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03x11 - Stuck with a New Squad

Posted: 09/04/20 05:35
by bunniefuu
Hey, I brought you lunch.

Chili, your favorite.

Thanks. You don't have to whisper.

We're not on air yet.

Oh, sorry, I'm just a civilian.

I don't know broadcasting.

The girls' basketball team roster is being announced, and I want to hear my name live.

In three, two, one...

Yeah, that's not how it works.

Right. Civilian.

However you do it in the biz.

Hello, Marshport High.

It's Harley, with today's announcements.

First up, I'm happy to report our favorite Driver's Ed. teacher, Mr. Miller, is walking again.

He's receiving any and all visitors, except for Ava Gibbs.

In sports news, the members of this season's girls' basketball team are...

What? Georgie's not on the list.

The real news is, "Georgie Diaz's entire life is about to crumble into despair."

I can't announce that.

Maybe there'll be a fire drill.

Never when you need one.

All right, here goes.

And the basketball team members are...

Oh, technical difficulties.

We'll pick this up tomorrow.

Hand spasm.

Giant bummer. We can't read the list now.

Here, I'll wipe it off.

Another hand spasm.

I'd better get to the nurse.

Is she going to give you something for faking-itis?

Out with it.


You're going to find out anyway, may as well be from me.

You got cut. What?

I don't believe it.

After all these years of eating, drinking and sleeping basketball, just like that, it's over?

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Sometimes it feels like Things are out of control ♪

♪ Like you're living In a circus ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Trying to figure out Your way in the world ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Where you're at Is kind of perfect ♪

♪ So turn it up, turn it up ♪

♪ Do your thing Don't stop ♪

♪ Let the game begin Let's jump right in ♪

♪ I want to get Stuck with you ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ In the middle Of the party ♪

♪ We're just getting started ♪

♪ I want to get Stuck with you ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ In the eye of the tornado ♪

♪ Rowing in the same boat ♪

♪ I want to get Stuck with you ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Get stuck in the middle With you ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I want to get Stuck with you ♪

Hi, Georgie.

Get away!

Well, glad I decided not to wear it.

Why do you have Terry the Terrier?

No, the question is, why do you have Terry the Terrier?

You can't cut Georgie from the team, Coach.

Our family has spent more on basketball camp than groceries.

Basketball is her life.

I get it.

Why do you think I had you do the announcement?

But Georgie's got more spirit than the entire bench.

How many players have gone to urgent care for cheering so hard they injured themselves?

Georgie does get folks fired up.

What if I let her be the mascot?

Kevin Casey's been lobbying for it, but Georgie's a better fit, in spirit and in head size.

You're going to be the mascot!

Thanks, but no.

What do you mean, no?

This is the perfect replacement for basketball.

Nice try, but what I liked about basketball was being a part of a team.

As mascot, it'd be just me.

Not to be rude, but you'd be doing exactly what you did on the team: cheering them on from the side.

Come on, you're always rallying the family.

Now you can rally the whole school.

I did date the Eagle from St. Joseph's Academy, so I'm familiar with the mascot code.

I'd tell you about it, but I'm not allowed to say.

Literally. You're not allowed to talk in costume.

So, what do you think?

Time to take your spirit off the bench and onto center stage?

All right, I'll do it.

Now let's go upstairs and practice raising the roof.

Or should I say, raising the woof.

There's a reason why the mascots don't talk.


Okay, I love that you're being quiet, but you almost k*lled me.

What's the point of living if Dad took Ethan and Daphne to the monster truck rally?

Yeah, he should've taken us.

What have those two ever done to prove that they love smashing things?

We work hard at it every day.

Guys, I'm sorry, but you drew names out of a hat.

And all we drew was sadness.

What about having fun here with Mom?

Thanks, Mom. That was a nice break.

But we should probably get back to being bummed.

Plus, don't take this the wrong way, but Dad's kind of the fun parent.

What was the right way to take that?

I can be fun.

Fun people don't say that.

It's okay, Mom. You don't have to be fun.

There's plenty of other things you're good at.

Making lunches. Worrying.

Laying down the law.

You say "don't" more than anybody.

You're the Queen of Don't.

Queen of Don't?

I wasn't always the un-fun mom.

In fact, when I was your age, they used to call me Cyclone Suzy.

That's cute. We'll believe it when we see it.

Well, believe it, because Cyclone Suzy is touching down in Marshport, and she is ready to do all the fun things that you normally do behind her back.

Do you trust her?

Not sure yet, but I am intrigued.

I'm kind of nervous.

What if I don't pep up this pep rally?

I've got spirit. Yes, I do.

I've got spirit, but how about them?

No one even knows you're in there.

You have got nothing to lose. Just have fun. Hmm?

Look out, everyone.

Terry is off leash and kicking this party into high gear!

Come on, people!

Whoo! Terry!


Let's do the wave!

Okay, party people.

Let's give it up for the dance team!

♪ Well, you're so gorgeous I like you ♪

♪ Oh, you're so gorgeous I like you ♪

♪ Cameras rolling ♪ Come on, come on.

♪ You're looking good From every view ♪ Follow me.

♪ So go and phone it ♪

♪ 'Cause you know All eyes are on you ♪

♪ You want it ♪

♪ I know you do By the way that you move ♪

♪ Move, move, move ♪

♪ Move, move, move Move, move, move... ♪

- ♪ What you looking at? ♪ ♪ I see you like ♪

♪ What you looking at ♪

♪ I see you like What you looking at ♪

♪ I see you like what You looking at ♪

♪ I see you like What you looking at ♪

♪ I see you like what You looking at ♪

♪ I see you like What you looking at ♪

My sister's a dog, and that dog can dance.

That was amazing.

You slayed out there.

It's just me, Georgie. You can talk.

Hi, I'm Jo, dance team captain.

I just want to say we were blown away by your moves.

Who is in there?

Well, we'd like to recruit whoever's in there to be on dance team.

Terry, did you hear that, or are those ears just decoration?

They want you on their team.

That's my sister Georgie in there.

She's such a kidder.

So she does want to be on dance team?

I finally found something Georgie's great at.

I can't let her waste it.

That would be like Shakespeare never picking up a pen, or Beast never picking up a whoopee cushion.

Absolutely. She would love to.

She'll see you at practice.

And she'll be bringing that.

Now, before we show you the things we may or may not do behind your back, we need your assurance that we will not be punished, put in lockdown or finger-wagged at.

Do we have an accord?

The Queen of Don't has left the premises.

It's Cyclone Suzy from here on out.

Let it begin.

First up: Gut Shot.

So... so we want those to hit me in the stomach?

Yeah, that's the whole point of Gut Shot.


Yeah! Yeah!

They're just stone pucks.

Whoo! No big deal.

Oh! Oh!


Next, Hide-and-Go-Pie.

Found you!

Yeah! Yeah!

You ruined my shirt!

Which doesn't bother me at all.

Yeah, I love pie. Yum.


Yeah, that's shaving cream.

Then: Berry Battles.


Who's "Mom"?

This is Cyclone Suzy's town.


Yes! Whoo-hoo!


I ruined another shirt.

So fun.

Great day, boys.

So, who wants some lemonade?

But we haven't played Duck, Duck, Marker.

There's more?

Does this look like I'm raising the roof or pumping up the jam?

Put down that roof. I've got great news.

I said "yes" to the dance team for you.

What? You took advantage of a non-speaking dog.

You knew I said no.

You didn't actually say anything.

Why wouldn't you want to do dance?

How'd you even get so good?

Listening to dance music is how I psych myself up for games.

I'm serious about my psych-up.

Most game days, it's the only exercise I get.

However it happened, you're too talented not to do this.

You're way better at dance than you've ever been at anything.

Basketball, softball, volleyball, pinball...

Okay, stop. I get where you're going.

I'd rather be mascot. It's good enough.

Good enough is not great.

You deserve great.

Your talent shouldn't be hidden under a giant ridiculous dog head.

Harley, he's right here.

What you loved about basketball was being part of a team.

Well, here's your chance. You're being recruited.

Being mascot is safe.

When you're part of a team, you can get cut.

But when you were on all those teams, if I may, you were way, way, way less good than you are at dancing.

You stunk.

Okay, I'm in.

And next time you ask "if I may," wait for an answer.

Oh, yeah!

Are you sure that was the first time you played Duck, Duck, Marker?

Because you are really good at it.

You'd think being good at Duck, Duck, Marker would mean that you don't have marker all over your face.

How would that be fun?

I got to admit, at first, we were skeptical about Cyclone Suzy.

But she is the real deal.

Time to learn from the master.

Hit us with your best games.

More games?

But we've been playing all day. I thought we were done.

Are you tired?

Oh, maybe you don't have any games.

What? No, I have plenty of games.

It's just that they might be too crazy.

The laws are different today.

Didn't you say you were more fun than Dad?


I just wanted to see how tired you were.

Because I have crazy games.

Look out, because Cyclone Suzy's going to blow your windows out.

Let's do this.

Mom, have some respect.

It's for handshakes only.


Hey, Georgie.

We're so excited to have you join the team.

Oh, me too. I watched hours of dance team videos online and memorized a bunch of the moves.

Head snap up, hands in the air, enthusiastic elbows, twist booty pop, shimmy shimmy bobblehead, block the sun, block the sun, outlaw frog, hop-hop.

What you looking at?

Oh, sorry, that was the move, not a complaint.

Wow, you named things I didn't know we were even doing.

I'm glad you're a quick study.

It'll help us prepare for the pep rally later.

All right, get in formation. We'll take it from the top.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Did someone hit "pause" on Georgie?

Okay, what was up with you at dance practice?

I've never seen you panic like that.

And that includes the time you couldn't turn off the frozen yogurt dispenser.

I saw all those eyes, and I just froze up.

When I was dancing in the costume, everyone was looking at Terry the Terrier.

But when it was just me, everyone was looking at Georgie, the nervous human being.

It's too much. The dance team isn't for me.

You can't give up. You're too good.

Being the star of a team is your dream.

I appreciate you looking out for my dreams, but I can't live up to them.

I'll go back to being the mascot.

But you can't.

It's fine. I've already let dance team go.

No, I mean, you really can't.


He's all yours, Kev. Wear it with pride.

And, if possible, an air freshener.

I don't know what to say!

Good, because once you're in the costume, you're not allowed to talk.

How could you? I just ordered a personalized dog collar with our home address.

You can't cancel a custom order.

I thought you had moved on to dance team.

I was trying to pass on the joy.

You didn't pass it on, you gave it away.

This is typical Harley.

I was fine, but then you push, push, pushed me out of my comfort zone.

Now I have nothing.

You don't have nothing.

You have a big dog collar coming.

You'll always know our address.

Mom, can I ask you something?

Ooh, congrats on winning Duck, Duck, Marker.

Yeah, apparently I'm a natural.

What's up?

So, I pushed Georgie into doing dance team because she's an amazing dancer.

But it turns out she's afraid to bust a move with everybody watching.

I want to help her, but I don't know how.

I get it. When I dance at weddings, I'm...

But when I'm home, I'm...

I'm sorry, which one was supposed to be good?

The second one.



When I'm around family, I'm comfortable.

Okay, so I just need to make Georgie feel like she's around family.

I think I have an idea that might work.

Thanks, Mom.

Oh, where do I put these?

And, more importantly, what am I holding them for?

I wish I knew.

I'm collecting them hoping to come up with a game for your brothers.

Does Sled Ball sound fun?

The look on your face makes me want to say yes.

You're right, it's a terrible idea.

I guess I'm just going to have to come clean to the boys that I'm not as fun as I pretended to be.

Fun is kind of Dad's thing.

Georgie, wait.

Don't give back your uniform yet.

It's okay, I should thank you.

You helped push me to do something I've never done before: quit.

Hold that thought.

I've invented something to help you get over stage fright.

Spectator Specs.

Thanks to the magic of digital overlap, you won't have to dance in front of a bunch of strangers.

Wow, everyone looks like a brilliant inventor who gets too involved in her sister's life.

Thank you. I love them.

It'll be like dancing around our room with a few hundred Harleys watching.

Now, go change and give this school a little

"What you looking at?"

Hey, you're almost as good as Mom.

Cyclone Suzy! Cyclone Suzy!

So, that's Sled Ball?

Wow, that banister shattered pretty easy, didn't it?

That's because last year we broke it and we glued it back together with melted fruit snacks.

Don't tell Mom.

Yeah, about her.

She owes you an apology.

She was trying to impress you so you'd think she was fun.

But the truth is, there's never been a Cyclone Suzy.

I made her up.

Good. Phew!

Okay, this may be post-Sled Ball wooziness, but you guys sound relieved.

I can't believe we're going to say this, but living in a house with no rules has been weird.

The whole thrill of doing stuff you're not supposed to is maybe getting caught.

It's cops and robbers, not robbers and robbers.

And while you make an awesome robber, we need you to be our cop.

You want me to be you cop?

Well, I can do that all day long.

Pick up those balls. Put away that sled.

Melt some fruit snacks and fix that banister.

No, seriously, go.

Okay, everyone, the performance you've all been waiting for:

The Marshport High Dance Team!


What are you doing? Georgie, get up.

You're ruining the dance.

Seriously, they're all staring at you.

Get out there! Pull focus! Save her!

I can't rush my debut.

That's not even my entrance song.

Well, then it's mine.

Whoa! No, no, no, no!

Get out of the way!


Where am I? Whoa!

Go, Terrier football!

Kevin! Music!

♪ Impressing you? ♪

♪ Don't be surprised That's what I do ♪

♪ I slay And I mean that, boo ♪

♪ From the curls in my hair To the tips of my shoes ♪

♪ Ooh, too grown for this ♪

♪ Ain't nobody Trying to trip ♪

♪ Got too many goals To be stuck on ♪

♪ What you talking about? ♪

♪ Such a pretty young thing It's true ♪

♪ Face, beat, brains, 'tude ♪

♪ I shake my thing But don't get confused ♪

♪ I never back down Tell them what we do ♪ Whoo!

♪ Haters throwing shade ♪ Georgie didn't need those Spectator Specs after all.

Turns out no amount of fake Harleys in the audience is as powerful as the real Harley needing her sister's help.

Purple ice?

Was this in your grape juice?

Don't bring me used ice.

The Queen of Don'ts is back!

Yeah, Mom. You're no fun.

Aw, thanks.

Sometimes, when you step outside your comfort zone, you crash.

And sometimes, you soar.