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03x05 - Norberg Peace Prize

Posted: 09/03/20 07:13
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess Bravely rules the land ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family By her side ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Of Avalor ♪

♪ Making mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Royal friends Are always there ♪

♪ Magic shines From deep within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

*ELENA OF AVALOR* Season 03 Episode 05 Episode Title: "Norberg Peace Prize"

Previously, on Elena of Avalor...

Let us begin the Feast of Friendship!

Princess Elena needs to be reminded just how important we are.

Perhaps we should secretly invite someone who doesn't get along with anybody.

Hey! Not King Hector!

Now, move it, Queenie!

Call me "Queenie" one more time, I dare you.

Wait. You two did this?!

"Norberg Peace Prize."

Thanks again for coming!

Have a safe trip home!

Looks like the Feast of Friendship was a big success.

It was! Well, despite King Hector showing up uninvited, insulting everyone, and causing us to shrink down to the size of peanuts.


So, Queen Abigail.

Sure you don't want to order a real ship like my Wave Smasher? It's unsinkable!

Test it out. I dare ya. Here!

Don't be ridiculous.

Go on, Abinator. Prepared to be wowed!

Wow. Aah!

Look what you've done!

You literally told me to do it!

Uh... You have not heard the last of this, Queenie!

And now Hector is insisting I buy him a new ship, or else he's going to ruin Norberg's Family Day!

What?! He can't do that!

My parents already planned a big trip to Norberg.

What's Family Day?

Ooh, it's my favorite Norberg holiday, where we celebrate our families by sharing stories, singing songs, and making Mulberry Juice together!

We call it the "Mulberry Mash."

That looks like fun!

But how can Hector ruin your holiday?

By refusing to deliver the Mulberries!

Norberg's entire crop didn't come in this year.

Hector's kingdom is the only other place they grow.

So, what are you gonna do?

Well, that's where you come in. Me?

We need you to mediate a truce between us.

Uh, but I've never done anything like that before.

Oh, just listen to both sides, and help us figure out some sort of compromise. It'll be easy.

Easy? Have you met you two?

OK, I'll help you fix this.

Excellent! See you in Norberg next week.

And no pressure, but the fate of Family Day rests entirely on your shoulders.

Oh, how about this one? Mediation Dos, Don'ts, and Don't Even Think About Its.

Sounds like a must-read.

Add it to the pile.

Well, by the time I'm done, Hector and Abigail will be best friends.

Anything is possible with the right tools.

Hello, cousin.

Once again, I am sorry I invited King Hector to the Feast of Friendship behind your back.

But I brought you this.

When your father was king, he wrote down everything he learned about diplomacy in this notebook.

Now, his words of wisdom are yours.

"The only real failure is giving up."

Thank you for this!

Now, if you'll excuse us...

Good luck, Elena. And safe journey.

So, what were we talking about before things got awkward?

Your trip to Norberg.

You know, I've never been there.

That was me inviting myself.

No need! I'm inviting you.

The more, the merrier!

Then I'm going, too.

I want to see Papi's notebook in action!


This'll be enough.

The last time I was in Norberg, I was just a baby.

I don't remember Family Day at all.

Guess that means we're gonna celebrate it for the first time together.

Land, ho!

Is that Norberg?

No, that's Gibbspeake Island.

Norbergians use the trees from there to make all their buildings. The wood is strong.

Norberg strong.

That is Norberg.

Home. Just in time for Family Day.

This mediation better work.

Look! Crates of Mulberries!

Hey-ho! Family Day is saved!


The Mulberries don't leave my ship until I get what I came for.

King Hector.

The one and only.

Ooh! I see you brought your flying cats.

Uh, jaquins. Says you.

You know, I've visited the most exotic places, climbed the tallest mountains. But the one thing I've never done is ride a flying cat.

Let's keep it that way.

Wings up, guardians!

Oh! Ooh! Unh!

So, that's a "no," then?

That's a "no"!

Okay, so here's how it's gonna go:

You get Queenie to buy Hector a new ship, Hector gives the Norbergians their precious Mulberries, and Boom! Everybody's happy, especially Hector.


May I present Her Majesty, Queen Abigail of Norberg, and her daughter, Princess Chloe.


And from the Kingdom of Hectoria...

Queenie knows who I am.


OK, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, why don't we get started?

Sooo, I'm guessing you're friends of Elena?

That's right, Your Highness. I'm Gabe.

And I'm... Welcome to Norberg, Gabe!

First thing you should know about Norberg... we don't hug. We squeeze!

Ooh! How would you all like a tour of the palace?

Well, that's a generous offer, Princess, but, uh, we're headed over to Barlowe's Inn to feast on Shepherd's Pie.

It's one of our Family Day traditions.

Perfect! Whoa!

I'll show you all of my Family Day traditions while your friends enjoy their apple pie.

Shepherd's Pie!

Even better!

Well, I've already heard Queen Abigail's side of the story.

King Hector, please tell me your side.

Sure thing. Right after Queenie tells me why her chair is taller.

Is it?

Huh? Uh...?

Aah-ahh! That's more like it.

Now, that's more like it.

Hm. More pillows!

Uh... this is childish!

I said more pillows!

Even more pillows!

Can we just get back to... Uhh!

I'm ready to resolve our disagreement now!

I'm readier!

Maybe we should back up and start with some friendship exercises, huh?

That hardly seems necessary, but I'm game.

And I'm gamer! Whoa!


The purpose of these exercises is to get you to trust and listen to each other, so you can build a foundation for a strong friendship. Isa?

Queen Abigail, please put on this blindfold.

♪♪ So, how is this supposed to help?

You'll see! After this, you'll become royal friends forever.

♪ You have to learn to be nice ♪

♪ To form a friendship strong ♪

♪ So heed this book's advice ♪

♪ And you will get along ♪

♪ How can I trust someone ♪

♪ Who's such a nasty snake ♪

- ♪ Ha! I'm perfect as they come ♪ Oof!

♪ Oops, sorry, my mistake ♪

♪ Say something kind about your foe ♪

♪ And you will soon grow fonder ♪

♪ He's great at earning tons of gold ♪

♪ Which he is sure to squander ♪

♪ I'm sure that if you really try ♪

♪ You can be quite gracious ♪

♪ Your castle may be old as dirt ♪

♪ But hey, at least it's spacious ♪

♪ If you try to see ♪

♪ Each other's views ♪

♪ Try walking in ♪

♪ Each other's shoes ♪

♪ The means will justify the ends ♪

♪ When this book makes you royal friends ♪

♪ By switching up your footwear ♪

♪ Now, you'll sense each other's troubles ♪

♪ All I can sense is a lack of style ♪

♪ My feet have turned to rubble ♪

♪ Ohh If you try to see ♪

♪ Each other's views ♪

♪ Try walking in ♪

♪ Each other's shoes ♪

♪ The means will justify the ends ♪

♪ When this book makes you ♪

♪ Royal friends ♪

♪ I'm running out ♪

♪ Of strategies ♪

♪ But don't give up ♪

♪ I beg you, please ♪

♪ My wits are almost at their ends ♪

♪ I've got to make you royal friends ♪

♪ Somehow, I'll make you royal friends ♪

♪ The very best of royal friends ♪


Ohh! OK. That's it!

No more blindfolds!

And no more crisscross sling backs.

They're not even my color.

Are you or are you not gonna buy me a new ship?


Then Hector is outta here!

And I'm taking my Mulberries with me.

But our Family Day!

Not my problem!

Please have these burned.

Yes, Ma'am. Prepare the royal flame!

What do we do now?

Papi, tell me what to do.

"The only real failure is giving up."

Oh, I missed this place.

The people. The music. The Shepherd's Pie.

Ey, what's wrong, Nomes?

You look sadder than a flounder on a fishhook.

I'm sorry. Nothing's wrong.

I'm happy to be here with both of you.


But I wish Gabe was here, too.

Did I ever tell you the origin of Family Day?

Well, many years ago, a family of travelers discovered Norberg and decided to set down roots.

But that first year was filled with hardship.

They survived because they had the one thing no setback could take away: each other.

And Mulberries. Huh?

Those Mulberries helped sustain everyone that first winter. That's why every Family Day, Norbergians make Mulberry Juice.

Oh, that reminds me of the Family Day where Nomes tried Mulberry Juice for the first time.

And said her first word!

"More!" "More!"

I do love Mulberry Juice.

And you guys.

No! I refuse to believe it!

What is it, Ambassador?

King Hector is about to leave with all the Mulberries!

How can we have Family Day without a Mulberry Mash?!

King Hector! Please give mediation another chance.

Nice try, kiddo. Not gonna happen!

Naomi and her family came all this way, and they won't be able to celebrate Family Day.

Why do Hector and Abigail have to be so stubborn?

King Hector reminds me of my lab partner, Javier.

Only worse and with a crown.

Well, how do you work with him?

It's hard, but when we just focus on the project, we can do it.

Huh. Maybe Hector and Abigail need a project.

A common goal!

Something they can solve together, so they'll have to become friends.

Whoa! I never said Javier and I were friends.

Hmm, let's see. What can I do?




I got it! King Hector!

Still not gonna happen!

I have an idea that will fix your friendship with Queen Abigail, but you need to come with me to Gibbspeake Island.

No can do!

You sure about that? We're flying over on jaquins.

Really?! Really?

All right! Hey, can we do some loop-de-loops, kitty cat?

Don't push your luck.

I'll get Abigail! Heh.

And I need your help with the next part of my plan.


Come on, kitty cat! Just ten more minutes!

You've already had thirty.

Can we do at least one loop-de-loop?

Yeah! Oh, yeah, buddy! Oh... Oof!


Now, will you tell us your big idea that's gonna magically fix everything?

Inside this bag is everything you two need to build a raft.

Why would we need to build a raft?

Because that's the only way you're getting off this island.

Yeah! You don't mean me, right?


Huh? What?

I told the jaquins not to come back for us.

Wait, wait! Come back, kitty cat!

Trust me. By working together, you'll come to admire each other's skills and resolve your issues.

Ha-ha! Wrong!

Well, then, we better get comfy in our new home!

I claim this sand dune!

Ugh, fine! Ugh, fine!

Are you sure it's a good idea to give them sharp objects?

Oh! Ohh!

Watch out!


You did that on purpose!

I said, "Watch out."



What did ya do that for? Now, we have to start over!

Worth it!

That's it! I'm done.

Me, too! This whole day has been a waste of time.

And you're to blame, Elena. If I ever get off this island, forget Mulberries. 'Cause Hector's cutting off all trade with Norberg and with Avalor, too!

I'm sorry, Elena.

Asking you to mediate was a mistake.

Well, uh, this has been fun.

Thanks for sharing your family traditions with me.

I saved the best for last.


That's an amazing view.

It's about to get even better.

Every year on Family Day, shimmering colors appear in the night sky. We call them the Norberg Lights.

Really? What causes it?

No one knows.

It's like magic.

I wish Naomi could be up here to see this with us.

Ya know, the tradition in Norberg is to watch the lights with someone special in your life.

It is? Yup.

So maybe, you should go be with her.

Where did I go wrong? I was sure that by working on a project together, Hector and Abigail would become friends, like you and Javier.

But Javier and I aren't friends.

I told you.

You said you got along.

We do. But only because I realized I don't need to be his best friend.

I just need to get along with him well enough to do our work.

Of course!

I'm sorry.

You guys are right. I was wrong.

Obviously! About what?

All day, I've been trying to get you to be friends, and the truth is, you don't need to be pals or buddies or even like each other.

But you do need to learn to work together.

For the sake of everyone in both your kingdoms.

Your arguing is having a real effect on people.

If you care about them, you have to find a way.

Ugh, she's right.

Yeah, if you care about your people!

But what's in it for me?

The respect and admiration of everyone in Norberg?

And another jaquin ride when we get back to the mainland.

Hoo! Great! Hand me that twine.

Here. Let me show you how to tie a button knot.

When did you learn to do that?

Oh, I spent a lot of time alone as a kid.

Well, you know, 'cause the other kids were too awestruck by my genius.


Hey! I made a button knot!

Nice work, Queen Abigail.

Oh! Thank you, King Hector.

Wow! That is one beauty of a raft.

This wood is strong!

That's Norberg's famous Gibbspeake wood.

You can whack it with anything and it won't leave a mark.

You don't say, but ya just did.


Hey! Wait for us!


Isn't it perfect?

Yeah. It sure is.

Are you sure you can't find a way to end this feud?

I'm still not buying him a new ship!

But I guess I'd be willing to repair his old one.

Is that OK, King Hector?

On one condition!

She uses that sweet Gibbspeake wood.

Perhaps we could make a trade.

My wood for one of your Wave Smasher ships for Norberg.

I want to see if they live up to the hype!

It's a dealio!

By the power of me, King Hector of Hectoria, I declare that Norberg may have its Mulberries.

Family Day's not over yet!

Still plenty of time to make Mulberry Juice!

To family!

Oh, Hector, you big lug.

Get over here and have some Mulberry Juice.

All right, I could use a little drinky-poo, Abigail.


We did it!

Thanks to Papi.

And thanks to you.

Theme music plays >>>