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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Posted: 08/28/20 06:34
by bunniefuu
There was a time above.

A time before.

There were perfect things, diamond absolutes.

How things fall.

Things on Earth.

And what falls...

Master Wayne!

- ... is fallen. Bruce!

Bruce, it's all right.

Bruce, please.


In the dream, they took me to the light.

A beautiful lie.

- Jack. Bruce.

Jack, listen to me.

I want you to get everyone out of the building right now.

- You understand? Oh, my God.

Stay away from the windows!

Let's go. Come on. Start moving now, people. Let's go.

The boss wants us out of the building, so let's make it happen.

Jack. Jack!

We're sorry.

All circuits are busy now. Will you please try your call again later?

Heavenly God, creator of Heaven and Earth, have mercy on my soul.


Buddy hands! Everybody show me! Good job!

Come on, guys.

Hold on tight.

Come on, guys.


Mr. Wayne!

Mr. Wayne! I can't feel my legs.

I can't feel my legs.

We need help over here!

Help me. I can't feel my legs.

You're gonna be okay. You hear me?

Wallace? What do they call you, Wally? Huh?

You're the boss, boss.

All right. You're gonna be okay.

Easy, easy. Come on.

Oh, my God. I can't move my leg.

My God. I can't feel my legs.

It's okay. You're gonna be okay.

You're okay. All right? Huh?

You know what? We're gonna find your mom.

Where is she?

All that wind is bad luck. Blood in the sky.

Oh, there she is!

Miss Lane.

Miss Lane. Jimmy Olsen.

Photographer. Obviously.

Where's Heron?

Uh, trouble at the border.

So, uh, how'd you land it? This is, like, pioneer stuff.

Amajagh's never given an interview.

You know what Heron always says when we're on assignment together?

Not a g*dd*mn thing.

I like Heron.

Let's go.

Passports. Electronics. Phones. Camera.

Your fixer said that the general approved photos.

Are you a t*rror1st, General?

They did not tell me the interview was with a lady.

I'm not a lady. I'm a journalist.

What I am is a man with nothing except a love of my people.

Who's paying for these security contractors, General?

Who pays for the drones that pass over our heads at night?

One question begs another.


Say what you're saying, General.

It's just a camera.

The United States has declared its neutrality in your country's civil w*r both in policy and in principle.

Don't open... You just exposed...

These pious American fictions...

...spoken like truth.

Okay. That's my film.

Men with power obey neither policy nor principle, Miss Lane.

No one is different.

No one is neutral.


They're tracking us!


You're CIA?

What? No. No!

You brought him here! No, he's a photographer.


It's okay, Lois.

Talon's down, sir.

Python, we have lost our asset on the ground.

Repeat, we have lost our asset on the ground.

There's still a civilian in the compound. We'll extract her.

Negative. RPA to engage. Stand down and get black.

There'll be friendlies in the blast zone, so...

Call off the g*dd*mn drone.

Stand down is an order. Python?

Let's move!


I didn't know.

Ignorance is not the same as innocence, Miss Lane.

Get up! Stand up!

Quickly. He's coming.

Inbound 2 mikes.

Passing Python now.

Move out!

Target locked. You are clear to engage.

Armed hot and in range.


Two. One.

Link's been hit.

By what?

Take one step, you will see the inside of her head.

The women in the village heard a noise.

Like the sky cracked open.

He came down. Then came fire.

Even worse came after.

The government att*cked.

No mercy in the villages.

My parents tried to run.

The world has been so caught up with what Superman can do that no one has asked what he should do.

Let the record show that this committee holds him responsible.

He'll never answer to you.

He answers to no one. Not even, I think, to God.

58 to nothing.

Metropolis, again, blowing out Gotham City.

Really, only the diehards are left in the stands.

Delta Charlie 27. Reports of screams coming from vacant home at 1939 Harborway.

Tom, it's been great working with you.

I want to thank our producer and director.

- Now wait a second. I don't even want to suggest...

Delta Charlie 27, respond.

Just take a knee.

They're lining up as if Clarkson is gonna throw it deep here.

- Don't tell me, Dave. Going to the end zone!

- This is unnecessary. Delta Charlie 27.

Zeke Baker is open. Baker with a touchdown catch!

I can't believe I just watched that.

Delta Charlie 27. Do you copy?

10-4. We're on it.

And now a fight breaks out.

Gotham City, you know how they are about their football team.

Things could get ugly in the city tonight.


It's okay.

It's okay.

We're gonna help. We're here to help.

We're gonna get you out of here. Okay?

I don't understand.

Please don't. Please don't.

Please. I don't know who he is.

I don't know who he is!


Oh, f*ck.


I saw him.

I never saw him before. I... I didn't know.

You almost took my face off.

How about you don't sh**t the good guys, huh?

Oh. Oh.

Jesus Christ.

He branded him.

Hey. Hey.

I was gonna cook.

Surprise you.

They held hearings about what happened.

- They're saying that... I don't care.

I don't care what they're saying.

The woman I love could have been blown up or shot.

Think of what could have happened.

Well, think about what did happen.

I didn't k*ll those men, if that's what they think.

If that's what you're saying.

No, I'm saying I want to understand what happened.

I'm saying thank you for saving my life.

I'm saying there's a cost.

I just don't know if it's possible.

Don't know if what's possible?

For you to love me and be you.


Clark, you're going to flood the apartment.


You still working?

You're getting slow in your old age, Alfred.

Comes to us all, Master Wayne.

Even you got too old to die young.

And not for lack of trying.

Funnel-ferry butterbar. Funnel-ferry butterbar.

Funnel-ferry butterbar. Funnel-ferry...

There's nothing wrong with the microphone.

It's this new layer of armor.

I'll just have to rewire.

So, last night was productive?

No. He's too low-level. He knew nothing.

This is the man who knows things.

Anatoli Knyazev. He's Russian.

Contracts all over the globe, but he's based out of the port of Gotham.

Weapons and human trafficking.

So the White Portuguese is a Russian.

That's the theory.

No. The theory is that the Russian will lead me to the man himself.

If he is, indeed, a "him."

You don't even know if he exists. Could be a phantasm.

One that wants to bring a dirty b*mb into Gotham?

Ah, high-stakes round.

New rules.

We're criminals, Alfred.

We've always been criminals. Nothing's changed.

Oh, yes, it has, sir.

Everything's changed.

Men fall from the sky.

The gods hurl thunderbolts.

Innocents die.

That's how it starts, sir.

The fever. The rage.

The feeling of powerlessness.

It turns good men cruel.

John, get D.

Ooh. Ah. Ahoy, ahoy! I did not know you were here.

Man on the marquee. Yeah, don't believe it.

My father named the company after himself.

He was the Lex in front of the Corp. How you doin'?

Really great.

Really great? Good. Good. Uh, follow me.

No, uh, Dad started saying that he named the company, after his kid at investor pitches.

Rich old ladies. They thought it was very cute, you know?

"Write checks for Lex."

You know, Dad was born in East Germany.

He grew up eating stale crackers.

And every other Saturday, he had to march in a parade and wave flowers at tyrants.

So, I think it was providence that his son, me, would end up with this.

One of my Rebuild Metropolis crews found it.

Little souvenir from the Kryptonian World Engine.

What does a rock have to do with homeland security?

Homeland security? Hmm.

No, no, no, ma'am, planetary security.

The fragment is of a radioactive xenomineral.

We suspected it might have bio-interactions, so we took the sample to AMRIID, where they keep the remains of the Kryptonian decedent.

And, when we exposed General Zod to the mineral, this happened.

Profound biodegradation. Decaying Kryptonian cells.

We concluded the mineral could be weaponized if a large enough sample was found.

And then, among the fishes, a whale.


Lying at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

Emerald City.


Now, Rocky is radioactive, but what he needs from you is an import license.

And why would we want to weaponize this material?

As a deterrent.

A silver b*llet to keep in reserve, to use against the Kryptonians, so the day does not come, madam, when your children are waving daisies at a reviewing stand.

Last I looked, the only one of those flying around up here was Superman.

Ha-ha, yes. Superman. Yeah, but there are...

There are more of them.

The metahuman thesis.

Yes, the metahuman thesis.

More likely than not these exceptional beings live among us.

The basis of our myths. Gods among men upon our little blue planet here.

Now, you don't have to use a silver b*llet.

But if you forge one...

Well, then we don't have to depend upon the kindness of monsters.

There are ways we can help each other.

Would you step into my office here?


What's your wish list?

Access to the wreck of the crashed Kryptonian ship?


The complete remains of the dead alien for testing.

You want Zod's body?



It's cherry.


Because the time has come for the world to hear the other side of the story.

They say that Superman is a hero. Okay, but whose hero?

If Superman were here right now, what would you want to say to him?

That my family, too, had dreams.

To look him in his eye and ask him how he decides which lives count.

And which ones do not.

Sir, get down.

Sir, I said get down!


Can we get some backup here?

Hey! Hey! Don't do it!


Lois! Crime lab, on three.

This is Lane. - Kent.

You're Sports today.

I want you to go to Gotham, follow up on football.

"Underdog Dreams Dashed: Ten Yards Between Gotham and Glory."

Watch yourself over there in Gotham.

Don't let them take your lunch money.

Hey. Are you guys watching this?

Emergency responders quickly created a precautionary perimeter around Heroes Park while they brought the man down from this beloved monument.

The suspect has been identified as Wallace Vernon Keefe.

I work for Bruce Wayne!

He'll be arraigned on charges of vandalism, resisting arrest, and the felony charge of making t*rror1st threats.

That carries up to 40 years in prison.

Poor son of a bitch.

Metropolis News 8.

Jenny. Hmm.

Headline, "End of Love Affair with Man in the Sky, "question mark. "


Is she in?

No, she's been gone.

What'd she do, officer?

I'm not a cop. I'm a reporter.

The young lady living here...

She hasn't been back.

In fact, if she's smart, then she's got out of this city.

And you need to get out of here before dark.

Unless you want to run into him.

Don't listen to that nonsense.

Only people scared of him, people who got reason to be.

Scared of who?

There's a new kind of mean in him.

He is angry.

And he's hunting.

Show 'em what you got!

Let's go. Come on!

Throw a punch, will ya?

Let's go! Come on!

Thank you.

The house treats luck like an insult.

Good luck for one is always his brother's misfortune.

Three nights with a Bolshoi ballerina, that line was all she taught me.

Not all, I'm sure. Good evening.

It's like a one-man reign of terror.

This Bat vigilante has been consistently targeting the port and the adjacent projects and tenements.

And, as far as I can tell, the cops are actually helping him.

"Crime Wave in Gotham."

Other breaking news, "Water, Wet."

Did you file the football yet?

Why aren't we covering this?

Poor people don't buy papers?

People don't buy papers, period, Kent.

Perry, when you assign a story, you're making a choice about who matters.

And who's worth it.

Good morning, Smallville.

The American conscience died with Robert, Martin, and John.

Sorry. I'm sorry.

No match. My guys in the crime lab never seen one before.

It's called a b*llet. You sh**t people with them.

Recovered from the scene of the firefight in the desert.

Not sold anywhere commercially in the world, even black market.


So who gave prototype military rounds to Tuareg fighters in the Sahara?

You're the reporter. Tell me.

I think that the US government is arming the rebels while claiming to support the elected government.

The Ask, Lois.

Flight to D.C. tonight. Couple of days there.


Coach. No extra legroom.

Economy plus.


So, why didn't you tell me?

You're digging up snakes, Lo.

It's kind of dangerous.

That is why I didn't tell you.

Lane, don't you have a plane to catch?

Yes, sir.

Benefit for the Library of Metropolis.

Someone on the committee requested that Clark Kent cover it.

Probably some old charity crone who's got a thing for nerds.


Little bourbon before lunch?

My driver's outside. I can't stay.

No bourbon?

Kentucky girl like yourself?


My dad always said that Kentucky mash was the secret to health.


This was his room.

I kept it just the same.


"Maybe one day Dad'll come back if I just keep everything the same."

That is silly.

The magical thinking of orphan boys.

I'm blocking the import license for your mineral.

The redcapes are coming.

The redcapes are coming.


You and your hearings.

Galloping through the streets to warn us.

One if by land, two if by air.


Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator?

Can I call you June?

You can call me whatever you like.

Take a bucket of piss and call it Granny's Peach Tea.


Take a w*apon of assassination and call it deterrence.

You won't fool a fly or me.

I'm not gonna drink it.

You don't think Dad would mind, do you?

If I changed just... Just one thing in this room?

Because that should be upside-down.

We know better now, don't we?

The devils don't come from Hell beneath us. No.

No, they come from the sky.


I hope the next generation of Waynes won't inherit an empty wine cellar.

Not that there's likely to be a next generation.

Thank you, sir.

This is every call made from the Russian's phone.

Two mentions of business with the White Portuguese.

And it's continually transmitting blacked-out data to the personal residence of Alexander Luthor.

You think Lex Luthor is the White Portuguese?

I can't see that he needs the income from imported arms.

Regardless, I'll need to put a leech at his house, and I'm gonna need the suit.

The Bat interrogated six people and came away with nothing.

It was Bruce Wayne that got the information.

Well, Bruce Wayne can't break into Lex Luthor's house.

Bruce Wayne won't have to.

He's been invited.

Who's that?

You must be new to the "let them eat cake" beat.

That is Bruce Wayne.

Philanthropist, bibliophile...

True friend of the Library of Metropolis.

Mr. Lex Luthor.

Me? Ah. Okay.

Nicky. Uh...

You're embarrassing me. Um...

Speech, speech. Uh...

Blah, blah, blah. Uh...

Open bar.

The end.


The word "philanthropist" comes from the Greek.

Meaning a lover of humanity.

It was coined about 2,500 years ago.

All right. Where am I going, Alfred?

Go past the elevator.

Do a left.

That's right, must be.

It's in the service corridor in the basement.

Go down the stairs.

Gods and men. Prometheus went with us.

And he ruined Zeus' plan to destroy mankind, and for that he was given a thunderbolt.

Hmm, that seems unfair.

On a serious note, the Library of Metropolis...

Go to the stairs. You saw them on your way in. Down the stairs.

But at one time, Dad could not buy them. No.

My father could not afford books growing up.

He had to root through the garbage for yesterday's newspaper.

All right. You got the kitchens on your right.

Do a left.

Right in front of you. That's where you want to be.

May I help you, Mr. Wayne?

I just...

I thought the bathroom was down here. I must have...

That last martini was two too many, I think.

Men's room is upstairs.

Great. I'm okay.

I like those shoes.

I can't stay down here, Alfred.

Go upstairs and socialize.

Some young lady from Metropolis will make you honest.

In your dreams, Alfred.

Books are knowledge, and knowledge is power, and I am...

No. Uh, um...

No. What am I? I... What was I saying? No.

The bittersweet pain among men is having knowledge with no power, because...

Because that is paradoxical! And, um...

Thank you for coming.

Please drink. Drink.

Mr. Wayne? Mr. Wayne? Clark Kent, Daily Planet.

My foundation has already issued a statement in support of books.

Sir? Um...

Wow. Pretty girl. Bad habit. Don't quote me. All right?

What's your position on the Bat vigilante in Gotham?

Daily Planet. Do I own this one? Or is that the other guy?

Civil liberties are being trampled on in your city.

Good people are living in fear.

Don't believe everything you hear, son.

I've seen it, Mr. Wayne. He thinks he's above the law.

The Daily Planet criticizing those who think they're above the law is a little hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

Considering every time your hero saves a cat out of a tree, you write a puff piece editorial about an alien who, if he wanted to, could burn the whole place down.

There wouldn't be a damn thing we could do to stop him.

Most of the world doesn't share your opinion, Mr. Wayne.

Maybe it's the Gotham City in me.

We just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns.

Boys! Um!

Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent. Ha!

I love it. I love bringing people together.

How are we?

Lex. Hello. Good.

Hi, hello, Lex, it is a pleasure.

Wow! That is a good grip!

You should not pick a fight with this person.

So, after all these years, we finally got you over to Metropolis.

Well, I thought I'd come drink you dry.

Well, you're welcome.

You should hop the harbor more often, though.

I'd love to show you my labs.

Maybe we could partner on something.

My R and D is up to all sorts of no good.

That's seven minutes.

Looks like the transfer's complete.

Mr. Luthor. Yes?

The governor. Governor.

Excuse me. Next time.

Governor! Hi!

Lex, it's good to see you.

Excuse me.

We, as a population on this planet, have been looking for a savior.

90% of people believe in a higher power, and every religion believes in some sort of messianic figure.

And when this savior character actually comes to Earth, we want to make him abide by our rules?

We have to understand that this a paradigm shift.

We have to start thinking beyond politics.

Are there any moral constraints on this person?

We have international law.

On this Earth, every act is a political act.

Is it really surprising that the most powerful man in the world should be a figure of controversy?

Uh, to have an individual engaging in these state-level interventions should give us all pause.

Human beings have a horrible track record of following people with great power down paths that led to huge human atrocities.

We have always created icons in our own image.

What we've done is we project ourselves onto him.

The fact is, maybe he's not some sort of devil or Jesus character.

Maybe he's just a guy trying to do the right thing.

We're talking about a being whose very existence challenges our own sense of priority in the universe.

And you go back to Copernicus, where he restored the Sun in the center of the known universe, displacing Earth.

And you get to Darwinian evolution, and you find out we're not special on this Earth, we're just one among other lifeforms.

And now we learn that we're not even special in the entire universe because there is Superman.

There he is. An alien among us.

We're not alone.

Are you, as a United States senator, personally comfortable saying to a grieving parent, "Superman could have saved your child, "but on principle, we did not want him to act"?

I'm not saying he shouldn't act.

I'm saying he shouldn't act unilaterally.

What are we talking about here, then?

Must there be a Superman?

There is.




What is it? What's wrong?

No. Nothing. I just...



How come Dad never left Kansas?

Well, he just...

You know how he was.

"What do I need to travel for?

"I'm already there."

Just wish it was more simple.

My baby boy.

Nothing was ever simple.

An odd little duck.


I've never seen a metal like this.

Could be DARPA black box.

Who could find out?

Nobody who'd want to.

Maybe they gave them out to the rebels to test in theater.

Using live soldiers as guinea pigs?

This is what makes you such a good reporter.

Stuff like this still shocks you.

It don't come off! It don't come off!

Prisoner transfer!

You can't put me in general, man. They gonna k*ll me.

Hey, you can't bring me to general.

You should be thanking the tax payers of Metropolis for taking in your branded ass.

Sign here, please. I'm marked, man.

You know what they do to people with this on them?

He's only a criminal.

This way! Let's go! They're gonna k*ll me!

- They're gonna k*ll me! Let's go!

Keefe. You made bail.

Open two.

Who paid?

Who the hell are you?

Just a man.

Yeah? Well, what the f*ck do you want?

To help you stand for something.

Your three o'clock's here.

He made me half a man.

My wife walked out on me.

I can't even piss standing up.

Let me face him.

You'll take care of it?



Wrong room, miss.

Secretary Swanwick, you haven't been returning my phone calls.

Miss Lane, if you'd like an interview, Major Farris is just outside that door.

You're treating me like a stranger?

I'm treating you like a reporter.

All right. Is the US providing experimental military arms to rebels in Africa?

You know, with balls like yours, you belong in here.

What's your source on this? A tin foil hat?

No, not tin. But it's metal.

Fired in the Superman incident.

Experts at the Pentagon can't ID it. We haven't been told the truth.

Here's the truth.

A reporter got greedy for a scoop and went where she shouldn't have.

Superman acted like some rogue combatant to rescue her, and people died.

Don't invent a conspiracy theory to put back his halo.

Or yours.

Major. - Sir.


I logged into your Dropbox to find copy.

There's copy all right.

But nothing about football.

Nothing about the friends of the Metropolis Library, just the g*dd*mn Gotham Bat thing I told you not to pursue.

If the police won't help, the press has to do the right thing.

You don't get to decide what the right thing is.

When the Planet was founded, it stood for something, Perry.

And so could you if it was 1938, but it's not 1938.

WPA ain't hiring no more. Apples don't cost a nickel.

Not in here, not out there. You drop this thing!

Nobody cares about Clark Kent taking on the Batman.

So apparently Superman doesn't want us to think of him as American anymore.

And really, why would we?

Aside from the red and blue costume.

And, I don't know, the fact that he has one-third of the USA's initials on his chest.

I assume the only reason he's not wearing the Declaration of Independence as a cape is...

He thinks it's too on-the-nose.

- What is going on back here? No.

Guys, come on. Let's go.

Get yourselves together and get out there.

Get those glasses on those trays.

We got thirsty people out there.

I wonder, would you excuse us?

There's something I'd like to show you. I'm sorry.

Now some scholars insist that it never happened...

But I believe it's the action perfectly in keeping with a king who was also a psychopathic k*ller.

For me, it's the culmination of 40 years curating.

And I can't believe it, but I've finally got it here.

It's the Sword of Alexander.

It's the blade that cut the Gordian knot.

It's a triumph.


- Enjoy. Thank you.

It's a fake.

The real one was sold in '98 on the black market.

And now it hangs...

Over the bed of the Sultan of Hajar.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, miss.

The other night you took something that doesn't belong to you.

Stealing's not polite.

Is it stealing if you steal from another thief?

Who are you?

Someone interested in the same man you are.

Is that right?

I believe Mr. Luthor has a photograph that belongs to me.

Did you get it?

As it happens, no, I didn't.

The data you copied has military-grade encryption.

You know, I bet with that dress, 9 out of 10 men will let you get away with anything.

But you're the 10th?

I'm guessing I'm the first to see through that babe-in-the-woods act.

You don't know me, but I've known a few women like you.

I don't think you've ever known a woman like me.

You know, it's true what they say about little boys.

Born with no natural inclination to share.

I didn't steal your drive. I borrowed it.

You'll find it in the glove compartment of your car.

Mr. Wayne.

Did you get it?

The rock?

Yeah, we got it.

I'm sorry.

Get down! Get down now!


She was my world.

And you took her from me.


Bruce! Listen to me now!

It's Lois!

It's Lois Lane!

She's the key!

Am I too soon?

I'm too soon!

You're right about him!

You've always been right about him!

Fear him! Fear him!

Find us, Bruce!

You have to find us!

The White Portuguese is not a man.

It's a ship.

Master Wayne, since the age of seven you have been to the art of deception as Mozart to the harpsichord.

But you've never been too hot at lying to me.

The White Portuguese is not carrying a dirty b*mb.

What is it carrying?

It's a w*apon.

It's a rock.

A mineral capable of weakening Kryptonian cells.

The first sample big enough to mean something turned up in the Indian Ocean three months ago.

It is now aboard the White Portuguese being delivered to Lex Luthor.

Who I am going to steal it from.

To keep it out of Luthor's hands.

To destroy it.


You're gonna go to w*r?

That son of a bitch brought the w*r to us two years ago.

Jesus, Alfred. Count the dead. Thousands of people.

What's next? Millions?

He has the power to wipe out the entire human race, and if we believe there's even a 1 % chance that he is our enemy, we have to take it as an absolute certainty.

And we have to destroy him.

But he is not our enemy.

Not today.

20 years in Gotham, Alfred.

We've seen what promises are worth.

How many good guys are left.

How many stayed that way.

14 hours.

My name is Clark Kent. I'm from the Daily Planet.

I'm trying to find out what happened to an inmate, a Santos.

I can't give out that information.


Mrs. Santos?

May I ask you a few questions?

He wasn't my husband. But I know what he did.

But he was a father. He was that, too.

They took him out of Gotham Central.

They moved him to Metropolis.

But inside they know.

They know the mark all over. Guards don't care.

Bat's the judge.

One man decides who lives.

How is that justice? Talk to me.

Help me change it. With what? Your pen?

A man like that, words don't stop him.

You know stops him? A fist.

Kent, I want to talk to you.


Where does he go? Where does he go, Jenny?

I don't... I don't know.

Clicks his heels three times, goes back to Kansas, I suppose.

Son of a...

Turn it! Turn it!

Move out!

Go, go, go, go!


Where is he?

Next time they shine your light in the sky, don't go to it.

The Bat is dead. Bury it.

Consider this mercy.

Tell me.

Do you bleed?

You will.

I don't have a halo over me, Mr. Secretary.

I went into the desert, people died.

It keeps me awake. It should.

If you think that Superman is a m*rder*r, then throw it away.

But I don't believe you think that.

How do we determine what's good?

In a democracy, good is a conversation, not a unilateral decision.

So I urge Superman to come to this Hill of the People tomorrow to see those who have suffered.

The world needs to know what happened in that desert.

And to know what he stands for.

How far will he take his power?

Does he act by our will or by his own?

People hate what they don't understand.

But they see what you do, and they know who you are.

You're not a k*ller, a threat.

I never wanted this world to have you.

Be their hero, Clark. Be their monument.

Be their angel. Be anything they need you to be.

Or be none of it.

You don't owe this world a thing.

You never did.

This is DeNiros. Transfer available to Kane Avenue.

Please, mind your step.

I have to speak to the senator today.

You cannot see the senator today.

I need to speak to her before the hearing.

Do you understand how important this is?

I cannot let you see the senator.

Please, I need to speak to her.

Please, madam. I beg of you! Please don't do this!

This is so important!

- Come with me. Don't touch me!

Please! I'm sorry. She wouldn't leave.

I didn't tell you the truth.

C.I. thinks the desert was a setup.

Somebody wanted Superman to look guilty.

The b*llet?

The metal was developed by a private company.

What company?


Lex Luthor?

He also had private security contractors at the desert compound.

Go on record.

Not a chance. It's classified.

I happen to like my job.

It doesn't make sense.

You said that the ambush was arranged to frame Superman, but how could they know that he'd show up in the...

In the middle of the desert. Thank you.

The Senate hearing is expected to get underway any minute now.

And of course the big unknown in all of this is will Superman show up?

That is what they're really waiting to see.

Mr. Keefe. Mr. Keefe.

Soledad O'Brien, In the Moment.

Quick question for you.

You're heading in to meet with the senators.

What will you tell them?

I've come here to tell them to wake up.

This is flesh and blood.

He has delivered a w*r here.

And this...

This is what w*r looks like. I have nothing.

There are plenty of people, sir, who would say he's their hero.

He is not a hero.

Grace, can you get Greg up here, please?

Right now.

An anonymous source can verify everything I told you about what happened in Nairomi.

An anonymous source? Run it.

Luthor engineered the desert.

It was an ambush for Superman.

Trust your reporter. Think Watergate.

Yeah, and you need to think litigate.

If you're wrong, Luthor will sue the paper out of existence.

You need proof.

No. It needs to run now.

Before the hearing.

If Superman knows, it might change what he says.

I am not going to risk the paper so that you can pass notes in class to the man that rescued you.

He paid her?

Not only paid her. He threatened her.

Gave her a script to learn.

Her parents are alive back home.

But the girl's got a conscience.

He's been using the committee as his puppet theater.


Hi, you.

Don't go anywhere. I want to talk to you.

Uh, you know what?

Mercy, you go in and make sure no one takes my seat.

So what you been up to?

I'm just here to tell my story.

That I was willing to finance a Kryptonian deterrent, but a certain junior senator from Kentucky decided to block it.

Yes, the chair of the committee on Superman is soft on security.

Greg, why hasn't he been getting our checks?

He is, Mr. Wayne.

He gets a check from the Victims Fund every month.

He returns them.

...who lost both his legs in those horrific events in Metropolis that happened two years ago.


Why haven't I seen this?

I'm sorry. I'll get to the bottom of it.

And there he is. Superman is here.

He is actually at the United States Capitol.

This is really a historic moment.

Now we expect that Superman will give some kind of a statement to the Senate, to the American people, and, of course, to the world.

He's here. He came.

He's above the Capitol. Ah.

You are gonna be on the hot seat in there, Junebug.

I grew up on a farm. I know how to wrestle a pig.

Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator?

It's that power can be innocent.

Good luck.

Oh, miss...

Rudy, she's good to go.

Get out!

Get out! Get out! Superman! Superman!

Another one came this morning, Mr. Wayne.

Let me say at the outset that I'm grateful to our witness for coming before us today.

This is how a democracy works.

We talk to each other.

We act by the consent of the governed, sir.

I have sat here before to say that shadow interventions will not be tolerated by this committee.

Neither will lies.

Because today is a day for truth.

Because only by speaking...

Only by working together can we...

Can we...

Can we create a free, and a...

Oh, my God!

We're back at the nation's Capitol, where something is happening.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, officer.

Member of the press. Can you let me in, please?

Breathe slowly and deeply.

You're gonna be fine.

Thank you. I'm gonna need a little room to work.

Ma'am, it appears you've suffered a head injury.

I'm gonna need you to follow my light with your eyes.

Master Wayne.

Mr. Wayne! the Senate hearing room where Superman was testifying.

This is a catastrophic situation at our nation's Capitol.

We don't have exact numbers yet, but I can tell you that more than a dozen people have died in this expl*si*n.

First responders are at the scene.

They are still bringing victims out.

Now initially, Superman was helping bring victims out after the blast, but he seems to have disappeared...

...raising questions.

Carrie Birmingham, reporting live from the nation's capital.

Capitol police are now confirming that the blast was caused by an expl*sive device inside the hearing room.

Run that one more time for me.

Can you enhance that? There you go, sir.

Capitol police are confirming to CNN that the suspected bomber is Wallace Vernon Keefe. Now these sources...

Clark, it's me again. Can you...

...could have gotten the expl*sive device into the hearing by concealing them inside his wheelchair.

As for Superman, he was in the room, but obviously failed to stop him.

I didn't see it, Lo.

I was standing right there and I didn't see it.

Clark, there are people behind this.

I'm afraid I didn't see it because I wasn't looking.

All this time, I've been living my life the way my father saw it.

Righting wrongs for a ghost.

Thinking I'm here to do good.

Superman was never real.

Just the dream of a farmer from Kansas.

That farmer's dream is all some people have.

It's all that gives them hope.

This means something.

It did on my world.

My world doesn't exist anymore.


Analysis reveals ship operating at 37% efficiency.

Would you like to assume command?

Yes, I would.

Yes, I would.

Very well. Let's begin.

The Kryptonian archive contains knowledge from 100,000 different worlds.

Good. Teach me.

Alexander Luthor, your security override has been accepted.

Genesis Chamber ready to analyze genetic sample.

Acknowledging presence of genetic material.


I've identified the host as General Zod of Kandor.

Acknowledging presence of foreign genetic material.


You flew too close to the sun.

Now look at you.

Advising. Action forbidden.

It has been decreed by the Council of Krypton that none will ever again give life to a deformity so hateful to sight and memory.

The desecration without name.

And where is the Council of Krypton?

Destroyed, sir.

Then proceed.

Very well.

Preparing chrysalis and commencing metamorphosis.

"And so we are left to wonder

"if Superman was aware of the threat and did nothing, "was he then complicit in the Capitol tragedy?"

Still no Kent?

"His disappearance raises questions."


There are still so many unanswered questions.

Chief among them, whether Superman was involved in the planning of this attack.

I mean, here's an individual who has unlimited power, yet did nothing to stop the bomber just a few feet away from him.

It just doesn't add up for investigators.

Burn him, burn him, burn him.

Burn him, burn him, burn him.

For 20 American, he didn't see you.

Same for me.

Now one FBI official familiar with this case told me they found quote, "A jackpot of b*mb-making materials inside Keefe's apartment. "

What they need to determine now is whether he had any help in the planning and execution of the bombing.

And they haven 't ruled out the idea that Superman was a co-conspirator.

Now, my sources are telling me they are getting a barrage of anonymous and credible tips with all roads in this investigation leading to the Kryptonian visitor.

All right, Lois. You gotta go.

He didn't know he was gonna die.

He just bought groceries.

The wheelchair and the b*llet from the desert were made from the same metal.

I know. The desert. The hearing.

Everywhere Superman goes, Luthor wants death.

But, Luthor goes through all of that trouble...

Creates a b*mb out of a wheelchair, and then alters it to reduce the blast?

What do you mean?

The inside of the chair was lined with lead.

You couldn't stop it.

You couldn't see it.

Something, isn't it?

We men of Kansas live on a pancake, so we come to the mountains.

All downhill from here, down to the floodplain.

Farm at the bottom of the world.

I remember one season the water came bad.

I couldn't have been 12.

Dad had out the shovels and we went at it all night.

We worked till, I think, I fainted.

But we managed to stop the water.

We saved the farm.

Your grandma baked me a cake. Said I was a hero.

Later that day we found out we blocked the water all right.

We sent it upstream.

The whole Lang farm washed away.

While I ate my hero cake, their horses were drowning.

I used to hear them wailing in my sleep.

Did the nightmares ever stop?


When I met your mother.

She gave me faith that there's good in this world.

She was my world.

I miss you, son.

I miss you too, Dad.

You know you can't win this.

It's su1c1de.

I'm older now than my father ever was.

This may be the only thing I do that matters.

20 years of fighting criminals amounts to nothing?

Criminals are like weeds, Alfred.

Pull one up, another grows in its place.

This is about the future of the world.

This is my legacy.

My father sat me down right here.

Told me what Wayne Manor was built on.

Railroads, real estates, and oil.

The first generation made their fortune trading with the French.

Pelts and skins.

They were hunters.

So falls the house of Wayne.

We gotta wait for more evidence, but the question still remains, where is he?

If Superman was not involved, if he's got nothing to hide, then why hasn 't he been seen since the day of this tragedy?

You can't point a finger and...

I'm not pointing anything, Warren. Look. Ten fingers, see?

If there is going to be a criminal...

The night is here.

Excuse me.

Don't I know...

Plain Lo in the morning. Lola in slacks.

Lois Lane.

Mmm. Come see the view.

Um... Mmm-mmm.

Now the secret to the height is the building material.

It's light metals which sway a bit in the wind.


And you know something about LexCorp metals, don't you, Miss Lane?

I've proven what you've done.

Wow, you're feisty.

Unfortunately, that will blow away.

Like sand in the desert.

You're psychotic.

That is a three-syllable word for any thought too big for little minds.

Hmm. Next category: circles.

Round and round and round they go to find Superman.

Wrong category, boy. No, no, triangles.

Yes, Euclid's triangle inequality.

The shortest distance between any two points is a straight path.

And I believe the straightest path to Superman is a pretty little road...

Mmm. Called Lois Lane.

You came back.

You came back.

Boy, do we have problems up here!

The problem of... Of evil in the world.

Uh, the problem of absolute virtue.

I'll take you in without breaking you.

Which is more than you deserve.

The problem of you on top of everything else.

You above all.

Ah, because that's what God is.

Horus. Apollo. Jehovah. Kal-El.

Clark Joseph Kent.

See, what we call God depends upon our tribe, Clark-Joe.

Because God is tribal. God takes sides.

No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to deliver me from Daddy's fist and abominations. Mmm.

I figured out way back, if God is all-powerful, he cannot be all-good.

And if he is all-good, then he cannot be all-powerful.

And neither can you be.

They need to see the fraud you are.

With their eyes.

The blood on your hands.

What have you done?

Hmm. And tonight, they will.

Yes. Because you, my friend, have a date. Hmm.

Across the bay.

Ripe fruit, his hate. Two years growing.

But it did not take much to push him over, actually.

Little red notes, big bang.

You let your family die!

And now you will fly to him. And you will battle him.

To the death.

Black and blue. Fight Night!

The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world.

God versus man.

Day versus night.

Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham.

You think I'll fight him for you?

Hmm, yes, I do.

I think you will fight-fight-fight for that special lady in your life.

She's safe on the ground. How about you?

Close, but I am not talking about Lois.


Every boy's special lady is his mother.

Martha, Martha, Martha.


Why, the mother of a flying demon must be a witch.

The punishment for witches, what is that?

That's right. Death by fire.


Where is she?

I don't know! I would not let them tell me!

Uh-uh-uh! If you k*ll me, Martha dies.

And if you fly away, mmm, Martha also dies.

But if you k*ll the Bat...

Martha lives.

There we go. There we go. Hmm.

And now God bends to my will.

Ooh, now the cameras are waiting at your ship.

For the world to see the holes in the holy.

Yes, the Almighty comes clean about how dirty he is when it counts.

To save Martha, bring me the head of the Bat.


Mother of God, would you look at the time?

When you came here, you had an hour.

Now it's less.

Brooke Baldwin is on the scene.

Brooke, you're live on the air. What are you seeing?

There's something happening at the ship.

It's sending massive power surges.

Police helicopters surrounding the area.

They've created a barricade around this containment center.

And we're trying to get a little bit closer here to find out what's going on.

It is absolute chaos.

You can see that lightning, those surges of electricity.

They seem to be getting stronger by the minute.

Daily Planet.


I have to go to Gotham to convince him to help me.


Or he has to die.


No one stays good in this world.

But as of right now, much of the city remains in the dark tonight.

Much chaos.

Much confusing happening on the streets of Metropolis tonight.

Those helicopters are still surrounding the area.

I don't know if you can still see those bolts of lightning...

2400 hours and 2 minutes. Subject declining rapidly.

All procedural interventions have failed.

Outcome will be death.

Dr. Silas Stone suspending all clinical protocol.

US Gov, object 6-19-82 is successfully activated.

I need a chopper to Gotham.

Call the heliport.

Chopper? We can barely afford a bicycle.

You wanna chase a story? Go to the ship.

Superman's probably there already.

Perry, it's not for a story.

Jenny, get her a chopper to Gotham.

And forget the heliport. Put it on the g*dd*mn roof.

On the roof, Lois!

Where are we headed?


Well, here I am.

Bruce. Please.

I was wrong. You have to listen to me.

Lex wants us to...

You don't understand.

There's no time!

I understand.

Stay down!

If I wanted it, you'd be dead already.

Breathe it in.

That's fear.

You're not brave.

Men are brave.

I bet your parents taught you that you mean something.

That you're here for a reason.

My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all.

They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to.

You were never a God.

You were never even a man.

You're letting him k*ll Martha.

What does that mean?

Why did you say that name?

Find him.

Save Martha.



Why did you say that name?

Martha! Why did you say that name?

Clark! Stop!

Please! Stop!

Why did you say that name?

It's his mother's name!

It's his mother's name.

We're not getting any answers.

We're still right outside the containment center.

A dangerous situation.

Military and police personnel surrounding the area.


He wanted your life for hers.

She's losing time.

The scout ship seems to be drawing power from the city.

It's got to be Lex.

They need you at that ship. I'll find her.

My mother needs me. Wait.

I'll make you a promise.

Martha won't die tonight.

Master Wayne.


Uh, I'm sorry for listening in, but I've tracked the Russian's phone to a warehouse near the port.

You're locked onto it.

I don't deserve you, Alfred.

No, sir. You don't.

I'm afraid this is goodbye.

And every time we say goodbye, you die a little.

Take it down. Go! Go!

You have to take it, Alfred.

Ah, right.

Commencing drone mode.

Thermal imaging is showing me two dozen hostiles on the third floor.

Why don't I drop you off on the second?

Drop it.

I said drop it!

I'll k*ll her.

Believe me, I'll do it.

I believe you.

It's okay. I'm a friend of your son's.

I figured.

The cape.

"Late, late," says the White Rabbit.

Forty seconds to animation.

Right, wabbit?

Hmm. Out of tricks, out of time.

And one Bat head short.

Thirty seconds to animation.

Ah. That'll be the cook. Excuse me.

Uh, Gotham Roast. Well done.

Hello. Break the bad news.

I'd rather do the breaking in person.

Twenty seconds to animation.

You've lost.

I don't know how to lose.

You'll learn.

I'll learn.

I don't hate the sinner.

I hate the sin. - 10 seconds to animation.

And yours, my friend, is existing.

I cannot let you win.

I gave the Bat a fighting chance to do it, but he was not strong enough.

So, if man won't k*ll God...

...two, one.

...the devil will do it!


All right. Stay calm, everybody!

We're getting reports there are total blackouts in the north and to the northwest of the city.

Federal authorities are trying to determine if this is part of a larger t*rror1st attack.

Ancient Kryptonian deformity.

Hmm. Blood of my blood.

Born to destroy you.

Your Doomsday.

Now God is good as dead.


POTUS joining.

Mr. President.

What the hell is it, Calvin?

These are live images from the top of the LexCorp tower in downtown Metropolis.

Military aircraft are on the scene.

Are you hurt, ma'am? I'm okay.

Good. You're gonna be all right, okay?

This thing emerged from the Kryptonian crash site just moments ago.

Thankfully though, the work day is over in the downtown core.

It's nearly empty.

Now military aircraft. Those are Apache helicopters.

They have now just arrived. The images that...

We've, uh... We just lost connection with Metropolis 8 News.

Now, it's not clear what just happened.

What's happening there, Alfred?

How best to describe it?

Metropolis airspace has been closed briefly.

Excuse me?

We kindly ask that you stay in your seats.

Excuse me?

Miss Prince?

Sir. Look, they've cleared the city.

Looks like he's taking it into space.

We can go straight to Key Red, Mr. President.

Not yet. Are you crazy?

They're high enough that we can nuke 'em with no casualties, sir.

One casualty, Mr. President. Superman.

God have mercy on us all.

Key is hot. Key is hot.

Red birds are armed to deploy, sir.

Fire at will.

Three, two, one...

Oh, God.

Projectile 1. Impact.

Stryker's Island, east of Metropolis.

That's uninhabited.

Projectile 2...

No apparent reentry.

Projectile 2?

Superman, Mr. President. Projectile 2 was Superman.


It's moving.

The shockwaves are getting stronger.

Every time we hit it, we make it more powerful.

We can't attack.

What are you saying, Calvin?

I'm saying it's unkillable.

Master Wayne, are you receiving me?


It's Kryptonian.

Only Kryptonite weapons can k*ll it.

They might. If you had any left.

I got one round left.

The spear. Alfred, the spear. It's pure Kryptonite.

It's back in Gotham.

If I can penetrate the skin, the spear will k*ll it.

It would in theory.

I've gotta get it to chase me back to the city.

Back to the Kryptonite.

Oh, shit.

Why did you bring him back to the city?

The port is abandoned.

There's a w*apon here that can k*ll it.

Did you find the spear?

I've been a little busy.

This thing, this creature, seems to feed on energy.

This thing is from another world.

My world.

I've k*lled things from other worlds before.

Is she with you?

I thought she was with you.





Clark! Are you all right?

I love you.

No. No, Clark, you can't.

This is my world.

No, Clark, don't.

You are my world.


Please. Clark!


Clark had this sent here, so he could surprise you.

"The dead shall live.

"My slain shall rise again.

"Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust.

"For thy dew is like the dew of morning.

"And the earth shall give birth to her dead."

Ah, I need a ride back to the house.

I forgot my checkbook to pay the funeral director.

They said it's all taken care of.

By whom?

Anonymous donor.

All those circuses back east burying an empty box.

They don't know how to honor him, except as a soldier.

I've failed him in life.

I won't fail him in death.

Help me find the others like you.

Perhaps they don't want to be found.

They will. And they'll fight.

We have to stand together.

100 years ago, I walked away from mankind.

From a century of horrors.

Man made a world where standing together is impossible.

Men are still good.

We fight. We k*ll.

We betray one another.

But we can rebuild.

We can do better.

We will.

We have to.

The others like me.

Why did you say they'll have to fight?

Just a feeling.

Prisoner A-C-23-19-40.

The warden wants to speak to you, so stand to your feet.

I'm gonna say this one more time.

The warden wants to speak to you, so stand to your feet.

Turn around and face the wall.

Place your forehead against the wall.

Put your hands behind your back, so that I can come in and restrain you.

Whatever you do, wherever you go, I'll be watching you.


Look at us.

This is how it all caves in.

Civilization on the Wayne Manor's out the window.


But who would believe me? I...

I'm insane.

I'm not even fit to stand trial.

That's right.

We have hospitals that treat the mentally ill with compassion.

But that's not where you're going.

I arranged for you to get transferred to Arkham Asylum in Gotham.

I still have some friends there.

They're expecting you.

But the bell's already been rung.

And they've heard it.

Out in the dark.

Among the stars. Hmm.

Ding dong, the God is dead.

But a bell cannot be unrung!

He's hungry. He's found us.

And he's coming!

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.