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01x06 - And the Winner is...

Posted: 09/13/20 17:33
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

After a close encounter with Amon, Korra took a leave of absence from Tarrlok's task force.

But the Avatar has still been hard at work, leading the underdog Fire Ferrets to the Pro-bending championship finals.

Only one team stands in their way, the Wolf-bats.

Led by team captain Tahno, the brutal Wolf-bats look to repeat as champs.

Have the Fire Ferrets finally met their match?

You are listening to the Music Hour, brought to you by Cabbage Corp.

Republic City's trusted name in technology for over 50 years.

Man, I got a good feeling about tonight!

I don't care if we are the underdogs, we can take those pompous Wolf-bats.

It's going to be our toughest match ever, but I think you're right.

Introducing your new champs, the fantastic Fire Ferrets!

Good morning, citizens of Republic City.

This is Amon.

I hope you all enjoyed last night's Pro-bending match, because it will be the last.

It's time for this city to stop worshipping bending athletes as if they were heroes.

I am calling on the Council to shut down the bending Arena and cancel the finals, or else there will be severe consequences.

That guy's got some nerve!

You think the Council will give in?

I'm not waiting to find out.

We need to get to City Hall.

Korra, you shouldn't be here.

This is a closed meeting.

As the Avatar, and a Pro-bending player, I have a right to be heard.

You can't cancel the finals.

I know winning the Championship means a lot to you, but as far as I'm concerned, we need to shut the Arena down.

What about the rest of you?

Tarrlok, there's no way you're backing down from Amon, right?

Actually, Tenzin and I agree, for once.

The Council is unanimous.

We're closing the Arena.

- No!

- You can't!

I don't understand.

I thought you of all people would take a stand against Amon.

While I am still committed to bringing that lunatic to justice, I will not put innocent lives at stake, just so you and your friends can play a game.

Pro-bending might only be a game to you, but think of what it means to the city.

Right now the Arena is the one place where benders and non-benders gather together in peace - to watch benders...

- Beat each other up in peace!

It's an inspiration to everyone!

I appreciate your naive idealism, but you're ignoring the reality of the situation.

The reality is, if you close the Arena, you let Amon win!

Yes, exactly what she said!


I'm sorry, but our decision has been made.

This meeting is adjourned.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the Avatar.

- You do?

- Yeah, you do?

I expected this kind of cut and run response from Tenzin, but the rest of you?

Come on, show a little more backbone.

It's time that the benders of this city displayed some strength and unity against these Equalists.

We must prevent the conflict between benders and non-benders from escalating into all-out w*r!

The Council is not changing its position, Lin.

Now, just a moment, Tenzin.

Let us hear what our esteemed Chief of Police has in mind.

If you keep the Arena open, my metalbenders and I will provide extra security during the Championship match.

There's no better force to deal with the Chi-blockers.

Our armor is impervious to their att*cks.

Are you saying that you will personally take responsibility for the safety of the spectators in the Arena?

I guarantee it.

It is hard to argue with Chief Beifong's track record.

If she is confident her elite officers can protect the Arena, then she has my support.

I am changing my vote.

Who else is with me?

The Arena stays open.

Good luck in the finals.

- All right!

- Thank you!

And good luck to you, Chief Beifong.

A word, please, Lin.

Tarrlok's playing you, and I don't want to see you get hurt.

I know what I'm doing and the risks that come with it.

In that case, I'm going to be by your side during the match.

You don't need to babysit me.

It's for Korra.

I want to make sure she's safe.

Do what you want.

It's not like I've ever been able to stop you before.

Excuse me, Chief Beifong?

I wanted to thank you for your help.

It really means a lot.

What is her deal?

Even when she's on my side, she's against me.

I've known Lin since we were children.

She's always been challenging.

What did your father do to make her hate the Avatar so much?

My father and Lin got along famously.

I'm afraid her issues are with me.

Wait a second.

It all makes sense now!

You and Beifong, Beifong and you.

You two were a couple!



Where'd you get that idea?

Your wife.


I'll have to have a word with her.

So Pema stole you from Beifong?

I'm surprised our esteemed Chief of Police didn't throw her in jail.

Oh, she tried.

Anyway, Pema didn't "steal" me.

Lin and I had been growing apart for some time.

We both had different goals in life...

Why am I even telling you this?

It all happened a long time ago and we've moved past it.

Apparently Beifong hasn't.

What do you...

Of course she has...

Anyway, this is none of your business!

See you at home, Mr.


I just got word.

The Council defied your threat.

They're keeping the Arena open.


Everything is going according to plan.

All clear, Chief.

- How is the security sweep going?

- Fine.

They've checked underneath the stands?


And you have enough officers to cover all points of entry?

I have the skies, the bay, and every nook and cranny of this place covered.

Now leave me alone and let me do my job.

Lin, with so much on the line, it would be nice if we could help each other out, at least for one night.

- Like old times?

- Like old times.

Okay, I'll try to be less abrasive than usual.

I would appreciate that.

The anticipation is palpable as we are just moments away from the Championship match.

Will the wolf-bats' ferocity help them repeat as Champs, or will the underdog Fire Ferrets serve up a surprising bowl of smackdown soup?

Now I know there's a big crowd, but don't be nervous, you're gonna do great.

I believe in you.

Introducing the challengers, the Future industries Fire Ferrets!

You're on, Pabu!


Nailed it!

He's so talented.

And their opponents, the three-time defending champions, the White Falls Wolf-bats!

They got nothing on us, buddy.

Anybody can howl.


I'm gonna knock Tahno's stupid hair off his stupid head.

The champs and challengers face off at the center line.

And here we go!

Tahno tries to clean the Avatar's clock with some dirty water-boxing!

Ming shakes off Mako's attack and returns the favor.

Shaozu gets fancy, but Bolin ricochets a disk off the ropes and says, "No thank you, sir!" Nice shot!

The waterbenders slug it out, looking evenly matched.

Tahno gets a little too worked up and unleashes a deluge on Bolin that will certainly elicit a foul...

Or apparently not!

What's the big idea, ref?

That was a hosing foul!

And the Wolf-bats advance despite Tahno exceeding the waterbending time limit.

A questionable call by the officials.

Ming trips up Mako with another dirty trick!

Come on, refs!

There was some funny business in that last play!

Wouldn't have guessed you knew the rules of Pro-bending.

I've been brushing up.

That Wolf-bat blatantly bent a disk outside of his zone.

The Ferret brothers are backed up to Zone 3 and the Wolf-bats smell blood.

Looks like Tahno snuck in an illegal icing move, but once again there's no call.

I don't know what match the refs are watching, but it's obviously not this one.

A splash and crash send the Avatar to Zone 3 as well!

It's a knockout!

The wolf-bats win the championship for the fourth year in a...

Hold on a second, folks!

Scratch that.

The Ferrets are still alive!

But just barely!

What an unbelievable move!

These Ferrets aren't just bending the elements, they're bending my mind!

The underdogs survive to see round two!

- What's wrong with these refs?

- They've been paid off.

It's the only explanation.

Someone wants us to lose.

If the Wolf-bats are going to fight dirty, then so should we.

No, we can't.

The refs have it out for us.

If we're going to win this thing, it has to be fair and square.

That's no fun, but all right.

Round two!

The opening salvo is a brutal brawl as both sides give it their all!

But once again, Tahno sneaks in a little ice to get the upper hand.

Those look like illegal headshots to me!

Round two will be decided with a tiebreaker!

The Fire Ferrets win the coin toss!

Which element do you choose?

I'm taking this one.

Let's go!

You and me, pretty boy.

I thought you'd never ask.

Come on, little girl.

Give me your best shot.


Round two goes to the Fire Ferrets!

- Nice one!

- That's the stuff!

You are my hero!

We might actually win this thing!

Let's send them to a watery grave.

I can't believe your sweet-tempered father was reincarnated into that girl.

She's tough as nails.

Reminds me of someone else I knew at that age.

You two might get along, if you would only give her a chance.

One round a piece!

Who wants it more?

The wolf-bats fly out of the gate, swinging with bad intentions.

The challengers are showing a lot of heart, but the champs are really starting to find their rhythm now.

Can the Ferrets hang in there with the best, especially when the best are, frankly, getting a little help from the refs?

It's all down to this final round!

Mako is leaving it all in the ring, but it looks like Tahno and Ming are up to more shenanigans!

This has gone too far!

That water had rocks in it!


Come on!

Those were illegal headshots!

Open your eyes, ref!

Well folks, it's a controversial call, but the Wolf-bats notch a nasty knockout to win the match!

For the fourth year in a row they'll be crowned tournament champions!

I barely broke a sweat.

Anybody else wanna scrap with the champs?

Look out!


Folks, there is some sort of electrical disturbance in the stands.

Metalbender cops are dropping like bumble-flies!

There appear to be masked members of the audience wielding strange devices on their hands.

One of them is in the booth with me right now, folks.

He is leveling one of those glove devices at me now, and I believe he is about to electrocute me.

I am currently wetting my pants.

- What's going on here, ref?

- I don't know!

All right, you want a piece of the Wolf-bats?

Here it comes!


Please, don't do this!

I'll give you the championship pot!

I'll give you everything, just please don't take my bending!

I believe I have your attention, benders of Republic City.

So, once again, the Wolf-bats are your Pro-bending champions.

It seems fitting that you celebrate three bullies who cheated their way to victory.

Because every day, you thr*aten and abuse your fellow non-bending citizens, just like the wolf-bats did to their opponents tonight.

Those men were supposedly the best in the bending world.

And yet it only took a few moments for me to cleanse them of their impurity.

Let this be a warning to all of you benders out there.

If any of you stand in my way, you will meet the same fate.

Now, to my followers...

For years, the Equalists have been forced to hide in the shadows.

But now, we have the numbers and the strength to create a new Republic City.

I'm happy to tell you that the time for change has finally come.

How are we gonna get out of here?

Very soon, the current tyrannical bending regime...


Listen up, buddy.

Will be replaced by a fair-minded, Equalist government.

- You and your children...

- Stop fooling around!

I'm not, I'm trying to save us!

It's time to take back our city.


Pabu's not just a one-trick poodle-pony.

For centuries, benders have possessed an unnatural advantage over ordinary people.

But thankfully, modern technology has provided us with a way to even out the playing field.

Now anyone can hold the power of a Chi-blocker in their hand.

My followers and I will not rest until the entire city achieves equality.

And once that goal is achieved, we will equalize the rest of the world.

The Revolution has begun!


It's okay, Pabu, just a little expl*si*n!

Keep chewing, you're almost through it!


Great job, buddy!

- I'm going after Amon!

- Be careful!

You all right?

I'm fine, thanks to you.

Don't mention it, kid.

Looks like we lost this one.

- I'm so glad you're okay.

- Me, too.

I can't believe Amon did this.

I played right into his hand.

He played us all.

Republic City is at w*r.