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03x01 - Sister of Invention

Posted: 09/03/20 06:58
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess Bravely rules the land ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family By her side ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Of Avalor ♪

♪ Making mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Royal friends Are always there ♪

♪ Magic shines From deep within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

Previously, on Elena of Avalor...

We found Victor and Carla's cabin, but they weren't there.

I am Ash.

My mamá. And my wife.

What do you want?

Not much. Only your magic.


We have to go back for Papá.

We'll come back for him. I promise.

"Sister of Invention."

Ready, set, launch!

Mmm! Goal!

This is what you learned in college?

I want to go to college!

Raise your punch, everyone.

To Isabel, for completing her engineering class with honors. To Isabel!

He says he'll talk, but only to you.

Bravo! Well done, Isabel! Elena! What's going on?

Uh, nothing you need to worry about. We'll be right back.

Save me a cookie. And she did it with honors!

He's in there.

What do you have to say to me?

The princess asked you a question.

I want you to know... that I will never tell you anything.

Stop playing games.

And what will you do if I don't answer?

Throw me in another dungeon?

Tell us where to find Ash and Carla, and I'll cut your jail time.

Ah. You want me to betray my wife and daughter to save my own neck.

Why are you protecting them?

They abandoned you.

Doesn't it bother you to be stuck in here while they're out there enjoying the comforts of home?

Ah, "home"?

We have no home.

What about your cabin in Cordoba?

Did you see his face when I mentioned the cabin?

He didn't know we found it.

Which means Ash and Carla don't know either.

If they think it's safe, they might have gone back there.

We can take them by surprise.

I'll find Mateo. You go get Naomi.

Oh, Abuelo.

Science rules!

That's four in a row!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who's next?

Let's try it with churros.

You read my mind.

To the catapult! This is gonna be so much fun!

Me first!

What took you guys so long?

We've been waiting forever.

Hey, you try sneaking away from the party planner.

So, what's the big news?

We've got a lead on Ash and Carla.

We think they went back to the cabin in Cordoba, So the four of us are heading there tonight.

Tonight? But you still don't have your scepter back from the sunbirds.

I don't need it. We're a great team.

You have your tamborita, Gabe and I have swords, and Naomi's an expert with her lasso.

Hold on.

Aah! Isabel?

What are you doing here?

Uh, eavesdropping?

You guys are always going off on adventures without me.

I want to be on the team.

No way. It's too dangerous.

I can handle myself. I've been to college.

That's not gonna help you beat a powerful malvago like Ash.

I know, but my inventions might.

Isa, if you come with us, you'd just get in the way.

Now, please, go back to your party.

So unfair. I can do anything you guys can do.

Uh, Gabe?


Thanks, Naomi. Well, you think we got everything?

I don't know. We'd better double-check.

Man, that's heavy.

Maybe for you.

That's it. Need a boost into the carriage, Mateo?

Ha, ha. Off we go.

Naomi and I will circle right and cover the side door.

Mateo and Gabe, you go in through the front.

As soon as I kick the door, you blast them with your, uh, "stand-still-anator" spell.

Ugh! It's called... Focus, team!

Ugh, forget it.

It's "go" time.

We stopped!

They're going without me!


Isa? Go, go, go!

Over there! - Talact!

Well, you captured Naomi.

They're not here.

I hope you know how to undo that.


Hey! Isabel Castillo Flores!

Uh-oh. Three names.

That's never good. I thought I told you to stay home.

You could have gotten all of us hurt, or worse! Hmm.

Are you even listening to me?

Isa, I'm not done talking to you.

Isa! See this?

It's blue pumice. Lava rock.

Somebody tracked it here. So?

So if we knew where the blue rocks came from, we'd know at least one place Ash and Carla might have gone.

This kind of blue pumice only exists in one place: Xotep.

Show-who? Xotep.

It's a volcano in central Avalor.

It's known for its eerie blue lava.

Sounds creepy.

Sounds... like Ash.

Ugh. Is this really the only place to get tamboritas?


This is the best place to get them.

You are about to meet the most powerful malvago in the world.

The one who taught me everything.

And then we'll go rescue Papá?

Yes. And then we'll go fetch him.

Here it is. Whoa!

It took my breath away the first time I saw it too.

Ugh! I can see why.

It stinks! Ugh!


Ash! My pride and joy.

Master Zopilote.

I knew someday you would return.

I just didn't think it would be so soon.

And you must be Carla. How do you know my name?

Your mother talked about you every day for 10 years.

Master, we cannot stay long.

We need tamboritas.

What happened to the one I gave you?

We... were overpowered, taken by surprise.

So, you failed.

It won't happen again.

I promise you that.

I do have one spare tamborita.

Thank you, master.

Or would it just end up like the last one?

Listen, you old buzzard.

We need this to save my papá!

Carla! Aren't you a rude, impetuous little girl?

She reminds me of you!

Does she have any idea how to use this?

I've barely started training her.

Well, let's see what she can do.


Ooh. Now she really reminds me of you.

Carla has her tamborita, but where's mine?

I told you I only have one spare.

But... I'm going to give you something much, much better.

Pack your stuff on the cart, Isa.

You are still in big trouble.

I know, but... No buts!

We're taking you home. But... if we take her home, we'll be going the wrong way.

He's right. The palace is 22.5 miles farther away.

Nice touch with the point-five.

I think we should let her stay. But she shouldn't even be here.

But she is. And the question is, what do we do now?

Elena, please let me stay.

I brought a bunch more inventions and gadgets.

I've even got a map to Xotep.

Fine. On one condition: when we get there, you stay in the cart.

But... Nuh! This is not negotiable.


-Well, let me see here.

Mm, nope. Ooh, I haven't seen that in a while.

Aha! "A" what?

It's a puzzle map.

I ask for a tamborita, and you give me a child's toy?

My dear, this is a map to Takaína.

I thought Takaína was a myth.

That's because nobody's been able to find it.

Including me.

Uh, what's Ta-ky-na? Takaína.

The source of all Maruvian magic.

A mystical place, a crystal forge, where the ancients created all their magical jewels, scepters and amulets.

You move the pieces to rearrange the map.

Solve the puzzle, and the magic of Takaína will be yours.

Time for lunch!

New plan. We're going to Takaína.

You said we'd rescue Papá as soon as we got tamboritas.

That was before I had this map.

With this kind of magic, I wouldn't need a tamborita.

I'd be unstoppable.

And in this world, power is all that matters.

♪ When I was but a child ♪

♪ A dark wizard Came to town ♪

♪ A notorious malvago ♪

♪ And he didn't Mess around ♪

♪ With eyes As black as cinders ♪

♪ And a heart As cold as ice ♪

♪ He stole everything He wanted ♪

♪ Even took My two pet mice ♪

♪ That day I learned a lesson ♪

♪ The most wicked Always wins ♪

♪ So I said goodbye To goodness ♪

♪ And I let the evil in ♪

♪ I tracked down That malvago ♪

♪ And I vowed to Serve him well ♪

♪ If he'd teach me His dark magic ♪

♪ Every grim And ghastly spell ♪

♪ For 10 years ♪

♪ I did train ♪

♪ So I'd never lose ♪

♪ Again ♪

♪ I must be the one Who cannot be outdone ♪

♪ And when I'm Second to none ♪

♪ That's how The game is won ♪

♪ No, I will never stop Until I reach the top ♪

♪ The path is Long and lonely ♪

♪ To be the one and only ♪

♪ I'll be The one and only ♪

♪ Now I have the roadmap ♪

♪ To the power of the past ♪

♪ And that little girl Who lost her world ♪

♪ Will have it all At last ♪

♪ I will be the one ♪

♪ Who cannot be outdone ♪

♪ I will be Second to none ♪

♪ That's how The game is won ♪

♪ And I will never stop ♪

♪ Until I reach the top ♪

♪ The path has been So lonely ♪

♪ But you, my dear Can join me ♪

♪ When I'm The one and only ♪

♪ I'll be The one and only ♪

♪ I'll be the one And only ♪ Make that the three and only. Three?

You, me and Papá.

Of course, darling.

I want you and... your father right by my side.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Start solving.

Uh, why don't you practice what you'll do the next time you see Elena of Avalor.

Oh, my gosh!

Hi, Elena! Boqato!

That's my girl.

What are you making? - It's a new invention I thought up on the way here.

I call it the FlipTrip.

Throw it like a lasso, Huh?

And it will wrap around your opponent's legs.

Whoa! Put me down for one.

Then you can trip them up from far away.

Whoa! Make it three.

Whoa! That was a tamborita.

Yeah. But where did it come from?

Up there, in that cave.

It could be Ash. Come on.

We have to hurry and get up there. Yeah!

No. Not you.

You're staying in the coach like we agreed.


Here. Take this, just in case.

Thanks, Isa.

All right. Let's move.


Boqato! Boqato!


Mamá! Boqato!

- Ximocu! Mamá, help!

- Contali! Look out!

Stay down! - Boqato!

Contali! Boqato!

She forgot the FlipTrip!






Elena! Look out!

Yes! Isa, what are you doing here?

I got her! No! Get back!


Whoa! Elena?


We have everything we need. Let's go.

Come on! They're getting away!

Wait! Elena's in trouble!

What happened?

I tripped Mateo, and his spell hit Elena.

I am so sorry. I-I was just trying to help.

What are we gonna do?

I can lift her over with a levitation spell.


Huh? It's too damaged.

Let me try.

Try again! Get a running start this time.

Back up. Give me room. Uh, hurry, guys!

Two is to 12 as 68 is to X.

I can't reach! 816.

So X equals... - There's got to be a way to get the rope to her.

There is. Elena is 47 feet away.

If you put a fulcrum there, it increases the angular momentum of a projectile at launch.

It's a catapult. Technically, -it's more of a lever.

You can call it "Fred," for all I care. Will it get the rope to her?

My calculations say yes. Then let's do it.

Uh, guys?

Ooh! Oop!


Ready? I'm slipping!

Three-two-one, jump!



Be careful! Slow and steady.

Don't let go, Elena! Wasn't planning on it!

Everyone, grab the rope!

Guys, it's unraveling.

Pull it up faster!

Stop pulling! It's making it worse! Now what?

Gabe, use this!



Thank you. Don't thank us. Thank Isa.

She figured out how to make a catapult out of nothing but rocks.

And it was Isabel's flippy thingy that caught you.

But... I'm the one who put you in danger in the first place.

I messed up because I was trying to do what you guys do.

I'm glad you understand that now.

You can't do what we do.

But we can't do what you do either.

Coming up with inventions to help catch the bad guys?

Okay. Here's the deal.

You can be on the team, but... you're grounded for a week for disobeying a royal order.

So I'm on the team?

Welcome aboard, Isa. Yeah!

Now we've still got two malvagos on the loose.

Let's get to work.