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01x05 - Duo

Posted: 09/06/20 05:15
by bunniefuu
I wanted tonight to be special.

What's wrong? What happened?

My brother? He f*ckin' likes you.

I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's really f*cked up.

The idea that somebody could just come into your life and take your children away?

Elena, you have four healthy children that came to you easily that no one can ever take away, okay?

So just don't tell me you know how I feel.

I am a good mother.

Oh really? Because in my book, a good mother puts her daughter's needs before her own.

You didn't make good choices.

You had good choices!

This is not working out.

I think this is gonna be your last day.

You think. I thought we were friends.

White women always want to be friends with their maid.

You are not to go back there again.

Wait, no, Mom... I mean it, Pearl.

No, you can't just do that. I just did!

Come here.

Get in the car!

♪ Fly, robin fly ♪ Babe. Babe!


♪ Up, up to the sky ♪

Let's get out of here.

♪ Fly, robin fly ♪

♪ Fly, robin fly ♪

♪ Fly, robin fly ♪

♪ Up, up to the sky ♪

Good thing we're leaving. We're on our last roll.

What if we don't?

What? Leave.

Who says we have to?

My mother. She'd k*ll me.

She can't k*ll you if she can't find you.

Our flight's at 4:00.

Don't you want an adventure? We've been in Paris for four months.

We just had a whole semester of one.

I'm not ready to go back.

To Denison. To Ohio.

To any of it.

Jamie, we have a whole plan.

We're graduating in May, moving back to Shaker, and taking my parent's rental.

My mom's basically gotten us starter jobs at The Shaker Times.

What happened to The New York Times?

What is even happening right now?

If I don't do this now, then I never will.

And I don't want to live with some "what if" hanging over me.

But how do we stay together if you're here?

I just got off the phone with Linda.

I mean, I could barely make out a word she was saying.

She was practically hyperventilating, Bill.

Art section.

Wait, where are your brother and sister? They're gonna be late.

They already left. Where are our lunches?

You didn't even tell me that woman got visitation rights, Bill.

Yeah, I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Mark last night trying to talk him down, but the truth is, there's not really much we can do right now.

Ed Lan is totally within his rights to ask for a temporary order.

Well, is he within his rights to put things like this in the paper?

"Local Mother Fights for Daughter: 'They Can't Separate Us.'"

I mean, what is that spin?

She separated herself from her baby.

He's, he's gonna have this whole thing play out in the press.

Is that what's happening? Well, we're gonna have this whole thing play out in the press.

We're already getting calls from news outlets.

Wait, we?

You're representing the McCulloughs?

Yes, of course he is. Of course I am. They're our best friends.

You do realize they're stealing that baby, right?

Izzy. They saved that baby's life.

Why are you helping them? You two, get to school.

What I don't understand is how she can afford Ed Lan.

I mean, he's not doing this pro bono, is he?

No, of course he's not.

Um... maybe from this.


This looks just like Mia. Don't be ridiculous.

It's her, right?

Why would she be in The New York Times? She's a major artist, Mom.

You don't even know. Neither do you.

I know she shipped something to New York.

I saw it in her studio. When were you in her studio?

I've been there every day. I'm her apprentice.

Did you know this? Did you know she's been going over there?

No, I did not.

I got to get to the office, but I'll do some digging while I'm there.

You're not to go over there again. Do you understand me?

I am being serious, Isabelle.

If you want to live in this house, you have to live by my rules.

You're not to go over there again.

You seem very angry.

Is it because she might be helping Bebe?

Or is it that she's in The New York Times and you'll never be?

What does it say?

I'm sorry.

It's gonna be okay.


Hey. Hey.

You're supposed to be in school.

Yeah, but how cool is this?

That's you, right?

I feel like I should get it signed now that you're famous.

That's not me.

Really? Yeah.

Izzy, what would I be doing in The New York Times naked?

I... just thought I saw that Sotheby's package being sent out express, and you have that giant Pauline Hawthorne book.

Did you look through my things?


I mean, I looked around a little, but it was...

That's an invasion of my privacy. I'm sorry.

No, you need to go.

You promised no press.

There wasn't, but you can't stop someone from wanting to promote an acquisition.

You know that.

I'm on the phone. I know you're scared, Mi.

But your pregnancy was not a secret.

No one is coming after you because of this.

It's been years.

You're safe, Pearl's safe.

Hold on.

What? I need the phone.

Anita, let me call you back.

Yeah, okay.

What's going on? I need to call Lexie.

You know, since I'm not allowed to set foot in her house.

It's kind of a double standard, you know.

I mean, Izzy gets to come here and hang out all day but I can't go to the Richardson's house?

Izzy did not sneak out in the middle of the night and she did not disobey my explicit instructions.

You can't keep me from having friends.

Lexie is not your friend. You don't even know her.

I know that she will disappoint you. So what?

You're just gonna ban me from that house forever?

You're not making much of a statement when we're living under their roof.

Keep up the backtalk, and we won't be.

My God, Lexie Don't tell me you're bulimic now.


Am I gonna need a hazmat suit?

Next time, use the boy's bathroom. You f*cking look like one.

f*ck off, jock mattress.

I mean, the Arch Deluxe was fine, but you got to admit, it was no McRib.

How do they even, like...


Are, are you mad?


f*ck, you're mad.

You only ever want to go to McDonald's when you want to talk.

I'm not mad. I'm just...

I'm just upset.

I mean, this whole Mirabelle thing. It's so upsetting.

I mean, aren't you upset about it?

I mean... yeah, it sucks.

I mean, Linda and Mark practically raised her since she was born.

And what, now they might have to give her back to some woman who gave her up in the first place?

Well, she's not just some woman. I mean, she is her mom.

And if the government had better systems in place...

No real mother would abandon her baby.

You know, like, if we got pregnant, we would never do something like that. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Don't even say that out loud.

Okay, you don't have to make it sound like it's the worst thing ever.

I mean, we want kids down the road. Yeah, way down.

My parents would k*ll me.

I'd, I'd be a literal cliche.

You know what, speaking of which, you should probably get on the pill.

You know, just to be safe.

Yeah, you're right. I should get on that.


I mean, she already missed her first nap.

If she misses her second one, she's gonna destroy bedtime.

Five more minutes. If she's not here, we can leave.

I mean, maybe I should call The Plain Dealer and tell them that...

You know.

She abandoned her baby again. Imagine that headline.

Come on, Bubba, it's so cold.

May Ling.

Linda, you have to do this.

There's no choice. The judge ordered.

May Ling.

It's only one hour. Okay, come on.

Come on, come on, baby. Come on, yes. There you go, there you go.

Come on.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Hi, this is Elena Richardson. I'm a reporter with The Shaker Times.

I have a few questions.

I'm calling about a recent sale of Hawthorne's "Duo."

Yes, "Duo." D-U-O.

Yes, a Richard Prince show. Did-did Polly mention...

I see that you were a subject of Ms. Hawthorne's.

Hello, this is Elena Richardson... if you could get back to me, I would really appreciate it.

A photograph entitled "Duo."

Hello, my name is Elena Richardson...

Yes, I'm calling about the Pauline Hawthorne photo that recently sold to the Varick Hotel in New York.

I was wondering if...

Yes, I believe that you were a former colleague.

Mia Warren. Do you think she was one of her students?

Yes, this is Elena Richardson. I'm calling from The Shaker Times, if you could please call...

Yes, I understand. But if you can't give me the class rosters, can you at least tell me if Mia Warren was a student there?

Someone's here to see you. They say it's urgent.

Par-pardon me just a minute.

Oh, my God, honey. What-what are you doing here?

When did you know?

Wait, what?

Was it before or after you asked me for my husband's checkbook?

She blames me, Bill. She blames me for all of this.

What are you even doing right now? I'm going to New York.

You're what? I have to get answers, and I can only get them in person. Not over the phone. Elena.

I need to figure out who this woman is.

She has completely infiltrated our lives and wormed her way in.

Has wrecked Linda's life. Okay.

And she can't get away with it. Elena.

She can't. Will you... Just please, just stop for just one second.

And-and-and how is she paying Bebe's legal fees?

I mean, she pretended to be some poor single mother who could barely provide for her daughter, and now, she's wreaking havoc on all of our lives.

Elena. I mean, she's trying to turn my own daughter against me.

You know that. Elena, do not do this again.

She's trying to steal my daughter. This is enough now.

She is, Bill. Mia is not the problem here.

She's trying to help Bebe steal Linda and Mark's...

And she's a liar and a con artist. Elena.

Yes. Can't you see that?

Yes! I see it. She is all of those things. Well, there have to be consequences.

It still doesn't mean that you should be going to New York in the middle of the night to go play PI.

I'm sorry, I'm a journalist.

Are you playing when you go to court?

I'm sorry, but you are scaring me now. That's offensive, Bill.

Please, Elena. Stop this, please.

Ever since you met her, you're just... I don't know what you are.

But it is not good. I mean, look at yourself.

You are coming completely unraveled.

I am completely raveled.

Hey, Mom. What?

Where are you going? I'm going on a work trip.

Okay, I just, I really need to talk to you about something.

Lexie, can you give us a minute?

What is it honey? What?


Nothing. Never mind.

Elena. Elena!

Elena! Elena!

Please don't do this.

I'll be back in two days.

Welcome to the Varick Hotel. Thank you.

Hi. Um...

I need to get a, you know.

An abortion. Today, if possible.

Sign in and take a seat. You'll need to do a consult first.


Margaret, oh, what a pretty name.

I'm Elena Richardson, and I'm a reporter from The Shaker Times in Ohio.

I'm actually investigating this recently unearthed photograph from Pauline Hawthorne. It's called "Duo."

Oh, yes, I've seen this.

I actually have reason to believe that the subject was a student here, which is such an inspiring art school story.

And I was just wondering if it would be possible to see Ms. Hawthorne's class rosters from the early '80's.

Yeah, no, we don't really do that.

Did I mention that I brought these Magnolia Cupcakes for you?

Hey. Hi.

Um... you're early.

I was able to duck out after 5th.

Thanks. They said I can't drive myself home after, so...

They said it may be a while, so if you want to go to Arabica or something...

No, Lexie, I'm not going to leave you here by yourself.

Are you sure that you didn't want Brian here?

Or maybe Serena?


No, you're the only person I told.

Pearl Warren.

Hi, that's me.

The Varick Hotel, please. Sure.

Here on a trip? Uh, yes, a work trip.

What do you do?

I'm a journalist for a prominent newspaper.

You work for The Times?

No, it's in northeast Ohio. Oh.

But I have a friend who works there.

It's nice to have friends in high places.

Is The Times nearby? It's near enough, yeah.

Could you take me there instead? Sure.

Uh, actually? Yeah?

Last change. Is there a department store nearby?

Yeah. Over here. Perfect.

Would you like to see?


You're doing great.

Is your boyfriend waiting for you?

Mm-mm. Just a friend.

Nearly there now.

I'm sorry. I panicked.

I just...

It's just, that woman in there is my mom's friend.

And... if this got out, if people found out, it would like, actually matter, you know?

I'll just take you home. Please don't.

My dad's gonna take one look at me and he'll know.

Please don't take me home.

What happened?


Okay. Come here.

As I live and breathe.


Wow, it's, it's so good to see you. You look...

You look really great.

Uh, I'm sorry to bother you. I can only imagine how busy you are.

It must be jarring to hear from me out of the blue.

It wouldn't be the first time.

I'm actually here in town on a story.

I didn't think The Shaker Times had budget for travel.

Well, they don't, exactly.

But I'm actually looking for the identity of this woman who was in The Times.

Your colleague, Colleen Mitchell, wrote the article.

I was wondering if you could make an introduction, 'cause I have a few questions.

She's not here.

She's out in LA covering the Cindy Sherman retrospective.

Oh. Oh.

I’m sorry to even ask this, but I only have today.

I-I don’t know if maybe you could do a little digging for me.

I-I would do it myself. I just don’t have access to LexisNexis from here.

And it’s more than a story. It’s actually very personal.

Really? How?

It's a long story that I'm sure you don't have time for.

I can do some digging.

Oh, that would be wonderful.

Um, so her name is Mia Warren. Her maiden name might be Wright.

W-R? W-R-I-G-H-T.

And New York will probably come up because I believe she went to school here, but you might want to try McKeesport, Pennsylvania as well.

And, um, I’m just staying at the Varick Hotel, so you could fax me if you find anything, or...

Or, um, I could take you for a drink to say thank you.

You don't think this deserves dinner at least?

Sure. Dinner it is.

I'll leave a message at the Varick. Okay.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome. He's right over there.

So. So.

How are you. Oh, well...

Uh, Bill is partner at his firm now.

My kids are all in high school. Lexie is second in her class.

Moody has his first girlfriend. I asked how are you.

Here you go. Are you ready to order?

I think we're gonna need another minute, thank you.

Yes. Sure.

Cheers. Cheers.

I'm-I'm good, I'm great. I've been busy.

Um, between work and the kids and the house and... but my boss is really great. Very supportive.

And, um...

I still have the rental property.

The property that my parents wanted us to...

Right. Right.

Um, I manage that, and um..


How are you? Do you live in the city?

Did-did you ever get married?

I don't see a ring.

My mom and dad, they still like to say I'm married to work.

Actually, when I became a foreign correspondent, my sister, Georgina. Yeah.

She threw me a wedding shower as a joke.

Really? Yeah.

That's what it's like. Um...

It was what I wanted. I get to work all over the world.

I got to go to Beirut, Johannesburg, London.

When I turned 40, I decided it was time to stop living out of a suitcase.

Well, it sounds like... work keeps you very busy. Travelling.

Yeah, it does. Yeah.

You know that, and... you know, random favors for people I haven't seen in well over a decade.

Speaking of, uh...

Apparently, your Mia Wright had a brother.

He died in a car crash at 17.

What? Yeah, his name was Warren.

Her brother's name is Warren.

I knew it. This is her.

You two ready? You know what?

My friend here just received an unexpected obituary, so naturally, we are celebrating.

What do you say? A glass of champagne?

Actually, let's make it a bottle.

Of course, sir. I'll be back with the list.

What'd you used to say? Um... being right is better than sex.


Because it lasts longer. It lasts forever.


To being right. To being right.

Hey, Dad's working late, so I brought you a couple pieces of pizza.

What's this? It's an apology note.

Okay, you can go now.

Whoa, dude. d*ke central.

Isn't there a Jen you need to go have meaningless sex with?

What's that supposed to mean?

Someone too dumb to know what a bottom feeder you are.

f*ck you, Izz.

She's finally asleep.

Let me get some of that heat.

Guess this is where you gloat. No.

No, Pearl.

It breaks my heart that she can't see you for you.

That she only sees what you can do for her.

I had sex with Trip.

Were you safe?


I would have thought Moody, but I... I mean, Trip?

Why not?

He seemed like... like that guy, you know?

Like the kind of guy that you want your first time to be with.

Like it'd be easy.

And fun and simple.


It wasn't any of that.

Come here.

Oh, honey.

Sex is rarely simple.

Even when you want it to be.

Was your first time with my dad?


But it was with someone that I really loved.

Could you tell me more about him?

My dad, I mean.


How'd you meet?

What was he like?

We met on the subway.

And he was... persistent.

And charming.

And intelligent.

He just wasn't interested in being a parent.


It's for you.

It's Trip.

Okay, but feminists aren't rallying around Paula Jones like they did Anita Hill. That's not why.

It's ideological. No, it's not ideological.

It's actually, she's just not a credible person.

She went up to his hotel room.

Well, Clinton can't stop tripping over his d*ck.

Is that even anatomically possible?

Don't forget, he smoked weed without inhaling.

Oh, yes, okay. Wait, but you did that, too, right?

What, no. I definitely inhaled.

Oh, really? It just, it didn't affect me.

Oh, you mean my birthday?

When you got swindled into buying oregano?

Okay, that was such a combination of terrible negotiating skills on my behalf and a serious language barrier.

Thank you so much, folks. Take your time.

Thank you. Mm-hmm, I got this.

I insist. I asked for the favor.

Then the nightcap's on me.

That was your first time, wasn't it?

Yeah. f*ck.

I'm sorry.

First time should be...

Look, I...

It, it wasn't my first time obviously.


Right, and that's, that's the thing, you know?

I've done it... lots of times with... you know, lots of girls. I know.

I mean, I figured.

Pearl... that's not what I meant. I...

I'm-I-I was just trying to say that...

you're... you're different.

And-and I don't know, I think, I think I got in my head a little bit.

You know, like, I think I was...

I don't know. Like, nervous or something.

Wait, what? What are you talking about?

I mean, you read The Bell Jar for fun.

I don't even know what the f*ck The Bell Jar is, still.

And you're...

really, really pretty.

I'm glad you called.

Me, too.

I mean, I still don't even know what a f*cking hypotenuse is, so...

I still have a lot to learn, too.

♪ If the sun ♪

♪ Goes behind a cloud ♪

♪ And you feel ♪

♪ It's gonna rain ♪ Mia?

Where's Pearl?



Thanks. You good?




Do you think that I made the right decision?

Only you know that.

Yeah, but if you were in my position. If you were me.

I'm not you.


Do you think that I did the wrong thing?

You want to know what I think?


I think... my daughter skipped school to help you and you thanked her by using her name and then demanding that she take care of you.

I spent two months cooking your dinners, working in your house.

You never so much as uttered a thank you.

And now, you want more.

Pearl may love to give and give to you, but I do not.

I'm done.

I'm sorry. I didn't have anywhere else to go.

You had plenty of places to go and plenty of people who care.

You have no concept of what it's like to not have anyone.

Don't insult your own intelligence by pretending otherwise.

When you're done, wash out your own mug.

For once.

Oh, my God, now I really feel like we're in college.

I can't believe we're brown bagging it.

Ah, it's more fun when it's illegal.

So how many drinks are we gonna have before you admit the truth?


Why'd you really come by my office?

I told you, I needed help.

You work for a paper. You didn't need me.

I... okay.

After all we've been through, I just thought that maybe we should clear the air.

And I don't know, be friends.



Wait, what are you doing?

I'm sending you home.

I get lied to enough covering politics, so...

Come on. Jamie.



I-I wanted to see you.

I wanted to know what your life looked like.

If you were happy with the life you chose, or...

It's like, one day, you just wake up and it's settled.

You are who you are, and... you don't remember how it got that way.

You don't remember deciding.

It just happened.

I just wonder if you ever look back at your life and... have regrets.

Because I do. I have some regrets.

Come back to the Varick with me.


Jesus, Elena.

What's it like being this much of a narcissist?

You know the world doesn't actually orbit around you.

Wait, you're the one who asked me to dinner.

You-you-you said you wanted a nightcap.

Because I wanted to see if you'd ever own up.

Take responsibility. f*cking apologize.

You broke up with me. That's what you want to bring up?

Our break-up? We were f*cking kids.

No, I'm talking about what you did to me.

Look, I... When you called this time, I truly wondered if you'd changed.

But you haven't.

You're still the same sad person living a sad life.

You stuck to your plan.

But it's not my job to make your life bearable.

4:15 p. m.

Elena, it's me. The Varick, huh?

I got your message. Just trying you back.

Call me at the office when you get this. Glad you made it safe.

7:13 p. m.

Hey, I'm headed home. Uh, I don't know what you're up to, but... we should probably talk.

10:43 p. m.

Okay, well...

I don't know what's going on.

But I'm worried, Elena.

And I just...

I don't know what I'm supposed to be worried about anymore.

Are you okay? Yes, I am.

I'm sorry, baby.

Can I ask you a question?

Of course.

Did you want me?

When you had me?

Oh, Pearl.

I did.

I did. Oh, you have no idea.


You were so wanted.

Oh, Jesus, okay.

Hi, ma'am. Hi.

I just saw you here sleeping. I wanted to make sure you're all right.

Oh, thank you so much, officer. I'm just resting.

I have a long drive home. All right.

But you may want to move along now. This isn't the safest neighborhood.

Oh, thank you.

What are you doing?

Why are you here?

What's going on?

f*cking answer me, Lexie.

She keeps asking and asking me and I keep wondering.

I don't know.

Did I do the right thing, keeping the truth from her?

Only you know that.

There are so many secrets, Mi.

It's those secrets that keep you alone.

That isolate you, even from the ones you love.

And loved.

Honey, I think this is what you’re really scared of.

But maybe it’s time to be honest with her.

Oh, God, Anita. I don't think I can do that.

I... I don't think I can do...

Hi. Are you Mrs. Wright?

Yes. I'm Elena Richardson.

I'm a reporter from The Shaker Times in Ohio.

I'm so sorry to bother you, but I'm doing a story about your daughter, Mia.

Would you be willing to talk to me?

♪ Like anyone would be ♪

♪ I am flattered ♪

♪ By your fascination with me ♪

♪ Like any hot-blooded woman ♪

♪ I have simply wanted ♪

♪ An object to crave ♪

♪ But you ♪

♪ You're not allowed ♪

♪ You're uninvited ♪

♪ An unfortunate ♪

♪ Slight ♪

♪ Must be strangely exciting ♪

♪ To watch the stoic ♪

♪ Squirm ♪

♪ Must be somewhat heartening ♪

♪ To watch Shepard ♪

♪ Meet Shepard ♪

♪ But you ♪

♪ You're not allowed ♪

♪ You're uninvited ♪

♪ An unfortunate ♪

♪ Slight ♪

♪ Like any uncharted ♪

♪ Territory ♪

♪ I must seem ♪

♪ Greatly intriguing ♪

♪ You speak of my love like ♪

♪ You have experienced love ♪

♪ Like mine before ♪

♪ But this is not allowed ♪

♪ You're uninvited ♪

♪ But this is not allowed ♪

♪ You're uninvited ♪

♪ An unfortunate ♪

♪ Slight ♪

The last time we saw Mia, she was pregnant.

You've never met your grandchild?

That baby was never going to be our grandchild.

I'm sorry, I... I don't understand.

The baby Mia was carrying in that picture.

It was not hers.

Best day ever!