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01x07 - The Self-Preservation Society

Posted: 09/06/20 04:50
by bunniefuu
Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas!

Who's been naughty?

It is dead centre on your brand.

Let's get a picture. I love pictures.



Another one.

Oi, gorgeous.

Vodka soda, hold the soda. Thank you.

Drinks are free, but the food's bloody awful.

Ahi tartare, for f*ck's sakes.

Okay. Just let me shake a few more hands, and then we'll be out of here... Whoa.

Easy, tiger. I want you on your A game.

A game?

You know, I like the sound of that.

Yeah? Yeah.

Merry Christmas.


New senior director, digital marketing.

Yeah. How did you know? I have my sources.

And your nametag.

Yes, that, too.

This is my husband, Billy. Great to meet you.

Billy Butcher.

Becca, you handled my takeover, right?

Yes, I did.

You saw it? I loved it.

Wow, thank you. No, thank you.

What'd you take over? Vought's Twitter account.

Yeah. Your brilliant wife here did all the work.

She posted my photos, she wrote my messages.

It was exceptional.

All right, so they thought it was you up there, but it was really Becca.

Bit deceptive, isn't it?

No, Billy, that's what we do because Homelander's busy saving lives.

It's okay, it's okay. It... You're right.

It's a little dishonest, but I'm all thumbs when it comes to that kind of stuff, so leave it to the experts.

Listen, I would love to talk to you about maybe quarterbacking the rest of my social media.

Seriously? Absolutely.

My dad, he always said, "Surround yourself with people smarter than you."

Oh, my better half is wanting my attention, but maybe we could chat tomorrow.

That sounds wonderful. Thank you. Thank you.

Great to meet you, pal.

Good to meet you.

Love that accent.

Hello, beautiful. Ready to go?

How the f*ck does he walk around in that sweaty f*cking wetsuit all day long, balls mashed up against his leg like pancakes?

What? You promised to behave.

Let's get the f*ck out of here. Yeah?



I didn't realise you were such a cigar aficionado.

I really, I just...

I can't get enough of huge gross logs of filterless tobacco.

This is all really nice.


There is a "but" coming.


But why did you bring me to a hotel?

And not your place?

Well, you know. I mean, yeah, sure, my Dad could make you some post-coital pizza rolls.

I just figured this would be slightly less humiliating.

Yeah, all right.


Yeah, very convincing.

You okay? What's going on?

It's just...

I've never seen your place, or your job.

You're kind of a mystery to me.

That's hot, right?

Look, you got to understand that my dad was nothing but corny jokes and expensive gifts, until he was gone, and all the money along with him.

I know that that's not you, but...

I need to know that the hotel is a nice thing and not a red-flag thing.

I quit my job.

I'm sorry, I...

I really should've told you.

After Robin, programming other people's remotes, it felt kind of pointless.

And yeah, I mean, you can meet my dad, but you're gonna regret asking that.

So everything's okay?

It's great.

No red flags.

Now, I know this is not as swanky as New York City, but to have a hero like you in a place like Sandusky, I mean, everyone down at the local branch is just tickled pink.

Yeah. Now, we got Cedar Point, biggest roller-coaster park in the whole U.S. of A.

We're just a couple short hours from Cleveland or Toledo.

And Lake Erie? Right here, if you want to swim. Oh, yeah.

There it is.

What's this? That's your per diem.

You get $75 a day.

Grocery store, right down the street.

To make my own food?

There's a Dairy Queen, too.

Like Blizzards and stuff?

You betcha.


I mean, what about my crime itinerary?

I think the best thing's just to get out there and put some points on the board.

Not much crime in Sandusky.

I mean, we're not a sh*thole like Akron.

But if something comes up, we'll call.

You'll call?

Absolutely. Okay.

Oh, this is k*lling me. Come on.


Oh, no f*cking way.

You need 3,000 calories an hour, or you're gonna pass out.

I can't do this shit, man.

Tough shit.

You heard the doc.

Your heart is getting bigger, balls are getting smaller, your bone density's for shit.

That Compound V shit is k*lling you.

Hey. Don't even say it out loud, all right?

You don't know shit about it. I don't want to know.

And you're done, okay? No more f*cking around.

Did you see my last time out there?

Sioux City's got a f*cking faster runner than me.

Then no more club openings and commercial sh**t.

Okay? None of that shit. We train.

Back to the basics.

Nobody gets it back at my age.

I'm gonna be a freak show like Ben Johnson racing against horses.

At least you'll still be breathing.


I got to go. Where?

What's going on? I missed you guys.

Just wanted to see your smiling faces.

Take a seat, buddy.

And, truth be known, I felt like we were overdue a little heart-to-heart.

A rap session, maybe a little tough love.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that lately, some of you have been a little out of sorts.



Downright sloppy.

Not you, Noir. You've been great.

But the rest of you...

It is fair to say that I am disappointed.

Got to keep your eye on the ball, guys.

The enemies are storming the gates.

I mean, we're not even the Seven anymore, we're down to five.

We're dropping like f*cking flies, but at least now I know why.


Is this a joke? Why is Hughie up there?

I don't understand. Who is this guy?

This guy is Hugh Campbell.

He and Starlight are going steady.

He's also one of the guys who k*lled Translucent.

Wait, what?

As well as blackmailing Mesmer, Ezekiel, Popclaw and God knows who else. Popclaw?

No. No, no, no. You... That is insane.

Starlight, sticks and stones won't break my bones, but words... No, sir.

I'm sorry. I wasn't...

It's just, he's not...

I mean, why would he do that?

Good question. A-Train, over to you.

What? Oh, boy.

That little egg of yours is still scrambled, huh?

How about now?

Oh, shit.

I know this guy.

You did smash through his girlfriend, so I should hope so.

Robin something or other.

I remember now, I've seen him outside of Popclaw's place.

He was all in my face.

You're f*cking this guy? Okay, slow down.

I don't know what's going on, but Hughie is not capable of anything close to this.

Well, that is true, actually. That's very true.

He is just a man and, by the looks of it, not much of one.

But... But hear me out.

What if he was helped?

Say someone, I don't know, got him in to see Ezekiel and got rid of the Deep.

No. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.

Keep those hands down by your sides, missy.

Sit down.

Now... I know that you want to make this whole Deep thing an "All the single ladies" moment.

Power, right?

But really, what you've done is pulled off every criminal's wet dream.

I mean, the Seven is down by two.

I just can't help noticing that it all started when you came along, which makes me wonder, which one of us is next?

You bitch.

I didn't do anything. Enough!

We're a different f*cking breed.

We shine with the golden light of providence, but you, you've been helping these f*cking mud people to go against us. No.

Shut your f*cking mouth, young lady.

If you were in my position...

what would you do to you?

Homelander, that's enough.

You got something to add, Maeve?

She didn't know.

Well, she stinks of adrenaline and her heart's beating like a little rabbit.

The only thing she's guilty of is being f*cking stupid.

She obviously fell for this Hugh Campbell guy and he's pumping her for information, so back off, leave her alone.

Starlight, you must be something special.

I can't remember the last time Maeve gave a shit...

Well, gave a shit about anyone, really.

And if I say no?

Come on.

I got this.

It's you and me, remember?

Don't say I never do anything for you.

All right.

You want her, you got her. She's your responsibility now.

I just hope you're right about her, for both your sakes.

Class dismissed.

Look at this.

Oh, no. You don't stir, you fold. Like this.

Now, that's what makes them spongy.

Here you go.

She wants to know where you were.

That's a compelling f*cking question.

Hey, can we talk? That's what we're doing, isn't it?

No, I mean...

There ain't no secrets here, son. Spit it out.

Stop being an assh*le, just talk to the guy.

Hughie doesn't mind. Do you, Hughie?

Okay, fine. I don't think I can do this anymore.

Do what? This.

I mean, Vought, whatever with Kimiko, it's awful, and you got to stop it, but I can't. Right.

You just want to kick back, drink a few Mai Tais, and let us do all the work, is that it?

I managed to go my whole life without seeing someone die horribly, and now I'm up to about a half dozen, so I think I'm good.

Please. You're a f*cking k*ller, Hughie, just like the rest of us.

Now, why don't you stop pissing around and tell everybody what this is really all about?

Yeah? Fine.

Annie. Okay? f*ck.

It's about Annie.

f*cking finally.

He's been sneaking off to give her one at Lincoln Grand.

You've been following me? Like you gave me a choice.

She doesn't know anything. I'm not gonna tell her anything.

We'll just... Just what?

f*ck off to Epcot? The Hamptons?

Maybe pump out a few flying babies? No. I... I don't know.

No, you don't know because you ain't thinking, except with your d*ck. You're wrong about her.

That bitch is f*cking playing you, and you're too f*cking blind to see it.

So better to be loyal to a dead woman who doesn't know and doesn't care?

How's that working out for you?

Hey, Dad. Hey, Hughie.

Long time no talk.

You know, I've been thinking about you a lot lately.

Who's this? I thought you would recognise my voice.

You spend so much time obsessing about me, am I right?

Say hi to your baby boy, Dad. Hey, hey, hey, Hughie.

Why is he here? He says you're in some kind of trouble.

Dad, are you okay?

Oh, okay.

He's fine. Remington Steele's almost on.

A-Train, listen to me.

Oh, shit, if he's burned, then I'm f*cked.

He's on f*cking Medicaid. He's harmless. Let him go.

My place is burned. They've got me. Oh, my God.

Get your ass over here in 20 minutes, or I'm gonna burst through him like a f*cking piƱata, do you understand me? Just like I did your girlfriend.

Yeah. Got it. And, Hughie, alone. If I catch a whiff, a whiff of one of your little assh*le friends...

I got it.

All my bank accounts are frozen and flagged.

Monique, listen, when you get this, leave the house immediately. Lay low and call me.

Well, I hope she was f*cking worth it. It's not Annie. She doesn't know.

I'm gonna f*cking do her in. The hell you will!

Hey, hold on. She doesn't know. It wasn't her. She's never seen me before.

Not once, not ever. So how did I get burned?

Mesmer. You f*cking idiots had to go to Mesmer.

f*ck me.

Thank you.

That was not smart, to sleep with her.

Hughie. Dad.

He's acting strange.

You know, real jumpy.

Where is he? I don't know, he...

Right here, sport.

Look what I got.

Special 2016 Comic-Con edition?

What, they make, like, a few hundred of these?

Watch out, A-Train's coming.

You were a fan!

You were a fan, and not, like, a dabbler, no, you were Super Fan 99.

Excuse me, sir. What is this about? Shut the f*ck up.

Dad, it's gonna be okay. Hey.

I came alone.

You let him go.

Alone, huh?

You really did come alone.

Next time... There's not gonna be a next time, but next time, have at least a few cards up your sleeve.

Okay. You mean... You mean, like this?

Jonesing for a little jet fuel? What is that?

I don't know what that shit is. Oh, you don't?

So you don't mind if I do this.

No, f*ck! What?

What the f*ck is wrong with you? I have a bigger dose.

I have a real dose hidden somewhere outside. Let him go, I hand it over, then you can do whatever you want with me.

Now tell me what's better, the rush or knowing that, as long as you take it, you'll be the fastest?

If you try anything, I can catch up to dear old Daddy in a millisecond.

Dad, time to go. Not without you.

I'll be right behind you. I am not leaving you with him, all right.

You're just a kid. You're my kid. Dad.

I'll be all right. I got this.


All right, where is it?

You know, this shit must be pretty good if it's worth running through a human being for.

Oh, my God, man, that was an accident.

Where the f*ck is the V? That accident had a name.

And what about Popclaw?

She had a name, too.


The only good thing in my life is gone now.

What is this, man? I k*ll your girlfriend and you k*ll mine?

I didn't k*ll your girlfriend. You used her.

You put her in danger, and then you threw her out like she was f*cking garbage.

How does this not all start with you, Hughie?

The only difference between you and me is that I made a mistake.

The shit that you did was on purpose.

So who's worse?

You bitch!

You know, you're right. It would've been stupid to come alone.

Monique, it's not safe here anymore. We got to go.

You swore to me and to Jesus Christ that you were done with Billy Butcher.

I get it. Everything Butcher touches turns to flaming hot shit. I ain't blaming him.

Last I checked, you're a grown-ass man.

It's my fault, okay?

But we can't do this right now.

You put us in danger without thinking twice. Monique...


Hey, baby, come here. Give me a hug.

What have you been up to? I was drawing you a picture.

You were? Can I see?

Oh, my goodness, this is beautiful.

Thank you, baby.

Janine, honey, Daddy's gonna take us on a sleepover.

Can you help Mommy pack your toys?

Good girl. Baby, we're running late.

We don't have time to pack toys.

We got to go.

I knew you'd vote your conscience, senator.

Thank you.


Three votes to go.

And the B.A. guys said that the Pentagon is shelling out

$35 billion on the low end.

That puts us ahead of Lockheed. Amazing.

That's incredible. Edgar must be thrilled.

f*ck Edgar.

We did this, you and me. This is about us.

Hey, do you remember that marketing girl?


I'm sorry, I had to fire her, she...

No. No, no, no. Seven, eight years ago.


Becca? Becca Butcher. Yes. That's it.

Yeah, her.

What about her?

Well, she's missing.

What do you mean, missing?

I mean missing, as in missing, presumed dead.

Yeah. I looked at her file, and the cops think it was su1c1de.

Yeah, it seems her husband...

Well, he got pretty riled up.

William Butcher.

Am I supposed to know his name?

No. Not specifically, but...

I was just wondering if you knew what happened to her.

No, I just assumed that she quit.


Is there any particular reason why you are asking all of these questions?

No, no. I'm just... curious.

It's interesting, right? I mean, it's...

Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely sad.

Yeah. Yes, very.

You know, I was thinking that maybe I could get Maria to stay late with the baby and... maybe we could order in... and catch up. Just me and you.

You know what? That sounds amazing.

But you go be a mommy.

I'm telling you, you're gonna love it here.

You like roller coasters?

I'm more of a water park guy.

Well, Cedar Point's got both.

You first.

Well, most girls like the suit.

Well, I'm not most girls.

Is it true what they say?

Come on, baby.

I got you here in the flesh.

I gotta see it.


I don't... I don't look like everyone else.

That's what I'm counting on.

All right.

Oh, look at those gills.

Oh, my God, that's so f*cked up.

Hey, can... Can we just...

Be gentle, be gentle.

It's tender. Oh, God.

Okay. That hurts. Stop, stop, stop.

Stop, stop. Stop.. Come on, it's just my pinkie.

No, I said it hurt.

All right, look, I think maybe you should go.

I'm not going anywhere, you little f*cking freak.

Lay back.

I said, lay back.


Oh, my God. Oh, God.

Oh, yeah. You like that?

Oh, you little f*cking freak.

Oh, you like getting your f*cking gills fingered?

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Having a good growler, are we?

How did you...?

I stuck a little bug on you back at that sh*thole of yours.

Because, you know, f*ck you.


What did you expect me to do?

It was Homelander.

You got to talk to me.

Wait, wait. No. I can help you.


Your wife.

She's missing?

I can help you find her.

Please, I have a daughter! No!

Don't want none, f*ck off.

I'm here about your wife.

I believe this was a few days after you met Homelander at that Christmas party?

She was alone with him for three hours.

Not long after that, Rebecca went missing and has remained so ever since.

One way or another, Mr Butcher, I believe Homelander was involved.


But he's a f*cking superhero.

You wouldn't believe what they get up to.

Who the f*ck are you?

My name is Mallory.

I'm the person who can get you payback.

Who's calling?


Listen, if you...

If you want to talk, I suppose we...


But would it k*ll you to make me one of those?

You know, I had someone once.

We were gonna get away, start a family.

So what happened?


Everyone always asks, what's our special weakness?

Gamma rays?

Iron daggers?

Some ridiculous, stupid thing?

The truth is... our weakness is the same as anyone's.

It's people.

The people we care about.

So I say, cut them loose.

For your good and for theirs.

That way you're really b*llet-proof.

What's up, man?

How'd you end up here?

Oh, tell me about it.

Me, too.

What's that?

Wait, you can't get in your head about that.

It's really not that big of a deal.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

Just hang tight.

Excuse me, sir.

Oh, hey. Can I take one of these lobsters back with me?

You got it. Thanks.

Oh, wait, no, no, no. Not that one.

This one.

Yeah, that's my guy.

Oh, wait, wait, wait.

Larry, please.

I just need a secure place for a few nights.

No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.

Hi, you've reached Annie.

I can't come to the phone... Oh, damn it.

That's Hughie, baby.

She looks like you. Nah.

She's good-looking, man.

Right, baby?

Mr Campbell.

Oh, yeah.

Pleasure to meet you. Billy Butcher.

Oh, Hugh Campbell.

You got a hell of a lad there. Well, yeah.

He's all mine.

Hello, hello, hello.

What have we got here, then, eh?

What's your name, sweetheart?

You can call me Uncle Billy.

He ain't your uncle, honey.

He ain't nothing to you. Monique.

Good to see you.

Hi, you've reached Annie. I can't come to the phone right now...

What's she doing?

Okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

Does the Oriental girl not talk?


Yeah. You're right. Asian.

And no, I don't think she does.

Dad, I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry about everything.

No, no, no. Don't say sorry. No.

Look at you, standing up for yourself.


Cold feet, huh?

What? You said Raynor got cold feet.

Yeah, that's what I said.

You know what I think it is?

I think Raynor's plenty interested, only she didn't bring you Homelander's head on a plate, and you blew the whole f*cking thing up.

How am I doing so far?

No, mate. Way off.

Bullshit, Butcher.

You're so hot for Homelander right now, Butcher, you're not gonna let anything get in your way, even if it's your own f*cking friends, man.

You promised me things would be different. Matter of fact, you swore it.

But this is worse, man.

This is gonna be Mallory's family all over again, only this time it's gonna be my family.

And if something happens to them, Butcher...

I don't know what happened with you and Raynor or how that situation got f*cked up, but just please call her.



There you go.

Dr Vogelbaum.


Thought I'd drop in on you.

You look well.

How long's it been, John?

Long enough that no one calls me John anymore.

So, what are these? Pets?

No, just breeding them.

German retrievers.

I try not to get too attached to my subjects.

Well, that's true.

Seems retirement suits you.

Between this and 80-hour weeks at the lab, I'll take the lab. No contest.

So, you ever... catch up with any of the old g*ng from Vought?

Look, do you mind if we don't do this?

Do what? This cat and mouse bullshit.

You want to know about Rebecca Butcher.

You went to Stillwell about it because you knew that'd tip over the first domino.

Well, it led to me.

So just ask.

I'll be honest.

Well, that would be a first.

Eight years ago...

Stillwell called me with quite an interesting challenge.

Rebecca Butcher had come to her with... a completely unprecedented medical condition.

What condition?

She was pregnant.

With your child.


But I thought I couldn't.

So did I.

Apparently, nature is tenacious.

The foetus was developing unnaturally fast.

We told her we'd deliver the baby safely at a secure location, but she had to sign an NDA.

Couldn't tell anyone.

Not even her husband.

You can imagine the size of the potential scandal.

No! No! Pull it out... Oh, my...

The birth was difficult.

The baby clawed its way out of her.

The blood loss... No one could have survived.

She died on the table.

And the baby?

Lived all of ten seconds.

Drowned in its mother's blood.

Was it a boy?

Does it matter?

Why didn't you tell me?

To protect you.

That's always job one at Vought, isn't it?

Protect our most profitable asset?

So why are you telling me now?

You don't understand.

The thing about cross-breeding dogs, you get the right genes, you can get a perfect creation.

But it doesn't matter how perfect they are.

It's not enough.

When I raise subjects without their mothers, they become violent.


Downright hateful.

You should have been raised in a home with a family who loved you.

Not in a cold lab with doctors.

And yet, I turned out great.

When I think what it's done to you, and what you can now do to everyone else...

I'm sorry.

I don't want your f*cking apology.

All this is my fault.

What do you want?


What do you want? Forgiveness?


After you raised me like a f*cking lab rat?


Too little, too late.

I don't want anything from you, John.

I'm just an old man thinking about his mistakes.

I'm the world's greatest superhero.

You're my greatest failure.

Hi. You've reached Annie. I can't come to the phone right now, but...


Yeah, yeah, here's a g*n. f*cking hell. Calm down.

All right, easy, lads. Easy.


Deputy director.

Your family's gonna be okay, you have my word.

Thank you.

You called?

You are a human after all.

Well, let's not get too carried away.

Thanks, man.

Come right this way, ma'am.

Monique, I'm sorry. I never want to see you again, Marvin.

Come here, baby.

Daddy loves you, okay?

You're gonna be safe with Mommy.

All right? All right.

Take care of yourself.

All right. All right.

No Homelander. No Homelander.

We had a deal. Everyone else is fair game.

Do you want this or not?

Annie, are you okay?

I have to see you.


I don't know. I don't think that's such a good idea.

You have to explain, Hughie.

You have to make this make sense.

Just you and me.

You owe me that much.

I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'm not following.

You and your corporation are f*cked.

Unequivocally, unilaterally f*cked.

How was that? Is that clearer for you?

For the last half century, you have been feeding the American people the line that your superheroes are chosen by God.

I mean, I get it.

Jamming illegal dr*gs into babies' arms, I mean, that doesn't quite have the same ring, and that's not even the worst.

What did you do to this one, and why?

I've never seen her in my entire life.

What do you want? For starters, there are no superheroes in the U.S. Armed Forces.

The bill's already gone down to the floor.

They're gonna vote on it any day now.

And you're pulling it.

Retooling the concept for internal development.

I don't give a shit, but the deal is dead.

And we're gonna go back to status quo, where we're the government and the military, and you're just assholes running around in your capes.

And if we refuse? Everything goes public.

Corruption story of the century.

Vought shares go to zero.

The civil suits, criminal prosecution, and you go bankrupt, and your cute little suit goes to a lovely shade of orange for 15 to 30.

Ms Raynor?

Thank you, Michaela.

We're done here.

Everything okay, I hope?

Someone tell me what the hell is going on.

About 12 minutes ago, Navy SEALs took out Abu Ressam about 15 miles outside of Damascus.

Right, as planned. So what's the problem?


We got two.

Eyes on. Stop.

That's our guy. Light him up.


The prick behind Flight 37 is dead. What am I missing?

Just wait.

Step inside. Watch this.

We got movement! Hey! Hey! Get down!

Hey! Get down!

Get down, m*therf*cker! Don't f*cking move!

I said get down!

What the f*ck does that say?



Freeze, m*therf*cker!

k*ll him!

That's not all.

How is that son of a bitch still alive?

"Naqib" means "captain."

We believe it's his...

Supe name.

Are you telling me... they have a Supe t*rror1st?

Look, Annie, I...

Did you k*ll Translucent?

It's... It's not that simple.

And you haven't been using me to get back at A-Train?

You're a m*rder*r.

We didn't have a choice.

There is always a choice. Wait.

What are you doing?

I'm taking you in. No. Annie, hold on.

To the cops! At least they'll treat you better than the Seven would. Just listen to me.

I know this is so f*cked. You were the only thing, Hughie.

You were the only thing that I could count on. I'm still me, Annie.

Please. You know me.

I don't know you.

Never did. If you bring me in, I'm dead before sunrise. No.

Vought will want to string you up for a long trial.

Lots of press. The guy who k*lled Translucent. This isn't about Translucent.

Okay? This is about Compound V.

Compound V?

It's this drug.


It gives the Supes their powers.

Vought will do anything to cover it up.

No... No. What...?

What are you talking about?

We're born like this.

I'm so sorry.

Annie. Annie. Annie, watch out!

f*cking run, Hughie.

I'm so sorry.

Get the f*ck away from her!

What the f*ck were you thinking, coming here?

I didn't ask for your help.

Yeah. Looked like you had it all under control.