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01x04 - The Voice in the Night

Posted: 09/10/20 07:52
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

Benders, be on alert!

After coming face to face with Amon, leader of the Equalists, Avatar Korra discovers a terrifying truth!

This masked madman has the ability to take away a person's bending, permanently!

Benders of Republic City are counting on their young Avatar.

But is she prepared to face such a frightening foe?

After I take your bending away, you will be nothing!

It's all right, Naga.

I just had a bad dream.

There is a madman running around our beloved city, threatening to tear it apart.

We need to create a task force whose sole mission is to find Amon and bring him to justice.

Absolutely not.

A move that aggressive would only further divide benders and non-benders.

Tarrlok, I'm inclined to agree with your proposal.

But who would even head up such a task force?

It would be my honor and privilege to accept such a duty.

This is just another one of your ploys to gain more power, isn't it?

All I'm trying to do is help.

Think back.

Forty-two years ago, Republic City was threatened by another dangerous man, Yakone.

Your father wasn't afraid to deal with him head on.

This is a completely different situation.

And how dare you compare yourself to Avatar Aang!

Amon is not going to stop with the bending Triads.

Eventually he will come for all us benders, our friends, our families.

Vote for this task force and I will stop Amon before it's too late.

All in favor?

Good evening, my fellow Equalists.

This is your leader, Amon.

As you have heard, the Republic Council has voted to make me public enemy number one, proving once again that the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution.

But we cannot be stopped, our numbers grow stronger by the day.

You no longer have to live in fear.

The time has come for benders to experience fear.


I'm so sorry!

I didn't see you!

How could you not see me?

I mean, I was...

I was, I...


That was...

Are you okay?

Did I hurt you?

I am such an idiot.

Don't worry, I'm fine.

My brother hits me harder than that every day in practice.

Wait, I recognize you.

You're Mako, right?

You play for the Fire Ferrets!

Yeah, that's me.

I am so embarrassed!

My name's Asami.

Let me make this up to you somehow.

How about I treat you to dinner?

Tomorrow night, 8:00, Kwong's Cuisine.


I don't have any clothes nice enough for a place that classy.

I'll take care of that.

All you need to do is show up.

So, it's a date?

Yeah, I guess so.

I'll see you tomorrow night.

We are grateful for this delicious food, for happiness, for compassion and...

I'm not interrupting, am I?

This is my home, Tarrlok.

We're about to eat dinner.

Good, because I am absolutely famished.

Airbenders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?

I suppose.

You must be the famous Avatar Korra.

It is truly an honor.

I am Councilman Tarrlok, representative from the Northern Water Tribe.

Nice to meet you.

Why do you have three ponytails?

And how come you smell like a lady?

You're weird.

Well, aren't you precocious?

So, I've been reading all about your adventures in the papers.

Infiltrating Amon's rally, now, that took some real initiative.


I think you're the first authority figure in this city who's happy I'm here.

Republic City is much better off now that you've arrived.

Enough with the flattery, Tarrlok.

What do you want from Korra?

Patience, Tenzin, I'm getting to that.

As you may have heard, I am assembling a task force that will strike at the heart of the revolution, and I want you to join me.

- Really?

- What?

I need someone who will help me attack Amon directly, someone who is fearless in the face of danger, and that someone is you.

Join your task force?

I can't.

I must admit, I'm rather surprised.

I thought you'd jump at the chance to help me lead the charge against Amon.

Me, too.

I came to Republic City to finish my Avatar training with Tenzin.

Right now, I just need to focus on that.

Which is why this opportunity is perfect.

You would get on-the-job experience while performing your Avatar duty for the city.

Korra gave you her answer.

It's time for you to go.

Very well.

But I'm not giving up on you just yet.

You'll be hearing from me soon.

It has been a pleasure, Avatar Korra.

Bye-bye, ponytail man!

Welcome to Kwong's Cuisine, Master Mako.

"Master'?" The scarf stays.

As you wish, sir.

This way, please.

I am such a big Pro-bending fan.

I caught all of your matches this season.

All of them?

Honestly, there were a few I wish you hadn't seen.

Don't be ridiculous.

You're amazing!

I can't wait to see you play in the tournament.

Yeah, well...

Maybe next year.

What do you mean?

You made it in.

It just isn't in the cards for us right now.

Tell me, what's the problem?

We don't have the cash to ante up for the championship pot.

So, it looks like we're out of the running.

That's not fair.

Pardon me, Miss Sato.

Your main course.

Miss Sato?

You wouldn't happen to be related to Hiroshi Sato, creator of the Sato-mobile?

- Yeah, he's my dad.

- Get out of town!

I'm serious.

You want to meet him?

Meet the most successful captain of industry in all of Republic City?

Yeah, I'll take you up on that.

Hello, fellow teammate!

Hey, Bolin.

Missed you at practice this week.

Yeah, sorry about that.

It's all right.

We're probably out of the tournament anyway, unless some money miraculously drops out of the sky by tomorrow.

Anyway, reason I came by was to give you this.


What's this for?

I can't remember now.

Yeah, now I remember.

You saved me from Amon.


It was no big deal.

No big deal?

Are you serious?

I was totally freaking out when he was coming at me with his creepy mask, all, "I will take away your bending forever!" I mean, that is scary stuff.

I still can't sleep well.

Delivery for Avatar Korra!

Tarrlok sends his compliments and urges you to reconsider his offer.

Tell him I haven't changed my mind.

Who's this Tarrlok guy?

Is he bothering you?

'Cause I could have a word with him.

No, it's not like that.

He's just some old guy who works with Tenzin on the Council.

Good, good.

That sounds better.

I like that better.

What do you think of my little operation here?

It's very impressive, Mr.


Please, call me Hiroshi.

- So, I understand you're dirt poor.

- Well...

Young man, it is nothing to be ashamed of.

I, too, came from humble beginnings.

Why, when I was your age, I was a mere shoe shiner.

And all I had to my name was an idea...

The Sato-mobile.

Now, I was fortunate enough to meet someone who believed in me and my work ethic.

He gave me the money I needed to get my idea off the ground.

And I built the entire Future Industries empire from that one, selfless loan.

Dad, stop bragging.

Just tell Mako the good news.

What good news?

Well, my daughter passionately told me all about your hard-earned success in the Pro-bending Arena, and about your team's current financial stumbling block.

Now I'd hate to see you lose your chance at winning the championship, just because you're short a few yuans.

That's why I'm going to sponsor the Fire Ferrets in the tournament!

- Are you serious?

- He's serious!

My dad's going to cover your ante for the championship pot.


That is good news!

There's just one catch, you all have to wear the Future Industries logo on your uniforms.

I'll tattoo it on my chest if you want, sir!

Thank you both so much!

I promise the Fire Ferrets will make the most of this opportunity!

Out of the way, Daddy!

We're driving here!

I see Tarrlok's gifts are getting more and more extravagant.

Yeah, that guy doesn't know how to take no for an answer.

Korra, are you doing all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Why don't you take a break?

I'm glad you turned down Tarrlok, but I just wanted to make sure your decision was for the right reason.

I'm just really focused on my airbending right now is all.

Right, that's what you said.

You know, it's okay to be scared.

The whole city is frightened by what's been going on.

The important thing is to talk about our fears.

Because if we don't, they can throw us out of balance.

I'm always here for you, if you want to talk.

Avatar Korra, I have something for you.

It doesn't matter how many gifts Tarrlok sends, I'm not joining his task force.

It's not a gift, it's an invitation!

To what?

Tarrlok is throwing a gala in your honor.

All of Republic City's movers and shakers will be there.

The Councilman humbly requests your attendance.

I can't believe this is all for me.

I'm not sure what Tarrlok's plotting, but keep your guard up.

It's not like him to throw a party just for the fun of it.

So glad you could make it, Avatar Korra.

If you'll excuse us, the city awaits its hero.

Meelo, no!

That is not a toilet!

Oh, dear.

Korra, it is my pleasure to introduce Republic City's most famous industrialist, Hiroshi Sato.

Nice to meet you.

We're all expecting great things from you.



Hey, Korra.

This is my daughter, Asami.

It's lovely to meet you.

Mako told me so much about you.


Because he hasn't mentioned you at all.

How did you two meet?

Asami crashed into him on her moped.


Are you okay?

I'm fine.

More than fine!


Sato agreed to sponsor our team.

We're back in the tournament!

Isn't that great?

Yeah, terrific.

Chief Beifong, I believe you and Avatar Korra have already met.

Just because the city's throwing you this big to-do, don't think you're something special.

You've done absolutely nothing to deserve this.

If you'd be so kind, they just have a couple questions.


Avatar Korra, you witnessed Amon take away people's bending firsthand.

How serious a threat does he pose to the innocent citizens of Republic City?

I think...

He presents a real problem.

Then why have you refused to join Tarrlok's task force?

As the Avatar, shouldn't you be going after Amon?



Why are you backing away from this fight?



I've never backed away from anything in my life.

You promised to serve this city.

Aren't you going back on that promise now?

Do you think Pro-bending is more important than fighting the revolution?

How do you think Avatar Aang would have handled this?

Are you afraid of Amon?

I'm not afraid of anybody!

If the city needs me, then...

I'll join Tarrlok's task force and help fight Amon.

There's your headline, folks!

My fellow task force deputies, tonight we will execute a raid on an underground Chi-blocker training camp located in the Dragon Flats borough.

According to my sources, there is a cellar underneath this bookstore where Equalists train Chi-blocking in secret.

I'm going after those two!

Nice timing.

Thanks, Tarrlok.

We make a good team, Avatar.

Yeah, we do!

No Korra for practice again?

Doesn't look like it.

Avatar Korra has bravely answered the call to action.

With the two of us leading the charge, Republic City has nothing to fear from Amon and the Equalists!

Question for the Avatar.

Amon remains at large.

Why have you failed to locate him?

You wanna know why?

Because Amon is hiding in the shadows like a coward!

Amon, I challenge you to a duel!

No task force, no Chi-blockers.

Just the two of us, tonight at midnight on Avatar Aang Memorial island.

Let's cut to the chase and settle this thing, if you're man enough to face me!

I know it sounds weird to say this, but I'm really glad I hit you with my moped.

Me, too.

I forgot to ask, why didn't you accept the new silk scarf I bought for you last week?

- You didn't like it?

- No, it was really nice.


This scarf was my father's, and it's all I have left of him.

I just feel like...

Like it keeps me safe.

I'm so sorry.

I lost my mother when I was very young.

I feel so safe with you.

Korra, this is madness.

Don't try to stop me, and don't follow me!

I have to face Amon alone.

This is all your doing!

I tried to talk her out of it, too, but she's made up her mind.

We'll be watching the island closely.

If anything goes wrong, I have a fleet of police airships ready to swoop down.

Guess you're a no-show, Amon.

Who's scared now?

I received your invitation, young Avatar.

Our showdown, while inevitable, is premature.

Although it would be the simplest thing for me to take away your bending right now, I won't.

You'd only become a martyr.

Benders of every nation would rally behind your untimely demise.

But I assure you, I have a plan, and I'm saving you for last.

Then you'll get your duel, and I will destroy you.

- Aang...

- Korra!

Korra, are you all right?

What happened?

Was Amon here?


He ambushed me.

Did he...

Did he take your bending away?


I'm okay.

Thank goodness.

I was so terrified!

I felt so helpless!

It's all right, the nightmare is over.


You were right.

I've been scared this whole time.

I've never felt like this before and...

Tenzin, I don't know what to do!

Admitting your fears is the first and most difficult step in overcoming them.