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05x05 - The Shock

Posted: 09/06/20 05:38
by bunniefuu
My name is Brilliant Chang.

Mr Thomas... is the purest opium that has ever arrived in Europe.

Came off a ship called the Capital, out of Shanghai.

This is a gift, Mr Shelby.

Canals are the idea, right, Chang?

I believe we've friends in common.

We should postpone our w*r.

Your message said you wanted to seal our truce with some business.

I'm involved in a transaction with Jimmy McCavern.

I need your signature as a guarantor on the transaction should his cheque fail to be honoured.

The w*r with the Billy Boys is postponed.

We've made peace.

We're gonna do business together.

There's a part of me that is unfamiliar to myself and I keep finding myself there.

And only the January can get me away.

His name was Frederick.

All we ever did was talk, Arthur.

He just listened.

And now he has no face.

May you Peaky Blinders all rot...

- Clear that shit.

Clear it!

- All right.

Take her.

Go outside.

Till it's done.

Till it's done, brother.

Linda, I would have taken your b*llet.

I deserved the b*llet.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!


Linda, look at me.

Linda, you've got a kid.

If you die, he'll come to us to raise.

You hear me?

I used a derringer.

- Shh!

- Right.

- Shh!

- It's still in there.

It's above the bone.

Mr Shelby, your guests.

Get him out.


Family only.

Get him out!

- Mr Shelby...

- Get out!

Get out!

Lizzie, go to the kitchen and get some iodine.





You'll have to bite on this.

- Linda...


- Bite!

Come here.

Now, it's really gonna hurt.

One, two, three...

You're all right.

You're all right.

- It's all over.

- Hold her.

Is she going to be all right, Tom?

Is she going to be all right, Tom?


Oh, Jesus.

Arthur, come here.

Come here.

If you love her, go to the library, get some opium.

- Go on.

She'll be fine.

Go sort it.

- Right.

Actually, you can use mine.

Brought a bit to celebrate the wedding proposal.


He proposed, eh?

One knee.

Congratulations, Poll.



- You're gonna have to drink this.

- No.

I don't want anything you've touched.

25 seconds.

25 seconds and the pain will be gone.

Even the pain in your head.

Right, here you go.


Cushion, Poll.


Oh, Jesus Christ...


She's gonna be fine.

I gave her something to get her to sleep.

She's gonna be fine.

You should have...

You should have let her do it, Poll.

You should have let her do it.


You should have let her do it.

Look at me, brother!

Look at me!

You've got things to do.

You've got a kid.

- Yeah.

- We need you!

- All right?

You understand?

- Yeah.

Aberama wants you as best man.

You hear that?

I save his life, he hugs him.


I'll do it.

No take.

Right, fine.

Let him be.

Let him be.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Ladies and gentlemen...

...I would like to extend our gratitude to the musicians and the dance company for your wonderful performance.

Hear, hear!

This has been a wonderful evening.

And not only for the music and the dancing.

It has also been about us, the people gathered here.

English people in the very heart of England.

There are no people I would rather be among, no place I would rather be and no time I would rather be alive, because ever since the terrible events of October, when the money markets betrayed us all...

...I have known that change is coming.

The human species has never faced such immense possibilities, such choices.

In the lives of great nations...

...there are moments of destiny...

...which have swept aside small men of convention and discovered men of the moment.

- Hear, hear!

- And our host is such a man.

For him...

For him, the little calculations of little men mean nothing.

He is a man well suited to the mighty mood that England is now in.

The only reason I say this now, at this moment, on this stage, is because I have some news.

Good news, I think.

I'm sure our host will forgive me if I use this platform, this gathering of friends and like minds, to give you, his trusted allies, an early announcement of a long-overdue event.

I want to tell you good folk first...

...that with the dawn of a new decade...

...I will be setting a new course.

Setting up a new political movement here in the very heart of England.

And Mr Shelby will be with me, shoulder to shoulder.

Hear, hear!

It will offer a new conception of politics in which the great character of the British, our true character, will be reborn.

Many of you lost fortunes in the recent stock market crash.

The men of money, the capitalists in New York, the Jews...

...the money-power, they...

they run an international system in which the infinite mobility of money, its capacity to create financial chaos and panic, can bring down any government that dares for one moment to oppose it.

For generations, the efforts of hard-working men like you have equipped our competitors against us.

The cotton mills of India.

The cotton mills of Asia.

Created with British money but used for the destruction of Lancashire and Yorkshire!


The usurers of New York, the sweated labour of the Orient combining to destroy the iron and steel factories of Warwickshire and Staffordshire.

These are policies that could not be pursued by British statesmen unless they were mad or the servants of Jewish finance!

They are the ones who took your money, but it is I and those who know this truth who will light a flame the atheists cannot extinguish!

The ranks of our heroes of the Great w*r have been betrayed again and again by politicians!

But hear this - those of you who fought the Jew w*r for nothing, you brave men, you will join hands with the angry youth of Birmingham and Manchester and London and Liverpool and declare that England lives tonight and marches on!

Well said!

I say all this to you now...

...because I believe it is in places like this, with people like you, that we will have to pass on our message directly.

Our message can be summarised with these words - Britain first.

And because this is our message, I doubt it'll be reported fairly in the press.

I'm afraid the newspapers of this country are owned by the same vested interests who took your money.

They sell to the people false news... raise the interests of the faction and the section above the interests of the nation.

- Good man!

- So hear my words and pass them on to those with ears to hear.

And be reminded that when the new decade begins, there will be the birth of a new political party which will speak for you.

Well said, sir.

Well said!

This party, this new movement, this revolution...

...will be called the British Union of Fascists.


Good man!

What the f*ck are you doing, dealing with a man like that, Tommy?


You're going to have to trust me.


I'm going to f*ck the swan.

Somebody go and tell her to come to my room.

How do you know she'll come?

Because they always do.

Now, forgive me.

I'm going to borrow your husband for a little while.

This way.

Things like tonight, that sh**ting, a family dispute in public, things like that will have to stop.

It's very lower class.

It's all been cleared up, Mr Mosley.

So, did you learn anything from my speech tonight?


Yes, I learned many things.

Religion was a beast, but it's dead.

You have to ride the new thing when it comes.

Like a horse.

You grab it.

I looked into the audience and I saw medals and Savile Row suits, and bitterness.

They are my people.

Your people will be different.

Oh, do see the funny side, Shelby.

I do.

I do see the funny side.

Do you enjoy strategies?

Yes, I do.

Things will begin to happen now.


...there are some things we need to discuss.

I've been looking into your companies.

The Shelby portfolio.

Your company lawyer is a Jew.

He will have to go.

Of course.

Also, our friend Jimmy McCavern has asked for control of the racecourses north of Wincanton.

I decided it is a trifling thing, considering our new enterprise, so I said yes.

In return for what?

No return.


When our campaign begins, the country will be divided into distinct areas.

McCavern and his men will be our soldiers in the north, controlling rallies and breaking up demonstrations.

In the Midlands, it'll be you.

The south...

Well, I have yet to decide.

Please understand what I'm offering you as we go forward, Mr Shelby.

When we succeed, even the King will not be above us.


Like plugging into the mains.

A lighthouse beam.

Your millions of dollars safe in Switzerland, and access to every dirty-minded swan in England.

Oh, and also, Shelby...

drink less.

Put it on.

Put the costume back on.

The ballerina and I were wondering whether perhaps... might want to join us.

If I told Tommy, you wouldn't see the morning.

Oh, I doubt that very much.

You see, he is being seduced, just as you were.



- Tom!

- What?



Tommy, I swear to God, you're bad.

That man is f*cking evil.


I'm only doing this... bring the bastard down.

Yeah, but why?



I am supplying the British Government with information on his organisation, and in return, they are giving me favourable terms on defence contracts.


You're doing it because you think somebody should stop him.

I saw your face when he was speaking.

You're doing it because you think it's the right thing to do.

All this time, you just did things that feel nice...

...because you can afford it.

Lizzie, please.


Please stop.

Don't scare me... saying you see things in my face.

I still want things that feel nice.





Let's go.


Let's go, let's leave.

Let's get in the car.

We'll go and pick up Billy.

We'll drive to the docks.

Any dock you want.

We'll get on a boat.

We'll sail away.

You and me.

Any destination.

Be careful, it's...

It's broken everywhere.

We leave tonight.


We'd leave this place.

We never come back, Linda.

We never come back.

I mean that.

We go before it gets light.

Say yes.

I've got a better idea.

You stay here... inside your head.

Inside your life.

Inside your w*r.

I'm glad I didn't sh**t you.

It would have been a kindness.

Now get out.


An evening with a bunch of f*cking Gypsies.



Kick it here!

Kick it here, mister!

This is a cheque guarantee, signed by Mosley...

...on behalf of a man called Jimmy McCavern.

A cheque for what?

Well, I said it was for the sale of a gin distillery.

But it doesn't matter.

It is direct evidence of a link between Mosley and the head of an organised criminal network.

A relationship he will try to deny...

...after the bonfire of all conventions.

It also contains the names of MPs who have signed up to the movement, and those MPs who are sympathetic but will not show their hand until the organisation is announced officially.

On the 2nd of January.

In Grosvenor House.

You might want to write some of this down.

I am experiencing resistance from my superior officers, too.

This isn't intelligence, Younger.

This is evidence.

Give it to the Branch.

Special Branch?

Half of whom spend their lives defending the Union against Fenians, and the other half who spend their lives defending men like Mosley against socialists.

I heard about his speech at your house the other night.

Was favourably reported as the passionate and spontaneous outpouring of a man moved by the emotions of a ballet.

Reported where?

Daily Mail.

Morning Post.

Daily Mirror.

It's upper, middle and working class, all united in admiration.

Also, I'm being asked the source of my information on Mosley.

Which you don't divulge?


And as a result, my six-monthly review was unfavourable.

They're talking about moving me to a black and coloured desk in Johannesburg.

I also suspect there are specific threats to me personally from an organisation called Section D.

I believe you've had a dispute with them in the past.

Sit down, Younger.


We are now Section D.

And I f*cking beat them.

You're a soldier, I'm a soldier.

There are elements within the state who are prepared to k*ll.

We need to meet them unafraid.

Spoken like a true believer.

My superiors also ask why the information on Jessie Eden and the Communists has apparently dried up.

Why has it dried up, Mr Shelby?

Your sister has an interesting theory.

She thinks perhaps at last Tommy Shelby has actually started to believe in something.


Please don't listen to my sister's opinions of me.

They are always...


Therefore they are always wrong.

Can you hear me?

Look at me.

You're going to be all right.

I'll be back.

You'll be OK.

Look at me.

Look at me.

It's OK.


Call an ambulance!

Call Moss!

Find out where I can reach Ada.

Come on, love.

Up you get.

Good girl.

Come on, take her.

Take her.

Come on.

Up you get.

Up you get.

Good boy.

Come on.

In you go.


Stay inside.


Let's sit down, Ada.

What's happened?

Here, sit down, eh?

Ben Younger is dead.

Someone put a b*mb in his car.

I don't know how you felt about him or how bad this is gonna hurt...

...but whatever happens, just remember you've a baby inside of you.

Oh, God.

Anyone you touch...

Which means anyone I touch.

Which means anyone any of us touch.

He never knew I was pregnant.

I hadn't told him.

I didn't love him.

But I liked him.

He was decent and good...

I wasn't gonna marry him.

The baby was a mistake, but that's OK.

I didn't ask anything of him.

God, he didn't deserve us.

Well, I've spoken to his family - they're gonna take care of the funeral.

It will go down as an IRA assassination of a British military officer.

And what was it really?

It was...

...a consequence of good intentions.

My good intentions.

I pushed him to report on the fascists.

I thought it was the right thing to do.

And as a result, Section D, or the Branch, or Intelligence had him k*lled.

There was a kid...

...died in the expl*si*n.

He was ten years old.

It's funny...

...isn't it, how it works?

Look, Tommy.

Don't give yourself this excuse.

He was ten years old.

If I'd have stuck to what I do, he'd still be kicking a ball in the street.

It's funny, isn't it?

Push the button.

Unlock the door and come home to me.

Chinese lanterns.

Brass on deck.

God f*cking help us.

Chang will be waiting at the dock with the cargo.

We weigh it, we load it, we f*ck off.

Where the f*ck is Chang?

Isiah, take point.

Look lively.

Right, there's your lanterns.

Where the f*ck are the Chinese?

All right, Charlie.

Arthur, it's Chang!


Get over!

Get over.

Get over!

I knew we shouldn't trust these f*ckers and their f*cking lanterns.

If it's the police, hold fire.

Chang, where's the stuff?

Where is it?

They didn't look like police.

Smelt of gin.

They said they were taking the opium on behalf of the King.

Then they saw your boat coming.

So, were they Italian?

- Were they Italian?

- Irish.

Irish, I think...

Oh, f*ck.


Charlie, my g*n.

Give me the g*n.

Give it up, that's it.


Listen to me.

They're Titanic boys out there, right?

They're out of Poplar.

In the w*r, they were very capable.

Very capable soldiers.

So was I.

I was a f*cking capable soldier, too.


Hey, you f*cking bastards!



Stop firing!

Arthur, they've gone.

To any of you still alive, you do not f*ck with the Peaky f*cking Blinders!



Here we go.


Purest ever in Europe.


There's a dead man in a copper's uniform.

Should I throw him in the cut?


No, he'll float, won't he, eh?

Even Irishmen f*cking float.

No, go and fire...

go and fire the kilns.

But there are men working them.

Why do you carry a g*n, Isiah, eh?

And razor blades in your cap?

Cos you're a Peaky f*cking Blinder, that's why.

You take that body and you burn it to the bone.

And if anybody speaks to you on that... offer them the chance to burn in that furnace with him.


Yes, Arthur.



Do we know the people who tried to trick us?

The uncles will be mad.

f*ck your uncles.

And your aunts, your cousins, all of them, right?


Load this up onto the boat.

Let's get back to Birmingham, eh?

Get back to f*cking civilisation and find out who's been talking.


Now look, the Titanic heard about this, right?

That means every g*ng from Poplar to Birmingham will want to be here.

Well, let 'em come, eh?

Let 'em come, Aberama.


Oh, let 'em f*cking come!

Hat and coat off.

Stand up against the wall.

For your own safety, I need to search you for items that could potentially be used as weapons against you.

Oh, that's nice.

He was my friend.

Yeah, well, he's nobody's friend any more.

He's a f*cking animal.

Laces out of your shoes.




This one's real.

You can wait here.


I can't.

It's your funeral.

- I'll have to lock you in.

- Yeah.

Hello, Barney.

Arthur says to say hello.

Sergeant Major?

You're alive?

Arthur's alive, John's dead, Danny's dead, Freddie's dead...

...Jeremiah preaches the gospel barefoot.


And I'm alive.

Them as have gone are the lucky ones.

Thanks for the letters you send, Sergeant Major.

Yeah, Arthur mostly writes them.

I just...

just sign them.

How the f*ck do you write back?

With your f*cking teeth?

No, they stick the pen up me arse.

Someone in here said your name.

They said out there you are a politician now.

Sometimes I am.

I didn't know if it was real, comrade.

I see rats coming out of bodies like at the black wood.

The shit they give me in here...

Hey, Barney, look at me.

Barney, this here is opium and cyanide.

It'll bring on a heart attack.

They won't even check the cause.

You won't feel a f*cking thing.

So, here.

You're in here forever, brother.

You don't have the use of your f*cking hands.

You're still in the tunnels.

I can give this to you now.

Do you want it?


Why not?

I know.

I know.

You still remember...

...that French waitress.

You still going on about that, Tom?


Did you f*ck her before me?

Because whoever did gave me the f*cking clap.

But I'm guessing it was you.

- Yes, I f*cked her before you did!

- Yeah.

- She was beautiful.

- She was.

She was.

And I reckon I was second best after Barney.

Why did you bring the capsule, Tom?

You're in here, Barney, you have no hands, there is no daylight...

...and you don't wanna die.

No, I don't.

Because one day things might change.


Things might change.

Maybe they already have.

Come here, Barney.

Come here.

What if I could break you out of here?

Why would you break me out?

See, the trouble with the people in here is the f*cking meds they keep you on.

Ten years since we were back, Barney, ten f*cking years.

Maybe the storm has passed.

Passed for you, then, has it, Tom?

What would the world do with me if I was out?

I've a job for you.



Barney, you were the best f*cking sn*per in our company.

Never missed.

I can use that man.

I'll get you the latest BSA, f*cking...

telescopic sights.

Who am I sh**ting?

f*ck do you care, Barney?

Get that f*cking thing off, get you free.

- Are you all right in there?

- Grand in here.

What do you say, Barney?

I'll come for you...

...after midnight on Wednesday.

I don't keep track of days, Tom.

Don't have to.

You'll know it will be Wednesday, cos there'll be a big f*cking bang.

All right.

Big f*cking bang.

Big f*cking bang.

Big f*cking bang.

It's f*cking Wednesday!

Big bang on Wednesday!

They called from the Black Boy in Knowle.

They'll be here any minute.

I hear you agreed to give up the north.

I hear...

there needs to be some certainty in the south.

Some of my people were att*cked by members of the Titanic, who've heard about a cargo.

Mr Mosley is open to suggestion regarding who he can rely on to offer him support in London.

Well, I would suggest the most competent organiser of men in the south... Alfie Solomons.

He's dead.

And he's Jewish!

And I'd say as far as our boss is concerned, him being dead would be less of an obstacle than him being Jewish.

I think he'll give London to the Italians.

He likes Italians.

That'll mean more concessions on your part, but you're going to have to accept it, tinker boy.

I like Wincanton.

It's a grand old racecourse.

And that brother of yours, the one who left me a hand grenade...

...he'd be the first of you tinkers I'd go for if our truce should end and the whistle blew.


He's in the mood for a quarrel.

We had a brush with the Titanic, Tom.

Yeah, I heard.


Fun night.

Got noisy, though.

And to think they all said I was mad to take me dad with me, eh?

Your dad?

Who's your dad?

This is my f*cking dad.

Right here.

This is my f*cking dad.

Where's Aberama?

He got off at Solihull.

Said if he sees Billy Boy here...

...he'll cut his f*cking throat.

Tell the tinker he's welcome to come and try it any time.


Is it all aboard?


It's all there.

We weighed it at the wharf.

We used cockney scales.

I wouldn't trust 'em.

They're probably crooked.

- But, er, I reckon seven tonnes.

- Curly?

Put ten sacks of flour - onto Mr McCavern's boat.

- Tom!

I-I don't think it's really flour.

I know, Curly.

Just do as I say.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.


Hey, Arthur?

Someday, yes?

You and me.

Oh, Tommy, hey?

Fascists, hmm?

Look at 'em.

I f*cking hate 'em.

Always have done.

But you...

You, Billy Boy...

Oh, you're special.

Y'know, I f*cking like him, Tommy.

I like yer.

I do.

You're a man after me own heart.

- Someday, Mr Shelby.

- Yeah.

- Someday.

- Yeah.


You just tell me when, Tom.

You just tell me when.

So, er...

So you spoke to Barney Thomason, eh?


Barney Thomason... gonna k*ll...

...Oswald Mosley, sh**t him in the f*cking head.


While he's on stage.

While I'm stood next to him.

And then I will take over as leader of the party...

...and you and Aberama can take care of that bastard McCavern.

I had more complicated strategies in mind for Mr Mosley.

Then he spoke badly to my wife.

It's going to be a busy few weeks, brother.
