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01x03 - The Revelation

Posted: 09/14/20 08:46
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four Elements and bring balance to the world.

The Legend of Korra

A chance encounter turns Korra from pro-bending spectator to pro-bending star!

With her new teammates, Mako and Bolin, the Fire Ferrets earn a place in the championship tournament.

But meanwhile, an anti-bending revolution brews in Republic City.

Who are the Equalists, and what nefarious plan does the mysterious man behind the mask have in store for our hero?

What's the big idea with making me train this early in the morning?

The morning is evil.

We're the rookies, so we get the worst time spot in the gym.

And you're the rookiest of us all.

We gotta get you up to speed if we want to survive in the tournament.

Deal with it!

- You deal with it!
- Ooh! Oh...

There are my little hard working street urchins!

It's an honor to finally meet ya, Avatar.

- And you are...?
- Butakha.

I run this whole pro-bending shebang.

Here's your winnings from the last match.

Ah, ah, ah!
Not so fast...

First you owe me for the Avatar's new gear...

Gym and equipment rentals for the last month...

Ah, ah!
Rent on your apartment...

Aa... and the personal loan, for groceries.

I'm a growing boy!

Oh, and one more small item of business...

The Fire Ferrets need to ante up

, yuans, for the championship pot.

, yuans?!?

Sorry, kids.

You've got till the end of the week to come up with the dough, or else...

You're out of the tournament.

I got nothing.

I've never really needed money.

I've always had people taking care of me.

Then I wouldn't say "you've had nothing".

- Sorry I didn't mean...
- No, it's alright. It's just...

Ever since we lost our parents, we've been on our own.

I'm so sorry, I didn't know.

So, anyway...

How are we gonna come up with the money?

Oh, oh!
I got it! I got it!

I've been training Pabu to do circus tricks...

Now, people would pay good money to see that.

Come on Bolin...
We need serious ideas.

I was serious...

Don't worry about it.
I'll figure something out.

I always do.

Come one, come all!

See Pabu, the fantastic fire ferret, as he crosses the ladder of peril...

Upside down!

Psst, psst!

Big finish buddy. Stick the landing!


Thank you, ladies and gentlemen!

You are too kind.
Seriously, too kind!

You can come back here and put money right in this...

Okay. That's fine.
That's fine.

One yuan down...

, to go.

Hey, Bo-lin!
Is that you?

Oh... Hey there, Shady Shin.

Heard you're a big time pro-bending player now.

Not bad.

Uh... Thanks?

So listen...
I got an offer for you.

Lightning Bolt Zolt is looking to hire some extra muscle.

Uh... I don't know, Shin

Mako told me to stay away from the Triple Threats.

Pff! Your brother ain't the boss of you!

It's just a little security work.

Nothing crooked...

[Kiddie shows goofy onomatopoeias]

You game?

Bo'...! I'm back!

Picked up your favorite dumplings...!

Hey, I found some work down at the power plant!

Made some decent money.


You here, bro?


I bet that little lovebird is making a house call.

Good! Light on your feet!

Ooh, he's cute!

Korra, is that the handsome Fire bender boy that drives you crazy?

Does he drive you crazy in a bad way?

Or does he drive you crazy like you like him...

Oh! Hey, Mako.

- You seen Bolin?
- Nice to see you, too.

And, no.
I haven't seen him since practice.

- Think something's wrong?
- I don't know...

Bolin has a knack for getting into stupid situations.

- Hm... See you later.
- Wait!

I could... help you look for him.

- Nah, I got it.
- Hey, "cool guy"...

Let me help you.
We can take Naga.

- Who's Naga?
- My best friend...

And a great tracker.

Your best friend is a... polar bear-dog.

Somehow, that makes perfect sense.

I'll take that as a compliment, city boy.

Well, this is his usual hangout.

You guys seen my brother around here today?

My memory's a little...


Maybe you can help clear it up.

You're good Skoochy...

A real pro.

Yeah, I seen him.

- When?
- 'Bout noon.

What was he doing?

He was performing some kinda monkey-rat circus.

And then...

And then, what?
Why did he leave?

Shady Shin showed up and flashed some serious cash.

Bo took off with him in his hot rod.

The Triple Threats, the Red Monsoons, the Agni Kais...

All the triads are muscling up for something real big.

Now that's all you're getting outta me!

- What's he talking about?
- Sounds like there's a turf w*r brewing.

And Bolin's about to get caught right in the middle of it.

- So where are we headed?
- The Triple Threat Triad's headquarters.

Hopefully Bolin's there and nothing's gone down yet.

Triple Threat Triad? I beat up some of those yahoos when I got into town.

Why would Bolin get tangled up with...

Whoah, Naga!

- That's Pabu!
- No, Naga.

Pabu's a friend, not a snack.

We gotta hurry!

Something's not right.

There're usually thugs posted out front.

We better be cautious.

Bolin, you in here?


Naga, come!

I can't bend.

- I can't bend!
- Calm down.

It'll wear off.
Those guys were chi-blockers.

- They're Amon's henchmen.
- Amon?

That anti-bending guy, with the mask?

Yeah. He's the leader of the Equalists.

What do they want with the Triple Threats?

Whatever it is...

Can't be good.

I can't believe Bolin got himself into this mess!

Mako, we are going to save your brother.

I promise you that.

We've been out all night.

- No sign of him.
- We've gotta keep looking...

But where?

I have an idea!

The first day I got into town, I ran into an Equalist protestor, over there.

- You think they'll know where Bolin is?
- It's our only lead right now.

So, why is Bolin running around with the Triple Threat Triad, anyway?

Well, we... we used to do some work for them, back in the day.

What? Are you some kind of criminal?

No! You don't know what you're talking about.

I just ran numbers for them and stuff.

We were orphans out on the street!

I did what I had to do to survive and protect my little brother.

I'm sorry.

It must've been really hard.

Can I ask...

What happened to your parents?

They were mugged, by a fire bender.

He cut them down right in front of me.

I was eight.


Bolin's the only family I have left.

If anything happened to him...

Equality now! Equality now!

We - want - equality - now!

I, uh...

Non-benders of Republic City!

- That's the guy.
- Amon calls you to action!

Take back your city!

It's time for the...

It's you again!

You can not silence me, Avatar!

Shut your yapper and listen up.

My friend got kidnapped by some chi-blockers. Where'd they take him?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh, I think you do.

"Witness the Revelation tonight, o'clock."

What's this "Revelation"?

Nothing that concerns the likes of you two!

You better believe it concerns us.

Spill it.

No one knows what the Revelation is.

And I have no idea what happened to your friend.

But, if he's a bender... then my bet is, he's getting what's coming to him!

Where's it happening?

Hey! What's going on over there?

The Avatar's oppressing us!

Let's scram.

Why didn't the Equalists put a location on these?

Probably because they don't want just anyone waltzing into their big "Revelation".

Whatever that is...

I'll bet the information is hidden on here, somehow.

Look at the backs.

There's four different images.

So... it's a puzzle?

Yeah... of a map!

Bingo! That must be where it's going down.

This is the place.

- What are you doing?
- We'll attract less attention this way.

This is a private event.
No one gets in without an invitation.

Uh... invitation?

You mean, this?

The Revelation is upon us, my brother and sister.

I knew a lot of people hated benders, but I've never seen so many in one place.

Keep your eyes out for Bolin.

Please welcome your hero, your savior, Amon!

My quest for equality began many years ago...

When I was a boy, my family and I lived on a small farm.

We weren't rich, and none of us were benders.

This made us very easy targets for the Fire bender who extorted my father.

One day, my father confronted this man.

But when he did...

That Fire bender took my family from me.

Then... he took my face.

I've been forced to hide behind a mask ever since.

As you know, the Avatar has recently arrived in Republic City.

And if she were here, she would tell you that bending brings balance to the world.

But, she is wrong.

The only thing bending has brought to the world is suffering.

It has been the cause of every w*r, in every era.

But that is about to change.

I know you have been wondering, "What is the Revelation?"

You are about to get your answer.

Since the beginning of time, the Spirits have acted as guardians of our world.

And they have spoken to me.

They say the Avatar has failed humanity.

That is why the spirits have chosen me, to usher in a new era of balance.

They have granted me a power that will make equality a reality.

The power to take a person's bending away...


That's impossible. There's no way...

This guy's insane...

Now, for a demonstration.

Please welcome Lightning Bolt Zolt, leader of the Triple Threat Triad, and one of the most notorious criminals in Republic City.

Oh, boo yourself!

- There's Bolin.
- Wait!

We can't fight them all.
We need to be smart about this.

Then come up with a game plan, team captain!

Zolt has amassed a fortune by extorting and abusing non-benders, but his reign of terror is about to come to and end!

Now, in the interest of fairness,

I will give Zolt the chance to fight to keep his bending.

You're gonna regret doing that, pal!


What did you do to me?

Your Fire bending is gone.


The era of bending is over.

A new era, of equality, has begun!

No, ah!

Any ideas yet?

I think so.
See those machines?

They're powered by water and steam.

If you create some cover, I can grab Bolin without anyone seeing.

- Then, we duck outta here.
- Works for me!


- Good luck.
- You too.

It's not enough...

Hey, you!

Is there a problem, my brother?

What are you doing back here?

Uh, looking for the bathroom?

Come on...

This should be enough.

Uh, hello, Amon, sir?

I think there's been a big misunderstanding.

- Bolin, you alright?
- Yes! Mako!

I love you!

You benders need to understand...

There's no place in the world for you anymore.

I wouldn't count us out, just yet.


I want - to be - on - your back.

The Avatar! That's her!

Let her go.

She's the perfect messenger to tell the city of my power.

Thank goodness!

I was just about to send out a search party. Are you alright?


Korra? What happened?

- Did you find your friend?
- Yes, but...

I was at an Equalist rally.

- I saw Amon.
- What?

He can take people's bending away.

- For good.
- That's...

That's impossible.

Only the Avatar has ever possessed that ability.

But I saw him do it.

I believe you.

I don't know how Amon has achieved this power.

But this means the revolution is more dangerous than ever.

No bender is safe.