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01x01 - The Crash

Posted: 09/06/20 07:11
by bunniefuu






ALMA: I'm so bored of living.

I wake up every morning in the same bed with the same person.

I shower.

Brush my teeth.

I get dressed.

And I eat the same breakfast.

And then take the same commute to work.

I'm 28 years old, and I'm terrified this is all there is.

Sometimes, I'll be in the store, and I'll be looking at two different cans of beans, and I'll think, "These beans are better."

"No, these beans are better."

And then I'll think, "That's the most boring thought anyone's ever had."

I mean, God! Everything is pointless.

Anyway, what's up with you?

What's new with me?

-[CLEARS THROAT] Nothing... -Great.

-No... My face is really itchy. -What, are you getting eczema?

No, I'm not getting-- Why would you even say that? Look at my finger.

Oh, my God!

Holy shit!

-Reed Hollingsworth. -What's wrong with Reed?

-Nothing. At all. -Mm-hm.

He's fine. He's totally fine.

-Uh-huh. -And unassuming, and nice.

He's very nice.

Well, that's good. It's a good thing to be nice.

And his family is really rich, and well-connected, and super classist.

-Oh, they're "classist"? -And r*cist.

This is about the asparagus.

[IN MATRONLY TEXAN ACCENT] "Oh, I see we're passing the asparagus counterclockwise tonight--"

So his mom has an idea about the proper way to pass food around a dining table.

[MIMICS REED'S MOM] "Is that how they do it in México?!"

Maybe she was legitimately curious.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] We're not from Mexico.

Yeah, but our mom is.

Do you think Dad would have liked Reed?

Yeah, I do, actually.

And you don't think it's weird to get married without Dad there?

What am I supposed to do, just never get married?

ALMA: That's an idea.

Ladies. Get you another round?

-Yes, I will have a Fancy Familiar. -I don't know what that is.

It's a Mozambique Samba just without the sherbet.

BECCA: [LAUGHING] You're so stupid. Stop it, why do you always do that?

Um, we're gonna have sh*ts of Patrón, please.

And don't go far 'cause you're gonna have to keep fillin' 'em up.

You got it.


And why did you order sh*ts? You know I'm trying to drink less.

Alma, your only sister just got engaged. We're doing sh*ts.

And then I'm going to make you listen to the story of how he proposed.

-Oh, my God. -It's so romantic.

I am going to need booze for this.

Two sh*ts of Patrón.

Thank you.


To my sister and her life choices which... I support.





What are you doing?

-I'm humping your butt. -Oh...

How long you gonna do that?

Until it annoys you.

-[SAM LAUGHS] -I want the mouth.




Can you promise me that we're not going to be like one of those boring couples who like...


...gets married and settles down and has babies and is like all happy?

-[CHUCKLES] Ew, gross. Never. -Thank you.

But it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.


-That's it! That's the wrong answer! -No, no.

-[GRUNTING] -You're humping me again?

You're so crazy.

No, I'm not.

-I'm not crazy. -Okay. Sorry. Sorry.

I just can't do it.

I can't do the wedding and the birth announcements and the piano lessons and the matching Halloween costumes.

[CHUCKLES] True that, matching Halloween costumes are lame.

-[SIGHS] -But, what if you went as Batman and I went as Bruce Wayne, and then every time we were together, I'll be like, "Batman! We're in the same room?

We must totally be different people, everyone."

That's a couple's costume.

No, it's totally different because one's Batman and one's Bruce Wayne.

Two different people.



But for real. I don't want to settle down.

Right now.


-You never know what's gonna happen. -No. I know.

Okay, we won't settle down.

We'll be vagabonds or cat burglars or hot air balloonists.

-Yeah! -[LAUGHS]

I like that.

And then we'll settle down and have kids.

-What? -I'm sleeping.



What's wrong?

The room is spinning.



Cassie, no! Cassie, we don't--



-No. Don't squeeze it. No. -[CASSIE BLABBERING]

Is everything okay here?

Yeah, Cassie's just being a C. U. N. T.

Wow. Okay. I... Cassie? Cassie, do you need a time out?

-No! -Right.

-Seems like you do. -Yeah.

-Let's do it. Come on. -There you go.

-Come on. Cassie! -[CASSIE GRUNTING]

All right, we're gonna sit here 'till you calm down.

'Cause I get paid to force you to behave. Pretty weird, right?

-I don't want a time out! -It's not so bad.

Did you know that the Kogi tribe of Colombia puts their babies in a dark cave?

-Yeah, I know that. -Oh, you really, you know that?

Well, did you know they keep those babies in a dark cave for nine years?

And as the babies grow, they tell them stories about what the world outside looks like.

What trees and birds and rainbows and clouds look like.

And when the babies come out, they see those things for the first time.

And they are so blown away by how much more amazing the world is than they could have ever imagined, that they have such incredible respect for whatever created this place and all of the beautiful creatures living in it.

Can you imagine feeling that way about anything, Cassie?


All right. Do you want me to put you in a dark cave?

No, you be in the cave.

Okay, I'll be in the cave, too.

We'll be in the cave together.

[WHISPERS] I like this.

Me, too.


CAMILA: Help me find a cute baby photo of Becca for her engagement dinner.

ALMA: That's why I'm here, Mom.

Look at this one. After her first haircut.

Where's the one where she's toddling around the market in Saint Cristobal with the apple soda and laughing?

She looks like a tiny, drunken sailor.


What did you know about Geraldine?

Not much. She was your father's mother and she died.

And she got married, and had three kids, lost her mind.

What about this one?

Great. Love it. Done.

Where are you going?

To get some water.

Are you coming to church on Sunday?

Uh, I don't know. I'm gonna see how I feel.


We have a new priest. I think you'll like him.

He's into indigenous cultures.

Like conquering them and appropriating them, or...

Studying them.

Oh, cool. Maybe.

Are you going to bleach your upper lip before Becca's dinner?


-You just look so pretty when you try. -Oh, my God.

I gotta go, Mom.


Is this dad smoking?

Yeah. He smoked on occasion.

-Why didn't I know that? -He didn't want you to.

-Was he smoking when he had the accident? -No.

-How do you know? -Because I read the police report.

-Can I read it? -No!

I don't have it. It was 20 years ago.

Are there any other photos of him I haven't seen, Mom?

-No, that's it. -I'm taking this.


It's just weird to think that there's stuff about my dad I never knew.

My mom was married to some other guy before my dad.

-Really? -Yeah.

He had two Pomeranians, a red sports car, and he beat her until she had to be hospitalized.

Oh, my God.

-When did you find that out? -After I graduated college.

I think she didn't want to, like, mess me up.

But once I got that diploma, she was like, "Let me drop my secrets on you."

See, I never got that.

My dad died before he could stop being my dad and spill all the family secrets.

-[CELL PHONE BUZZES] -I gotta get back to work.

Hey. I want to talk to you about our conversation the other night.

Yes. I'm so glad you brought that up.

I totally see your point about Bruce Wayne and Batman.

If you want something that I can't give you, then I don't want to waste your time.

We're not wasting time.

[EXHALES] I don't know what's gonna happen, but right now, this is good, so let's just stay in the right now.

Yeah, this is good.

I'll see you later?

You know where I live. 'Cause you live there too. So...


ALMA: Ugh. I can't believe we have to go to this thing.

SAM: Yeah, and it sucks that your sister is getting married and your mom is throwing her this party and everyone's happy.

ALMA: Exactly.

SAM: [LAUGHS] I was kidding.


I knew I shouldn't have said anything.

Well, I know you like it when I wear make-up. So...

Okay. Well, have fun embarrassing your sister on her special night.

This isn't her special night.

Her special night is the wedding. This is dinner.

This is also a special night. There are multiple special nights.

She doesn't care. You're the only one who's gonna care.

Always nice to see you, Sam.

Ooh, Sam's getting some love tonight.


Just come inside.



We can go whenever you're ready.

Don't you think we should at least stay through the dinner portion of the dinner?

Oh! Alma, love the 'stache!

Thanks, Reed.

Is this some rebellion against Mom?

-Not... Exactly. -Exactly.

-Good to see you again, Alma. -Hey, Beth, how are you?

Hey, haven't I see you before on a Pringles can?!

-[ALL LAUGHING] -REED: Nice one, Dad.

You getting the reaction you were hoping for?

-Yes. -[glass clinks]

Now that we're all here, um, I'd like to propose a toast.

To Becca Winograd-Diaz. The love of my life.

When we first got together, it was like we were two puzzle pieces spinning through the universe, and then click, we found each other.

-And the puzzle was complete. -[BECCA CHUCKLES]

It was only a two-piece puzzle.

Like a puzzle for a little baby.

But, uh, yeah.

To Becca! And the rest of our lives!

I love you. Thank you.

-ALMA: Cheers. -BECCA: Cheers!


I love you.

I love you, too.

We need to talk.


ALMA: Do you ever feel like you're in a play?

Except you're the only one that knows it's a play.


And everyone else is just playing the role they think they're supposed to play, because that's what you do?

And you're like, "Hey, this is just a play. We don't have to do this."

And maybe we shouldn't.

BECCA: What are you talking about?

I broke up with Sam.

Oh, my God, are you okay? What happened?


I know you don't really remember, but Dad's mom was schizophrenic.

I know. What does that have to do with anything?

She was perfectly happy and then she got married and made a family, because that's what you did back then.

And she ended up on lithium, getting shock treatments, and shoving a broom handle through the television set while her boys watched Howdy Doody.

Getting married isn't what made her crazy. She just had a bad brain.

Yes, but if you know you have a broken brain then why would you put someone else through that?

Okay. Tough love time?

My God, you say that like you're asking me, but I never agree to "tough love time."

I think what is actually going on is your younger sister is getting married before you, and you feel your life slipping away.

-No... That's not it. -Hm? Yes.

An amazing guy wants to marry me, and you're jealous.

-Okay. Amazing? -And it's okay, Alma.

You realized that Sam wasn't good enough for you, and you broke up with him.

That's not why I broke up with Sam.

-And it's okay to want a better life. -What are you talking about?

I am talking about the fact that you could be better, but you choose not to.

Like, instead of going back to school and getting your B.A., you work at a day care.

-And you are so smart... -[SCOFFS]

...but you always, like, make the losing choice to, like, prove...

I don't know what you're trying to prove.

But you don't have to be afraid to move forward.

I'm doing it, why can't you?

[INHALES] Can I try on your ring?



-My God! -I know. I know. I know.

This blood diamond does make me feel special. Now I get it.

-Okay, give it back to me. Give it back! -Hey!

sh*ts of tequila. Keep 'em coming.

-You got it. -Don't get wasted.

We promised Mom that we'd meet her at church in the morning.

You promised. I said I'd see.

-I'm not doing sh*ts. -Yes, you are.

Because your only sister just got engaged!

Hey, I'll take one with you.


ALMA: Shit.



ALMA: Okay, okay, okay. Who's next?

Did whoever stole all your furniture have a thing against pianos?

That is not the answer to my question, Tomás!

Okay, I'm next. I'm next, I'm next.

-Ask me. -Okay. Truth or Dare?

-Truth. -Okay.

What are you most excited about getting married... about?

Oh, right. Okay. Well, just, having sex for the first time.

Nuh-uh, shut up. Are you seriously a virgin?

She's kidding.

Oh, good, 'cause I was gonna say you definitely do not seem like a virgin.

Well, what do I seem like?

-Stop flirting! -Ow! [LAUGHS]

You're engaged, remember?

Truth or dare?


I dare you... to kiss my sis.

-No. -Yeah!

-No! -Yeah!

It's cool, you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to.

No, I want to, but I can't.

ALMA: It's a game, Becca. It's just a stupid game.

Okay, one small, tiny, dumb kiss.

There you go. Thank you. That's it.

Boo! That sucks!


-That was like a Tío Oscar kiss. -Ew, no, it wasn't.

-Your Uncle Oscar lip-kisses you? -He does. He totally does.

-It's super weird. -[ALMA MUMBLING]

I don't want to kiss you like your Tío Oscar.




PRIEST: "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet our heavenly Father feeds them.

Are you not much more valuable than they?"

What does this mean?

Does this mean that we should not farm and store away food?

That we should blindly trust God will provide for us?

That we do nothing to provide for ourselves?

I was recently at a gathering of several indigenous groups from South and Central America.

And one thing these disparate groups could agree on was that humans have lost their connection with nature.

In fact, we have forgotten we are nature.

And it is in rhythm with nature that we are provided for.

Through our not taking selfishly more than we need, but instead recognizing...

Where have you been?

Who knows where this girl's been. Look at her.

-PRIEST: ...than our small, fearful desires. -You know what, forget it.

We are able to step into this natural balance, -and live freely, just like the birds. -ALMA: Excuse me.

Hey. Okay, look. Last night, just having a little fun--

Alma, this isn't funny. This is my life.

Hey, I didn't make you do whatever it is you did with that guy.

I hope you feel really special because you ruined something that was really beautiful because it wasn't yours.

Becca, I'm not trying to ruin your life.

Believe it or not, I'm trying to help you.

You don't want to marry Reed.

Oh, right. I get it, he's white, and he's rich, so you don't like him.

-That's not the point. -Well, what is the point?

'Cause we're broken people.

Okay? And broken people break people.

No, I'm not broken, Alma. I'm not.

I'm really f*cking happy, and I wish that you would stop telling me what you think is best for me because I'm not you.

-Okay... -You are so insanely self-involved.

You don't even know all the things that are wrong with you.


No, I do.

Trust me.

You know what? Here's your ring.

You can try to hold onto it.



