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01x01 - The Spark

Posted: 09/06/20 05:12
by bunniefuu
‐ What do you think she's saying?

‐ She'll probably find a way to blame Izzy.

‐ She always does.

They found evidence of an accelerant.

Guys said when they went in, there were, um... little fires everywhere.

‐ What does that mean?

‐ Well, the fire didn't just happen. It was set.

Where's Izzy? Is she, uh, is she around?

‐ She doesn't have anything to do with this, Lou.

‐ Okay, well, I'd just like to talk to her.

Where is she?

‐ We don't know.

‐ Look, she's a minor. No other homes were damaged.


Someone intentionally burned down your house with you inside.

If Izzy didn't do this, then who did?

‐ ‐ Rise and shine!

Come on, up and at 'em.

Oh, my God, no.

No, tell Jim if he's not ready in time, he's not going.

Brian wants to get there before the line for the Raptor just gets insane.

‐ Isabelle Marie, if you want a ride, we have to go now, honey.

And don't forget your violin.

Coffee. ‐ Thank you, honey.

See you tonight. ‐ Will you tell her to come downstairs, please?

‐ She's coming, but go easy on her. She's on vacation time.

Trip, don't forget your Gatorades.

And Moody, if you're gonna go to Carl's pool, make sure and get a little sun on your legs.

You're looking a little pale. It's summer.

You should look like you've seen the sun.

Trip's just as white as I am.

Honey, everybody looks better with a tan.

Okay, I'm going. ‐ Are you wearing that to orchestra camp?

‐ Yes. Are there Pop‐Tarts?

‐ Uh, no, there's eggs and bacon like everyone else had with no complaints.

‐ You know pigs have the mental capacity of a three‐year‐old, right?

So when you eat bacon, you're basically eating me 11 years ago.

Fascinating. Let's get in the car.

Listen, Linda, I'm with you. Memoirs of a Geisha had my vote.

But you know Elizabeth. Ever since she started at Planned Parenthood, she's just been so political.

So I guess vag*na Monologues it is.

You know, I'm over my minutes. Can I call you back?


Hi, everybody. ‐ Good morning.

‐ Hi. ‐ Hi.

‐ Good morning, Elena. ‐ Marci, any day now.

Just sleep when they sleep, and it'll be the best thing you do.

I promise. Take it from the woman who knows.

She took six weeks of paid vacation times four.


Look, I never normally do something like this, but I would hate to not say something and then have something bad happen.

Yes, okay, so it's an older model car.

Blue, and it looked as though there was a woman living in there.

African‐American, I think.

‐ Hey, hi. You slept well.


Hands visible, honey, okay?

How we doing this morning, ma'am?

‐ Morning, officer.

‐ Hey. ‐ Hm?

‐ It's in the right zone. ‐ Yeah.

Mm, I like it. ‐ Do you?

‐ I do. ‐ Should we go?

‐ Yes, let's go.

‐ Yeah, let's go.

‐ Wow.

I thought the ad said "duplex."

‐ It did.

‐ Every house on Windsor has two families in it even though it appears to only have one.

It was actually designed that way to avoid any stigma of renting instead of owning.

‐ How thoughtful.

You can look around wherever you want to, honey.

So rent is $300 a month.

That is well below market, and it's really not about the money for us.

I've lived in Shaker all my life. My parents left this rental to me.

The point is to rent to someone who can, um...enjoy it.

You'll see the appliances were updated a few years back.

The heat is all electric. Water and power included.

What else?

‐ Wait, there's two bedrooms and a sun room?

Yes. ‐ Pearl.

‐ Mom, you could have an art studio and I could finally have my own room.

‐ Uh, are you an artist?

‐ I am. ‐ Oh, wow, that's fantastic.

I love art.

‐ I can tell.

‐ Well, you know, I never normally do this, but I might be willing to knock a little off the rent if you can mow the lawn.

'Cause our downstairs tenant, Mr. Yang, he was doing it, but then he let it get patchy, and with his arthritis, we've taken to hiring someone.

That's very generous of you.

I'd be happy to mow your lawn whenever you want.

Well, it would actually have to be every two weeks because the grass in Shaker can't be over six inches tall.

‐ Does someone measure it?

‐ And ticket you. It's all in the town welcome packet.

‐ Thank you.

Mom, it's perfect.

‐ You would be zoned to East Shaker, which is private school education at public school prices.

It was actually one of the first schools integrated in the city.

I know that because my mother was on the board there when it happened.

And my own children go there.

Actually, my youngest is starting there this year.

God help us all.

‐ And the lease?

‐ Oh, it's a year to start, and month to month after that.

‐ No I, I need month to month to start.

We move around a lot for work.

‐ But you said that we could stay the year.

‐ I said maybe.

‐ What is it that you do?

‐ I'm an artist.

‐ Oh, yes, of course, you said that.

I didn't realize you meant professionally.

I feel like that's one of those ideal jobs you just see on TV.

Like a spy or a marine biologist.

I, I would love to rent month to month. It just becomes a management thing.

It's just a full‐time job on top of my other job.

‐ No, we don't expect you to change the rules for us.

But Mom. ‐ Hey, we will find another place.

There's always another place.

‐ Excuse me.

‐ So you rented it to her on the spot, just like that?

Do you even know anything about this woman?

‐ Well, I know she's a single mom and she has a 15‐year‐old daughter.

Actually, her daughter is a rising sophomore as well.

You should do the neighborly thing and introduce yourself.

Can I get the rolls? ‐ What about the mom?

‐ Well, she's very attractive. African‐American.

‐ What does that matter? Could I get the pasta?

‐ And an artist. ‐ You know it's not all for you, right?

‐ Brian says his parents say we should say "black" now.

‐ Well, Jesse Jackson says African‐American and he's on television.

‐ What kind of artist is she? ‐ Well, apparently, a struggling one.

I saw her sleeping in her car.

‐ You rented to a homeless person?

‐ Between homes isn't homeless, Bill.

‐ Did you even have time to check her references?

‐ You know what felt good? Helping.

It is a beautiful thing to know that your actions can affect another person's life.

And that's what life is about, guys. Doing kind things for kind people who appreciate your kindness.

‐ Well, thank you for dinner, Mom. It was great.

‐ You're welcome. It was really good.

‐ There's bacon in the sauce.

‐ How was practice today?

You ready for the concert on Friday?

I didn't go.

Mm. ‐ What do you mean you didn't go?

That's Jen.

‐ We're going to talk about this. Which Jen are you‐‐

‐ Jen R. and Jen H. Son.

Both? Yeah.

You know, you should take your brother with you.

‐ That's okay. No, honey, you should go.

I'm sure your brother would like to meet some nice Jens.

‐ You know, I would, but um, he's, he's not really their type.

Or anyone's. Trip.

That's not nice.

‐ The town history. Ah, the town rules.

A good neighbor guide. Ooh, look.

Bumper sticker.

‐ Oh, don't even think about defacing the Chevette.

‐ Did you know that Shaker was the first planned community in America?

‐ I did.

‐ Yeah, it uh, it says here that all the schools were built so that no kid would ever have to cross a major street to get to one.

‐ Uh‐huh.

Here, your horses.

‐ Okay, see, this is interesting.

"Shaker was built on the underlying philosophy

"by the founders that everything can and should be planned to avoid uncertainty and disaster."


‐ Less reading, more unpacking, please.

‐ Okay. ‐ Okay.

‐ Okay. ‐ Okay.

‐ Okay, okay.

‐ You do realize this whole youth orchestra costs more than all of the kids' summer activities combined?

I mean, we could have gone to Nantucket for a week for what it costs, and she just takes it all for granted.

‐ She's 14 years old, hon.

Taking it for granted is kind of her job.

‐ Lexie never took anything for granted.

And neither did Trip or Moody.

‐ Different kids.

‐ There are just children out there who have never even had their own room before.

‐ Why do you let her get you this worked up?

‐ She just doesn't participate.

And if you don't participate, you can't succeed.

‐ She'll be fine.

Can we stop talking about Izzy, please?

‐ Isabelle. ‐ Sorry.

‐ It's not Wednesday or Saturday.

‐ You know, we are allowed to have sex on other days.

‐ But it's so much more fun when we plan it.

‐ Tomorrow, we'll get you a bed.

‐ Get? ‐ Mm, find.

‐ Except we'd have to trespass to find anything.

"Trash bins and discarded items have to stay behind your house to avoid the unsightly spectacle of clutter."

‐ No. ‐ I kid you not.

‐ No, you are making this up. ‐ I'm not.

‐ So that we have to splurge and go to Goodwill.

‐ No, I'm not. ‐ Uh‐huh.

‐ I'll miss being next to you.

‐ We could do our knock.

From Ann Arbor, when we had that weird partition between us?

‐ Yeah, I remember.

I love you so much.

‐ I love you, too.

‐ I love you.

What's so funny?

You, you're‐‐ stop taking pictures. What?

You're my child, I can take as many pictures of you as I want.

Are they all there? ‐ Uh, two slats are missing.

We'll find new ones. ‐ Okay.

‐ You've got a friend.

‐ Hi. I just came by to... my mom is the landlord on the house.

I'm Moody.

‐ Moody? ‐ Uh, yeah. It's a nickname.

‐ Pearl.

"I came..." what does that say?

"I came to explore the wreck."

‐ Yeah, it's, uh, it's a line from a poem. Adrienne Rich.

I love her writing. ‐ Yeah, no, she's cool.

‐ You know her?

‐ No. ‐ Okay.

Are you good at lifting things?

‐ Yeah, yeah, I'm... I love lifting things.

I lift things all the time. It's kind of my thing.

‐ You good back there, Moody? Yeah.

‐ You got it? Good.

Your family must be so fun.

I mean, four of you.

‐ It's like a litter.

‐ I used to beg for a little sister, but, uh, my mom always said that work was her other kid.

So yours is a journalist?

‐ Yeah, just part‐time for, like, this small‐time paper.

The Plain Dealer is the big one here, but when she finally got an offer there, she had to turn it down because she was pregnant with Izzy.

‐ Um, here, let's switch.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Okay.

‐ She did interview Janet Reno once, though.

Hang around long enough, she will bring it up.

‐ Oh, wait.

Sorry, I just do one. ‐ One what?

‐ Wall.

Well, see, the sample size is free, and we just have to repaint every few months when we move.

‐ What do you mean "every few months"?

‐ My mom picks a place that she wants as her subject.

We stay till she finishes a series, and then we move on.

Cerulean blue.

I love it. ‐

‐ Where's the interview? Oh, it doesn't matter.

You'll be here when I get back?

‐ Um, Moody, you said that you had some cool spot you wanted to show me, right?

‐ You kind of need a bike to get there.

‐ We'll be here.

‐ Oh, I think I recognize those girls from East Shaker.

Is she showing her belly button? Is it pierced?

Look, is that April?

I feel like she's barely been around this summer.

Did something come between you two?

Oh, I see there's been some new developments.

Oh, I remember being 14, being in this body and feeling like I had no control over what was happening.

‐ Weren't you like, super popular?

I thought you and Linda, like, ruled the school.

‐ Well, sure, we fit in.

You could fit in, too, honey. Maybe you should wear your hair down‐‐

‐ Mom. ‐ What?

‐ Stop. ‐ I don't know what you're so upset about.

It's, it's actually your best feature.

I'm gonna give you money. You didn't need to do this.

‐ Please, I forced you to join.

‐ You didn't. Elizabeth forced us to join.

‐ With everything that you have on your plate, you do not need to be buying this off‐Broadway smut.

‐ What, what's on my plate?

‐ A little baby. ‐ One.

You have four. ‐ But that is a lot of work.

‐ I just can't wait to watch you avoid saying the word "vag*na" for two hours straight.

‐ I hate that word.

It's just...can we just say "Virginia"? ‐ What?

Yeah, the Virginia Monologues. ‐ Yes, better.

‐ Hi, shh. How'd she do?

‐ She's totally out. She finished the whole bottle of formula, too.

‐ You are a godsend.

‐ Oh, Mom, have you seen my roller blades? I want to work off the fro‐yo.

Uh, I think they're in your closet. ‐ Okay, thank you.

‐ Thank you.

I mean, she is a mini you.

‐ Well, at least one of them is. ‐ Mm.

‐ You know, I'm just trying to raise nice children who do good in the world.

‐ You are doing that and setting a great example.

What did Lexie tell me? You're renting to a homeless woman for practically nothing?

I mean, who does that?

Come on, you're Superwoman.

Oh, my God, Mom. ‐ What?

What is it? What's the matter?

Mom. ‐ What, what?

Mom, it just, it smelled bad‐‐ ‐ Oh, my God.

And it started smoking and I didn't know what to do‐‐

‐ What is that smell? So I just threw something at her.

‐ Oh, my God, honey, are you okay? Are you okay? What's the matter?

Oh, my God, are you all right?


Did you do this on purpose?

We have to do something, Bill. You saw it.

One side is completely singed. ‐ Something, yes, but therapy, no.

‐ She set her hair on fire on purpose.

‐ Because she's trying to push your buttons, hon.

So don't give her the satisfaction.

Right, I mean, why do you keep on taking the bait?

So should I do what you do and deny anything's wrong and just make me the bad guy? ‐ I'm just saying if we fixate on what Izzy is doing‐‐ ‐ I'm not fixating. I'm mothering.

‐ I know you are, honey.

Have you ever thought about talking to somebody?

‐ I'm talking to you right now.

‐ Honey.

Izzy has always been Izzy.

‐ Isabelle.

I warned you when we named her. It's not even a proper name.

‐ We call our son Moody. ‐ She could have called herself anything.

Belle, Bella, Elle, Ella is cute. ‐ But none of those names would have pissed you off, would they?

I'm just saying, hon. Why all the constant battling?

I mean, really, is it because you want Izzy to be happy, or because you want Izzy to be more like you?

I just think that maybe we could do something with, like, layers.

Like, um, Rachel from Friends.

‐ I was thinking Drew Barrymore. Mad Love, Boys on the Side.

‐ We can definitely have fun.

We just have to take your bone structure into account.

Drew Barrymore's is fun.

Coke at 12, rehab at 14, flashing David Letterman at 20.

‐ So I think we're thinking layers.

Um, and short, but not too short.

I'm just gonna pop out for an errand and I'll be right back.

It's gonna be great, honey.

Mia! Elena.

‐ Hey.

Um, are you biking? No, I'm building something.

‐ Oh, you're a sculptor.

‐ Uh, mixed media. Photography, textiles.

‐ I love your bumper sticker.

Shaker spirit. I love it.

‐ Oh, that's all Pearl.

‐ Are you working at Lucky Palace?

‐ Yeah, a couple nights a week.

‐ Oh, nights. That's tough.

I hate to think of Pearl all by herself, alone.

‐ She's used to it.

I used to clean at the Cam in St. Louis till 3:00 A. M.

‐ You know what you should do?

Weddings and family photos.

You would make a k*lling in Shaker. You should do ours.

If you could get my youngest to smile, I would pay you extra.

‐ Yeah, the thing about portraits is you need to show people how they want to be seen.

I prefer to show people as they really are.

‐ There has to be something. ‐ I'm fine.

‐ You know, I...I've been meaning to hire someone for my house.

Um, just to do a little light cleaning. Some laundry.

Maybe cook dinner.

‐ You mean, like, to be your maid?

‐ More, more like a housekeeper.

‐ Yeah, I don't do that.

‐ Oh, I wasn't assuming, I‐‐ you said the thing about the museum and the 3:00 A. M.

‐ Yeah, because I wanted to cultivate a relationship with the curator.

I got something that I needed out of it.

‐ No, no, you would get something out of this as well.

I mean, we would pay. We pay very‐‐ We pay really well.

I mean, we pay what's fair, and whatever you thought was fair, that's what we would pay.

But I just‐‐ you know, what I meant was house helper, house manager.

That's what I really meant because I'm so unorganized.

But it was just a suggestion, so take it or leave it.

Take it or leave it.

‐ I went to use the lawnmower, and it's out of gas.

‐ Oh, I'll send Bill over with gas.

‐ Yeah, or Moody, next time he comes over.

‐ Uh, wait, I'm sorry. My son, Moody?

‐ Yeah.

He and Pearl have been hanging out every day.

You didn't know.


Do you think it was offensive?

‐ Well, I mean, housekeeper is loaded.

‐ No, no, no, I said house manager.

And what does that mean, loaded?

You mean r*cist.

‐ Mm‐mm. ‐ Isn't it more r*cist to not offer her the job because of her race?

Now that's r*cist.

And I'd already had such a day with Isabelle and her hair.

I should never have left her at that salon.

And then when I leave, and I'm clearly just trying to help somebody who needs it‐‐ ‐ Hon.

‐ I'm made to feel like I'm a horrible person. ‐ Honey, hon.

You obviously had the best of intentions.

‐ Well, I try.

‐ But asking this woman to come work in our house.

I mean, really? You don't even know her.

You have the biggest heart.

It's one of the things I love the most about you.

‐ Oh.

It's Thursday now.

‐ Yeah, okay, so there's two guys in the hotel room.

‐ Okay. ‐ And then they're finally going to sleep and they're snuggling in the bed and he's like, wait.

Those aren't pillows. It's like‐‐ ‐ What?

‐ I don't know, I'm probably not explaining it right.

‐ That sounds great. ‐ We should watch that movie next.

‐ This is it.

Come on, it's in here.

‐ Okay.

Hi, honey. Hey.

How are you?

Where have you been? Video store.

Pearl's never seen Before Sunrise.

Oh, fun. Yeah.

‐ Hi, Pearl. Hi, Mrs. Richardson.

‐ Call me Elena. ‐ Okay.

‐ How are you? ‐ I'm, I'm‐I'm good.

‐ Uh, we're out of Snapple, honey. We only have Shasta.

sh**t, really?

‐ Uh, Pearl, are you joining us for dinner?

‐ Oh, um, I‐I don't know. ‐ Well, you are welcome to.

I just don't want to step on your mother's toes.

‐ Oh, no, trust me, you wouldn't be stepping on her toes.

She's not really a dinner person.

She's more of an "eat what's left" type of person.

Yeah, and she might be working late tonight too, so.

‐ Working nights is so tough. I used to do it before the kids were born.

But you have to take the good with the bad.

We can't all be interviewing Janet Reno.

Moody, will you take these into the TV room?

And tell everybody only one before dinner.

‐ Can I help you with anything?

‐ Oh, no, I'm fine. Please enjoy yourself. I'll track down your mom, okay?

‐ All right, thank you. ‐ Okay.

‐ But what happened when they had to initiate you into the g*ng?

‐ Hey, go. We wanna watch something. ‐ This is something.

‐ Yeah, Izzy in ten years. Dude, f*ck off.

‐ More like five with that haircut.

You're a bitch. Holy sensitive, Batman.

Take a joke.

‐ This is Pearl. Pearl, Lexie and Trip.

‐ Hi.

‐ You can take Izzy's spot.

‐ Okay, sorry.

Um, yeah, no, that's fine.

As long as it's not too much trouble.

Oh, please, when you have six mouths to feed, you hardly notice one more.

I just didn't want to step on any plans that you had.

‐ No, I don't, I don't plan. I just wing it usually with leftovers.

Yes, that's what Pearl said.

You know, it was so nice running into you the other day.

I, I hope that, um,

you're still liking the place.

‐ Tell Pearl to call me when she needs me. I'll come get her.

‐ Will do.

I mean, that's got to be a record, Mom.

That's like the second time this week.

Third. She said it earlier, too.

Well, she is the Attorney General who rose from a rustic life in the Everglades to the height of political power.

‐ That's a quote from the article.

‐ Do you see the abuse I suffer, Pearl?

‐ Is she really not coming to dinner? ‐ She said she's not hungry.

I'd hide too if I had that haircut.

‐ She should just G.I. Jane it.

‐ Hey, you two, knock it off.

‐ Oh, I can't believe she did this the day before the concert.

Trip, can you pass the potatoes to Pearl, please?

‐ Sure. Speaking of the concert, I'm not gonna be able to make it tomorrow night.

What? ‐ I tried, but Anderson said he could only meet on Friday night.

‐ But it's in the calendar, honey. I know, hon.

‐ Is she even playing? She better be.

I mean, she's not getting a college scholarship with her grades.

‐ Pearl, have you been looking at colleges yet?

‐ Oh, um, no.

‐ Wait, aren't you gonna be a sophomore?

‐ Not everyone has their whole life planned out.

‐ I'm going to Yale.

You know, kids here statistically go to the best colleges, so you'll have a leg up just by going to Shaker.

‐ Congratulations. ‐ Thanks.

She hasn't even applied yet, and Pearl is not going to have any trouble.

She reads The Bell Jar for fun.

‐ Oh. Really?

‐ Yeah.

‐ Well, with all this affirmative action stuff, you'll be a shoe‐in practically anywhere.

Ow, what? It's what Brian always says.

‐ That's her boyfriend. He's African‐American.


You really didn't have to drive me. My mom could have come.

‐ Oh, I wanted to.

So is it just you and your mom? ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Oh, you two must be so close.

‐ Your house is so beautiful.

I really liked how all your books were arranged by color.

‐ Thank you so much for noticing. ‐ Of course.

‐ So when did you get to interview‐‐ ‐ So what kind of artist is‐‐ Oh. ‐ I'm sorry.

‐ No, no, you go ahead.

‐ I was just gonna ask if it was recent. That interview.

‐ Yes, well, it was right after the Oklahoma City bombing, and I couldn't believe I got her.

‐ Well, I'm, I'd love to read it. If you have a copy, of course.

‐ Oh, I have eight.

‐ I write, too.

Poetry. It's, it's not the same as what you do, I know, but it's‐‐

‐ I‐I'm sure it's wonderful.

Journalism can be so prescribed, you know?

But I find comfort in the who, what, where.

I'd be curious to read your work.

And see your mother's art. It sounds very impressive.

‐ Well, what you do is impressive, too. I'd love to do that someday.

‐ Really? ‐ Yeah.

‐ Well, like Lexie said, you're in Shaker now.

Anything is possible.

Thanks again for the ride, and these.

‐ Yes, of course, of course.

‐ Okay, good night. ‐ Good night.

Oh, Pearl.

I want you to know you're always welcome at our house, okay?

‐ Okay, thank you.


Hey, Pearl.

I got you something.

Moody, are you serious? ‐ Yeah.

‐ Oh, my God.

This is where you wanted to take me? A junkyard?

‐ You'll see. Come on.

‐ Oh, my God.

What is this place?

‐ Uh, my wreck.

‐ You read it.

That poem.

‐ Yeah.

I love that line.

"I came to see the damage that was done."

‐ "And the treasures that prevail."

Isabelle Marie, we're gonna be late.

We've got to go.

What are you wearing?

‐ I'm gonna button it.

‐ No, just no. Where is the dress that I bought you last week?

‐ Mom, just please stop. ‐ Here, put this on.

‐ It's not me.

‐ You lost the privilege of being you when you set your hair on fire.

No one wears cutoff jeans to perform with the Cleveland Youth Chamber Orchestra.

‐ I do. ‐ Well this isn't about you.

That's not how the world works.

There are rules, and they exist for a reason.

If you follow the rules, you'll succeed.

‐ Succeed in profiling?

‐ Just put on the god damn dress.

And brush what's left of your hair.

‐ Okay, so the options are, we have Dylan, uh, Neil Young.


‐ I know that one Toad the Wet Sprocket song.

‐ Their one song, yay. ‐ Um.

Or how about a poem?

‐ You write poetry, too?

‐ No, I meant one of yours.

‐ Okay.

Why aren't we friends anymore?

‐ You know why.


"You'll say I stole them

"when I took them off your dresser and put them in my mom's black purse.

"The one she got in Arizona.

Or Sacramento. Or maybe it was New Orleans."

"But I put them where I knew they'd be safe.

Their smooth ceramic skin."

‐ Second stand at 14.

"One like ivory.

"One like strawberry.

"One like chocolate.

"You'll say I stole them and that horses should ride free.

But can something be stolen if it was always meant for you?"

Moody, what is that?

‐ Wait, what is she doing?

Why isn't she playing? ‐ I don't know.

‐ Oh, shit.

‐ I'm trying. Hurry, let's go.

‐ Hello?

‐ What happened? Mom.

‐ What did you do? ‐ Mom, I can explain.

‐ This wasn't Pearl's fault.

‐ Bruce, thank you.

Your son insisted we come here first.

‐ I'm sorry it was such a hassle for you.

‐ Well, you're lucky the security guard called us, or it could have been even more of a hassle.

Trespassing? What are you doing? ‐ Trespassing?

He will not be doing that again, I promise you.

Don't be too hard on him. We did worse in high school.

‐ Oh, stop. Give Helen my love. Will do.

Let me get the bikes. ‐ Bikes?

Moody, help him, please.

‐ Get inside now. Mom, I'm trying to explain.

‐ This is so careless and stupid. What if you got arrested? What then?

‐ Uh, Bruce is not a police officer.

He's just neighborhood watch.

There's no reason to be this upset.

‐ Good night, Elena. Thank you.

‐ Of course. Good night.

Moody, hurry up.

‐ Get upstairs. Get upstairs.

I want to know where you got that bike. From Moody.

He got it for me. ‐

‐ You know you're not like the Richardsons, right?

‐ I know that. ‐ The cops are not on our side.

‐ It wasn't even a cop. ‐ We don't get passes like them.

The last thing we need is to be on somebody's radar.

‐ Mrs. Richardson wasn't even upset.

You're the one making a big deal out of this.

‐ This was a mistake. We should go.

‐ What? What, no. ‐ We should go to Connecticut.

‐ No, Mom, Mom, please. ‐ To that school in Guilford you told me about. ‐ Mom, no.

‐ There's still time to enroll you before the school year starts.

‐ No, Mom, you can't do that because you promised that‐‐

‐ I never promised. ‐ Yes, you did.

‐ I said I would try!

You heard what you wanted to hear.

‐ Do you even care about what I want?

Because most moms do.

They actually put their kids first, you know?

That's what Mrs. Richardson does. She puts all of her kids first.

I am tired! I‐I'm tired of, of moving around.

Of going wherever you want to go whenever you want to go there.

I am tired of not even having a home.

I just...

I want more than just one wall.

‐ You know what, Pearl? You have had 100 walls in 100 places.

How many kids get to experience a life like yours?

Go to your room.

You wanted your own room so badly. Go to your room.

Go to your room!


‐ Hey. ‐ Hey.

Um, is, is Moody here?

‐ Uh, no, he actually, he ran to the store to return a video.

‐ Okay, um, well, could I just leave this somewhere for him?

‐ Yeah, sure, just right up around the corner.

‐ All right.

‐ Uh, me and Lexie are inside if you want to hang out until he gets back.

‐ Okay, yeah, sure.

‐ When I was 18, you were 14.

‐ Psh, yeah, and you still look 15 so shut up.

Oh, my God, you're so rude.

‐ Marathon just started. Real World: Boston.

It'll be hard to beat San Francisco, though.

Aw, Puck. ‐ Oh, Pedro.

It was, like, an AIDS thing. It was, like, super sad.

‐ Okay.

What are you doing? ‐ Where's Pearl?

‐ My mom would hate that. You walking on the grass.

‐ How does she feel about black spray paint?

‐ She's in the TV room with the rest of them.

‐ Have you seen that brand, Rustoleum?

Quality's twice as good but it's half as expensive.

We artists got to stick together.

No, you obviously don't have AIDS. Like, clearly.

How do you get AIDS? What is AIDS? What is AIDS?

Is that like HI‐‐ like I know, no, no, I know, it's like, you get a cold and then you die.

But like, what... Yeah.

It stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

It's basically where your body, like, breaks down and can't fight off any form of disease.

But it's, like, super rare.

Can, can you like, get it from, like, germs, right?

Oh, my God, you're such a moron.

You can't‐‐ no, you're not‐‐ You can't get it from like, anything.

You have to have like, an open sore.

Look, Puck's not the one I wouldn't want to live with, that all I'm saying.

That's a double negative. Dude, you're a double negative.

‐ Pearl.

I'll meet you in the car.


Hey. Hey.

Isabelle Marie, what on Earth are you doing?

Can I talk to you, if you have a minute?

‐ Oh, uh, hello.

‐ Does the offer still stand?

‐ I'm sorry?

‐ That you made the other day that I should have reacted to more graciously.

I'd like to take you up on it. To help you in your household if the offer still stands.

‐ Oh, um.

If you'd like to.


‐ Great.

‐ Great.

We should stop at a paint store.

Pick up a quart of cerulean blue.

‐ What? ‐ Hm?

‐ Wait, what? Wait, are you serious?

‐ Yes. ‐ Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Hello, It's Elena Richardson again calling about your former tenant.

I was wondering if you could call me back anytime tonight, no matter how late.

Um, thank you so much. I would really appreciate it.

‐ What do you think?

‐ I love it.

I love it.

‐ Bill.

It's Saturday.

Yes, hello?

Yes, thank you for calling me back. I really appreciate it.

I was calling about your former tenant, Mia Warren.

Yeah, no, she wasn't my tenant.

‐ Okay, I... she had you down as a reference.

Are you sure?

Positive. I've never met a Mia Warren in my life.

‐ Okay, thank you.