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03x04 - Spy Games

Posted: 09/03/20 05:22
by bunniefuu
OWEN: It's gonna be a black-ops team, off book.

Buckle up. Report only to me.

Your family there...

ALEX: I miss them, but I know they're safer without me.

Shelby's my wife.

You married my best friend.

We're in this together, babe.


Don't ever do that again.

You haven't told her about you and Alex.

There is no me and Alex.

These kinds of things have a way of infecting a unit.




ALEX: Now that looks good.

Well... here we are again.

Together... and yet utterly alone.

Is this the part where we make a death pact if we're not married by the time we're 40?

Marriage is a death pact. [CHUCKLES]

Speaking of marriage, has Ryan told her yet?

I'm staying out of it. But I will say one thing...

I'm very fascinated by the fact you haven't shown much interest in [SOUTHERN ACCENT] Mr. Mike McQuigg.

[NORMAL VOICE] He's cocky.

He wears a five o'clock shadow like he was born with it.

He is Alex Parrish, type A.

I'm not dating men I work with anymore.

It's a bad idea.

Yeah, I couldn't agree more.





Hello, Harry.

Hello, Dmitri.

We need to talk.

Do you remember the last time I saw you?

I made you a promise.


Now I'm gonna keep it!



I'm not here to k*ll you, Harry.

Yeah? But I'm here to k*ll you!



Oni hotyat ubitj Emira.




His name is Dmitri Orlov, and he's a spineless, scheming Russian spy.

He was waiting for me when I got home.

You found a Russian FSB agent waiting for you in your apartment? Yeah.

His head's been on my bucket list ever since I was in MI6.

Maybe he figured he'd get to me before I got to him.

He's very resourceful.

If he wanted to k*ll you, why didn't he?

He had the drop on you.

I don't know. Sure, but...

No, no, no. Owen's right.

It doesn't make any sense.

Did he say anything to you?

Yeah, he said he wanted to talk, then he muttered something in Russian. What?

Look, this guy got one of my colleagues in MI6 k*lled, okay?

He is not to be trusted.


What did he say?

[SIGHS] Uh...

Oni hotyat ubitj Emira.

"They're going to k*ll Emira"?

Who's Emira?

Wife? Girlfriend? Sister?

No, not "Emira."


Emir of Qumar is endowing a Global Studies program at Bardsley College.

His son is enrolling.

Gala's tonight.

Maybe he knows something.

Or... maybe it's a trap.

Yeah, we'll loop in Secret Service. I'll tell the team.

No, no. You're not mobilizing resources on this man.

He is a known liar and m*rder*r.

It's a potential assassination attempt on U.S. soil.

Liar or not, we need to check it out.


♪ SHELBY: North perimeter secure.

Why didn't Owen just hand this off to the Secret Service?

Apparently, our intel wasn't actionable.

Owen convinced them to indulge his hunch by getting us on the list.

And I gotta say, I'm glad he did.

I like you in this tux.

I like getting you out of it even more.

ALEX: [SCOFFS] Get a room, you two.

Must be nice having Daddy buy your college an entire wing.

Oh, to be that rich and that young.

I'd get a pickup for every occasion.

450 for work, 350 for the weekends, a Denali for nights out on the town.

You're like a bad country song.

No such thing.

[DOOR OPENS] MAN: Ladies and gentlemen...

Here we go. The Royal Family of Qumar.

[APPLAUSE] So, who's who?

ALEX: The mean-looking one...

That's Faizan, the king's brother.

And that is Princess Nora, the prince's older sister.


Here comes the king.

And the prince.

OWEN: The prince hasn't spent more than a couple of months in Qumar since he was sent away to boarding school at age 14.

And the king has been a major ally in the w*r on terror.


MAN: [DISTANT] Harry...

Harry, wake up.

♪ What are you doing here?

I could ask you the same question.

I'm concussed.

Obviously. And meanwhile, that monster, Dmitri, is out there plotting God knows what.

No, my... my team thinks...

I know what they think.

But they don't know Dmitri like we do, Harry.

If he's at the gala tonight, this could be our last chance.

So again... what are you doing here?

♪ The generosity of Sheikh Samir and his beautiful family...

East perimeter, all clear.

Have made it possible for us to do things at this university that we'd only dreamed about just five years ago.

This new wing reflects an exciting new chapter not only for our school...

No eyes on a potential threat, but I do have eyes on Harry.

What the hell's he doing here?

May be a Brit, but Harry's a damn cowboy.

PRESIDENT: will be a beacon for those...

Help me find him.

Help you? No, no, no.

I'm here to k*ll you.

You k*ll me later.

We need to save the Emir.

Who from? From my government.

[ALARM BLARING] MAN: Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm.

This is just a precaution.

It's happening.

OWEN: Eyes and ears, everyone.

Folks, it seems we have a small fire in the kitchen.

If you can move out in orderly fashion using these two exits, please.


Alex and I are on the Emir.

DMITRI: That is him.

Him who? The assassin, Harry.

♪ We're on Dmitri.

And Harry, apparently.

Where the hell are they headed?


The alarm could be a distraction, Owen.

Part of a plan.

I'm trying to tell them.

They're sticking to their evacuation protocol.


♪ Get down!

Get down!



FBI. FBI. Go, go, go, quick!

FAIZAN: Please help!

His Highness has been shot!

OWEN: Viggo Popov... FSB's most dangerous assassin.

In other words, Dmitri was telling the truth.

Salt. Wound.

Well, since the Emir survived, we have to presume that Viggo is gonna stick around and finish the job.


Well, it doesn't track.

The Russkies have controlled the oil leases in Qumar for decades.

It's a petroleum-lubed lovefest.

Why k*ll an ally? OWEN: Harry.

Your pal Dmitri knows more than us.

You got a way to contact him?

Oh, no. You can't be serious.

Look, just because he wasn't lying doesn't mean he can be trusted.

Do you have a way to get ahold of the guy or not, Harry?

[SIGHS] Yeah, I might.

Dead-letter drop? Homing pigeon?

No, I leave GPS coordinates in the comments section of an online video.


It's a Japanese ukulele tutorial.

Just spoke to State.

The Emir's in the ICU at an undisclosed hospital.

He's stable, but get this...

He has stage IV pancreatic cancer.

8 to 12 months, tops.

So, why assassinate someone who's already dying?

Well, it depends. Who knew he was dying?





MСQUIGG: The prince was in the line of fire, not the king.

So, the Russians knew that the king had cancer, and Viggo knew the evacuation route that the Royal Family was gonna take.

We have an even bigger problem.

An enemy... within.

All right, Alex, McQuigg, Shelby, Deep...

Get inside the Qumari consulate.

Protect the prince and smoke out the traitor.

On it. You two connect with Dmitri and hunt down Viggo Popov before he strikes again.

♪ Your Highness, may I present Agents Parrish and McQuigg from the FBI. Your Highness.

You're the ones who saved me.

I cannot thank you enough.

Our nation is indebted.


We're sorry about your father.

Yes, and needless to say, the FBI is working hard to find out who is responsible and why.

And meanwhile, we've been sent over to provide extra security to your detail.

Not necessary.

The threat assessment and risk prevention I provide this family is the best in the world.

With all due respect, Your Excellency, the prince is a protectee of the United States, and I'm afraid our government insists.

Insist all you like.

Your government has no authority here.

The consulate is sovereign territory.

They haven't told you yet, have they?

Told me what?

Your father wasn't the intended target, Your Highness.

It was you.


But... I...

But why?

What is it? What's going on?

Father is dying, Khaled.

Pancreatic cancer.

We found out while you were in Switzerland.

He didn't want you to worry.

He wanted you to focus on school so you'd be ready.

This was none of your business.

You should go.

Escort them out.


We all want the same thing... To keep the prince safe, and if that's the best you've got, I have some serious concerns.

They're staying.

But, Your Highness, this is not...

They saved my life.

And thanks to them, I now know the truth about Father.

If Khaled wants them to stay, they stay.

♪ Really, Harry? Briefs?

Now we can trust each other?

Look, if I believe you... And I-I'm gonna be honest here, I don't...

What's Russia's angle in all this?

Two months ago, the king and his son met with your CIA agents.

The hit was ordered four days later.


♪ So, Russia's upset that Qumar is cozying up to the U.S.?

And what...

You're doing this out of the goodness of your heart?

I was stationed in Qumar for two years.

I became close with Sheikh Samir and his family.

He's a good man.

I don't want him to lose his son in his last months on Earth.

So, you know then?

That his son is a target? I didn't... until last night.

Look, I can find Viggo... but I can't stop him alone.

Help me, Harry.


You can k*ll me when we're done.

♪ TEAGUE: I hear you were in the agency.

What happened?

You quit or get kicked out?

So, you meeting with the Qumari...

This is about oil? Isn't it always?

Qumar's largest oil fields have been controlled by Russia for the last 40 years.

The Emir is considering a change.

Why were they meeting with you?

Let's just say we were offering some American support and encouragement.

What's that code for? Weapons? Dark money?

Who is this again?

Celine, that's enough.

Wow. Of course.

The Emir knew that upending

50 years of foreign policy with Russia would be... controversial.

We were getting our ducks in a row.

Now, I hear you have agents embedded with the prince.

Now, don't get me wrong.

We all hope His Highness survives.

But if not... You'd like us to nudge his son in the right direction.

The Secretary would consider it a personal favor.

Huh. I'll see what we can do for him.

Thanks for you time, Jim. And you.


MCQUIGG: You guys getting this?

Yeah, got it.

♪ DEEP: Are those macarons?

I love macarons.

Must be nice having your every need anticipated.

Replace "anticipated" with "controlled."

Still sound nice?

I only took two semesters of psych, but I'm pretty sure that's what they call "transference."


I was born into a family empire.

Everything about my life... Where I would study, who my friends would be... Everything was planned for me.

Tiny violins, rich girl.

I worked two jobs trying to put myself through college.

I'm just saying... my life wasn't my own.

I escaped.

He won't.

Faizan runs security, so he's the one that set the evacuation route.

He's also the one most adamant that the prince is safe here.

Yeah, which means he probably isn't.

We need to get him out of here.

You know, he just found out his father is dying.

Let's give him a minute before we tell him that the person who was supposed to protect him is trying to k*ll him.

My last conversation with him can't be an argument.

I need to see him.

It's not safe, Khaled.

With respect, Your Highness, I'm not sure it's safe here, either.

What are you talking about?

The Russians found out about your father's oil deal.

They're the ones behind the attempt on your life.

And we're pretty sure that somebody in your father's inner circle was working with them.

No, that's not possible. Tell them, Nora.

On the plane ride over, I heard Father arguing with Faizan.

I didn't know why until now.

The oil deal.

The Americans might be right.

We've been betrayed.

And until we prove it, you're not safe here, Your Highness.

The guy roasting the chestnuts? Really?

Chestnuts is FSB facilitator.

Also, makes delicious nuts.

Well, I've gotta hand it to you FSB guys, you commit.

And he's gonna help us find Viggo?

Well, Chestnuts and I have worked together for many years.

Fine. We're coming with.

Oh, yes.

And I'll introduce you as my best FBI friends.

You can't be serious. He's not.

Go ahead. We'll be right here.


Oh, you know, d-don't mind me.

I'm just trying not to get us k*lled. Dude.

I'm all for not trusting the Russians, but he's done nothing but tell us the truth.

You're acting crazy.

You're gonna blow this whole thing. What's your deal?

What's my deal?

Look, when I was in MI6, I cultivated Dmitri.

He told me he was disillusioned with his country.

He wanted to defect. I-I-I-I grew to trust him.

And I liked him, even.

And then he double-crossed you.


He was a dangle. And I fell for it.

Well, we're in the business of lying.

He was doing his job, and you were doing yours.

Oh, is that how you justify how you're treating Shelby...

That we're in the business of lying?


I have the address...

A pawnshop in Queens.

Now we go get Viggo.



The last thing he said to my father is that he hated him.

What were they arguing about?

Khaled didn't want to study political science.

He hated everything about that endowment.

Felt my father was trying to control him.

What did Khaled want to do?

He wanted to go to culinary school.

My father thought it was preposterous.

Their souls are cut from different stars.

Khaled is no politician.

Then why is he such a threat to your uncle?

My brother was almost entirely schooled in the West.

Perhaps he was worried that Khaled would be pro-American, too, or...

Or what?

O-Or perhaps he felt that Khaled didn't deserve the throne.


♪ Hmm.



We need to talk.

MAXIM: I don't think that's wise, Faizan.

It wasn't a question.

We'll meet at the Samovar. Just like last time.



Maxim Belenko...

Russian oligarch. Friends in high places.

Kremlin high.

Looks like Alex and McQuigg's theory is panning out.

It's always the one closest to you holding the knife.

This is everything that's wrong with American foreign policy, and I, for one, refuse to perpetrate the horrors of a petroleum-based economy, unlike you two!

Celine. I have no intention of doing the CIA's bidding.

Really? 'Cause it didn't seem like that in the meeting.




That's not...




♪ According to Chestnuts, the back office is the FSB stage.



♪ Viggo.

♪ Ambush!



[g*nf*re CONTINUES]








The doctors say his body was... already weak from the cancer.

He's going to die, isn't he?

No wonder he was so hard on me.

He was just trying to prepare me.

Except I'm not... prepared for any of this.

It should be her.

She's the one who stayed home.

She's the one who did time in the military.

She's the one who's... most like him.



Papa! Help!

Please, help him!

Khaled, get down!



I got him! You go after him!


♪ Damn it!

DMITRI: My cover is blown.

They'll never stop hunting me now.

Nothing's gonna happen to you, not while you're with us, at least.

The way you and Harry communicate through the comment section of the videos, that... that pretty standard for FSB?

'Cause this looks likes a list of websites and agent codes.

Well, every handler is different.

But, yes, it is common.

Yeah, well, if we can figure out which one of these threads is Viggo's, we'll be one step ahead of him.

Who was that man?

The FSB assassin.

How did they find us?

No one else knew which hospital my father was being treated at except for his security.

Except for Faizan.

He did this.

Father is dead because of him.

I can't do this.

I'm not ready to be king. I don't know what to do.

You don't have to do it alone.

I'll be there to help you.

It should be you. We both know it.

In the coming days, you will become Emir, and everything will change.

Go somewhere.

Do something to make yourself happy.

Have one last night of freedom.

I'll cover for you at the consulate.

Take him wherever he wants to go.

♪ MCQUIGG: So, this is what makes the prince happy.

So, what about you?

What's your perfect night in New York?

I don't know.

All right, let me guess.

Probably a night at the opera 'cause, you know, Italy.

And I figured cosmos and dancing at some hip club.

Probably with Harry.

Then I bet you round out the night at the Momofuku Milk Bar for dessert, but I'm with you on that one.

You're so not even close.

♪ These FSB guys really do hide in plain sight.

Incidentally, I had no idea there was this much crap on the Internet.

Don't even get me started on the foot-peeling videos.

Just [GAGS]

But if we can match GPS coordinates to Bardsley College, we'll know we found Viggo's thread.

Dude saved your life back there.

You're really just gonna ignore him the entire time he's here?

That was the plan, yes.

Vodka's in the freezer.


[REFRIGERATOR DOOR OPENS] I guess you think we're even now.

For what?

For, you know... saving my life.

No, Harry.

I don't think it works like that.




Because of you, they knew Jeffrey would be there.

Because of you, they were waiting.

They tortured him for days, but he never gave up anything.

Jeffrey was good. He was tough.

No, you don't say his name like you knew him.

I did know him, Harry. Did you?

Did you know that he was terrified of water because he nearly drowned when he was five?

Did you know that he loved John Coltrane?

Did you know that he used to push his glasses up onto his nose using two fingers instead of one?

Did you?

I didn't know any of those things.

No. No, you didn't know.

He's dead because of you.

He's dead because of me.


♪ For my daughter's fifth birthday, she wanted to see an American movie.

I told my wife to wait for me in the car.

I heard the expl*si*n from the elevator.

It was a car b*mb meant for me, of course.

Oh, God.


God was nowhere to be found.

And when I got back to Moscow, the directorate gave me 500,000 rubles collateral damage.

That's around $9,000 for my family.

That's what they were worth.

I'm sorry.

So, you see, Harry... this is not a game to either one of us anymore.

All right, so, come on. Tell me.

My perfect night?



Okay, perfect night...

I'd probably start with dinner at Peter Luger's at the bar, by myself.

Reading between courses, and after... probably ride my bike back across the bridge just in time for last call at the White Horse.


That's your perfect night?

Yeah. Our jobs are exciting enough.

There he is.

What do we got?

Seared scallops in a grapefruit beurre blanc with asparagus and celeriac.

Khaled, this is outstanding.

It's so good.

What's that, uh, sweet kicker?

A drizzle of honey. Just so.


In another life, I could've been a great chef.

But in this one, I have a different path.

You know, the hardest question to answer in your life is...

"Who am I?"

And some people get to answer it for themselves, and the others have it answered for them.

Choice versus duty.


This is like finding needle in haystack.

♪ If anyone knows how complicated things get when you fall in love with a fellow agent, it's... it's me.

I'm sorry, Harry.

You're very lucky to have her, Ryan.

Don't screw it up.

Hang on.

I think I've got something here.

This was updated two days ago.

This is it. This is Viggo's thread.

Wait. Scroll to the bottom.

Yep, yep, yep.

More GPS coordinates updated 20 minutes ago.

We got him.

Let's move, Russki!

♪ Siberian sturgeon, kaluga, and beluga.

♪ Microphone is set.

Good. The king's brother, Faizan, should be here soon.

The second he incriminates himself as an accessory to m*rder, we can take him into custody.

Copy that.

She has certainly had an attitude adjustment.




You? Nah.







I do now.

♪ Here we go.

♪ Prince Faizan.

My condolences.

Do not offer me your condolences.


Damn it.

We lost the audio. Lost the audio.

♪ RYAN: All right, keep heading south, and then turn right onto...

West 3rd. [HORN HONKS]

You know that they drive on the right side of the road in America, right? Do you want to get to Viggo or not?

Hey, guys, shut up.

I just realized where Viggo's headed.

We need to call Alex.

[CELLPHONE VIBRATING] ALEX: The food was amazing.

Oh, my God. Who would've thought that's how well you could cook?

KHALED: I had a good teacher.

♪ Thank you so much for this, Chef.

Thank him. His family has a habit of buying restaurants they like.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you, sir.

It was a dream come true.

Come back anytime, Khaled.

RYAN: Alex! Viggo's here!





Stay down!


♪ Faizan is not the traitor.

He's furious with the Russians for k*lling his brother.

If not Faizan, then who?

NORA: It's over, brother.

You're safe now.

I can't believe how blind I've been...

Blind to Father's wisdom and blind to your betrayal.


What do you mean?

You pointed us in Faizan's direction the entire time.

You wanted Khaled to leave the consulate.

You sent Viggo to the hospital.

And you're the only one who could've known where I would go if given one night of freedom in New York.

No. Not so fast, sister.

The only thing I don't understand is why.

As you said, it should've been me.

To have the power you never wanted.

The power you don't deserve.

We all get what we deserve.

I became king.

And you're going to prison.

♪ Boom.


ALEX: What?

You got a real knack for this, kid.

It'll take some getting used to.

But thank you, really, for everything.

You're gonna make a great king, Your Highness.

♪ Hey.

To our little prince.

All growed up.


I think he's gonna be just fine.

Kid's tougher than I thought.

Anyway, didn't really have a choice.

His father saw to that.

As fathers do. Hm.

You know, when I was a kid, my daddy accidentally opened a truck door right on my face.

It flattened me.

Instead of checking on me, he just stepped over me, facedown in the mud, and he said, "Next time, you'll watch where you're going."

You know that's terrible, right? [LAUGHS]

That's... That's awful!

It sounds bad, yeah.

He told me years later he felt bad about it, but he also said, "It's a tough world.

If you wanna raise a tough boy, that's how you do it."



Yeah? Yeah.




Sometimes I can't help but feel like I don't belong on this team.

I'm not like the rest of you.





Since we're... giving advice, do you mind if I offer you some?

You pick up on details that no one else does.

Except for the ones right in front of you.


He's into you.


Yeah, girl.

What's up? What's going on?


There's something I need to tell you.

You're pregnant?

[CHUCKLES] Shelby, just...


I don't want to look back and realize this is the moment where I screwed everything up.


You remember a few weeks ago when Alex was in the hospital and... you know, we all thought she was gonna die?

Always the one closest to you holding the knife.

Just say it.

I kissed her.

So, Dmitri didn't k*ll you, and you didn't k*ll him.


I'm sorry, Jeffrey.

You have nothing to apologize for.

I should never have trusted him.

It wasn't your fault, Harry.

Just part of the game.

♪ Hello, Harry.

Hello, Dmitri.

We didn't get to save the king, but we did protect his legacy.


Well, he seems like a good kid.

His father would be proud.

So, is this it, then?

Are you out of the game for good?


Unfortunately, we don't get to make those choices, do we?

As I said, they'll never stop hunting me.

We can help you.

Until we meet again... Harry.

Until we meet again.