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03x06 - The Magic Within

Posted: 09/03/20 07:13
by bunniefuu
- ♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess Bravely rules the land ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family by her side ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Of Avalor ♪

♪ Making mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Royal friends Are always there ♪

♪ Magic shines From deep within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

*ELENA OF AVALOR* Season 03 Episode 06 Episode Title: "The Magic Within"

"The Magic Within"

Let's try it again, but remember, don't drum with your hands... drum with your heart.

And together, we'll make a heartbeat that will power the Carnaval parade.

From the top, with feeling!

The floats will exit Castillo Park, make their way through the Via Mercado and then enter the stadium for the highlight of Carnaval, the Samba-enredo singing competition!

Excellent plan, Esteban.

Thanks to you, mijito, the Carnaval will surely be a great success.

This is true.

What are we going to sing for the competition this year?

"Love Always".

Aww! That was Mami's favorite.

She used to sing it to Elena and me every night.

We'd dance around and around... Whew.

So it was her way of tiring you girls out before bed, eh?

Where is Elena? She was supposed to meet us here.

I will find her.

And tell her to start practicing.

We have to win the Samba-enredo contest.

Where is she?

Somewhere in the jungle.

Same as an hour ago...

And an hour before that and an hour before that.

Ash has to pass a landmark at some point, right?

She better. It's the only way we can pinpoint where she is.

Oh, there you are.

We missed you at the Carnaval meeting.

Hmm. What are you doing here?

Trying to find Ash.

All day.

She needs to take a break.

No, I don't!

Victor and Carla may be captured, but there's one more Delgado out there.

Ash is the worst threat our kingdom has ever faced!

But you're exhausted.

Maybe I have been at this too long.

We can pick it up again tomorrow.

Great. bye! - Adios!

See ya, Princess.

Mijita, catching Ash is important.

But not as important as your health.

Okay, abuelo.

I'll call it a night.

Good. Because you will need your energy to practice our Samba-enredo.

Maybe just one more peek.


I can feel it.

The magic of the crystal forge will be mine.

Just one more turn and...

This puzzle is impossible.

Nothing lines up.

And now I'm talking to myself.


The jaquin constellation?

Maybe if I match the jewels to the stars.


At last.

Show me Takaína.

It's under Tepet Muul.

A-ha! I knew you wouldn't take a vacation.

She found Takaína. Takaína?

The Maruvians' crystal forge.

It's where they built all their magical treasures.

Like my scepter? That's right.

Inside the forge is the Well of Crystals.

If someone as wicked as Ash gets their hands on even one of them, the whole world could be in big danger.

Then I'd better make sure that doesn't happen.

Mateo, I found Ash.


Whoa. Did you see that?

She's inside.

Return to the palace and bring backup. Hurry!

You got it, princesa!

Elena, wait for me!

Oh... Takaína!

This must be the source of the magic.

Blaze! Ah!





Where did she go?

Stay alert.










My scepter.

Not just your scepter. All of you.







Since when can your scepter deflect spells?

Since now, I guess.

And I'm not even tired.



Way ahead of you.

You caught her?!

We sure did!

Whoa, princesa, what happened to you?

Oh, not much. I fell in a magic well.

And, check it out, sparkly shoes, even more sparkly dress and a super-charged scepter.



And it deflected Ash's spell.

Who knows what else it can do?

I can't wait to find out.

But first, we need to drop something off at the palace dungeon.

Can you believe it?

All the Delgados are captured and the realm is secure at last!

I'm so happy, I could do a backflip.

One backflip coming right up.


Elena. Your dress.

All this and a light-up dress?

Can this day get any better?


♪ Little hummingbird in flight ♪

♪ Bringing delight as you light upon each flower ♪ Sorry I'm late, but I had to finish writing our song for the competition.

What are you talking about?

We already decided to sing Marlena's song.

That was before I wrote this masterpiece.

I didn't know you wrote songs.

I do now.

But Marlena is the best musician in Avalor.

Why would we change songs?

Because we want to win.

Look around. The competition is fierce.

And if there's one thing I know, it's how to compete and win.

What do you think of it, Marlena?

"Cast your eyes on the wonder of me"?

It just screams "winner", doesn't it?

It sure makes me want to scream.

I guess we could give it a try.

Great, then I'll leave you all to learn my masterpiece while I order our costumes and find a way to spruce up this poor excuse for a float.

Mamí?! Ash?



Mateo told us you caught Ash.

We did, cousin.

And now all of Avalor's enemies are rounded up.

If that were true, Esteban would be in here with us.

Save your breath, Victor. Your words are meaningless to me.

Ah, this must be so frustrating for you, eh?

Me out here, you in there, and the princess will never believe a word you say.

The truth always has a way of coming out.

Yes, if only you did.


Then we'll use the feathers for the eyelashes and the streamers to cover the legs.

Familia, I'm home!



We heard the good news about Ash.

But not about your dress. It's so sparkly now.

I know, right? Are you okay?

More than okay. I can actually relax and enjoy Carnaval.

Right after you help us build our float.

It's going to look like this. Oh, an alpacamundi?

Like the kind we saw in Vallestrella.

Now we just gotta build one 48.5 times bigger.

And then head over to Castillo Park to practice our song.

So much for relaxing. Let me just wash up.

♪ How long I have fought for this day to arrive ♪

♪ I spent years on alert ♪

♪ Yes, I kept moving on till the danger was gone ♪

♪ So no one would get hurt ♪

♪ But now all the darkness is part of the past ♪

♪ And the sun's shining through ♪

♪ Now I'm gazing upon a blazing new dawn ♪

♪ So long overdue ♪

♪ And suddenly I'm filled with an emotion I barely recognize ♪

♪ So grateful to feel so free ♪

♪ So happy to be alive ♪

♪ I'm happy, so happy ♪

♪ To be alive ♪

♪ Can't wait to partake in this year's Carnaval ♪

♪ And celebrate with the crowd ♪

♪ Since we all know the song When we all sing along ♪

♪ It's okay to get loud ♪

♪ It's been way too long since we had so much fun ♪

♪ But now this is our chance ♪

♪ We can finally move on Play music till dawn ♪

♪ And let loose and dance ♪

♪ Yeah, suddenly I'm filled with an emotion ♪

♪ I barely recognize ♪

♪ So grateful to feel so free ♪

♪ So happy to be alive ♪

♪ I'm happy, so happy ♪

♪ Now suddenly we're filled with an emotion ♪

♪ We barely recognize ♪

♪ So grateful to feel so free ♪

♪ Grateful to feel so free ♪

♪ So happy to be alive ♪

♪ Happy to be so ♪

♪ Happy, so happy ♪

♪ To be alive ♪

♪ We're happy, so happy ♪

♪ To be alive ♪

♪ Alive ♪

♪ So happy to be alive ♪

And so am I! Whoa!

You're the float model!

Float model? Well that's a mouthful.

How about you just call me Flo.

You're... alive?

That's a nice name, too, but I think I prefer "Flo."


Nope. Sticking with Flo.

My potions! My bed!

I just made that!

Zuzo, I don't know what's going on!

It feels like my brain is spinning.

Ah! Whoa! My planets!

Oh, I got it!

Um... I'll have to get that back to you later.

Ew! It's okay. You can keep it.

How did this happen?

Good question.

Okay, what were you doing right before she came to life?

I was singing.

What about?

Uh... how happy I was to be alive.

And then my... Uh, who are you talking to?

My spirit guide. Only I can see him.

If you say so.

And then my dress glowed.

Hmm, fascinating.

Like it did right before the orrery started spinning?

Uh-huh. It was a different color, but it lit up.

I don't know why it keeps doing that.

I do! Your emotions are making magic!

My emotions are making magic?!

Of course! Why didn't I see it before?

It's because you fell into that well in Takaína...

You fell into the Well of Crystals?!

I might've.

You should have led with that.

Falling in the well boosted the magic inside you.

And based on the evidence, whenever you feel a big emotion, big magic's gonna happen.

You're saying my happiness brought Flo to life?

It did? Aww.


And when you felt like everything was spinning out of control, you almost destroyed Mateo's planet thingy!

So, I'm not supposed to get too happy or too anxious?

What else am I not supposed to feel?

Fear? Sadness? Love?

This is impossible! Uh-oh.

Hey! I didn't swallow it this...

Never mind.

Think calming thoughts, Elena.

Pretty waterfalls, floating leaves, baby jaquins.

Baby jaquins, baby jaquins.

That's better.

Okay, maybe I can keep my emotions in check.

But what if I can't?

Well, on the bright side, your dress has a built-in warning light before the magic happens.

Get it? Bright side. I got it.

We only have one more day to practice.

Where's Doña Paloma?

You had to ask.

Well, what do you think?

It certainly gets your attention.

And doesn't let go.

Good, because I'm having costumes just like this one made for all of you.

Oh, you don't have to do that...

Already done!

Now, let's practice my song. You all learned it, right?

We sure did.

Good. I'll take the first verse, then you join in.

Hit it, boys!

♪ Sometimes in life ♪

♪ You're given a gift ♪

♪ A taste of perfection sublimely well done ♪

♪ That time is here ♪

♪ You're in for a treat ♪

♪ A present from me ♪

♪ And yes you're welcome ♪

♪ Before you shines ♪

♪ A shining star ♪

♪ My glow is shining ♪

♪ Oh so far ♪

♪ A glowing golden ♪

♪ Sight to see ♪

♪ Cast your eyes on the wonder of me! ♪

♪ Look at us now I know just what you're thinking ♪

♪ And that's oh wow Please clap a little louder ♪

♪ We'll take our bow ♪

♪ Go on make a fuss ♪

♪ For the wonderful us ♪ Does she know how bad this is?

I don't think so.


Ooh, look at that! It's a big me!

Hey, I've always wanted a big sister. Hmm?

Since when? You're not even a day old.

Come on!

Feel some of those oh-so-happy-to-be-alive feelings.

And send them in that direction.

Nice try, Flo.

But I'm all done bringing things to life today.

Fine, be that way.

But me getting a big sister is only the most important thing ever and...

Ooh, churros!


Hola, familia. I'm ready to practice.

Where are my feathers?!

Okay. Who took our lunch?

Elena! Someone stole our castanets!

Princess Elena, we have a thief in our midst.

That sounds a little extreme.

Then why is everything suddenly going missing?

Look, I wish I knew what happened to all of your stuff, but...

What's happening?

Hey, that's me!

Wait, I was just eating those tacos!

Whoa, I'm having a flashback to a minute ago.

Eating my tacos!

Wearing my feathers!

Jumping on my castanets!

It's like your scepter has "truth-vision."

More like "tattle-tale-vision."

I guess we found the thief.

Heh-heh. Bad Flo.

So problem solved, then.

Everyone can get back to practicing like nothing's happened. Okay?

Ahh! What's that smell?

Is it food? Please tell me it's food.

Because so far, food is, like, my favorite thing ever.

Well, Flo, every Carnaval season, abuela asks the Royal Chef to prepare acaraje and pao de queijo.

I wish it was Carnaval season all year.

Me, too! Me, too You girls remind me so much of your mother.

She loved Carnaval.

Almost as much as your father.

They'd spend weeks designing and building the floats.

I remember.

They were working on the float the day Shuriki came.

Who's Shuriki? She was an evil sorceress.

A long time ago, she invaded our kingdom and... cast a spell on my parents that...

Made them not alive?

So... you never got to see... their Carnaval float?

No. I guess not.

That's the saddest thing I've ever heard.

But Cousin Esteban saw it.

What? You went with them that day, remember?

Ooh. What did it look like? Was it cuter than me?

I know that'd be pretty hard, but...

I... I do not recall.

I had to leave on important royal business.

What could be more important than Carnaval?

I do not remember, okay!

I am sorry. It-it is all a blur.

Well, if you want to remember, Elena can just use her tattle-tale-vision and show you.

Flo! No!


Where was Esteban when my parents were working on the float that day?


The king and queen are on their way to the palace as we speak.

We can sneak you past the sentries through the city.

Yes, and then we can rule Avalor together...



You helped her?

I-I-I... Shuriki promised no one would be hurt.

How could you?

You betrayed us.

No, but let me explain.

Uh... what's happening?

Not the food!


Guards. Seize Chancellor Esteban and take him to the dungeon.


I want him out of my sight.

Elena, no! Please!

No way I'm wearing this. It matches our costumes.

Are we being punished?

Now then, let's start rehearsal.

I was thinking every time I sing "look at us," you look at me.

Um, Doña, we can't sing your song.

Why not? Is the melody too difficult?

It's just...

Not very good.


There's more to writing a song than just putting words to music.

You have to make the listener feel something in their heart.

I know.

I want them to feel how great I am.

I'm pretty sure they're not gonna feel that.

So, you all feel that way?


Enjoy losing without me.

Captain Nuñez! Naomi!

Princess Elena needs you two at the palace for an emergency Grand Council meeting.

Ay-ay-ay. This is ridiculous.

I should be out there preparing for Carnaval.

Forty-four years of loyal service to the kingdom, only to be treated like a common criminal.

Oh, wait. You are a common criminal.


Hmm. Snicker all you want, but once I explain to my family that this was all a terrible mistake, they will forgive me, and I will go free.

What makes you so certain the Grand Council will forgive you?

Because I know my family, to them, familia always comes first.

Chancellor Esteban. Eh?

The Grand Council would like to see you.

See what I mean?

Chancellor Esteban, you have been brought before this Council to answer for the terrible crimes you have committed against Avalor.

Against my mother and father, the Queen and King.

Is there anything you would like to say before we decide your punishment?

It's Carnaval! Samba-time!


The Grand Council's in session.

Carnaval has to wait.

Ugh. Okay.

Esteban. Uh, yes.

After I lost my parents, I felt like I no longer had a place in the palace.

I felt like an outcast.

How can you say that? You were always one of us.

Yes, but I felt like I no longer mattered.

No one ever listened to me.

Not like they listened to Elena.

It was as if I were... invisible.

Invisible? I can see him. Can you see him?

Shhh. I needed to be seen.

To be heard.

Shuriki offered me the power I always dreamed of.

And because I was young and foolish and angry, I said yes.

But no one was supposed to get hurt.

I realized I had made a terrible mistake, but... but it was too late.


Your grandmother and I, we took you in.

We raised you like a son.

I do not understand how you could have done this to us.

But I do believe you.

So, we must weigh the wrongs of your past against the man you have become in the present.

Yes, yes, this is true.

Therefore, I find it in my heart to forgive you.


You are a wise and thoughtful man, mi amor.

But today, you are wrong.

Huh? You brought harm to our familia.

I lost my daughter and son-in-law.

Avalor lost its king and queen.

And nothing can bring them back.

How can I forgive that?

I don't think she can.

I agree with Luisa.

Elena... We grew up together.

I loved you like a brother.

But it turns out I never knew the real you at all.


Still, I could never be happy living here, knowing you're locked away in the dungeon.

So I propose that this Council sentence you... to exile.

You will be expelled from Avalor and sent far away, to live out your days in isolation on Soledad Island.

All those in favor of exile for Chancellor Esteban, raise your hand.

Three votes in favor, one against.

The Grand Council has ruled.

Huh? No, you cannot.

Gabe, please escort Chancellor Esteban back to the dungeon.

We will carry out his sentence after the Carnaval parade.

Yes, Your Highness.

Guess that means it's Samba-time!


Elena, you're here!

Let the Carnaval begin!

If this is how your familia forgives you, they have a hilarious way of showing it.


Ah, there you are, my dear and loyal friend!

After what you did we're no longer friends, Chancellor.

I know I have no right to ask, but would you do me a tiny favor?

Not a chance, Chancellor.

On my dresser, there is a figurine of a sunbird.

It was the last thing mamá gave me, before she sailed off with my papá, never to return.

Would you be so kind as to fetch that little sunbird for me?

It would really soothe my poor, aching heart.

Oh, of course, Chancellor.

Right away.

♪ Like a blossom in spring So sweet ♪

♪ Let this tune move your heart and feet ♪

♪ On this day of joy in the name of fun ♪

♪ We dance and sing in harmony with everyone ♪

♪ Little hummingbird in flight ♪

♪ Bringing delight as you light upon each flower ♪

♪ Mighty jaquin in the sky ♪

♪ Soaring so high as you fly with awesome power ♪ If there's one thing I hate, it's being wrong!

Will you join us?

Hmm. If you insist.

♪ Like a blossom in spring so sweet ♪

♪ Let this tune move your heart and feet ♪

♪ On this day of joy in the name of fun ♪

♪ We dance and sing beneath the sun ♪

♪ As if the spring had just begun ♪

♪ We dance and sing in harmony with everyone ♪

♪ With everyone ♪

♪ Everyone ♪

Here you go, sir!

But, where is my pocket watch?

You didn't ask for...

It was my dear papa's.

I'll get it, Chancellor!

I never knew you had such a weakness for sentimental trinkets, El Segundo.


It is just a little something I tucked away during Shuriki's rule.

In case she ever double-crossed me.

Let us out of here, and I can give you the kind of power that would never put you at your family's mercy again.

Hmm. Pass.

Tell me, how far do you think you will get without us?

Against all of the guards, you might stand a tiny, tiny chance.

But against a royal wizard?

A magical princess with a powerful scepter?

You need magic to fight magic. You need us.

Or you can take your chances on that deserted island.

Wait here. Elena hid your tamboritas in the treasury.

I need to shut off the booby traps.

Chancellor. What's taking so long?

Thank you, El Segundo, but we won't be needing your services anymore.

How far do you think you will get without me?

I know all the Royal Guard tactics.

I know this countryside like the back of my hand.

And I know the most important thing of all: a secret way out of this palace.

Lead the way.

♪ Yesterday I fell into a slumber ♪

- ♪ And dreamt the whole night through ♪ Elena! Elena!

Gabe? The prisoners have escaped.


Ash, Victor, Carla. Even Esteban.

They were locked in the dungeon!

Well, apparently, Private Higgins gave Esteban the key.

By accident.



Elena? What is it?

Esteban escaped! They all did!

Oh, no! No, no, no!

What did I do?

Your anger brought them to life!

Ahh! I got a big sister!

Abuelos! Isa!

Oh! Oh!

Uh... down boy! Down!

No, stop!

Come back with my family!


It didn't do anything! Your magic is too strong.

There's gotta be a way to stop them.

Your emotions are making all this happen, so the only way to stop it is to calm down.

Calm down?

How am I supposed to calm down?!

Look at me. Remember? Baby jaquins.

Where? I love baby jaquins! Wait, what are baby jaquins?

Okay. Think of baby jaquins, baby jaquins, baby jaquins.

Baby jaquins, baby jaquins.

Baby jaquins.

That's right.

Come on down.

Deep breath.

Baby jaquins.

You did it.

Wait, where are you going? To save my family.

Ahh! Whoa!

This will get them off our trail.




Here we go again!




Ash! Use your tamborita!

It's down there.

Ash went that way.

We'll take care of Ash. You go after your family.


But what if I make everything worse?!

My emotions just create disasters!

Hey! Your emotions created me.

Flo's right!

You can use your emotions to make good things happen like before.

What emotion will do that?


Love is the most powerful emotion of all.

Love is stronger than anger.

Even if you're right, how do I find love at a time like this?

I think I know what can help.

♪ Yesterday I fell into a slumber ♪ Mamí's song?

♪ And dreamt the whole night through ♪

♪ Of a land of golden beaches ♪

♪ 'Neath a sky of brilliant blue ♪ Elena, look. Yeah!

The magic within me can make good things happen.

If my anger caused the floats to go wild, my love can calm them down.

Come on, partner. Ready to go spread some love?

You know it!

Mateo, they're going to need your help.

If I hurry, I can catch up.


Whoa, whoa!

♪ Yesterday I fell into a slumber ♪

♪ And dreamt the whole night through ♪

♪ Of a land of golden beaches ♪

♪ 'Neath a sky of brilliant blue ♪

♪ The breeze ♪

♪ Rustled in the trees ♪

♪ The sun ♪

♪ Shimmered on the morning shore ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Like a blanket all around me ♪

♪ A hug from everyone that I adore ♪

♪ Then I woke up to discover ♪

♪ That my dreams had all come true ♪

♪ Here I was in the land I love ♪

♪ With a wish from me to you ♪

♪ May you always know the love that shines from deep inside ♪

♪ In your darkest hour it will be your guide ♪

♪ May its golden rays light your nights and days ♪

♪ And fill your heart to overflow ♪

♪ With love always ♪

♪ Love always! ♪

Sing with me!

Kinda hard to sing when you're bouncing up and down!

Doesn't matter, just sing!

♪ Love is like a dream you never wake from ♪

♪ A flower that always stays in bloom ♪

♪ Like a glass that never empties ♪

♪ With love there's always room ♪

♪ A love ♪

♪ To chase away the darkness ♪

♪ Cause love is like a candle burning in the night ♪

♪ A gift ♪

♪ We give to one another ♪

♪ The wings that help our tender hearts take flight ♪ Lead us back, Naomi!

♪ So when you are sad and lonely ♪

♪ You don't have to feel so blue ♪

♪ If you let love start to surround your heart ♪

♪ Like a hug from us to you ♪

♪ May you always know the love that shines from deep inside ♪

♪ In your darkest hour it will be your guide ♪

♪ May its golden rays light your nights and days ♪

♪ And fill your heart to overflow ♪

♪ With love always ♪

♪ Love always! ♪

♪ Love always! ♪

Thank you, Elena!

Mijita, you saved us!

You saved everyone!

Okay, I gotta go now. Where?

To deal with some unfinished business.

Grab my hand, Carla.

I can't reach.

Ahh! Llévaluq.



Mija! You're safe!

Thanks, papa.

I'm safe too, if anyone cares.


Come on, let's go. Takaína awaits.

Forget Takaína!

What are you saying?

If we are ever going to be safe, we need the power of the crystal forge.

No, we don't need it.

You need it.

We almost lost our daughter today.

She is all that matters.

I am through with these dark pursuits.

So be it.



Come along, Carla.

I'm not going anywhere with you.

Well, Esteban, are you in or out?

In. Definitely in.

Where's Ash? Where's Esteban?

We almost had them.

Ash put a stand-still spell on the guards.

By the time I undid it, Ash and Esteban were long gone.

What happened to Victor?

My mother happened.

I thought she loved us, but... I was wrong.

I know how that feels... to be wrong about family.

Please, Princess. Can you reverse the spell?

I'll do anything you ask.

Gabe, take them back to the castle.

I'll deal with you later.

Well, we captured Carla and Victor.

What about Esteban?

He escaped... with Ash.

But we'll get through this just like we've gotten through everything else... together.

Now, we've got a Carnaval to get back to.


♪ May you always know the love that shines from deep inside ♪

♪ In your darkest hour it will be your guide ♪

♪ May its golden rays light your nights and days ♪

♪ And fill your heart to overflow ♪

♪ With love always ♪

♪ Love always! ♪

♪ Love always! ♪

Theme music plays >>>>>>