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06x10 - The Decision

Posted: 08/26/20 17:19
by bunniefuu
- They should be tried and hung.

- It's not going to happen.

They m*rder*d Frankie Vargas.

With Abby's help.

We can get her immunity.

From who?

David Rosen?

He's literally sleeping with the enemy.

Which brings me back to my original point when we first started this conversation three hours ago...

- Oh, for the love of...

- Jake.

It's two b*ll*ts!

One for Peus.

One for this Marjorie woman.

How much more simple does it get?

k*lling them solves nothing.

Tell that to Vargas' widow.

We don't even know what they want.

Or how many of them there are.

And it sure as hell doesn't get Cyrus out of prison, does it?

But there may be another option.

Doing nothing.

You said we don't know what they want, but we do.

They want Mellie in the White House.

So do we.

Why are we fighting this?

Because Mellie can't take the Oval this way.

Why not?

Because you're talking about fixing an election.

We've been down that road before, remember?

I remember.

And because of Defiance, you became President.

You think the world would be that much better off if Samuel Reston had been elected?

Olivia, will you tell this man that what he's saying is insane?



Huck almost died.


How many people have to get hurt before enough is enough?

I am going to clear Cyrus' name and put him behind that desk.

All I need from the two of you is to know if you're in or if you're out.

Defiance worked.

I guarantee that Fitz's life would be a million times worse if you hadn't rigged that election.

Yours, too.

America has made its choice, and it is not you.

Are you the President's mistress?


No regard for the conventions of w*r.

Now go be the man I voted for.

Defiance County, Ohio...

Or, as I like to call it, America's clitoris.

Tiny, hard to find, but if you blip it just right, the whole damn country's yours.

Now, I know we've put this to a vote already and that some of us...

Well, one of us...

Feels like giving the election results a little goose in the behind is beneath us as good and decent citizens.

However, I'm proposing another vote.

"Yes, we rig this thing," or, "No, we..." Yes.


So you're...


It's a go.

I'm proposing another vote.

"Yes, we rig this thing," or, "No, we..." No.

We are not fixing the election.

Yes, the race is tight, but we can win this.

Fitz can win this.

He can do this.

He can turn this around.

And if he can't?

Then at least we lose with our souls intact.

By a slim margin of 4,395 votes, Samuel Reston has bested Fitzgerald Grant to win Ohio and become the next President of the United States.

- Again, that's Samuel...

- Welp...

So much for that.


Governor Reston, congratulations.

One word.

One single word.


"Yes." "Yes." All you had to say was "yes." Liv.


Were you just gonna leave?

I sent you an e-mail.

It says I'm sorry I let you down.

Let me down?

You didn't let me down.

America chose, and they didn't choose me.

You did everything you could.


you're just gonna go back to Washington?

There is a guy in D.C..

Marcus Walker.

He is trying to get a bill passed..

Criminal-justice reform.

Seems like he could use some help.

I'm gonna go help him.

Best of luck, Olivia.

Good luck with Mellie, Governor.

Well, what do you think?

I think legally you're in good shape.

Politically, there's no Congressman in town who's gonna pass a criminal-justice reform bill of this magnitude without someone forcing it down their throats.

Which is why we need all the public support we can get.

Media accounts are up and running, and I've got mailers all ready to go.

Thank you, David, for stopping by.

I know how busy the U.S.

Attorney's Office keeps you.

Happy to help.


Liv, this is...

Not what you expected.

It's the best we could find.

Also, the cheapest.

I can see that.


you and Leo Bergen?


It's just one date.

He's taking me out to dinner tonight.



Since you're here, why don't you make yourself useful and help me make some calls?



I left Mellie.


Where are you going?

I have a date.


Did you hear what I said?

I came all the way out here from California to tell you in person that I left my wife.

Next time, make an appointment.

I came here to ask you to marry me.

I don't want you to tell me to think about this or give me reasons why you think it's too soon.

I want you to say yes.

Because if you love me even half as much as I love you, then it was worth the trip.

Marry me, Olivia Pope.




Wait until you see the inside of this place.


I mean, their floral budget alone...

I'm sure it's lovely.



No one is looking at us.

I know that.

When are you gonna get over this?

I'll see you at the party.


You're not sitting with me?

Keep your voice down.

You're sitting with me.

No, James, I am not.


You know, at first, this whole closet-case thing was kind of hot, but now?

Super unattractive, Cyrus.

Grow up!




This is happening.

I didn't think...

This is...

really happening.

I caught them once in an elevator.

I thought Fitz was just being a handsy drunk like his father.

I'm sorry, Mel.


I don't care.

Really, mnh-mnh.

You are a brilliant woman.

He's a fool.

And there's not one man out there...

there are many.

And better.

And you will find one, or he will find you.

And he will be luckier than he could ever dream because...

you are perfect.


There you go.

Who's presenting this woman to be joined in matrimony?

Uh, I do.

It's okay, Huck.

I, Olivia Carolyn Pope, take you, Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III...

To be my wedded wife...

to have and to hold, from this day forward...

For richer, for poorer...

In sickness and in health...

To love and to cherish...

Till death do us part.

I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.




You are cruel.



Weather's supposed to be beautiful today.

Maybe we play hooky.

See the sights, be tourists.

I think people might notice if you didn't show up for work.


It could be ours.

It looks huge and expensive.

Money is not an issue.

You know that.

My place is so close to the office.

Your place.

You know what I mean.

We don't have to look in the suburbs, but I'm ready for a place that's ours, not just yours.

Think about it.



We'll submit it again.

Olivia, there wouldn't be any point.

This bill, with this language...

We've dressed it up a hundred different ways, and no one's biting.

You need someone with muscle behind it, someone who doesn't work at a storefront.

We're looking to change that.

Do you have any friends at the White House?

Then I suggest you make some, 'cause that might be your only chance of getting this bill passed.


It's almost 3:00.

Should we put it on the big TV?

We don't really have to do this every day, do we?

I wouldn't mind watching.

Go ahead.

It's Thursday, it's 3:00, and I'm Fitzgerald Grant.

That must mean you're watching "The Grant Report." Honey!

Get in here!

It's starting!

What's that moron talking about today?

President Reston has had...

Look at him...

All done up like that.

He looks like a Democrat.

To think that man was going to be President.

He's an ornament.

An ornamental waste of space.

You would have been the real President.


I'm serious, Mells.

If Fitz would've won, I have no doubt it would've been you calling the sh*ts.

You were always the one who had the ideas.

You made him.

It should've been you out there, running for President...

Not this...

This dolt, this mannequin.

It's not too late, you know?

For you.

For me?


I've got money, but for some reason, I'm living in my wife's one-bedroom apartment.

It's like I'm a boyfriend who keeps spending the night.

Things are good, though?


They are.

Come on, man.

I work in intelligence.

I can tell when someone's holding back.

Is she a dud in the sack?

A control freak?

She won't let you buy a drum set?

No, none of those things.

I just...

There is a way she used to look at me...



Before, when she thought you were about to be Commander in Chief.

You gonna make another run?


enough about me.

What have you been up to?

Sorry we're late.


I thought we were doing a mailing.

We are.

Then why...

Just go with it.

The tiara ceremony is starting.


He better give one to Lindsey D.

- Building homes for the needy...

- The pet photographer?


That's Lindsey M.

Lindsey D.

gave up a job at a major law firm to be on "The Prince" because she's finally ready to love again.

I-I'm freaking out right now because I didn't get a chance to tell him how I feel at the cocktail party.

And, look, I don't want to go home before he knows that I'm really falling for him.

Oh, my God.

sh**t her.



David told me you guys are looking for a new office space.

We need more space.

We're expanding.

Does this mean Fitz isn't running again?

What do you mean?

Isn't now when people start announcing?


So, if you're doubling down with Marcus, that probably means you won't have time to launch a campaign, which is why I...

He's not.

Why are you getting snippy with me?

I'm not.

Yes, you are.

These need stamps.

Lindsey D.


You really love torturing me, don't you?

Is that your thing, hmm?

Torturing men?

Making them guess your true feelings?

Wear this tiara and continue on our fairy tale.

Three offices on the left, two on the right.

Kitchenette's here.

And then there's this.

I know there are cracks in the glass, but I think, with a little coaxing, the landlord would be willing to replace them.


It's perfect.

We'll take it.

I didn't even know you were looking for office space.


I could've sworn I mentioned it.



It's just you didn't want to put money down for a down payment on a house, but you're okay buying offices?

It's one office.

And we're renting.


We needed a place to work, Fitz.

We're expanding.

We're doing well.

I didn't...

think it required an explanation.

I thought you'd be happy for me.



We got the meeting?



I've been thinking about our campaign rollout.

You can't say you're running.

You have to say you're not running...

and that you're not planning to run, but you could be convinced to run.


We need press...

The right reporter to ask the right questions.

I can make some calls.


I took care of it.

I already found us the right reporter.

He's here.

Hello, Cyrus.


It's Tuesday, it's 3:00, and I'm Fitzgerald Grant.

That must mean you're watching "The Grant Report." President Reston is eager to meet with you.

He's been interested in addressing juvenile incarceration issues since his days as governor.

We appreciate him making the time for us.

Right this way.


The President's schedule is a bit crowded, but it shouldn't be long.

I must say, your home is gorgeous.


Is it you, Mrs.

Grant, who has the eye for design, or would that be Cyrus?


I'd definitely say all of this is a joint effort.

Wouldn't you, honey?

I would.



That's really great to hear.

Some couples out there just can't ever seem to get on the same page about anything these days.

Oh, no.

No, we believe in communication.

Communication, yes.


How refreshing.

Now, I'm not saying we're the perfect couple.


We have our disagreements, just like everybody else.

Come on.

What could the two of you possibly disagree on?

You know what we should show him?

Our wedding album.


Hon, can you go and grab it?

I think James would love to see it.


That's a great idea.


Why are you doing this?

She called me, Cy.

So that you can ask if she's going to run for President?

Oh, I think there are just a few more topics that are a lot more interesting.

Come on.

Get up.

You're leaving.

Now, I was just about to ask how you guys could stand living together in this sham of a marriage.

It is not a sham of a marriage.

How can you be okay living this lie, Cyrus?

It is not a lie.

Mellie and I are partners.


we may not be living the love story America wants to fantasize about, but that does not take away from the fact that the two of us are a match.

We respect each other, we want the same thing, and we want it with the same intensity.

We want a house.

We want the house.

I need one more shot.

I know it seems unfair, but...

I can't give up, James.

Not yet.

Of course I wish I could be with you, but you don't want to be with a man who's given up on his dream.

What, is he in there negotiating world peace?

It's been four hours.

Remember, we hit with the numbers, but we keep making it personal.


I'm sorry.

I hate to do this.

But something's come up that requires the President's immediate attention.

We don't mind waiting.

I'm afraid that's not an option.


Well, we can reschedule.

Look, this is awkward, but someone made a mistake.

This meeting shouldn't have been scheduled.

I am very sorry to have wasted your time.

Have you tried reaching out to your congressman?

Our first...

female president.

You'll beat Sally Langston in this race.

She thinks she's the only one who gets to make history?

We'll show 'em.

You'll show 'em, won't you, Madame President?

Tell me you don't love the sound of that...

"Madame President." Mellie's running for President.

James Novak wrote a piece in the Post.

Did you read it?

I was busy.

In what world does she think she can be President?

She's doing it out of spite.

It's a dig.

Everything that woman does is a dig.

It's not always about you.

What did you say?

I said, "It's not always about you." Good for Mellie.

America could use her.


I see.

So this is about you.

Excuse me?

"America could use her." You mean you could use her.

I'm guessing your meeting with Reston didn't go as well as you hoped?

I'm trying to accomplish something, Fitz.

I'm trying to get into the room.

If Mellie was there, maybe I could.

What's so wrong with that?

It's the country I'm worried about...

Not my ego.


You wouldn't be able to take it, would you, if Mellie were to win?

It'd make you look weak, ineffectual.

That's enough, Liv.

There you go.

Get mad.

Why are you doing this?

Because I'm sick of seeing you like this.

Like what?

You used to be a big dog, and now...

Now what?

Now I barely recognize you.

I get it, Liv.

You don't.

I lost!

You wanted the Oval, and I didn't give it to you.

No, I didn't give it to you!

What does that mean?

Forget it.

If you have something to say...

I don't.

How's Marcus Walker?


Are you screwing him?

I have to assume, because you're certainly not screwing me...

Not in the way I like, at least.

You never had a chance at becoming President.

You were unelectable.

"Grant For the People"?


Nothing more than a pipe dream.

You never could have made yourself President.

Only I could have done that.

Kind of easy to say now, isn't it?

I could've fixed the election.

Defiance County...

It could have been yours.

I could have given it to you.

I could have made you President.

That was the only way you'd ever be President...

Because of me...

And I said no.

Well, then, you should've done it.

You wouldn't have wanted to win that way.

How the hell do you know?

Because I know you.

If I had said yes, that would have destroyed us.

At least I would've been President.

I don't...

I don't understand.

Well, honey when a man finds himself attracted to another man...

Sally's husband?

You're telling me Daniel Douglas is gay?

As the day is long.

Where did this come from?

How did you get these disgusting photos?

Do you honestly want to know the answer to that question, Ms.


Of course I want to know.


This is my campaign.

The less you know about what happens behind the scenes of your campaign, the better.

- Those pictures are a gift.

We leak them, and you are the only Republican candidate left standing.



I need a moment with my husband alone.

Of course.


We are not using this, and we are no longer working with that man.

I never liked him from the beginning.

Damascus Bainbridge...

What the hell kind of a name...

This is a mistake, Mellie.

You're not thinking this through.

I am not outing someone else's husband, Cyrus.

You, of all people, should understand why.

Have I made myself clear...


I believe you have.


This first guest...

Viewers of "The Grant Report" tune in to eavesdrop on a statesman conversing with statesmen.

This woman...

She's network mandate.

Your ratings...

What they are...

But who is she?

What does she do?

She's got 2.1 million Instagram followers.

So, Lindsey.


The phrase "America's sweetheart" gets thrown around a lot.

Not about me, I hope.

I mean, "America's sweetheart"?

That's a lot of responsibility.

I mean, couldn't I just be, like, "America's friend" who knows all of America's favorite karaoke songs, but is always down to duet"?

Anyway, my fans have been so good to me, and I am so proud to be the next Princess.

I am really hopeful I'm gonna find a genuine connection.

My sweetheart.

Yes, Congresswoman.

I-I appreciate that.

Thank you.

It's happening?

It's being brought to the floor.

This bill is becoming a law.




I need a minute.

I will stick by you, no matter what decision you make, but you never gave that man a chance.

It's been two years, Abby.

We can't all be you and David.

And it's been 2 1/2 years since he lost the election.


The man was dead in the water once it was clear to you he would never be President.

I don't blame him for losing.

I know...

You blame yourself.

You look at him, and you see your own failure, and it disgusts you.

I never told him to go on TV.

He did that on his own.

He chose being a celebrity over making a difference, over me.

He's a politician, Liv.

He needs the attention, validation.

He wasn't getting it from you, so he went on TV to get it from America.

So this is on me?

That's not what I'm saying.

He's a disaster.

I know that.

I see it.

But he's also your husband.

Look, I hope I'm wrong.

If I am, sign the papers.

Put Fitz out of his misery.

Just ask yourself why you never moved out of your apartment.

Any left for me?


So, this stuff explain your performance out there?

My performance?

You're, like, the 60th fluffer on my press tour and, by far, the least prepared.

I'm a political analyst, a statesman.

And I'm just a small-town girl looking for my prince.

This is America.

We don't have princes here.

We've got governors, though.




You stop.


You have to go.

I said go!


Dumb old drunk.

Oh, my God.

It is him.

We saw you sitting over here and wanted to say hi.

We watch your show every day.


I thought I made myself clear.

You did.


Then how do you explain this?

I leaked them.


This isn't your campaign, Mellie.

It's ours.

We are in this together.

It's that man, isn't it...


He's part of the team now.

I don't believe this.

If I had known...

If you had known?

If I had known...

You did know!

You knew the entire time.

You knew who I was, what I was, what this was.

It was an arrangement.

It was pageantry.

You knew exactly what game you were playing.

You wanted to be President.

Sad, lonely, frigid ex-wives of failed also-rans...

I don't see too many of them garnering votes now, do you?

I didn't want it this way.

I am not going to get it this way.

You don't have a choice.


You can't leave.

You're smarter than that.

You'd never survive a second divorce...

Not politically, at least.

Plus, this whole "I married a gay" thing?

Sally Langston won't be able to get past it.

Neither would you.

The Southern states won't ever let you.

I can't do this, Cyrus.

This is insane!




is the most harmless, cautious... prudent...

thing you could ever do.

In what world?!

You're never going to fall in love with me, and I'm never going to fall in love with you.

And you can be damn sure another woman will never come between us.

How freeing is that?

How can you not take comfort in that?

I'll see you tonight.

Let's order in.




You have a visitor.

I owe you an apology.

You were right.

Right about what?


The decision you made, refusing to...

You were right.

It would have destroyed Fitz.

You knew that.


It makes me hate you even more for knowing, for being right.

I'm sorry.

That's not...

I'm apologizing.

I'm apologizing because...

I did what I had to do...

What I thought I had to do to win, and now...

Now I am trapped.

Fitz is free with you, and I'm...


You saved him...


I thought you should know that.



Thank you for the water.


Today, we talk about Sally Langston, who served as my running mate when I made a bid for the White House more than two years ago.

We learned today that her husband, Daniel Douglas Langston, has been leading a double life.

We may never know what the governor knew or when she knew it, but this life of pretending...

Of pretending...

I'm sorry.

I owe you an apology.

You don't need to do this.

I lost that election because I didn't want it.

I didn't ever think I wanted anything...

not until I met you.


Saying no to Defiance was the right choice.

I know that now.

You tried to give me freedom.

You tried to give me a chance to find happiness, and I squandered it.

That is on me...

Only me.

And that's why I'm sorry.

I didn't recognize it.

I didn't understand it.

I wasn't thinking.


It took me far too long to realize...

I have things to figure out.

I have work, a lot of work to do, if there's any hope of becoming the man I know I can be, the man you deserve.

I still want you, Olivia...

if you'll still have me.

It's a townhouse in Georgetown.

It's big...

Too big, probably...

But it'll be ours.

Did you make a decision?

I'm in.