world.

The Avatar has been abducted.

After Tarrlok arrested her friends, Korra confronted the councilman in his chambers.

But the heated argument quickly turned into an all-out bending battle!

Desperate to save himself, Tarrlok revealed his ability to bloodbend

and took Korra far from Republic City.

Will the Avatar friend's find her before it's too late?

Book one
Chapter nine: Out of The Past

What are you doing?


You can't keep me in here forever!

Who is this?, It's six in the morning!

This better be important!

Councilman Tenzin here.


What happened?

What was Korra doing at City Hall?

As I told Chief Saikhan,

Korra came to my office last night.

She was upset that I arrested her friends.

She asked me to release them and- that's when the Equalist's att*cked.

I tried to protect Korra.

We were outnumbered, then, I was electrocuted.

When I came to, the police had arrived.

But Korra was gone.

I'm so sorry.

Chief Saikhan, mobilize the entire police force.

We have to find the Avatar.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you this special report.

Late last night, Equalists att*cked City Hall, subduing Councilman Tarrlok and capturing Avatar Korra.

Details are still coming in, b-

Hope you got enough beauty rest.

Come on, I'm busting you out.

Cover your ears! I can't go with you listening.


A little privacy, please!

Are you allright?

I'm fine! It's so good to see you.

Hate to break up your lovers' reunion, but Korra's in trouble.

Amon captured her.


No, she can't be gone!

Come on, we have an Avatar to rescue.

Your fly was down.

Thanks for watching that.





I urge you to meditate on these visions.

I believe Aang's spirit is trying to tell you something.

What are you doing here, Aang?

I told you, I have this under control.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't get involved, but if what those victims said is true, we're not dealing with a normal criminal.

Fine. Follow me, Twinkletoes.

Toph, I'm forty years old. Do you think you could stop with the nicknames?

'Fraid not.

It's over! You're under arrest, Yakone!

What is Republic City coming to?

Used to be, a man could enjoy his lunch in peace.

What's the big idea?

We have dozens of witnesses, Yakone.

We know what you are.

Take him away.

I've beaten every trumped-up charge you yahoos have brought against me.

And I'll beat this one, too!


I finally connected with you, Aang.

But- what are you trying to tell me?

A way out of this box would be nice.

I have to go.

Call me back the minute you hear anything.

Lin? Wh-wh-what, What are you-

You should be in the hospital!

And you three! You should be in prison!

I figured you could use our help finding Korra.

Do you have any leads?

I've been on the phone all morning, but...nothing yet.

We need Naga!

She can track Korra.

I'm afraid her polar bear dog is missing as well.

Then where do we start?

My guess is the Equalists are hiding underground, in the maze of tunnels beneath the city.

Underground... just like my father's secret factory.


Yeah! Yeah, that makes sense!

When those chi-blockers had me in their truck, it sounded like we drove into a tunnel!

I know where to start looking!
Come on!

Wherever Amon is keeping Korra,

I bet that's where my officers are too.

Let's bring them all home, Lin.

The truck with Bolin took off down this alley.

Which way?

Hmm. This way kinda...
smells familiar.

There's a tunnel nearby.


Motorcycle tracks.

Korra has to be in there...somewhere.

Let's try this way.

And what if Korra's not down there?

Then we pick another tunnel until we find her!

Hey, is Mako all right?

He seems really worried about Korra.

Yeah, we all are!

I know, but, he's your brother. Do you think that he likes Korra as more than just a friend?

W-What!? No! That's, just gossip, where'd you hear that?

Crazy talk is coming out a your mouth right now. Heh...

What do you know, Bolin?
Come on, spill it.

Nothing!, I mean. there was this one time during the tournament when Mako and Korra kissed, but...


Believe me, I was upset too, but- I'm over it. I don't think it meant anything.

I doubt that.


That tram goes to the training camp.

Everything was delivered to the prison, sir.

That's where they must be keeping Korra.

We need to get down that tunnel.

- It's empty?!
- Yeah, I can see that.

You two, keep an eye on them.

My officers are inside.

What about Korra?

I don't see her yet.

Avatar Korra. Where are you keeping her?

Chief Beifong?

I'm too late.

That monster already took your bending, didn't he?

I'm so sorry.

Come on, let's gets you out of here.

I'll ask you one more time; where is she?

We don't have the Avatar, and the Equalists didn't attack City Hall.

Tarrlok's lying.


I scanned the entire prison. Korra's not here.

Why would Tarrlok make up a story about getting att*cked?

Because he has Korra.

He fooled us all!

Let's go, people!

Try to chi-block that, fools!

We got more company!

Stick out!.

Yakone has ruled Republic City's criminal empire for years.

Yet he has always managed to stay out of the law's reach, until now.

You will hear testimony from dozens of his victims and they will tell you,

Yakone has maintained his grip on the underworld
by using an ability that has been illegal for decades.


The prosecution's entire case, is built upon the make-believe notion that my client is able to bloodbend at will, at any time on any day.

I remind to council that bloodbending is an incredibly rare skill and it can only be performed during a full moon.

Yet, the witnesses will claim that my client used bloodbending at every other time, except during a full moon.

It would be a mockery of justice to convict a man of a crime that is impossible to commit.

Councilman Sokka will now deliver the verdict.

In my years, I've encountered people born with rare and unique bending abilities.

I once bested a man with my trusty boomerang who was able to firebend with his mind.

Why, even metalbending was considered impossible for all of history until our esteemed Chief of Police, Toph Beifong, singlehandedly developed the skill.

The overwhelming amount of testimony and evidence has convinced this council that Yakone is one of these unique benders and he exploited his ability to commit these heinous crimes.

We find Yakone guilty of all charges and sentence him to life in prison.

Thank you all for meeting us on such short notice.



Have you got any news on Avatar Korra?

We do.
You kidnapped her, Tarrlok!

I am shocked you would accuse me of such an evil act!

I'd already explained, Equalists att*cked and took her!

But there were no Chi blockers here last night.

You planted the evidence, didn't you?

That is a ridiculous accusation!

It's true!, He took her!

I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night, but

Councilman Tarrlok ordered me to leave.

I was on my way out when I saw Tarrlok bring her down to the garage.

Say goodbye to Republic City, Avatar Korra.

You'll never see it again.

That's nonsense,

Everyone know you're nothing but a scrawny squeaky-voiced liar!

Why did you wait until now to 'fess up?

I was terrified to tell because...

Because Tarrlok is a Bloodbender!

He bloodbent Avatar Korra!

Don't make this worse for yourself.
Tell us where you have Korra.

Wake up!

Urgh! Man! I had this awful dream that Korra was taken by this evil bloodbender. So weird.

Bolin, that really happened.
He knocked us out.

Are you serious?! Where is he?
Is he here right now?

Tarrlok is long gone.
I'll alert the whole force.

We've only been out for a little while.

Maybe we can still pick up Tarrlok's trail.

It could lead us to Korra!, Let's go.

Yakone. You won't get away with this!

Republic City's mine, Avatar. I'll be back one day to claim it.

This time I'm gonna put you to sleep for good!

I'm taking away your bending...for good.

It's over.

Aang, this whole time. You were trying to warn me about Tarrlok.

My life is a disaster now, thanks to you.

So your little bloodbending secret's out?

And I know how you bloodbent me without a full moon, You're Yakone's son.

I was his son, but in order to win Republic City,

I had to become someone else.

My father failed because he tried to rule the city from its rotten underbelly.

My plan was perfect.

I was to be the city's savior.
But you- you ruined everything!

Tarrlok, the jig is up and you have nowhere to go.

Oh no. No, I'll escape and start a new life.

And you are coming as my hostage.

You'll never get away with this!


It is time for you to be equalized.

You fool!, You've never faced bending like mine.


What are you?

I'm a solution.

I'll take care of him. You four retrieve the Avatar.

Do not underestimate her.

Electrocute the box to knock her out before you open it.

My pleasure.

It's payback time.

Open the box.

Tie her up.

I thought I told you not to underestimate her.


You came looking for me.

Good girl.

That sounds like Naga!

Down there!


Oh, thank goodness.

Where's Tarrlok?

How did you get away?

Give her some space!

I was so worried.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

I'm glad you're here.

You're safe now.