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01x05 - Chapter 5: The Gunslinger

Posted: 09/06/20 09:35
by bunniefuu
They all hate you, Mando.

Because you are a legend!

How many of them had tracking fobs?

All of them.

Any idea what they gonna do with it?

I didn't ask. It's against the Guild Code.


No star port, no industrial centers, no population density.

I'm leaving him here.

Traveling with me, that's no life for a kid.

They know he's here.


Then they'll keep coming.


Hand over the child, Mando.

I might let you live.

Hold on.

Come on.

I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold.

That's my line.

Losing fuel.

This is Mos Eisley Tower.

We are tracking you.

Head for bay three-five, over.

Copy that.

Locked in for three-five.



You damage one of my droids, you'll pay for it.

Just keep them away from my ship.

Yeah? You think that's a good idea, do ya?

Let's look at your ship.

Oof! Look at that.

Ugh, you got a lot of carbon scorin' building up top.


If I didn't know better, I'd think you were in a sh**t.

Special tool for that one.

I am gonna have to rotate that.

You got a fuel leak.

Look at that, this is a mess.

How did you even land? That's gonna set you back.

I've got 500 Imperial Credits.

That's all you got? Well, what do you guys think?

That should at least cover the hangar.

I'll get you your money.

Hmm. I've heard that before.

Just remember...

Yeah, no droids. I heard ya. You don't have to say it twice.


Womp rat.

I'm in.

And I am gonna raise you three bolts and a motivator.

Shh. Quick, grab my blaster r*fle.

I'd stay in that ship if I were you.


Now, now.

Let Peli take a good look at you.

All right, there you go.

Did that bounty hunter leave you all alone in that big nasty ship?

How do I know what it is? Give me a second.

All right. Now, would you like some food?

Are you hungry?

Okay. Fetch us something to eat. Quick!

I don't know... Something with bones in it.


Now, here's the plan.

I am going to look after you until The Mandalorian gets back, and then I'm gonna charge him extra for watching you.

You see how that works? Yeah, bright eyes?

We're a team. Mmm-hmm.

Hey, droid, I'm a hunter.

I'm lookin' for some work.

Unfortunately, the Bounty Guild no longer operates from Tatooine.

I'm not looking for Guild work.

I am afraid that does not improve your situation, at least by my calculation.

Think again, tin can.

If you're looking for work, have a seat, my friend.

Name's Toro, Toro Calican.

Come on, relax.

Picked up this Bounty Puck before I left the Mid Rim.

Fennec Shand, an Assassin.

Heard she's been on the run ever since the New Republic put all her employers in lockdown.

I know the name.

I followed this tracking fob here.

Now the positional data suggests she's headed out beyond the Dune Sea.

Should be an easy job.

Well, good luck with that.

Wait, wait, wait, hey. I thought you needed work?

How long you been with the Guild?

Long enough.

Clearly not.

Fennec Shand is an elite mercenary.

She made her name k*lling for all the top crime syndicates, including the Hutts.

If you go after her, you won't make it past sunrise.

This is my first job.

You can keep the money, all of it.

I just need this job to get into the Guild.

I can't do it alone.

Meet me at Hangar three-five in half an hour.

Bring two speeder bikes and give me the tracking fob.

Don't worry, got it all memorized.

Half an hour.

Looks like you're stuck with me now, partner.

Hey! I'm awake! I'm awake!


Where is he? Quiet!

Oh. It's okay. You woke it up.

Do you have any idea how long it took me to get it to sleep?

Give him to me.

Not so fast!

You can't just leave a child all alone like that.

You know, you have an awful lot to learn about raisin' a young one.

Anyway, I started the repair on the fuel leak.

There you go. I had a couple setbacks I want to talk to you about.

You know, I didn't use any droids, as requested, so it took me a lot longer than I expected.

But I figured you were good for the money since you have an extra mouth to feed.

Thank you.

Oh, I guess I was right. You got a job, didn't you?

You know, it's costing me a lot of money to keep these droids even powered up.

Hey, Mando, what do you think? Not too shabby, huh?

What'd you expect? This ain't Corellia. Ma'am.

What's going on? Look. Up ahead.

Tusken Raiders.

I heard the locals talking about this filth.

Tuskens think they're the locals.

Everyone else is just trespassing.

Whatever they call themselves, they best keep their distance.

Yeah? Why don't you tell them yourself?


What are you doing? Negotiating.

What's going on?

We need passage across their land.

Let me see the binocs. Why?

Hey! What?

Those were brand new. Yeah? They were.

Get down.

What? Oh.

All right, tell me what you see.


Looks like the rider is still attached.

Is that her? Is that the target?

I don't know.

I'll go. You cover me.

Stay down.

Whoa, whoa.

Well, is it her? Is she dead?

It's another bounty hunter.

Hey, I hope you don't plan on keeping all that stuff for yourself.

Can I at least have that blaster?

Get down!


What happened?

sn*per bolt.

Only an MK-modified r*fle could make that shot.

Are you all right?

Yeah. Hit me in the beskar, and at that range beskar held up.

Wait, I don't wear any beskar.


Well, so what do we do?

You see where that shot came from?

Yeah, it came from that ridge.

Okay, we're gonna wait until dark.

Well, what if she escapes?

She's got the high ground.

She'll wait for us to make the first move.

I'm gonna rest. You take the first watch. Stay low!

All right, suns are down. Time to ride, Mando.

Come on, wake up.

Look at you, asleep on the job, old man.

You done?

Yeah. I was just, you know, waking you up. Come on.

Get on your bike.

Ride as fast as you can towards those rocks.

That's your plan? She'll snipe us right off the bikes.

It's a flash charge.

We alternate sh*ts, it'll blind any scope temporarily.

Combine that with our speed and we got a chance.

A chance?

Hey, you wanted this. Get ready.


Not so fast, Fennec.

Nice distraction.


Yeah, good work, partner.

Cuff yourself.

Why don't you go find your blaster?

A Mandalorian.

It's been a long time since I've seen one of your kind.

Ever been to Nevarro?

I hear things didn't go so well there, but it looks like you got off easy.

You don't have to worry about gettin' to Nevarro, or anywhere else, once we turn you in.

You know, I really should thank you.

You're my ticket into the Guild.

You're welcome.

Uh-oh. Looks like one of us has to walk.

Or we could drag you.

All right, so what is the plan?

I need you to go find that dewback we saw.

And leave you here with my bounty and my ride?

Yeah, I don't think so, Mando.

Okay, I'll do it.

Watch her, and don't let her get near the bike.

She's no good to us dead.

Oh, it's been a while.

Oh, look, the suns are coming up.


Look, there's still time to make my rendezvous in Mos Espa.

Take me to it and I can pay you double the price on my head.

I don't care about the money.

Oh, so the Mandalorian keeps all the money for himself.

Only because I let him.

Doesn't seem that way.

I mean, it seems like he's calling all the sh*ts.

Shows what you know.

I hired Mando, this is my job.

Bringin' you in will make me a full member of the Bounty Hunters Guild.

You already have something the Guild values far more than me.

You just don't see it.

What? The Mandalorian.

His armor alone's worth more than my bounty.

I already told you, I don't care about the money.

Then think what it would do for your reputation.

A Mandalorian shot up the Guild on Nevarro, took some high value target and went rogue.

That Mandalorian?

Like I said, you don't see many.

You bring the Guild that traitor, and they'll welcome you with open arms.

Your name will be legendary.

How can we be sure he's the one?

Word is, he still has the target with him.

Some say it's a child.

Look, if you're afraid to take him on, fear not. I can help you with that.

Take some advice, kid.

You wanna be a bounty hunter?

Make the best deal for yourself and survive.

That's good advice,

but if I took those binders off of you I'd be a dead man.

And if the Mandalorian's worth more than you are, well...

Who wouldn't want to be a legend?

Thanks for the tip.

Took you long enough, Mando.

Looks like I'm calling the sh*ts now. Huh, partner?

Drop your blaster and raise 'em.

Cuff him. Ugh.

You're a Guild traitor, Mando.

And I'm willing to bet that this here is the target you helped escape.

You're smarter than you look.

Fennec was right.

Bringing you in won't just make me a member of the Guild, it'll make me legendary.

Stay back. Gotta get it.

Where is it?

There you are.

Are you hiding from us? Huh?

Look at you.

That's all right. I know.

That was really loud for your big old ears, wasn't it?

It's okay. Shh.

Be careful with him.

So, I take it you didn't get paid?

That cover me?

Yeah. Yes, this is gonna cover you.

All right, Pit Droids! Let's drag this outta here!

I don't know, drag it to Beggar's Canyon.