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01x06 - Prayers And Visions

Posted: 09/06/20 07:14
by bunniefuu
CAMILA: [SPEAKING IN SPANISH] Holy Mary, Mother of God.

Give me the strength to guide and protect my daughters In the Lord's name we pray.


Oh no, no, no. Sweeties, Easter is tomorrow. Come back tomorrow.

Then, maybe the Easter Bunny will have some eggs for you, huh?

Okay, bye.

JACOB: [ON LAPTOP] You ready to dance to that crazy music?


CAMILA: You have to freeze! The music stopped.

ALMA: Dad, what are you doing? Play!

What's that I hear? Was that a frozen ghost?

♪ A frozen ghost who wants To keep me from my toast ♪

♪ A frozen ghost who wants To keep me from my toast ♪

♪ I must eat my toast ♪


[IN SPANISH] Linda, looking great!

[IN SPANISH] Thanks!

I'm doing Weight Watchers again.

No, no. That smile is what makes you gorgeous.

You didn't leave.

Why would I?

I dunno, the whole "training with my dead dad to go back in time and save him from being m*rder*d."

Oh, right. Yeah, I should totally get going.

Can you just leave me the French press because I really like how it makes coffees.

But I also love that French press.

So I guess I have to stay. [CHUCKLES]

ALMA: What's this?

I started doing some research on your dad's death.

What? Why?

Look, I don't totally understand what you're going through.

But I want to help if I can.

So, did you find anything?

I found two Charles Vanderhorns in the U.S.

One's an architect in New Hampshire.

And the other one wants to be a male model.

But I don't think he has what it takes.

The fashion industry will sap his tender soul.

My thoughts exactly.

What did you find on American Freedom Corp.?

It looks like they were absorbed by a mega-conglomerate called Global Creation Associates.

-Global Creation Associates? -[LAUGHS] Yeah.

Check out their video.

FEMALE NARRATOR: While no one knows what the future holds, we're deciding it.

We make the dreams that advance humanity.

Provide clean water and air.

-We do everything to keep us healthy... -[JET SWOOSHES]

...and safe.

And we even develop energy systems to keep all of this dream a reality.

We never forget who we work for.

What the hell was that?

And who do they work for?

Yeah, it is weird that they leave that hanging.

There's gotta be an employee list. Let's see if old Charlie still works there.

There's this one button where you can request an annual report.

But I'm a little scared to press anything on this site because what if it, like, sh**t a laser and destroys a warehouse.

You gotta do it.

Poof! Congratulations, you just blew up a Syrian orphanage! Way to go!

Oh, my God. Why would you say that?

Oh, my God, why would you do that?

If you don't express yourself, how do you expect to be heard?

It's time to tell him how much you want this baby.

-I'll talk to him as soon as I get home. -Okay.

-Thanks. -Okay.


Prayer group. Food drive. Marta's marital life.

Everywhere I turn, you're lifting up others.

-[CHUCKLES] -Your positive spirit's infectious, Camila.

-Oh, good infectious, I hope. -Definitely.

In fact, I was thinking that you should be the one to light the Paschal candle at tonight's service.

-You want me to light the candle? -That's right.


-I don't know what to say. -Say yes.


Wow. A lot of good things are happening right now.

You're honoring me, and um, Becca is about to get married.

Well, two good things is a lot.

And how's Alma?

Oh, I don't think she's taking the medication.

-Maybe I can help. -No, no, no. I'll get her to take it.

I just need to find the right time to push in the right way.

You know, sometimes, when you're close to someone, it's easy to get stuck in a dynamic.

No, no, we are not stuck. She is stuck. She's very stubborn.

Okay. But having an outside voice could be helpful.

It doesn't always have to be you beating the drum all by yourself.

Okay. [STAMMERS] I guess we could give it a try

-if you think it would help. -I do.

-Okay, thank you. -Hmm.

Hey, did you try "San Antonio University" plus "Halloween 2002"?

It is worth it. It is.

-What? -What?

-Did you say something? -No.

Oh. Whoa. There was a break-in that night at your dad's lab.

-What? -Look.

It's from the campus paper.

ALMA: Holy shit.

We have a lead. Like, a real lead.

Maybe Charlie broke in, stole the research, there was a car chase, -and he ran them off the road to get rid of them... -[KNOCKING ON DOOR]

[GASPS, WHISPERS] It's Charlie.

Okay, you go distract him, and I'll go get the baseball bats.

-[CHUCKLES] -Alma! It's us!

-Oh, God. It's so much worse. -[CHUCKLES]

-Hey. What's up? -We wanna know if you wanna come to the food tasting.

Food tasting? What is that, like a weird way of asking me to lunch?

Would you like to come to the nutrition in the mouth time?

For the wedding. The caterers are bringing samples to Reed's parents' house.

Is this food thing a free thing?

Like, will the food be free for us to eat as freely as we want?

It's gonna be free and very fun.

And there's a mustard tasting of over seven mustards.

Babe, we should totally check this out because when you go that deep with mustard, things like honey and raspberry start popping up.

Okay, we can't. We already made plans.

But we will do our best to make it to the next thing.

Good, then we'll see you at the Easter Vigil tonight.

Father Miguel asked her to light that big, fancy candle.

-She's very excited. -The Paschal candle.

-I will do my best. -Okay! See you there.

Thank you for coming. Bye-bye.


ALMA: That's where my dad's lab was.

SAM: What's it like being back?

It just kinda feels like something out of a dream.

If it's cool, I'll do the talking.

Wait. Why?

Because I'm naturally charming, I'm great at small-talk, and people like me.

Okay, people loveme, and tons of people find me charming, so...

-Who? -[SCOFFS]

Fine! You can do the small-talk. And I'll do what I do:

Connect with people in a meaningful way that actually makes a difference. Excuse me.


Hello, can I help you?

Yeah, we're interested in an incident that occurred on October 31st, 2002.

A break-in to the Physics Lab.

All records and documents are closed to the public barring a court order.

-Um, Nancy, I'm sure this job isn't easy. -It's not bad.

-Late nights. -I don't mind.

-Obnoxious kids. -They're all right.

No one giving you the respect you deserve.

I feel respected.

Sometimes, you probably just wish things would just break your way.

Actually, I feel incredibly fortunate, and I'm thankful for every opportunity.

Well, thanks, Nancy.

Wha--? That's it? That's all you got?

Okay. Nancy.


Wow. You lost someone, too.

I can feel it.

Your little sister disappeared.

-A long time ago. -How-how do you know that?

Sometimes, you still catch yourself looking for her.

See, I-I do that with my dad, too.

Sometimes, I would see the backs of men's heads, the same head of hair.

I would follow them for blocks and blocks even though I knew my dad was gone.

But something in my body believed that he was still here, just waiting for me to find him.

Right? And you feel the same... about Sofia.

Yes. [STAMMERS] I do.

Okay, see, that Halloween night, that was my dad's lab.

Someone broke in, and later that same night, he had a fatal car crash.

-Oh. I'm-I'm sorry. -But, see, I don't believe it was an accident.

And if I could just find out who broke in, maybe I could get some answers.

Maybe I could stop looking.


I don't know if we have files from 2002--

Could you please just check? Nancy?

Just this once?

That was amazing.

Did you get all that just from her screensaver?


Oh. No, I experienced it.

I saw her whole life.

-Really? -Yeah.

I do have something, but you can't have it. You can take photos.

Oh, my God. Thank you so much, Nancy. I'm so sorry.



Camila, I just love your get-up.

Oh! Thank you. I've had it for years.

If you need to borrow anything for the wedding, you just let me know.

Oh, I don't need any-- Why would you think--?

-Um, okay. This one is a Sicilian grainy mustard. -Mm-hmm.

-Mm. So grainy. -Mm, very grainy.

Oh man, I love entering a room full of beautiful women.

Thank you, Reed.

-Unh. -What? What's wrong?

Nothing. Here, try this.

Mm-hmm. It's very, um... mustard-y.

Listen, I want to thank you for offering to pay for the wedding.

I know traditionally the bride's family does that.

-And I was hoping if there was more time-- -Oh, no bother, Camila.

There's actually nothing traditional about this wedding.


What do you mean?

Oh, just moving dates, having a mustard bar, I mean, these kids are wild. I mean, what are we gonna do with you?

Oh! Easy on the cheeks, Mom. My money maker.

Oh, yes it is.

-[LAUGHS] -Not really.

Well, I would like to pay for the rehearsal dinner.

It's not necessary. I've already made arrangements with the hotel. It's done.

Well, there must be some way for me to contribute.

Well, Mom, maybe there's something we can do with just our family.

-I can help you cook. -Well, I think that's a lovely idea, Becca.

Maybe. We'll see, hm?

From these photos, it looks like someone was tearing the lab apart.

So, when you have these experiences, or see your dad, is that happening all the time?

Um, it's kind of in and out, like a fluid transition between various states of consciousness.

Sometimes I'm very much here, and sometimes I'm not.

One time, I did mushrooms, and I zoomed out into space, and I could see from a telescope way up in the sky that I was this tiny ant man...

-[CHUCKLES] -...who was so insignificant, but I knew that if I found other ants and we worked together, we could make a difference.


Oh, shit! Here's a list of names of people they interviewed about the break-in.


Oh, my God, my dad was right! That's a name!

Who's Darrold Harris?

Darrold is Farnaz's skinny-armed boyfriend.

The boyfriend is always the m*rder*r.

That's what I said. And it's weird you would say that.

Babe, I would never k*ll you. I swear.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of this bit.

Okay. So there's a Dr. Darrold S. Harris.

He's an ENT surgeon. And his home address is listed.

Finally, the internet's erosion of privacy works in my favor!

-BECCA: Well, that was nice. -CAMILA: Hmm.

I think we picked some good mustards.

-Is everything okay with you and Reed? -Yeah. Why?

I sense some tension.

I'm just stressed about the wedding.

You know, and all the things that are changing.

What is changing?

Well, like, Beth invited me to go to church with them tonight.

Oh. I see.

Are you sure you're ready for me to have another family?

Of course. I'm happy for you.

-But Alma and I are basically your whole life. -That is not true.

Don't worry about me. I will be fine.

-Go to church with them. -You sure?

It's just that this the first time they've asked me, so--

Yes, I am sure. Go, go, go.


SAM: This is it. Are you nervous?

What are you gonna ask him?

I don't know.



Really pumped up those arms, huh, Darrold?

Excuse me? Do I know you?

I'm Alma Winograd-Diaz. Jacob Winograd's daughter.

[EXHALES] Uh-huh.

I'm trying to find out what happened to my dad the night he died.

I was hoping you might have some answers.

I don't. Sorry.

Oh, okay, but you must know something.

Yeah, your name was on a list of people the university interviewed about the break-in.

I wasn't even in town that weekend.

I was interviewing with med schools.

DARROLD'S WIFE: Honey! Who is that?

Uh, it's just a canvasser, babe.


It took me a long time to put all that behind me.

I lost someone, too.

-We're just looking for answers, Darrold. -You want answers?

Your dad was a psycho.

He convinced Farnaz she could help by being his research assistant and his test subject.

She bought into his bullshit that they were unlocking the great mysteries of the universe.

-Is that true? -You sound pretty bitter, Darrold.

Are you sure you were out of town that night?

I'm gonna go inside and have dinner with my family, and you two are gonna get off my porch. Or I'm calling the cops.

No, no, no. Not a good idea. I don't think so.

-What are you doing? -We're here to talk to Darrold.

-What? We just talked to him. -Oh. How'd it go?


Ugh, the candle thing. Hey, Mom.

So, you're definitely coming? Because Becca cannot make it.

What? Why?

She's going to Protestant church with Reed's family.

Oh. Okay.


Oh! Thank you for coming.

Well, I am the good one. We all know and agree on that.


Good evening.

Our very own Camila Diaz will be leading tonight's Service of Light.

"May the light of Christ, rising in glory, banish all darkness from our hearts and our minds."

So you see, the risen Christ is symbolic for the human condition.

We have fragile bodies, yet we're powerful.

We're wounded, yet hopeful.

And our suffering is not in vain.

Because underneath our hurt is something truly wonderful, the opportunity for new life.

God bless you.

-WOMAN: Thank you, Father. -God bless you.

Alma, don't you think your mother did a beautiful job this evening?

Yes, she did. She was very graceful.

And she didn't burn down the church or nothin'.

Well, I'm glad that you were here.

I'd love to see you in church more often.

Well, I'm sure that you and my mom share that thought.

Actually, your mother and I have been talking.

She says you're not taking the medication that your therapist prescribed.

Did she?

Well, Mom, you don't need to worry because I saw the therapist you demanded I see.

She said I have PTSD, and I could take pills if I want to.

But I don't want to.

However, thanks for going into my purse and filling that prescription for me.

Camila, did you do this?

-Alma, your behavior has been very-- -She just assumes I'm not okay because in her eyes I'm a f*ck-up and that's all I can ever be.

-That is not true. -Yes it is. And you love it.

Because it allows you to swoop down and save me like some obsessive mother bird.

I am not an obsessive bird--

And sure, sometimes, I needed you to save me because--

There have been some times, so I get it.

But I'm fine. So let it go.

I will not let it go till you start taking your pills.

Why do you always have to make things so difficult?

Okay. Camila, maybe we should give Alma some space.

-Excuse me? -Well, it was her choice to take the medication, and she's choosing not to. So we have to respect that.

Wow, yes, thank you.

Mom, you should listen to Father Miguel. He's very wise.

-Happy Easter. -Thank you, Alma.

-What was that? -Camila, please stay calm.

I was going to get her to take the pills, and now you've made that impossible.

If people don't want help, you can't force them to take it.

-You don't understand how serious this is. -Explain it to me.

She is not herself.

Sometimes I see her talking to people, and there's nobody there.

Well, some might say that they see me talking to somebody who's not there.

-And maybe you do, too? -That's not the same thing at all.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Well, let's talk more about this tomorrow.

JACOB: [SPEAKING IN AZTEC] Hue Yokoyani-Ipalnemoani.

To the valley of the white cactus, where our ancestors reside.

We send our blessings.


-What are you doing? -I'm working.

-Hey. -Hey.

ALMA: Did Darrold's alibi check out?

Um... I mean, yeah, October is not an uncommon time to be interviewed for med schools.

Yeah, but that's not hard proof.

Maybe we should just take a break from all this.

Look, you have an email from Global Creation Associates!

-Oh, yeah. -They sent the annual report.

Oh, my God, it's him. It's Charlie Vanderhorn.

Except it's Banderhorn, with a "B." No wonder.

-Oh, my God, he's real. -Of course he's real.

My God, Sam. We gotta find him and meet him and talk to him.

There's gotta be an email or a phone number.

I don't know, Alma. It seems dangerous.

Maybe we should just leave this alone.

Leave this alone?

Don't you get it? I'm getting to the truth here.

I-I'm making all of the wrongs right.

This is about justice and saving my dad.

And not taking shit from anyone ever again.


Have you seen Camila?

No, not yet. But I'm sure she will be here.