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02x01 - Rebel Spirit

Posted: 09/14/20 08:43
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

Six months ago, Avatar Korra defeated Amon and the Equalists.

Since then, the Council was disbanded and the United Republic elected its first president, Tenzin's brother, Commander Bumi, retired and moved to Air Temple Island and Korra and her boyfriend, Mako, have been the talk of the town.

Peace has come to Republic City, but unbeknownst to the Avatar, danger now threatens the Southern Water Tribe.

- This your first watch?

- Mm-hmm.

- Well then, you'd better keep your eyes peeled, laddie.

You never know what creatures lurk in the murky depths.

- Uh, sir.

- What?


- Man overboard!

Man overboard!

- It's Pro bending night in Republic City, and have we got a doozy for you.

Fan favorites, the Fire Ferrets, are about to take on hot newcomers, the Rhino-Lions.

- Now we all know that our last match was garbage.


Even Pabu could have done a better job.

But that's in the past, because when you back a Fire Ferret in the corner, well, mister, he comes out fighting!

So let's get out there and bend like there's no tomorrow.

Are you with me?

- Ooh, the Fire Ferrets go down in the water and right into the record books for the fastest knockout in pro-bending history.

- Where's Mako when I need him?

Looks like you had some car trouble.

Good thing the police are here.

- I think these planes are finally ready to ship.

- I hate to mention the elephant-rhino in the room, but since your father was thrown in prison, no company will work with us.

We're nearly bankrupt.

- Don't worry.

I'm going to the South Pole to meet with someone who can help us put Future Industries back on top.

- Wah!

The Avatar is the winner!

- No fair.

You can't go into the Avatar State to win.

- You did what?

The Avatar State is not to be used as a booster rocket.

You are toying with a dangerous power that you obviously do not appreciate.

- It's the "Avatar State," and I'm the Avatar.

Who appreciates it more than me?

- Clearly, you need more training to grasp the depths of your spiritual connections, not to mention that you're still a long way from mastering airbending.

- I have mastered airbending.




- Looks pretty good to me.

Is it too late for you to un-retire from the United Forces?

- The paperwork's gone through, little brother.

From now on, it's 24/7 Bumi time!

- You've mastered Korra-style airbending.

Now you need to master real airbending.

Hopefully, our visit to all of the Air Temples will give you the inspiration you need to delve more deeply into your studies.

- Can we see where Grandpa Aang was born?

- How many lemurs can I have?

- I want to get tattoos, but instead of arrows I want lightning bolts.

- You can't get lightning bolts.

That doesn't make any sense.

- You don't make any sense!

- Fight, fight, fight!

- No one's fighting.

We're going to have a wonderful time.

Now that the President is in office and I'm not needed on the Council, I can finally relax with my family and give Korra the attention she needs.

- Great.

More attention.


I'd pay money to see that.

Maybe I'll tag along just to see "Vacation Tenzin." - You're not invited.

- Before we go on your dad's study trip, we're going to have some real fun in my hometown at the Glacier Spirits Festival.

They've got rides, games, and all kinds of fried food on sticks.


- Yep, there's Vacation Tenzin.

And you can't stop me from going to the festival.

Mom already invited me.

So I walk up and say, "Looks like you had some car trouble.

Good thing the police are here." Did you write that beforehand?

- Yeah, I had a few others.

Let's see, uh...

"Looks like you guys should put more 'try' in triad," huh?

Or, "When you get to jail, tell 'em Mako sent ya." - Ooh, I like that one.

- Okay, I'll use that next time.

Beifong says if I keep it up, I could make detective soon.

- Oh, that sounds so fun.

All I do is train all day.

It's like Tenzin's totally forgotten how I beat Amon.

- Tenzin's just trying to help you become the best Avatar you can be.

- Of course you'd take his side.

- I'm not taking his side.

I'm just-- - I'm gonna take a walk.

- Why is it so much easier to bust triads than it is to get through one conversation with my girlfriend?

- Gran-Gran!

- Oh, you've all gotten so big.

- We missed you, Aunt Kya.

- Oh, I missed you too.

Your father doesn't bring you to visit nearly enough.

He's probably scared I'll beat him up like when we were kids.

- I'm not scared of you...


You remember Mako - Sir.

- I hope you're not getting my daughter into any more trouble up in the city.

- Uh, no.

I, uh--no.

- Knock it off, Dad.

- Wow, look at all these people that came out to greet us.

- Uh, no.

They came to greet them.

- The great chief of the Northern Water Tribe comes to grace us with his presence.


- Just relax, Tonraq.

He'll be gone soon enough.

- Whoa, who are the lovely ladies?

- That's Eska and Desna, the chief's children.

Desna is a guy.

- Oh, no, sure.

I knew that.

And which one is Desna?

- Good to see you again, Avatar Korra.

- Good to see you too.

- Tonraq.

- Brother.

- It's a shame the Southerners have abandoned all connections to the spirits, even during the most hallowed times.

- I've always loved the Glacier Spirits Festival.

It's fun.

- This festival used to be a solemn time of fasting and meditation.

Now it's just a chance to watch some rube try to stick an entire arctic hen in his mouth.


It's so good.

- Traditions change.

It's not the end of the world.

- Tell that to the sailors who are being att*cked by angry spirits in southern waters.

Some traditions have purpose.

- Wait, spirits are attacking ships?

- I'm surprised the Avatar doesn't know about that.

Apparently you haven't been given all the information you need.

It would be my honor to instruct you in the spiritual ways of the Water Tribe.

- I wouldn't mind learning about fighting spirits.

Airbending is getting pretty boring.

- Tenzin is Korra's instructor.

He can give her all the training she needs.

- So you've said.

- I'm glad you came with me to this meeting.

Varrick is one of the richest men in the world, and he controls the entire global shipping business.

So you're my assistant.

Just stand there and don't say anything.

- No problem.

Pabu and I are natural assistants.

Man, this is nice.

I gotta get into this whole "business" thing.

- Did you see that?


I was a foot off the ground.

Is that incredible or what?

- How does he do that?

- That's unbelievable.

- What?

It looked like you were just sitting on a pillow.

- Are you saying I wasn't levitating?

- Uh,no?

- Well, why didn't anyone tell me?

Now I look like an idiot!

Swami, you're fired!

- Aah!

- I like you, kid.

You're a real straight sh**t, just like me.



He's with you?

- Mm-hmm.

- Brought your tiger-shark with you to do business, huh?

Now that's moxie.

Get over here and pop a squat.

Zhu Li, get some tea for my guests.

- Thank you for meeting with me.

As you know, Future Industries is looking for a partner to handle our shipping-- - Sure.

But first, you gotta check out my new venture: moving pictures.

Zhu Li, do the thing.

You're gonna love this.

Mind-blowing, right?

- Yeah.

- Now, forget that!

That's the past!

Shut it off, Zhu Li!

Imagine watching this.

Ginger, come over here and do your poses.

- Spectacular.

And we tell a story.

There's romance, action, some funny animal stuff for the kids.

You know, whatever.

Thanks, Ginger.

Go rest your gams.

How about that, tiger-shark?

We're gonna do big business with these "movers," as I call 'em.

- Okay.

But I'm just concentrating on getting Future Industries back on track.

If we could hammer out a deal-- .

StOP- Look me in the eye.

We got a deal!

We'll hammer out the details at the royal feast tonight.

Now who wants a rocket-boat ride?

- Is that how business usually goes?

- You are a natural assistant.

- This is a wonderful feast in your honor, Uncle.

- This is nothing.

When this festival was founded, the tribal elders would commune with the spirits.

People would watch the brilliant displays of light as spirits danced in the sky.

- Wow.

I've never seen that.

- And that is a shame, since the Avatar is the bridge between the material world and the spirits.

That is why I want so badly to teach you, to help you fulfill your destiny.

- I thought I had made it clear that Tenzin is teaching her.

- Every Avatar before you traveled the world to learn.

It was Tenzin and your father who kept you secluded at the South Pole.

- I thought Aang ordered the White Lotus to keep me down here?

- We all did what we thought was best for you.

- Who I train with should be my decision, Dad, not yours or Tenzin's.

- Looks like someone's trying to take your place as the Avatar's stick-in-the-mud mentor.

- Bumi, don't pick on Tenzin.

You know he's always been sensitive.

- I'm not sensitive!

- As your chief, it is my honor to speak at this festival, which was founded to bring our tribes together and restore the ancient balance between our world and that of the spirits.

But I am saddened to see what it has become-- a cheap carnival that celebrates greedy and trivial humans.

- I fear the time is fast approaching when the North can no longer stand idly by while our Southern brothers slip into total spiritual decay.

Angry spirits are already attacking ships in your waters.

I only hope we are not too late to change course.

- Chief Unalaq, everybody.

Always great to have him in town.

Now let's have some fun with Wacky Wushu's dancin' otter-penguins.

- Mm-mm.

Wish me luck.

I'm making my move.


- Good luck.

- Those two have always creeped me out.

They smell like a grandma's attic.

- Hey, I'm Bolin.

I'm a friend of Korra's.

You're Eska, right?

Wow, I'm just-- I'm loving these robes.

So you are from the North, right?


That's like-- you know, that's, like, my favorite direction.

- I think he is trying to establish some kind of bond with you based on your geographic point of origin.

- Perhaps it would be interesting to spend time with a person whose ways are so rough and uncultured.

You amuse me.

I will make you mine.

- You mean like a boyfriend or--or like a sl*ve?

- Yes.

Win me prizes.

- Unalaq offered to train me.

He says he can teach me about the spirits and my connection to them.

- Sounds good.

What does Tenzin think?

- Tenzin thinks I'm his prisoner or one of his kids.

I'll never finish training with him in charge.

- We have a winner.

- I mean, you heard what Unalaq said.

The South is spiritually unbalanced, and it's the Avatar's job to fix it.

But my dad won't even let me think about Unalaq teaching me.


- Well, what?

- What do you think I should do?

- I guess you should do what you think is right.

I support whatever decision you make.

- Oh, thanks.

That's a big help.

- I thought you wanted me to be supportive.

Now you want me to tell you what I think?

Make up your mind.


- Just forget it.


Naga, what are you doing?


Quiet, Naga.

You'll wake everyone up.

- What's going on?

- What is that?


- Got it!

Don't got it!

- Korra!


- Aah!

- Spirit, why are you angry with us?

What have we done to offend you?

- Go in peace.

- Korra, are you all right?

- How were you able to control that spirit when no one else could?

- As your father could tell you, I have spent my life studying the spirits and learning their ways.

All of this knowledge is lost in the South, but I could teach you everything I know.

- Chief Unalaq, clearly, you are very knowledgeable, but Korra still has much to learn about airbending, and I hope that going to the Air Temples will help her connect with the past Avatars.

- Ugh!

- The Air Temples will teach her nothing.

Only I can give her the training she needs to be a complete Avatar.

- I've told you that will not happen.

- Hey, I'm right here!

Anyone want to ask me what I think?

- Korra, please, listen.

- I'm tired of listening to you-- both of you.

You keep me locked up, telling me you know what's best, but both of you were powerless against the spirit attack.

I think it's time I had a new teacher.

- Now, Korra-- - Unalaq has proven he's the only one who knows what I need to learn.

I have to go with him.

- Please, I know you're angry, but we've come so far together.

- I'm sorry, Tenzin.

This is as far as we go.

- It has been a pleasure serving you, Avatar Korra.

- I think you forgot a couple of things.

- Mother, I think I need some time alone with my family right now.

- This is your family, Tenzin.

When you get to be my age, you'll be thankful for the time you had with your siblings.

Besides, I think it's important that you all visit your father's home together.

- Come on, it'll be fun.

- I'm dying to see that laid-back "Vacation Tenzin" I've heard so much about.

- All right.

Hop on.

I love you, Mom.

We'll see you soon.

- Oh!

- Do you think I did the right thing?

- I don't know.

I'm sorry, but I'm not very good at this Avatar counseling thing.

But I know your heart is in the right place.

You'll just have to trust it.

- I know this was a hard decision, Korra.

But it was the right one.

Now it is time to put it behind you and begin your new training.

I have great plans for you.